Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, August 16, 1872, Image 4

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; ou%crn ^antler. General Miscellany. o W«alth or the Culled States. It is satisfactory to find out the something still remains to this country besides death and taxes. The re turns of the census of 1870 made the tdtal value of real and personal estate in the United States, exclusive of the possessions of the General Govern ment, amount to 830,068,518,507.— If this estimate be accepted as cor rect, it shows that, notwithstanding the war, there has been a remarkable in- ercft^o in the wealth of the nation since INliO, when the entire valuation was pi <ce<l at 816,150,616,068. But from remarks of Gen. Walker, the Superin tendent of the Census, which are pre fixed to the statistics of wealth and public indebtedness, it becomes evi dent that this estimated valuation must l»e far from accurate, although no pains have probably been spared to render the returns as complete and precise as possible. CSirls. Girls are the most unaccountablest things in the world—except woman. Like the wicked flea, when you have them they ain’t there. I can cipher clean over to improper fractions, and the teacher says I do it first-rate ; but I can’t cipher out a girl, proper or im proper, and you can’t either. The on ly rule in arithmetic that hits their case is the double rule of two. They are full of Old Nick as their skins can hold, and they would die if they couldn’t torment some body. When they try to be mean they are as mean as pusley, though they ain’t as mean as they let on, except sometimes, and then they are a great deal meaner.— The only way t<» get along with a girl when she comes at you with her non sense, is to give her tit for tat, and that wijj Hum mux her, and when you get a girl fiuiumused die is as nice as a new pin. A girl can sow more wild oats in a day than a boy sows in a year, but girls get their wild oats sow ed after a while, which hoys never dn, end then they settle down as calm and placid as a mud puddle. But I like girls first rate, and I guess the boys all do. I don’t care how many tricks they play on me— and they don’t care either. The hoitytoitiest girls in the world can’t always boil oyer like a glass of soda.— By and by they will get into the traces with somebody they like, and pull as any eld stage horse. That is the beau ty of them. So let them wave, I say; they will pay for it some day, sewing on buttons and trying to make a decent man of the feller they have spliced on to, and ten chances to one if they don’t get the worst of it. The Sea at Three Miles Depth. The children occasionally find employ msnt in turf-digging, willow-stripping and berry-picking. . Mechanics. They are the palace builders of the world; not a stick is hewn, not a stone is shaped in all the lordly dwelling of the rich, that does not owe its beauty and fitness to the skill of the mechan ic. The towering spires that raise gid dy heads among the clonds depend up on the mechanic’s art for their strength and symmetry. Not an edifice for de votion, or business, or comfort, but bears the impress of their hands. How exalted is the avocation, how sublime their calling! Miscellaneous. The submarine investigations car ried on at Government expense, under the direction of the British Associa tion of Science, have disclosed some interesting facts in relation to the char acter of the bottom of the sea. These researches have been carried on by means of a small dredge—a rec tangular frame,‘forming the month of n bag of netting, which is protected from wear by a leather or canvass flap, the whole aparatus, attached to a rope of suitable length, is dropped to the bottom of the sea and dragged along at a certain distance, scraping on the superficial layer of mud or sand in the bag, the meshes of which per mit the dirt to be washed through while the larger substances are retain ed and brought up. The depth of which the "bottom of the sea has been thus explored is en ormous, amounting in one instance to more than three miles, far exceeding that of any previous experiment with the dredge, though small quantities of sea bottom have been brought from equally great distance from the surface by means of the sounding line. At this great depth many species of marine animals have been found, some eutimely new and others rare, aud jtbe temperature of the bottom jndj.catc4 aixmt six degrees. The surface water is shown to be affected by the heat of the sun only to a depth of about twen ty fathoms, but the Gulf Stream in fluences the degree of heat to a further /of from to seven hundred fathoms. CONSTTSIPTIOIT. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. By J. H. SCHENCK. 1L S. Many a human being has passed awav for whose death then- was no other reason than th*e neglect of known and indisputably proven means of cure; Those near and dear to family and Mends are ■leepinc the dreamless slumber into which, had they calmly adopted BB. JOSEPH If. RCMENCKM SIMPLE , TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderftilly effica cious medio*ncs, they would not have fallen. or. Schenck has in Ids own case proved thal wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by his medicines and liis directions for their quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there is nothing presumptuous. To the faith of the invalid Is made no representation that is not a thousand times sulistantiated by living and visible works. 