Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, August 23, 1872, Image 4

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thieves lmd drove an iron wedge I I =-= But Time's ewiit flight with Love at night 10 weloYWiwtuaw* ;*«! // *i nn / . nn *t«* 4 fibd ithenl tos*7. » ' 3 - GobSiaght, Bweedtearl The *tars nre not too bright; They will not tee, so—one, twothree^- Good aignt, sweetheart, good night.l <>XI * > r) t ^ ^ Qc>t$ night my dear; there's no one near, MbAiOMittfvcanaee; Such night* as this were made to kiss, , J f*k/ ***** *>4 .Can make me g«vor stay; : . Good nigbCsweetheart; 'tis hard to part, »vj i But Into bids me away, r . -,,'i i i„t<, t!,p butt end. which WWl j %rttkp»y ing the shell,, .and the Scotch era ing^a-straijdleiof it, fas*asleep! ’ be Englishman here/ rose and oppod life 'cigar sthiiip into the spittoon, looked at his watch, arid said hhihohghV^^d gb 1 W deck and see how fat we'd go down the river before tnoftnng. < Miscellaneous. O'. Good night, sweetheart; one little kiss? The stars are not ‘70 bright; , They will not ace, so—one, two three— Good night, sweetheart, good night! , from ttfeet^ parr stamps w thy disdain, VV C no/’Urepl Jut love so tweet must surely meet Some littleahare of pain, , j « ( * The* il I go, ’tls hut to show The fate to mortals given: For could I be always with thee, tTYt- Good night; sweetheart, ope little kiss) <“ 11 ,UM F9 l 101 tou bright; They wili not see, so—one, two, three- i« » Good night,sweetheart, good night. 4—s A Wonderful Liar, r • An Englishman, traveling on the Mississipi told some rather old storis about some London thieves. A Cincinnati chap named Case heard , -.$i*&4>uraftvv6s with a silent but expressive “ umpb,’’ and then re*> marked that he thought the Wes- tern thieves beat the London open* atives all holow. “How»»?” inquired the Engs lishmnn, with surprise. “Pray, sir, have you lived much in the West?” *” 4 “Not agreat deal; I undertook Ut adt.Op business at Des Moines Rapide a while ago, but the ras cally people stole nearly every thing I had, and finally a Welsh miner ran oil' with my wife.’' “ Grae|ouk4”’said the English'- man, “‘and you have never found her?” “Never, to this day; but that . •frtmndf :he-4o«» ofi*.’’ * * - “ Worst: What oould be worse There, is a gentleman up town who, at the end of a dance with a young lady, always says, conde scendingly ;, “ Really, Miss , you fdo vety. well. You’ll be a good dancer yet.” Tire Indies are always charmed with him. The other day a little shaver was expatiating on the injurious effects of tobacco. Said.'he,. h -Tlfe oil of tobacco is so poisonous that a single drop of it on the end ed a dog’s tail wiil kill a man in a minute.” The boy had got things slightly mixed. . '-A traveler asked nn emaciated Georgian if the climate of jhe /ice sv^hps waf'^ntflejtTtbf^'' *‘j\f a’al, nofj. replied the< loyal native, “ tain’t unhealthy; we have the feVer and ague all the time in tbese parts, but then we enjoy a power ful under-tow of health.” There is something exquisite in our countryman’s reply to the Eu ropean traveler, when he asked than stealing * man’s wife?’* , “ Steal frig children/H should \c&- A nigger woman, who •Ai\ TI^OT'4 ST5*\'\v my and •ni\ ~7r— ^\*T y had none of her Own, a' listed “Did yon see ber?” “See her?' 'Yes; she hadn’t ten rods the start of me, but plung- .tu into the lake', and swam off like n/i< , V 11 .u -uk, and there was not a canoe ’ft-uts,.»•!« The Englishman leaned back iu hip chair, and called for another jiiiSjl'al Case smok* his cigar. cigar. “ I shan’t CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. i By X H. ECSXKCX, If. D. Many a human being baa death there was no other — mown and Indivpotabl Those near and dear to family and Wends erf “ Umt * r tah> *“* •K. JOSEPH II. SCIIKKCKW SEMPEE TBIUTOEXT, ana availed themselves of his wonderfully effica cious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Hchenck Iim In li's own caso proved that wherever mulTkrisnt vitality remains, that vitality, by bis medicines and bis directions /br tbelr use. is quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there U nothing presumptuous. To the ftUtb of the invalid is mode no representation that is not a thousand times sutrstantlated by living and visible works. The theory of the cars T»y Dr. Hehenck's medicines is as simple as it is unfailing. 