Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, August 16, 1872, Image 3

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———p—— mmmssm m .gMlJjtftr fanner. Special Topics. — H tou dfclre rosy cheek* and a complexion fair %od ftu.u Pimple., Btotchet and Eruptions, ni irifv .oar blood by taking Dr. Tietee'i Golden Medici DiseoTerr. It has no equal for this pur- pose. Thrllnein. Uoof aal its THsle iUir.-W lb • man well of his country who mokes two blodcs uf grass crow where only one K'*? ***''"• be who produces OKlonous crop of hair or. » pnrallve'v barren scalp, deserres the heai J »“*"* of Hie noticed fiatVJ- AH tliere' feasor,E, ,1 Lynx, for, nnouesliouo f. VOWh» rKmllairon accomplishes this »>!•' • ffemen wb .se whiskers arc appearance in fnrec, ortho » di-wtose those *' which Washington city wm one# „, of making their ers of whose m-ms- th** liver, Mrtmai h, akin, begin in viti u»J * * do not wail until ike trouble is coh«nued, hot at- tu'k it bv .1 lii'.nly iwof Or. >Vallr«r» California Vin.-i^f Bitter* <Jnu <t rV ;v k ll.iker Sewlnr Unchincs i! fir <ule —«•»•« • c •. t‘» nuin* • le'trvel nn hi t '~h:el» I «r.v.iM e ill till attain ion of :hf 11 lh‘i. .V great mtiroftliM? mwhin^biT'! ^.-sSii *<*ii t«* jurreons At t mi< a11 i i otyher c nintifts, and overy one is perfectly a.nisiied. 1 F. H. Atkinson. B.Uincr Office. Sharing, Shampooing, Hair (hitting, llalr an-l Whlssor Dyeing, by the l«est JUrbcr* in the State, al Davis, Harris, A Sons’ flair Dressing and Sharing Saloon, over Mande- • ille A Brother s. U.illroatl Xotter* Until further notice, on an 1 after Thursday, 25th April, 1872, the Ni^ht Pansenger train on the Ath ens Branch wilt run, making close connection with l’p and Down Night Passenger Trains on the Main J.ine at Union Point. leaving Athens at 8 o'clock, P. M. Arriving at Athens at 4:3<) A. M. S. Iv. JOHNSON, Supt. aprtfi-l I I) THIKUS J IBHTXINO jpi.T-KIf.LKB •sdily— sweeps them oT, and clears the house *Trjr it—sold by dealers everywhere. NEW LAWS. ‘The Legislature at its lust session ■ pissed two laws which everybody should know. One is, that when a planter gives a merchant or cotton factor a lien on any property or for supplies to make his crop, that if said property or crop is sold ■and not applied to tht payment of said ■debt, su-.h guilty party is liable ‘to be mat in jail for one yeir. The other law is to the effect that ’10 prr .cent, interest is collectable by law when inserted in note. Also it has been decided by tlie Supe- -rior Courts that verbal liens are as good as written lions when flic facts can be iproven. June 7-4m. tlnlversity of (leDrgia* r' The pressure upon our time and space last week prevented notice of a ; number of important topics connected with the University, which ave here present. Under the Legislative au thority granting the Alumni the selec tion of four trustees, the following centlemen were elected by the Alumni society: J. Hammond, of Atlanta, for four years; Pope Barrow, of Ogle thorpe county, for three years; A. O. Bacon, of Macon, for two years; and John C. Rutherford, of Bainbridge, for one year. Gen. E. P. Alexander, late of the University of South Carolina, was elected Professor of Industrial Mechan ic-, of Physical Geography and of Mili tary tactics in the State College. “F. S. a correspondent of the Savannah Republican referring to iiis election, says: “ He is a native of Wilkes county, Ga., he graduated high at West Point, and was a United States officer before the war. lie is well known as chief of artillery in General Longstrcet’s corps; and was, in fact, the acting chief of artillery in the army under General Lee. After the war he was elected Professor of Mathematics in , Columbia College in South Carolina, lie is now Superintendent of a rail road, and it is not yet known whether he will accept. As Vice Chancellor, Dr. Mell, now traveling in Europe for the benefit of his health, has resigned the Vice Chancellorship of the Uni versity, without, however, relinquish ing his professorship of Metaphysics and Eti iGeneral Alexander will at the same time act ns Vice Chancellor of the University and will as such have particular charge of everything connected with the discipline of the University. Prof. W. L. Jones who has ably filled the chair of Chemistry and Nat ural Philosophy, having resigned, Prof. H. C. White, of Annapolis, Mary land, was elected as his successor. A teacher to prepare students for admission into the College of Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts will be elect ed, and will receive a salary of 81,200 a year. The changes made in the duties of the Faculty arc so well-stated by the correspondent of the Republican, that we copy his reference to them. In this connection we will also state that of Trustees, and aspirants will apply to. that member of the board residing nearest their homes. As the new ses- eion will commence September 15, applications should be promptly made. Our young friends R. B. Hodg- Bon & Co., having taken an interest in the enterprising firm of Talmadge Hodg son & Co., will close out their select stock ol choice family groceries at very low prices, but only for cash. Clark County Agricultural Society. Atuexs, Gx, Acgtst 13th, 1872. The Executive Committee of Clark County Ag ricultural Society met upon call. Present, John