'Hie theory of the cure by pS fKchenck’s medicines Is a* simple as it is unfailing, its philosophy requires no argument. It is self-as- curing. HelfcuiYhu mg. The sea-weed Tonfe and Mandrake Pills are the* flrst two weapons with which the citadel of the malady Is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of con sumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally olsordered liver With this condition the bronchial tubesi **sympathise” with the stomach. They re- ■pond to the morbific action of the liver. Reretbea comes the culminating result, and the mOUdk jc, with all its distress mg symptoms of tnxstniviov. The Mandrake Pills are comjmsed of one of X. tore a noblest gifts—the Podophillum lYltatum. They possess all the bloodmearchfng, alterative properties of calomel, hut, unlike calomel, they -LEAVE NO NTtSit. 11E1IIND." The work of cure Is now beginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits In the bowels and in the ali mentary canal are elected. The liver, like aoioefc. fa wound up. It arouses from Its torpidity. The itmnacb acts responsively, anil the patient begins to feel that he Is getting. aL last, . A SUPPLY OF WOOD BLOOD. The ftea-weed Tonic, ie conjunction w.lh the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food, chylili- t.ition is now progressing without its previous* tor- turcs. Digestion becumcs painless, and the cure Is •jen to be at bund. There H no mere flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach. A n appetite sets In. Now comes the greatest Wood Purifier ever yet given by an Indulgent fatber to suffering man. gchenck s Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at once upon its work. Nature can not bo cheated. It collects and ri|>ens the impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In the form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and <o! In a very snort lime the mnladv is vanquished, lb* rotten throne that it orapisd U renovated and made new, and the patient, lu all the dignity ofre- gained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or womanhood that was ^ Cl VEX UP AS IjO.ST. The second tiling Is, the patient* must stay In a warm room until they get well: it is almost impos- a.ble to prevent taking cold when the lungs are dis eased, but it must be prevented or a cure can not be eflected. Fresh air and riding out. esjM-cfally in this section of the country, in the full and winter spa wn. nre all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their path'iil*, if their lungs are badly diseased; and vet, because fhevarefn the home they must not slrdown quiet; they must walk *b?. U w the room as much and as fast as the strength will bear, to get up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits—be determined lo get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and Is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of its pa*, ftlbility in the worst case*, and moral certainty lu alt others, is sintul. l>r. Sriirnck's personal state ment to the Faculty of hi* own cure was in these Rodent words: " Ma y years ago I was in the last stages of con- fumptk n; confined to my bed. and at one time my Physicians thought that I could not Uvea week; then. * drowning man catching at straws, I heard of cuid obtained the preparations which I now oiler <o the public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It leeracd to me that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter In my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offen sive yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon as that began to snt>side. my cough, ftyver, pains, and !iig!it-sw«aSs all began to fearerae. tuw my npi>etlte became >o great that H wamartofe diOemky that I could keep fr .ru eating too muck. I soon gained my strength, and have grown in tlesb ever since. ** Iwas weighed shortly after my recovery,** added the Doctor, then looking like a mere skeleton; my weight was only ninety-seven pounds; my present weight is two hundred and twenty-five (225) pounds, arid for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health.** Dr. Schenck lias discontinued his professional ewY ork and Borion. He or his son. Dr. J- H. Schenck, Jr., still continue to see patients at Iheir Office, No. 15 North sixth street, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p m. Those who » *j-yiOugl» examination with the Resplro- meter will be charged The Itesplrometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for taking the medicines are adapt ed to the intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, except ing that in some cases the Mandrake Pills are to be taken In Increased doses; the three medicines need no other accompaniments than the ample Instrae- tions that accompany them: First create appetite. Of returning health, hunger is the most welcome symptom, when it comes, ns it will come, let the despairing at one® be of rood cheer. Good blood at once follows, the cough loosens, the nlght-sw-at Is abated. In a short time both of these morbid symp toms are gone forever. Dr. Schenck’s medicines are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or pur gative, the Mandrake Pills are a standard prepara tion ; while the Pulmonic Syrup, as a cure or coughs and colds, may be regarded as a prophylacterie against consumption In any of Its forms. /Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sea-weed Tcnfo* ftUSO a bottle, or $7.20 a half dozen. Mandrake Pitta, Xt ce“*“ - K — —’* *—" •* ■—* -• •— Miscellaneous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. Legal Notices. OR CAT JPiF.ER mmsm i ... ..i.uJLIc in NPOf.SEraPBS»EfffPT!0N S ASaal i :«y 1 1/ Id jijiV ai.ruo wUeuru Remittent cm 1 Ii.u:ua::ei t lot*#, a^d arc a preventive c-f Chills and Fever. ORGANIZATION Are nn antidote to change of Water and Uict. to the wasted frame, and correct all AY ill save days of suffering to the tick, and The grand Panacea for ell the ills of life. TRY ONE BOTTLE. G. HAUSER, MA NUFA Cl URER OF CIO A RS, dealer in Tobaeco, Pipes, Maccaboy Snuff, Confectionery,'Fire Works dc Fancy Goods. Sign of Indian Squaw, Col. Stulia’s AAA A, and Pancake Toba Avenue. Tobacco always o dec23im GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES! ! rnoxoiNCEn the best is use, HY ALL WHO HAVE TRIED