Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, August 14, 1799, Image 1

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■j'iiree Dots, per Arm.] Volume I.] f To the PUBLIC. f jpHE Subfcribcrs having commenced the Printing Bufincfs in the City of Au- PU fta, take the opportunity of the firft number of their Weekly Paper, to return rheir grateful acknowledgments, to their numerous subscribers by whom their un dertaking has been generously patronized; and to allure them that no pains will be spared to render their paper a vehicle of ufeful information, and a source of ra tional amusement. Added to the usual difficulties which present themselves, to those, who with but moderate funds, at tempt almost any eftablifliment, the Sub icribers have had to encounter peculiar in conveniences, which necessarily prevent ed their Publiftiing the AUGUSTA HERALD as early as was at firft con templated; but as no wilful negligence can be imputable to them, they trust the delay will be excused by a liberal community. From the arrangements made, the Edi tors of the Herald hope to be able to fur nifh their readers with a detail of the lat est European events, and the earliest do mestic occurrences, and by a judicious feleCtion of moral and entertaining publica tions, to engage the attention of those who are indifferent to the political events of the world. It will be the constant aim of the Edi tors to conduCt their paper in such an im partial manner, as not to favor the party views of any set of designing individuals, while a free difeufiion of public measures will “ver be admitted.—But resolving to fupphet the liberty of the press on pure and just they heffitate not to fay that no pilolicalions will iflue from their press calculated merely to bring the Federal Go vernment into disrepute, or to withdraw the confidence of the people from those who administer it. Though not expelling in the enlightened City in which they re side to be presented with any such pieces, yet they deemed this declaration neceffarv, as a future juftification, fliould they be found hereafter to have rejected the pro ductions of will not, or cannot, make the diftinftion between the liberty and the licentiousness of the Press. To give general fatisfaClion will be th e constant aim of the Editors, and, to aid their efforts, they take the liberty of soli citing from their literary friends, such as sistance as their leisure and talents will en able them to furnifh, towards rendering the Herald universally entertaining. GEORGE F. RANDOLPH. WILLIAM J. BUNCE. CONDITIONS. /. THE AUGUSTA HERALD will he publi/hed every Wednesday , and will be delivered to subscribers in town. 11. The terms to subscribers, will be three dollars per annum , one half to be paid on the delivery of the firft paper, and the re mainder at the end of the year: and to pre vent disputes, papers to subscribers will be con tinued from year to year till directed to be dis continued. HI- Advertisements of or under a square will be charged 63 cents for the firft publicati- m > an d two thirds of that sum for every weeks continuation , and in in the fame proportion for those of greater length. IF , The second and third page, and the firft column of the fourth page will always ccn ' tain new matter , and in the event of so large a number of advertlfements as to require more room than this arrangement admits , that deft- Augusta herald. Printed by GEORGE F. RANDOLPH & WILLIAM J. BUNCE, in Ellis-Street. WEDNESDAY, August 14, 1799. ciency will be /applied by a supplement. At the above office all kinds of printing will be performed with accuracy and dispatch, ana every favor gratefully acknowledged. Those gentlemen who have been so obliging as to take charge of fupferiptions for the Augusta Herald, are requested to re turn them as soon as polfible. Augusta, July 17, 1799. A N ORDINANCE. % For raising a fund for improving and keeping 1 in repair the public roads , leading to the Ci ty of Augusta. WHEREAS, the present situation the public roads and bridges in the vicinity of this City, require that consi derable further improvements and repairs should be made thereon : Be it therefore Ordained, by the Intendant and Members of the City Council of Augufia, That there be levied on, and collected, from each and every free male person, from the age of sixteen to fifty years, residing in the city of Augusta, and within three miles thereof, an assessment of two dollars and fifty cents; and an assessment of one dollar on each and every male Have from the age of sixteen to fifty years, within the City and limits aforefaid ; for the purpole of raising a fund to enable the City Coun cil to put and keep the said public roads