Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, July 19, 1872, Image 4

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Farm Miscellany. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Legal Notices. How to Slake Farmift" Attractive and | ( 2* EOIiGIA, HAItT COUNTY.— i Prolt ,ble. ' !£Td l‘“ fo ,! PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. QEOKOIA, HART COUNTY.— ! v.* Oi the »i;>t Monday in July next, appli ti-... .fill jij.i a i.»tlKVCaiir* of Ordinary of H Miscellaneous. Th" tiPi-essi'.y at;.! advantages of keeping a strict account of farming • ye it ions seems to lie hut little under sold, by farmers, or if understood they often feel wearied by the cares and toils of the day, and after a short trial neglect this most necessary’ duty liefore they have even realized any of the benefits to las derived from it. In i «• Spring of 1853 I determined to see it there were auy advantages to be de rived from keeping a debt and credit account of my farming; also an ac count of niv family expenses, and the and time ivl.p:: crops arrived to maturity, and would say that since t! at time I have continued thnt prrt- tice. Many will say they have not the tint'', slut : t may do well enough for those who are able to hire their work done. Ac. ; hut let me say that I con sider the time spent in keeping these account us the most profitable, in many points of view, of any of my hours of lultor. The first year 1 found that to rai.-e an acre of potatoes cost me, including seed, £24, and that I received from them £(58. The next year I put the same acre in tobacco, and found instead of a profit of $45 above expenses of manure and lsbor, ofSll)4, and my land left in far better condition than after my crop of potatoes. I found in 18(55, that niv profit on my corn was only $17 per acre, while an acre of cabbages gave me a net profit, above marketing and all expensenscs, of $212. Now, if 1 had kept no account of these crops, 1 should have known that my tobacco and cabbages paid n»e better than corn and potatoes, but should not have real ized how much better ; neither would I have known just what per centage my load of manure, which I had pur chased, paid me. Since I first began to keep farm ac counts I atn fully satisfied that I have cleared double the money which I had done before, and I fully believe that it was mainly due to this practice. I have l>een enabled by this means to do what every farmer ought to strive to do, and that i3 to improve bis home, and to make home where his children will delight to stay, where happiness and contentment will reign supreme. How many farmers neglect to make home the paradise they might, feeling themselves too poor to surround their places with neat fences and flowers, and things to gratify the taste and en large the mind ! Is it any wonder that their children, as they grow up, leave for some congenial employment, or some more pleasant home, many of them falling into vice and ruin, which might have been avoided, had their parents made home attractive and the cultivation of the soil a delightful oc cupation (as it might he) instead of drudgery and hardship ? Let all hope, through the influence arising from an interchange of ideas, ami from the publication of good Ag ricultural papers, devoted to progress and improvement, that farming may, as it should, take rank among the most ennobling pursuits in life.—Cor respondent Boston Cultivator. rill |upea •«d»v la i SI THE K£W WHEbLER & WILSOH SEWING MACHINE » i'osipuiiwi jarkfuu fclisitf f ^! "WILL BE SOLD before the Court An III}utrated Montldg Journal claimed ' to bethe handsomest Paper in the Ifor Id. SCHOOL BOOKS. A IvJJLL ASSORTMENT OF Th:» .day 2 a. 1*1.1. a \ t’.~ v : \ uts S.’il "> >i. iu In ;t ;«1 nr>»a:«rf \*h An tinned Algebras-, CHRISTMAS -..U » lt»U BRIDAL and 44 Give my leva to the artist workmen of THE ALDISE who are striving to make their profes sion worth? of admiration for beauty, as it ha3 al ways been for usefulness.”—Henry Ward Beecher. WI bottom chairs, two wash stands, twelve eane-bot tom chairs, three sofa chain, three sola arm chairs, part of a wardrobe, two aofa stools, two sofa otto mans, (brukenl two small boxes and contents, one straw mattrass, one satin ottoman, one piano stool, (broken) one small table, one fall loaf table, four pillows, two cows and calves, one boar hog, (Ches ter). All levied on as the property of Mrs D. R. Lewis, to satisfy a ti fa issued front Clark Superior ugh each succeeding number allords Court in lavor of Levis J. Lumpkin, Property afresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and painted out hv Plaintiif; this May 27th, 1882. beauir of The Alditie will he most a:ipreriat<Hl af- * .1. it. JOHNSO.C, Hep. Sh’tf. i ter it nas been bound up at the dose of The year.— Print r'* ice $•». I Whileotherp(iblicpubUratiousmay<’ljiini»ui>erior j • iice. j 1-hc.tpue** as compared with rivals oVh similar class, ! flP I The Aldine i* a unique and original conception—: ft ill Cjllvi ill 5 OiIlL* ALSO HAVE T1IE AGENCY FOR 1 * lone ‘" ,l »nap|.roarhitd-ai»..iuieiy without r PHE ALDINE, while issued with T C TT4I' R!•’<T PJMTf V «r>W* ! -I- all the regularity, has none of the temporary l ;i?r, * AAUiuY fcLW , I or iu i<rsi chaiiiweisitcof ordinary period- IN<i .*1AClll.