Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, June 07, 1838, Image 4

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THE NEW YORK EM. ON the 24th day of March, 1 i * sub scribers commenced the Volume of their journal, both Folio and Quarto edit.-ui No endeavors have thus tar been spared t» ren der it worthy the patronage and esteem , ! the, public, and a corresponding spirit will animate our future exertions. Recent arrangements have been effected, securing an secession ot talent and energy in the editorial conduct o! tlie work, and insuring greater variety as wil as strength in this department ol the < n'< r prise. It has been deemed a lesson of experi ence that the union of all the branches of edit orial labor, in a work so comprehensive ns ours in the hands of a single individual—who is thus compelled to pay simultaneous and un ceasing attention to Literature. Politics, l'-r-- eign Affairs, Domestic Occunenres, and every subject of interest—is mftVuo well calculated . to secure the highest efficiency in lit 1 \ an nus departments as a system , mbi nvs a p irt ai though not absolut l ' division of intellectm.i !::- Lor. Under this conviction, the ar *u i- a-• st ance as well as counsel of a eintie.ian I'avma blv known in the higher walks of Lin niture, have been secured for the i nsuing \« ,i, a that portion of the papi-r more «.p ,-,-ilij known as Literary, will he placed under h - clrirge. The political deportment, v. Mil n general su pervision of the entire work, will remain with \ him who has hitherto been known to ine p:..,- j lie as the editor of the work ’i hr fitv an.; Foreign Department'will <fi-vol\. in re i p einlly upon l)r. Eldridgc. who will a 1 - 'h ml lus aid in advancing tin* literary reputation ol '• the paper. It is In-lived by tlns arrungnieiil a me re" complete and effective i. of tin subjects treated of will l-e insured. v. hie n more real and palpable variety—a variety of manner as w*il as nnitter—will result to our journal ami its readers. Os the general character of Tin- New Y i rk er it is unnecessary to speak, sin--- we •: u-.l propose to change tint wliieh it In rn si its establishment. Circulating for tie- las! tv. years from (1,0(10 to '.t.bii.l copi-s per week. • through every Slate and city. aml m arl v , ~ r;. county, in the Union -it < -.uu . i.>* p - :i. •<1 unknown to the educat ‘1 mi l in! !!i n\ "1 ■ those who have not hitle-i to mi> it a--q.. ; ance, itmuy he jiroper to s! il. tin; ;i i e.i (•■fitted by two objects: the of . fim the greatest practical:]!’ at.:, uu! of u ..-oi, elevating in ..n.iali n with lie- !■ : interest: the other, of (lie. -mu,at.; t.. h til ran possible divested of tie- ;a in j.eo f j ii'liee mid the r ant o, put. In i:h :t. ~ur ■ motto is iul|i:i: linlily. as <1 nt in -i !:, <! froi.i til support of this or that party. ■ i •■. or f. i•.. ■i. whether ill literature or politic In . .r;,. ing 'o this toil!me. great rare ,s ’ : a .I idling into the pernicious • i:. no re than the one we oppose -of suppre »i:. • • . withholding important, truth 1.,-, iit, been made the t lie me of pu | i.- m nil n I . gard to literature, we shall i:. •!v « ■ i own opinions, but nerord a f.i.i- ! • ri.i In whatever may stand opposed to llicni. In fi- 1 l ies, our strictures on j>i■ i>l■ < i.,,-,, n-1 i, n i , cml political doctrine : .i 1 o tempered at all times bv eourtesv; and il v. he our untiring aim to exhibit the wv ■ of parties and seets. as set (i rib le. tln ir i< • and oracles. In tins manner, vv. b•:e to rri der our journal a more lucid mid per-eet I. n ry of the political c. ntcst.i of the tim, s tn,.n can fairly be expected from an , pari ; :o. . A rem ise account of ail political no", on. .i; e..nveiiti< lie. iioiuinatimis. «Ve \r Ii an well as ot' the results of all elections am l t i ldes of the popular Votes ,:i t tli'Te-li. If.! without entering further into purlieu! : . u - may say that we shall etideav r to puhl m : -i - : - a journal ns shall he dem o and inferior ii .i. and scope to no weekly per.mb I: and \ • hope to render it popular without emptying in to it whole Move's. Annuals and ■!>•. and to will readers and pain ns wilie I. offer ing them a bribe of a <1 roman, , s as a temp tation. The New Y ' id re in. mild-b <1 ill two fi e:v, the Folio, ortho eoiiiiiiou newspaj-or t'or’ii. i-v cry Saturday morning. on a l.nimpen. sheet, at Three Dullurs per iui 'an. • r Five I 1 lars lor two copu ... \s a liirlii w m luo'im lit to uniting in sub. -riptions. ii. - copies w ill be f.