J—' them. These machines, with all the IMPROVEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS, may be had, at manufacturer's prices, freight added, at the BANNER OFFICE. LIVERY, SALE & FEED STABLE. OAWW & REAVES At their Old. Stand, Athena, Ga. TD ESPECTFULLY announce to JL\j thesr friends and the public that they hsvc recently added to their stock a number of Fine Harness Horses, NEW BUGGIES AND HARNESS, and put everything in fine order for the summer business. Phgtons and polite drivers furnished on short notice. . Teams may always be had for trips to the moun tains, or any point desired. n*ay243 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. Special to the Ladies. Mrs. C. Morris, “P> ESPECTFULLY announces to JL \) her customers and the public, that she has removed her stock of FANCY GOODS! From College Avenue tot he Store of Mr. C. Morris, lis, NUMBER under the Franklin House, where she will oiler, a? heretofore fresh and fashionable goods, at the low est prices. april lira New Tailoring Establishment, r pHE SUBSCRIBER can be found JL during business hour* at the store of S. C. LONGS & BILLUPS, BROAD ST., ATHENS, GEO., DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, STATIONERY ; PFRFID1ERY. LIQUORS. BITTERS, A ND EVERYUHING usually jLX usually kept in m First Class Drug Store. Particular attention has been pard in the selection ofaur stock, to the purity and reliability of out goods, and families and physicians are assured that orders will be tilled with promptness and fide! Our STOCK OF FANCY GOODS is large aud attractive, embracing a great variety PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, COMBS, &C Helmbold’s and Ayer’* Preparations, Hurley's Worm Candy aud Sarsaparilla, Drake's * Plantation Bitters, Honiara’* Crimean Bitters, Hoofland’sGerman Bitters, and many other popular preparations always on FRESH GARDEN SEEDS FIFTH YEAR. A R pntentotire nJ Champion of American Art. An Illustrated Monthlg Journal claimed io be the handsomest Paper in the World. “Give my lore to the artist workmen of THE ALDINE who are striving to make their profes- aion worths of admiration for beauty, aa it has al ways been for usefulness."—Henry Ward Beecher. r nHE ALDINE, while issued with JL all the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary period icals. It i> an elegant miscellany of pare, light, and graceful literature, and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number affords afresh pleasure to its friends, tho real value and beautr of The Aldine will be most appreciated af ter it has beeu bound up at the close of the year.— While other public publications may claim superior cheapness ss compared with rivals of a similar class, The Aldine is a uuique aud original conception— alone and unapproached—absolutely without com petition in price or character. The possessor of the void me just completed cauuvt duplicate the quan tity of tine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost. The labor of getting The Aldine ready on the press is so great that reprinting is out of the ques tion. With the exception of a small number spe cially reserved for binding, the edition of 1871, is already exhausted, and it is now a scarce as weU as valuable book. NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. ART DEPARTMENT. The enthusiastic support so readily accorded to their enterprise, wherever it has been introduced, has convinced th«* publishers of The Aldine of the soundness of I he? r theory tlm: the American pub lic would reco.iuixo and heartily support auv sin- , cere effort to elevate the l -n*- ju«t standard of illus trated publications. T-iat so many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is not evidence that there is no market for anything better—indeed the suc cess of The Aldiue from the start isdiyect proof of the contrary. With a population *> vori, and of such varied taste, a publisher can ' choose his pa trons, and his paper is rather indicative of his own than of the taste of the country. Asa guarantee of the excellence of this department, the publish ers would beg to announce during the coming year, specimens from the following eminent American artists: W. T. Richards, Granville Perkins, James Smiley, tVm- Hart, F. O. C. Darley It. E. Piguet, Wm. Beard, Victor Nehllg, Frank Beard, George Smiley, Wm. H. Wilcox, P$u) Pixon, Aug. Will, James n. Beard. J. Hows. These pictures are being reproduced without re gard to expense by the very best engravers in the country, and will bear the se verest critical compar ison with the best foreign work, it being the deter mination of the publishers that The Aldine shall be a successful vindication of American taste in competition with any existing publication in the LITERARY DEPARTMENT.* . ippea may very naturally be feared. To anticipate such misgivings, it is only necessary to state that the editorial management of The Aldine lias been in trusted to Mr. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, who has received assutances of assistance from a host of the most popular writers and poets of the country. THE VOLUME FOR 1872 will contain nearly 300 pages, and about 250 fine engravings. Commencing with the number for January, every third uurnber will contain a beau tiful ti’uted picture on plate paper, inserted as a frontispiece. The Christmas number for 1872 will be asplendid volume in itself, containing fifty engravings, (four in tint> and, although retailed nt $1, will be sent without extra charge to all yearly subscribers. A CffROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a very popular featuro last year, and will be repeated with the present volume. Thepublishe have purchased aud reproduced, at great expense the beautiful oil painting by, entitled “ Dame Nature's School." The vhroiuo U 11x13 inches, and is an exact facssimile, in size aud appearance of the original picture. No American, which