1 ts philosophy requires no argument. It Is aeif-ao* ouriog, /-convincing. The Sesv-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are th# dm two weapon ratal which the citadel of th. malady la availed. Tno-llilriLi of the ra- ,-s of coo* sumption originate In dv-nepeia and a functionally oljordered liver. With this condition thebronchial tubesi “sympathize”with the itnviacb. They re- spnndtothcntorhifieaciionofUic liver. Here Urn culminating result, and th. aeuing tc, with all Ha disthwalnr armptoms of „ .. . COKWflPTIOX. The Mandrake nils are componed of one of 3Ta» hire's mildest a:Its-the l'odophilliim ITItatum. They possr-i all the arrliinc, alleraliv. properties of calomel, hut. unlike calomel, they “LEAVE .NO STIXl KEHISn.” The work of cure is now tiegiunlna. The Tlttated depcwlt. In thpfcwels and In the all- m^nhiry canal VW ejected. »I%e liver, like a dock. *a wound up. It arouses from Its torpidity. The itomach acta rcaponslrely, and th. patient begins to feci that he Is getting, at last, m A NITPPI.Y OP GOOD BLOOD. The Sea-weeu Tonic. In conjunct ion with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. ChyUA- •sen to be at Band. tzacerbation of the stomach. An appetite eets In. f*«W eooia. the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet lulgent ■ ——■ 0 s^aay y p. I I BIHIWiUI—IBIII llll puaeiful i PROPEkDESSAEI aaa us. y. ?JL0$£EVrV8 fOR 1^72. A X-pr-nl3tire oa<f Champim of American Art. Notices. Thk-tiraBi to belteJmfrQin&fapcrin the World “Glv. my love to the artist workmen of THE AUHHE Who are striTtn, to mto their proles* sioa worths of admiral too for beauty, as it ass al- w»js been Or Mefulnm*."—Jftmy Ward Beecher. Hart Sheriff Sale. ; TXTILL BE SOLD before the Court V V Ilonse Door In the town of ITartweH. on the first Tnesday in September nest, the toliowlng 1 property, tu-wi-; j ^n'rul>vbent.'''llI. lying cut -in; : i . I vtiuulv, an fUe vr.tors rill si •' e *. a-.lj u- 0\ I ing lands •iT.Saiuuei ltyium. Jell rs u ito.l no ami mV 1 other*,; (said land is to be cat off of the King’s' s| J Jlench tract, ofeorner jniniug Samu.'l Byriiai aud g Jf ffereen ilollaad.i In-vied .oq at the property uf ' ph L. Chambers, to satisf a 6. fa. in Csvorof Tuesc Ihtters ufhf*• v, ‘ , J r tptatkable i msrnm ,v DlSSatSE 'a Bey purify the • y.teiu, and wiil cur. rDYSPEPS'A’ gaQENEbAL DEE!L!TY. Remittent apt loicrwdttept Ceven, NERVOUS C! SEHSES\lVE c rcCN" 5 lAIN ’ and an a pesrentive of Chflla aad Fever. nLSEASESO gf- year.— claim superior a similar class, _ 1 conception— RJ|3ffienn|m||BSna| and msappwehed ebesluAriv without com- Bld^a.l iVr^CT'VaSaaaiM petitlnn in price or rlisxacter. The possessor of the 1 ' - T.dumo just C'.mplet.-l ennU'it duplicate ihc'iuan- lity uf boo papar iud eugraving*in any othersh. pe or number of vuiuiues jar tern Hmet iu aoet. The labor of gattiag The A id in. ready on the pres* la so great that rarsatfau is out of the ques tion. With the exception of a small number spe cially reserved for binding, the edition of 1871, to already exhmotM, and It Is now a scarce as weU as valuable book. All yield So Ibrif pow. /ml -acy^g msmmmm* .THEY WILL RESTORE YOUTHFUL V'COR ' to un wasted frame, and correct all IRREGULARITY Of THE BOWELS. Will save days of suffering to the sick, and CURES MEVER WELL PEOPLE raUt TRY,. ONE*iBQTTLE Tbs Mari bitters, w 612IAHT, PHTSKSilSmEE, PEESCHBE IT IS TEES T LI. •f l: G. HAUSER, MA NUFA Cl (JRER OFCIG^RS, DEALER IN him if lie had just crossed the TobaCCO, Pi DPS, MilCjaboy Sliuff, Alps: ’‘Wa’al,- now you call my atteutjon to the fact,; I guess I did p iss risin’ ground a spell ago.” Confectionery, PireWorltt&Fancy Goods. Sign of Indian Sqtiaw, Col. Avenue. StuIU's A AAA, and Imncako Tobacco always hand. dec 23 GROYER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES!! PBOXOCXCED TIIE BEST IX l-RE, K f ALL WHO HAVE TRIED them. These machines, with all the IMPROVEMENTS - - - ATTACHMENTS, may be had, at manufacturer's prices, freight added,at the BANNER OFFICE. LIYERY, SALE & FEED STABLE. GAM & REAVES Ai their Old Stand, Athens, Ga. ■RESPECTFULLY announce to XV thesr meeds add the public that they bare recently added to their clock a number of Fine Harness Horses, NEW BUGGIES AND HARNESS, and put everything in fine enter for the summer business. Phietons and polite drivers furnished on short notice. Teams may alwaya be had for trips to the moun tains, or any point desired. n.sy243 Theaeeont11 warm room aatU I slble to i forth to enjoy the manhood or -as LOT AS LIKT. ; n, the patients most stay Id a 11H1 . _ .jyalclans who recommend sen* lose tbelr patients. If thetr lungs are are In tbs . . » must walk musti and as fast as go any further West. ’ at length, obseryfd the cited John Bull. “ I should not advise any t :o go,” {aid Case, quietly; ’“ my brother once lived there, but he bad to leave, although bis business wits the best in the oouptry.” “What business was he in, pray?*’ “Lumbering—bad a saw mill.” “ And they stole his lumber? ’ “ Yea; and saw logs, too.” “ Saw logs?” “Yes; downs of black walnut iritidaway or carried X' Tr ^ . nor, sir. He tried every way ’<• prevent; no use: ^hey would . iup them a wav as easilyyas if ,1 * 1 i ' J , i I n t " :»p even out 01 the rail way . w • Gqodgijeioup!” ( “ Just to give you an ideaof how ;iey steal out there [sending a sly winlr U>»«# listening company] — iUMAd give^you ” an idea—did badlydlaeased: and sit, because they hou*th«y most not sis down quiet: tbev »bo°t the room aa much and » fast as ihv itrengtl if blood. Tin e determine! leal toi SmsUS ^5® , w 2 r f t CMH. and moral cm 411»lnftil. Dr. bclienck's personal state* ° r ^ OWn curc *** 111 theao tohotl, andaicSftlme my phj’skjms tbouchtthat 1 could not Uvea week; then. S5 £2 f '?T2fti m * a cuf<?hlni '' * l n*rawa, I heard oi £?