Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, July 27, 1837, Image 2

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* | A Steamboat Race. The manner in wltjch the steamboat races, which fre quently end in the dreadful destruction of human life, are conducted on the Western water.:, in a late Peoria Register, and was written b\ Mr. Sniniu ! 11. Davis, who was in one of the boats. The Banter. On Wednesday mor ning, the 14th April, the Captain of the Franklin stepped on board of the Phil lips, both boats being at Louisville, and after the usual salutations, put his hand somewhat significantly to his neck. "What’s the matter with vonr tuck?" asked the Captain of the Phillips. “I strained it,” replied the other, looking, back for you the last tun we nc :<* up.' “Well,” said Captain McClain, “if 1 can get enough freight for ballast, you shall strain it looking the other way to-day." Thus the challenge was given and accept ed. The thing took wind, and bets of •*?100 to wore made that the Frank lin would beat the Phillips one hour. The latter got no freight, and had to run un der tins disadvantage. The Start. The Franklin leli port at 11 o : clock, with her usual complement ofj freight and passengers, and proceeded off: iri gallant style. The Phillips left at thir ty-jive minutes .past 11, as her chal lenger was passing Six Mile Island. Sh had no freight, hut she had a good supply j of pine knots, in addition to her stock ofj wood, which was, for tin- most part, dry beech, and excellent. The Franklin he-i ing a daily passenger boat between < 'in-1 ciimati and Louisville, of course con- j tracts for am! obtains the 1.e.-t wood on the river. The Phillips had about thirty 1 cabin, and the same number of deck, passengers: among the latter was a bu gler, who from (lie hurricane da k, sen! forth several stirring airs, as the ho*-.t shov ed oft’ and got under way. The eIK-ct; permed enchant in r. Merchants, clerk-,! draymen, all dropped their pur aits, and, became gazers upon the seem*. OvEiuiAi t. at Madison. Though the Franklin was observed six mih s alter'd on our leaving, yet, from the heml in the river, and the increasing smokim -s of the atmosphere, site was soon lost sight of,, and not seen again till we arrived near Madison, fifty miles front Louisville. Here she had stopped ton minutes, prohablv to. deliver the mail, and was half a mile a-, head as we passed the town.—Thus we had gained at least twenty minutes upon her in ibis ili-t.xuee. Till this time, verv few of the pa- engers knew of the race. The sight of the Franklin, the swiftest ■ boat oil the Western waters; the fact that site was six miles ahead oil our ,ieavin- Louisville, and that we were now within hail, produced a belief in minds of all that we could beat her, and made us dis posed to try. Pvss at Warsaw. The boats kept about the same distance from each other for the next thirty miles, to Yv’arsaw,, where the Franklin was compelled to toin-ii to deliver the mail.—The Phillips slc-i a head, and obtained five or six Jen r:!is, I when the Franklin was olFagain, under a high head of steam. She gained upon! the Phillips “mightily." Then the cont a gion spread through ever." soul on board, “(jo ahead, captain—keep her in the w akc —huzza for the Phillips!” was in evert| mouth. Nothing could exceed the spirit of the .firemen and deck hands. The! hatches were thrown open: pine knots cheered the deck', au«! two or three axe kept going in plitting and breaking them: the deck passengers were huddled in ti;<- bow, to give tin: boat more dip : tin-ch on 1 wagons were hauled from out* side to the other, as she careened : volumes of lurid llmnc issued from the tops of tin “''chim neys, while dense clouds of black .-moke tilled the atmosphere over us. It was. plain that no less excitement prevailed on hoard the Franklin. Thus far she had I been queen of the wan r-. Would she see her.-elf eclipsed without making a mighty etlbvt ! The wav that both boats! went “was a caution." Rising Si n. The relative distance between the. two boats vv abut little alter ed for twelve or fifteen miles from War saw. The Franklin would sometimes’ h ave our wake by putting iter h ad to the right or left, and attempting to get in a line with us. After repeated failures, she at lust succeeded a levy miles Belov. Rising Sun. This is twenty miles from Warsaw.