will at all compare with it, has yet been of fered at retail for less than the pm'e asked for Tht Aldine and it together. It will be delivered with the January number, toe vary subscriber who pays for one year in advance: TERMS FOR 1872. Oi# copy, one year, with Oil CtronW.. Five Copies “ *' ; • M 20 00. Aqv per*MJ ^ailing fti name* and $ IQ trill receive i extra copy gratis, nuking II copies for tho money. Any person wishing to work forapresuM**, can have our premium circular on application. We give many beautiful and desirable artlclee offered by no other paper. Any person wishing to act, permanently, as’oujr agent', will applv, uiih rr/erwt. enclosing $1 for outfit. ' James button a co., PUBLISHERS, dec 1 23 Liberty street. New York. Hart Sheriff Sale. v \\/ ILL BE SOLD before the Court V V Rouse Door in the town of Rartwell, pn ♦Be first Tuesday in Serptemtor nest, the following freiperty. Itertl: liud, tyiue am! ty’.ni in .tui county, -at ill.- w .tare. I'oh m t'.c Ijoli 11- luy lauds of Samuel Bjrruui, jeff. ra u Do.t^ut aud othere; ls»id land ii to be cut off of the King’s Bench tract, of corner joining Samuel Byrum and Jefferson Holland.) Levied on as the property of Joseph L. Chambers, to satisf a fi. fa. in farorof Mary E. Webb, administratrix of J. M. Webb, de ceased, TS. said J. S. Chambers, Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Aog. a-It W. H. HOLLAND, Sh’ff. Miscellaneous. Greer’s Almanac for 1872. TN FULL SUPPLY’ 1 Tby the Dozen JL or Urosa. at 8b'RKE'S feOOKSTOBE. GEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— 1 JT Whereas Thomas J. Garner, of said county, applies for letters of administration upon the es tate of Gayid Garner, deceased : These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they hare, at my office, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand, at office, this August 3d, 1872. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. /GEORGIA FRANKLIN CO.— ' Four week* after date application will br made to the Court of Ordinary of *aid county, for leave to sell the real estate belouding to the estate of Abraham Aderhold, d«*ceased. Aug. 3, 1872. LEVI SEWKLI., > Xi i Hl TS 11ESBY L>. ADERUOLD,) Administrator’s Sale. YTTILL BE SOLD, before the Court VV House door of Hart county, on the first Tuesday in .September next, during the legal hours of sale, one town lot in the town of Hart we. I, containing one acre, more or fes*. adjoining w»t r*o. Ill, on the East, and the • arn jsviHe street, on 1the North; to Ik; sold under :« T i order of the^Court or Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditom. Sold a.« the property of B. M-Scott, dcc’d. Terms cash. This July 15.1872. , C. L SCOTT, Adni’r. « C ER’S Reese, ready and anxious to do any thing in hin line of business, lie will keep a few choice goods for sale cheap. Mr. Reese also keeps goods lor men's wear. MAKING AND TRIMMING done in the MOST FA SHIOXBLE ST YLES. Fine Shirts— Golden Hill make-will be furnished to order. tef* Swseial attention given to cutting for those who wian to have their clothing made elsewhere. Call and see, and give us a trial. Also, for sale. Two Fine Seicing Machine*, One sgenthd i,a,no Horse, Hoff, and faille Powders. Ulie } arani I0W11 JjOI. Inralu.ble for »11 disease,of stook. of ihe most approved varieties on hand and for sale in any quantity desired. Also Grass Seed. ST. LOUIS LEAD, Warrantedstrictljr pure—the best in the market LEATHIR-ST0CK1NG NOVELS “The enduring monuments of Fenimore Coop er are his work*. While the love of country con tinues to prevail, his memory will exist m the hearts of the people. So truly patrioticand Amer ican throughout, they should find a place in every American's library.’"—Veuiel Webster. A New and Spi end ally* lllust rated Popu lar Edition of Fenimore Cooper’s world famous Ijeather-Stocking Romances. D APPLETON & CO. announce • that they have commenced the publication of J. Fenimore Cooper’s Novels, In a form designed for general popular circulation. The scries will begin with the famous “ Leather-Stocking Tales/ five in number, which will be published in the following order, at intervals of about a month: I. The Last op the MomfiAV*. II. The Deerslayeb. IV. The Pioneki III. The Pathfinder. V. The Frahur This edition of the “ Leather-Stocking Tales’ will be printed in handsome octavo volume, from new stereotype plates. Each volumesuj>erbly and folly illustrated with entirely new designs l distinguished artist F. O. C. Darley,, ana bou an attractive paper cover, PJrfec v Seventy-five Cents per Volume, or 83.78 fer the complete set.— The series, when completed, will make, bound, an elecant library volume, for which binding casts ill be furnished at a moderate priee. PREMIUMS AND CLUB TERMS, These club terms aro designed specially for towns where tbe*o are no local booksellers. Any person sending us the amount in advance for thi complete set of the •• Leather-Stocking Se ries,** 83.75, will receive gratuitously a handsome steel-engraved portrait of J. Fenimore Cooper, of sire suitable for binding in the volume. Any one sending us the amount in full for four complete seta of this series (815), will receive an extra set gratuitously, each set accompanied by thy steel rtraitof Cooper. The volumes of the series will mailed to each subscriber, as rapidly as pub lished, and the portrait immediately on the receipt of the remittance. D. APPLETON A CO., Publishers, 549 A 55! Broadway, New York npr 3—lm "V. 11. H. WHITE. ICIENTIFIC AMERICAN t vol FOR IS Twenty-Seventh Vcar. £/!?.! Ish Agrlcnltnral A UirT&zsO* letter to the PbjJk- Inquirer s/pys; lu the lovely and fertile coyuty of &M»ersot, the agricultural laborer is in a sadly pauperized condition $ his drunkenness and improvidence add to his degradatin. Nine skijlujgs per ofte^er tha# Atkvjyise, lino perils to feed wd doth*, His wiij gad eldest .cW<j#ejo work to the $<44* • nertiiply, b#t tfcsir inrpwgs are wofully meagre. The system, preval ent here, of compellwg the feborer to tiks a fifth part of his vjtges in cider is a shameful one; boys receive eight pence and a pint of cider ppr day for killing field labor. This beverage— ! speak from actual and repeated ex periments—i« sharp, thin and sour, and invariably over-estimated by the farmer. Very often the man, for economy’s eke, leaves off his dinner, and tries to alky his hanger drinking this chkir; its inflammatory effects on an empty storoich can be Imagined.