< nt for Ten Dollars remitted aiiselutely in ad vance, and any large,- .utniber in proportion. The Quarto edit ion Fis m-d ev, -y Satin f evening, on a larger and liner sheet, intended expressly for binding. Fa ii iiiiui'oer nmlaii, sixteen large pages of three columns ca 'i. eluding a page of popular Mu- -. and , \ do l ing advertisements. It forms two .:. i limes of i:U> pages each, per annum, mi ! - - fardel at F, i.r Dollars a \< ar, Thr. ■ .. however, will lie sent for Ten Dollars; an. Five Dollars remitted 1Y of charge will F credited eigliteen r.imiths. Sul • ar respectfully selieited. H. GKKKI.Y A CO. I’l or:.-ti" Me !o; N ~ -. y, Spur-men copies cli -e: f and u required. TO OUR FAT RON S \ ND Till', H'El.Hfi The great eonum-rcin! revulsi. :: , f and tlio ruinous derail ; at of the et-:-. , , consequent therein:. e.,mbin,-d with lb- ~ inconvenience t-> which we v. -re s-d 1 the suppress,.,n of S- ,11 N •(, s. an iuj• j,• forced up- ii u ; an in •emeut of <«,. . originalL t-m h,v ler !i a paper ps , endeavored to present These evils !>, part ceased: wet uat they will . mi ,- gether I'nder tli it impress! -u. we -■ ; the following modifications of , term.. subscription, viz: for our({uartoc<! : u.’l . , Dollars and a Half in advance. Five I tor a year and a half, three eon : es ■> - Ten Dollars, or five copies a v-ar ti : F : o Dollars. Our Folio pajicr vv ill 1 ‘V rs ,j f. r Two Dollars an 1a li .ls ; i uim. . five copies for T- n 1> -1! TAN- ..o t. . plv topaytneifs in adv.- - ~!, New Yuri.. .March. 1 -ID, riIOI’OFAFS J'cr publishing by Sir :: rip! or., n Hook to f. tllili id The Chet\>:-:ee Hun,' '-’.vm*- •* . r.Y JAMTS F. SMITH. From a Manusa lj f copy recently complin! '>• , la iusi T. rpilE publisher a-..-;,r. s ihe c. , file. ;- b. gia, who may tlnnk p.-.-p.-r io subscribe to tlie work, ti: .t h - will us ■< v, >.,-rti. u render it a us. ful vehicle . such inf-.-nuat:- n t ;is may be ©f importance t-i tin m. The Cherokee hind l.n:u in v.dil'e dtai.i names of all the fortunate draw, is ui the Lottery, and tlieir r,-:;.,i, n-v, up titheii:- January. 1 >3'. with an er.grsvt dimp. f, : , Land District in the flier.-kec Count. v . mediately jm-md.nrr tile names in . ,eli c . if ■: Ihc C herol cc l.nnd J.oUmi will coutum 1) p five hundred pag, s, royal aetavo size. v. ill printed on good paper, neatly b- uud. a :nl ileliv c r, ,1 to subs :ribers by the first of March. ! -:D. (*t Jlre dollars r copy. Is Postmasters and others, vv Im will act as agents forth, publisher in procuring subs,-.-,- hers, and who r.ha: l nr-cure and forward to ii., publisher, in Milk-dp v illc, ten r< spom sub scribers shall receive a copy of the work, gratia. AH Lihtors ol rs in the State who will give the . v . af w ins, rtiens. sk -1! r, •cn-e n ’ --p, of 11i• n . ts a . 03 T'o 1 AND GAIIDIkMiKS. S > n. 6AHHETSON. Ins removed his tT» wholesale and retail Agricultural and Darden Seed Wharehouse, to I lushing. L. I . New York, where he intends dealing exten sively in tin- above l.r.siness, and will be at all t ■ .r.r-s enabled to furnish dealers and oth* rs with every article in his line of business. And as the greater part of his stock ot Seeds is raised under hia personal a" or direction, ar • it i ; liem s: arv to import from Europe, I thee are procured from the most rcspeetanle I Seed establishments there, and their qualities , being tested t , bis own satisfaction, their nrru raev and vitality arc expressly vvarranb and. ( The V '-ntiing of Seeds is r. business (b s, ry- , in r murli -ri dor attention from tlm mer- -n --tlie eoinomoit»" than is at j.-.e.-ent lo ■ io\'.e(i up- , on it. Tin-re'is scarcely a fanner or planter who vvetiid t: t purchase anas .r'iiii-nt ul sii-i ( p, i .. r ( : -.rf - ii S' - Us it tup cm: id pro: - nr- t in-iu : , ,ly. Ami 3. ! hev Vi< Ilf : le. no Some profit, m iijj, sales. A:,-. 'I le v an usually supplied bv tin- |»< . mi ■ r be in i. and will afford a prolit ( ol li op. .- i■■ rne at the New York re tail J,:-., • Fr • •liv.-ui, 1- • t!:.-y can he neat ly paj-i-i ! and lab. lb and and a- rted into lio.m-s ( for pul ilp in strong pa pi rs. thereby savin:-' the ( expense of l:,-x) each suitable for u. family gar den. which will be supplied at troni tgl to tie- 1..:’ r being Jillilieieiit to er<,|» a garden , f on, tic re. Or tin-v can I S.ut int ,ii! -! nil I'd 1 '•<■ t papers, i’r-atlv labelled, and 'd suitable for a rcbi'l ib aler.c-ieii , f which by the quantity will he charg-d so as to allow :. p: ol ■. ~t’.