in good repair, either by farming them out, under proper reftriClionstorefponfiblc per sons ; or in such other way as may appear to be best calculated to promote this desir able purpose. And be it further Ordained , by the authori ty aforefaid, That the mode of collecting the said rates or afftff rents, {hall be as fol lows ; that is to fav—the Citv Collector, fliall, from his knowledge and the best in formation he can procure, forma com plete digest of all persons liable to pay the laid rates or afTeffments, including his, her or their slaves of the defeription aforefaid; and lodge a copy thereof with the City Clerk, within fifteen days from the date hereof; which digest (hall comprehend all free male persons within the City, and within three miles of the fame, and also all male slaves within or who usually re side within the fame limits, and including boat hands hired to, or owned by persons residing within the said limits: That hav ing made and returned the said digest or a copy thereof as above directed, the said Colle&or fliall proceed to the collection of the said rates or afTeffments: and in case any person or perlons, liable to pay the said rates or afTeffments, fliall not have paid the fame on or before the firft day of September next, the said collector fliall make a return of all such defaulters, to the Clerk of the City Council, and there upon a general execution fliall issue under the hand and leal of the Intendant for the time being, commanding and authorizing the said Collector to make and levy thefaid rates or afTeffments «ith costs, out of such defaulters goodsorchattles or by taking the body of each defaulter refpeCtively; that if the (aid Collector, fliall levy on the goods or chattlesofany such defaulter, he fliall fell 1 he fameatthe usual place of pubiicfaleswithin the said City, giving such notice thereof as required by law of Sheriff’s or Consta ble’s felling personal property under exe cution ; but in cases where he may take the body of a defaulter, he fliall carry such defaulter before the Intendant or any mem ber of the City Council; who fliall there upon commit such person to the common Jail of this county by a mitimus, which fhali state the amount and cost due by such defaulter. —and there to remain until paid, or from thence delivered by due course of law—That the ColleClor fliall be allowed at and after the rate of five per centum on all monies by him received and paid into the City Treasury under this Ordinance, over and above all legal fees, where he (hall be compelled to levy upon the body or goods of a defaulter; but such ColleClor besides a notification in one or more of the Augusta Gazettes, calling on all persons to make payment of their refpedive rates or afTeffments—(hall, previous to returning any person a defaulter, either personally inform, or by a writing fpecifying such persons rates or affefTnents, and left at his or her usual or notorious place of abode, notifying such person to pay the fame. i And be it further Ordained , That slaves hired to persons living within the limits a* forefaid, where the owner of such Have or slaves do not reside within the said limits, such (lave or slaves, {hall by the Collector be lifted as belonging to the employer, and such employer {hall be liable to pay the rate or afleffinent aforefaid, and may law fully deduCt the fame out of the hire or wages of such flaveor slaves. And be it further Ordained , That masters of apprentices fliall in like manner be lia ble to have such apprentices included in his or their returns, and to the payment of the rates orafleffinents of such apprentices. And be it further Ordained , That the said Collector {hall from time to time make and render into the Intendant and City Coun cil, a just and true return of all monies which he may have collected, or hath in hand in virtue of his appointment; and previous to proceeding in the duties of said appointment, he {hall give bond and ap proved security, in the lum of three thou sand dollars, payable to the Intendant and members of the City Council of Augusta, for the time being, and to their fucceflbrs in office; conditioned for the faithful and impartial difeharge of his duty as Collec tor—and {hall take and fubferibe the fol lowing oath or affirmation, viz. “ I A. B. “ do solemnly swear or affirm, (as the case “ may be) that I will truly, faithfully and “ impartially dilcharge the duties of Col “ leCtor of the City of Augusta, to the “ best of my {kill and abilities, so help me “ God.” And be it Ordained , That in case the said Collector shall from mifinformation or otherwise, over rate or aflefs any person or persons in making the faiddigeft, such per son or persons so over rated or aflefT ed, may be relieved therefrom on applica tion to the Citv Council aforefaid. And be it further Ordained , That the Col lector {hall be allowed to charge the fame rates of fees for services to be performed by him under this Ordinance, as are allow ed by the laws of this state to Sheriff’s and Collectors for similar services. Signed in Council the \ft Augufl , 1799. ~ THOS. CUMMING, Intendant. Attest, Joseph Hutchinson, Clerk. W. S. SMITH, Begs leave to inform his friends, that he has removed into the House lately oc cupied by Col. R. Watkins, where he pro poses to entertain a few refpeCtable boar ders.