— T HIS splendid weekly,greatly enlarged and im proved, is one of the most useful and interest ing journals ever published. Every number is beautifully printed on fine paper, and elegantly il lustrated with original engravings, representing NtW Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, Manufactures, Chemistry, Phntoqra- phy. Architecture, Ayriculfnre, Engineering, Sciejwe&Art. Urralor., Rn- |inerri, Cfcrjat.u,n.n.r*cinrcn, aud Proplr of nil Pr.rti.hni •r Trndrn, will Bud ihe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Of Great Value and Interest. Its practical »UKgttj#iq» rill sa>.e farD-iCCfS Qf dollaz# toever>* Huuwholt, Workshop, and Factory ua vheland, itesides affording a continual source of valuable Instruct ion. Tbe Editors afa assisted,hy many Qftfee ablest American and European Wri ters, and having access to all the leading Scientific and Mechanical journals of the world, the columns of the Scientific American arc constantly enriched with tbe choicest information. An Official List of gl) the Patents Jasued (e Pub!viied Weekly. ?ht yearly numbers of the Scientific Ah eric a? make two ttpleudid volumes of Nearly One Thous and pages, equivalent in size to Four Thousand or dinary book rages. Kpf.cimen’Copies Free. Terms—S3 a Year; $1 50 Half Year; Clubs of 10 copies for a year, $£ each, 825,00, -WUL « SrLESDJD PREMIUM totliijpirson who f<rm. the Clnh, rnnaUting >,fa copr of the calebn. ted .teel-platc engraving, “ Men of Progrera.'’ In connection with th« publica tion of th* Scientific American, n ITrilTft Ihe underignad conduct tbe mnet V n I L U ■ \ eitcn.We agenc, in uia world for ) | Lll I 0| procuring The beet rpy to obtain an ansjrer to tbe aueetlon —Can I obtain a Patent? la to writa no Milhi N A CO , *7 Park Bow, New York, who hare had over twentj-fira yean experience in the bs*Ine„. No charge Is made for opinion and ad rice. A pen-and Ink »etch, or foil written description of tho Ditch tfon, (hould he lent. For instruction, concerning American and Euro- Man Patents—Caresu—Ka-fuuea—Interfcranctn^- Keject^d Gum—Hint, on Selilng Patents—Rule, ana Procaedina of the Patent Office—The New Patent Low,—Examinations—Extcn.ioni.—InfriniL- menta, etc., etc., und for INSTRUCTION SlOOK, which pill be mailed free, on application. All h#*£ sen strictly confidential. Address MUNN & CO.. VnfeUitmia of the Scientific American 37 Pabk Row, Nkw Yoke. To our Merchant Custom ers. TTiurnish us with your card, place of i. of business, and we will supply you with Al manacs—with your advertisement for 1873. Wm. KING Jr., & Co. Druggists. Athens. July 6-2t. DOLLY VARDEK PCHTVM*, XT THE * NEW DRUG STORE. S. C. DOBBS, TAEALER IN DRY GOODS, EJ ORQVSR1E8 PRQpUCg, HARDWARE, READYMADE crO thing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, And in short, to assorted stock of family tu>fl plantation merchandise. The lvguM. market price always psj.d for country produce. Public Laws, 1871. "PUBLIC LAWS passed by the JL General Assembly of the State of Georgia, at the seemon of 1871. With an Appendix, con taining tbe Government of Georgia, Court Calen dar, Ac. Published by R. J. MeCamy, Dalton, Ga. Price, $1. For sale at . i _ BURKE’S BOOK STORE. SmisMii Hcmh© IEnteppip; rtKPM-mm?: No Dilfgt at «i Winter WHUngly 0-Without It.” r in one Volume, Just Published, Notice. A pplication win i>e made to the Ordinary of Frankliu county, Ga., to he held on the first Mondar in September next, for leave to sell the land, belonging to theestateof Thomas Mize, late of said county, deceased. THOMAS B. HIGGINS, I Adn ,r ra C. CHITWOOD, ( Aug. 1st, 1871-tt IYoticc. APPLICATION will he made to ei.nrt uf Ordinary of Frankliu comity, Ga. to la- held on the first Monday in September next for leave to sell ihe land., hednugingto the estate o William M. Hunter, late "f wild county, d-c d. N. lib DE, l Adini’i SARAH HUNTER, I Jalv rso-lt. Wnticf. A PPLICATIOX will lx> made to LA. the Court of Ordinary uf Franklin county, Ga., to be held ..u the first Monday in September next, for leave to sail the lands belonging to^ the estate of Auna Smith late of caidcnuDty, dec’d. WM. .T. OLIVER, ( f;x , rj4 Complete i LIPPINCOTT’S Pronouncing Dictionary, OF BIOGRAPHY & MYTHOLOGY, BOXTAININO Sfeiroire of the Eminent Permit of all Ayes and Omntrict, and Aeeomlt of the Hone, Hindoo, and Clastic Hythotyjiet, trilh the Pro nunciation vj their names in the Differ- ent Languages in which they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M., M. D. Complrte In 1 Vol. Imp. 8vo, Timed Pa per, nheep, $15.00. This invaluable work embraces the following pe culiar features lu an eminent degree: I. Great completeness and conciseness in tbe Bi ographical Sketches. II. Succinct but comprehensive accounts of all the more interesting subjects of Mythology. III. A logical system of Orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation ot the names. V. Full Bibliographical references. OPINIONS OF*PDF,PRESS. “ Lippineott’i Biographical Dictionary, accordinS to*the unanimouaopinion ofdistinguished scholars is the bast work of the kind ever published:—.PAt'/* ad'lphia Ledger.” “ The most complete and satisfactory work of the kind in the language.”—Chicago Standard. “ The most comprehensive and valuable work of the kind that has ever been attempted. An invalu able convenience.”