— From its high batiks a line view is had of the rivi c below . The cit izens saw the boats approaching, ayd li ned the banks as we passed them, in passing, the two boats were “neck and j neck,” and we wt re saluted with loud and continued cheers. .No lespose was sent back from either boat : not a sound was heard save the sonorous breathings t.f the scape pipes and the whirl of the water wheels. . The right to respond h longed only to the victor, and that distinct.on was yet to be won. Ai.vr.M or Tin: Lam ns. A few miles above Rising Sun, the boats', which till | now had been abreast, and from ten i * i fifty feet apart, struck ea bother with a sllgi.t conclusion. Ihe | hies of vvil. on there wa re twelve or bib •, on board flic* Phillips, became alnrict ••!, and boson d:t their husbands to interfere. Whi! th: consternation prevailed m th. ladn . ' ca bin and state robins, a different >.•• n<- vv:,- witnessed without . the two boat.- - m \ to be lashed together, th officers ei' each shaking hands across tin railings, and tin men •i.• ml crews looking defiance. As the"pa-a■ ng*r|« stepped out on the guard on c ilhef--:,]e, they were promptly order ed back, that the boats might he k< pt in trim, the Phillips < specially, being so light that the weight of four or five men would careen her over like a canoe. The highest excitement prevailed. 'Pile Frank lin no longer regarded the delivery of the mail, and had Mr. Kendall’s penalty been ten-fold greater, it would not have weigh ed a feather. The river in front olthe boats, from the light of the furnaces, seemed a sheet of fire, while the sky con tinued overclouded with the dense vol umes of smoke, which poured forth from the chimneys. Sometimes tin* Franklin would shoot ahead.— Our very breaths were held in suspense. Then would the Phillips recover h»*r ground, and pass her adversary an equal distance. The cheers which had been sent forth a minute be fore, were now returned with heartv good will, and a determination to triumph, mixed with many horrid imprecations,, was belched forth Bv the crews of both, vi el.--. In passing Petersburg, the boats ; struck with a more violent •oncussioii! Ilian before; the alarm of the ladies in rrea-ed, the captain of the Phillips ■ wa ke-ought to de.-ist, and assured that the' ladies in question constitutional nervous ness, could not surviv e the excitement, j Captain McClain yielded to their impor tunities, and in passing th<* point above the town just named, Imre away and leli' the channel to the Franklin, while a hear ty cheer, followed bv a gun, resounded Irom the latter. On hoard the Franklin it is said they were even more alarmed. Camphor, ammonia, and all tin: restora tive- on hoard, lieu around in prolusion, until the cabin resembled a chemical la boratory . Arrivai. vt Cincinnati. The Phil lip- fell in ilu* rear of the Franklin, as a-' hove related, twenty-five miles below Ciu j. Sin* inainl ui' il I, r distance, to , ' port, and c mu* in three lengths a-teni, 1 |at tin minutes pa t one, having perform-, ed the run m tliirtm n hours and thirty live minutes—one hundred and fifty miles. j S’ Mor\i vix.—This extraordina ry elevation may he considered as not oil-! I> one of the most remarkable mountains in North America, but as one of the grea- i test natural curiosities in theknown world ■ Imagine a perpendicular wall of solid 1 marble, live or six hundred yards in length, and for.r hundred yards high, rising in grandeur and sublimity from the plain he-j low. The .Macon Messenger gives a full, description of the mountain, made bv a remit traveler, who states tin* circuni , Icrenci to Ik* rix mil 's, and tin* 'height twenty-tv.o hundred and fifty feet, it round- oil at lb top, like the dome of, some magnificent edifice, ami may have 1 been tin* bdiy leuieio whence the savage 1 mill up ins sacrifices to his strange gods, j The stone mountain is situated in Di - ( knl!) comity, Georgia, and. i-. perhaps, then most stupendous of the :ii ay m.iai al n , iiositi**s v. itli vv !:ich our cmotry abounds. I | Kvenlug Ga a. :!e. j lb ni —A < t' . iglu geiioonmn had appointed to meet at twelve o’c! •»*■•.. Ik v ell of them were pmictmil, lmt the eighth camo bustling in vvi'li :ip:,!.i_ies tor being a quain r o! an hour behind the n a*. “Tin* time," said he, “passed away without inv being aw are of it. 1 bad no idea it was so late,’ etc. A Quaker said. “Friend, L am not sure that vre should admit ihv ;i --pdlog v. !! were mater of regret that | thou Mum!,!