-l) per cut. on tie- N.-w Y ■'! k r>-t., il prims. Any on- v.isiuug to < n,.age in the vending of seeds, a.-.d not having exp<.-r.,-n-:e, by aildr-. samg tl, ■ propri ‘.or will have tin* io-- i-e. ; ,ar.v Oiferio.all' ,i given, anil tin-v i.,ay h> i con,id, :,! t;,' v will i"-s- : ,mi with lion,- but ar te b s -.ft! •• •: , i— • quai.t .-. 'I'D. ; ... t', has 1':: 11'| rl , state, thai he is mi., ia.! to !'e;-i. b h all If in's ot' IF .1; s u.* - ricniutr". H- :: .I'ure, t 10, ieull-.i.e. .' b . < ni f.r Rut- 1 I-. A-. At -o. A•_ ri eul ual Imp! : .-n'sol I'm. a .dry ami Card . 0.-n .and. 1 '!':. •• ml !! ,b; ; , , >.Ffv ■: m !•:- Il -. l!o- if o II; i:.-l l ntsofa y. -rea, v.- .. ; ail < iV. i< i: can i•• pnio and so as to he ! a_■: ■■ : ■ ,uy part of tin- ( sm and all ,: V, hi, he; i !.. thru :in ' !. quin: , . ii it-1 where the pan hwe w ’riei-l’, red. Y.U la • i-.en v. Fere a*',rood „n.b r-f - , Slab iff; Ti; -re v. ill I u,<! f lii-,!: -, in a rra mfug tb ; point to mutual , < I', rr. p.uideni.s will leeeiv>- the lif! : , ,-u i- r::i ,m. i oil.qib •'!. \ NTS if in- tT. i m ■ 'debit rr ' a. ... ••'. :' r mi-. <»:' ; Hie v ' , ties of ' nil f- r ill., this appears i. and i e . !1: nth I ul-lh-d t- ;>", I- w:ii- -. and, ila ie im-i. i into i' , se,-:u. :1 i :. 1 •• !' •?■ ill'* ■ 11ris!i■.. .it i>\‘ • !!: .r. 1 . .-. !i i I! * -ID. ri-11; .* v ,• ;i'l « rs. 'I f••• i- I) .y;t. n.:.»piil«:r \. t ii. an * i :r • \ *5 u. * \ •i* Ol s.!'u v.’t ft.; tlm r. . ; Dim. i> ;f • . •-, v;i, ' .1- :1 •- Ilia v 1U iil l lit* f . . . < • . : v ; : • •: in . r»i v* id. : - . f .i.l * l l ' 1. t.' ;v ! ... r\..! I its ,-d mt : .. i 1.. A v. I; - H «•■:•.! . m .*.•(• : Ml w;ti. i.•. i:: .id : !'• • -• -W c l;:tvy !»• v - \x ii! t »*:••* *! ni:p;i> . s:i fi:.* •,• i‘ j-a . < , r -.. .- .«• ■ c r/usi ' l *- •’; '• ’• • v .s « 'il l v i's 1!: > !.4 Nnvt'nilir r. ’i ,it* v.'M.r \'. . t c*t'n!:i n ir» im t-i ?'C pa^rs. m. ’ i.‘liters liir. ii'/:. tit .* S iitiirm ift's. ; ftiss ;i oi -■ it it ti( kn< whul^o. w!i*» will :r.s- rt tins uniift'. and forward us a »-t ,»v .. t i<• ir p iper, will bt* ciUiti*-l i<> « .iacnpv • f ;) i• • \v * *; k. !m i’, f 9 ri:ir.'paf (i, Female ('ollr*r Scott si »oro% Ah 'i \ 7. Y ' 5r U U\ il i'il., KF.m ! :s to sui- I'iGiV'Oy pttreha: ,- If required they will he earned to nny- 1 .. :::ig , t Ogle, tiler pc illy. a di rate ee. A nplv to 1 ill: - ' KY A li'D'FD P> r : *«w * ’>. tie il, 1 -'"'A ' BRUNSWIG K AD VO CA TE. The JjCtViOi l ContpnaloH) [ESTABLISHED IN 1534,] j popular and highly esteemed Magazine, of general Literature, anti ihc Fine -Jrts. embrll. wit ft Gorgeous rnd Costly gracing s on ''.feet. Cop-. > r and fluid; end a iso With Fa*luouaf/!e and I‘ <• n!ur Music, arranged Jor tie Pi-anv-Fortt , Guitar and Harp. EDITORS. Mbs. Am S. Sti:phess, Wili :am \V. Snowdln*. thaltled by many of the most Popular Writers. Since the publication of tie- M t;/number, the leniand for the L.miies" (’omi-.vmon has been niprcccdentml and beymul tin* most sanguine sntn-ipatimis. At the comniouccmeut cfthe . olunie an additional nu-über .f copies were irintcd. which was considered at tile t rue ade luate to satisfy all the orders which m.-bt 1 ■■ ■eccived, and leave e us-,!, rai le number or liami t-r z bs, .-u, nt ,->!!s. Tin- publish, r , inure than grail!;,-,1 in stating that the whole ■ehiot: m arly , ahuusb-d before the issuing if tim seve.,l h i ,i„.: « r ,f tl., volume ; arid a: [hist me I et v, ry levy ,-omph te sets remain on m::d, tosupp.y tlio- niunerrms ,inters whichare -ailv reeeived from every etiou of tin- I'ni;. ~j 5:;.,j,. s In eon-s-qi;. o-e of this gr< at unforeseen in treaseof 11,-w t rr In rs, !:*,- has t, i mined t ilouhle the i r of impressions for Hie sub .a qin-nt year; while he most gratefully appre i iat-s tire n:*| -lited ,-n. iiranement ex tended to the i.-su-s (V.u ,p::nion, eml at li., s::un tin,.- lo- ! egs |o us. lire the readers of ti: magar.iin- and the public in general, that it is ii is are. nt resolution to meet it. with a corrm,- poml-in hin-iahtwmi i: s part to uu rit its con tinnanee. Sri.i Nn.D Urm, L-< vavim.s by our fc, • art’-is, aectonp iiiy each nun '., r ilju.--.trat, reio.ore, f-ouonin- to f-o n.a- n iim-nf and sun- ii.,r I-, l. ...» published ::: any other u. ice L . and., s ( on. pa mu cntans al< r; I sum, 111 !•: : ,- mittry. and :' : suksenpli- n !i- ism ly /!. m :m,m. wb:b- the ■*.