—Boston Evening Trcreltr. * 4 The most valuable contribution to lexicography in tbe English tongue-’*— Cincinnati Chronicle. Nootberworisof the kind will compare with it.” —Ch tea go A dvance. ” This work presentsa verv wide range ot treat ment, great compactness and perspicuir.y, wonder ful accuracy, ami a typographical execution that' absol u t el y perfect. ’ *—N. Y. Evening Post. ‘•The inost complete Biographical Dictionary In the w«vr*d.”—- Philadelphia Age. ** An slmiraMe worK. ,f —X. Y. Independent. A a-ork of extraordinary value.”—Boston Post. “ Its plan is admirable.”—Netc York Tribune.. For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent free of expense, upon receipt of price, by the Pub lisher*. .Spcs Kd circwIaTs, containing a full description of the work, with specimen pages, will be sent on ap plication. J. B. LIPPINCOTT&CO., Publishers. 715and 717Marketst., Phila.,and25Bond st., N.Y. nov.25.6m July 30-41 JOHN GILBERT, j plEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— VIXCourt of Ordinary of said county. Whereas, Thomas Morris, administrator of E. . Morris, late of said county, deceased, petitions the court lor a discharge from said administration: Therefore, all persons concerned arc hereby re quired to show cause, if any they have, why said Thomas Morris should not, at the regular term of said court, to he held on the first Monday in Au gust next, be discharged from said administration. By order of said court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 6thday of May, 1S72. mav 24 A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary. co.- (A EORGIA, FRANKLIN V.T Court of Ordinary ot said eounty. Whereas Thomas Morris, administrator of John O. Greene, late of said county, deceased, petitions the court for a discharge from said administration : Therefore, nil persons con cored, are ‘hereby re quired to show cause, if any they have, why raid Thomas Morris should not, at a regular term of said court, to l»e held on the first Monday in Au gust next, be discharged from said administration. By order of said court, at a regular term thereof, dd this the sixth day of May, 1H72. heh day, A. J. MORRIS,Ordinary. ( A EORGL VT Court of O CO.— Wholesale Produce Depot, SAVANNAH, (HiORGIA. Only establishment of the kind in the citv where TlMEfg, CHICKENS DUCKS, GEESE, KEGS Game, Fruits, Vegetables, etc., Are received and sold on commission. f£3.Consignmetits solicited from the country. lUL.Commission for selling, 5 per cent. Returns promptly madeinanv way directed. O'fe.Fowl coops returned free of freight charges. m^Mark YOUR OWN NAME as well as my address on all shipments, that I may know to whom the article belongs. tt.4u.Li beral advances made on cotton consignin'ts. LKOIUiE S. IIKItRERT. Province Broker and Purchasing Agent. LS0 Bay st. fix*t of Barnard. ud l^-3m BUTCHER’S FLY KILLER, All Kinds of Letter Press Print ,... . . i,-, -, u SUCH AS BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, POSTERS, HANDBILS, DODGERS, LETTER-HEADS, LABELS. GUTTER-SNIPES, BILL-HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, RECEIPTS, *9, PROGRAMMES BALL-TICKETS VISITING CaIiI CIRCULARS • LEGAL BEA\L-r. &C.,&C.,&(' * KlS - ■ EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPAT®/ AT i» Sttii the Times, For the PresidentialCampuiy^ FOR ONE DOLLAR! may H A, FRANKLIN . Ordinary of raid county. Whereas Thoms* Morris, exeeufinjrof John Mor ris, Jr., lute of said county* dcc&JMod, petitions the court tor a disvkargt from said executormhip: • Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby rc- quired to show cause, if any they have, why said Thomas Morris should net, at the regular term of said court, to he held on the first Monday in A u gust next, be discharged from said Execntorahip. Bv order of said court, at a regular tcra» themof, held this the 6th day of May, 1*72. may 24 A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary. G 1 A EORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— Court of Ordinary of said County. Whereas Thomas Morris, adni’r of L. J. J.Scott, late of said county, deceased, petition* the Court for a discharge from said administration : Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby re quired to show cause, (if any they have,) why said Thomas Morris should not,’at the regular term of said court, to be held on the first Monday in Aug ust next, be discharged from said administration. By order of said court, at a regular tenu thereof, held th s the 6th dav of May, 1H72. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. EORGLiTFRANKLIN CO.— Court of Ordinary of said county.—Whereas, Thomas Morris, adni’r of Martin Greenwood, late of said county, deceased, petitions the court for a discharge from said administration : Therefore, all persons co-icerned, are hereby reqnired to show cause, (If any they have) why said Thomas Morris should not, at a regnlar term of said Court, to he held on the first Monday in August next, be discharged from raid administra tion. Bv order of said court, at a regular term thereof, held this May 6th. 4872. may24 A. J, Grd’v. W HERE YOU “ An Old Virginia Welcome.” FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. WM. SING. Jr, A CO. Christmas BRIDAL and HOLIDAY ry. x tie i** i* iy wm win cuter it, as the iKn m ,i ” . Democratic principle", of whfcli it hiw tveen FOR OVER FORTY YEARS tke firm and CMuiJS!! dvocatc. lu order to place the |»pcr within the reach ofxll, we have detenriiind to ,en<i it Until thelst of Januury, for One Dollar, We urge upon our friends in the various counties of the “ Old Sixth” the import.nre of thnroor 1 organixation and the dissemination of reliable information concerning o»r State and national The power!, ss condition into which the Radical party in Georgia has ,uxk under the wti^luol (u.,, infamy, leaves it no hope of even partial success save from inertness or division in the Democratic ^v, Whatever policy mav he adopted in reference to the Presidential campaign—whether or not the b,.