Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, March 05, 1800, Image 2

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I!®* E W-YORK, February io. BBhe Eutaw, from Cape Francois, we gjß file of St. Domingo papers to the ||B On the 18th of IDecember advices ijjßeceived there of the late change in ■Bench government, which were con ■ by the schooner Ariflides, captain V, 9 days from Baltimore, who arriv ■Cape Francois on the 28th of the jjjßonth.—The intelligence was pro at the Cape in an address to the HBints, exhorting them to be a (lured, HHc well known civifm of the new HHhat the most happv consequences : B likely to refnlt from a change of meafnres; and that the vefl'el of BBte, buffeted for ten years hy the ■HA of revolution, is about to enter HHrt in triumph and in peace. H| February 12. Mis morning arrived, the ship Com |B, Whippey, 19 days from ft. Kitts |Be following is extracted from ner log jßailed the 14th Odftober from Liver -11l and after experiencing fevcral l'everc B was obliged to bare away for the ■■lndies or. the 10th December having an 1 being much fluttered Sr rigging. December 28, in fight of Bgua, was brought too by a French ißlteer, who ordered us to fend our boat ißard, we allured them that our boat ■so leaky flic would not swim ; thev Hi insisted on the boats coming; at Bye hoisted out our boat and sent two Hb to bail, in order to keep her from Hng; it was with great difficulty they Bbed the privateer—they immediately ■ back the boat with two armed men, Bordered the boat to return with fever- B our crew, they did not reach the Batecr the i’econd time before the boat and it was with great difficulty that Baved the people in the boat. February 12. ■ letter from Kingston (Jamaica) dated Bember 20, received via New-York, Bains the following information : Be the coast wasinfeded with picaroons B capture every veftel they meet; that Bwhole island, particularly Kingston, Binaftate of great alarm and confu- B- A fpv had been apprehended, and B to be executed on the 21st. B February 14. mrafl of a letter from William Cowpcr, W/q. Commander of the United States flip | Baltimore , to the Secretary of the Navy, mg& M “ Baffeterrt Reads, fan. 22. BOn the 12th day of January in lat. ■4O, and long 60, 12, W. Iliad the Bd fortune to fall in with and capture ■ French schooner, Le Bullaur JeuneftV, Beph Madeira, commander, of 6 guns B 61 men—During the chace they threw Br —board four guns, both bower an- B>rs, caboufe, and fnndry frnall stores.” B (OFFICIAL) mhafi of a letter from Richaid V. Mor B/j, Ejq. Commatuler of the frigate Adams, Wiated f B affetpre Roads , St Kitts, f in. 20, 1800 B‘ The French privateer brig Italic Con Bft has been captured by the Connefti- B, capt. Tryon—(he ftrurk after receiv ■ the second broadside which carried By her main-topmast, stove her boat, B wounded the capt. and two men, one Brtally. BkALEIGH, (N. C.) January 28. fl‘ On Tliurl'day fe’nnight Colonel John Bppard was murdered by his brother. Bo struck him on the head with an ax at B house of Robert White, eflj. in Giaf- B county —both brothers were intoxi ■ The Subscriber, Bs t FORMS his friends and the public, ■ thaf hr has just received and now op- Bng next door to Melfis. Sims & Wayne, I AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF |>RY GOODS, liiich he flatters himfelf will, from the Blity and price, be worthy the attention ■Country Merchants, and the Planters ■general. kighefl prices viven Br all kinds B COUNTRY PRODUCE. I DAVID WILLIFORD, B F* w. T. Birchs. (ts 34,) 1 F6rla le, B A QUANTITY ELEGANT wdahogany Furniture B CONSISTING OP B Side Boards, B Dining Tables, B Secretaries and Book Cases. I M‘Kinne, & Co. ■nnary; 5. ‘ (ts. EDGFIELD, (S. C.) February 24. Funeral Procession. On Saturday, the 22d ultimo, the fol lowing Volunteer Companies, together with a number of militia officers and a large concourse of citizens, met in Camp belton, to pay their last public tributes of refpeft to the memory as the much la mented and rever’d Hero and Statesman, General George