^5fidtid PW *" tla * ,wU ' A Loowofc “ »eenied fo me whole lyitcm. tongs.and I would aplt up alvv yellow matter every morning for a long time. _ Aa aooo as that htgan to aobalde. my congb, PPVer, pains, ana *lght-sw«ats all began to laave me. difficult *thS i I C b uf 31I ^2eo > irZ> **** ^ WJk * with mitlMf 11 ' 4 and'bave welfhea shortly after my recovery,” added ***• Doctor, •‘then like a mere skeleton; my offer to ■me. It penetrate my riffVdtkematter In my more than q pint of oflfcn- T b «?cSi? wr ». Y ? rk Md Boston. He or hfci son. Dr. f , A U \ *° s P M - Those who • V^oromfh examination with the Rraplro* meter will be charged^. The Respirometerdeciaree the exact condition of the lung*, and psaienta r S£ u 5. , 2E? better they arecursbie wKc X?>*5 lr evliona for taking the medicine* are adant- 2? tba Inteiiigence even of a child. Follow tbme directions, and kind Nature will do the nut. except ing »bat In some cases the Mandrake Pllli are to be taken in tnereased doses; the three medicines need Jj® oth«r aooompaatmenu than the ample Instruc tions that accompany them: First create appetite. Of returning >wlih. hunger la the most wrioome symptom. When It comes, as It will come, 1st Uw desywirlng at once be of good cheer. Good floods* once follows, the cough loosens, the nlght-sw_at Is tornsm-e^ne forever. 5 U ” h tbe5e “ orbM native, the Mandrake PUU are a Mandanl pnm^ th ® Pulmonic Bvrnp. as a cure of coughs » ProphylatiSil LONGS & BILLUPS, BROAD ST., ATHENS, GEO. DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, STATIONERY PFRFP3IERY. LIQUORS. BITTERS, A ND EVERYUHING usually LJl umally kept In a First Class Drug Store. Particular attention has been hard In the selection ofaur stock, to the parity sod reliability of out goods, and families and physleiantan assured that orden will be filled with promptness and fidelity. STOCK OF FANCY GOODS pWmeky;"^ ,p - t T ,y TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, COMBS, AC parations, Horli aad SxrsapariUs Drake’! ———— .otters, Romain a Crimean Bitters, Hoofland’sGenuaif Bitters, and many other popular jircjiaratiuns always on FRESH GARDEN SEEDS or the most approved varieties on hand and for sale inanyquaotity desired. Abo Grass Seed ST. L3JIS LEAD, Warranted strictly pure—the best In the market C1ENT1F1C AMERICAN i £ l FOK 1872. •J'li UMr ‘ FMXU1S splendid weekly,greatly enlarged .ind ira ff proved, b one of the most useful sod iaterest- I «»er'published. Every number b ; / ‘ , - Jj OW New Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, mmu b^r.glit an allfired fine black wal- <’U log, four feet three at the butt, , :-i*<Vhtil*'laot , iii , ft. ' ! He wa» de- • ii.iinqdto keep Lbatlog anyhow, n i*1 hired three cudny Scotchmen . • •rfatoh it all night. Well, they ''4s'’tk‘d«niall demijohn of trhfeky ’f tilth Uitera, snaked the log up to the " r tiV^o!'*thehftlid>bVe!|ihe ipill, built eat down to play jtdcnlp, jaW YA keep - awhke, you Manufactures, Chemistry, Photogra- phy. .Afphiiecturc, Agriculture, Engineering, Science A-Art. IsraisN, Mrrhaalcs, fiaveatars, B gluerrs. Chemists, nssafsclsreH People «r nil Profesai. SCIENTIJ t,;cv TOT monnraaff iy'vfi-’tTriWtWhfekiy '.nyyf ii• .ir.yju laja^holog. About a min- jSv-gttne Sootchmen do- ’:■* rSSaft ciisA ■: -neiSWIfi ^ 'K '.lUlttOfll >.4t ;.ufril * aiutauic iiiBuuciuiii. a iic cAiiion are assisted by oflbesbbst American and Eompuait Wri ters, and havlrg sreeas to all the leading Scientific th * worW . tha coluiun* of the Scientific American are Constantly enriched with tha choicest information. An Official Lid of all the Patent* Issued is PiMiAei Weekly. Ths yearly numhonorthcFciK-erincAKcaicAg oaks two spleudld volumes of Nearly One Thous- »• Chibs of Id conies for a year, (A. 82 50 each, 825.00, With a SPLENDID PREMIUM to the person w *wcr to the Question ’ *D answer to the oui CainParkRT^w Y^.v’^ham Som* twenty-five years experience 10 tha buslaexs. No charge is made for oplaluu and advice. A pea-aod Ink skuteh, or foil written description of the Inven FS 11 <>e • 'in> ooncerniinAjpei — or the Patent Office—The New Inoiions—Extensions—Itifri nese subtly ,?a nn 87 Pa -•'<v*TjrTr dorse, dor. and faille Powders, Invaluable for all diseases of stnak. To onr Merchant Cnstom ers. J TT'urnish us with your card, place of J- 1 of busioeea, and wa will supply jou with Al- ssnses with your advertisement for 1878. War. KING Jr., & Co. Druggists, Athens. July S-2t. S. C. DOBBS, TAEALER IN DRY GCODS t XJ GROCERIES, PRODUCE, HARDWARE, R BAD Y-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, And In short, aa assorted stock of family end plantation merchandise. The hlgnestusrkei price always paid for country produce. ToU#t JiTUelo* O/n Great Beauty Just- VtoeivwLjfit the lv 1 ' L -NEW DRUG STORE — y uif,itna:iriiH $200 Reward. T WILL GHTfr ttus^bfivssewusd for the arrest, I with proof to convict the party or parties whom I have reason tehehevu base several times a * to premises occupied by die. may 84 COURTENEY BEALL. HOSTi BEAUTIFUL DECALOOMAINE Transfer Pictnres, i >1 it At the -i.; t NEW DRUGSTORE: rv E. WcMs ailministnUrix of J. M. * • - - - •chambers. “ * cessed, vs. s dd J..