Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, September 13, 1872, Image 3

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Southern aimer. Public Meeting in Habersham. Special Topics. Honor to tiie Stranger.—While othes arc receiving justly me ted j Pur8uant to the published call of, ... ' P r ~-- ;e for «' iwl " ,,rk ,lo,,e in advanC ' the Democratic Executive Committee, ' ticket in X. w York w„e tu-n.l ,1 i.v Mi. ing the interests of the Northeastern an enthusiastic meeting of the /ttizHs shu , 0 . lt<llK . rt , ltnd H „ s< . Wen , Political Notes. In 1868, the Republican electoral j Democratic Meeting in Hartwell. ii furl that mure cases «« whiles, suppressed anti »i- re4.1l tr manse*. and uterine obstructions, of every kinJ. are bei.14 daily curjtl by Ur. J. Bradfiehi'* Female Regulator, than by all other remedies com- | yet active, j comparatively al short time, has won i iiijj the claims of a gentleman of the ; .‘o!<l school”—one who has beeu quiet and who, though here but til . .. -W.«W«»»..». -- . O'v.» fault re.n tie Regal *t»r is »re,».ueu .iu«i by U il. Brulnell, Ur.ig^t, AiUuta, <•»-. niiy b • tmi4 it f.*r ?! 5 > j»er oottie at *ny tv. 1 nbl * «lru4 More in luc Union. S r v l M t VVM. It >«*» .. .O# 1 tKMU'lU a « of the Northeastern Railroad. We are assured that Col. Grant of tiie firm .if Grant Alexander & Co., made his bid for the construction of this road, some 812,00 under what he would have bid had it not beeu for the print like drawings of the careful survey 1 'y . ;iON - and accurate estimates. All honor, then to one who contributes disappointed ad veil- , ttuitf auempied to i £<> materially, anu adapts himself so i.ruki-’s i>iau- i indomitably, to the interests of our cannot untlersUt** 1 A MONTH easily made with stencil and Roy-check dies. iWure circular end iuui|Res, free. M. Setixcau, Br.atUthuro, Vt. wnamiw J VI* '*’-'•»** “ ^*»u« ,| «i.iuc • r p J'FtilfwJKlSo 4L \*W^ urate or femateTtW .... , w . are now wor<- • Of ei^Ut llie llbei-S, one from each dig- 1 a wcckguarnteed. Re*p©?table employment to select delegates to the Congressional I V* ze * 1,M 8 ? for Gr '* , «-*y »«d Brow , n 1 j *«ct in ti e county, was appointed to Convention to be held at Gainesville i the Mme ,l,,n S m »y be said of a majority nominate Delegates to attend the Con- HartwSix Sept. 3rd 1872. j \i n ;n e:iug of the Da uucratic club * «» V?°-i *""V f«ke nleasure in present- ’ of Habersham county 'was held at the «“*' Y TT”* 11 ,m “ enr >' u nc,aen * • Or cou .tv tiwlay, a committee «> . ••• ou. quwtions the Railroad, we take pleasure . pro ^ Hon-e on Sat > rdny 7th inata ™ Sonatorai elector. Both ' ” - * on the 2')th. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the Exe cutive Committee, and permanently organized bv the Chair <>i Dr. Geer e D. i’liiliips as Chairman, with Capt. E. Fuller and Dr. Swop-on Cox as Secretaries. On motion a Committee of six, consisting of Prof. Wm. R. Jones, Junius A. Griirgs Esq., Rev. Jasper C. Jackson, Maj. T. Davis and Mr. Wm. Haddock to which Dr. Jas. of the entire electoral ticket of 1868. Chatham tounty is splendidly organized. There is no active Democrat ic opposition to Greeley. The Chattahoochee Democracy will org .nize on the 5th. This county has strong Liberal Republican support. A list of over li ty prominent Liberal Republicans of Maryland who r etenuloe rf in t h«M.tlt, Il Haloid P. Phillips was on motion added, was j have declared for Greeley and Brown is appointed to prepare material for the j published. Among the names arc those action of the meeting. The Commit- of cx-Guvemnr Bradford, whom the frt" *,T* too \ !l,,cr consultation reported the fol-j G rant it.-s Imve lately been clamoring, , -, lowing resolutions: Gen. John A. Sterner, Prof. R. P. Luner, .vi.„ ......t...i,.Raolocd, Unit the Democracy of ... r « »• .«• that they cannot understand j . ia!» *n ..Hu* , • * t ,„ r * 4 4l |7.in4 popular- : pCOplC. Ut i’he'ioV.B.Ii.M* i.siio .Seen.«.l». i ne rep- i maxi f • ..I-...—-..It ii.ii- i. Umn.lea ; n . All it”* inuredi- ll»w then could rival it with coiu- triek'*i»*r < * au l cheat** expect po ind^ •*! t'iieap dan«l cfose ii juor, *»r witti iii t .rh-'S ir.m'i in i >l.»:c »f aioeloii-* ferine.ita:ion ? tl/eoun*.* the h i lutanx have r ..i»e t«» j»nef. i’aeir lit l«} 4»me haa fiile l. Tht?:r contempt ibr the ».i- >»a -ity .»f ihf* c * u oimily has h -en Jiily punishe 1. M ;iii vlsib* Plant itioii Hitters setMii** to be ill u *air ii|»le» au.l 1 : a d«»licit* «>n t ice. erupt blotches, scrofiilouv disea^t.**, an 1 all s*»rcs ar from impure IiI.mhI are cured b. Dr. Tierce’s t en Medical Discovery. Mass Convex i-ion.—i here will be a mass Convention of the people of ili« county held at the Court House in this place on the 19th, to appoint dele gates to tire Congressional Convention to be belli in Gainesville on the 25th instant, let every Democrat in the cy u i vital iwwe'. d . bounty attend this mqpting. If we would nominate good men and win success, we must l»e up and doing. Bring up Your Fast Stock.— •xi »- iii-T <x%v. th-ir nixrt.i. i Several rapid travellers, in the way of " •* in l.eilxh, wiiliniiL, . . . horse-flesh, are m training for the np- Fuir. As the field is open illpvilnr'* h'h*'i The chief of hb«s kfllcli uathin^ U wnrih the having; it is alway . appreciate 1 at its true value aftrr it is lost, but too oft.