White, President; Jefferson Jennings and James P. Mayne, Vice Presidents: John Calvin Johnson, •Secretary ; James A. Price, F. W. Lucas, H. R. Carlton, Dr. Jno. S. I.inton snd Wm. J. I!ussell, members of the Executive Committee; James C. AVilson and J. It. Carlton, mcmliers of the tempo rary Executive Committee. On motion of Dr. H. II. Carlton— htiolcrJ, that a Fair be held at the Fair Ground i Tuesday, 8th day of October next. On motion of John CalTin Johnson— I’.aohtd, that Jefferson Jennings, II. II. Carlton. James A. Price, Wm. J. Russell, James C. Wils in, .lames P. Mayne and John S. Linton, be appointed to solicit subscriptions, make repairs, and do all things necessary in perfecting arrangements for and at the Fair, with authority vested in them to appoint all sub-eouiniiUets therefor. JOHN WHITE, PreVt. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, R. Secretary. • t~~ri 'ii imini i-' 11 ~ i iiHi—fii pleaded for a return of"ancient rever ence &tr the Constitution and offici obligations. The, . speech Was well ceived and generally applauded. ? r d ' Misc re -i A t ^ : a ' Miscellaneous. Athens Retail Prices Current FOR THE WEEK ENDING AUO.16, 1872. Corrected Weekly by England & Orr. Cotton.— .per. lb. 18 Factory Good*,—Cotton Yams i qo Ostia burgs, per yd. ic Shirtincr. 44 % Shirting, 4-4 tol 7< to 18 to viy. to 15 4 to 15 to S3 to SO to 40 Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Skinner. Announcements. For Tax Receiver. J \MI>* P. Dfio^’Y, F.»q., D announced as a candidate f.*r the office of Tax Receiver of Clark county, subject to thf Democratic nominut Ion. Far Clerk Superior Court. 'Vo a - © authorize i to mn mice Mr. L. SUIIEV- KNUU, ana <-wH Into for Cl-rtc of the Superior •Court, subject to a Democratic nomination. Fur Tax Collector. Capl. J. E. R1TCH wM be supported in the ■Clark county Democratic nomination, for the of fice of Tax t'ollcctor, by many voters on the west side. A correspondent of the Columbus Hun pays the following handsome trib ute to Dr. Thonms E. Skinner, the newly elected pastor of the Baptist church in this place: In honor of Dr. Skinner, pastor of the First Baptist Church iu Colum bus, the ministers of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, with their congregations, turned out in mass to listen to his parting counsels. His text was taken from the 1st verse of the cxxxvii Psalm : “ By the rivers of Babylon there ave sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.” A large and attentive audience greeted the Doctor to pay their last honor and tribute of respect, despite the inclement evening. Though the subject was one of poe tical thought, interspersed with beau tiful imager/, yet the Doctor deemed it best to deduce therefrom thoughts of sound, practical import. The subject avas most eloquently handled, and produced a profound impression upon the audience. At the close of his sermon he had many pleasant things to say to the pastors of the other churches and the community, with whom lie had been so kindly associated the past eighteen months. He confessed to an attach ment lor each and all, of a stronger and more tender character than he had been aware of, now that lie avas about to leave them. 1 am sure Dr. Skinner carries with Dry Good*.—Prints, “ jo Delaines “ 25 Bi’chetl dhirtiug, “ 10 n Ticking, 41 20 Provisloni.—Flour, Fancy, per bill.. 12 00 Family,. 44 11 00 to Supernne 44 9 00 to r per busli. 1 15 to 1 20 44 1 50 to Jfeju “ 1 20 to AY neat ... 44 l 50 to Bacon, hog round, per lb. - to — “ sides, “ — to 12% 44 shoulders, 44 - to 10 44 dear bulk sides. toll “ ** 44 shoulders, 8* to 9 I-ari 44 i:t to 15 Chickens, grown, 25ct Frying 15 to Fggs, per do*. 10 to 12% Butter pe. lb. 20 to 25 Tobacco—Common 44 59 to 60 Medium — Fine Smoking Snuff. 44 90 Cigars, Am per 100035 00 44 Aavana.... ** 75 00 Ammunition—Powder per lb. .Shot “ 12 Lead 44 12 Caps per box, 10 AVootlcn Wait.—Painted Buckets, doz 3 50 Cedar 44 44 12 00 Sieves, 44 3 50 Llqnorx.—Com Whisky,... per gal. 3 00 Peach Brandy 44 2 00 Apple “ 44 2 50 Holland Gin 44 Bourbon Whiskey. 44 Wines, 44 Groceries.—Sugar, Crushed per lb. a. a. WTisnsr, -—WITH N GROOVER. STUBBaSCO. COTTON FACTORS, -—4SD • K. J General Commission Merchants, "f " 94, BAY SIREEt, X 3- It SAVASXAU, OA. D*«dkc, Tlw, xniathrr SsDiHt.i farakhrd. C * 1 } Advance, made on ConsiKn- ’* ° r , llp:,lcnt ,0 Liverpool or North- Sl O MALE from 50 ct=. Call and '^, eI , i l 01 ' n 'iOf 12tarnnles M nt, post free, for S9 lent., thxt retail o.uick for Slo. Ii. 1^ WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham aq., N. Y §250 n M0 , NT ' 1 ntade with stcneU and iwxr Lcj-check dies. Recnre circular and samples, free. S. M. Spkxcek, Drattleboro, VI. 1 00 to 1 2.7 to 1 00 to75 00 125 00 to 4 (MJ tol5 (Hi to 4 00 00 to 8 00 . him the brotherly love and friendship his letters have been very admirably j (l fall the churches and citizens of this J. M. It \ Kit v lector in the I>»*iri rill hi tipi>orte«l for Tax Col- loininnting convention M ANY VOTER'! ALL OVER THE COUNTY'. Loeiil and General Items. At Home.—Dr. Durham, our at tentive representative, reached home on 'Wednesday, on a short leave of absence. Old Silver Wanted Immedi ately.—Persons having <>1J silver— such as spoons, fork., plat-., or other articles—can exchange them for any kind of jewelry, silver ware or watches, on favorable terms, at the jewelry store of Childs Moss. The Fair.