- t have wasted thine ovv n quar ter o! an hour: but tliere :.;•«* seven be s:di s th;,self, whose title* tliim ha-t also consumed, amounting in the whole to two lion:s, and one eighth of it only was thine gu'ii p/upeetu. ’Fur. vv vv to mak:: Mom i i\ ryr.nv v. vn's i*oi i,r. a— At this tm.c, vls u the general complaint i- tint “money i,- scarcc." it will be an act of kindness to inform tin* monevlcs:- how thev can rein force their pockets. Iv> ill acquaint them 1 with the true secret of money catching: tin* certain way in till empty purses, a.wl how to kei p them alvv av- Full. Tw o simple rule-. well observed, will do the business. First let litutesiv am! indu-trv be tbv constant comp arm ; and, .sec ondly spend one penu; less than tin clear gams. Tiien shall thy poi ket >,am Bc. ; m to thrive ; and never will again erv vv: ii i ; empty liellv-;:elu*: neither will creditors in-ult thee, nor want oppress, nor hunger' bite, nor nakedness freeze thee. The whole hemisphere vvil!shim* brighter, and I pleasure spring up m every corner of tin I heart. Now, then fore, embrace these rule ami be happy., the bl ■aU vv mo ot sorrow from thy mind, and live inde pendent. Fi.mi hull tiiou be a man, am: not hide ;ace at tin .ae.proacli of tin* rich. m*r .mffi r the pai i of fee!mg little when the sm sos fortune vv dh at thy right 1... ml ; li.-r mdi neuileuge, wheth er vvit.i lilt:.* or!.: i- a good fortune-, ami placetn tlir nini.'ii ground with t!a.• proudest ' I the Iden t-leece. < >,i (hen, be w t-e, and 1. t in.lll try u.d, vv ith thee m tm* luoriimg. ainl attend ii.. . uni.l :it ..: readiest till* i\.u a;: !iii:ir of rest. Let honesty h" a- ti:e bn ai!i of iliv - - .!, and in", r li.rg. tto ha*, e ,t p< u:iv. vviau all thy expenses are t-nunii rated and paid : tiien shall thou in icy tin* n out id' iiappi ni". and imltppn.ience shall he tiiv slm Id •mil bul kier, thy hetnlet ami crown . then shall thy soul .walk upright, nor stoop to tiie sib.t a writ, h „ . -e be hath riches, nor an abu.-e b. tin* hand wtecu oiler- n vv» is a rum set with dri ll, -id-.—! Ftankliu BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. Internal Improvement ; Increased Facili ties of Intercourse and Traveling in t/ic+l/nitcfl States. • The following highly interesting article is taken irom the Amer. Almanac t*»r IWI7, than which wo know of no work more admirable in its way. Ilad any of us been told forty * years since, that the results here given could I iiave come within the compass of possibility, in so short a space of time, vre should have ] regarded the statement as an attempt to play i upon our credulity. The great and rapid improvement which ■ lias taken place in tiie condition and circum- I stances of the people of the United States, since the American revolution, is strikingly ' illustrated by the increased facilities of trav e-ling and intercourse between the different parts of the country, by* means of turnpike mails, canals, rail road cars, all of which w ere, at that time, wholly unknown hero, with the exception of stage couches, which had been established on two or three short routes. But 1 it is - nice the close of tie• last war with (treat Britain, that the spirit of enterprise, with re spect, to internal improvement, tias been chii f ! ly manifested ; it is at the present time, es pecially active, and promises, should nothf.g ( ' inpjx'n to chock its progress, to accomplish, much more in the ten succeeding years, than has l)o'*n effected in twice tiie number of any years that were prist. The present facilities of intercourse arc al together beyond what not only the first set-' tiers ofthe country, but also the inhabitants; no more than fitly years ago, could have con- j reived lobe possible. The following state-1 ment of (,'ov. Everett, at the late centennial I celebration id the* Settlement of Springfield, I .Massachusetts, is scarcely an exaggeration. 1 “Such was t lie difficulty of crossing the path b*ss w ilderni s■; v. inch lay between them [the. first settlers of’ Massachusetts,] and the coast, J that a man m.: v now go from Boston to New j Orleans by wav of Pittsburg, a distance of more than 2.500 miles, in about as many * days as it v>uk the first sett! l rs to reach the hanks of Connecticut river.” in the year et I7f>l, a convention of dele--j '.’’ales from the English American colonies, I m'*t at Albany tor the purpose of forming n: /dan of union ; and it was proposed, that, if; the plan were carried into eifect, Ijiil ldo’phia j should be the place of meeting. The rca-1 sons in favor of the city were stated by Dr. Franklin, a member of the convention, who i was evidently disposed to give the most favor- i able representation of the facilities of in-. terconrso which the ease admitted as fhl-1 lnv* s : “Philadelphia wa-= named as being nearer the centre of the colonies, where the com-1 mis miters would be well anil cheaply accom- j modated. Tim high roads through the whole extent, are, for the most part, very good, in w hich forty or fitly miles a day may very well be, and frequently are, traveled, Great part' of the way may likewise be gone by water. In snmiiif r time, the passage is frequently perform.-;! m a week from Charleston to Phil adelphia and New York; and from Rhode Island tor New York through the Sound, in two nr three days, and from New York to Phil adelphia, by water and hind, in two tint s, by stage,boats and wheel carriages that set out every i ;i!or day. The journe y from Charles ton to i’hikideiplua may likewise he facilita ted by bouts running up Chesapeake Hay, 'iiree hundred miles. But if the whole jour ney If j.