Washington, viz. Captain William F. Taylor, and Captain /onathan Taylors troops of Horse, Captain william Garretts company of Light Infan try and Captain Matt. Martins company of Artillery—The morning wasufhered in by a difeharge from Captain Martins field piece, which continued to fire half-hour guns until 12 o’clock, when the proceflion moved in the following order, with Colours furled and Crofted and music playing a dead march. TRUMPETER. Capt. Wm. F. TAYLORS TROOP. Capt. JONATHAN TAYLORS, Do. Capt. GARRETTS INFANTRY, Arms reversed and drums muffled. Gen. Martin , (ftft Col. Martin , Map. Thompson, Cabt. Barkfdale, Capt. M. Martin yjQf Capt. Key. A Horse equipt with Saddle mourned, Boots and Spurs reversed in the stirrups. Capt. MARTINS ARTILLERY. And the Rear brought up by Citizens. The proceftion moved on from Camp behon, to the family hurrying ground of the late Colonel Leroy Hammond, firing from the field piece, five minute guns, un til the arrival of the front near the grave, when the Horse and Infantry opened their files to right and left, and faced inwards to admit the pa (Page of the Bier, which pro ceeded to the grave, followed by the In fantry, who opened and formed their lines on each fide, when a difeourfe fnitable to the occasion, was delivered by Charles Old, Esq. from the following words.— For none of us livcth to himfelf, and no man dieth to himjelf, For whether we live , we live unto the Lord; and 'whether we die, we die unto the Lord : whether we live therefore or die , we are the Lords. After which three rounds were fired by the Infantry over the Bier, when the com pany’s returned to Campbelton, in revers’d order—The Artillery continuing to fire half hour guns until fun set. f. & O. Sturges, IN addition to their former Aftbrtment, have just received and are now felling at the most reduced prices, as they wish to close their present business, they will make it worthy the attention of any who wish tolupply themselves—Country store keep ers in particular may rely on aettinz G O O D S of them very low. SUPERFI\Efecond& coarfeClotfis Caflimeres, Calicoes and Chintzes, Flumhums & Linens, Black & col’d. Luteftrings, Mens flriped and plain Sattin, Marfeiles Quilting, Sattin Pelongs, Fancy,Spotted & Plain Sattin Ribbons Fine Laces and Edgings, Dimitys and Muflinets, Extra long white silk & Kid Gloves, Black and white Silk Hose, Kid, Morocco and Stuff Shoes, Umbrellas, Cambrick Muftins, Plain and Tambored Jaconet and Book Muftins, Lappet and Tambored Lace Muftins, Camels Hair and Silk Shawls, Gold Ear Rings, Hats, Saddlery, &V. CsV. —A LS o, First quality HY'SON TEA, just opened, Starch, Hair Powder, &V. February 12. (ts 31.) LOST, ON Saturday last, Two TOBACCO NOTES, infpe&edat Arrington’s are-Houfe—Marks and No. as follows : D. C. 766 —1567 —193 —for 1374 lbs. 1 obacco, both dated March ift. 1800.— All persons are cautioned against trading lor the fame, as they are my property. Duke Cole. March 5. (2^34.) Reuben Butler & Co. At their NEW STORE in BROAD-STREET, Nex door to Messrs. Harris Maher &Co. ; Have received by the Franklin, from Liv erpool, and Eliza, from London : AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FALL fcf JV IN TER GOODS, IVhich they offer for Sale , by the piece or s package, at a moderate advance. AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ. WHITE, blue & green Welch Plains, and Half Thicks, of the belt quality, White, green and red Flannels, Duffil and striped Blanketting and Rose Blankets, Wide and narrow Yorkflrire Cloths, of va rious colours, Baifes, Swanfdowns, Cdflimeres and ToWnets, Kendal Cotton and Twilled Coatings, Variety of Corduroys and Thicksets, Plain and Corded Dimmities, Printed Quiltings, Ravens Duck, Sacking and Sacks, Ofnaburgs, Ruflia Drilling, Russia and Irish Linens and Sheetings, Shirting, French Pullicat and Linen Handkerchiefs, Bordered Linch, Muslin and Cambrick Handkerchief and Shawls, Cotton and Linen Checks, White and Brown Hollands, Table Cloths and Long Lawns, Irifli Cambricks, Printed Calicoes and