—We arc glad to learn from the proceedings of the Fair Asso ciation in another place, that a Fair will \>e held at the old fair grounds, on Tues day, Oet. Sti,. \ committee has been appointed to solicit subscriptions to re pair the grounds, Ac., and we hope our citizens will aid the enterprise liiterallv. The premium list will be announced soon, and ave hopo the farmers and me chanics of this region, and their trims aiul daughters, will prepare to make an at tractive display of the products of their industry and skill. Superior Court.—The Fall '••rni ot ))Ur Superior Court has been in session during the week—Judge Davis presiding. Nothingof much general in- tcic t has transpired up to the time wc go to press. Hfe notice among vert, in attendance H on . B. II Col. Billups of Morgan. tin; law- IIill, and Killed by ,v 1)oq, that a negro boy w, savage "h: * the - W •• in> uiHounce- sccllent We ■ , , M terribly bitten by a dog belonging to Mr. Willi'.* < arr, near the depot, a few days a ,, 0 _ He dted on Wednesday from the injuries received. Such dogs ought not to be suffered to go at lar 'e. I.'VV I ’.nj; |v r n vile .put-ill :»tt.-n!:.di t ''''■t “Mite Fall Term ot this titution. It stands in the front, rank "tuong ,he female schools «f tb e day.- »*' e lglitfully located, and pupils from ° nder the Thorne in- M AitTiN IN9T1TU1I^-Thj s scl.oo, *' "7 V 'T' U Hny " lnlrf >ductio n to our t "'i,; r r 1,01 •"•"y years it has enjoyed high reputation as one of the best school. * our Sute. The prcparetl, and are worthy of preserva tion as a record of the present inter esting period in the history of the University. He says : “ The chair of Latin and Greek has been divided. Pro fessor Waddell, who to this time filled this chair, has been assigned to the department of Latin. Professor Charles Morris, till now Professor of Belles Lcttres, has been assigned to the Greek department. Professor William Henry Waddell, \. M is the grandson of the celebra ted Dr. Moses Waddell, one of the early Presidents of the University.— Professor Waddell is a graduate of the same, and has held the Chair of An cient Languages and Literature for many years ; he is still a young man. Professor Charles Morris, the new Greek professor, has held hitherto the Chair of Belles Lcttres and Rhetoric. He is a Master of Arts of the Universi ty of Virginia, and a native of that •State. Ho was formerly Professor of Law in the William and Mary Col lege, of Virginia, and was elected to the Georgia University in the year 18G8. The chair of Belles Lcttres and Rhet oric is now placed, in view of the great importance of those subjects, under the charge of the Chancellor. Dr. Lipscomb will be assisted .in this de partment hv his son, Professor F. A. Lipscomb. The State College lias been placed upon a permanent footing and organ ization. Professor Wm. LeKoy Broun has been elected its permanent President. Professor BrOun is a Master of Arts of the UDiversity of Vir ginia, and a native of that State, and has hitherto held the chair of Natural Philosophy and astronomy in the Uni versity of Georgia. For great scien tific attainments, earnestness of labor in the department of education, he is not supassed by any member of the faculty. A long career ns a prom inent educator iu Virginia, as well as the important position he held during our late struggle as commandant of the Confederate States Arsenal at Rich mond, where the arms and am munition for the armies were under his direction manufactured, singularly fit him for the position he now occu pies. All the fund not being in hand as yet, the Professorship' of Agriculture and Horticulture has not been created at the present session. This professor ship will lie filled at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, when pro vision will also be made for an ex perimental farm. At that time a pro fessor of Natural History, including Botany, Geology Entomology, etc., will also be appointed.' Provision was made, however, for the appointment in the State College of such assistant in the departments of Mathematics and English as might ho needed; and the Faculty will select those assistants. Two hundred ana nineteen appoint ments will hereafter be made to the State College; one free scholarship for every Senator aud representative in the Staet Legislature. These ap pointments will be made bv the Board c un in unity, and will long he remem bered as one of the most distinguished divines and courteous of men that have graced our pulpits aud adorned our society. Our Athenian brethren may well regard themselves quite fortunate in having secured the ministrations of Dr. Skinner, and the society of a min ister and gentleman so distinguished for his piety, learning and accomplish ments. May the God of all peace smile upon him in his new relation, and the dawn of a brighter and more useful future he his portion and lot iu life. “ A Brother Methodist.” We copy the following from the Columbus Enquirer: In expressing a heartfelt regret for the loss of Dr. T. E. Skinner, late pastor of the Baptist Church at Col umbus, Ga., we represent the feelings of the churches anti citizens generally, | who hold in the highest estimation this b “ C •• 15 44 Brovn.good 44 II Coffee, Rio. “ 25 44 Java 44 33 Tea, IIysen 44 1 50 4 * Gunpowder, “ *2 00 “ Black. 