« hi in use, doing a greater vsj ie- I icals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, ty of wnri5 * * a m»»Je simple in its construction, i and graceful'literaiure, and a collection of pictures, running lianttw ana with niore speed than any \ the rarest specimen* of artistic skill, in black and other SEWING MACHINE in the market. Hav- I white. Ahlieugh each succeeding number allords ing stood the test for twenty years, Everjr Marliine is i nlly Warranted* f'aRnnd *»Ts»nlr>e * eforp pi:rrhr»i : ng others. Th cue, ..*e ilw>, -hI,Au, ajuy be had at tii House door in the town of Jefferson, Jack- son county, Ga, on the first Tuesday in .1 uly next within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to wit: Two bureaus, three boxes and content*, one pi ano, one Brussels carpet, one rolls/ mat trasses. one siugle mattrasS, one extension table, three bedsteads without rails, one hat rack, ten stool- Anatomy ami Physiology. Astronomy, Book-keeping and Blanks. Botany ami Chemistry. Dictionaries. Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. Geographies and Grammars. History, Logic, Rhetoric ami Composition. Philosophy—Nat'.ral, Mental ami Moral. Primers, Readers and Spellers. Speakers, Dialogues, &c. French, Gennan, Latin and Greek Books. Sltilrs and Pencils. Chalk Crayons, <(v.. &r. SjKM’inl Disci),lilt.- murk* to Tt-.icli- MADARf? OEMOSEST’S New York Fashion Patterns RECEIVED MONTHLY. petition in pric r'\Y A full-size, accurate and reliable pattern In ous sizes, uf every new and desirable style, For Jjadics' and Children's Dresses. Each pattern put up in an envelope, with illustra- tion,and full description and directions how to cut, put together, make and trim the varment. BROWN & SCHAFFER, AGE SIS, ATHENS, GA. Junll office on College Avenue, Athens, Ga. ILL h.> *old {i«.. first Tmtsdiy n i;u i vlkitu i ; * l - ..l lion.:. «f j .»*. t.-. st- ;:ic roar. house coor in ii»r of t J' dcra,»ii, Jackson county 9 the following property, j to-wit: I Oim house and lot in the Town of Jefferson, ‘ Jack-son county, said lot containing three ! acres, more oriels, on the East side of the road i lending from Jefferson to .Gainesville, the place ! whereou 1>. N. Berger now fives. Bald lot is wcll- l imnrovcd, anil convenient to the Martin institute, ! and to both the churches of the village. Levied on »p*p nr p i ptmpvt ! as the proi»erty of A. C. Thompeou, to satisfy an , . . JJkrAKTAlfcNTw 1 execution issued from the Superior Court of said The enthusiastic support ^ readily accorded to j oount y f | u favor of S. A. Turner vs. said A. C. rsil! nt TV>r>:C:^TORK. HOLIDAY JMMENSE IMPORTATION OF lity of'due .;<!'< c.ifiraviogsin any >.» or numbtTof volumes jur ten tim^a its cost. The labor of gctting'The Aldine ready on the press is so great that reprinting is out of the qu- s- i tion. With the exception of a small numki sp-- ^ ! cially reserved f«*r binding, the edition of 1871, s | already exhausted, and it isuow a scarce well as i valuable l>ook. NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. Greer’s Almanac for IS72. FULL SUPPLY, by the Dozen G. HAUSER, POPl MA NUFA 07 TJREROFCTfr A RS varied taste, a publisher can choose his pa U r *1 ssi ixTj tx\jr Li IT A /lo, j Irons, and his paper is rather indicative of his owu their enterprise, wherever it has been introduced, j Thompson and A. T. VleuMt, administrator, etc. hascouvinced t ho publishers ot Ihe Aldine of the j j, ^ j irr€ .f t, dee*ej«*ed. riv»p*»rle , ..iutvd out by soundness «*f their theory that the American pule- defen,Unt. >Vriuc.i not'*?* given s-cord:n • to lie would recognize and heartily support any sin-! j |W ‘ * 51. A - i»t KL, >herid*. cere effort to elevate the tone and standard of illus trated publications. That so many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is notevideuce that is no market for anything better—indeed the suc cess of The Aldine from the start is direct proof of the contrary. With a population so vast, and of or Gross, at I’d 1 IKE’S BOOKSTORE. Public Lntvs. 1871. P UBLIC LAWS passed by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, W ot thi» session of 1871. taitiing the Government dar, Ac. Published by 1 Price, Si. Forsah* :>» BURKE’;- BOOK STORE Appendix, con- (Jeorgin, Court Calen- . McCamy, Dalton, Ga. DOLLS, VASES, 1 > I'X N I-:l i SETS, 1872. DRYGOODS. 1872 KEAN, LASDRAM&ijo, A RERECEIVING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE s-m. Milt lit ailHMES Ml - ‘ WHITE GOODS' Swiss, Mull, Nainsook and Jaconet, Irish Linen, Linen Lawn, Kur Suits, Swiss an<l yi» , made np, Linen Table Damask, Napkins, Doyles, and Towels. In our II0XKST1C l)Kl , i|iT»2 t tin be found all the favorite tirauds of bleached aud brown sheetings and shirtings at very reaslm.i. ’ With sincere gratitude for the kind and liberal encouragement from our friends the ns.t “Wo, respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors, proiuisinit on our part every elfcrt to i i.... apr^t Very Respectfully, KEAXLANDR,, i»» Bltoto MlltfcKT, A»». t S1| | A*. S. e will send samples and pay the £ press on all bills ordered at retail lor amour* over Ten Dollars. Bohemian Glass, I _ DEALER IN Tobacco, Pipes. Maccaboy Snuff, j Irons, and his paper than of the taste of the country. Asa guarantee of the excellence of this department, the publish ers would beg to announce during the coming year, # . .specimens from the following eminent American Confectionery, Fire Worka&FancyGoods, artists: T „ .. r. j- j. o /» » 4 ^ W. T. Richards, Granville Perkins, Janies Smiley, oignof Indian Squaw, Col. Avenue. ! \\ m , n artf f. o. c. Dar ey n. e. Piguet, Stultz's A AAA, and Pancake Tobacco always o I Win. Beard, Victor Nehlig, Frank Beard, hand. dec 23 li:i j George Smiley, Wui. H. Wilcox, Paul Dixon, I