- a ■ '■■ ■' hi::-; nos talent : m, : - .1 i- ,- the cm.f. . war r. . : remi, r it on, ! Ii y •■■criod cr!. D-‘ •llt > .;v A" v, ! V. il! . i . oil, s t' .mp-Miioti. in or,i, ;• t-i show i- : app.a euii:,.:, ,-l fa publinvora’readv exb-nf -<ito 0.0 so : ber.iily. hoy seeur, ,1 the , 1 fl :. .A-• -. r. ; . .i. s, mb- I-'. 1 t tin- *• Fort: ami M: w/fne,” am. an’. :■ ol n soi nn si I eauhfol a: .. jn i-1■ 11r tal. ■ . r pres, nt. ,1 to an Aim ri- . o | ; * 1., * * .V, i !,iy P ..- - J rev I.J- vat', A -t' ' li' nt-. • r I ' i . -l:letil..l, and to .id i• i .".mhn-:..- sup' rvi-f.- nos dr. J. Wat-. ::. v. eual f:. .... t.for tin- tin.!. t vv. 11 kti w:; to re,:- , t i.a.:< v.-re niicr.ndcd a ia;-.o- : ha;-.- (.fatten: am: inis been looked up- n vvit!i no little in- :- : : bv Its 1-. of :::, and iiior.-,-sp,--':a!!y toe 1.- om -. w;e>m ;piihiisher is i.i the F glu-st ,m --' : limn usual care to iniii. and Y.i r. \v oi. i\ ( . 1.-. .i: ■ • I ;• ed. as il IS tin- and aof !he |>i, 1;ii: r. w t>i • ; :: 1 . I■ ■ /...w o- s' >■■■:, >. u> ; Ull -1• • ''mo iil.-li :pi 1 . -! or of ib; !’;< lot.lit Hst- I, Sl ' n s, 1 I-'ll and. V, rs- nr S nt. the l l s are sm ': : ■ : , give He- La 1 es ( . i:i| . . o: a irautag. s over all ~;h,-r ,•,i•!a: . ;,o;- .;. y - -' f ; i: V!. i ' ' j 'IT' 'V t tll-t : • Fio* .i.i . . :;i - - lit ■A-.' XJ . v.*iii • i.i.u* ! • cliibiis « f ti;-* i/.uirs' > ' ■ O -ll !.- .1; -.d tio- pniilic • on . - durit: o- m : 'i b,'sc art:eles will coii rise '■ " award, and by a eoniM.i ,e of 'i 1 not.' —'i'iiree »!.-liars a year in advance, or! . - dm. ::; lae \ oar. No siib-.-rip’;-n 1•- !.- :t rs ii e r, -d to til- j.r ,-ler. -• N... 1« ; i' .Den s: . N,-- f0,k.,'.-'.I W 1 I.LI A.M \Y SNOWDk'.',! i’l • ';-r;, ~\ :: m ad-; <tr MPAi. s:”pi » xi> v >. t; v '•! A. led i I U»'.'lN(i tin- | uiil ea!l imi ni: Lane-. In s>’ o ,i:i res rva!:iml ,:,s:r.eis. t..w:; a.; -. lugt- n e :v. by F. t! ohnan. dra>.u-hls-;::r,i ,:i tbe li:m e-t |,ubl.:lied J.-nd se, i,red the c. p. 11 a! 1 1 aee. rd n,: to iaw I ,;ie ai-* \ • maps vv ii-eii vv.ll l-e f. -;:nij mtirn, 1 -.- a,, re com pi, te and ate,-.rale iif.i.-d .:■ - -earate sheets: ,-aeh cent: Yiing in-.ifly ,x ;-ma::',- and wilt be teuml esp,-- chilly ,_■ til a. I valvialde 1 > tit s:e int, i it. i< t --i ' ■ nna’l. n vvlfi-h is' :i fi.e-p sV> ;» ..f ti e land otif-m-. relative to water e ..e. i. to-.vimli hues. !m. an latios :; ml r, ra':- ::s. l::-:d ffm':, -ts. A ,-. : ::-.! v. ill bes. urn! >. - -:|y nceunite and pr. . in llie:- n j olet If, ; na i •:, :t bv nmii to any par: m l mi e.i Miales. subject uni ngle ir'.tei postage.— l’riee two dollars, r r Hiree copies I’eit!;. will le sent by maU for fve dollars. \ !f-.-:a.l o - count will be made to travelling r.gens. , r to any vv!.., 1-uv to .-,-11 a gam. N.-.-mie'r V3. will give! hr above ad ver't! seme nt',inch:,! in t this noi.-m . cue or two ills receive bv" /i Vcw .% ! • l .\'tw i tar. and a Acte Inducin'.! at : for sub scribing to the If di i i Mtssi ;ig". r ! t gAHE el:- a; m t and decidedly tin- t ular Family Newspaper in ti. 1 with a circulation of many thousand .-.lbscrib- ; irs Tin- Avsl Wkkki y .Mi : ngj.u is ! pul ludn-i! every Wednerdav, on l-.-autitul white paper, of the largest class, at Stl per annum, or t,-ii subscriptions for §>lD. Its contents are adapted to the wants of the j Farmer, Mechanic, Tradesman, Agriculturist,' Merchant, ami Manufacturer. This Journal was commenced on the first ot January last, and, without any previous effort i l h- raid its success, went into immediate and rapid circulation. Such was the unprecedent -d popularity which attended its projection that, in about six months from the period it vv.;-. first irsin-d. not , than fifteen thousand na were embraced on its subscription lists! v .•: <- ii iiave been ever since constantly- and r. j,: .'-,-increasing, and now bid fair to super- . cede :n extent, and stability every other pub lic:.(ion vvi.ief ’.asexisted in the literary world. it : gv; ,-rai!y roueede.l that t.c.- coliii-nD ot tin- M.-s.--. i.g.-r enihra.-es as inm-li o,.g a:u:l inatfir as any other p> rlo.b<-al of the present da a. 'i'he ,: tli: n..;i of e.:i-ful and wheJcson - i ulormai ion. with a vh vv to : lie cultivation tit a .r.i-el knowledge of Rohte Literature, is tin- j ai:..:' ii , ,-} at vv'ii, hi> aims. Arrv.igen.ents have be ;i -red into, by which tin- publish- j . r will be as. l::ted in tie- ,-diiorial and, partuumt bv tim talents ot' I;::-,-,- or four genii'-men ot j ti :s! in a iiisi.