-n, not b**fire Live ;»r>»|e»rly. an 1 correct n ; l n • its ** *f *r» f» *v its* ire I. F ir diseases , . , , «.| the liver, ki-lncys, skin, stomach, and all aris- i to all competitor*, \YC ltiaV look lor ing from impure «.r l.*eb e hl.*o l, |» l: . Wai.kkk’s i , . 1 . J t AMF IRMA Vinkgai: Hi Ti lls ar.* a sure and last IlorSOS ttiKl time, speedy remedy. It has never yet failed in a single | proachin*; « Sivivimr, Siiaiii|ionin<r f Il.iir Cutting, llair and Whisker Dyeing, by the best Divis, Harris, Aeons’ | ng Saloon, over Maud Barbers in trie a*t>te. Hair Dresshig vllle A Br.ithe I.argc stocks ot fresh, new goods are coining in daily, but as new ad vertisements arc coming in uxakly we ; don’t know who has them. Habersham county accept as a declar ation of their principles, the platform enunciated by the State Democratic Convention held in the city of Atlan ta on the 26th day of June last, and re-affirmed by the Convention of the 24tu oi J ulv. Remo ved, That in the existing atti tude of parties, we see no hope of se curing, by that sheet anchor, the Con stitution, our drifting ship of State, save in a vigorous ami united support of the joint ticket of Cincinnati and Baltimoie. Resolved, That to Garnett McMillan, whom we sent two years ago to repre sent us in the General Assembly, we say now on his return. “ Well done good ami faithful servant,” He has closely watched, and maintained with a strong hand, every interest of his county and people. He lias given new life t.) the Railroad enterprises, in which lies ii..- hope of our people for connection with tin; rest of the State, and for prosperity and wealth. A man of mind second to none in the Assembly ; with energy not surpassed bv any <d morals approved ; cool ami deliberate, quick and sure, he origin ated, direete and secure. 1 , many of the ami Thomas J. Nickers. A thorough canvass of the Gern man voters of the city of Springfield, III., reveals the fact that 751 are for Greeley, 4 for Grant, and 14 doubtful. Sixty Republican papers which supported want in I86S, now advocate the election of Greeley. Two-thirds of the independent press of the country now advocate the election ofGreeley and Brown. The $an Francisco Examiner says: ‘Events which have recently trans pired, justify the belief that the Conser- vaties will carry California by a handsome majority for Greeley. Eighty Republicans of Honesdalc, Pa , have signed a call for a meeting to organize a Greeley club. gressional nomination in Augusta to be held on the 12th instant. The result of wh*ch was the election of C. W. Seidel and John B. Benson, with {tower to choose their own alter nates. I he Delegates held a meeting for the purpose of nominating a Rcpresent- a '_ive in the Legislature. The result of which was the elelectiou of Capt. A. S. Turner ns the Democratic candi date. C. W. SCIDEL. Sec. iostruc ions and valuable package of modi to start with sent free by mail. A.tJrew, with* cent* re turn clamp. il. YOUNG i CO., UCourtland ou, New Vork. . aug2Sth4«. Rare Chance for Agents. AGEXTS! we will pay you ftO per week to cash, if y..u willeugage' with us at once. Everything furnished, and expense, paid. K. A. Kl.l.s* to.. Charlotte, MU-h. AGENTS WANTED—fur the Urea ot Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN EK men of all puttee. Over 40 8teel Portrait*, w . .1. tw cc cost ofthe boo* Wautv.tererywt.ere A(t''s have wonderful success. Send fol circular, address ZlKUI.EK Aged Kill, fits Arch St Phlla- u.-lphi-. Pa 4w ar* W Orr^s. Riilrna-.l Xtttiee. i: ntil forth r noii.v. ox. axi; after Thurs Ivy, 23th April, li.2, the N'i;ht P—.eater train oxi the Alli ens Branch will ran, making tlose connection with Up and Pa a-a Night Passei-.-r Trains oa the Main j know how t I.lne at Union Point. Leaving Athens at 8 o’. 1 >ek, p. M. Arriving at Athens at 4: !> A. M. S. K. JOdN-DX, Supt. ] Attention is tlirec;o<l t«» the a.l- vertisemet ot England vfc Orr in another [column they are live merchants mid ell goods. spr2C-t I lJtITCIKas L 1 • I Al \ *. p..V.KII*!*ER spcetlily*— *W66|M them off, ati 1 c!oars th<* ||o Try il- solil by dealers ev» ry where neivT.CwsT" The Legislature it its last session passed tiro laws which everybody sh- ’d know. One is, tlmt when a planter - a merchant or cotton factor a lien .... :r. ,- property or lor supplict t,> mike ids crop, that if said property < t en;. iss.iM and no; applied to tli.- p-tym nt deb', such guilty p ;rty is liablu to In- put in jail for one year. The other law is to the ctTect that to p*r cent, interest is collectable bv lnw when inserted in note. Also it has been decide.] by the Supe rior Courts tli it verb} liens an: as good ns written liens wh-a to * I tx-is can be proven. .Time 7-4m. AniiGiuicements. For Representative. We kre cuthorixei] toann »mih*«* H. If. OVFRBV, Fa;., an a can«li<late f*>r Representative in the l^Walnw, from Clarke rounty, nuhject to the Democratic nomination. Terrible Accident.—Last Wed nesday morning, Yre the Giant of steam had left our city Depot, there oeeured one ot those startling and thrilling acci dents that makes the blood run the heart stop its beating and freeze ! very horror at the recital ofthe horrible | details. It seems that a juvenile, belong- i ing to a family ofthe iate emancipated. Lad grown weary of maternal control, and, while the head ot parental aulhori- ■ iy was ab.