Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, February 19, 1800, Image 2

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* LONDON, December i. M|f Head Quaters, Centalo, Md } November 6, ’99. ml # J y Lord, Hi my last letter I had the honor of ac- I ; jilting your lordship, that in confe- W £ce of information having been re- I that a Lrge detachment of the enc -14 %as coming from the fide of Savoy, flSrmy made a movement to its right. II l French having taken Pignerol and M I and having advanced to Sallucca, ourcommunication with Turin. thought it neceflary to march II r 'Ler to his right; and a camp was || s|jt between Bra and FofFano. These II p ns i when connected with the sys- II ~?§f defence only, upon which this ar il l° n g been acting, deceived the WjAh into a belief that the Anftrians HVin full retreat. The evacuation of II Tdovi, which was determined upon for j| tywrpole of adding a very confiderabie If 'jjb to the army,confirmed ftiil more this [’ Niion. Elated with these hopes, they I ’ |anced on all points, and on the third, I 1 poffeflion of Savigliano. I &'pn the 4th, the enemy marched in three I t/fdmns to attack the Austrian army. The Ly[,Column marched from Savigliano, by Knrenne, the 2d by Genola, and the 3 ! j Brched to the attack of Foflano, which I Hi been put in a Bate of defence, and Ijps occupied oy a confiderabie garrison. that the Austrian army moved fifth the fame intent, at the fame time, ujfi in the fame number of columns, and Bon the fame roads. Lieut, gen. Ott Mmmanded the right column, lieut. gen. Snitz the center, and major gen. Gotter &im the left. The two armies met at marenne and Genola It was not till ■ Aera very severe engagement, that gen. IJtt obliged the eneny to fall back from I'arenne ; a part retired to Genola, and Ibart to Savigliano. Gen. Ott pursued snemy to the latter place, where he Jbk 3 cannon and above 1000 prisoners. jiJhe column of gen. Elnitz, that was de fined for the attack of Genola, met with T,tnuch more formidable resistance. The Ijion lasted for several hours, and it was a>t till the arrival of the column of gen. M'tt, from Savigliano, upon the rear of re French, that victory declared in favor ■y the Austrians. The two columns im lediately |)roceeded in perfuit of the ene jiy—gen. Ott by Villa Falletto, gen. Elf- Uh by Voldiga. The army halted at fight at Centalo. .J: r_he column of gen. Gottefhein repulf a French from Foflano to Murazzo. Y will appear surprising that while our ar jv was at Centalo, a division of the French ;my remained between Murazzo and ronchi, with the Stura in their rear, over 'lnch there was no bridge. Early in the ■ jirning of the sth, the army marched b two columns to Ronchi and Murazzo. phe enemy surprised, made no resistance, ind 2000 prisoners were taken without my loss. [ It appears that the French army was ompleatly defeated, and that this division vas left there without orders. The Auftri ins have made in the two days above 3000 prifoneis. The army being extream y fatigued, remained at Bonchi; but this gen. Melas having determined to I Vow up his success with the utmost vi w \ the army marched in two columns, w upon the intrenched camp of the n dona del Almo, and the other upon m ur approach; it is repored that the * i»ch are retreating over the mountains. V s impoflible to dojufticeto the valor a k perfevcrance of the Austrian army. I he operations of the army prior and sub- Ifcquent to this affair, when confidercd in a military point of view, entitle the com gander in chief to the admiration of the ' whole world. Accounts were received vefterdav from general Kray, that he had attacked the enemy near Alexandria, had obliged them to retire to Pozzolo Formigoio, with the loss of iooo prisoners. J have the honor to be isfe. W. BENTINCK. December 5. Intelligence was received on the 13th nit. at the head quarters of the archduke Charles, that field marshal Prince Suwar row hud received orders, by a courier from St. Peterlburgh, to withdraw from the theatre of war with the whole Ruffian ar mv. The archduke immediately sent off diipatches with this important information to Vienna, and to held marshal lieutenant- Prince Reufs, and field marshal Von Orelli who commanded the Austrian forces in Grifons and Feldkirch. The time of the departure of the Ruffians, and their route, are not mentioned, and it is presumed that counter orders may yet arrive from St. Pe- I terfburgh, lhouki fume particular circum- intervene. It is, however, fuppof # ... ed that the Ruffian army will retire for the present into Boheamia. Orders have been given, to prepare every thing fer tho march of the troops through Munich, and a great many veflels have been put under requisition on the Upper Danube. The heavy artillery is to be sent down the Da nube to Litz. The corps of Condy is to go into Up per Batavia. December 6. The Hamburgh mail whichjbecame due on Wednefday,did not bring us any intelli gence from the theatre of the war in Italy, with which we were not partly acquainted by the Paris papers that arrived last week; excepting