-mi abilities—and it is intended to j introduce s. veral important improvements, wh.oii will In teak a kliliqjial populai ity tor I:: ,:i’i'lll!li:i. As tlm character and loading features of this journal ar.- v. .11 known tiirouglit.ut tin- l liited Ftat'-s. it will 1.,- .sujn rtiuous to niter int a reek- iol tii, same. T!m s- ’sou is approac!,- j■ , : | to j i:■ • their selections for the next vand v. > deem it advisable, therefore, to ' iiriwii a brief and explo it statement of cur terms, which vv m p- will ]>r*-ve satisfactory, ami !- imp]ieit!y oi.served : A t-:i ....ila; '"ill. forwarded ’ey mail, postage • will fr t■ -Il e-• pi; ■ ,-f ti.e Messeligcr 1.. r .im v*-::r ! A five de11.,, hill, forwarded by mail, p.-sf a;• - paid, w'.ii pay i,.-r f.-ur copies ior f•• pro-.- of a i•• 1 s ' ,! ’o . qeym lor on y. : ■ i’n ■ . ar, in a.-, a ,e-.-. v. :;i pay lor a v live dollar note vyili ; ty one year's sub 'A ' i \ : . .j 'lti-mittanei-s from Cluie’-. to l.e t ntiß-d to ti:.- full advantag, a. of the liberal terms ii*-r-- ..if,-red, most be ln:i,!e i:i sines ,-i five'., ami ion's of current Bank nib —any lessera .••nut. forwarded by mail, wiil he classed a -- ,ig with individual sJiseripF-ns. A paenniiui of I tHt lY N : < v I.LS, neatly .::, ‘ 1 ■.: i*; of lua n v otA he ee:.; anted writers "1 , the present v, will he pros ,1 to any \ i'orvv.:r,llii.-r for.-.- : "ibseribeis. end the pay -.f-,.m .-. as ii.-roa Tupi:... ,1. .V the ,■ xpiti< -l of the term suhec-!! : r il seen tin ueu, unh-s tie- adv Ji.c liev is f >r |t. will be a ■ T.-ai, o-ivir - !> ti:.- pubilsher. ! amt I'ai-ilii;-.:.- lie varly ... inn of tin- paper, il : ; :•:. and i ia a. v.; 1 .va ti, • p:.ek: to - tl : . ,-lv, s, e, 1, ’hi ii . mad,: u< qn tint, and A l l b-ti,-:-; nin 1 be p. l 'paid. • r they will CD MILKS '. i.FX f". N 1)1-1 R. At!,' ib. ldii. -.Frank:; , I'ia,--, I'idbmei'a. ffeee-;.,:’;; _T \ I'iliL \D! l.i'D! \ R \TI HD % \Y CFH'RHIR S ded lb, C.nm:,-r >m the best e ynlenei* of lim in Ibis i- mitry it-a ■ • Fiami, h,-u - de: and inf puidie Joursial. liiv tlie Cot -r has e,-, ent, ; ten v, lute, sos tim (; j i:ia r!'■ . n . ~' t; day w, ihii: I ii-- ! -st y 'lies d-alure in in'-.ii, Mia mb of n t , tie- immens- email -:y ,•*' < :h<-r matt, r: ni. ,-ii a;.-,i -ar in ids eeiumns. 1 , L)f- eont.n --u;:;-.,:i of io la d:;1 u. ■ ■ • :1 • mjjjf. v• : ;., j .,, - in oll’er s; -,-s. !:i the future mm ~ rs we shall d-a-y ! ."!:: the pens of sm-li v r.'.'rs as 1) Israeli. Miss Miifor.l, (' .Marvatt, i, Rid liie. Mir: l.'indon. J. R J’iieks'onc, ( ha: 1- s Di,-kins. llarrv Cornwall, Cornel'us YN ci-'o. Jerrold. 'l’heoih-re Hook, Cr-.Uten Crolu-r, 'l liom-rn Cumphvil, Mrs. S. C., IF:-. .R ;y !y. Mrs. C< re, in siioit. fr, in the vviiole rang- «-f tli" current .literature of Europe, vvitli wliieh our nnaiig;-:;., nts will supply us at as early n mo il-.,-lit as they eau l.e reeeived i : the country. Resides we have tile pleasure of numbering among cur <-. ntribut. rs many of Hie most dis tinenished writers of our ec-untrv. from valiesc in OR IC. Lx ALTA l ES. I’OE.MS. SONGS. N \Kii A ii > ES AN 1 > Sis ETC ti i 1 r-. will con 'ik.-- \r.■!■.'•:.-'-ti:r::l i-e.auty main- of Hie ri'IH.IC IH'iLDINCS of this eity is ~r, ver 'uat. ii.-lieyiug it wil! be aeeeptald,- t., our i-.iimer.iu • :--is t" Fe presented with KN OB AY ED 1 EI.FF i'K.VI iONS td’ tiiose edi t',-< s. V" niv , : g;-.;-, in br,:o nig- out a e. m . p'ete s. r ,-s. whieli will form a > "lle-th-n tint ir-iv V eil l-e term, ,!. THE LIONS OF I’iilL \ 1)111.1 HIA. \v I.ere r. is expedient, vve ne-| . ... tiiy therngrnvings v. i:h >u,-ii , ipti, ns The Courier is published at the low price of Two Dollars. lor tins small sum subscribers ■ vi.luao'e : -id cut riaitiing matter each week , . '■ eg.: t> isl a cunmon bo, :; , f two hundred ! -ty pag. i tul cei::i! to two volumes' a year. ..v.u vvhi-aii e tnnnted to be read, week ly. by at h ast two hundred thousand peoule. ( ■ tii-re., : . all par;., . the country, .i. ni '•a: r.e to 1- ~:. ami .. ■,n the st a beard to the , jy'As a trying expression rs rur rr.