-n'orme 1 on horseback, the m A dis !•' n* ’:*•■ ohms, v iz. : the I .i o Irom New II unp shue and Inmi .Soiitii Cirolina may probaldv render them ■•.•!• e : at Fhila.h ’j>!iia, in Id or “and days : the iiiai. rity may ho tlmje in much loss I im-•.” Bid such a has nan taken pl:v*c. tint eno in ;y trovi I with rm from (’uncord, tie* 01 N-nv llami -hiie to Pliilade!- p’nia, or ii"*’*i !> •.<i'>ii to iV (’t-.f Wasliing ton, ;d! th“ way in ilail RoiplC -cud Steam Boats, :i i!i l.inco ( ,f j., j,.,< tiuin i' - I lours, and t !:•.* pa - bet ween New N ork ami Pi ninth Ip.’.ia, is .-ferin-al ill from seven to eight la airs. Stage e, aches were very little known in thi< c. e’>t y til! a p adoil ; ..h... ;uent to the c’ose el tie* He. a nd! ,i :•|-; ;-y vvir: and for some time alter th v were introduced, they did not. "imu go iiior’than t.f. it •l;)i,i !■>in a day. In England, in ID ; . !!'•* -t ig - ; e. : e!i was four day- m going f- -a London to Y.-’!;. a ilistance of about *.Vt> aides, which Ins. ibr some years n.-st, been trav. hd in about hours. The tirs; stag ' eonclt drawn by tour homes in Ala ".chu.-e) t s, 111 winch we h.iv -: rv knowledge, was es*. ahi tilled in I*7 I. r:i: m• ■ g between Best. :i. Salem and New hu. v pe.'. All iutel l'ge;i; gen! I<’i,ciii. v.!;o in the first -' gi> co.u ii f 0..i Hos;on to YiY.v, step, makes tiie follow :n . -tat. if : --1 ,< *•:o: i I’e mo, of Siirow's!m v. t ibli-hed tin* < ii'. *of stages be:-.. • Boston an I\v nrce; !7 -'} : a tier wards e\! lid 'd to Hartford.l s' h e p;, n!- iy to New \ ••:'%. l-'tore li. it t.: e, the pub lic m.i.i *.*.:•- cm re.',. ••* her- 'hack iiv .Messrs. I iyde and A i-ims. altermt. ;v. • • ••, thingbe iu::'com e., nt ;> | nr ot -addle bags, and one mad a week i ;.!y coming from the South. Af : r Nov. York wav evacuated 'ey the English •it 17Ah tin* mad exteii led to that citv. Bui ie ;*r:it *ip.:l interce (Vo;n t!:,■ Nortii w by v iter. In 17Mr. |!:dl ird set up the first hack in Heston. It was a chaise, and ' station.-.! bv the old Still*' hoi; v. A coach was -ip,ci aft->r add h The f,:..? Turnpike Forpora.foa in .Massa chusetts w:.s granted in I?!*.'•; tln> oldest Unu-aN in tie* Fnite I S-ates of any considera ble magnitude, arc tho S-n:? \* Canal and the Ajiddh'sex ('anal, the t ' i**r of wideh was completed in l.'S'A and t‘ic latter in leg:!. Tito olile-tcanai w ide:i has !•.- • a : :; vc!i used for eonvv*. ing passengers-, is C.m *. which W-- « : ..mdeted in l-J.\ To. > . Rail lioafi m th- l Si."os. th Qa.gev Rail Road i:i M:: - ; acliits : . only ihree miles in length, was linishi'd in '-.7.- T ... w ideh v. ;i< tits? used in the Fnite.l St-ites for eem f\ ing pas-erig. ;s in * . - l?are and t.'-C ; li O L ■ id. gt-t ye! lilt 'ill'll, .vine:! Was e'K’d pi'-engers t'l • u I’.dii a -e to Eli coit’s ’M IB ' lies. • ; I'., ». The first Steaml*. at tiim va- use j j ; , : . ~t’the r cos ' ’j>■ ing : as .ne wdiich c-aaneae.-.l sa:!::ig e:: til:* ilnd-vn. between New \ ork an! A.hauy. in l -vr. Tiie ?irs? Post tiiiiee in America w - - estab h'h •:! a» New York in 171*1'. die : ■ ■ Ter of *m c>s in tho Fnite.l S s. , - only 70. a:d. , ■ of Post ItoatL. 1v>7.1 miles. In I'd.h. tin* number of Post Offices was 1(1.- 777 ; tie j>ost rentes cevcivd about 11*2,771 In daily, or loss frequent trips, Pm units were earriv ,! ell th- -•■ 'eg. - about ied mil *s. viz:— iti,e7-l.('.';ti ■ lies in four horse imiles on horseback, and in sulkies; !'Ofi.l'.at) miles in Steamboats ; and 280,7)04 miles in j Rail Road Cars. The rivers and waters of the United States present a vast field ibr Steamboat navigation, which is more in use here than in any other parts of the world. This mode of navigation lias produced surprising changes with respects to facilities of intercourse, especially in the ex tensive region, which is watered by the Missis ;ppi and its tributaries. In the western coun try the present century lias witnessed extra * ordinary changes and wonderful improvement in the arts of civilized life : and a system of internal improvement is now in progress there, which considering the recent settlement of the country, may he justly regarded as magnifi cent. —The following account of “things seen by a young son of the West,” originally . published in the “Cincinnati Register,” is ex- 1 tracted from tho “People’s Magazine,” for Julv B’th, 18AJ: “I have seen the time when the only boat that Boated on the surface of the ()hio, was a canoe, propelled by poles used by two persons, one in the bow and the other in the stern. ‘•I