Aug. Will, James If. Beard. J. Hows. GROVER & RAKER ; These pictures are being reproduced without re- _ * ! g»r;l:»expense bv the verv best engravers in the SEWING MACHINES! B' moxoni cii tih: best is i se. Y ALL WHO HAVE TRIED them. These machine:*, with all the IMPROVEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. may be lied, at manufacturer’* price*, freight BANNER OFFICE. added, at the LIVERY, SALE & FEED STABLE. OANN & REAVES At their Old Stand, Athens, Ga. T3 ESPECTFULLY 11 thesr friends and the pul isoii with the best foreign work, it being the deter mination of the publishers that The Aldine shall be a successful vindication of American taste in cnm|»ctitioQ with any existing publication iu the world. w there , Alsoof the. same tinenni-iplar^ will be sold: 1 8UC ‘ ’ On hundred uu.l fuavy acres ut land, more or less, on the waters of Flat' Creek, ad- joining lands of J. W. Venable, Dan Wood aud J«h; Weatherly. About 40 acres of said land is in a g<*od state ot cultivation ; about 20 acres old field, and the remainder in original forest. Abo, one other tract containing five acres, more or less »»ii which is situat- a good comfortable frame dwelling, Ac., adjoining lands of William White- head and others, and convenient to the above de scribed tract. All in possession of F. J*. onds and David Lv!e, tenants. All levied on as the prop erl v of Johu*S. Weatherly, to Fatisfy a ft fa IssilmI fr..iu :20th district, G. M., (Oglethorpe county), in favor of A. C. A K. M. Thompson, vs. John S. Weitberly. Levy made and returned t*» me by J. W. INWLT, L. C. Mav 2’, is: . M. X. Dl'XV;% JARKER'S1> XBREEC ^SHOTGUN announce to Fine Harness Horses, NEW BUGGIES AND HARNESS, and put everything in tine order for the summer business. Ph-xtons and polite drivers furnished on short notice. Teams may always be had for trips to the moun tains, or any point desired. may 213 LONGS & BILLUPS, BROAD ST. y ATI I ESS. GEO., DEALERS IS LITERARY* DEPARTMENT. Where so much is naid to illustration and get up of the work, too much dependence on apprarances may very naturally l»e feared. To anticipate such misgivings, it is only necessary to state that the editorial management of The Aldine has lieeii in trusted to Mr. RICHARD 1IENUY STODDARD, who has received assiitances of assistance from a host of the most popular writers and poets of the count rv. TIIE VOLUME FOR 1872 I will contain nearly 300 pages, and about 250 fine • engravings. Commencing with the number for j January, every thin! number will contain a !»eau- I titul tinted picture on plate pain-r, inserted as a J frontispiece. { The Chri.-tmas numlter for 1872 will he asplendid • volume in its-ll'. containing fifty engravings, (four ! in tint) and, although retailed at $1, will l**senl j wit bout extra charge to all Yearly subscribers. I A CIIROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a very |K»pular featuru last year, and will be repeated with the presort volume. The publisher* have purchased and repnnluced, at great expense the beautiful oil painting by Skis, entitled “ Dame Nature’s School.** The chromo it 11x13 inches, and is an exact Licssimilc, in size and appearance, <»f the original picture. No American chromo, which will at all compare with it, has yet been of- iered at retail for less than the price asked for Th< Aldine and it together. It will lie delivered free, with the .lanu :rv number, to every subscriber who pays for one year in advance: TERMS FOR 1872. DRUGS m MEDICINES •'i CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY’, STATIONERY : A Lsefnl Drat?. PFBFIMEliV. MQI 0RS RITTKRS, A ND EVERYUHING usually usually kept in a First Class Drugstore. Particular attention has been pard In tJ»e selection ofaurstock, to the purity and reliability of out goods, and fitfullies aud physicians are assured that orders will be filled with promptness and fidelity. Our STOCK OF FANCY GOODS is large and attractive, embracing a great variety PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, COMBS, &C. Helmbold’s and Ayer*s Preparations, Hurley’s Worm Candv and Sarsaparilla, Drake’s Plantation Bitters, Itoiuaiu’s Crimean Bitter*. Hoofiand’s German Bit tars, and many other popular preparation* always on hand. One copy, one year, with Oil Chromo 85 on. Five Copies “ “ “ 2u m*. Any |»ers«»nsending it) name*and 840 will receive au extra copy gratis, making 11 copies for the money. Any perron wishing to work for a premium, can have our premium circular on application. We give many beautiful and desirably articles offered by no other paper. Any t erson wishing to act, f jrmancntly, as’our agent, will apply, uith rtjtreuc*. enclosing 81 for outfit. James button a co., PUBLISHERS. dec 1 23Lil>crtv street. New Y’ork. Jackson Mortgage Sale. AtTILL BE SOLD, lieforo tlieC.’ourt V V House l>«K»r in the T<*wn of Jefferson, Jackson County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday August next, within the legal hours of side, the following property, to wit . One hundred and se vet ty-four acres of land, more or less, situate, lying and being if. add coun ty, on the waters of Caviller’s creek, udioining lands ot John Browning, O. H. I*. Pettyjohn and others. On said land is a go*Ml dwelling and outbuildings. A portion is cleared, and in a gins! state of cultivation ; some in old fidds, and the remainder in original forest’. All in the possession of Peyton T. Kidd and Ids mother. Mrs. Nancy Kidd.