Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, April 02, 1800, Image 1

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Three Dots, per Ann.] Volume I.j Doctor Cocke, Has Just Received from Philadelphia, A FRESH SUPPLY OF GENUINE Drugs & Medicines, WHICH HE IS NOW OPENING At his SHO P F ront ol the HeraldPrivti ng- Offics, Washington-Street. Among which are the Following, PTZ. CjUM ALOES Flake Manna Ammoniac, Common do. ■■ - Myrrh, Oil of Cloves Opium Cinnamon Tragacanth Olives Kino —— Amber —— Scammonv Lavender Gamboge Mint Guaiacum Vitriol Aflafoctida Anileed Flowers Benzoine Yellow Resin, Sal Ammoniac, Tamarinds Tartar, Nitric Acid Glauber Salts, Aqua Fortis Best powd. red Bark Marine Acid Pale do. Spirit Lavender *■ Rhubarb Turpentine lpecac. Hartfhorn J-’lap* Nitre Gum Arabic - Wine Orange Peel Alum Roots.—Gentian Tartar Emetic Marfhmellows Sugar Lead Pink Sponge Seneka Senna Colombo Squills Sarfaparilla EffencePepperMint Borax Lemon Camphor Bergamot ChamomileFlewers Verdegris Sulphur Baifam Copaiva Cantharides Nitre 'Liquorice Ball Vitriolic ALther White Vitriol Galls Roman do. Digitalis i Spermaceti Prepared Chalk ’Magnefia, Aniseed I Lunar Coftic Grained Sago Castor Oil Litharge Qoickfilver Glass of Antimony Calomel, ppt. Uva Urfi CorrofiveSublimate Red Saunders Red Proecipitate Vials assorted, (Ac. Also a General AJJortment of PATENT MEDICINES, Which he offers for sale on the most moderate terms. January 29. (ts. 29.) DOCTOR HULL, Informs his friends and the Public , THAT HE HAS RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, (Ac. DIRECT FROM LONDON. tpr AN APPRENTICE is immediately wanted. He will be taken on most reasonable terms. January 22. (ts. 28.) THE SUBSCRIBER, Has just Received from Savannah, A FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Which he is determined to fell at the most reduced prices, for Cajk or Tobacco, at his store, the South-East corner of Broad (A Washington-Streets. Conftfting of the following Articles. BEST Cogniac Brandy by the Pipe, Jamaica Sugar, by the Bbl. Sherry Wine by the Quarter Calk, Best Jersey Cider by the Bbl. And AIJo by Retail , Old Jamaica Spirits, Weft-India and Northward Rum, Cogniac Brandy, Peach and Apple ditto, Molasses, Mufcovado Sugar, Raisins, Almonds, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Gunpowder and Shot, Bar Lead, (Ac. (Ac. BLACHE. March 19. Augusta herald. Printed ,y GEORGE F. RANDOLPH W WILLIAM J. BUNCE, W EI)NES DA Y, April 2, ISOO. Harris, Maher &Co. HAVE IMPORTED Per theJhip Gipsey, Captain Towers,/rcm Liverpool. An extensive and well chosen aflortment of European GOODS, W'hich are now opening for sale on mo derate terms. They will furnilh those dif poled to purchase by the piece or pack age at the lowest wholesale prices, and wiil receive in payment tobacco, cot ton, tallow, bees wax and .DEER skins, for all of which thcj v. T .... vr the highest market price. They have liiewlfe Received, A LARGE SUPPLY Os EAST, WEST-INDIA & AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, Which they offer by Wholesale or Retail at the most reduced prices. They have Opened, A case Paper Hangings, in which are teveral very handlome patterns, A trunk ladies Ituff, kid and white fattin flioes and flippers, the latter very neat, and at 3 dols., 50 cts. per pair, Ladies kid and white enamel’d fiik gloves, long and ftiort, Mens bucklkin, fawn, beaver and black and white silk ditto, Ladies fine cotton and enamel’d white silk hose, laced clocks, Mens cotton, and black, white and patent silk hose, laced ditto, Ladies and gentlemens fafhionable hats, and bands, equal to any in the city, Luteftrings, black, white and changeable, Eight pair glass fliades, very large, Elegant cut glass decanters, Wine glasses and fait cellars. A L S 0, One Pair Elegant Parlour LOOKING GLASSES, an Elegant SECRETA’ and BOOK CASE—and one dozen black hair bottomed Windsor CHAIRS. December 18. (ts. 23.) Drew (i? Wallace, Have Removed to the upper most Stoie in Mr. John Fox’s Range of Buildings, Where, in addition to their former flock of DRY GOODS, They have opened, a large, general and seasonable Assortment, imported in the ftiip Benjamin from LONDON, which they now offer for sale at very reduced prices for cash, cotton or tobacco. They have also for Sale, JAMAICA Rum in Puncheons, Weft-India do. in do. Molasses in Hhds. Sugar in Bbls. Coffee in do. And on Consignment , Best Swedish Bar iron, 4d. 6d. Bd. iod. and 2od. Nails, Copperas in Bbls. Window Glass in 50 feet Boxes, Cotton Bagging, Scotch Pickled Herrings in Bbls. January 22.' (ts. 28.) W. Robinfbn, & Co. . HAVE JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at their STORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. Hardware , Cutlery, (Sc. (Sc. LIKEWISE AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Among which are the following, viz. JAMAICA RUM, Weft-India do. Northward do. by the gallon or Bbl. Coniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Cider by the barrel, Best Weft-India Sugar, (Ac. (Ac. December 4. (ts 21) Millinery ts Fancy Articles. Mr. Munns, Refpeftfully begs leave to acquaint the