-ard. we shall print the whole series of Kngra v, .1 J ilustrat, at ti:e:r completion, up u tine v ate paper, in uniform style—i’ermhiga : eau titiil ( ot Views, I'lui pa- . ar.t liaTn to :in-li of oik C, untrv f.rell-ren . s may ..'rf -e PROSPECTUS or THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. is a monthly .Magazine devoted cluei -3- ly to Litekatl iie, but occasionally tind ii.g room also for articles that fall within the scope of Science ; and not professing an en tire disdain of tasteful selections, though its . matter has been, as it will continue to be, in j the main, original. PuTty Politics and controversial Theology, j os far as possible,are zealously excluded. They j are sometimes so blended vvitli discussions in 1 literature or in moral science, otherwise unob-! ie, tiouable, as to gain admittance for the sake i ..f the more valuable matter to which they ad h<-re : but whenever that happens, they are in cidenttd. only: not primary. Thev are dross.! toi,-rated oniv because it cannot well be ved from the sterling.ire wherewith it is incor porated. Reviews, and Cun icai. Noth r.s. occupy j their due space in til. work : an,, it is tin- Ed-j itor’s aim that they should have a threefold i tendency—to convey, in a condensed form, such vißuald • truths or interesting incidents as I an- mieni..! in tie-works reviewed, —lodir- ct tin- reader s attenti n to books that dos-rve to he n nd, — and to warn him against wasting time and m ney upon that large number, which mer it. oniv t) be burned, la this age of publica tions ti. Lby tlieir varb ty and multitude dis tract cud every undiscriminatnig student, iMr ai-ri ai, ckiticism. governed by i the views just mentioned, is one of tie- most i ines-t'a-.a 1 1, -n,l indispenr bit- *,i auxiliaries, to him who does wish to discriminate. Es.-.vys, and Tales, having in view utility lor amusement, e. botii—i lim ouic ae sketcu es—and Reminis, en, v.s of events too minute i f< r Itistorv. yet elucidating it. aud heighten i ’.ng its interest. —may Lo regarded ns forming j the staple of tin- work. And of indigenous Pol i enough is puhlishrd—sometimes of no mean strain— t, maniit sl and to cultivate tile j -r.e,v';ii<>- poetical taste and talents of our coun ! n-v. Tiie tim, s appear, for several reasons, to de mand such a work—and n..t cue alone, teat many. The public mind is feverish ami ink- j tated ,;till, from la-ccnt p -litic.-.l strifes : —The sol;, a. silisive inline-nee of Literature is need ed, to allay that lever, and soothe that irritx-; f.n. V ice nnd f, ,Iy are . cling abroad : They siiould Le driven by indignant rebuke, or Fash- , ed 1 r ridicule, into til, 1: luting lißimis. Imm- ( 1:1i”n'-. it .'. arau immense propert'.en of m.r p.-opl" : Every spring should l.e set in motion, i” arouse the g-’it <-u.-<I, and to in-j -r,-*. ••• tiieir number ; u-i that tiie great enemy p r • v,• r11:■:, nt may no longer brood, Li.e igporte;;t ■us cloud, ever the destinies oi our C’lintrv. And to accomplish all these ends, v. i,-.t mcr - powerful ag'-ril e:-n he employed, t liiiXi a periodical,on the plain,f the Messenger; it' tliat plan ... le.:'. earried out ill practice : The So- -in peculiarly requires such an a geni. In all t;.-’ Union, south of Washington, tlier.’ ?r>- bn! two Literary periodicals I North v : r.i of tliat city, there are probably at least twenty-live ~r thirty I Is this contrast justiiied i y v. < altii. the leisure, the native talent, cr ti..- :: eil lit raaa taste, , tiie .Southern peo , ,"m; .a.-.-d witii t!.< ,e cfthe Nf.'liern : >.-• : 1 r :n wealth, tvieuls. and taste, we may ! laini at least an i futility with our broth ■ re:: : and a <! imesii..: institution exclusively ie "s”. tvv:<-" Hie leisure for reading and wri v, 1::,• ii In.-v enjoy. I; v. ::s fr li p «••!:.-;> of tliis io-at want. :h:it t!:. v . i tii i.i.s was engralt-d on i!,c n o . ...' Ib'.. p ,r died : aifl! /tot with any do : '” ’■ ■: !.--:• I ;. rejumc, s, cr to advocate sei-pe ■: L-.-al interests. Far from anv such ■'. n-rk'. it is the Editor's fervent v/Yii,' to see North ...i.i S Utli !>• .::: ! "11(1 ■ i.fligly kigetil i r :• r.-vt-r, u; R„- s;!b. n i. -mds of mutual kind m- ' a::.: a!;e; t on. 1 rir on mediating hostil g t- * t 1 1 • • I;. !.:. , already drawn, and l.e hop, in v, , ft. r! > dr:: vv. iiuicii of his choicest n ::ii. r t lienee : and hajipy indeed will lie deem •uu •• ’.. -h uld ins p:- m s. by making eaeli re :. nine.- L.e -.tlier letter, contribute i■ i any • -.-litial e"o i.-c to dispel the lowering clouds : h.-t ii'-y.- tiiiasitea the pea, e of Fill, audio er-laiiii ii and streneti:en the sacied ties ~f fa 'l ■ - . I.ii i.n’.i.v Mr em.i i; has .1 ... >1 tin- 1. tl: No. of its third volume, i low far it ins acted out the ideas In re uttered, is not for tin- Editor to say. He iadieves, l.ow •v.T. tin! ii fails not further sh rt of them, tlnu liuiin:: weakness u.