Mullins, Chintz and Fancy Furnitures, Nankeens and Ginghams, Silks, Persians, Florentines, Talfaties and Modes, Laces, Edging, Ribbons and Threads, Fancy and Leather Gloves, Durants, Camblets, and Bombazeens, Men’s women’s and children’s Silk, Cot ton and Worsted Hose, Shoes and Ladies’ Falhionable Slippers, Perfumery and Stationary, Hats, of all kinds, Umbrellas, Shop and Seine Twine, Garden Seeds in small boxes, Earthen and Glass Ware, London Pewter, Japan and Hardware, Cutlery, Spades, Axes and Hoes, Nails, and Frying Pans, Bar Lead and Shot, Fowling Pieces and Pistols, Gun and Pistol Flints, F & F F Gun-Powder, unglazed, Negro Pipes, Paints of all kinds, Painter’s Brulhes, Boiled Lintfeed and Sweet Oil. They have also Received,, AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Which will be fold low for cash. Novembtr 20. (ts. ig.) W. Robinlon, & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at their STORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. Hardware , Cutlery , &c. 6k ?c. LIKEWISE AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Among which are the following y viz. JAMAICA RUM, Weft-India do. Northward do. by the gallon or Bbl. Coniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Cider by the barrel, Bell Weft-India Sugar, Ctfc. &c. IDecember 4. (tfai) M. F. Houghton, Regs leave to inform his Friends and the Public that he has received from London and Liverpool, A LARGE SUPPLY OF Winter GOODS, Well adopted for the present Season. Which he is determined to difpoD of at the mod reduced prices for cash, cotton, TOBACCO, BEES WAX, TALLOW, BUTTER or DEER SKINS. January 29. (ts. zq.) c. Magnari; &> Co. AT THEIR STORE BROAD-STREET, Next door to Mr. W M . Kennedy. Have Received per the Two Sifl ers , Situ Jicrdefs , Hunt refs, Amazon and Dean FROM NEW-YORK. The Following GOODS; Which they offer for cash, tobacco and COTTON. Among which are,- . blue and green Plains aad White, blue, black and yellow Flannels Duffil and firmed Blanketing, Rose Blankets, Wide & narrow Cloths of various cdoun Superfine do. do. * Baizes, Swanfdowns, Caffimeres and Toilenets, * Corduroys and Thicksets, Plain and Corded Dimities, Muflinets, Printed Quiltings, Twilled Sacking, Bagging, Ruflia and Irish white & brown Sheetings. Shirting, 5 ’ Bordered Muslin and Cambrick Handker eeiefs and Shawls, Tambored, Jackonet Sc Book Mullins, French Cambricks aflbrted, Cotton and Linen Checks, Brown Holland, Dowlas and Table Cloths, Printed Callico and Mullins, Chintz and fancy Furniture, Ginghams, Durants, Bombazets, Calimancoes and Fustians, Laces, Edgings, Ribbons and Threads, Men s, Women’s silk, cotton and worsted Hose, Fancy and leather Gloves, Mens’ womens’ and childrens’ ihoes, Ladies flippers and sandals, Hats of all kinds, Shop and fcine Twine, Plow Lines and Bed Cords, Crockery Ware, London Pewter, Japan and Hardware, Cutlerv, Spades and Hoes, ) Bar Lead and shot, Fowling Pieces and Pistols, Gun and Pistol Locks, Gun-Powder, Paints of all kinds, Lintfeed Oil in jugs and calks, Sweet Oil, Carpenters and Ihoemakers Tools* Taylors Iheers, Hair sieves, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Jamaica Rum, Weft-India do Northward do. Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Apple Brandy in Bbls* Cherry Brandy, Claret in Bottles, White Wine Vinegar, Madeira, Y Teneriffe, f WINES ' And Porte j Bohea, } [ TEAS - Gunpowder j Coffee, Pepper, Alfpice, Rappee in Bottles, &V. tsfc. January 22. (ts. 28.) Thos. Barrett & Co Beg leave to inform their friends and the public in General, that they have received per /hips Warren, Manilla and Benjamin from LONDON : A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF European GOODS, Which they offer for sale at their Store, next below Mr. lfaac Herbert's , at very reduced prices for Cajk or Produce. —Among which Are,— FINE Cloths and Calfimeres, 4-4 and 7-8 Irish Linens, Ofnaburghs, Cotton Bagging, Glass Ware, Paints in a8 and 141 b. Kegs, Boiled Lintfeed Oil in Jugs, Window Glass 8 by to and 12 by 10. February $. (ts 30.)