-ent, desired another taste ot j . mancipation, which lie sought by wan dering through our surpeutine streets until lie tound himself upon the platform at Lite Depot—happy, no doulii, lit con templating the rapid advances of civili zation. lie stood nr.lily, nu.l seemingly proud of ins temporary liberty, wuh n.s n. inds resting up m one oi me sliding [ doo.s of a freight car—.o*t in revel.c , and all unconscious of the do.on tint ! threatened linn. The laborers of tin : road, inieat upon their duty, and uu- : mindful of the unconscious condition <n '.In ir lei oa-cm n .|, rushed tin | sliding door up witti lesistit-Ss energy, ' and horrible to relate mashed the lingers o. tins lover ot liberty. It was horrible Atlanta Ucnild please copy. The For Tax Receiver. JAMES ]•. HORSEY. F..|„ i. titohsI ns xi ! can.iWut'* for the offl v *e of l ax Rec'iver *»f Clark ( c>unty, subject to the D»na •oratic noniinitlon. Wr arr juthoriH to Announce Mr. K. II. BOON i* a fin>li lal * for Tax Receiver ef Clnrk county, Mibjoct t*» the «lcfi**ion *»f n Democratic ton rent ion. Fair — 1 in; county Fair will be held one day longer than was at lirst proposed, under the auspices ot tli. Ladies .Mc-nioriul Association. Among others three Baboons will be some of the attractions. Crop Setes. Crops of every description in Wilkes county are splendid. Cotton around Bartlesville is not promising. Around Columbus the cotton Colton.— |x*r.lh. is Cart or j 4*oo*i»,—Cotton Varus ^ 1 GO Osnaourgs, per yd. 1(> bhirtiag, uiti.'t fiupnrtnnt acts oi ;Ih* l^ogi>l:iturc. % , crop iscutofl a tli:r<I to one half, and proved himself the po sessor of n lira'll and heart large and strong en ough to grasp Georgia with.all her in ter : tS. As House Chairman of the Bond Committee, though ii nil in health, I c , has toiled almost day and night for j jj,in to these disadvantages, cotton is Ravages bv caterpillars are on the increase in Bullock, Barbour, and the lower parts of Russell county, Ala. The rn“t prevails to an alarming extent in Pike, and portions of Bullock. In addi eight months over the embarrassing problem of the Bonded debt of the j j State, and to-day, by the action of the Assembly, based on the result of his, and his fellows labors, the tax payers everywhere shedding at a fearful rate- in consequence of alternate heat and w. t The prospects in Dougherty coun ty were never poorer. The caterpillars Dry (■ 00(1.4..—Print!*, Delaiuc*, “ Bi’cued $liirtiii£, " 10 Del licking, •• U Provisions.—l iour, Fancy, per bill.. 12 00 Family, “ 11 00 ^uporiutc 44 u u.) Corn porbusli. 1 15 P as 44 l 50 M ;u •* 1 20 Wh*at 44 1 50 Bacon, hog round, per lb. • 4 shoulders, 44 44 cle ir bulk hi »es. shoulder*, - 13 and the State stand honorably relieved ! are ruining the crop, For Clerk Superior Cu-irt. We are aulhorltt* I t» nr »uv« Mr. L. SCIIEV- , . , . ... * EN ELL u • canlMvin for rbrk ..r fi- S.tneriur 1 !i l ,e ,;l1 P^miums, which he p yt for Public Spirited.—We venture to sny that no one is working more faith- f illy and energetically for the success ot : the Fair in October than our young ] friend A. T. Luckic. with Chi ds & Moss I jewelers. Mr. Luckic has offered several Court, subject t.» .1 p **n icradc n » nin t For Tax CoUertor. t a|*t. J. E. UtTCil Wi 1 b- supported in tbs [ wil1 present three of them to the L: dies of his own porket, and lie now chips the c’i.nax t>v ordering twelve lialloons. lie t'lurk .-.inntv lie .l-.xrarle n fire of Tax (’olle.-lor, by MANY Vor.CIlSO *.nition. f »r I Tit: west sint;. J. M. BARRY will be sap|N,rte,l f<»r Txix '-•■*- lector In the l»e:ii'ieralir rominnlin^ ronv.-nlion •*y MANY VOTERS AI.I. OVER TIIE COUNTY. ba j Memorial Association and nine to the Clark County Agricultural Society fot the Fair in October next. Success to him, and to his efforts in bvliall ofthe Fair. County Convention. —The sev eral miitia districts of Clark county are respectfully requested to send the num ber ot delegates to which they are sever ally entitled to n convention fur the pur pose of nominating candidates lor the Legislature, to bo held at the Court House in Athens, on Saturday, the 7th ot September. J. B. CARLTON. Pres. Democratic Club. Local and General Items. Radical Nominations.—Tin negroes held a meeting at the Court _ 1 House Wednesday night and nominated t Madison Davis as a candidate lor tin I Legislature. We learn that the negroes |.ot the West side held a meeting Iasi [night and nominated C urfie (we did not learn the surname) from that side ofthe river. Comment is useless. Meeting of the Deinoerucy of Clark. County Nominating Conven tion.—It will be seen by reference to the proceedings of the County Nomi nating Convention in another column, that two well known am! esteemed citi zens of Clark have been selected to We aloft the Banmrof Democracy in the coining contest. The contrast "ill he so gi^at loot ween those good men and any candidates the Rads can rin„ out, that no 'w lite man can re fuse to vote for them. G«mh1 rams relnxvi-<i , \ * , the dryness, re- licnenlly ttwlmaday m,.! Twe-luv We learn wM]riea^re that Col. rh<^. Hanlem.ji, v.if! :,ddre.-> ti lf . ,,p^ 11.-..f tins Mvr-.. :i ar t.V i; r IItl! u J"ruig the Fair in ()clol>er next. <’„{’ iiardeiniin is known far and near and I 1 ® c, ? ,wn * "f 'onldle ami N wt , lwt Georg,a may anticipate a rich treat. *t ^ , C | ,AI 1 Remiums.