^- Chambers. 1'rapcrtj pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Ang. HI fYEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— \T Whereas Thomas J. Garner, of said county, applies for letters of administration upon tbe es tate of Gavid Garner, deceased: These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular, tbe kin dred end creditors of said deceased, to show cause. If any they have, at my office, within the time prescribed by bw, why said letters shonld not be ^Given under my hand, at office, this August 3d, 187*. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. W. U. HOLLAND, Sh’ff. pi EORGIA FRANKLIN CO.— KJT Four weeks after date application will br made to the Court of Ordinary or said county, for leave to sell tlic real estate belondtng to tbe estate of Abraham Aderhold. d.s•eased. Aug. 8,1S72. I.KVf SKWUf.l , HENRY 1>. ADivKilOLDj » NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. ART DEPARTMENT. thelfead^priw/vhauveMthMbten lntw?uced° has convinced (ho publtshera of The Aldine of the Diessof tboirtheorr Mai the American pub- ! lc «<»uW cectyrnVta tnd he; rtily !*u;'P»^rt any sm- cexa elfort u* oUvatc th* U*ni- .uui 3 uin Uid of Ulus- trated publb-utbins. That so many weufcly wicked sheets eaist and thrive is not evi.frnce that there is no market fir anythin - better—Indeed the suc- of Tbe Aldine from the start b direct proof of the contrary. With a population so vast, and of such varied taste, a publisher can choose hb pa trons, and his paper b rather Indicative of hb own than of the taste of tbe country. As a guarantee of the excellence of thb department, the publish ers aroold beg to announce during the cpmlDg year, specimens (rum the following eminent American artists: W. T. Richards, GraatiUe Faridas, James Smiley, In. Hart, K. O. C. IbrJey R. K. Piguet, Win. Beard, Victor Nehllg, Frank Beard, George Smiley, Wm. H. Wilcox, Paul Dixon, ■ Will, James H. Beard. J. Hows, ese pictures are being reproduced without re gent to expense by tffe very best edgravers in the couotrv, and will bear tbe -eve rest critical compar ison wfth the beet foreign work, it being the deter mination of tlie publishers that The Aldine -hall bo a successful vindication of American taste in cotutieiition with any existing publication in the world. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Where so much Is paid to illustration and get up r the work, too much dependence on appearance* may very naturally be feared. To anticipate such mi-glvings, it b only necessary to state that the editorial management of The Aldine has been in trusted to Mr. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, who has received aosutaocea of assistance from s host of the most popular writers and poets of the country. THE VOLUME FOR 1872 will contain neatly 380 pages, and about 250 fine engravings. Commencing with the Dumber for lanuarv, every third number will contain a beau tiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted as a fruntbpiccc. ,, ■ Tbe Christmas numlicr for 1872 will be asplcndRI volume in itself, containing fifty engravings, (four in tiul) and, although retailed at $1, will lie sen( without extra charge to ell veariy subscribers. A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a very popular feature lust year, and will lie repeated with the preseat volume. The publishers have purchased and reproduced, at great exiiense the beautiful oil paintiug by Sus, entitled “ Lamb Naitbk's School.” The chromo is 11x13 inches, and la an exact facssimile, In aUe aud. appearance, of the original picture. No American chromo, which will at all compare with it, haa yet been of fered at retail for less than tbe price asked for Tht Aldine and it together. It will be delivered free, with the Janu iry number, toevery subscriber who pays foronc year in advance; TERMS FOR 1*72. One copy, one year, with Oil Chromo — $5 00. Five Copies •• ” 20 00. Anjr person sending 10 names and 810 will receive an extra <-opy gratis, making It copies for the money. Any person wishing to work for a premium, can have our premium circular on application. Wo give many beautiful and desirable articles offered by no other paper. Any nennn wishing to act, permanently, aa'our agent, will applv, uith reference, encloaing fl for outfit. JAMES HUTTOS A CO., PUBLISHERS, dec 1 S3 Libcrtv street. New York. LEATHER-STOCKING 3 NOVELS "The enduring monuments of Fenimore Coops •f are hb works. While the love uf country con tinues to prevsil, his memory will eslst iu the hearts of the people. So truly patriotlcaud Amer ican throughout, they should find a place In evory American's library.' —Daniel Webster. Administrator’s Sale. TXTILL BE SOLD, liefore the Court \ V Honse door of Hart county, on the first Tuesday in £epteiut>cr nest, duriug tbe legal hours of sale, one town lot in the town of Hartwe‘l, containing one acre, moreor less adjoining Lot No. Ill, on the Kast, and the Carnes villa street, on the North; to be sold under an order of the Court or Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of the heirs aad creditors. Sold os the property of B. M. 8cott, dec’d. Terms cosh. This July 15. 