* Levied on as the prr>|»erty of U. C. Kidd, to satisfy a mortgage ti fa issued from Jackson Supe rior Court, in favor of W. H. Kidd, adiu’r, vs. R. E. Kidd. Property pointed out by mortgaged fa. May 23, 1^72. * M. N. DUKE, Sheriff. Printer’s fee ?10. (AEOUGIA, FRANKLIN k. J Cot CO. »f Ordinary of said county. Whereas, Thomas Morris, administiatorof E. W. Morris, late of said county, deceased, petitions the court tor a discharge from said administration: Therefore, all persons concerned arc hereby re quired to show cause, if any they have, why said Thomas Morris should not. at the regular term of <ai.l court, to he held on the first Monday in Au gust next, be discharged from said administration. By order of said court, at a regular terra thereof, held this the Otliday of May 1*72. may 24 ' A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary. /GEORGIA. FRANKLIN \T Court of Ordinary >iid cuinty. CO.— v^BEST IN THE WORLD.^ g J^Use*. Hew York Office, 27 BEEKMAH ST. 1OILETSETS, FRENCH CHINA, SILVER WARE, GOODS FOR DOLLAR STORES FIFTY CENT STORES! ft rY sd'vb THE CREAT- BLOOD .P,URIFIER. Possessing powerful inviporat*. PROPERTIES&A.PLEASANT- DRINK. ALLSKIN DISEASES&ERUPTIOWS-S They purify the system, i*nd «ul cuio DYSPEPSIA ^GENERAL DEBI CITY. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Whereas ThomM i j O. Greene, late of said r«»uti . the court for a discharge tr<> j Therefore, all pers«*us vi j quired to show cause, if any | Thomas Mo d mil list i ty, deceased, petiiions u said administration : cored, arc hen by re- thev have, why said n*gular term COOPE R’S LEATHER-STOCKING HOVELS “The enduring monument* of Fenimore Coop er are his works. While the love of country con tinues to prevail, his memory will exist in the hearts of the people. So truly patriotic a ml Amer ican throughout, they should find :t place iu every American’s library.'*—VmniU Webster. Ammonia, or as it is generally cal led, spirits of hartshorn, is a power ful alkali, and dissolves grease and dirt with crr3at ease. It has been recom mence'! very highly for domestic pur- )ioses. For washing paint, put a tea spoonful in a quart of moderately hot water; dip in a flannel cloth and then wipe off the woodwork ; no scrubbing will lie necessary. Fof .taking grease sji'-ts from any fabric use tl^e $mmo- nitt nearly pare, theu l#y white blot ting-paper over the spot, then iron it hgbtly. In washing lace, ppt about ; wJve drops in a pint of warm suds.— 'lo.clc^n silver, p^ix two teas|ioonsful ,of atnmnnia in a «juart of hot suds.— in your silverware and wash, using gfd nail-brush or tooth-brush ior the purpose. For cleaning hair-brush- a’>j etc., simply shake the brushes up #nd down iu a mixture of a table- -pool)ful of ammonia to one pint of hot water; when they^ue cleaned rinse them iu cold water, and stand them in the wind or in u hot place to dry.— For wishing finger-marks from look ing glasses or windows, put a few .drops of ammonia ou a moist rag and tnake quick of it If you wish your Jiou-C plants to flourish put a few drops of the spirits in every pint of water used in wateriug. A tcaspoouful will add iiiiich to the refreshing effects of .f he bath- Nothing is better than ara- /t.onia water for cleansing the hair. In every case rinseoffthe ammonia whic .clear water. To which we would only add, thut, for removing grease spots, a mixture of equal parts of amtnpnia and alcohol is hotter than ajeuhol alone ; and for taking out the red stains pro duced hv th— strong acids in blue and ,black cloths, there is nothing better (fliaii .gnuuouia. FRESII GARDEN SEEDS of the moat approve 1 varieties on hand and for sale in any quantity desired. Also Gnus Seed. ST. LOUIS LEAD, .4 New and Splendidly-Illustrated Popu lar Edition of Fenimore Coopers world famous Leather-Stocking Romances. D APPLETON & CO. announce • that Ihev have commenced the publication of .1. Fenimore Cooper’s Novels, in a form designed for general popular circulation. The series Mill Itegin with tne famous “ Leather-^Storking Tales,’’ “ve in number, which will !*» published in the dlowing order, at intervals of about a mouth: I. The Last or the Mohicans. II. The Dkkrslayeb. IV. The Piokekos. III. The Pathfinder. V. The Prairie. This edition of the “ Leather-Stocking Tales” 1:2 be printed in h uidsotue octavo volumes, from new s!ereotvpe plates. Each volume superbly and fully illustrated with entirely new design* by the distinguished artist F. O. C. Darley, and bound in an attractive paper cover. Price, Seventy-five Cents per Volume, or 83.75 fer the complete set.— The series, when completed, will make, bound, an elegant library volume, for which binding ems.s will be furnished at a moderate price. WaiT^ted strictly pure—the best in the market Horse. Hoy. and faille Powders, Invaluable for all diseases of stook. To our Merclfiipt Custom ers. F urnish us with your card, place of of business, and we will supply you with Al manacs—with yo\ir advertisement for 1873. Wm. KING Jit.. & Co. July Ml. Druggists, Athens. S. C. DORRS, TAEALER IN DRY GOODS, XJ (IROCSMKS, PRODUCE, HARDWARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, And in iihort, an assorted stock of family and plant,t\qn merchandise. The hignesl market price nltrny, ppd for country produce. 200?^ LES F ^ E TIMOTHY 200 BBLS. LIME AND CEMENT. 100,000 LATHS, oflered low, by R. B. HODGSON & CO. tluftfp Wilson is claimed by the ad- niinidlrationists as a self-made man.