Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, May 28, 1800, Image 1

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f? eralb. fl Three Dols . per Ann ] Volume I.] H. LORD (A Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, —A Confgnment of — Sugar & Coffee, Which will be fold low for CASH, or exchanged for toeacco or COTTON. THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND, COGNIAC BRANDY, FRENCH ditto, APPLE ditto, JAMAICA SPIRITS, old and of a superior quality, NORTHWARD RUM, HOLLANDS GIN, SHERRY, 1 tvr c e k i MALAGA (A i W J N -v the TENERIFFE ) Plpc or cafk ‘ LOAF and LUMP SUGAR, TEAS, 8 BOXES SOAP, NORTHWARD CHEESE, See. April 23. (ts. 41.) Just Received, AND FOR SALE , OH THE NORTH SIDE OF BROAD-STREET, Fir ft Door below JI/r. Dale’s Store , A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF GROCER IES, Consisting of the following Articles, Viz. irpOURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, nf Second Proof Weft-India do. Northward ditto, Holland Gin, Cogniac Brandy, the firft quality, Peach and Apple ditto, Cherry Bounce, Mint Cordial, Porter, Mobiles, Sugar, Cheefc firft quality, Salmon, Mackerel, Dryed Herring, Rack Cider by the Bui. or imaller quan tity, Raisins firft: quality, Crockery Ware, All of which will be fold low for cash or PRODUCE. Isaac Wingate. April 23. (tt. 41.) John Bacon, and Co. HAVING JUST RECEIVED Per the Helen , Julius P-i ingle, and other late arrivals from E N GI. aN o A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OK European GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Which they are now opening anddifpo fingofat the moll reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Store latelyoccupied byMeflrs.ZVeza HA Wallace, second door to John Wilson, & Co. Bxoad-ftreet. They have likewise an AJfortment of GROCERIES. December 23. v tf. 24.) William Savels, HAS JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at his STORE oppefite the MARKET-HOUSE. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS And GROCERIES , Likewise, a complete assortment of SHOES, consisting of Mens fine and coarse, Ladies and Mifles Leather Slippers, Morocco ditto. All of which he will fell at the moll reduced prices for cash or produce. October 23. . (ts 13 ) F O F. S A / E, A QUANTITY O t Oyster Shells, ENQUIRE OF John Bacon & Co. May at. (ts. 4 y) Printed by GEORGE F. RANDOLPH £3* WILLIAM J. BUNCH, in Washinoton-Street. WEDNESDA Y, May 28, 1800. Selling off Under Cojl. Reuben Butler&Co. Beg leave to inform the public , that they have now difeontinued the Ja/e of their GOODS at Public Au&ion. They have yet remaining on hand a variety of Articles, among which are , FINE and course black & coloured Hats, Silk, cotton and worded Stockings, Mullins, mullinets & dimities, Silks, fattins, perfiaosand florentines, Tapes, white and coloured threads and edgings, Printed callicoes and furniture, Broad & narrow cloths & callimeres, Swanfdowns and toilenets, Flannels, duffil and rose blankets, Falhionable corduroys & thicksets, Broad hoes, axes and Tickles, Common, plated and gilt buttons, &c. Which they will continue to fell by private sale till Wednesday the 14th May, when the sale will finally close. Those who are in want «*f such articles will do well to avail themselves of this op portunity, as R. B. & Co. cannot remain any longer in Augulb, and are determined tofelloffatthe mos reduced prices. April 30. (ts. 4 a ) FOR SALE , ON VERY MODERATE TERMS. 10 Bids. N. E. Rum, 3 Chests Imperial HyfonTea, 1 Ditto Souchong ditto. 1 Box Writing Paper, 1 Do. Nankeens and Irifii Linens, Ami a quantity Blue Grit Grindstones. Enquire at Mr. R. Peddie’s Store. April 10. (ts. 40.) W. Robinson, & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at their SI ORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Hardware , Cutlery , (Ac. (Ac. LIKEWISE AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Among which are the following , viz. JAMAICA RUM, Weft-India do. Northward do. by the gallon or Bbl. Couiac Brandy, Holland Gin, Cider by the barrel, Bcft Weft-India Sugar, HAc. HAc. December 12 (ts.) The Subscribers, Respectfully beg leavetoinform their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-partnerftiip under the firm of ROBINSON HA SMITH, at their Store opposite Mr. John Mover’s,in Broad-street—where they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable tor the present season, which they will dispose of low for cash or produce. P. Robinson, W. S. Smith. 15 Barrels FLOUR and 50 Bushels CORN MEAL. May be had if applied for Imme*- diately, at the store of MEMo. HA J. S. WALKER. May 7, 1800. F O R SAL E, mfmf HOUSE G? LOT, At present occupied by Mr. John Macintosh ; of which the purcha ser may have pofteffion the 23th of June next -—For terms apply to Thomas Cumming. April 9. Of* 39-) Blank Deeds of Conveyance, For sale at this Office. CHEAP GOODS. J. & O. Sturges, Have Just Received a Frejh Supply of Luteftrings, Humhums, - Linens, White Kid Gloves, &c. Which with their former assortment they are determined to fell at the moll re duced prices. CHEAP WINES. The Subfcribo has Received a Conftgnment of TENERIFFE and MALAGA WINES, Which he will fell very low for cash. A L S O, A few Calks RAISINS. Wm. Kennedy. Just Received, N D FOR SALE , VERY LOW FOR CASH, A FEW quarter casks of excellent SHERRY WINE, One Pipe of firft quality PORT WINE JAMAICA SUGAR, by the Bbl. LOAF Ditto, HYSON TEA, A few Bags of COFFEE, And a few Boxes of RAISINS of the Sun. Sims (A Wayne. 