have seen the day, when the introduction of tho keel boat, with a shingle roof, was hail ed a mighty improvement in the business of the West. “I remember the day when the Canadian barge (ns the St Louis boats were called at the head of the Ohio,) was an important event in the transaction ; ol' the year. “1 remember the day when a passage off sir months from Natchez to Pittsburg was called a speedy trip for the best craft on the riv er, and when the boatmen, a race now exhibited an air of as much triumph, as did the sailors of Columbus on their return from the New World. “T remember the time when the canoe of a while man dared not be launched on the bo som of the Alleghany. “I remember the time when a trader to New Orleans was viewed as tho most enterprising amongst even the most hardy sons of the West, on his return from his six months trip, lie was Jhiiiled as u traveler v. ho had seen the world. “I remember the "day when the borders of the Ohio were a wilderness, and New Or leans was ‘lnto urue dieisu,’ literally cut off from the new world. “J have lived to see the day when the de sert is flourishing as th< rose ;—when the race of boatmen has become extinct, and their memories only preserved in the traditional tales of our borderers. “1 have lived to sec two splendid cities, one devoted to manufactures, the other to com merce,spring up, where, in my boyhood, noth- I ing appeared like civilization but the hut of the soldier or the settler. “I have lived to see a revplution produced by a mechanical philosophy, equal to that ef fected by tho art of printing. It has changed j the character of western commerce, and al most proved that the poetical wish of annihi lating time-and space, was not altogether hy , jierbolical. By it Pittsburg and New Orleans iiave become near neighbors. “I have lived to see the day when a visit to New Orleans from Cincinnati, requires no mure preparation than a visit to a neighbor ing country town. 1 remember when it requir ed as much previous arrangement as a voyage to <kdeuft:i. " ' ‘•I have lived to see vessels of 800 tons ar riving in 12 or title**n days from Now Orleans * •*< (Jiiii-iiiii.iti; and I calculate tu see them .ar rive in ten days. “1 have lived to see vessels composing an I amount' of tonnage of upwards of 4.(100 tons ; ■arrive in one week at tho harbor of Cincinnati. “All those things T have seen and yet I feel ; mys< It to he entitled to be numbered amongst th ■ yotin r sons of tiie West.” I iio s'.-.unbont M-*d, 'tor has been recently stated to have pertonni-d the passage, in July. 1 -MO, from New Orleans to Louisville in 7 * days an * 15 hours ; at tiie same rate it would iiave readied Cincinnati in about 8 da vs, so 1 that tin* expectation of this “young son of the I West” is already more than realized. Ft. Loris, (Mo.) July I. 1887. 1 Rea- Sir:—Gen. Guine- left this city on the 2/th ult. lor the purpose ot* concerting | measures with Gov. R-g rs for the removal of tiie Put*a '.'. atomies, who have encamped on a strip of land within this Stale, and have be ■ come exceedingly troublesome to the settlers i —several rencontres having already taken place. Ile is exceedingly desirous of abstain j ing from harsh n ensures in consequence of the present inflamed state of the Indian tribes ; wen! of us, lest a general Indian war may af flict us. i\. obuek. with about twenty live of his principal chiefs, and warriors of tiie Sacs and Foxes, wit ii tlunr squaws, let! lien* yesterday .’*r tlu’ir lonics, and. as | have been informed, mew hilt di'--:. Wiled v> itli the result of th; ir 1 miss.- nln re. Thev were to liave rei ei.ej j their ammiti.'s in specie; hut it being im p-*a*" -cable for the Government to furnish the ; hard money, merchandize was o'tempted to lie forced inmi them ; hence their visit to this ci ty—a more elegant body of men ! iiave never seen. The bead chief of the Osages, and a depu tation of the nation, .are now in the city on a ."till more grievous errand. The agent who was appointed to attend upon, w atch over their 1 interests, and pay them their annuities, has | neglected them for the past two years. This old and venerable man was partially covered (.with a blanket which seemed to have stood the brunt of many a campaign, not to say that I would not have disgraced my horse with so ; mean a garb. The female who waited upon | him as interpreter, a very pr Ov woman bv : the bye. was as poorly clad a- lik.isTf and ree - ted the tunny wrongs which they had e -dured in the most touching manner. She stated that the agent leli them many months since, and is living w itli another tribe, having omitted to pay their annuities tor tin* no.