1n72. C. L. SCOTT, Adra'r. Public Laws, 1S71. PUBLIC LAWS passed by the .L General Assembly - of thr State of' Georgia, at the session of 1871. With an Appendix, con- UiSog tha GoTCtnmentof Georgia, Court Cal dar,4c. Published by R. J. McCamy, I Prico, 81. 'WeSale at' 1 • -fi. ■ BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. cnigvat ri muter wmiagly DeWIthoat U.” Jud Published, Complete in one Volume, LJPPINCOTT8 Pronouncing Dictionary, BIOGRAPHY &*MYTHOLOGY, BowTAigirni Hevoirs qf tha Eminent Person* si all Ages and Countries, and Accounts of the Norse, Hindoo, and Classic Mythologies, vHth the Pro nunciation of their names in the Dtfer- ont Languages in which they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M., 21. D. Complete io 1 Vol.Imp. 8to, Toned Pa* per, sheep, 815.00. This invaluable work embraces the following pe culiar features in an eminent degree: I. Great completeness aud conctsenem In tbe Bi- ogrmphical Sketches. II. Succinct but comprehensive accounts of all the more interesting subjects or Mythology. III. A logical system of Orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation ut the nan V. Foil Bibliographical references. Notice. A PPLICATION will bo marie to r\ til,'Or Unary uf Franklin county, Ga., to be held on the first Mondav in September uext, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Thomas Mile, late of said county, deceased. THOMAS B. HIGGINS.) , C. CHITWOOD, > A ” Aug. 1st, 1871—it for general popu begin erlth the fs , __. five in number, which will be pohl following order, at iatervais of about a month: ’ “ 1. Tux Lait of tii* Mohicaks. . II. Tii* DkkkslaVex IV. Tu* Plo****s. »i -.d IU. TBtPATunsDxa. V. Th*Puai*ib. i This edition •( the ••Leather-Stocking Tales' will be printed in handsome octavo volumes from an attghottvg paper novae., pries, Scventy-fivt Cents per Volume, or 88.75 fer the complete set.— The aeries, when completed, wfil make, bound, an elegant library volume, for which binding casta will he furnished at a moderate price. PREMIUMS AND CLUB TERMS. *.* These club terms are designed specially for towns where there are no local booksellers. Any pgraon sending us the amount In advance for tbe complete set of the " l^ather-Stoeking Se ries,” $3.75, will receive grataitously a handsome steel-engraved portrait of J. Fenimore Cooper, of site suitable for binding in tbe volume. Any one sending u* the amount in full for four complete seta of this aeries (813), will receive an extra set gratuitously, each act accompanied by tbe steel portrait of Cooper. The volumes of tbe series will be mailed to each subscriber, as rapidly as pub lished, aad tbe portrait Immediately on Ute receipt of tbe remittance. », D. APPLETON A CO., Publishers, 549 A 551 Broadway, New Yfrk Garden Seed. W E have just received a large as sortment luisl's Celebrated Carden Seed, which we offer to Merchants and the retail trade VERY LOW tor cash. . I LONGS & BILLUPS. Jan-lS-lf AUGUST DORR, MERCAHNT TAILOR .1 ; l,, 'AND DEALER W ,» Ready-made Clothing And Gents* FurnishingGoods * 220 BROAD STREET, • AUGUSTA GA CHOICEST NOVELTIES’ ALWAYS ON HAND- GRIEFS &IM&NAG, FOR 1872, JUST RECEIVED, AT THE NE W DRUG STORE. Aduir’s ftotice. A PPLICATION will be r \ court of Ordinary of Franklin county, Ga., to It- held on the ftvst Monday in Sept.-mlier next; for leave to sell ihc lands belonging to the es'Me ut William M. Hunter, late of Slid county, iL-e'd. 3. N. IIYHF.. 1 SARAH HL'NTKr, j July30-tt. Notice. will be made to irv*.f Frank It n countr, Ga., to !»• held .01 the til-si 'Monday in September next, forleavolo hell the lands belonging tu the estate of Auna SuiitU late of cald county, dec'd. WM. J. OLIVER, \ JOHN GILBERT, J r ' x r ' July 30-11 GEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— JXCourt of Ordinary of said county. Whereas, Thomas Morris, admiliistratorofE. W. Morris, late of said comity,deceased, petitions the Court lor a discharge from said administration : Therefore, ail persons coureiued arc hereby re- uired to show cause, if any they have, why said Juntas Morris should not, at the regular term of said court, lobe held on the first Monday In Au gust next, tie discharged from said jeJininisAra By order uf said court, at a r. golar t*rftt.thereof, held tliis the 6thday of May 1872. may 24 A. J. MOUR1K, Ordinary “ Llpplncott’e Biographical Dictionary, according to tbe nnaolraonaopinion ofdlstingulslied scholars is the bust work of the Mud ever published:—PAG- adrlphia Ledger." “ The most complete and aatisfactory work of tbe kind In the language.”—Chicago Standard. ._ “ The most comprehensive and valuable wirk of \l the kind that has svar haul attempted. Anlavalu- V”—Boston Evening Traveler “ The moat valuable contribution to lexicography lo the English tongue.”