Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, December 25, 1799, Image 4

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r WM Hn/gm l*t <*■»■iff* H** r * lll » -+m ; * MUSES RETREAT. Pg (Written by a UNITED IRISHMAN, Strife in confinement. f. by request.] 'HE pomp of courts and pride of KinS*» I prize above all carfhly things, < ■ 1 love my the King s , Above all men his prail? I ling ; ; 1 The Royal Banners are difplay’d,- And may liicicfi the standard aid. , 1 I fain would hanifh far from hence, ‘ The Rights of Man and Common Scnfe, Confulion to his odious reign, That foe to Princes Thomas Paine ; Defeat and ruin seize the cause, Os France to liberty and laws. B B. Arthu r O’Conni r. SEPTENNICAL DIVISION OF TIME. THE seven firft years of life, is man’s break of day B Gleams of short fenfc, a dawn of thought dilplay : |jf IVheiif'.urieenfpring«haveh4pom’dh s downy check flit foft and bafhful meaning learns to fpcak. From twenty-one proud manhood lake, his date ; Yet is not strength complete till twenty-eight; Then to his five and thirtieth, life’s gay fire Sparkles, burns bright, and flames in fierce desire ; At forty-two his eyes gave vtifdom wear, > And the d.tik ituure dims him o’er with care ; With foity-nine, behold his toils increase, And busy hopes and fears disturb his peace ; At filly-fix, cool r<*afon reigns ; Then life burns fleady, and witli temperate fire. Bi t sixty three unbends the body’s strength Eieithc unwearied mind has run its length ; , And, whr it from seventy, age furvevs her Uft, Tir’d she flops llioti—and willies all were palt. r THREE <nen were last week executed at Ucheiler for horse stealing. Previous to their being taken from the gaol, they > appeared perfe&ly collected and unmoved but at the place of execution their tude forfook them. After the clergyman had left them they were still anxious to pray, but so ignorant were they of all form, that they incoherently repeated parts of different prayers, totally irrelevant to their fitnations. Three or four times they re k peated what the children of poor people | are usually taught in bed, viz. “ Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, “ God bids the bed 1 iie ort: “ Four corners to my bed, " Four angels lay a ipread and so on to the end of that ancient piece of nude’s poetry :—a fad instance of igno rance. London Paper. A NQCDOTE S. AMONG a volume of anecdotes of the I ; fCountefs ot A ,1 mull mention ano ther related to me some \ears ago by the H immortal Marquis of Granby. One as- E tt rnoon, iiilhe month of September, the ! Counttfs and a veteran officer were walk i ing in that part of the demefue next the | road to Coventry ; a small brook ran by P the road, upon the bank of which fat a 11 "wearied fold ter, who was taking water with the spout of his h it from the iftream, and I drinking it. The officer inftantlv ex claimed, “ There, my Lady, there’s an <*! jed for your benevolence ! fend vour servant to the house for a cup of strong beer for the poof fellow,” —“ Good hea -1 verts, Colonel, (replied her ladyship,) do | you imagine I brew my drink for travel lers ? You may as well alk me why I don’t I put up a lign.”—“ And if you did, my I .ndv, it would not disgrace you ; I mean t!ie sign of Charity. However, I mud do I iny duty,” (fays the Colonel, walking out W the gate, and giving the fbldidr half a crown. “ You had always a foft heart, s Colonel,” (fiitl her ladvlhip with a sneer, I on his return.) “ I hope, Madam, 1 thall I never be such a villain to mvfelf, and to the world, as to part with it for an hard •' one.” J jb* 1586, Philip 11. sent theyouugCon deCaftillelo Rome, to congratulate I Sextus V. on hh advancement to the Holy i| . - See. Tite Pope imprudently said, “ Are L . there so few men in Spain that your King lends me one without a beard f” “ Sir,” I said the fierce Spaniard. “if his majesty I had pofleffed the kaft idea that you ima- P gined merit lay m a beard, he would dogbt lefs have deputed a goat to you, and not a I- gentleman.” THE cccentfitFCbarles Waters, attend ed the late John Hale, Ely,, from a feri -1 mis refpaet, which he always exprtfted for |j his c’.wafhr ; but in the course of the fol- I lowing hour, was overt tkep with a drink, H or rather overtook drink, which unfortu- I nateiv was his daily pra&ices. In this ■ fituasion he called upon a frierfti, towards n sunset, and on being afUed from whence M he came, he replied, l have been to John Hale's funeral; and I will tell you what I ■ thought : | tkt good, too good, far to flay: il That’s JOHN HALE. A.a. I:av« the bil, too hal to take away j fk Mjjßut * CHARLES 'V Al’tßS, , ' YELLOW FEVER. LEE’s Genuine New-London Patent BILIOUS PILLS, WHICH were greatly fuccefsful in preventing and curing Epidemi cal, Bilious, Inflauiatory, Yellow and Ma lignant Fevers in New-London, New- York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Baltimore, Charlelion, &c. &c. and the Weft-Indies. Prepared by SAMUEL H. P. LEE, m. d. New-London,(Connecticut ) Patent right secured according to law of the United States. For Sale, IVhdefale £5? Retail, by ISAAC HERBERT, Augusta. They are approved by eminent Physi cians, and other;, for their virtues as an Certificates of their