-t two years, and the whole tribe is in a destitute stat-. (’apt. Ethan A. Hitchcock, tic Indian dis bursing aget *t this city, and one of the most a. com j -! ishoil ,-.dicers in the army, has already become exceedingly popular with both the In dians a:..; tn-fi-av. I nit* So-: > Bank Bills are abominable sciree, and command u high premium depend i; j much upon the amount required. Yes terday I bought v. itii hard dollars two hundred dollars of 1 . S. Bank bills, for which I paid two per et. premium, and glad to get them at tint. ' | I'm: Inns- Thick. The quantity of iron mail.' in this cn entry during tho year ISBij, ins been i e minted the enormous quantity j ot' a million es tons; the average price of pig; iron, for the your, being about .27 per ton, and ! 2m! of . iron about All per ton. The j I make of this year, doubtless, far exceeded | that of ordinary years, in consequence of the j extraordinary impetus given to the iron trade, lowing to railway speculations, and other i causes ; but if we consider the average quan tity to be only eight hundred thousand tons per annum, which will probably not be far from the truth, the vast amount of wealth thus created by the iron trade alone, must be well calculated to excite surprise and admiration. Os this largo production, wo may consider about one hundred and fitly thousand tons to be annually exported to foreign countries, chiefly in a wrought or manufactured state ; a large proportion, within the last year or two, ! being in the form of rails, castings, &<!. for I the construction of railways. One of our principal exports of iron, during the last year, j was to the United States, to be employed in I the great projected lines of railway in that j country ; and a considerable quantity of rails ! and castings were imported into Russia from I England, to be employed in forming the first i line of railway which has been executed in I that country. [English Paper. Lieut. Poweee’s Exploring on the Coast op Florida. This gentleman sent ! with boats in the Saddalia sloop of War, in October last, to examine the “Everglades” (Mangrove islands) forming the innumerable islands, inlets, swamps, lagoons, &c. on the* south coast of Florida lias furnished a highly interesting report on this subject from which J we make the following extracts : j We ran along tho coast for the most part in | the night, looking into .Marittee bay and Long 1 river, on the 17th. 'l’liis is the real .Shark ri j vor, there beiyg nothing but small creeks be ! tween it and Cape Sable ; and Long Iliver j does not deserve the name, being only an outlet for the waters of the Everglades, though as many months as there arc islands, these be ing innumerable. We pulled with tho oars j full twenty miles on Long river, and caine I out to sea a few miles from our starting point. The entire coast seems to be formed of a j mass of mangrove islands, packed in upon j each other, and separated from the water by | the everglades by a lagoon fresh or salt by j turns, as the tide or waters of the glades pre i vai!. To Snake river it would he dillicult to j find an acre of dry land on which to encamp. From the month ofthe Snake river to Pavil ion key, several of the islands present a san- I dv beach, with here and there a patch of dry j haul; and such indeed is the character of the coast as far as Cape Roman. The Indians who frequent this country are fishermen, and I seem to have left their usual haunts. Early in the morning anchored in the Cux imbo river, where was once a settlement of Marcos Indians. We spent a week in the examination of the islands and numerous lagoons to the distance of eighteen nr more miles from our encamp ment. Mr Charles Johnson engaged to show |us the dwelling of the Indians ; but after c I most, laborious-excursion through lagoons, and. j swamps, where wo sometimes cut a passage j for the boats through the mangroves, we re j turned to the camp, unable to discover traces ■ of Indians ortii 'ir villages. We anchored our boats that night in the J great inland basin of South Florida, known as 1 the Everglades. We had now a nigh view of j the coast that encircles the glades. Forests ■ of pmes and cypress enclosed us on all sides [ like a black wall: while on the other, the grass ! which covers the* whole surface of this shallow lake, olfered no obstruction to the eve as it wandered over the dreary waste. Here, on the mainland, or on the islands in the glades, ! if there were Indians, so commanding was our position, that their fires would certainly liave been seen by us. With tiie dawn we pushed into t.!io grassy sea before us, and endeavored 1 to approach an Island seen in the distance*— Several other islands were above the horizon . as we progressed ; but the boats although the smallest ot our little fleet, could not near oith !er of them. Tiie matted saw grass, which