Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, June 04, 1800, Image 1

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■I Three Dots, per Ann'] ■ Volume I.] I William Savels, |has just received W!:ui For Sale at his STOPvE opposite the I MARKET-HOUSE. I A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ■ dry goods I And GROCERIES , 1 Likewise, a complete assortment of ■ SHOES, CONSISTING OF I Mens line and coarle, 1 Ladies and Milles Leather Slippers, I Morocco ditto. I All of which he will fell at the moll ■reduced prices for cash or tkoduce. | October 23. (ts. 15.) ' HTIORD Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, I —A Consignment tf — Sugar 8c Coffee, Winch will be fold low for cash, or exchanged for tobacco or COTTON. THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND, COGNIAC BRANDY, FRENCH ditto, APPLE ditto, JAMAICA SPIRITS, old and of a superior quality, NORTHWARD RUM, HOLLANDS GIN, SHERRY, 1 AXT TXT c q , MALAGA Ai V p. l N E b> ,f. he TENERIFFE ) 1 :pe or ca k ' LOAF and LUMP SUGAR, TEAS, S BOXES SOAP, NORTHWARD CHEESE, &c. April 23. (ts. 41.) John Bacon, and Co. HAVING JUST RECEIVED 'Per the llt.leri, Julius Pringle , and othei late, arrivals from England, a handsome assortment of European GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Which they arc now opening and dispo sing of at the mod reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Store lately occupied byMeflrs.Drrzy A Wallace , second door to John Wilson, & Co. Broad-street. They have likevAfe an AJfortmevt of GROCERIES. December 25. (ts. 24.) Just Received, AND FOR SALE , ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BROAD-STREET, Fir ft Door below Mr. Dale’s S‘ore t a fresh assortment of GROCERIES, Consisting of the following Articles , Vise,. FOURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, Second Proof Weft-India do. Northward ditto, Holland Gin, Cogniac Brandy, the firft quality, Peach and Apple ditto, Cherry Bounce, Mint Cordial, Porter, Molafles, Sugar, Cheese firft quality, Salmon, Mackerel, Dryed Herring, Rack Cider by the Bbl. or frnaller quan tity. Raisins firft quality, Crockery Ware, All of which will be fold low for cash or PRODUCE. Isaac Wingate. April 23. (tl. 41.) FOR SA LEo ffMf HOUSE fcf LOT, ilgjggjggipl At present occupied by Mr. John Macintosh ; of which the purcha ser may have pofteftion the 23th of June next. For terms apply to Thomas Cumming. April 9. (ts. 39-) Augusta herald. Printed by GEORGE F. RANDOLPH ts WILLIAM J.' BUNcI,' in~Washing i on--.: *« 1 :. WEDNESD A Y, June 4, 1800. « < - ■!! ■ m cm Zjnmn "irifc > MHMWEMHUBHRAIt ’ttC ' v*. - W. Robinson, & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at their STORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Hardware , Cutlery , &c. &c. LIKEWISE AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Among which are the following , viz. JAMAICA RUM, Weft-India do. Northward do. by the gallon or Bbl. Comae Brandy, Holland Gin, Cider by the barrel, Bell Weft-India Sugar, Cede. Ac. December 12 (ts.) CHEAP GOOD S. J. & O. St urges, Have Just Received a Frefti Supply of Lutefirings, Hu mini ms, Linens, White Kid Gloves, &c. Which witli their former assortment they are determined to fell at the most re duced prices, FACTORAGE & COMMISSION THE Subfcrihers having largeand con venient STORES in Savannah, now ready for the reception of produce, oiler their services to their friends and the pub lic in the above branches of businesses. WAYNE &f SIMS. Savannah, March 13. (ts. 36.) The Subfcrihers, , "| ESrECTFULLY bey leave to inform IV their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-partnerfliip under the firm of ROBJNSON