- - That is not true. The legislature of fm made Henry Wilson by Jeremiah Colbaith’s name. man named Randall, of Brandon Fond do .Lac.county, Wisconsin, had jj busy week itf it. He hid three <pt*h puJliad^ fiis wife had a l$hy, his 4h<eit -warmed, and .'he' haj » camp /neeting in tbo wpofe o» tj»» btjtt end T J . r . v . r u Tpilei Atviiclen Of Great Beauty, Just received at the NEW DRUG STORE $200 Reward. T WILL GJVK tnesLnvs reward for the arrest with ptuof to conrict thw party or parties s lion. I bare reason toIjeliere hart awTersl times set fire to premiMtl ocrupiml by me. may 24 COIIUTEX F.Y BKA I,L. MOST BEAUTIFUL DECALCOMAIN E Transfer Pictares, AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. PREMIUMS AND CLUB TERMS. * These club terms arc designeil specially for towns where there are no local booksellers. Any person sending us the amount in advance for the complete set of the “ Leather-Stocking Sc ries,” 83.75, will receive gratuitously a handsome steel-engraved portrait of J. Fenimore Coo|>er, of size suitable for binding in the volume. Any oue sending us the amount In full for four complete sets of this series (815), will receive an extra set gratuitously, each set accompanied by the steel portrait of Cooper. The volumes of tin* series will be mailed to each subscriber, as rapidly as pub lished, and the portrait immediately on the receipt of the remittance. D. APPLETON A CO., Publishers, 549 X 551 Broadway, New York said court, to 1-e held on the first Monday in Au- next, be discharged from said administration, order of said court, at a regular terra thereof. lay, 1*72. MORRIS, Ordinal GEORGIA. FRANKLIN CO.— T Court of Ordinary of said county. Whereas Thomas Morris, executor of John Mor ris, Jr., late of said county, deceased, petitions the court lor a discharge from*said executorship: Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby re quired to show cause. If any they have, why said Thomas Morris should net, at the regular term of said court, to !•<• held on the first Monday in Au gust next, be discharged from said Executorship. Uv order of * lid court, at r regular ttnu UuespnlV held this the f.tli .lay of Majfi 1872. may 24 A. J. MOStfMS, Ordinary O.EORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— JT Court of Ordinary of said County. Whereas Thomas Morris, adm’r of L. J. J.Scott, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for a discharge lr*»m said ad in iu 1st rat ion : Therefore, all |»er«oiis concerned, are hereby re quired to show cause, (if any they have,) why said Thomas Morris should not, at the regular term of said court, to be held on the first Mondav In Aug ust next, l»c discharged from said administration. By order of said court, nt a regular term thereof, ■held tii s the Gth dav of Mav, 1872. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. Just Published, Complete in one Volume, LIPPINCOTT’S Pronouncing Dictionary* G eorgia, franklin, co.- < Court of Ordinary of said county.—Whereas Thomas Morris adm’r of Martin Greenwood, late of said county, deceased, |>ctitions the court for a discharge fro in said administration : Therefore, all |»craon* concerned, are hereby required to show cause, fif any they have) why said Thomas Morris should not, at a regnlar term of said Court, to t>c held on the fiwt Monday in August next, l*e discharged from said administra- 1 Bv order of said court, at a regular tedathercof, Sold this May Gth, 1872. _ ^ mav2l A. J. MORRIS, Ord y. BIOGRAPHY & MYTHOLOGY, IIONTAINING M*iroirs of th-. Eminent Prrsous nt nil Age* find Own fries, and Aruouuts of the Xorse, Hindoo, and Classic Mythologies, with (hr I‘ro- nuhriotion of their mimes in the Differ ent Languages in tc/i ich they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M., M. J>. Complete 1 in 1 Yol. Imp. Svo, Toned Pa per, Mieep, $15.00. p_EQRGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— T Ordinary’s Office, June 24, 1S72. Whereas Levi Sewell has applied to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Abraham Aderholdt, late of Franklin county, de’d; These are therefore to cite and admonish all per son* concerned to be and appear at my otic* within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any ist, why sadi letters shnllfnot be granted. ■ AW \imIMKC Unll • This invaluable work embraces the following pe culiar features in an eminent degree: I. Great completeness and conciseness in the Bi ographical .Sketches. II. Succinct but comprehensive accounts of all the more interesting subjects of Mythology. III. A logical system of Orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation ot the names. V. Full Bibliographical references. 3.0 OK OtTT? ( MGAR SMOKERS and Tobacco GLOBE HOTEL, S. IF. Corner of Broad and Jueksomats., AUGUSTA. GA. J.CKNOIV & JIII.I.., I*roprirt«r. users generally! I offer you a SUPERIOR U1GAR, made of the best tobacco in market. C’ttue One! Conte All! nndgirc lliena n TrinJ at the National Cigar Store, College Avenue, under the Newton House, Atheus, tJa. jai» IW-qi S. KALYA KINSKI. W E l*eg leave to call th© attention of the trav eling publict» this well known h«4«-l, which we have recently purchased, and plactnl on a foot ing second to none in the South. No expense will •endeait a first class house in every respect, and every attention paid to thn conif<»r ami convenience of gue»ts. jan 25-fimbt Garden Seed. W 3 have just received a large as- sortuicnt Buist’s Celebrated Carden Seed, : LONGS & BILLUPS. send tea Acanua Hew York Office, 27 BEEEMAN ST. CHILDS & MOSS, Agents Athens. E H. GANG DUS. niiTCUGOCi: A PATTSIHOX cure tki* drwuifui iliacaMt, witiiout th. f** ihe knife, or ant poiwinlag lii.'rrurial J? asent. For