—Ctaeinaari Chronicle. “No other work of the kind will compare wl ••hit.*' —Chicago Advance. “ This work presents a very wide range of treat ment, great compactness and perspicuity, wonder ful accuracy, and a typographical execution that la absolutely perfect.”—NT r. Evening Post. made to Di ^ nTJ lD “ An admirable work.”—N. 1". Independent. ” A work of extraordinary value.”—Bono. Post. “ Its plan is admirable."—New York Tribune. A PPLICATION LA- the •'■cut of Grdinar p EORGIA.rFRANKLIN CO.— V.T'Court «f Onlina'rjr *»i county. Whorcaa Thomf« M**nrio, administrator of John O. Urecne. late of said comity,deceased, petitions the conrt for a dlricliar^a from said administr.ition : Therefore, nil |M»r*on$ cone* red, arc hereby re- uired to««I tow cause, ifanv they it;rvc, why said 'homos Morris should not, at u regular term of said court, to be iiebt on the firvt Monday in Au gust next, be discharged from said adrafuiM ration. ■By orler of said cutset, at a regular term the reof, held this the sixth day of May, 1872. may 24 A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary. (GEORGIA. Fit/ vT Court «f Ordinary of ANKLES CO. nfioiil county. Whereas Thomas M**rri«, cxccut/»r<iV John M«»r« ris, Jr., lat^of nai l o>mnty, deceased, {xoitions the court lor a discharge t'r*>m‘ raid executorship: Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby re quired to show c anoe. If any they liar©, why said Thomas Morris should n-t, at the rcgalar term of aald court, to l»e held <»n the first Momlay in Au gust next, be discharged from siiid Executorship. Ilv order of add court, at a recrular term thereof, held this tha mb day of May, 1872. may*24 A. J. MORRIS,Ordinary. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. F«»r sale by all Booksellers, or will be tent free of expense, upon receiptof price, by the Pub lishers. special circulars,containing a full description ol the aork, with specimeu pages, will be seut on ap plication. J. B. LIPPINCOTT&CO., „ Publishers, 715 and 717 Market St., Phils., sod 25 Bond st., N'.Y nov.25.6m All Kinds of Letter Press P r i SUCH A8 BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, POSTERS, HANDBILS, DODGERS, LETTER-HEADS, LABELS. GUTTER-SNIPES, BILL-HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, RECEIPTS, nth s VBiVfei f\ EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISP%, «• 0»« Titaes, P or the Presidential Campaign FOR ONE DOLLAR/ *PHE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE ELETrnv JL President, Members of Ouigress and State officers is cloae at hand, and nrn,*t. Ur 4 « • ini»kftPt«ni In th* hi*tory of the country. The BANNER will will entJr ?r.^ -/I bich it has been I'OR OVER FORTY YEARS th, t’™ * Y 1 m. Ita.m. vltl.ln ^F-ll J - . ErTtl f'd ffiTlsi.. . f Democratic principles, of i dvocatc. * “ * Wholesale Produce Depot, ^.1 VANNAH, GEORGIA. Only establishment of the kind io the city where TURKEYS, CHICKENS DUCKS, GEESE, EEGS, Game, Fruits, Vegetables, &c., Are received and sold on commission. ttD.ConsigutuenU solicited from the country. OguCouuuission for selling, 5 per cent. ■^.Returns promptly mode in any way directed, tt^towl coop* returned free of freight charges. T«.Mark YOUR OWN NAME os well os my address on all shipments, that I may know to whom the article belongs. t»9.Lil>eral advances made on cotton consignm'ts. ^ , 11KOKC1E !4. HKRKKRT, Produce Broker and Purchasing Agent. 180 Bay st. foot of Barnard. oct l.>Bn» GEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— vJT ComovOiunuRT orsAin CnrsTT. Whereas Thomas Morris, ndm’r of L. J. J.Scott, late of said county, deceased, tH*titloua the Court for a discharge from safe! administration : Therefore, all |*vwm* concerned, are hereby re paired to show cause, Uf any they liar©,) why said Thomas Morris should not, at the regular term of SaMcourt, to be held on th* first Monday in Aug ust next, be discharged from said ad min 1st rath >n. ■* By order of eald'emirt, at a regular term thereof, held th a th* Cth day of Mar, is72. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. A Nercand Splendidly-Illustrated Popu- jUXEOKGLA, FRANKLIN CO.— lar Edition y Fenimore Cooper's world W ***"•**”* famous Leather-Stocking Romances. D APPLETON & CO. announce • that they have commenced the publication of J. Fenimore Cooper’s Novels, in a form designed, for general nonotar circulation. The aeries win Thomas Morris, adra’r at Martin Greenwood late of said county, deceased, petition, the court for a diechanre front raid adiuiiiiitration : Therefore, all itersons concerned, am hereby reftnlredtoffivow ;!f-aMy'»h«y : hxve) -vhy raid Thorns, Manta should uol. at a regnlar terra ■SI aNOml, ilv bo h.M an tin Ant Monday in -LMtiraivHtoAicK'Klea'.