Efficacy. I certify that my daughter and son were for some time exceeding ill with a molt vi olent jaundice, attended with a flow fever, pains in the stomach and bowels, lofll%>- petite, yellow (kin, and great lafiitude and weaknels, infoinuch that I expeftedthey never would recover; after trying various remedies to no effed, I made use of Lee’s New-London Bilious Pills; then in great repute in the yellow fever in New-Lon don. They were attended with the most altonifliing effects and performed a cure greatly beyond my expectation. I use them in my family in all cases where I judge the complaints proceeds from in testinal maladies and find them to answer the heft of purpoles. I am convinced that I very often lave the expence of doc tor’s bills, by a timely use of thele pills in , all ordinary complaints. Signed, BENJAMIN GARDNER. New-London , Millflone Pointy July ’99. Attested cases of Yellow Fever. easy, fafe, mild and efficacious remedy for all those complaints which arise from a redundancy-of Bile in the Stomach and firjl passages of Men, and Children : Such as Jaundice , Remitk jt, Intermittent , and Ague Fevers: Yellow Fevers, Cholera Morbus , Dyjentery , Diarylka ; jick Head Aches , Foul Stomachs, lndigeflion , Sc c. See. They are alio found very ufeful in Worms , Dropjy , Graves suppression of Urine , Objlruftions , obstinate Co/livenejs, and all those complaints where purging is indica ted—also for restoring the loit appetite after eating or drinking to excess over night ; for recruiting the habit in the spring season, and’ may be fafely used in all constitutions, ages and sexes. CASE I. James a lad about 12 years of age, was attacked with the Yellow Fever in September last, the parents endeavored to throw off the difcale by purgative oils, injeftions, Julep, &c. but could get noth ing through hint. The third day I was called I found him in the second stage of fever, with the black vomit and red pete chial spots on his Ikin, he had no evacua tion from his bowels, but ejeCted every thing which he took—l adminiltered two of the pills, and he kept them down ; the 3d was given 2 hours after—and within 6 hours regular passages was produced, at which time the black vomit began to a bate, and with the use of aqua calcis and his ordinary medicines he recovered, be yond the expectation of any of the family. CASE 11. John Weld, nurse at the holpital was seized with the fever in all its violence, attended with the usual symptoms of cons tipated bowels, deliriums, vomitings, &c. Sc c. he was bled, took the pills every day, and although he was brought to the verge of the grave, from having an uncommon (hare of the disease, he recovered and al ways felt immediate relief from the effeCts of the pills. CASE 111. I was attacked myfelf with the fever the last of September, from imprudently going into an infcCted room with four lick per ions in it early in the morning upon an empty stomach. I was bled, and kept my stomach and bowels conftautlv afftded bv the pills, and recovered without the use of any other remedies except calomel in al terative doses. I felt an immediate sen sation of ease and relief from every dose I took, and always felt myfelf secure from that alarming symptom the black vomit whenever they puffed through the stomach. and I ever found this the case with all my patients; my wife and two servants in my family were ill of the fever, but liappilv recovered upon a free use of the pills. These pills were the only medicines I used for the ptirpole of cleansing the firft passages, and for preventing the black vo mit, whenever they were given and pro duced liberal evacuation, they never failed to answer this purpofein all cases, even pregnant women could take them with the hanpiefl effeCts. (Signed) SAMUEL H. P. LEE. Sworn before, and signed in presence of MARVIN WAIT, Justice Peace for N ew-London Countv, { New-London, July 21,1799. Boston , August i, ’9B. Dr. LEE, Sir, From the high opinion which I have of your “ New-London Bilious Pills," and from a desire to ditfufe their utility among man kind, more particularly to my feafaring brethren, —I take the liberty to inform you that about the 20th laftmonthl ar-J rived at New-London from the Weft-In-" dies, with the intermittent fever, com monly called the fever and ague, which I contradlsd there. I had had about 40 fits when I arrived, I found them gaining up on me stronger and oftener, viz. from e very other day to every day. I had made use of many things to break the fits but in vain—’till I took some of your pills at night, according to diredtion, next day my fit was scarcely perceptible, and from that time I had no more ; as soon as I mif fed the fit I went to taking bark and now thank God I am hearty and well. (Signed) PETER KEEN. P. S. I request you to publish the a bove for the benefit of my fellow-citizens in the feafaring way. December 18. (6w. 23) Thomas Beach, Next door above Mr. M‘Gowan’s Store in BR O AD-STREET, RETURNS his most grateful thanks to his friends and the public, for the liberal encouragement he has received du ring his residence in this city, and having good workmen and a frefh supply of the best materials, he hopes by his attention to merit a continuation of their favors. HE HAS