—We are aii- tlmnied to state that in addition to the pnbliahed Premium li 8t> several special premiums will be ofTeretl for other meritorious articles exhibited at the approaching Fair ip October next. Thomas Street aluu Chicken Ave- »ue, is alive on the shingle trade. Athens, Sept. 7, 1872. The meeting was called to order 1 v the President ofthe county club. It was moved by Dr. Macon, the delegates present from those dis tricts unrepresented by their full qu< - ta of delegates, be allowed to cast the full vote of the district. Adopted On motion of Emory Speer, Lsq., the delegates from the Ea?t ami West sides ofthe river were permitted to re- t re and select their lospective candi dates. The delegation from the East side presented the name of Capt. H. il. Cat in, and the delegates from the \\ ride the name of Dr. Frank J;u n.- .U. On motion, they were unanimously nominated. Both the nominees made nppropria e .“{leeches, accepting the res{>ective posi tions tentiered them. \j;i motion of Emory Speer, Esq., it was made the duty ofthe Ghairuiau of each district DJub, to appoint a working committee of not thau ten, aud request theinto work before aud on the day of the election. On motion of F. B. Lucas, the city papers were requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting. On motion of Gen. Frierson,' the meeting adjourned. J. B. CARLTON, Pres. •Jno, Barry, Sec. >f nearly nine millions of dollars of allegations, shown to the fraudulent, that were incurred during the adminis tration of Governor Bullock. He lias ever b *en found a staunch advocate of ritrinjind a fearless op|M>ser of wrong. We, his immediate constituents and fellow citizens, unite with the ge’u r voice of the press and the people . saying, again. Good and faitntul vant; well done. And now, tt» tier •lister counties of tiie Cougie.- -ional District, old Haltershtm icuds greeting, aim a< she ba? '.'i’ giten i -upport to the c".nice of every other section, ami never, lierseli, (as no one of the neighboring counties J lias nad one of her own citizens as a rej>- ie?C'iita:ive iu Congress, site a ks, witti one accord, to present this, her tried md true son, as a man in a!) points fully qualified .ot that high trust, :ii;d earncstiy urges 11:1u uui.e wi; , aer iu his suji;«*rt. RcoO.vcd, this convention send six delegates (having the san.e in.oi lier of alternates) to rejiresent me county in tiie Congressional Conven tion to be held at Ga.nesvd c on the 5 Ii instant; that the Do.elation l.e a tructed to cast the vote ot the comi ty for the lion. Garnett McMillan, .ml to use all honorable means to se cure h.s nomination. Dr. Jas. P. Phillips, on behalf ol ilic Committee, moveu the adoption ot ;he re olutioiis and paid au eloqueut and glowing tribute to Mr. McMiuau's character aud services in the General Assembly. Rev. J. G. Jackson fol- owed in a speech that was equally •earnest. Judge C. Ii. mutton, while utnvilllug to {bodge uimscii to the firs’, two resoiutions, expressed Ins graliu- •aiion at the merited terms in which t ie resolution relating to Mr. McAii- mn was couched, lie believed that tiie county is unanimous tor bis nomi nation. Capt. Fuller briefly joiued in suppoit of the resolutions. The mul titude present responded in loud ami cordial applause. Dr. George D. Phillips, the Chairman of the meeting, reviewed the life of Mr. McMillan from childhood, and declared it Ins l»elief that the District could find i.o man who would stand more ably ur.d -tcadiu-tiy by its interests, or reflect more i.lustrous honor on the wlio.e .Male. The ie-elutions were unani mously adopted. Dr. D. 6. llolt offered the fo'l w- ing resolution which was adopted un- iniiiM U ly: R>solved, that Dr. Gto r C D. Phillips, full of years amt of hon or.*, I>e chosen to head the delegation lrom llaliersham Dr. Phillips respond ed, that he would go to lue Conven tion, if able to travel, or if he could endure to l>e hauled. The Delegates and Alternates were then appointed, and confirmed, ;e le- -enting every section of the county.— f hey are as follows : delegates. Dr. George D. Phillips, John Lap- rade, Mitchell Parker, A. B. Dorsey, C..H. Sutton, B. F. Reynolds. alternates. J. B. Whitehead, W. M. Jones, J. H. Grant, .Sidney Barr, L. Cawthon, John G. Grow. On inotiou it was resolved, that the Athens papers, the Gainesville Eagle, Moun.atn Signal aud Gwinnett Atlas toe respectfully requested to publish rite proceedings of this meeting. The meeting, on motion, adjourned. GEORGE D. PHILLIPS, Chairman. E. Fclle, SwepsoxCox, Sec. In Troup county cotton is not as good ns last year. News from the rice crop on the coast is favorable. The prosucets of the growing gar crop are good ; nn English nuthori- ty i stima’.es an incase of 18 to 10 per Ci-t:’. in ihe yield of licet sugar and nn I'U’i-st nf InO.OoO tons of cane sugar Tiii-t would give an average increase in the world's production of 10 per cent. General Items, Col. J. A. Billups, of M idism who has been suggested ns a candidate ’nr Congress in the Ninth district, is and will not be a candidate for that position. Tnc last session of the Legisla* 1 tre p issed four hundred and six acts and thirty-four resolutions. D arson B. Lane, an old citizen of Morgan county, died last week. Rumor ha* it that Judge IVarner will deride