1 * 4 1 50 Syrup, .Sorghum, perpnJ. GO 44 Caue, “ 75 Cuba M »lasses 44 40 Candle*, per ib. 20 Cheese 44 20 Crackers 44 15 Onions, i>erbiish.l 00 Candy, Fancy per lb. 50 44 Stick, “ 25 Soda “ 12 Black Pepper 4 * 35 Ginger 44 25 Starch 44 15 Rice 44 10 Mackerel No. 1,... per kit, 3 00 “ No. 2,... 44 2 00 Sardines, «... perl»ox, 25 Salt per sack, 2 25 Bruir*—Copperas per lb. 8 Indigo “ 175 Mad per 44 20 Salts 44 10 .Sulphur 44 15 Hardware.—Iron, Sweeds... 44 7 44 Country bar 44 G 44 Castings, 44 3 Nails 44 s Cotton Cards, par dnz.G 00 Hues, Bradc s, 44 C 00 Ames’ Shovels, “ 15 00 44 Spades, 44 45 00 Trace Chains, 44 9 00 Pinaurla!.—Gold, buying. 112 44 selling 1 3 Silver, buying.... 108 44 selling..... 1 10 13 to 10 ACY, or Sonl Charm- the lore and affections of an v person they choose* 1 SS, fil" s*“>ple menial a-qmrement all t»n possess, free, by mail. f„ r 25 t.ieether Hhl’rn "rae!. , Dreams, iU 'f, t® » A 11 -' 3 ' ‘V.- nueer, exciting Uxik. 100,- 000 »oM. Address T. WILLIAM A Co., Phila. Rare Clmiicc for Agents^ AGENTS! we will par yon $40 per if you willeugage with us at once, furnished, and cxjkmiscs paid. F. A. Charlotte, Mich. reel; in cash, F.r ;rrthing EMjNACO., Miscellaneous. SHARP & FLOYD. # Successors to George Sharp, Jr., Jewettl A tlanta, Ga. 4^^ OFFER a large variety of T FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, FANCY GOODS, FINE BRONZES, AND STATUARY. WE HAVE A FULL CORPS OF ^RE RECEIVING AVERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOGKO I' iPRING AND uAuuueoi quick •iiti coiore i sitxs, Japanese Cloths, liar Striped Grenadines, French Organdies, Colored Lawn*, Dolly Yftrdon patterns most of 4bc above. 1—* *• to to 2 23 to to 7 «*) to 8 U0 tol3 uu tol8 00 to!3 00 to II to . - — most attractive .reclcv A Brown,” and *• Grant & Wit* son campaign charts. The best ones out. Send tor circular. Immense soles. Large profits. **?»V?**?^ KtBRECHTI’-.npfre map and chart establishment, 107 Libelty si., N c w York. THE RECORDS or TESTS At LOWELL, Mass., prove, X. F. Util Ml AH'S NEW TIJRIKIXK, superior to all others. It gave a higher |*er tentage than any o 4 li- er whocl of common tiubh. Pam phlet and price !i-t bv N. F. BURNHAM, York, Pa. : AGENTS WANTfD Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one medi cine is so universally required by every body as a cathartic, nor was ever any be fore so universally adopted into use, in every country and among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative PHI. The obvious reason is, that it is a mere relia ble and far more ef fectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends; and all know that what it does once it does al ways — that it never fails through any fault or neg- glect of its composition. IVc have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, aud we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither caloimd nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever Iresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by Uieir powerful influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action — remove the obstructions of the stomacn, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such de rangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, fur the following complaints, which thess fills rapidly cure: — For Dyapepala or Indigestion, Listless, ness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they Should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore it9 healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp toms, JBtl!oua Headache, Hick Head, ache, Jaundice or CJreen Slckneea, un til 11. Colic and Oillona Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Ihysentery or niarrboea, but one mild dose is geuendly required. For Ithrumntiam, Clout, Crave], Pal. S Katlon of tbe Heart, Pain in the 1“ — Side, Buck and Loin*, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased notion of tho ovelnm Wi* 1 - * p»y a they should bo taken in large and frequent closer to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For ttui»i»r**»lon a large nose should bo taken as it produces the ilc.-ucU effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner Pills take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the btomach. An occasional close stimulates the stomach and bowels into health}’ action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no’serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly bet ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. A YE It & CO., Practical Chemist t, LOWELL. MASS.. U. S. A. gifted Christian gentleman. Possess- iug a rare degree of religious excel- ““ 0 1 lia?