Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, April 16, 1800, Image 1

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Three Dois. per Ann ] Volume I.] * I Drew & Wallace, I Have Removal to the uppermofl State in Mr. John Fox’s Range of Buildings, I Where, in addition to their former stock of DRY GOODS, I They have opened, a large, general and I feal'onable A (fort meat, imported in the I ill ip Benjamin from LONDON, which I they now offer for fa!e at verv reduced I prices for cash, cotton or tobacco. They have also for Sale , IT AMAICA Rum in Puncheons. JJ Weft-India do. in do. Molasses in Hhds. Sugar in Bbls. Coffee in do. And on Ccnfgnment, Bed Swedifli Bar Iron, 4'l. 6d. Bd. iod. and 2od. Nails Copperas in Bbls. Window Glass in 50 feet Boxes, Cotton Bagging, Scotch Pickled Herrings in Bbls. January 22. (ts. 2 g.) John Bacon, & Co. HAVING JUST RECEIVED Per ine Helen , Julius Pringle, and other late arrivals from England. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF European GOODS, ‘SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Which they are now opening and difpo fingofat the mod reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Store lately occupied byMeffrs.Dre™ Wallace, second door to John Wilson, & Co. Broad-dreet. They have likewise an Assortment of groceries. ~3- r* -T > M. F. Houghton, Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public I that he has received from London and Liverpool, A LARGE SUPPLY OF Winter GOODS, Well adopted for the present Season. Which he is determined to dispose of at the mod reducedprices for cash, cotton, tobacco, bees wax, tallow, butter or DEER SKINS. January 29. (ts. 29.) Thos. Barrett 6c Co Beg leave to inform their friends and the public in General, that they have received per flips Warren, Manilla and Benjamin from LONDON : A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF European GOODS, Which they offer for sale at their Store, next below Mr. lfaac Herbert's, at very reduced prices for Cajh or Produce. —Among which Are, — FINE Cloths and Caffimeres, 4-4 and 7-8 Iridi Linens, Ofnaburghs, Cotton Bagging, Glass Ware, Paints in 28 and 14 lb. Kegs, Boiled Lintfeed Oil in Jugs, Window Glass 8 by 10 and 12 by 10. February 5. (ts 30 ) The Subscribers, Respectfully beg leavetoinform their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-partnerlhip under the firm of ROBINSON SMITH, at their Mr. John M‘lver’s,in Broad-dreet—where they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they will dispose of low for cash or produce. P. Robinson, W. S, Smith. December 11. (ts 22) Augusta herald. Pt.-vm ,y GEORGE F. RANDOLPH WIL,LIAM~T. BUNCE. WED N E S D A Y, April 16, 1800. Millinery £s? Fancy Articles. Mr. Munns, Rcfpe£fully begs leave to acquaint the LADIES of AUGUSTA, and its tnvirons, That he has opened an elegant assortment of Fajhionable Mihinerv & Fancy . G O O D S, At his Store opposite Mr. J. Movers, in BROAD-STREET. —CONSISTING OF— SUWARROW, ) Grecian, and V BONNETS. Melon Crown J Also a great variety of Pipe and colored Straw Bonnets, Schencle, Dundable and Chip do. trimmed in the newed tade, Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Beavers, Gold and Silver Fringe and Trimmings, Silk, Cotton and Schencle, do. Handsome Wreaths and Flowers, Odrich Feathers of all kinds, plain and colored, Black and White, Lace and Edgings, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE RIBBONS , White, Kid and other Gloves, Shoes well aborted, Elegant dress Fans, Pealan Sattins, colored Crapes, Lutedrings and Mantuas, Hosiery remarkably cheap, Jaconet, Striped, Tambored, and Lappet Muslin, Plain and colored, White Shawls, handsomely fringed, Camels Hair, do. do. White, Colored, Clouded, and Plad Silk Handkerchiefs. A great variety of Necklaces and Lockets, Ear Drops and Thread Cases, ’ Irish Linens and Humhums, of all prices, well laid in, And will be fold at low prices for Cash only. N. B. A handsome Chaise and Harness complete, to be fold. Enquire as above. January 29. (29 ft) Mrs. Hioham 6s? Miss Turner, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends that they have taken a STORE in Broad-Street, adjoining Mr. Raisin’s, Where they intend carrying on the MIL LINERY business, and hope from the op portunites they will have of supplying the London and Paris fafliions as they vary; and from unremitted attention to their cus tomers, to merit the patronage of the La dies of Augusta. They have opened a handsome and gen eral aflbrtmeqt of the rnoft falhiona ble GOODS, among which are the fol lowing : Grecian straw Bonnets Dome Crown do. Derby do. Chip and Straw do. Childrens’ do. FaffiTonable London Head Dresses, Artificial Feathers, Flowers and Wreaths, Ladies