LADIES of AUGUSTA, and its invirons , That he has opened an elegantaffortment of Fajhionable MiLinery ts Fancy GOODS. At his Store opposite Mr. J. M‘lveks, in BROAD-STREET. —CONSISTING OF— SUWARROW, ) Grecian, and > BONNETS. Melon Crown } AlJ'o a great variety of Pipe and colored Straw Bonnets, Schencle, Dunftable and Chip do. trimmed in the newest talle, Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Beavers, Gold and Silver Fringe and Trimmings, Silk, Cotton and Schencle, do. Handsome Wreaths and Flowers, Ostrich Feathers of all kinds, plain and colored, Black and White, Lace and Edgings, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP FASHIONABLE RIBBONS , White, Kid and other Gloves, Shoes well alTorted, Elegant dress Fans, Pealan Sattins, colored Crapes, Lutefirings and Mantnas, Hosiery remarkably cheap, Jaconet, Striped, Tambored, and Lappet Muslin, Plain and colored, White Shawls, handsomely fringed, Camels Hair, do. do. White, Colored, Clouded, and Piad Silk Handkerchiefs. A great variety of Necklaces and Lockets, Ear Drops and Thread Cases, Cheap Calicoes, Gin^hapas, Printed Muffin and Dimities, Irish Linens and Humhums, of all prices, well laid in, And will be fold at low prices for Cash only. N. B. A handsome Chaise and Harness complete, to be fold. Enquire as above. January 29. (29 ft) Mrs. Higham ts Miss Turner, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends that they have taken a STORE in Broad-Street, adjoining Mr. Raisin’s, where they intend carrying on the MIL LINERY business, and hope from the op portunites they will have of supplying the London and Paris fafhions as they vary; and from unremitted attention to their cus tomers, to merit the patronage of the La dies of Augusta. They have o pened a handsome and gen eral afTortment of the most fafhiona ble GOODS , among which are the fol lowing : Grecian straw Bonnets Dome Crown do. Derby do. Chip and Straw do. Childrens’ do. Fafliionahle London Head Drefles, Artificial Feathers, Flowers and Wreaths, Ladies fcfhionable Beaver Hats and Bands, Do. do. Black Silk Cloaks, Kid Skin and Morocco Sandals, White Silk and Kid Gloves, Black Barcelona Hankerchiefs, Fancy do. Goldand Gilt Lockets, Earrings and Bracelets, Watch Chains and Trinkets, Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Dressing Cases complete, AfTortment of Perfumery, Do. Hard W?re. January 15. (ts. 27.) FACTORAGE ts COMMISSION THE Subscribers having largeand con venient STORES n Savannah, now I ready for the reception of produce, offer their services to their friends and the pub lic in the above branches of businesses. WAYNE ts SIMS. Savannah, March 13. (ts. 36.) CHEAP NEW STORI* fl Eleazer Early,*4l Pur chafer of Tobacco, Cotton at 1 4.1 other Country Produce. * ASSURES the Planters that he & ?’■ opening, (in Broad-ftreef, at th diJ ner brick Store, occupied last year b 1 Collin Reed) an extensive afTortmqK cheap and well fclefted Fall and Wi*-'i GOODS’ ! And hopes from his determined si- §1 tion, beinga young beginner, to meefl a liberal encouragement of public fav* He has on cmfignment, AN tXTINJtVt ASSO*TMINt O* Bc O OK S, ] Carefully Seized. ' J gQ fI, Three Trunk) of Aborted , i I SCARLET CLOAKS. | | December 4 (rf, | f Thos. Barrett & (J I Beg leave to inform their friends and the fX I tn General , that they have received per j >1 Warren, Manilla and Benjamin /. LONDON: \ , A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF f | European G00D.5 Which they offer for sale at their Strf next below Mr. Isaac Herbert's, at v| reduced prices for Caflt or Produce. I Among which Are,— FINE Cloths and Caflimeresj * , 4-4 and 7-8 Irish Linens, Ofnabuyhs, I Cotton Bagijirig* Glass Ware, Paints in a8 and 141 b. Kegs* Boiled Lintfeed Oil in Jugs, vrTnjuw ett fv o l 4 v, J February 5. (ts 30 )|v- M. F. Houghton,* l Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Puh f that he has received from London a , ) Liverpool, A LARGE SUPPLY OF Winter GOODS* Well adopted for the present Season. : Which he is determined to dispose of 1 the mod reduced prices for cash, cotto’S TOBACCO, BEES WAX, TALLOW, BUTTE * or DEER SKINS. January 29. (If. 29.) f The Subscribers, j RESPEC JTHJLLY beg leave to infort| their friends and the public, of theL having entered into Co-partnership umh? the firm of ROBINSON SMITH, ;l their Store opposite Mr. John Mover’s, i j Broad-ftreet—wlierc they have for Salt! A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which thel will dispose of low for cash or produce, i P. Robinson, j W. S. Smith. * December 11. (ts iz) John Bacon, Sc Go HAVING JUST RECEIVED Per the Helen, Julius Pringle, and other laF arrivals from England. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP European GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, | Which they are now opening and difpo* fingofat the mod reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Storei lately occupied byMefTrs./V«t> fj Wallace ,* second door to John Wilson, & Co. Broad-street. They have likewise an Assortment ts GROCERIES. December 25. (ts. 24.) Blank Deeds of Conveyance^ For sale at this Office. [Half m Ahi\ [Number