„ r ,, u S 9 *a r p 8 ^ r : ' V,U ‘ tm£ ' ch “* B tho,a lence, he combines with great elegance of manner a winning cheerfulness that throws around his social life, a light that emanates alone from a spirit in harmony with the holy principles of Christianity. Men of talent and ap preciation u|mn whose ears the sound of the gospel has seldom fallen, have been attracted to his church by the profound learning aud thrilling elo quence with which he sets forth the teachings and principles of the Master whom he serves. Borne on the pini ons ol a powerful imagination, he some times ascends to heights of beauty, grandeur and sublimity seldom reached, and seems at home where other mortals trembling stand. He weaves around old Bible truths new beauties and presents them with such force of argil ment and splendor of diction that the unbelieving skeptic is “ almost per suaded to become a Christian.” The social, moral and religious in fluence that such a character exerts over all classes is not to be lightly re garded by any community; hence while pastor and citizen, we congrr tulate the church and city to which he goes, upon the acquisition of this learned miu^Ur and accomplished gentle man. * * * EVERY CITIZEN WANTS Also for TAMP WON GOu|»s. A.Llr—s, GOODSPEED’S EMPIRE PUBLISHING HOUS'F; New Orleans, Cincinnati, St Louis, DO NOT FAILE^",rx r oru"r^ core one of the Celebrated Inter tred Stewart Cook Stoves With its snocial attachments. Roaster. Biker A Rroilcr. The Stove and Furniture carefully pack ed for sale shipmet. Books sent on application. Fuller, Warner A Co' 2:Ui Water St,. New York. Roanoke College, Salem, Va. Twentieth session begins Sept. 4th, 1872. Ex penses, for 10 months, about $200. This embraces btiard and tuition, including m*M]crn kini’uu.gps, r3 well as all ne *ess;iry incident >1 expenses. Sne -ial attentioa invit. d to unsurpassed rotation, saiuLri- out climate, moral and intelligent community, thorough coarse of study, prod conduct of students, Ac. Students in attendance from fourteen dif ferent States. Sen*! for catalogues circulars, Ac., to Rev. D. F. BUTLER, I>. 1)., President. iSS BLOOD PURIFIER It is not a physic, wnicii tuay give temporary re lief to tho sufferer for the first few doses, but which from continued use brings piles and kindred dis eases to aid iu weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of 44 Bitters,’* is so extensively palmed off on the public as sovereign remedies, but it is a most power ful tonic and alterative, pronounced so by tbe lead- in* medical authorities •»! London »ml Parts, and D3. WELLS 5 EXT.0FJI!RUBEB\ retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant, and must be taken as a jierinarient curative agent. Ixlhrre want of Action in Ynttr l.iver and Spleen ! Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure from deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustules, canker, pimples, etc. Take JURUBEBA to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated bl«Mxl to healthy action. * Hxve yoa a llpiwfiw'p stomach t Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness or lassitude. Take it to assist digestion without reaction, It will impart voutliful vigor to the weary sufferer. Have yon Weakness of the Intestines t You are in danger of chronic diarrhea, or the dreadful in flammation of tbe bowels. Take it to allay irritation, and ward off tendency to inflammations. Have viiu Weakness of the Uterine «r Urinary Or- «sns ! Yov must procure instant relief, or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life l»e- oo=cs a burden. * Finally, it should be taken to keep the system in perfect health, or you are othcwi>e in great dan ger of malarial, miasmatic or o«»Pt;«p us diseases. JOHN H KELLOGG. Platt st., N. Y., »«de agt. for United .States. Trice, one dollar per bottle. Semi f *r circular. atanuCacIlire many Fine Goods in our own shop, and are prepared to FILL ANY tUlDKKS for goods or work promptly. M.A11 goods engraved free of charge. W e make a sjiecialtv or PREMIUMS FOR JAIRSI and are prepared to give any information on ;tp plication. We guarantee the LARGEST ASSORT EM N T. THE FINEST GOODS, THE LOWEST PRICES. ANDTHEBEST WORK Call and sec us. SHARP & FLOYD, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. MujrJMjr Quinn's Monthly Bulletin, edium for the itnnounccnient of new and forthcoming books, and as a means of conveying special information in regard to tho character and coutertts of the latest issues of tile Press, it is pub lished on the first of each month, and will be for warded without charge to Librarians, SeercUrio: of Book Clutis and Reading -Societies, Head* Colleges and Schools aud all other l*»ok buyers w may furnish me with their address. 1>. QUINN, Book-se'icr, Stationer, Music and Periodical Dealer apr 19-3n» Augusta, < E. S. ENGLAND & CO., ^RE NOW RECEIVING THEIR NEW FALL STOCK! Selected with care by one of the firm, in New York, to which they invite the attention of theii customer* and the public. They have a good ussort- meut of STAPLE&f ANSI BHY 606DS GIHHMCIf-M, PltOYIMlOYM, Il.lKinUlSB. CltOUKKItV, El AIM. ItPJ*. DOOT3, MSI Ola And In short, everything in tho way of »! AM XT CtwUUoe, PiaiU; Black bati btica, Percales. nqucM, Linen Lawns, Ac. ■ r' ><j0,0 S Jilt'd A' *d- al,-,: WHITE' GOODS it ^\ «IW Swfvx, Mnll, Nainsook xild Jaconet, Irish T.tnen, Linen laawi^ Pursuits, Suriasund Vie. Lawn^sai:'' made up, Linen Table L>amask, Napkins, Doyles, and Towels. In our IMMf.a t if DK PA Ilf MEM « be found all the favorite brands of blexched and brown sheetingsand stfrtifer* :»rv#fv reason abKi prl<. Wttbslncerugratitude for the k)nd tnd Hiatal encamragouicnt fr»m» • u* f; u :ub HV px-t jicason, w * respectfully solicit a contiuuauce of tiieir favors, promising on our part every'rtl'ort to please. aprtwt Very lUnpecifully, jvEAN, LANDKAM & C'D. 209 1IUOAD 8TRBKT, Al'Cl'NTJ, «; A. 3r*. S. AVe will send samples an d pay tlie Im press on all bills ordered at retail ioi’ amounts over Ten Dollars. From Mew York! A SPLENDID STOCK --—OF a , . DRY GOODS, GR0ER1ES, HATS, SHOliS, LJ^VtD- ER, SADDLES. R00KER\ . &C.', > » i Vt 1 ENGLANlV-K OUIVS,' N\ Inch ave are .ii'llin^ clieap :t.