the homestead net unennsti tuliiiiuil, and tliat Judge Montgomery will concur. If this should be the case there will be a terrible upheaving of things. There has been another heavy slide in the White Mountnn Notch, near the Willey house. No one was huit. Oil boring is to be suspended in the region of Titnsville, Pa., for six months, on account of the low price of oil. Tbe Chicago Tribune says: We" count more than 100 in mlnrs aide members of Congress who have up to this time acted wirti the Republican par ty and who are now for Greeley’s elec tion. II. Thorcson, of Northfield tiie wealthiest Scandinavian merchant M nncsota, and a life-long Republican Inis declared for Greeley. An Irishman, Imving thy rhesj- inatistn being asked where it troubled iiiin tbe most, replied, “ Be me s»wl! I believe its iu ivery bole and corner nv me! ’ An old woman on l»eingexamin ed before a Magistrate ns to ber pliiee of legal settlemen’, was asked wbat reason sbe h:n( for suppositig ber busbund bad a legal settlement in that town. Tbe old ladv said : “ He was born und inarried there, and they buried him there, and if that isn’t settling him there, I don’t know wbat it is.” Vtfkraa.—Jonas Whit comb’s Remedy. Prepared fmm a German recipe obtained by the latcJona Wnitcomli, in Kun»|»e. Itallevi itcd this Uisordci in hi* case when all other aj plianccs of tmtlira' skill aud lift*n atiandoned. .to<e|»U liuruett A Uo. Bos on. For sale by all druggists. Subs itulesln Ihrllenlal flanks are not desirable, therefore, keep the natural teeth sound and pure with wholesome vegetable elixir, S>ozodont. 1h> this, and they will Ia>t as long as the breath las;*, aud the breath itself will never be tainted. ToOumrsn! Il»*sr*»n«l I'attte.—Tobias’ Derby Condition Powder* are warranted Superior t<» any ners, or nopar. for lb.* cure of Uistomper, Worms, irtjls, Com;h*, llid2 Bound, Col l, Ae.. iu Horses, ana v nu jiis, Loss of Milk, Black Toiuue, Horn l> N.empj»’, Ae., in Cattle. Price 25 cents D^pot, l*», Park Place, New York Ph*«t<»l *ci»t*«*y that oar Radies are renewed once in seven vein. The material rf which they ate r* construcied i* the blood, aud uiDes* it be tut ly ehaige*i with the elements of viia.ity, ht >iie.irit i a 11 hoilth f .hjs/st in lec luc. Cf ail hlo ddepuruits, Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Hitters i the safest and most infallible. There is uo disease arising from «lepravation of the hi >od. whieh it will not speedily cure V ir lty4 »‘*|>sia« indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility, iu their various forms, also as a preventive agaiust fever ami ague ; ami other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Ilaxarda Co., New York, aud sold by all druggists, is the bosi tonic, an<l for patients recovering from fever or other sickue&r, has no equal. T!mntoi*i Ivory Pearl footh Powder*—The best apticle ktiu--n for cleaning and preserving the teeth and guuis. Sold by all druggists. Price 2* and 50 cents per bottle, r. C. Wells A Co., New York. Phristadom** llslr Bye. This magnificent com itound stands unrivalled, in the world. No lady or gentleman of di*i*rmiiuatiou uses any other. It is the most p *rfoct, reliable, and etfecthe hair dye iutUe w.rid. F.ct«.ry 68 Maiden Lanc,N. V. Par!» »’i.>:.|ve,roco.u\|»«ndod by physiuiansaathe gre.r, .lea .inv < o:np'»uad. Price 25 cents per box John : • 1! nrv, ole proprietor, 8 College Piste, >cw New Y K iru't ii a reliable Diuretic and Tonic for all derang.'i^enta ofthe urinary and ^euitol or gan*. The fccxiujuc, a onuetl} told by Havilind, tlarral A Ris ey, and their Uru.cbe*, is pared bv IT. W. »i«dey, ihe orf prietor ; and '.he iroue *uppued Morgan A llisley, New York. «vipida is opium puridedof its sickeninga nl pois onous properties. It ts a perfect anodyne, not pro- uucing headache, or constipation of the bowels, a* b the c tse with other preparations of opium. Jonn Farr. Chemist. N. Y. Pratt’s Astral Oil, ha* a world-wide reputation Agrnss Wanted for tbe Autobioarai hr of HORACE GREELEY, Obitnarjr. Died, at the residence of Mr. Jos. H. Lumnkin in Oi»l«thnrru» mnntv r*n * A n . cw ll ! ,ul . rmted «M*lon, now rclv. Get this th. .1 Tn.t ■ ’ '“'giwnotrne county on t^,t, and only edition written by hfraself, sod on- tne lritli in-t., Lucy Lewis, daughter Tribune; and our tsrz < *jip.iius of Henry C. nnd A. S. Bryant, aged 3 years, 4 months and 21 days. She was a bright anti lovely child, and the sail dispensation came sudden ly, nnd with crushing weight upon the hearts of the bereaved parents. May their sorrow 1 e assuaged by the thought that their little one has been taken from the evil to come, and is glorified now, and that a bright re-union may be theirs at last. May these comfort ing truths of our holy religion, and the blessed hopes inspired by them, like the flowers of a lovely garden bloom and shed their fragrance in these sorrowing hearts, and cover little Lucy’s grave with the shadow of their foliage. HIGHEST PRICE PAID EOli COTTON, AND ALL PRODUCE—CHEAPEST PRICE FOR GOODS. Otic @1 Tiie Largest Stocks. Eucr BFouakt To Alhcns. I j 00 HI ... i t . ■ h’l;. ! [ Come One Come All, and try U8. OUR MOTTO—' HON EST T THE BEST POL-I-O.” England & Orr. Atlieu* Retail Prices ("urrenl FOR THE WEEK ENDING SEPT. 13, 1872. Corrected Weekly by England cC* Orr. 1 4 u to I 70 to 18 to 12 l . j to 