*' August next, be'discbkkgcd from raid admlulxtra- vrlll be publbAed In the **y- . .. "V" 1 1 , By order of raid emirt, at a regular tarm thereof, held this May Gth, 1472. may24 A. J. MORRIS, Ord’v. H-—a r..T„. fv b C££r GOIU CATOOSA SPRINGS! THE GREATFOUNTAtN OF HEALTH mid PLEASURE, TYTHERE YOU V V’ “ An Old Virginia WILL FIND irglnl. Welcome.” Innbesu- IlfUl and lovelv vale, twenty-five mile* aouth-ea,t of Chattanooga, and within two mile, of the rail- rpatl leading to Atlanta, lie the celebrated and Wurld-tvaowncd CATOOSA SI’KINGS, jstot^jx> FOR THE GREAT VARIETY, -AND- CURATIVE PROPERTIES THEIR WATEES. There are Fifty-Two Distinct Springs Within this Magic Vale, iprlsing almost every variety of vatfr found in the famous mountains of Virginia. RED, BLACK, AND WHITE SULPHER. Alum, All-Healing, Red, Sweet, Montvale and all the Chalybeate Waters kuownto the Medical World. A NEW BALM OF GILEAD, and cure for all the diseases that human flesh is heir to. • Will bo opem*i June K, IS?*, by W. U. t IE WITT, jn *21—!t Lato ol thf <li«»fe; ilntvl, Augusta,tia. M. UYh. J. T. UOTUWhLL. J. M. DYE, JK DYE, BOTHWELL & CO., f^OTTON FACTORS AND COM- MISSION MERCHANTS, No. 143 Beynhla. street, Augusta, (la. JLibeiai advances made on cotumand other produce when required, for Bagging, Ties and Family Supplies pororders filled. All business entrusted to us will haiuptiv prompt-pc r?o wa! attention. yc our sHy*CT»mmlstiIous for selling cotton \\± percent, oct 7-laBiu DTJTCHBR'S UHCTNING FLY KILLER, FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. WM. KING. It, A CO. Christmas BRIDAL and HOLIDAY mis, nm f DIISnSTER SETS, Bohemian Glass, 1OILETSETS, FRENCH CHINA, SILVER WARE, GOODS FOR DOLLAR STORES AND FIFTY CENT STORES! T. MARK.W ALTER, DBS. HITCHCOCK 4 PATTERSON can this drnadfal dlaraat, wuhoat th, use o A N c ofth * 1? spot. Far sim*r,^tt<W«hfohl^4>«- rfrr: U »T .icjtai ft »’ v/Ok ARB T c of all kini elaborate deeigna, notice. All work, Fashionable THE NEW WHEHER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE P i THE BEST FAMILY SEW* ING MACItlN E io twe, doiug a greater varie ty of work. It ia more aintplt in ita construction, running lighter and with snore aiieed than auy other SEWING MACHINE in the market. Hav ing stood the test for twenty year*, Every Machine is Folly Warranted. Call an<t examine before purchasing others. Thread, needle, oil, Ac., may be had at the office. WE ALSO HAVE THE AGENCY FOR MADAM DEMOREST’S YcwYork Fashion Patterns RECEIVED MONTHLY. IMPORTERS, ... . • * J . r *. . • -• j' u f 'ii i Athiuta, Oa, MERCHANTS AND HOUSEKEEPERS! ConMilt your interest, buy from McBRIDE & CO., Cheaper than you can In New York, and save the freight, breakage, delay and insurance, dec 8 Until the lsf of Januury, for One Doll ar ! We urge upon our friend, in the various counties of the " Old Sixth” the imnon,.,. organization end the disseminstion of relisble information concerning our Sta^' sad n.ii ’■ r The power), ss condition into which the Radical party in Georgia has sunk uadmhe eri.M infamy, leaves it no hope ofeven partial success save from inertness or division in the Dtwom- Whatever policy may be adopted in reference to the Presidential campaign—whether ereT* P 1 I crats and Reform Republicans act together, let our State organization be preserved sad u/* ' ’ strength be frittered away by thegreedy rivsjry of iiidependent candidate,, or lost t'v iodet* 1 ' ; the public welfare. Let every county organize early, nominate capable and honest men ft- , of public trust, and work for their elkctios. This is the only vrsy to • Vindicate Sound Principles and Preserve tyJ Government. The hiftory of our past defeats, in counties with a real Democratic majority, is the record,.' ect to organize, a neglect to work, a neglect to •** CIRCULATE CABflPAl&N DO09MEMTL and a timid deference for those who from principle or a want of it, daerv no»iuati«.nj »n> -V themselves before the people os independent candidates. To prevent such disasters aud to win* the unscemly^reed for office, we appeal to all good Democrats to ’ y " ^ OLiGA-IsriZE, ORGAISTIZE nd *o to work wfth a little of the old-time zeal and devotion to good government. The rate at which we offer our paper for the campaign, (less than $2 a year) ought t« as Several Thousand l\ew Subscribers!! We especially urge the county officers and old frieDds of the paper to interest themselves is tain'; their obi organ. S. A. ATKINSON, Pnblwber u ATLANTIC COAST LISE' FREIGHT ROUTE. VIA 1ILM1NGTAN. COLUMBIA AND AUGUST!, -TO AND FROM- Baltimore, Philadelphia, iHcwlork, Boston And all Eastern Oities, and all-points South and South- West OVER THE WILMINGTON 4 WELDON, AND WILMINGTON, COILMBU i AM MM! Andiheir Connection*. A N ENTIRELY NEW LINE of indejtendant connections from Tide S ■ V water at Wilmington, N. C , and Portsmouth. Va., end of un’ roken gsura from WttafiafM. transporting Freight without transfer or detention, to and from all interior f-einta. The management of this Line present Ita advantages t. tbe .-.ntliern r-i.bli . ufon the aasunoftt' Cartful and Quiet Transportation, Uniform Rales with all rompeiiny Lives, th- I/npest Cirrent hnmr and ao perfect a system ofsteamshlp connection! at Northeru Port. a. . u tde bill* of ladinr t*» algnad aad goodaiki mmrdt* daily by one or the other of our routca. over loth of which E.