« the che;ipi;?t, for cash or country |(t' 'luce. \\\.- urc also agents fer the celebrated , > avjo q I)It; KSON OOMPOUND.; . .. j _■ ' • ’ U in l!i;I \v. s. wrrusits. Kh. .'rot:. WITHERS tfc JOISTKS, Vi i! Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, Atlanta, Grtl \/TANUPAC'i UREUS of Building Fronts, Gratings, Window Guards faiau Puiu. ... - - - - - . • ’ Lamp Pust.,, CiHiuin Mills, Cli.iiis and 8. terns fur 'Jo.uetcry I,>u, I- , Hitchii for bH-iu and Ye ' aud Ycraudahe, < Brackets, Railroad Kn Iron Railings aud Fe A11 orders for ‘ 1 , Summer Ho gs of the latest i>.;t — Family and Plantation Supplies They will pay the HIGHEST PRICK FOl COTTON or other Produce, and Will Store Colton lit 25 t ents a On per month. We are determined todeal fairly, nelllnw, and b close atteution to business hope to please old cut iners and make many new onus. >ept 1 Send your Old Furniture to WOOD’S REP A. IR SIIOP, Next t" the Episcopal Church,and have it may lR3iu MADE GOOD AS XIDY. • jp» Tmrmx m em * SaaSAPABlttA. A Substitute for Afercurinl Preparations, Castor Oil, Rhubarb, Senna, il-r. r PHE PUREST AND BEST J- remedy known for disease* of tbe I.iver, Fe male <\unulaini*. or for any disease in which a medicine Ls necessary, to keep the bowels free and healthy, or to purify the blood. It acts more nat urally on the liver than Calomel or Blue Pills, and answers a better purpose. It is Tiiy- V»re»t Spring Medicine. Preimred by J. Dennis, M. D., Augus ta, Ga. 8oKl by Dr. King, Athens. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of al! kind* .ittri.'e ! to pr.-iminiy, nod no cliari;-* ma le fur patturn* Then in regular line, ot work. dre„ C .,tk^ S,<n ' N ' "«-ll-wheel«, IVmblc K. UUr, <•«,.!- ranite ( oiujnuiy's Emery Carimlcrs, Saw (inminns, l’;t. tent Flunges, etc., wilicli ave will deliver at Factory Pricc-s. These wheel-are frt ;• from any offensive odor,, do not glaze., gum, o,rhea*, some do ; are not. liable, to bard, anil will out further than anv other wheel *e:.t30 dm “ * 9- v ’ D. 11. & J. T. Ill T'a ’' • I tall .. - v« J till w DENNING- DKAl.ERR IN W I X D Ex-President Johnson Speaks. Ex-President Johnson spoke, by invitation, last evening, to a.good crowd, for two hours and a quarter.— He was introduced by Judge T. A. II. Nelson, who introduced him as the people’s man—| lain Andy Johnson. Mr. Johnson said he avas no candidate for any office. He said it was well, in times of popular upheaval, to take our bearings and see whither we are drift ing. Recurring to first principles, he showed at length how the Govern ment has been drifting from its consti tutional moorings and become the plaything of an irresponsible Congress at the dictation of an usurping Execu tive. He reviewed Grant’s Adminis tration severely, but with moderation. He discussed official gift taking as bri- berv, citing the case ot sir Jno. irever in England. He favoreJ one terra, and the election of President by the direct vote of tho people. The re- election of Grant would be a great national disaster. He accepted Gree ley on the principle of universal pres sure. Circumstances beyond human control have limited the choice to two men.-* Patriot*-cannot hesitate to choose Greeley. It is no time to say, this or that is or is not ray party, but let us all unite in saying this is my country. .The country, must have re conciliation, restoration of civil rights to all'citizens, confidence between sec tions, and a reform of the service. He Avthmft.—Jonas Whitcomb’s Remedy. Prepared from a German recipe obtained by the late Jonas Whitcomb, in Europe, it alleviated this disorder in his case when all other appliances of medical skill and been abandoned. Joseph Barnett A Co., Bos.on. For sale by all druggists. Substitute-* in the Dental Kanksare not desirable; therefore, keep the natural teeth sound aud pure with that wholesome vegetable elixir, Sozouoiit. l>o this, and they will la»t as long as tbe breath lasis, aud the breath itself will never be tainted. To Owner* el* Horse* and Cattle.—Tobias’ Derby Condition Powders are warranted Superior to any oibers.or no pay, for the euro of Distemper, Worms, Dots, Coughs, Hide Bound, Cold, Ac., iu Horses, and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, Ac., in Cattle. Price 25 ceuts. Depot, 10, Park Place, New York. Physiologists say that Bodies are renewed \i»n flopnlv flftfalArn kiQ lnsa oo once in seven years. The material of which they we aeepjy deplore nis io?s as „ re ri( ., JUMj - u< .iVd b n,.- blood. » U d unies, i, befu/- ly charged with the elements of vitality, the sttengtii and health ..f th; *fs\m dcc.ine. Cf ail blood drpurents, Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters is the safest and most infallible. There is no disease arising from depravation of the blood, will not speedily cure. For Djrsj»»*p*Ia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility, in their varioua forms, also as a preventive against fever and ague ; and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, made bv Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, and'sold by all druggists, is the best tonic, and for patients recovering from feveF or other sickness, has no equal. Thurston's Ivory Pearl Tooth Powder.