fcfliionable Beaver Hats and Bands, Do. do. Black Silk Cloaks, Kid skin and Morocco Sandals, White Silk and Kjd Gloves, Black Barcelona Hankerchiefs, Fancy do. Goldand Gilt Lockets, Earrings and Bracelets, Watch Chains and Trinkets, Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Dressing Cases complete, Assortment of Perfumery, Do. Hard Ware. Just Received, ON CONSIGNMENT, A FEW Hogfheadsand Tierces of MOLASSES. Which is offered for Sale at Cob and Char ges,for Cash, Tobacco or Cotton. M‘Kinne, & Co. March 26. (ts- 37*) CHEAP NEW STORE. Eleazer Early, Pur chafer of T Cotton and all other Country Produce. ASSURES the Planters that he w now opening, (in Broad-street, at the cor ner brick Store, occupied last year by Mr. Collin Reed) an extensive aflbrtment of cheap and well fele&ed Fall and Winter GOODS; And hopes from his determined atten * tion, beinga young beginner, to meet with a liberal encouragement of public favor. He has on consignment , an extensive assortment or BOOKS, Carefully Selected. also, Three Trunks of AiTorted SCARLET CLOAKS. December 25. (ts. 24) W. Robinson, 6c Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at their STORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Hardware , Cutlery , &c. &c. LIKEWISE AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Among which are the followings viz. JAMAICA RUM, Jj Weft-India do. Northward do. by the gallon or Bbl. Cider by the barrel, Best Weft-India Sugar, Wr. (tie. December iz (ts.) “William Sttvels, HAS JUST RECEIVED' And For Sale at his STORE opposite the MARKET-HOUSE. • A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS And GROCERIES , Likcwife, a complete aflortment of SHOES, CONSISTING OF Mens fine and coarse, Ladies and Mifles Leather Slippers, Morocco ditto. Ail of which he will fell at the mod reduced prices for cash or produce. O&cber 23. (ts. 15.) - - ■■ ■ • Asa Garrett, AT THE SIGN OF AUGUSTA SHOE-STORE, Next door below Judge Wilson's , has openea and foi' sale at the mofi Reduced Prices that has ever been fold in this place. AMONG WHICH ARE: Half boots, Mens fine and coarse (hoes, Ladies Kid and Morocco flippers, Ditto, ditto, fandels and fancy fluff, Mifles Morocco and Boys (hoes, Childrens Morocco & leather flippers, Various colours well aflorted, Also, an Aflortment of Groeeries ; Coniac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, Northward do. Holland Gin, Northward do. Apple Brandy, Spanifti ditto, Cherry Rum, Cider, Jamaica Sugar, Apples, Rafins, Cheese, Coffee and Pepper, Hats, Trunks and Mustard, Rapping Paper, Soap, %fc. February 12, (ts. 3: C. Magnan, &Cc ! | AT THEIR STORE BROAD-STREET, Next dom to Mr. Wm. Kknnkdt. oil Have Received per the Two Sifters, Sky \ kerdeft , Huntre/s, Amazon and Dean FROM NEW-YORK. The Following 1 GOOD Svi HHuch they offer for cash, tobacco an . 4 COTTON. —— Among which are, , , HITE, blue and green Plains an $ White, blue, black and yellow Flannels, I Dufiil and striped Blanketing, Rose Blankets, Wide Sc narrow Cloths of various colour « Superfine do. do. H * Baizes, Swanfdowns, Caflimeres and Toiienets, Corduroys and Thicksets, Plain and Corded Dimities, Muflinets, Printed Quiltings, Twilled Sacking, Bagging, Rufliaand Irilh white & brown Sheetings, f Shirting, Bordered Muslin and Cambrick Handker- , ceiefs and Shawls, Tambored, Jackonet & Book Muslins, French Cam bricks alforted, Cotton and Linen Checks, Brown Holland, Dowlas and Table Cloths, Printed Cailico and Mullins, Chintz and fancy Furniture, Ginghams, Durants, Bombazets, Calimancoes and j Furtians, J.zcoo. R iKhmu and Threads, Fancy and leather Gloves, Metis' womens’ and childrens’ Ihoes, Ladies dippers and fandais, Hats of all kinds, 4« Shop and seine Twine, Plow Lines and Bed Cords, j Crockery Ware, London Pewter, Japan and Hardware, i j Cutlery, Spades and Hoes, Bar Lead and Ihot, , Fowling Pieces and Pistols, Gun and Pistol Locks, Gun-Powder, Paints of all kinds, Lintfeed Oil in jugs and calks, Sweet Oil, Carpenters and Ihoemakers Ti V Taylors (heers, , Hair lieves, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Jamaica Rum, , Weft-India do Northward do. Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Apple Brandy in Bbls. Cherry Brandy, Claret in Bottles, White Wine Vinegar, Madeira, Y T Crry ff > WINES. Tenenffe, ( And Porte j Bohea, Y Hyfoo°and [ TEAS ‘ Gunpowder 3 Coffee, Pepper, Alfpice, Rappee in Bottles, (Ac. (Ac. ■ 1 ii i THE Co-Partnerlhip of David Rei; and Co. expires this day ; those in debted to said firm, will be pleased to ca’ j and fettle by note, or otherwise with DAVID REID. April r. (tf* 28.) MOLASSES, FOE SALE, Very low by the Quantity, for cash c produce. Apply to M‘KINN£, (A Co. April a, (ts. a8) 1 [Half in Advance [Number 40.