j wounds like a razor, and the deep sluices, j which intersect the glades, prevented access to them on foot I found it impracticable to navigate the glades, at of water, in keel boats, though no labor had been spared : Emil we reluctantly' commenced on our return to the camp. The arrow root abounds, and is indeed al most peculiar to this section of Florida. It is tie - broad, the chief sustenance of the Semi nole Indians, and without which they might ! bes! arve-l. V- e foim-l the roast of the continent alow, and, at high tide, an inundated shore, defended trout tiie sea by a breastwork of tangled man groves, nearly inaccessible. If it be inlnbi -1 table, it is barely possible to credit it. Ten miles from the eastern point of (’ape Sable, we j find the first sand beach. A strip of shelly * hind separates the sea from the Everglades : an i from the appearance of the soil in this dry : season, it must iio inundated half the year. Scott’s Empi.oi ment of Time. Previ ■ onsly it had been his custom, whenever pro j fessional business or social engagements oc cupied the miiulle part of Ins days, to seize ! some hours for study alter lie was supposed to have retire,l to bed. His physician suggested : that this was very likely to aggravate his ner volts head-aches, the only malady he was sub jected to in the prime of his manhood; and contemplating with steady eye a course not on ly of unremitting but of increasing imlustrv, he resolved to reverse his plan, and carried his purpose into execution with unflinching ener gy. In short, he had now adopted the habit ot which, With very slender variation, he ever . aft r prt* -rved when he was in tin- country. !L - rose by live o’clock, lit his own lire when the season required one. and shaved and dressed with great deliberation—for lie was a very Martinet as to nil but the coxcombries of the toilet, not abhorring i-flcininato dandyism its,-it so cordially as the slightest approach to s! ,v■•'niiness. or even those ‘bed-grown at: 1 Mippery tricks, as he called them, in which literary men are apt to indulge. Arrayed in his shooting jacket, or whatever dress he me ant to use till dinnertime, lie was seated by six - o'clock, all his papers arranged before him in tho most accurate order, and'his books ■! roiorenve niur--hal"d around him on tim floor, while at least one favorite dog lay watch-! ing his eye, just beyond the line of cireumval lation. Tints, bv the time the family assem bled II >r breakfast between nine and ten. lie had done enough (in.his own language) “to break the m.k of the day’s work.” After breakfast a couple of hours more weft* given to his solitary task, and by noon lie was as he used to say, ‘his own man.’ [Lockhart’s Life of Sir Walter Scott. Latest from Europe. By the Express mail yesterday, we received slips from New York dated ifttli inst., containing later foreign intelligence, by the packet ship .llhany, attiiat port We extract from the Daily Depress and Cour ier £,• Eiujuirer. The Cotton market drmtinued to improve. The packet ship Poland which sailed from Havre on the std June, got ashore by the fault ofthe Pilot,and had to put back, discharge her cargo,and repair damages. The Louis Phillippe arrived out on the <itli June, from New York. The news from England is several days la ter. The three American Bankers in London, viz.: Welde, Wilson and Wiggins, had all fail ed.—The latter has assets of £2B LOGO over their indebtedness. Paris, June 7. With the London Journals of Monday we have received, in our usual cor respondence, the commencement of the sittings in .both Houses of Parliament- It will lie seen that Lord Broughman called the attention of the Lords to the state of public business before them, owing principally to the dilatori ness of the House of Commons. In the Lower House the principal business was amotion by Mr. Attwood, on the existing commercial distresses of the cougpitrv, which lie was left speaking upon at post hour. [Savannah Republican. Tobacco, its History and Use. I)r. Sigmonil gives the following account of the introduction of this herb into Europe. lie says that it was first introduced about the year 155!