that of the surrender of Ancona, an event which took place on the 1 xth ult. Unofficial articles, however, supply in lbme degree the want of authentic accounts, and give us the details of the engagemeut of the Bth, which terminated like the pre ceding, to the advantage of the Austrians. They took poffeflion of an entrenched camp of the French beyond Coni, and forced likewise the paflage of the Colodi Tende. The loss of the French since the 4th was estimated at nearly 12,000 men, They have experienced, during the present campaign, few defeats so complete, and above all, so decisive in its consequences. The Austrians have, it is said, again taken poffeflion of Allola, and even of Mount St. Gothard. This requires confirmation, but certain it is at least, that they are yet masters of Berfinzona, and of the Italian Bailiwicks. In Switzerland nothing new has taken place. The evacuation of the Grifon country by the French is officially con firmed bv a report from gen. Petrarfch, dated at Felkirch on the 10th inst. PARIS, November 13. The law which regulates the provision al form of the new government, was pro claimed last night, in Paris, with much solemnity. Although every thing con tinues in appearance calm—the conspira tors of the council of Five Hundred do not confider themselves as yet defeated. They hold meetings. They are prepar ing a pretended protestation ; but, perhaps, they rely more upon some affaffinaiion than their other manoeuvres, but the police is informed of their meetings, and watches them narrowly. The grenadier, who saved Buonaparte’s life dined with him vefterday. The wife of the consul made him a present of a diamond worth 2000 crowns. November 21. Letters from Strafborg, of thte 13th in stant, informs us, that the march of the troops towards the Rhine, is prefled for ward with the greatest a&ivity. The great er part of the army is arrived on the bor ders of that river. Chabran’s division is at Bade, and has been considerably rein forced. The divisions of Mefnard, Lorge and Gazan, occupy the Rhine from the Frickthal to the lake of Constance. Soult’s division is polled in the Rheinthal: those of Murtier and of Loifon, ftiil continue to make a progress in the Grifon country, and advance towards the Voralberg. Tur- I reau’s division covers the Valais. The 5 fine division commanded by gen. Hum bert, edmpofed in a great measure of grena diers from all the demi-brigades, and about ten thousand strong, has just quitted the environs of Zurich, in order to approach the Rhine, and thus, it is said, to make their way into the Frickthal. A general attack seems to he meditated. Sieves is said to have a new scheme of a constitution, which he is about to pro pose—that he had hinted many of his ideas upon this fubjeift when the constitution of the 3d year was under consideration, but that he conceived that the public mind was not then fufficiently ripe and prepa red for the complete dcvelopement of his system of social order. It is supposed that he will avail himfelf of the present auspi cious moment to present the French na tion with a constitution well calculated to secure its confidence and promote its wel fare. The following anecdote is mentioned as having contributed to the return of Buo naparte —An Englilhman who quilted 1 Europe a short time after the 30th Parial, to serve in the army of fir Sidney Smith, was sent by the latter with a flag of truce 1 to Bnonaparte. Berthier received him, : and having answered his meflage, the con versation turned upon the events of Eu f rope. “It is but a short time,” said the 1 officer, “ since I quitted England, and per haps l can give you news of France which i has not yet reached you.” He then re 1 latet! that Italy was re-conquered by the ? Rulfian and Austrian armies ; that Swit , zer'and had been also conquered by prince t Charles, and he told him likewise of the - famous 30th Prairial. Bertheir knew - nothing ot all this—he was (truck by the - recital of what he had heard, and present 1 ed the envoy to the general chief ; and from that day his departure from Egypt was resolved on. According to letters from Copenhagen, of the 12th Brumaire, the financial col lege, with a view to relieve the present ur gent want of money, has flipulated that the merchants, by giving security on their property, may be entitled to receive the loan of money from government. For this purpose it is said that a new ifTue of bank notes is to take place. November 27. Buonaparte, on the sth Brumaire, had a meeting in his apartment of the bankers and principal merchants of Paris, to the number of about 70—-he addrelfed them in an extemporaneous i'peech, in which he pointed out the urgent wants under which the government labored, and infilled on the claims which he ought to have, and which already he had obtained on the pub lic confidence ; and threw out hints of the speedy return of a glorious and equitable peace. He also allured them, that the reign of robbers and plunders was no more, and that those who had property, should no longer be despoiled by those who had none. He likewise