(_ crats and Reform Republicans act together, letoor State organization he preserved, and let no( '. strength he frittered away bv the greedy rivalry of independent candidates, or lost by iuiUnerme, r, the public welfare. Let every county organise early, nominate capable and honest men for ever, of public trust, aud WORK FOR tiikir election. This is the only way to Vindicate Sound Principles and Preserve Good Government The history of our pari defeats, in counties with a real Democratic majority, is the record of \^ ect to organize, a neglect to work, a neglect to . ©JBeULATS ©ABBPAi©! 09©U«lfm and a timid deference for tho*e who from principle or a want of it, decry nominations and tfcrsli themselves liefore the people as independent candidates. To prevept such disastera, aud to put dots the unseeml vj;reed for office, we appeal to all good Democrats to OKGAJSTIZE, ORaAJSTLZE! nd go to work with a little of the old-time-zeal and devotion to good government. The rateat which we offer our paper for the campaign, (less than 82 a year) ought to give us Several Thousand New Subscribers!! We especially urge the county officer* and old friends c4 the paper to interest themselves in behalf»f their old organ. S. A. ATKINSON, Publisher. U it):-east he rail* h h.ated and Garden Seed. ‘TYT'E have just received a large as- V V nortiuent Boist’s Celebrated Carden Seed, which we offer to Merchants and the retail trade VERY LOW for cash. ; LONGS & BILLUPS. Jan- 12-tf •iugust non is, MERCAHNT TAILOR 8QT GO TO CATOOSA SPRINGS! THE GREAT FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH and PLEASURE, WILL FIND In a I-'•du tiful and lovely vale, twenty-! of Chattanooga, avd wiUtin tw rpad lead Leg to Atlanta, lip th-* 11 h Trorld-reuowned CATOOSA SPRINGS, JN-OTKD for. THE GREAT VARIETY, CURATIVE PROPERTIES THEIR 'W-A.TEI3S- Tliero are Fifty-Two Distinct Springs Within this Magic Vale, comprising almost every variety of water found in the fomous mountains of Virginia. RED, BLACK, AND WHITE SULPHER. Alum, All-Healing, Red, Sweet, Montvale and all the Chalybeate Waters known to the Medical World. A NEW BALM OF GILEAD, and cure for all the diseases that human flesh is heir to. Will he opened June 1st, 1372, hy W. C. HEWITT, jn 21—It Late of the Globe Hotel, Augusta.Ga. AND DEALER IX Of Great Beauty, Just received at the NEW DBfJG.^p $200 Rewards I WILL GIVE the above reward for the u?c*t, with proof toonnricttbe party or parties whom I have reason have several times set fire to premises oocupied by me. may 24 CoUKTEKEY BEALL. MOST BEAUTIFUL DEC ALCO MAINE. —w—OR - —■ Transfer Pictures, AT THE i : NEW DRUG STOKE. Ready-made Clothing Aod Gents' FumishingGoads 220 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA GA. CHOICEST NOVELTIES’ ALWAYS ON HAND. net 6-3m GBtER'O AtMMAG, FOlt 1872, JUST RECEIVED, AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. JMMENSE IMPORTATION OF 0DLU t UASHBt DIISnSTER SJETS, Bohemian Blass, 2 OILETSETS, FRENCH CHINA, SILVER WARE, GOODS FOR DOLLAR STORES AND FIFTY CENT STORES! ATLANTIC COAST LISE" FREIGHT 3TOTTTE, VIA WILMim, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA. TO ASI> FROM Baltimore, Philadelphia, NcwYo'lt, Boston And all Eastern Cities, and all points South and South-West OVER THE WILMINGTON 4 WELDON, AND ffILMINGTON, C0LUMRIA & ACfiLSTA WftfftW And their Connections. A N ENTIRELY NEW LINE of independant connections from Tide- ■ V water at Wilmington, N. C., and Portsmoiilh, Va., and of unbroken gnugc from Wilmingtoo. , transporting Freight without transfer or detention, to and from all interior points. The management of this Line present its advantages to the southern Public, upon the assurancr of Careful and Quick Transportation, Uniform Rates urith all compriing Lines, the Ijnr-tt Current In rum*’ and i»o perfect a system of steamship connections at Northern Ports as to enable bills of ladfejr left signed aud good * forwarded daily by one or the orher of our routes, over both of which F.XFP.Fa* TRAIN TRANSPORTATION is given to Columbia, S. C. f and Augusta, <»a.. there connecting nith Fast Freight schedule* to terminal joints. Read the following Excellent Schedule of Connections VIA WILMINGTON AND STEAMSHIP LINES. With Raltimore-^By the Southern Steamship Co’s st earners, Lucille, Rebeecn Clyde, Bolirar. leaving each Dort cycx/ fire days— Andrews A Co.. Agents, 73, Smith’s Wharf, Baltimore. With Plilladelphitt—Southern Mail Steamship Co’s steamer Pioneer, leaving each port every tcndij*- W.. L./^mes General Agent, ISO south 3d st., Phila. A loo. through Andrews A Co’s Balxiaereiisr with Schriycr’o .Drily Propeller Line, without drayage in Baltimore. With Xcw York-rLiV'iHafd’ssjteaujshipline of first class iron steamers, Benefactor, Regulator, Volur** Fanita, and two additional ships now building, leaving each |>ort every four days—H. S. Out, Pier 33 Last River. Wilmington A Atlantic steamship Company's steamers. Metropolis and Equch— leaving each port weekly—'W asuington A Co., Agents, 173, Greenwich st., Pier 12, Nonb The steamships of these lines being built exclusively for freight transportation, carrv all tbwcvf freight in ynlilnited quantities. Yia Portsmouth and Inland Air Line. With Baltiniorec—Via Bay Line steamers, daily, R. L. Poojfc, CLejieral Agent, Union Dock—E. Fm<n- ald, Contracting Agent, 154 West Baltimore st., Balt. With Philadelphia.—Annamesic Line, tri-weekly—Jno. S. Wilxon, General Agent, 44 south Phila. Clyde A Co’s steamers, semi-weekly—Clyde A Co., Agents, 12, south Delaware Av.,h v With New York.—Old Dominion steamship Co's magnificent steamers IFyonoD*, Niagara, Itaw i** Saratoga, Halle ras. Old Dominion, having a capacity of 15,000 bales of cotton per week, learing Al port tri-weekiy, all the year round, and oftener, as necessity demand*. Freight received dailj - 303Broadway, 187 Greenwich st., Pier37, North-River. With Boston.