circular, with' trsfimonh’*, q.V • / I . ! . R d Carriage, Buggy & Wagon A LARGE and well selected assort- uiM. for sale by WILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Carriage, Buggy & Wagon J? LTUttKA!.. ^ U4RGE LOT direct from the A. J. Souris, OrJin-ry. T. MABKWALTER, % f % f.s i'.rt *Vcya DKUAO KTRKKr, Al’Gl'NTA, *. IV/TARBLE MONUMENTS, Tomb ixL Stones, rt-., Msrhle Mantles, Furniture £ Work of all kinds, fr«>in the plaiuest to the most elat»orate designs, and fhrnishcd to order at short notice. All work for the country carefully boxed. oct 6-1 y . • Ssr GO TO CATOOSA SPRINGS! THE GREAT FOUNTAIN OF HE ALTHttud PLEASURE, ATT HERE YOU WILL FIND VV “ An Did Virgin). Welcome.” In a beau tiful and lovely vale, tarenty-fivo ftiiie. south-coat of Chattanooga, and within two miles of the rail- rna'l leading to Atlanta, lie the celebrated and world-renowned CATOOSAj SPRINGS, JSTOTUI3 FOR THE GREAT VARlErY, AND — - - TVEPRC NERVOUS DI SEASES.LIVER COMPLAINT 01 SEASESOFIHE KfDNEY&BL ADDER - AREC000 FOR.' All yieu to their powerful c-Ck-acy mzn. Are on an‘*! ?te to mm atcrand Itt.t. IMPORTERS W. S. WITHERS. ’ K - J0S E WITHERS & JOISTKS, Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, Atlanta, G a . ’ M ANUFACTURERS of Building Fronts, Gratings, Window (;,/1 Lamp Posts, Columns, Urate Bars, llitchini’posts Rrackets ' 11:1 1(1$. Sugar Mills, Gnairs and SeUees for Lawns ami Verandahs,' Iron Railings and Fenclui:i terns fur Cemetery Lota, Fences and Verandahs, etc., etc AIloYdcrs for IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of all kinds attended to promptly, and no chare-s made for patterns when n regular line . e We also m tnufacture Sad irons, Andirons, F?re Stands, V7ll-wheela, PbrtaWe On « KL!" k V drons, skillets, etc., etc. We are agents for the , tirtti*,. Tun He Company's l.mery Grlndei’s, Saw Glimmers, i> n . tent Flanges,etc., wiitclt \VC will deliver at Factory Prices, These wheels are free from any offensive odor, do not glaze, gum, or hral ti some do ; are not liable to burst, and will cut further than anv other wheel. sept 30 Gin AthSBSUt, 4x22. JiEKCIIANTS AMI HOUSEKEEPERS! Consult your interest, buy from mcbride & co., llfAlUBilSMfl All Finds of Letter —SUCH AS- Press Printing, cheaper than you can in New York, and save the freight, breakage, delay and insurance. • dee 8 cJ si a us r ip oss is. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, POSTERS, HANDBILS, DODGERS, LETTE R-IIE AI)S. LA BE LS. GUTTER-SX[PES, BILL-HEADS, FULVIC0R to tho waci -d iramo, and correct an wmEmaiaESEMs&i WUI save days of suffering to tho sick, and CURES. NEVER WELL PEOPLE The grand l’anacea for all the ilia of life. —iiiinirnTwr PROGRAMMES, BALL-TICKETS VISITING CARDS, CIRCULARS, LEGAL BLANKS, &C..&CU&C., AND DISPATCH!! Tie StandardyCS™"™5 or J 0111 BUSSAIU^rln Young or Old, JIarri«^ ^ i-£.CTICIL Bitters are tr equalled and have often been the' means of saving life. RY ONE BOTTLE, Xo Lil'p. 11 rl Willter Wlllln;l) t> Without II. OPINIONS OE i’ll F. PRESS. ‘ Lippineott'sBii'graiiliie d Die'ionary, arc-,r,tint- tlie ouauiinonvhpiuion ot'di.tinguisli'ed scholars is tlie istst work of the kind ever published:—Phil- adelphia Ledger.'* Tho most ooiu|*lcto au«l satisfactory work of the kintl ill tilt* language.**—Chicago Standard. The m«*st r tiipreliensivp .mtl valuable work of the kind that has ever l»e n attenipust. An invalu able convenience.”—Boston Evening Tranler. The m««t valuahleTftntributi«tn to lexteography in the I'nglish tongue.”—Cincinnati Chronulc. No other work of the kind will roiu|aie with it.” — Chicago Aden HU". “ This work preaentaa very wide rstiu'e of treat ment, great com pact nets nu-! Deixpicuitv, wonder ful accuracy, an I a tyimgriphic 1 execution that is absolutely perfect.”—.V. V. Evening Port. The most complete Biographical Dictionary iu ME RCA UNT TAILOR,ay receipts, receipts .v— -- I EXECUTED with neatness Ready-made Clothing j AT And Gents’ FumishingGoods I t» a«» «u «»*#. For the Presidential Campaign! 220 11ROAD STREET, A ITG (1STA GA CHOICEST NOVELTIES’ ALWAYS ON HAND : „ AMERICAN ttrsB 1872. * Twenty-Seventh Year. FOR ONE DOLLAR! splendid weekly,greatly enlarged nndim- r PHE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN 1 Presid President, Members of Congress and State oUlcers is c!os« at hand, and promises to l*e onf he most impttrtnnt in the hi»t«*r> of the country. Tho B \ XNF.K will will enter it, as the cliampict f Democratic principles, of which it has been FOR OVER 1*0ItT v YKAltS the firm and consistent dvocate. In order tti place the paper within the rcaeh ofall, wt ha • j* detcrmimsl to send it Until the 1st of Januurr, for One Dollar. proved, is one of the most uVful and interest- * vr x .... v,.. .... .wv,., FOB THE ELETION OF in-journal, ever published. Every number is lu'autifully printed on fine paper, and* elegantly il lustrated with nriginahengrav iirgs, representing Sew Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, Man ufactures, Chemistry, Photogra phy, Architecture, Agriculture, Engineering, Science it Art. I’nmcrs. ilIrrhtuiirN, lurriifor.i, Ed- gtntCM. C'briuiMtH, ffnnnfncliirrrR, ami People of sill PtofesKi >n« or T rmlrj*. will flntl ihr SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Of Great Value and Interest. Its practical suggestions will save hundreds of dollars to every Household, Workshop, nn<l Factor? in the laud, besides affording a continual source of Valuable Instruction. The Editors are assisted by many of the ablest Atnerican and Kunq»ean