15 31WLML. for all pirtievjnst out, price fl 50. One agent sola 510 in three days. Splendid Steel por trait ofGreeley, SI. $3i)0 a month made selling E. B. TREAT, Pub. 805, Broadway, N. Y. THE RECORDS nr TESTS At LOWELL, Mas*., prove x. r. niiiMiin’s XKW TKJKUIXK, superior to all others. It gave a lrghcr per cuutage than any oth er wheel of common finish. Pam phlet and price list bv N. F. BURNHAM, York, Pa. V R tliTniOSR FEMALE GOLLEGE 'V as incorporated as a regular College in 1849, with power to confer den ret* 4. It was liberally endowed by the Stateof Maryland in 1819, ami] affords every facility fora tlionm^h and ajtvMuplishcl Education It enjoys the patronage of the Middle. .Southern and • \\ estern Slate ,Catalogues may be had at this office, j or of N. C. iiRGUKS, L. 1^. D. Prest, Ballimore, Md ST. OLA!if" HOTEL, Bill fi more, 3Id. This New a id Beautiful Hotel is now OPEN to the public. l.«» ated on MONUMENT SQUARE, convenient alike to 1.*k businessman and the turist. It is the only hotel in Baltimore embracing eleva tor suits of rooms with baths, und all other con veu- Icncies. To accomm i latc Merchants. Comm *rc:al Tmv- tiers ami others, the rates will be $2 per day tor r.H» ns on the f earth and fifth floor*, making tbe diiference on account of the elevation. Ordinary transient rates for lower rooms, S3 per day. Gue*d«»dedring to fake rdvantage ofthe rdmve tales will pledse notify the clerk before room* are assigned. An improved elevator f;r the use o! the guests is cotHtauilv running, from8 A. M. until 11. P M. HARRY 11. FOGLE Manager. Lar i.ik i.s, grown, 25ct Fry ing 2b to — I ggs j * r do/.. 20 to -jo Butler per lb. 29 to obacco—Common 44 59 to 60 Medium 44 75 to 80 I- ine 44 l Oi) to 4 2. K.*mking 44 59 to N* ‘Sunif *• :-0 to i uo Cigars, Am per 1009 35 ini to75 00 44 Aavana.... 44 75 00 125 (tO tiumuuitioi;—Powder per lb. to 50 L*ad..‘.7.^1* 44 12 Caps. |u*r box, lo Wooden Ware.—l*ainted Bucket*, do* 3 50 Cedar • 4 ‘ 12 00 Sieve* 44 3* 50 Liquor*.—Corn Whisky,... per gal. 3 09 Peach Brandv Apple 44 * ..... Holland tiiu Bourbon WhUker \Vsnc* roceriet*.—Sr.gar, l i to 15 to 15 to 25 to 4 99 tola 00 to 4 O') to to 3 (i0 to 3 09 to 8 00 Coffee, Ui. 44 -»ai Tea, Ifysen..*. is! par lb. i,good 4 :i powder 1 rat 2 oi 1 50 1872. DSTGOOSS. 1872. KEAN, LANDRAM & CO. A RERECEIVING A VERY LARGE AND ATl'R ACTIVE STOCK OF iPRIHG UNO -RUMMER WM 1000S, Lace Point*,, Sac ra?*, Ltc i C< in 1 Sleeves, D By VardOfl B>w<, Scarfs, Parasol*, Ac. Jte. A splcn-- - did line of hi ick and colored silks Japanese Cloths, areges, Chxllies, Plain Black t;rsu.idine*. Satir, ’ Striped Grenadines, French Organdies Colored irii.v.. , Cambric*, Percales, Piques, Linen loin its, Ac Doily Vardon patterns in most of^ the above. ^ ' AVHITE GOODS ' Swis?, Mull, Nainsook and Joe.ntet, Irish Linen, Linen Lawa Fur Suit*, Swhw and Vic. Lanu suit* mode up. Linen Table Lhimnsit, Nankins, Doyles, and Towel*. In our Dint ENT It- l)KlMItf.D..d wil* be found oil tbe favorite brands of bic uihed aud iirowti shooting* and shirtings at very reasonable price*. With sincere gratitude for the kind and liberal encouragement Arom our friend* the pa>t seasou, we respectfully solicit a continuance ..f their fa\or», promising on our part every etlort to please. apr A „ t Verv KEAX. LAN U RAM & CO. lot) it ICO % D M ntti KT, U'UINTt, «A. I J . S. We will send samples and pav the Ex press on rill hills ordered at retail ibr amounts over Ten Dollars. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SHAL UK'S RA.TENT PABABETOROH for Hie ( AtlPUHY «>f |87f, ; 9rt striking novelty in the torch line The burning fluid being contain ed in the picking, prevent* all danger of dripping aud soiling ih. cl .thing,an l i>- |terf*vtlv safe ii handling. By Mowing through tube in the handle A C OLIMI.Y OF Fl.A tli: HARDWARE, i®©¥3SS & TT w m. is thrown three feet into the air, . producing a f»eautiful and start- I ling effect, and iilunininating a j in id.* area. This Torch is vhtuper j and hin-lirr than ativ other, and ] c.ists to burn only two or three edit* per night. Manufauturetl ami sold bv j S. M. AIRMAN Jk Co , 261 Pearl Sired New York * Manufacturers of Ship, R. P. J and Hand Lanterns. Which we are offering .1 > very low prices. We will also keep <li.uinjr the season " ':» full stock of those famous Sumiuey it Newton AXES, at rcduqC'l prices. Jackson AVapjons a. Specialty.; SUMMEY & NEWTON. out I) W. S. WtTIlKUS. 1 , . , r > K. H. JONES. WITHERS & JOISTiqSi Fouw&ssas wad TS, Uroiii-ietors Novelty Iron Works. Atlanta, Ga. william d. cabkh., (Uni,. v».i, ivinripai i \'T -VN'UFACT]. KEKS of Buildiim Fronts, Gratings, Window Guards, i C-'In-na, l.r.ite Bars, Hitcliing Costs, BiaclieM, lluilrodil Kfan, Sumnifr Houses, F. Kr.v Mf.aiie, (Uuiv. Va.>. tiistruelorin Ancient | rJr. S.'..... l l r ' 1 ? B< .* Srtlees lor Lawns amt Verandahs, lion Uailiiigs and F.i neUk'sW NORWOOD IHi;iiS<'!100L,Va 20th, 1872- Syrup, gorghum, (tergal. 44 Cane, 44 7 » Cuba Molories.... 44 , 49 Cauiles per ib. 29 C iw.Mi 44 20 Cracxers - - 44 1? Onion*, per hush.1 00 Candy, Fan jy per 11». 50 44 Slick, 44 25 SihIh *• 12 Black Pepper 44 35 (finger 4 ‘ 25 Starch 44 15 Bice 44 10 Mackerel No. 1,... per kit, 3 (O “ No. 2,... 44 2 «;0 Sardines, porbnx, :*5 .Salt |*ersack,2 ^5 Drag*—Cu.»|K* per lb. s Indigo 44 1 75 Mudper 44 20 w ‘all* “ 10 Sulphur 44 15 Hardware.