—Tho best apticle known for cleaning and preserving the teeth aud gums. Sold bv all druggists. Price 2 > and 50 cents per bottle, F. C. Wells A Co., New York. . Chrlstndoro's Hrir Dye. This magnificent com pound stands unrivalled, in the world. No lady or gentleman of discrimination U9es any other. It is the most perfect, reliable, and effective hair dye in the world. Factory 08 Maiden Lane, N. Y, Carbolic Salves recommended by physicians as the J reat healing compound. Price 2o cents per box ohn F. Henry, sole proprietor, 8 College Place, New New York, KMej's Kurha is » reliable Diuretic and Tonic for all derangements of the urinsry and genital or gans. The genuine, as formerly sold by tlavilaod, llarral A Uisley, and their branches, is now pre pared by H. W. Kisley, the orLtiugloy and Pro prietor ; and the trade supplied by hi« successors, Morgan A Uisley, New York. Srapnla is opium purified of its sickening tnd pois onous properties. It is a perfect anodyne, not pror dqciug headache, or constipation of the bowels, as is the case with other preparations of opium. John Farr, Ql*eiffi4. fv- V* - i\ - U A i PntUs Islral -LL has a worldvwlda reputation :bc surest and best iPuniiaatius oil. Over .wo million gallons have been sold U>r the pas| two years, from which, no accident* ot any description have occtirred. Send for Cireular. Oil House of Charles Pratt established 11 *0, New York. We have Frequently Heard mothers say they . • . • ’.I a M... U’inclav'ii would Dot be without Mrs. Winslaw^ Soothing Syrup, from the birth of the child until it hw fin ished with the teething siege, under any circum stances whatever. The Reeret of Keantr. What is it 7 no longer xsked, for the world of fashion sod sll the ladies know that is produced by using a delightft'lsmd harmless preparation known as O. W. Lalrt » «• Bloom of Youth.” Jfs.beatttiyiiM tru ly wonderfuL ‘Depot, 5(*oidst., ts.'X. ^ Blacksmith’s Bellows,: Mi TTISES, HAMMERS, Stock alid YJKfr 4C - CHILDS? &CKKLOK * CO. Acrn** IVantcd for llur Autobio^r.i| hv of HORACE GREELEY, A new illustrated edition, now ready.*Oet this the !x»st, and f.nly edition written by himself, and en dorsed bv ihe Tribune ; and our 1872 CAMPAIGN MANUAL, for all parties, just out. price Si 50. One agent sold 8(1 in three days. .Splendid Steel por trait ofGreelev, ?1. 45 -100 a month made selling the above. * E. B. TREAT, Put). svT>, Broadway, N. Y. lVAMHINGTON I.MVKK3ITY Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland. r IMIENEXT ANN UAL SESSION A. of this Institution will begin Octot>er 1st, 1872, and i-ontinue five months. The clinical ad vantages of the School are unsurposse*!. f « Feeainclv ling diiucction and hospital tickets, $C5. For Cat >k*;gues contuiuiug full particular* anply to p*u; CHA8. W. CHANCELLOR., Baltimore, Md. C 1 Croquet. TI> RADLEY’S PatentCroquet, made JL> of the choicest hard woods, wlrh patent sock ets, iudcxical balls, galvanized bridges, and all the latest improvements. For sale at apr,l2 BURKE’S BOOK STORE. AMEBON MIXED GLOSS PAINT COMPANY. Manufacturers of Mixed Gloss Paint. No. 139, West 5th st., Cincinnati, Ohio. All colors and tints ready for nse. Warranted not to Peel, Blister, Crack or Mialk Off. One gallon covers 200 square feet, 5 coats. On plastered walls and ceilings 3tH)and *25(1 square feel 2 and three coats. Our paint is made from the same materials that all painters claim to use—best White Lead, Zinc and Liusecd Oil; the enameh\l surface givcu bv the gloss is not effected by scrubbing and wasldng. It has been thoroughly tested, being iu use over nine vears, and has given entire satiaCactbm. Suit able for all purposes, aud warrauied to stand in any climate. As our paints are made of the ordinary plgmonts I and oil, do not confound them with those stvled Chemical,” 4 ‘Rubber,”or any oilier mixed paints. CAMEUILN MIXED BLISS PALM CO. April 1,1877. Carriage, Buggy A Wagon ^lATHRUAL. ' A LARGE LOT direct from the w ami factory, and will l>e sold as low as can be bought anywhere in the State, freight added. SUMMEY & NEWTON JOIIX l-UTTS. . CAI.VIX W. PAItll. POTTS 8c PARR. AND ORNAMENTAL '•“ hit PLAIN PAINTERS, Jackson tL, l*f Door above Nat. Rank, A TURNS, GEORGIA. W ILL give prompt attention to nil orders for House, Sign and Fancy painting of every description. Furniture cleaned, painted and varnished, at short notice. Order* from the country promptly filled* Mixed paint**, ready foy usA furnished to order. iulv gu’tf Sillicatc Book Slates. ' PHE LATEST improved marking JL and erqrive surface, for lead and slate pencils —indudiuc Memorandum and Calendar Book*. Office Slates, Merchants’ lfc»»k Slates, ticntlemeBs* and Ladies’ Wash Lists,e|c., at prices ranging from five cents to $1. ForsaVat * mar 22 BURKE’S BOOK STORE. W. W. SUMMERS, Scott Farm, Bedford County, Tenn., DRCEDER OF Thoroughbred 8hort-horned . Durham Cattle, BERKSHIRE ilSGS Wi) WLTSBOLO 8IIEEP. Window Shadess-Fire Screens, \ LARGE LOT Of'Piiper Window Curtains snd Zl_ Eire bcreins, comprising many new nnd beiutlful palterns. never before bruughtto this msurbet* bur sale at BURKE’S BOCK STORE Yew Jlusic. A LOT of new Mnsic. Vocal and Instrumental, last received, st BURKK’S BOOKSTORE. cA Southern Novel. HUGH SINCLAIR-the U^SoSh Carolins Rebel Boy ; or. It is no Crime to be Born a Gentleman, By Mrs. Sallie F. Cha- pin, of Charleston, 6. U, Elegantly illustrated.