allured them, that in trigue should no longer supply the place of talents and learning ; but that, in order to accomplilh the salutary objects he al luded to, the public treasury was under the necelfity of calling on commercial men for* an advance of money, ’till such a time as the contributions should come in. In consequence of this address, the bankers and principal merchants immedi ately voted by acclamation, a loan of 12 millions of livres, which was instantly fil led up. Appointment by the Conjuls. Citizen Talleyrand Perigod, Miniller of foreign affairs of the French Republic, vice citizen Rheinhard, resigned. December 2. The late accounts from Switzerland state, that there has been concluded a sus pension of arms for three months, between the Archduke and General Maflena. A French officer, Maflena’s aid-de-camp, brought this news to Arau. Yet, adds our correspondent, this treaty will not be pub lished till it is ratified by the government of Austria and France. We wait the con firmation of this news, which will be the bell proof that negociations for peace are about to be entered upon, between the cabinet of Vienna and the French Repub lic. Harris, Maher & Co. HAVE IMPORTED Pen- theJhip Gipsey, Captain Towers, from Liverpool. An extensive and well chosen alfortment of European GOODS, Which are now opening for sale on mo derate terms. They will furnifh those dif poled to purchase by the piece or pack age at the lowefl wholesale prices, and will receive in payment tobacco, cot ton, tallow, bees wax and deer skins, for all of which they will allow the highest market price. They have likewise Received, , A LARGE SUPPLY OF EAST, WEST-INDIA & AMERICAN manufactures, Which they offer by Wholesale or Retail at the mofl reduced prices. They have Opened , A case Paper Hangings, in which are several very handsome patterns, A trunk ladies fluff, kid and white fattin shoes and flippers, the latter very neat, and at 3 dols. 50 cts. per pair, Ladies kid and white enamel’d silk gloves, long and fliort, Mens bucklkin, fawn, beaver and black and white silk ditto, Ladies fine cotton and enamel’d white silk hole, laced clocks, Mens cotton, and black, white and patent silk hose, laced ditto, Ladies and gentlemens fafhionable hats, and bands, equal to any in the city, Luteftrings, black, white and changeable, Eight pair glass shades, very large, Elegant cut glass decanters, Wine glades and fait cellars. A L S O, One Pair Elegant Parlour LOOKING GLASSES, an Elegant SECRETARY and BOOK CASE—and one dozen black hair bottomed Windsor CHAIR.S. December iS. (ts. 23.) FOR SALE. 1 Pipe Cogniac Brandy, 2 Quarter casks Sherry Wine. THOMAS W. GRIMES. C. Magnan, 6c Co. AT THEIR STORE BROAD-STREET, Xext door to Mr. Wm. Kennedy Have Received per the Two Sifters, Sr herdefs, Hunt refs, Amazon and Dean FROM NEW-YORK. The Following G O O D S' Which they offer for cash, tobacco and ♦ COTTON. —■ —Among which are,- W HITE, blue and green Plains and White, blue, black and yellow Flannels Duffil and striped Blanketing, Rose Blankets, Wide & narrow Cloths of various co’ourc Superfine do. do. Baizes, Swanfdowns, Caiiimeres and Toiienets, Corduroys and Thicksets, Plain and Corded Dimities, Mufiinets, Printed Quiltings, Twilled Sacking, Ba gging> Rutlia and Irilh white & brown Sheeting. Shirting, 6 ’ Bordered Muslin and Cambrick Handker ceiefs and Shawls, Tambored, Jackonet & Book Mullins, French Cambricks aflorted, Cotton and Linen Checks, Brown Holland, Dowlas and Table Cloths, Printed Callico and Mullins, Chintz and fancy Furniture, Ginghams, Durants, Bombazets, Calimancoes and Fullians, Laces, Edgings, Ribbons and Threads, Men’s, Women’s silk, cotton and worsted Hose, Fancy and leather Gloves, Mens’ womens’ and childrens’ Ihoes, Ladies flippers and sandals, Hats of all kinds, Shop and fcine Twine, Plow Lines and Bed Cords, Crockery Ware, London Pewter, Japan and Hardware, Cutlery, Spades and Hoes, Bar Lead and fliot. Fowling Pieces and Piflols, Gun and Pistol Locks, Gun-Powder, Paints of all kinds, Lintfeed Oil in jugs and calks, Sweet Oil, Carpenters and Ihoemakers Tools, Taylors Iheer?, Hair sieves, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Jamaica Rum, Weft-India do Northward do. Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Apple Brandy in Bbls, Cherry Brandy, Claret in Bottles, White Wine Vinegar, Madeira, Y St,, [ wines - And Porte J Bohea, } Souchong, t TEAS _ tivion and ( Gunpowder 3 Coffee, Pepper, Alfpice, Rappee in Bottles, &c. &V. January 22. (ts. 28.) Thos. Barrett & Co Beg leave to inform their friends and the public in General , that they have received per /hips Warren, Manilla and Benjamin from LONDON: A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF European GOODS, Which they offer for sale at their Store, next below Mr. lfaac Herbert's, at very reduced prices for Cajh or Produce, —Among which Are , — FINE Cloths and Cafiimeres, 4-4 and 7-8 Irish Linens, Ofnaburghs, Cotton Bagging, Glass Ware, Paints in 28 and 141 b. Kegs, Boiled Lintfeed Oil in Jugs, Window Glass 8 by 10 and 12 by io- February 5. (ts 3° )