—Via Boston and Norfolk steanipship Co’s steamers, leaving <&ftch port tri-weekiy. ^ Sampson, Gen’l Agent, 55 Central Wharf, Boston. With these perfect steamship connections, freights are pot e?po&«d to |<ha risks of weather or dnyi? 4 transfers; through Bills of Lading are issued to all points common to competing lines. Kates, chm** cations, shipping directions, tags, stencil plates, etc., furnished on application to the ender»iirn*l. c: Agents named. Mark vour goods “ via Portsmouth and Wilmington.” or * f via Steamship* to tVilwTp ton,” as you may prefer, and direct Bills of Lading to be forwarded to A. POPE, General Freight Aft at Wilmington, N. C., and they will avoid all detention. The following Southern Agent* of tbe can furnish all necessary information, as will also Agents at all railway stations ; T. f. JAMES, Traveling Agent, Columbia, S. C. T. LYONS, Local Agent. Augusts, Ga. J. A. SADLER, •• “ Charlotte, N.C. A. C. LADD, ' 4 >* AriUwa, Gs. BEX MOCK, So. Fr’t and Pas. Ag’t, Monfy, Ala. All claims for loss, damage and overcharge prompt! v Investigated and settled by the undersign*!. A. POPE, Feb. 9, 3ui. General Freight Age® 1 M. DYE. J. T. BOTH WELL. J. M. DYE, Jit DYE, B0THWELL & CO., OOTTON FACTORS AND COM- KJ MISSION MERCHANTS, No. 143 Beynlds. street, Augusta, Ga. Liberal advances made on cotton and other produce when required, for Baggina, Ties and Family Supplies porordeni filled. All business entrusted to ui will hamptly prompt .personal attention. ve our W C un missions for selling cotton \% percent, oct 7-fa3m T. MAfiRWALTER, THE HEW WHEtLER & WILSON SEwma C -A N C E R. »8S, HLTCSCQC? 4 PATTBESON cure till, lirendful tlUMxe, without the use ^ cf .tfee knife, or *?y poiwining raerenrixl P|A ogent. For cirettlxr, with* te»«uonixU,.!i<l- p> drera HITCHCOCK A PATTERSON, Madia Jan 1 fadiaon, Ga. BROAD STREET, JCfiDMTA, Gfi. "\yf"ARBLE MONUMENTS. Tomb -iXL Stones, etc., Mmrhte Mantles, Furniture Work of all kind., from the plxinert to the most /elaborate designs, and foraiahod to order at short notice. AUwtrh for tht ctmmtry carefully htu4, oct 6-ly Fashionable Stationery D QUINN, 183 Bread Street, • Augusts, Gx, makes • spec^ltr of (ending Ladies’ Fine Note Paper and Envelopes by mail.— Any one sending him one dollar will receive, poet Mid, a box of assorted note paper and envelope* ot the latest pattern. xpr 1«» r \ THE BEST FAMILY SEW; ING MACHINE in rae, doing a greater varie ty of work. It i* more simple in its construction, running lighter and with more speed than any other SEWING MACHINE in the market. Hav ing stood the tost for twenty yean, Urery Machine Is Fully Warranted. Call and examine before purchasing others. Thread, neadies,oU,&c., maybe bad at the office. WE ALSO HAVE THE AGENCY FOR MADAM DEMOREST’S New York Fashion Patterns RECEIVED MONTHLY. A foil-*!*., accurate aud relhhlc pattern in vari ous six*., of every new and desirable style. For Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses. Each pattern put up in an envelope, with illustra tion, and full description and directions how to cut, put together, make and trim tbe garment. Haring competent ladles to ran machines, or der. for making dresses, shirt*, or for other sew. tug, will be promptly executed. BROWN & SCHAFFER, AGENTS, ATHENS, GA. GfflQS on College Avenue, Athena, Ga, MATERIAL TpOR SALE BY i CHILDS, Em)fi A IMPORTERS* Atlanta, Ga, MERCHANTS and HOUSEKEEPERS! Consult vonr interest, huv from McBRIDE & CQ„ Cheaper than you can in New York, and save the freight, breakage, delay and insurance, dec 8 COTTOJi STATES land Emigration Company, JSehaller, i’arlton & Newton, -A-G-EISTTS ATHEHS, GA. r PHE ftl'ove Agency is now pre- 1 pared to forniah laborofnny description to JUST RECEIVED; A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Which we are offering at very low prices. We will alse keep during the a full stock of those famous Summey & Newton AXES, at reduced prices. Jackson Wagons a Specialty, oct 6 SUMMEY & NEWTON ATLANTIC COAST LINE Passenger Route! Reorganized for the Summer of 18^1* DOUBLE-DAILY, ALL-RAIL CONNECTION, VIA Augusta, Wilmington, Richmond! AN ADDITIONAL DAILY CONNECTION. VIA AUGUSTA, WILMINGTON AND PORTSMOUTH. any <> f t he Go loti States, such as farm iaborers, gardeners, mala and female domestics, hostlers, seamstresses, railroad 1 shore pi, meclianica, mi ners, At. One of the agents attending to the se lection in Europe, personally, the utmost satisfac tion is thereby guaranteed. All communications address id to Schallkb, Cxblton A Newton, Athens, Ga.. wUl receive prompt attention. Agency at Capt. H. H. Carlton's Office, corner Clayton atroet and College Avenue. Jan. 12-2mb J. A. HERC1ER, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, V_y and dealer In • . - . ItU., Tore, Oats, Hay, Bran, Gist, Heal, Groceries, Coantry Prodace, and all Kinds of Coal, ’ 153 Bay it., between Whitaker and Barnard, ” SAVANNAH, GA. All orders will receive prompt attention. Consign- menU qfaU kinds respectfully solicited. aaJPonl- >■ ! AflivW -AKIt THE’ Magnificent Bay Line Steamers ! r PHE EQUIPMENT OF THE ROADS OF THIS LINE IS FIRST CL-V^ j -L—Pullman’s Palace Sleeping Cars are run ou all night trains, lxraMa daily 1 upon the entire route from New Orleans, and aU main terminal points in Alabama thr5 4i „' ( |i taking morning trains out of Savaunah, Macon and Atlanta, passengers connect»J* rotij* train out of Augusta, aud cau choose be two a the all-rail connection via Kl f^™f?!~’, econ d ni*W Chesapeake Bay. having in the latter place but ONE night of railway travel, and the seen joy the luxurious accommodations of the steamers of that line ihm full line Through tickets to aU proorineat points, on sale at all terminal points South. Yirginia Springs and Excursion Tickets, desirable information, apply to tho followi* «"*' ' ' the line. T. LYONS, LADD, Agent,