A SMITH, at their Store opposite Mr. John Mover’s,in Broad-ftreet —where they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they will dispose 6f low for cash or produce. P. Robinson, W. S. Smith. ADVERTISEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Perlonal Estate of Cle mentius Davis, deceased : CONSISTING OF NEGROES, HORSES, PATTI F PLANTATION TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, £ Ac. (Ac. Will be exposed to sale, on the second Monday in June next. —The sales will continue until the whole is disposed of. Gaza*w*y Davu, 7^,. John E. Anderson, J April 9. (ts- 39-) NOTICE. ON MONDAY the ninth day of June next, will be fold at the Store House in the City of Augusta, lately occupied by John M'Gowan, deceased, the whole of the personal property of said deceased, consisting of a large and well chosen assortment of DRY GOODS £? GROCERIES, Three likelv NEGRO FELLOWS, A few AUDITED CERTIFICATES for Land Bounties, A HORSE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. The sale will commence at ten o’clock, and continue from day to day until the whole is fold; the conditions of the sale, cash before the property is delivered— As the property will not, indeed cannot, be bought in— Great Bargains may be ex pected: PATRICK M‘DOWALL, AUGUSTUS MOORE, DAVID URQUHART, Attorney: for the AJmmiftrators. April 30. (ts. 42-) ‘ r-1 Will MIT-in 11 1 st Received, AND FOR SALE , VERY LOW FOR CASH, A FEW quarter calks of excellent SHERRY WINE, One Pipe of firft quality PORT WINE TAMAICA SUGAR, by the Bbl. LOAF Ditto, HYbON TEA, A few Bags of COFFER, And a few Boxes of RAISINS of the Sun. Sims Wayne. Up AS Bufinels will render it neceffury that our Mr. Sims ftiould be absent from Augusta a greater part ot the Summer, and being defirousof making a dilpofuion of as many GOODS as polfible previous' to his leaving this—We have determined to fell any part of our remaining (tuck of DRY GOODS for cash, tobacco or cotton, at cajh price , for cost and charges, all those persons inclined to purchale, may avail themselves of this opportunity of getting great Bargains either at Wholtfale or Retail. April 30. (tf42.) Loring 8c Seavcr, TNFORM their friends and the public, tiiat thev will commence COMMIS SION BUSINESS in Bolton, on the full oi September next, in Company with Mr. Samuel G. Sargent, Merchant of that plate, under the firm of Sargent, Lor ing and Seavkr, they offer their services to theii friends for whole interest they will always exert themselves ; the bufin'eis of Loring A Beaver, will be continued ns ufualat Savannah, under the direction of Mr. P. I. Slaver —They will advance half the amount of any consignment to Kofton, in Inch Goods as Loring A Seavcr may have at Savannah, on the lhipment of the property from that place; or they will advance Saif the amount of any (hipment on its arrjval at Boston, in any goods that may be ordered from thence, or they will accept Bills at ninety days fight for the fame as the ihipper may think proper, un til the firft Sept. Loring Sc Seavkr will make reasonable advances onconfignments made to Mr. Samuel G. Sargent in Boston, whom they guarantee. April 16. (ts. 40.) FOR SAL E, ON VERY MODERATE TERMS. 10 Bids. N. E. Rum, 3 Chests Imperial Hyfon Tea, 1 Ditto Souchong ditto. 1 Box Writing Paper, 1 Do. Nankeens and Irifli Linens, And a quantity Blue Grit Grindstones. Enquire at Mr. R. Pcddie’s Store. April 16. (ts. 40.) Received on Consignment, TEN PUNCHEONS of 4th PROOF Jamaica RUM, Part of which is very old. John Bacon Co. May 28. (ts. 46.) 