—He also hopes to have it in his power to accommodate his transient friends. August 7. (ts. 4 ) MARSHAL’S SALE. On MONDAY the iqtk Augufl next , will be Sold at the Market-House in Augusta , at the usual hours , Five Negroes one Horse, Seized under execution at the suit of John and Archibald Hamilton, against executor of James Martin.—Taken as the property of James Martin, deceased.—Conditions CASH. Wm. M‘Tyiere, d. m. August 7. (4.) The SUBSCRIBER, Respectfully informs the citi zens of Augusta, that he has just commenced the HOUSE CARPENTER and JOINERS BUSINESS in this place, and hopes to {hare their favors equal to that of his exertions and merit in giving general fatisfaCtion.—At the fame time thinking I may have enemies of whose ill intent I am as yet unaware, but I flatter myfelf with the pleasing hope, though a stranger to many, that none will too hasti ly give credit to the falfe aflertiuns of any base columniator. OBADIAH CRAWFORD. July 24. ts. a. LOS T, ‘ ON Wednesday evening last, between Augusta and Mead’s Mill, on the Savannah Road, A BLACK LEATHER POCKET BOOK, containing five dollars in filler, and a quantity of valuable papers. The finder, by returning the papers, fha.'] have the money for his reward. WILLIAM BACON. August 7. (ts. 4.) Mrs. M‘LAWS, INFORMS her friends particularly, and the public in general, that HER HOUSE of ENTERTAINMENT, in Reynold. } Street , near the Bridge , is now provided with ' the heft of PVities , other Liquors and Provfotit. She flatters herfelf Jhe will be able to continue her usual attention to the duties of her House. August 7. (ts. 4 ) 1 „ 1 LANDS FOR SALE. 950 acres of oak& hickory land, situated in Jackson county 1 , on the Mid dle Fork of Oconee river, grac ed to Francis Gartrell. v «.Vrctm V 460 acres second quality lancfj situate on the waters of the Appalachce, Jackson county, originally granted to Al exander Houghton. 357 acres oak and hickory land, on the waters of Oconee, Jackson county, adjoining lands of John Goreham, origin ally granted to George Ogg. 2700 acres firft quality land, situ ate on the waters of the Middle Fork of Oconee, Jackson county, originally grant ed to John Neville. 1000 acres pine land on the fork of Spirit Creek, Richmond county, about ten miles front Augusta, adjoining iands of Williams, Jenkins, Whitaker and Ander son, originally granted to James Beall. 1000 acres pine land, Richmond county, on the waters of the BeaVerdani Branch, within fifteen miles of Augusta, bounded fouth by vacant land, fouth welt by M‘Bean’s creek, weft by Stith’s north west by Lofton’s, north-east by Jackson and M‘Mannus, and south-cast by Caf* well’s. For terms, apply to the subscriber. Janet M‘Laws. ALSO FOR SALE, A WAGGON fcf THREE HORSES . APPLY AS ABOVE. Augiift 7. (ts. 4 ) The Subscriber, HAS FOR SALE , Few Hogsheads of MOLASSES. ISAAC HERBERT. Au g»ft 7- (3M-) FOR SALE; TWO PAIR MAHOGANY Dining Tables. Apply at this Office. July 24 tfjj. Private Board ing at Mr. Hutchinson’s, Corner of Washington & Ellis-Streets. July 24. ts. 2. Mr. Lyar, SIR—I have been told you have, in my late absence, certified I had conveyed a lot, or lots in Augusta not my own, and having received the value thereof, it was presumable I would never return.-—Now, fir, you have told one lie, and presumed another. I presume there fore, you are deserving of no further no tice from Your Plain Monitor. JAS. HUTCHINSON. August 7. (21*4.) *————————■———— tm»»« ■ . ■■ ——l 1 ■— -« LOST, BETWEEN Augusta and the Sand hills, a small Black Leather POCKET BOOK, containing several papers of little value, and a ticket in the Charleston East Bay-Street Lottery. A reward will be given to the finder, by applying at the Herald Office. ' J“<y 31- (if 3.) WANTED, ’ AN aftive Boy about fourteen or fif teen years of age, as an Apprentice to theCarpenterand Joiner’* trade—None need apply but such as can come well re commended, and i 3 willing to be bound till cf age. SAMUEL DUNHAM July 24. ts. 2, 1 ■ ■ ■ 1-11 ■ 11 ■■■ ■ 10 Blank Deeds of Conveyance, For &]e at this Office. .-3B . \_Haip in Advance. [Number 5.