JUST RECEIVED, A General Assortment of the bejl and most fajhionable BOOTS and BOOTEES, Men’s FINE & COARSE SHOES, Ladies MOROCCO, ditto. Do. KID & LEATHER SLIPPERS, All of which he will fell very low for CASH. ALL orders from town or country ftridfly attended to. November 20. (ts. 19.) William Savels, BOOT 6? SHOE MAKER, NEXT DOOR BELOW MR. DALE’S STORE On BROAD-STREET. BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he con tinues his business at the fland he had last season—and being well supplied with the best materials, and good workmen, he hopes togive fatisfadlion to those who may please to favor him with their custom. HE HAS LATELY RECEIVED, A General Ajfortment of BOOTS and BOOTEES, of the firft quality, Men’s fine and coarse SHOES, Boys and childrens ditto. Ladies and MifTes Leather SLIPPERS, BOOT LEGS, CALF SKINS, All of which he will fell low for cash or produce, wholesale and retail. OdT" All orders firittly attended to , and every favor gratefully acknowledged. Odlober 23. (ts. 11.) RICHMOND Jockey-Club Races. WILL commence the second time, on the firft MONDAY after Christmas, being the 30th day of De cember. The Counties of Burke and Columbia are permitted to join this Club, provided twelve members from each coun ty subscribe, and Captain Ardis’s Diftridl including Silver-Bluff, in South-Carolina, on fix members fubfcribing v The Secretary, is authorized to admit subscribers. The firft days running to be three mile heats, the horses to be folded and railed the property of the subscribers. The second days running, to be aSweep ftake, free for any Horse, Mare or Gelding, to be competed of oae sixth of the sub scription. Any person darting a Horse not a Sub scriber, to pay the sum of five dollars entrance money, and to run one mile heats., fdT The Members arerequefted to meet at Major Dentenac’s Tavern, on Satur day the 28th day of December next, for the purpose of paying their fubfcrjption money. By order of the President, JOSEPH WARE, Secretary. Odtobcr 23. (15 ts.) Henry Darnell, TAILOR £2 HABIT-MAKER , TWO D OJU S BELOW S?E§CERS Cor WASHINGTON.STREET ■n ESPECTFULLY informs the public l\. that he has commenced the abcv’ Boufinefs in all its various branches, pi flatters himfelf from his experience and tention to business, to merit the patrona e l of the public : Such gentlemen as may favor, him with their work, may dene; !} on its being executed with neamefs ai, | difpatch,and on the moftreafonable terms' WANTED, One or Two a&ive BOYS about 16 years of age, as Apprentices to the Tavloring Business. . £3= The highest wages will be given for Journeymen. O&ober 23. AUGUSTA fcf SAVANNAH Line of Stages. THE Proprietors have to inform the Public, that the AUGUSTA and SAVANNAH STAGE, will in future run once a week—lt will leave Au gusta every Saturday Morning at seven o’clock, and arrive at Savannah on Mon day Morning nine o’clock ; returning, leave Savannah on Tuefday one o’clock, p. m. and arrive at Auguft* on Thursday afternoon. Fare for Passengers, nine dollars, with an allowance of 141 b. baggage—all extra baggage cents per lb.—All bag gage to be at the risk of the owners. The Proprietors think proper to observe that they find it impofiibie that they can afford the terms of paflage at the former price of eight dollars, as they are now com pelled to give at least one third more for Forrage than they have hitherto done. J. W. GRANT, Proprietors. December 11. * (t.f.) FOR SALE. A HOUSE, pleasantly situated in mmMm ellis-street, With a good Garden and convenient Out- Houses. One years credit will be given for half the purchase money. Enquire at the Herald-Office. September 10. (ts. 11.) SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be fold on the ftrfl Tuesday in Janua ry next , at the Market-House in Au gusta) at the usual Hours : 3,300 Acres Pine LAND, on Raes Creek, situate about 6 miles from Augusta ; on which is a Grist and Saw- Mill : taken under execution as the prop erty of James Jenkins, to fatisfy Noval Nelms, assignee of William Owfley.— —- Conditions cash. I. Malone, Sheriff\ r. c. December 4. SHERIFF’S SALES. On the Fir ft Tuesday in January next } at the market-house in Augusta. WILL BE SOLD, One hundred acres of pine land including one half Robinson and Fears Saw-Mills.—Taken under execution as the property of Edmond Fears, to fatisfy the Administrator of Patrick Hayes, de ceased. Conditions cash. I. Malone, Sheriff, r. c. November 27. (20.) SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be fold on the fir ft Tuesday in Janua ry next , at the Market-House in Au gusta, at the usual hours : the following proerty, ViX. NINE NEGROES, NEARO,Tonev,Phillis,Pompv, Ned,Bil ly,Tom, Celah & Frank; taken under exe cution as the property of James Rae, dec. in the pofleffion of Mrs. Ann Cobbifon, to fatisfy a judgment obtained by Clay, &„Co. against said dec. —ALSO— TEN NEGROES, SAMBO, Cesar, Isaac, Cuffee, Pompy and Tom, (likely boat hands, who have followed the river for some time,) Nelly, Eve, Sarah and Nancy; taken un der execution as the property of John Cobbifon, deceased, to fatisfy a judgment obtained bv Hamilton and Harper, against the administratrix of said Cobbifon. I. Malone, Sheriff, r. c. November so. (19 )