-mally makes J’rtulicr . siiba -ripi:i .-a;!! F • receive,l for less ’linn j a \ • km:' . ::;:d must : begin with t!i>i ci ~- . nt "lie—<>r may comm,-nee with Vol. IV, the 1 fir;" number of whieli will he issued on the Ist j ,i.: unary, b -l".— ’i ne price is per-V.duiiie, j i 1 ii no.tbi i-iiitl in nil cost sat the lime of m >.-. to a- id misapprehension, or future mis- i i: :. 1;• r:;t:ii:, I;:i —as no order Will hereafter lie i •;:i. nded t>. uni- i ■ :ri;>, tii:, ;i with the priee : f -üb... ri.,: - THOMAS W. WHITE. ! Ri.-hiu uul, \a. U■: 1 THE .SOUTHERN MAGAZINE, j £ S the bv vviia ii the new vvlunje of tile , " •• ila.-nei.-r s Butt..n, will he designated, j i'll,"re be no u at. .ual change in its appear- , :mee. Each paper will contain about 114 pages. Efforts will I:" made ;■> improve the quality ra ther than increase the quantity of tlm matter. Me do not wish to publish any thine- that might be unreadable; and if we were to prom an liundred pagcs. halt ol them would nec ssariiy . - wriUe-.i ear, lt-ssly. This magazine |S ni-irgcr than the subscription price war- i ;a.T.!s. i I?-.- pr.ntmg expenses, in Mobile, arc j I V’ - - a "-mb a a 111 e- y would lie in New York, j 1 a.-- mag: zi'i-a mis not yet re, e.veil enough of patronage to sustain it; yet tile Edit, r lias! m.t cl. spaired ,’t being able to give it a firm i loundaticn. ino effort to establish it has. at ■east a wakened a lively interest, in its behalf. J throughcii! the State; and av, ry slight exerl Eon, outlie part of the talented and intellrcttt-! xl portions c-f society, will ensure it eminent • success. Due thousand subscribers will sustain the pablication. Me have now about six hundred. These are confined to South Alabama, and al eeM exclusively to some hall’ dozen towns -o ;.h Alabama has taken no interest and ofiv rn us no s übscribers, with but two or three".x ccptions; yet this is our own fault, as we have made \ er\ little exertion to extend its circula* ti nin tnat section. 1 nese facts lead us to be lieve;:-am will evcjituallv sustain us. So far as v.o have been able to learn, the manner in which the Literary department of this Magazine has been conducted, has met with iron era! approbation. W'e have been com plimented. publicly and privately. This (fives us great gratification: and we confidently prom ise n:ueh improvement., ’ * Letters addressed to the editor should be ili - ‘' —i nc Southern Magazine will be !>...; 1 1 .. 11 .■ <i m the tllv o t Mobile. oil the first of 1 *eiy i.i 'ixtli; the first, number on the Ist i/ .1 .'.unary, lab? Five Dollars a year j/ nivaiu .-. y Subscribers can be furnished v. ith the l/ek 7 / Tutd'isiier* of r.e-vsp..pi r- *rh ■mil-/' ' 'ir ('(:■•. ■’ d 1 ■us.-i* Ibe pr* jyrri\f / PROSPECTUS. SEW SERIES OF TIIE LITERARY OMNIBUS, Furnishing Hooks by .Mail, ai ,\'cicspaper Postage! ALDIE'S LITERARY OMNIBUS has now been in existence twelve months and has enjoyed during that period a very ex tensive shuse of public favor. It has furnish ed for hen dollars and a half, reprints of Lon don books which cost there over fifty-seven dol lars! In addition to a large amount of literary matter, reviews of new books, tales, aud do mestic and foreign news. The original proprietor, intending to devote his time and attention to his other periodical works, has disposed of his interest to the pres ent publisher, who will make no further change in its general character than issuing it from an* ether office, and changing its name from ’Wal ,lie's’ to ’Browns.’ Brov n'r Li. ekarv Oii.vibls will be issued every Friday moruing, printed on excellent paper of a large size. It will contain; i. Books the newest and best that can be procured, equal every week to a London Duo decimo volume, embracing Novels, lravcls, Memoirs, &c., and only charitable with nnes paper postage. g. Literary Beviews, Tales, Sketches, No tices of Boyks.and information from the world of letters of every description. 3. Thu news of the week, foreign and do mestie. Tin- price wiil he two dollars per annum to clubs of fee individuals. To clubs of two in div,duals, iicv dollars and a half or five dollars for ihe two. Single mail subscribers, three dollhrs. Mai remittances to be post paid. As the arrangements for this undertaking are all completed, the proprietor asks from a generous public tliat consideration to which so diffusive a scheme of circulating knowledge and amusement is entitled. The first number of the Xno Series com menced on tiie sth of January. 