83* AS Business will render it necessary that our Mr. Sims lhould be absent from Augusta a greater part of the Summer, and being defirousof making a difpofiiion of as many GOODS a» polliblp previous to his leaving this—We have determined to fell any part of our remaining stock of DRY GOODS for cash, tobacco or cotton, at cajhprice, for coll and charges, iill those persons inclined to purchale, may avail themselves of this opportunity of getting great Bargains either at Whoielale or Retail. April 30. (ts 42.) Loring & Seaver, INFORM their friends and the public, that they will commence COMMIS SION BUSINESS in Boston, on the firft of September next, in Company with Mr. Samuel G. Sargent, Merchant of that place, under the firm of Sargent, Lor ing and Seaver, they offer their services to their friends for whose interest they wil always exert themselves ; the business of Loring Id Seaver, will be continued as usual at Savannah, under the direction of Mr. P. I. Seaver—They will advance half the amount of any consignment to Boston, in such Goods as Loring HA Seaver may have at Savannah, on the shipment of the property from that place; or they will advance half the amount of any ftiipment on its arrival at Boston, in any goods that may be ordered from tl*nce, or they will accept Bills at ninety days fight for the fame as the ftiipper may think proper, uu ti! the firft Sept. Loring Sc Seaver will make reasonable advances on consignments made to Mr. Samuel G. Sargent in Boston, whom they guarantee. April 16. (ts. 40.) The Subscriber, HAS FOR SALE A Likely NEGRO GIRL, About eleven or twelve years! of age. He has aljo , Three or four good Work Horses, All of which will be disposed of cheap for CASH. James Fox. April 30. (ts. 42) TO BE HIRED, BY THE MONTH OR FOR A LONGER TERM, A NEGRO WOM^N, Who is a good Walher, Ironer and a plain Cook. a l s o, ■ A NEGRO BOY, About 17 years of age, who is a good Waiter—For further particulars apply at this Office. May 2 r. (at.) [Half in Advance, jL [Numuer 46. .. __ r .. _ - r . _im \ , "" I .... ■; 1 Millinery Fancy Articles. F Mr. Munns, t. Refpe&fully begs leave to acquaint tit 11, LADIES of AUGUSTA, and its invirmJo That he has opened an elegant affbrtment o fe Fafbionable Millinery & Fancy j goods, At his Store opposite Mr. J. M'lvers, it, U BROAD-STR F. E T. U V —CONSISTING OF— F SUWARROW, 1 Grecian, and > BONNETS. Melon Crown 3 AlJ'o a great variety of Pipe and colored Straw Bonnets, •! Schencle, Dimftable and Chip do. trimmed in the new est taftc, ~, Ladies’and Gentlemens’ Beavers, G' Gold and Silver Fringe and Trimmings, * T Silk, Cotton and Schencle, do. Handsome Wreaths and Flowers, Ostrich Feathers of all kinds, plain and colored, *7 Black and White, Lace and Edgings, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OK ji FASHIONABLE RIBBONS , I White, Kid and other Gloves, Shoes well allbrted, Elegant dress Fans, Pealan Sattins, colored Crape*, Luteftrings and Mantuas, Holierv remarkably cheap, Jaconet, Striped, Tam bored, and Lappet Muilin, Plain and colored, White Shawls, hamlfomely fringed, Camels Hair, do. do. White, Colored, Clouded, and Plad Silk Handkerchiefs. A great variety of Necklaces and Lockets, Ear Drops and Thread Cases, Cheap Calicoes, Ginghams, Printed Muilin and Dimities, i Irifti Linens and Humhums, of all prices, well laid in, And will be fold at low prices for Cash' only. N. B. A handsome Chaifc and Harnefi complete, to be fold. Enquire as above. |J January zc). {it) it) jj FACTORAGE & COMMISSION^ THE Subscribers having largeand con j venient STORES in Savannah, now ( ready for the reception of produce, offer s their services to their friends and the pub- Z lie in the above branches of businesses. j WAYNE ts SIMS. « Savannah, March 13. (ts. I ADVE R T IfE ME NT? \ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 1 THAT the Perlonal Estate of Ct*- mentius Davis, deceased : CONSISTING OF NEGROES, ) HORSES, CATTI E * PLANTATION TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. Will be exposed to sale, on the second i Monday in June next.—The sales wiljj continue until the whole is disposed of. m Gazarway Davis, 7 , -i John E. Anderson, J AJm r/ * 1 1 April 9, (ts. 39. j H WANTED, 1 ! A MAN who is well acquainted wit? SAWING, who can come well re. 1 commended, to take charge of a Saw-Mil and hands, Enquire at this Office. A P ril 9- _ 39-> F O U N D. ON or about the 6th March, near Call Ware-House, a SADDLE and i pur of SADDLE BAGS, the owner may) have them by applying to Thomas Burnside. j April 33. (ts. 4 1: I FOR SALE , - A Stout Likely Negro Woman, With a Young Child. For particulars enquire of the fubferiber, JOSEPH S. CART. May 14. (ts. 44.) j