Wri ters, and having access to all the leading Scientific and Mechanical journals of the world, the columns of the Scientific American arc constantly enriched An Official IAst of all the Patents Issued | OlBGOiATE GAIKIPAlGS D0GUMEST5, and a timid deference for those who from principle or a want of it, decrv nomfuatiotH and tliro*i themselves liefore the peo le as independent candidates. To prevent such disasters, aud to put down the unseemlyjgrced for office, we appeal to all good Democrats to We urge upon our friends in the various counths of the 44 Ola Sixth” the importance of thornrgh orgtnizatiou and the dissemination of reliable information concerning our State ai.d national affun The powerhss condition into which the Radical party in (»i*orvia has sunk under the weight of its own infamy, loaves it no hopeofeven partial success save from inertness nr division in the Democratic ranks Whatever policy mar be adopted in reference to the Presidential campaign—whet) er or not the Demo- entts and Reform Republicans act together, let our State organization be preserv'd, and let not oift strength he frittered away by the greedy rivalry of independent candidates, or lost by indifler*nce u the public welfare. Let every county organize early, nominate capable and honest men for cvcrv placr of public trust, aud work for their election. This is the only way to Vindicate Sound Principles and Government. Preserve Good The history of our past defeats, in counties with a real Democratic majority, is the record of a 1‘glet ect to organize, a neglect to work, a neglect to is Published Weekly. The yearly numhereof the Scientific American make two aj.lcmlul volumes of Nearly One Thous and |iages, equivalent in aiz.- to Four'Thounnd or dinary hookiiages. Specimen Copier Kefe. the word."— PUihuMuhia'Agi. “ An admirable work.”-A. )\ ItJr/u-ndrnt- “ A work of extraordinary valiw.* - —Ros-on Post. Terms—S3 a Year; SI 50 Half Year; Clubs of 10 copies for a year, $2 50 each, $25.00, With a SPLENDIDPRK.MIUM tothe|>eraon who form, the Club, consisting of a co|»v of th - celebra ted teel-plate engraving. “ Men of Progress." In connection with the pul.lica- tlon of the Scientific American. niTTlITO the underigned conduct the most U ft I L M I V Its plan is admirable.”—AVtr lor* Tribune. If®-For saio hy all PooWllors, or will be tent free of expeii.-e.-opon receipt of price, bv the Pub lisher.. Special cireulsrs, containing a full description oi rk, with .pet imen pages, will be sent on ap plication. J. B. LIPPINCOTT At CO., Wholesale Produce Depot, tS'.l VANN AII, .! OltOlA. Only establishment of the kind in the city where TUBKEYS, CillCKKVS DUCKS. CEK8K. KtGS. Gume, Fruits, Vegetables, die,, Arc received and sold on commission. «a_Coosigiiments solicited from the country. Uta-Oommission for selling, '» per cent. Returns promptly male in anv way directed BB_l'o* l coop, returned free of f.cigia charter. nsuMark TOLU OWN NAME as well as my address on all shipments, that I may know to whom thy article liekmgs. UA. Liberal advances iua icon cotton consign in't£. led Ii.ty st. Ptoi of iisrnard. Daniel's Magic Oil CURATIVE PROPERTIES nisnalactory, aud will 1* sold as low as can be bought anywhere in the MUte, freight added. 8UMMEY& TO*J HITCHCOCK A PATTERSON, Jan 1 Madison, Ga. New and Rare Vegetables. X MAKE the heed of New and Rare Vegetables a specialty, besides raising all the Ho! for the Subi??bs! r ? you want to invest in a zni lit- tie suburban residence, call on M. SJAFFORD tie nbartennaldflaci, call _ for KNurtlenlart. House juzt bnUt May 8 cmnmoa varieties. On tho cover of my catalogue will be fountl extracts from letters received grorn f riders mod gardeneia raiding in over thirty dit- fe*cut states and territories, arlm have used uv , a :vda from oue to tea yean. Catalogues rent tree 1 (?IpW over one hundred varieties.— i Get rout -red dtrrctly from the grower. •• I JAME8J. II. GRCG< >R V, Marble-head, Maas. THCEIR, WATBB9- Theroare i'lftj-Tw.t iJisitnct Spring* Within thbi Magic Vale, ng ainuist every rarjgly "f water found in compr.s.: the laiuous mou.uuian oi Vir^iiia. RED, BLACK, . AND WHITE BULPHER. Alum, All- Heal uig, Rethficcel, Mont rate and all the jChiulylfoic Waters known to the MediSal World. A NEW BALM OF GILEAD, CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, extensive agency in tlie world for procuring The l»cst way to obtain an answer to the question —Can 1 obtain a Patent? is to write so MUSS C'K, 37 Park Row, New York, who have had over wntv five years experience in the bu*i.«*«s. No ha g ? is made for opinion and advice. A pen-and “** r full writteu description ofiheinvcn ink tion, should hesent. ti >ii8 concerning American and Kuro- |»e i , i P<t*oit*—Caveats —lie i>sues—Interferances— Rejected Pawn-Ilinin on Selling Patents—Rules and Proceedings of the Patent Office—Tho New Patent Iaiws— Kxainiuutions—Kxtensions—lnfring- ments. ete., etc., send for INSTRUCTION BOOK, which will be mailed free, on application. All busi ness fttricliy confidential. Address MUNN & CO., Publishers of the Scientific American 37 Park Row, New York. OKGAN1ZE, ORGAN1/K! nd go to work with a little of the old-t-rae zeal and devotion to good government. The rate at which we offer our paper for the campaign, (less than 82 a year) ought t« give us Subscribers !! Sever a! Thousand ftew the county officers and old friends of the paper to interest theniselve; 8. A. ATKINSON, Publisher. We especially urj tlioir old organ. JOHN POTT8. CALVIN XV. FAIiii. I POTTS &, PARR. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL . utbern Winner Spcuccr SBonse, SOCIAL CIRCLE, GEORGIA. I \NE of tho Itest Eating Houses in ’ I Georgia. Passengers by tlie evening train . evening train from Atlaiitacau get a splendid snpner heie. it is a nice summer resort. Mr. II. L. Spen>atr ha« made several beautiful pends, and lias also prepared piendi.l place to take" plunge aud shower lriths —water rs clesu-as erysial, and from eight to ten feet deep. No. 1 place for a>|iiatie exercise and port. Has a nice keel-bottom l>oat, from Ralti- propelied by "it*, for tils pajrobsajjd friends s cunvenioat to the track; mi' trouble in The hous. rainy weal her to get to it. Parties going to Athens, \Y asalogton, or places on anr of the brent h read, and through passengers, will find it very conveni ent and pleasant to lay over here, and get a good rest and breakfiist. U. L. SPENCER 4 CO ■light’! O'HARA'S Giant Pocket Coni SUeller, PRICE ONLY 81 50. Call and see J_ it at CHILDS. NICKERSON 4 CO'S. I X A T \VrPT7i T") O 1 «. KYh. J.l. BOTHWKt-L. 1- »• ■ PA1JN IERoJdYE. BOTHWLLLtUO" OOTTON FACTORS A>D i Of V_y MISSION MKRCHANTS, No. 143 Pcjn*®*- street, Augusta, (*»• Liberal advMCt* ytof *• behalf of A Second-Hand Piano TpUK & ALE. Enquire nt tnc ol e. Jackson st., lsf Door above Nat. Bank, ATHENS, GEORGIA ~Y\TILL give prompt attention to all VV orders for House, Sign nnd Fancy p dnting ~ * iied, painted of every description. Furniture cleaned, paintei and varnished, at short r.otirc. Orders from the country promptly filled. Mixed paints, ^rcadyjor use furnished to order. mlv 2CMf HAB5I1SS MflTEBlftL. rpOR SALE BY I? CH1L DS, NICKERSON 4C0. TII S3 SOUTH, WEEKLY EIGHT PAGE I APER, Published in the City of Nctc York, ■*«»!( $3 A YKAK. TARDREW iV Co',21 PARK ROW. cotton and othur produte when requiteiL tor 1 tagging, T es and Family Supplies pt^r filled. All business eniruatta to us will ha*F*. # prom * *tei>onal attei.tion. OjB' C\mmissions for selling cotton pcrctr- o 17 a3ui COTTON STATES land & Immigration Comp® Schallcr, ( m lion & NovloKi -AC3-E3STXS a rasss. g\ r UIIE above Agency i» uo" l' r ^ A pared to furnish Inborot any ^ es ' r: j V*! in. v of the Cotton St«’. VM*« Sillicatc Book Slates. Devoted to the material interesti ofthe Southern State*, and laboring tor the dvvelopeo eut ut all the wonderful resources by encouraging iinmigra-- tiou and giving (\iU and reliable information con cerning every pait of the South. The south uaauet the cordial approval and sup port ofthe Southern State Governments, Immigra tion Bureaus, Agricultural Societies, and leading cititeusgenerally. It gives information ofthe rail roads, manufactures, colleges, societies, cities, com merce, agriculture, finances, news, markets, mini r- als, trade—in fact everything—all over the South. | Thousands of copies are every week distributed i through this country, North and South, and in | Europe. .FOR SALE AT TIIE NEW DIUTG STORE. To make it especially valuable to every business . . -yrr.’ r \ risipcjns • i , . | man and household in the South ve have depart- } 11L. 1 j V l IX s * l unproved marking I ntentsesehweek, giving full reviuws of she markets . a-l er.i.i i-* f.i-i-ad and slate pencils ! uwi yui'Uliioa yf dorts :!uil pr and uka.iiiat- gardeners, male and female lir iuerti'r, '• mi- seamstresses, railroad laborers, inecl at t'o ^ ners, 4e. One of ilieagentsatteidiTk"’ lection in Euroje*. irorsoually, the uttuost *- tlcn is thereby guaranteed. All communications addressed to •,‘ rn * p e Carlton 4 Newton, Athens, On., Jj t0# T prompt attention. Agency at ftpt.H. Office, comer Clayton street and College • Jan. 12-2nib —including M -muratiduin and Calendar Hooks, >Luce S:.u s, Me.eii.ints’ lu.'k .Slates, Gentlemens* and Ladies' Wash Lists, etc., at prices ranging from fivPeetits to Si. For sa e at mar 22 BURKE'S HOOK STORE. Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils, and cure for all the diseases that human flesh Is heir to. Will be opened June VV. CJ HEWITT, Jn 21—It Late ofthe Globe Hotel, Attgnsts.Gts. WM. 1>. DAVIDSON. JOS. RRUMMELL. T7ISES, HAMMERS, Stock ami V itles, 4c. F x iale by march 31 CHILDS, NICKERSON 4 CO. Fine st Kerosene Lamps BE FOUND IN ATHENS, TO AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. V17 -2t ' SS8. Brual Street, Augusta, > Foreign a^d Domestic randies, Wines, Gin+Porter, Ale, etc, Tobacco and Scgars of ovorv variety. :i vlhi itjj, itbscrlp- tt!rs «t ituuicst to every how». i;eci*«:i. Kvv*rv Southern man should k« v *‘ »* h!z Every other man lhai wants to know an about the South would find It worth the tion price. Itiaan unsurpassed medium for advertising all descriptions of Southcru property for sale or **x- change, or for inviting labor or capital in any d«v sired channel. Subscribe for it at once, and induce as many to do so as you can. Special inducements in Club rates and premiums for those who will canvass for us.. Specimen copies sentou application. Address TARDREW & CO., J>ov29 21 Park Row, N. Y. 500 Kegs Nails. ~ ^MINION r\hD DOMINION AND ROME man manufacture, for sale at CfftLDS, ( O'*. T. J. YOUNG, M. Iliysiciiin. Surgeon&Accourlit'BL OFFICE AT RESIDENCE- Y7 Rrond street, nearly oppisitc me oT.T. C. Pitncr. Athens, Ga., Jan. 22,1872. mam high srrooi- PREPARATORY 1 >E1*AK I ME* University of Geo^ Irt * Athens, Georgif- JIon(JflVl to receipt in my name. MITOTSLL. Jan. l*t L 18<2- Window Shadcss-Firr market. For vale A LARGE LOT ff« lx Fire Screens, co»l>o«x^ br^*." l ?r0K>' beau ti (hi patterns. ”« v "