1833, from which period or from any future date new sub scribers inn v Commence. Os/ IN.stminters and agents for periodicals throughout tie Union and C’anidc, are re quested to act as agents for the Omnibus, coninnurente with the proprietor. A ddriios. ix st pa id. • WILLIAM BROWN, N j. 50. North Fourth-stree, P hilad €ca{pa; Slctel, .¥ac»n, ftia. mllE sulaeriher respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that ho ( has taken tin- above mentioned establishment, which, having been recently thoroughly re. paired and enlarged at great, expense, is now 1 open for the reception of Travelers, F.oar(iers r .Sic. Tiie chambers are large and airy, the j servants competent and attentive. His table ■ shall be con tantly supplied with every deli racy tli" sea-on and market will furnish. His I bar is .nocked with the choicest Wines and Li quors ; and in order more effectually to make it a firs! rate House, lie has calledloliisaidthc j services es Mr. A. Elder, of Baltimore, whose jl. ng exper nee at lJarnum's City Hotel, has iji’.N'.’y entitled him to the reputation of acater ! .-r for the public. The subscriber therefore hopes by h's unroniitting exertions to pltase, to receive a liberal share of patronage. HORACE E. WARD. N. J>. flood Stabling attached to tla Ho tel. with fai'hfnl and attentive Ostlers. Hoswc Vi'rijvhf. At o SKS W . W I L SON, I.D inform the public that he is ready ; to contract for putting up Houses,Stores. I nr buildings of any description, at short notice j ami on reasonable terms. Ie has Lumber and building materials of all Rinds on hand, which he will furnish to order :at low prices. Also, White Lead, I’aints, Oils, fi e. Any favors in Ills line will be thankfully re : eeived and these wlio employ him may depend *.n having tlieir orders executed in a workman ■ Fke ;:hil- an ! with pun,;Lualitv. Bruuswi- k, Nov. Ik! 1-37. N ACT to rlVr and fix the time of holding . •?.. the S-merio* Courts in the Eastern Dis- Si.c. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and' lie:" of K'-pres".datives of the State of Geor gia. in General Assembly met. and it is hereby i naeted b\ the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of February next, the linn s oi holding the Superior Courts for the Eastern District, shall be as follows, to wit ; IN THE STRING CIRCUIT, in the (W.nty of Bulloch, on the 4th Monday in March. “ ***l, Effingham, Thursday thereafter " ‘ Camden, ltd Monday in April. •' *• 1 Wayne, Thursday thereafter. “ •• Alvnu, 3d Monday in April. 1 “ WJntosh Thursday thereafter. ** LiK'ty. 4lh Monday in April. »• Wednesday thereafter. *• Chatham; Aii.Monday in May. IN THE FALL ClffcjJT. in the eouiity of Bulloch, WednesdajMieforc Ist Monday in Noveiubeff^. “ Ellingluiin, on the Friday tmtrc '* *’ f amden, 4th Monday in Nov. *' *' Wayne, ’Fluirsday thtreafler. ** Glynn, Monday o “ *‘ Me I ntosli. Thursday i; “ “ Liberty. Monday <• ‘‘ ilryan, Wednesday o “ „ , Gialliain, t*d Mendayli,, Jan'y. , r - ~ ti . -- !ul it further enactid by the authority ’.fi res: i.i. That all ed. suhf-a ned, or bound as suitors, jurors or witnesses or m any other rapacity,to attend said Court at the time which by lavl now in truce are Imldcn. shall be bound by iirtue of said summons, subpeena, or other proefes here after issued, to abend said Courts alterecby this ■'* ■• ‘E -vnd be it further enacted hv- tin ant.iority aloresaul ThatVl writs, precis. or pr.-cess of any ktnd ,-iAnture, shall hcßafler , I'.'lMnuihle lo jjie terms of said Courts iieretofore recited. *'4. And be it further enacted. Tint all laws an . parts ©Mows militating against this act be,-and the same are hereby repealed Joseph day. Speaker of tfie House of Rrprcsentativet Robert m. echoes, , j ..., ~ resident of the Senate Assented !/. z ul December. |s;l7. C/ORCE ii. GILMER, Governor* / 1-1 ST OF LETTERS T?'/MAINING in the Tost Oiliee Bruns a y u'icis, March hist. is:;s. i / beri Piles. John F. May, J. W. Frost. Lew ‘‘T ’’ Lord Janies Davis. Nobel Bell. Mj<» £:rr g ;PT- ! ’ii <r ' ai "’, casiiirr jiank «run S . < " A --fP'iuW.rg, I’. Readick 2. Jnsiah , N . ) V ' ,ol e :’- J ‘ilin B, Koasg Daniel '• **'* E. Cooper, Thomas ,Vw John L. Marc;,. Joseph Rician. James > Kiiiie. i reoenek flavis. Davi.i Hall, John <’a. -th. Wesle } 1 , <iahagan. Edward Ham nmnd '■ nv Siimmni n April.%