15 Barrels FLOUR and 50 Bushels CORN MEAL. May be had if applied for Imme diately, at the store of MEMo. A J. S. WALKER. May 7, 1800. FOR SALE , A QUANTITY OF Oyster Shells, ENQUIRE OF John Bacon & Co. May 21. (ts. 45.) FOR S A L E, 1000 Bushels Corn, ENQUIRE OF James Magnan. May 28. • (46.3 t.) Blank Deeds of Conveyance, For sale at this Office. ——----- ■- - —=■ fj [Number 47. : A C JUT JO N, ; i -I 11 )| WHEREAS Zachaxiah Cox, gave me his Note ot Hand for three f i\ thousand dollars, dated Philadelphia, Oc- | ; I toiler the i tth, 1795, payable to my felt or order, twelve months afterdate; which 1,1 note was afterwarcte indorfed by me and j 4 A | pallet, to Col. Samuel Jack, and by him j 1 returned to tlie laid Zachariah, for Hills of | i Exchange drawn upon Edward Fox, of t '■ Philadelphia, to the fame amount which '< *\ Bills l alio indorfed, f And whereas I hive good reason to be- <L lievc that the identical note alluded to, has wT 1 by tbfhe accident fallen into the hands of ~ Will iam Cox and offered lor laic. These arc therefore to forewarn all per- Ibns ni*t to trade or in any manner nego- t! tiate for the fame, is l frave sane fettled J t'. with Col. Jack tor tlie Bills; which Bills J were given, and taken in lieu ot the note 1 now laid to be offered by Mr. Cox. 1 c Wm. LONGSTREET. * r. * . I do hereby certify that the a-, » J hove is a true statement within my own • knowledge, except that of the note being * u ' offered lor sale. s ' S. JACK. May ftr. _ 6<- 4S ) \ A WARNING. npHE Sheriffs ol Richmond and Jf- , * JJ ferfon County, having refpeftivcly made free to laizc nut Goods and Merch- i‘ andize, under attachments iTgaintl Samuel !»' Richmond, altho’ previonfly notified of the sale and delivery to ns. We on our P ' part take the liberty ol cautioning ns well them as their deputies and all Conltables whatsoever againtttaking hull liberties in future, being determined to pundit the j.T firrt of them that may repeat this illegal m proceeding to the utmoff extent ol the J: law. . I 4’l Bilhop A: Cooiinge. May at. (4 f - 4S ) NOTIFICATION. jl r jTMIE undersigned intending here. fter |- X to reside principally at Rosny, a favorite country feat in the neighborhood of Auguffa ; notifies his clients and others who may have business to tranfadl with him that he will in future, when unengag ed at court, regularly attend at Ills Office in the *citv on Monday, Wednesday and Frio ay ’ll every vveek, from nine o’clock in the morning until the afternoon ol each day, for tire difpalch of business. He will attend the Federal Circuit Court at Savannab*and Auguffa, the meeting of p the Judges at Louifvillc, and no other Hate courts than in the counties of Richmond, Burke and Columbia, except on exraordi- | nary occasions. Those who rnay have ! claims on his lervices in unfinifiied buli- fi nels in other courts, may have other coun sel employed for them, or their money re- ‘ turneJ, or both if required. Having lately formed a connexion g with Edmund 13. Jenkins, Efquirc, a member of the bar, those concerned are further notified, that he will attend the Of fice every day during the fame hours. Robert Watkins. Rofny, April r, 1800. (ts. 39 ) N O T I C e! 1 ALT. those who have left Deeds or |j other papers in the Clerk’s Office of this county to be recorded, are request ed to caff and take them away, and those particularly w ho have not paid for the re cording, are informed that they will not be recorded until paid lor, neither will the Clerk be accountable for their fafe keep ing.—No paper in future will be received in the Office until the legal fees arc paid. , Joseph Hutchinson. April 30. (42.) The Subscriber, HAS FOR SALE A Likely NEGRO GIRL, About eleven or twelve years of age. He hat aljo, Three or four good Work Horses, All of which will be disposed of cheap for cash. James Fox. April 30. (ts. 43) 11l