—lrou, Sweeils*-. 44 7 44 Country bar 44 6 44 Castings, 44 8 Nail* 4 8 Cotton Cards, par doz.6 00 Hoes, Brade’s, 44 6 00 Ames’ Shovels, “ 15 00 44 Spades, 44 15 00 Trace 1'iiain*, 44 0 00 Plnsoclal.—Gold, buying T 12 44 selling 1 3 Silver, buying.... 1 08 diing.— 1 10 12^6 to 10 to to 7 00 to 8 00 to!8 00 tolS 00 tolH U) to It to6 to a-c: rqu iw a sat« suRsapaaiLLa. A Substitute for Mercurial Preparations, Qixtor Oil, Rhubarb, Senna, dec. 'PHE PUREST AND BEST 1- remedy known for diseases of the Liver, Fe male Complaints, or fo - any disease in which n nod id tic i* tiece.sary, to keep the I towels free and healthy, or to pm ily the bb«od. It acts more nat urally on the liver than Calomel or Blue Pills, and tnswer* a better purposo. It i* the (5rt*nt Spring Medicine. Prepared by .1. Dennis, M. D., Augus ta, C»a. isoid by Dr. King, Athens. nm AMEBOH MIXED GLOSS VINT COMPANY. Manufacturers of Mixed Gloss Paint. No. 159, Best 5tii si., Cincinnati, Ohio. All colors and tints ready for nse. far ran t ‘<1 not to Peel, Blister, Crack or Chalk Off. One gallon covers 290 e*|iinro fed, 3 coats. On .ilastered wall* aud ceilings 309 and 250 square feet 2 und t tree coats. Oar paint Is made from the same material* that 11 painters claim to use—l**st White Load, Zinc ;na Liusccd Oil; the enamelc % ! surface given by he gloss is not effected by scrubbing and was ing. »t ha* been thoroughly tested, being in use over ine vears, aud has given entire satisfaction. 8uit- iblel'orall purposes, and warranted to stand iu any climate. A* our painU are made of the ordinary pigmant* andoii, do notconftund them with those stvlod ‘Chemical,*’ 44 Knbber,’ , or any other mixed paints. emeu mED umss paint c«. April 1, 1S72. Lang It. L. Harris *s, M. A.. (Univ. Va.>, Instructor iu j Moilern Language*. Knglish, Ac. Titos. A. Skhdon, iMathematical Medalist, Univ. j Va.), Instructor in Applied Mat hematics and ; in Analvtiial and Applet! Cliemisiry. D. S. (J. Caukll. (Univ. Va.). Instructor in Address, WILLIAM 1>. CARKLL. principal, Norwood, Va. University of Virginia, Ma> 0 l»“2 To Wm. D.Cabell,'Kmj., Principal. My. Dear Sir I have a high appreriatinoof work your SchtKiI i* doing ibr the Mate and tlie Country, and of the lni|tortailce «>f send ng you tbe best men as your assistants. Yours, very truly, CHARLES S. VENABLE. Chairman of the Faculty, F. of Va. lVAMIlINGTON IAIVKR8ITY Medical School, Haiti more, Maryland. rpHENEXT ANNU AL SESSION 1- of this Institution will begin October 1st, 1872, and continue live month*. 4‘hc clinical ad vantage* ofthe School are unsurpassed. Koesincluding lis*tt*ct!on an 1 hospital ticket*, ?i»5. For Catalogues containing full particulars apply to Prof. CUAS. W. CHANCELLOR. Dean, Baltimore. Md. f , vv.„ w „„ ui.iisbiiu i eriiiiuans, non uauiliffHi for -onictery U»ts. Pence* and Verandah*, etc., etc. Allorders ft»r IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND MACHINERY T the late-t pat- of all kin-la attem'e 1 t-j nrviiipilr. an<l no cliam-s m We alsomoniifacturo Sa-I Irani, Andirons, Fire Si dron.,, Skillet*, etc., etc. We arc aip-ntu for tli made for pattern* when in regular line of w<irk. Stands, W eil-wheel*, Portable Grata*, Kettle*, I’aul- jq i Itiila 11 '•I oi Tanitc Company's F.mery Grinders, Saw Gummevs, Pn. ’ • -*v Yt’\‘ " *'• tent Flan ?es, etc., wilieh we will deliver at Factory JPriccs. These wheels are free from any offensive odor, do not gin:?, quin, or heat, as some do; arc not liable to burst, and will cut farther than any otner wheel. acjit :m r, ul I _ .4 4 D. Ii. & J. T. DENNING, DEALERS IN \ t BLOOD PURIFIER It is not a physic, which may give temporary re lief to ilic nutl'erer Ibr the first few doses, but which from cont nued use brings idle* and kindred dis c-use* to aid in weakening the invalid, nor i* it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of“ Bitter*,’* is so extensively palmed off on the ) »ublic as sovereign remedies, but it is a mn*tpotrer- ul tome nndulter.itire, proiioum etl so by the lead ing medical authorities of Jjondon and'Paris, and baslongbecn used by regular physicians of other countries with wonderful results.* D \ WELLS’ EXT.OFJiJRUBEB •. retains all the medicinal virtue* peculiar lo the plant, and must be taken as u permanent curative ageut. I* there want or Action in Your Liver am! SyL-en t Uuless relievcsl at once, the blood becomes impure from deleterious seeretious, producing scrofulous or akin diseases, blotches, fclous, pustules, canker, pimple*, etc. Take JURUBEBA to cleanse, purify nnd restore the vitiated bl(M>d to healthy action. Have yot a V ctiar i .