\FEt" TRAIN TRANSPORTATION fs given to Columbia, 8. a, and Angusla, Ga.. there connectlrf wi:: Fast Freight schedules to terminal points. Read the following Excellent Schedule of Connection' VIA WILMINGTON AND SJEAMSHIP LINES. TAfMENRF. IMPORT A TTfYV OR With ffaMracrr—By the Southern Steamship Co’s steamen. Lneills, Rebecca Clyde, Eoiinr, Iravw | • i-'Ib.'Oi'j IJlrUKl A1 lUiN UF each port every five days—AttDaxws 4 Co., Agents, 73, Smith’s Wharf, Baltimore. With Paitadelphla—Southern Mail Steamship Co’s steamer Pioneer, leaving each port evert !m iro- W. L. jAJtRS General Agent, 180 couth 3d st., Phils. Also, through Andrews 4 Go’s Hallitara j* with Schriver's Daily Propeller Line, without drsyage in Baltimore. With New Terit—Uorillard’s steamshipline of first class .run steamers. Benefactor. Results!or, rg.o- Fanila, sod two additional ships now building, leaving each port ever* four days—U. S. Ouu Pv: 33 hast River. Wilmington A Atlantic steamship Company’s steamen, Metropolis and inw- leaving each port weekly—WaamsoTO* A Co., Agents, 178, Greenwich at.. Her 18, N.rtk *• • Tlicflteamship.w oftnese lines being built exclusively fur freight transportation, carry all ckiM' freight in unlimited quantities. Via Portsmouth and Inland Air Line. With Raltloioree—VI* Bay Line steamen, daily. R. L. Poo*, General Agent, Union Dock-E. Rons i ald. Contracting Agent, 164 West Baltimore at., Balt. w ***« ^Jkllmffielislalfc—■Annamesic Line, tri-weekly—.Jt*o. S. WiL90!»,O«neTai Agent, 44 sootlfif fnlla. Clyde 4 Go’s steamers, aemi-weekly—Clydk A Co., Agents, 18. snath Delswsrt h>A l With New Tort.—Old Dominion steamship Go's magnificent steamers Wyouetc, Niagara. Tmi^ Saratoga, Hatleras, Old Dominion, having a capacity of 15,0110 bales of cotton per week, leiiiid”"- port tri-weekly, all the year round, and oftencr, as nereuity demands. Freight received to >'■ 803Broadway, 1*7 Greens ich st., PierS7, North River. With Bnstan.—via Boston and Norfolk stcampahlp Co’s steamers, leaving each port tri*vpfl'’ ■ Sampson, Gen’I Agent, 55 Central Wharf. Boston. WUh these perfect steamship connections, freights are not exposed to the risks of weather nr itvf transfers: through Bills of Lading are issued to all points common to competing lines. Ksws, ch* 4 ’ rations, shipping directions, tags, stencil plates, etc., fur.itshed on application to th# tndeislftiri.«•• Agents named. Mark your goods “ via Portsmouth and Wilmington." or “eta Stesmships t# you may prefer, and direct Bills of Lading to be forwarded to A. POPE, <iencral Ftf icb: A< at Wilmington, K. C-, and they will avoid alldeteulion. The following Southern Agents of IM ran fttrnish all necrasary Information, as will also Agents at all railway stations: T. C. JAMES, Traveling Agent, Columbia, S. C. T. LYONS, Local Agent. Augusta, Ga J. A. SADLER, " “ Charlotte, N. a A. C. LADD, •• •• Atlanta, Ga BEN MOCK, So. Fr’t and Paa Ag’t, Mont’y, Ala All claims for loss, damage and ororeharge promptly investigated aad settled by the uttderslgaed A. POPE, Fob. 9, 3m. General Freight JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY. & COTTON STATES Land & Immigration Company, Sclialler, UarlLon & Hewton, AGENTS r PHE JL pare K fell- »ize, a -curat.' -nd rell uuseUc, of every new anil <1 For Ladies’ atul Children’* Dresses. Each pattern put np In an envelope, with lllnstra- tisarafi-lkibdisaaWiaoraidjmtisM bow-to cut, put together, make and trim tbs garment. ATHENS, GA. \gencv is now pre- p*re*llo fiirnlih lannrnf any description to any ol the Coifem ^aleo, auch M farm Ial»ur*n<, , . • Rardenom, male ami female domestics, hnatlera, .H-i.ttfn, in vsri- j »»el>*Btra, rai- esinMc style, I t n, ' r :> *»• «< the agents attending to theac- } : lection Iu Riiro)>«, personallr, the utmoat satis&c- • - - : tli.-n is therc'-y guaranteed. , , , All commudieatloRt addressed to Scballs*. Carlton 4 Nxwton, Athens, Ga., wUI recr’-e prompt attention. Agency at Cant. H. H. Carlton’s Office, corner Clayton' street ana College Avenue. Jan. 12-2 mb ig at veiy low prices. We will nlst, keep during seai ° n a full stock of those famous Suntmey & Newton AXES, at reduced prR' 68 - Jackson "VVagons a, Specialty. oct 6 SUMMEY & NEWTON- jVrXi-AJsTTIC COAST LINE Passenger Route! Reorganised for the Summer of 1872- DOUBLE - DAILY, ALL-RAIL CONNECTION, VIA 4UGDSTA, Wilmington, michmono! AN ADDITIONAL DAILY CONNECTION, VIA AUGUST ft, WILMINGTON AND PORTSMOUTH. AND THE Magnificent Bay Line Steamers. & SCHAFFER. AGEN1S, ATHENS, QA. P jrajt Office onCoUege ATeane;-ATbeti«r«n. 8ABNS8S MATEtHAL move XWP&’KtHV* «»U«■.'» :s<— 3T ; 7 J* Ad .1 HERCIERw /COMMISSION MERCHANT, VV anddealerifi _ r1 Corn. Oolo, : tmnuf 183 Rag at.. ererari^ All orders win receive j*4H r ^ ““ r?*? A . — etiMj Auguw, wiiag uiwh uetweu roe au-rau — 7“2Li ’raeond •l*' 1 * 1 Cheeapeake Bay. tatvin* In tbs latter place botONE night or railway travel, ami “• p Ylrglnta. Springs and Excursion ^LTONS, Ayl, Attgala; _M- ,ioJ