*, by Jean Nicot, the Ambassador of tic* King of France at tho Court of Lisbon. The Ambassador thought this plant, from the won ders related of it by travelers who had been in America, a suitable present to a Queen, and offered some to tiie acceptance of Caro line do Medicis, from which circumstance it obtained the name by tho old botanist of Ihr ha ftcfcinac, whilst from the Ambassador it was called Xicotiana, and tobacco, from tho island of Tobago. Theret, who first writes respect ing the plant in France in the vear 1775, claims to have first introduced it into that country; but the practice of smoking tobacco seems to liave been a common custom in Chi na, long before the discovery of the continent of America. Tobacco is said to have been introduced into England in 1505, and Lobilius writes that it was cultivated here in 1570. In Bakers Chronicle, it is to have been brought into England in 1580 by Ralph Lane. Cam den says, “ that soon after the introduction of tobacco by Ralph Lane and his companion, it began to grow into great request, some using if for want'mness, and others lor health sake ;” —Common report has likewise ascribed the introduction of tobacco to Sir Walter Raleigh, and there is now at Islington a public house called the Pieda Bull, in which the distin guished knight lived, and which is said to have been the scene of a whimsical mistake. Sir Walter was enjoying in his room a quiet pipe, when his servant entering, saw volumes of smoke surrounding his mister; ignorant of the cause, and supposing the place on fire he rushed from tin* room, and returned to del uge the lover of smoking with buckets of wa ter. It is even said that King James sacrific ed Fir Walter Raleigh for lus love of this herb, which the King detested, and believed it would deprave the morals of the p- ople, as may be seen in his treaties railed the Coun ter blast to Tobacco. Raleigh appears to have indulged in the habit of smoking to the very last. There are thirty different species of tobac co, all of which possess nearly the same quali ties; two ot thorn mcolmnn lobucciim, and rus liea, are chiefly cultivated for use ; the tobac cum is an annual plant, flowering in July and August, it rises with an erect stem four to nine feet in height, the leaves are alternate, and before they reach maturity, of a deep green color, and smooth, but they afterwards become rough and yellowish. This country is chiefly supplied from Virginia, but the plant grows well in Europe. Smoking is employed medically, anil is servicable when used with moderation in raw damp weather, in fenny countries, or at sea : it also relieves asthma, and is ot use in disordered respiration. Smok ing does not tend to shorten life, according to a return made by Sir John Sinclair of Green wich an-i Kilinainliaim Hospitals, many of the pensioners were eighty, ninety anil one hun dred years of age, and though all were addict ed to smoking, it, appear to have any injurious cftect upon their health. YV'e believe, with au honest conscience that j a greater farrago of twaddling fooleries could not be scraped together from the four quarters j of the earth, than what is offered ns in the j newspapers, to show how marvelously respect aide Americans are in the eyes of foreigners. | y> T ° ra!l hardly take up a paper, without liav- I ing some stupendous fudge of this sort thrust in our face, i’he silly nmcompoopish things ; that, are gravely put forth every dav, in illus tration of this important point, almost makes ns ashamed of our species. We have seen a j good portion of a solid column, headed ‘•Amer ican in Europe,’ or something equally ad cap ; tandum vulgus, all proving the American peo ple to be tiio most wonderful on earth, because a certain merchant in Bishopsgato street was born in the U. States. We Jiave seen the news go the round of all the journals, that an ■ American <it Paris rode in a tine coach, with i fellows in red breeches to wait upon him, and i that ids equipage was thought to beat, the Duke i of Dodd lockup's a circumstance which seemed tube thought highly reputable to the nation |by the noodles who published, as well as the | noodles wlio read, the astounding tale. We ; lemeinbcr that when the Iving of Belgium’s rail road was opened, or his baby was chris tened, we forgot exactly which—the Ameri can flag was hoisted among others, which our sapient editor did not tail to trumpet through out the land, from Maine to .Michigan, as a su perlative.compline ait to our respective selves, —overlooking in tfie raptures of their glorifi cation, the small circumstances that the stars and stripes were one of a company of lßiis other Hags, and that in this respectable com pany were the colors of Ifayti and Asiiantee, Tunis Tripoli, O why hoe, the Republic of An dorra, tiie Imam of 'Muscat, the King of Ban tam and the Cubo of Japan; and that moreo ver the American Flag was ranked next to that of the Dutchv of Oldenburgh, which is so prodigious a territory, that wlien the Duke shakes his wig, ho powders his whole empire. In short, tin' inefl’ibii' silliness of the stuff t i.c - every day written upon this subject, is notorious, that if newspapers prove any thing, the.-o would be no ditlh ultv in proving the Aimvican ;> >; <’ f.» bo h cai idiots, with not an idea in '. a. head ', except th't of then own transc ndeu: e. u .. [ L/oi. i.uUrHT