* f’nless digestion ispromptiv aided tiie system Is debilUut<*<i w.ilt loss of vital force, poverty of the Mood, dropsical tendency, general weakio-ss >«r iassiSiule. Tage it to assist digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to tbe weary suffer, r. Have you Weakness of the Intes'litcs i You arc in danger of chronic diarrhtca, or the dreadful in flammation ofthe bowels. Take il to allay irritation, and vanloii tendency to inflammation*. Have von Wecktiessnf the Uterine or Urinary Hr. c»n* ! Yov must procure instant relief, or you arc liable to Huflering wors * than death. Take it to strengthen orgryncsftj d^nc^sor life be- oo£«** a burden. Fina^y* it should b<» taken to keep tbe system in por.fct health, or you are ofln wb© in gr-»«tdan ger «»f malarial, miasmatic or <'«oitagious oisoasus. JOHN (*. KKLI.Otltr, Platt »t., N. Y., n-'de wut. for Lured Metes. Price, one dollar p«t Ix*:tI-‘. .Send f»r circular. THE NiW WHEtLER & WILSON SEWING , MACHINE TS THE BEST FAMILY SEWJ 4. IN<i MACHINE ia use, n great r varie ty of work. It is t.uue simple iu its eonstraction, running lighter and with mere tmd than any othert^tJWINO MACIlIXKln the market. Hav- ■ngst'xsl the test Ibr twenty years, Every Machine is Fully Warrantvl. Cnlland examine tieliire puiebtuinz others. Thread, needles, oil, Ac., may be had at the office. WE ALSO HAVE THE AGENCY FOIl WI ADAM DSMODSST’S New York Fashion Patterns RECEIVED MONTHLY. A Bill- site, accarato md reliable pattern In vari- eu* au>«<>f every new and dceigable style, For Jjadlcf and Children's Dresses. ^.Mie’surest and t>e*t ii'uminating oil. Oner iwo Eaeh pattern pot nn In aoenretope, with itlostra- milliun gallons have been sold Sr the past two tion.and full description and directions how to ve-irs. fnim which, no aceidenu ot any description LyeWurred. soil t«r Circular. Oil Uouae of Charles Pratt established 1730, New York. Daniel's Magic Oil P 1 u.ator and Pro* 111* SUCCCNSoU, u> htTe Frraa^ntly Heard mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Winslow • soothing Svrup. iromthe birth or the child until it has fco- is'bed with the teething s.cge, under any circurn- staaces whatever. SESfiffttSSSJPM 1 . Sb^o/yS^Tu brntotifrigreffects aretra le wonderful. Depot, 5 0eMst..N. Y. ption cut, put togetber, make and trim the garment. Haring competent ladles to run machines or ders tor making dresaes, shirts, or fiir other sea-* log, will be promptly executed. BROWN & SCHAFFER, AOEN1S, ATHENS, OA. Jaoil Oftoe oa College Arenue, Athena, On. &C. CURES llhcnmntism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Sprain*, Bruises, &c., FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. Wagou Yanis in Athens. -n HESUBSCRIBER HAS asal'e, comfortable and commodious Wagon Yard on River street, near tho Upper Bridge: ALSO ONE AT FOOT OF BROAD ST., on Foundry st., nearly rear of Dorsey A Smith, where Corn, Fodder, and all other necessary ap pliances, can be purchased on reasonable terms.— i.'haigesmoderate. The highest market price pa'P for county produce, and bank bills received in ex change for goods. WILEY HOOD. Jan. 1*72. WINDOW SASHKS, BKENDK. saa®G® SHmatHS, tATHil$ t muC :• 1 m 1. T k Lime, I lament, Plaster Paris, Hair, Ff«£ BIS KICK, #C. ■ COMPRISIN'O A COMPLETE STOCK Ql[ . Building Material, 45 Jaefeon Street, Near Post Office, Augusta, Ga. w .1, aud invite au nle and £qgtb*» ritiinrpinidnc^. j*lau$ Ibr ft Price Lint.- - jpifins eximinatioii of <wr slock and price*. Our Door*, Sashc*, and Blind*’at® cm Pine, a.vt lv.ivii»g c .•in ^itm with manufacturers 5>«»uth, can fill orders with nnd «.y,Hni ii *s furnished, and i-onti net* taked for all stvles of buildings. S^hd f jmt oti. ffm. D. H. & J; T. DENNING Aicw t'ottoii and Prodncc WarehoiiscT V' \..-\VN Subscribed Capital, ONE MJ LLiON DOLLARS, THE WAREHOUSE OF THIS BANK: ’ Corner oi Campbell ami BBcynolrfs Sis VuLrnsta, Cieorgia, II I ti/T ! s now ready:to RECi-:rvE cotton.; , v, ,i ; • , : <li ■» ;*■*! V:M f. 1- LIBERAL CASH ADVANF-KS will b» made ur»^n Cotton ip Weuxhoiw^tfr lLtlfrcad Ri>ceti>u t^«5* ParMe* ^toriiir: Cotton wb:i t>n»'Bahff irittW ftmlshed with r^lpi/rKrUme tliat wil It***, available in THIS CITY Oil AN Y OTHER, for IwirntWiug uuuiey. * ( rid" The Bmk i* prepar*vl at all time* t*. make I.OANS UN pRODl’f E bu PROVISIONS on* the most re a 5Dti aids term*. \ H Parties would do well to apply at tbe Warehousu, of t-.miuunirate wi»h t b CHARLES J. JEN . fl’rc.-icIenU JNO. P. KING, 1 Vic# President. T. P. BRANCH, Cashier. ‘ eyt 12 3m. - ’ ‘i -’ll • ,1 »>■! DiIJm • + Great Siioe Hoiise V.S ». :ol i •Jti h Yew Jliasice ,. Wanted. Qf\pv COEDS, Pine wood wanted. guV./V-'l’rnpoeals to fnmisn. Two Hundred Cprts of Pine Wood st the Athens Check Factory are desired by lulr 21 -2t It- L. BLOOHFItXD J T Agent A. II. Co. P. RENAN, Having removed to the late store of‘Jas. A. Gray, WILL KEEP ON HAND A VERY LARGE AND COMPLETE YY .t.ickof '• *• •»: i.ut Ai«n»ot-t*l — '.■<•• BOOTS AND SHOES, - Embracin'! tJ‘c Vnry Best Goods rnirff United States, ’ —tVhJyhU^wUHUOj Persons visiting Augusta rfii ring the May Convention wiilfind ltd^tMtv0kiV(riit fl^give meat-all, audlav in asupffy for their famines,\ v ,,y A \ v n _ . ,-^V\ . .[ ASTG-BAILIE-iSBRO., • AUGUSTA; GEC^t»iiAcvoi^dyMt \ BK now opening aheautifni assortmentoftbefiiUewiaggooddfpy^arikC*(*40*11 flftwhiclt “iff he »'\ sold off quick at a smalt advance: ,j ( , f ^ Brussels, Thrce-plv, Iognun, andlow.pncpdij^rdpts, Bugs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, beat coods^tcuLarar size, Druggets, Mattings, Mats; nnd riBftmab^ Chrqmo*, Window Shades all sizes. (Airtahi Goods, L&bfc! Curtains,• ^ Goods. • Wall Papers-and Borders^ We also keep oh our first, florir., a 'JftrgS sMck- bP'GtSOfCE FAMIfO r GROCERIES, Wool and Willotv War-V• W^-rrifitdtldjaJmflLBa otir Afliens a ashl i—4- -I.-U .«• -Axobwtofi f. klLlE A^BROTHER, Cl". BBOAIhAUGUSTS. Window Shadnss-Fire Screens. A LABGE LOT of Paper Window Curtains snd j friends, lor tlie at{0,VO,goods, which tvul A. Tire Screens, eomprisitiR mwiy new «.d ( JAP. G. BA. • ™,MI. .