— SI 50. . For slle at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. H AVE YOUR PRINTING done st the Southern Banner Job Office. A SCHOOL BOOKS. FULL ASSORTMENT OF the various SCHOOL BOOKS in use in and around At hen*, including Arithmetics, Algebras, AiuUomyaiui Physiology. Astronomy, Book-keeping and Blanks. Botany and Chemistry. Dictionaries. Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. Geographies and Grammars. Hist org, Logie, Rhetoric and Composition. Philosophy—Nat- :ral. Mental and Moral. Primers, Readers and Spellers. Speakers, Dialogues, drc. French, German, LatinnndGrcek Looks. Slates and Pencils. Chalk Crayons, dec., Ac. JEgf” Special Discounts made to Teach ers and Merchants. Call nt BURKE'S BOOKSTORE. Lime, W SASH 34S, 8RW0tS8 t UTHiiS;’ tUlU/ 1 I lament, Plaster Paris,, PieSE RS US A'C. COMPRISING A. COMPLETE STOCK OF j.,1 liU. ' Jro; *.>lTl«e>|! • "jv, iiod e/ao'.n ti LISB.S, • i f!'i •As. tile , lii j 'l '1 Building Material, 45 Jackson Street, Near Post Ojjice, Augusta, Ga. tLX* ^ BEG LEAV K to oh|! allcitiott to our facilities fur supplying building inno i .. mod invitr-in ♦It exandnatiOUKif «ur«t.*k ami prices. Our Boor*, .tush" .sml Bill!”?"ofAVi ,‘t? m,d Smf " crn havingmancrtion'wNh inanafiicturers South, cun fill onl. m with premptiioii- VU and.estimstcs furnished, and enntraru taked for uf! styles of buildings, s, nd for i PriceJ^t jan 26. 8m. i . •- : A - jj. H. & J. T. DENNING.’ iYevv Uolloti sssad Produce Wai'clionsc ! A II ASA y* Sabsci*ibed Capital, 1 * r< ’ * ONE MILLION DOLL AI1S THE WAREHOUSE OF THIS BAMK, ; Corner ot d 'OtHpFi’cef usitl Sict/uolffs Sfu Annri: s < ; ,. ( j eor<gia, \DY TO KECEIYE COTTON. ill hi mu l.' X S NOW REAL LIBERA!. CASH AT - Li lb l advanues ***>“ Parties Storing Cot tan with available in THIS CITY Oil ANY OTHER. The Hank prepmcl at all t»ra<.*» t most reasonable terms. Parties would do well to apply at the W xtttoniu Warehouac. or unop'I!. ilr<»n«i Pe-oii ij.. will b.* f iruislied with receipirfi *riH-Lr r itarrowing nioiiev. . ' . lake LOANS ON ‘PRODUCE OR An the •Iioup«, < r C'lmrnunleate with the effiev.<-1 cilARLE^ J. JF.NKISS, •rXO. I*. KING, Vice T. P. BRANCH, (Vieiifijr. Ldl f 7IU» R Daniel’s Magic Oil, CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, (, t : - Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, &c., FOR SALE AT t THE NEW DRUG STORE. &c. Wagon Yards in A thens. M'HESUBSCRIBER HAS JL a safe, comfortable and commodious Wagon Yard on Itiver street, near the Upper Bridge: ONE AT FOOT OF BROAD ST., on Foundry st., nearly rear of Dorsey A Smith, where Corn, Fodder, and all other nscessary ap pliances, can be purchased on reasonable terms— Charges moderate. The highest market price. paip for county produce, and bank bill* received in ex change foreoods. WILLY llOOD. Jan. 187*2. Wanted. 200, CORDS, Pine wood wanted. Proposals to furnlsn. Two HunBrM Cords of Pine Wood at the Athens Check Factory are desired by July 21 -2t R. L, BLOOMFIELD 1 1 Agent A. M. On. Great Shoe House p. iCENAN^A:’ Having removed to the late store of JaSi A; Dray, W LL KEEP ON HAND A VERY AAR IF. AND OOifRl.FTK stock of ,, : . us . [ , y • ij, I a BOOTS.AND SHOES,; • Embracing then A Ary L<.i Goods made in the United . State*, . ij ' " .'—f'YhVU lie will sell at >"1 ml> o TSTm? . ■< Persons Visit!.- Augusta during the May Convention mil find it t.. thoir iiitca st, i.clu ute a call, and lay in a supply tor their fiimiltes. r r J. J AS. G. UA I LJLE & l!UO., AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ~ \ V RE now o-vning a tH-autifal lussortihent at the following gostlii forSprlng'frade, aB-of JwhMi will tie sold off <i lick at a small advance : Brussels, Three-ply,Ingrain, and lo\v pric^CarpcNts, Ilwgs Floor and Table Oil Cloths, best 'gpops, c ( ui any»;ze, apers We also keep on our first floor, a large stock :of CHOICE.FAMILY GROCERIES, Mood and Willow M ;are. We solicit orders trpm.our.Athens friends, for the abovegoeils,.which willsol3Imw For Cash.., ,t i - - > * ' JAS. G: BAILIE & BROfriEir ' ' - Feb08m , . i ~.«,*a-B*QA*<9rBSB9f*lklV&A. L. . 11 LL'-.IIHJ!?! rpHE UNDERSIGNED have ,U,WEBSm lEHClIOfil, _L arrangements Tor supplying the .citixetts'bf - • .. ... i . A e ith FRESH FISH Irotn jhc coast every I PREPARATORY DErAuTMENT t -ub t . io ?. iq «**•»-*} Uniyei^ily oLjUeorgia. . . T , .. Athens,.. .Qfgrgia,. ~I7' XERCISES regumed on ,Momlny, ijLa January lMh.' f Ttihfon J6 per month, pay- X *?**'■* “ ,r »‘dilT^L, «‘r« Jan. 1st, 1872. , #v Ua|j arraui Athens with FKESH FISII irotn the coast every TUESDAY and SATURDAY',and oftwui, if the demand should warrant it. refsotis dc.ajring them delivered at their residences ckii 1* am •iuuiodatul by leaving their orders at the Banner office any time during tho week. Fish can be pnrrhaaed every Tuesday and Satur day afternoon nt tlie Banner Office Corner imni'did ateiy after the arrival of the cars. T hey are packed alive in ice,' and are war.-auted fresh mid pure. THUS. D. WILLIAMS A CO. T/J. ‘tdfiXfrJWD., Cliysl cian, r% r, /nFFICE AT RESIDENCE V_* Bro * j. c. i Athens, Ga., Jan. 22,187'2. Brand atreet, nearly oppositw the residence of J. V. Pitner. rvriD po>n^ VL^raHhhUTacfureriLi )N Irwhhtffacfurerihr iflVrit ' CHILDS, NICKERSON* CO’S.