Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, June 18, 1800, Image 1

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Inree Dm. per Ann. ] Volume I.] SCOTT & Co. In the Brick Houj'e next door to Mr. Kennedy's , HAVE RECEIVED By the Benjamin from LONDON - , A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, — nz. Muslins, Muflinets, Dimiries, Ginghams, Durants, Calicoes, Marfeiles Quilting, Linens and Brown Holland, British Nankeens, Mens and Womens silk and cotton Stockings, Ditto ditto Umbrellas, Carpeting & Carpets, iS by 20 and 20 by 22, Window Glass, 8 by 10 & 10 by 12, London bottled Porter in calks of 6 dozen. Pine Apple Cheese & Pickles. June 11. (41.47.) RLORD W Co. HAVE JVIST RECEIVED, — A Conjignment of — Sugar & Coffee, Which will be fold low for cask, or exchanged for tobacco or COTTON. I THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND, 1 COGNIAC BRANDY, | FRENCH ditto, APPLE ditto, JAMAICA SPIRITS, old and of a I superior quality, NORTHWARD RUM, I HOLLANDS GIN, I MALAGA 0/1 N £ i>’ the I TRNERIFFE) Plpe or ca/k * I LOAF and LUMP SUGAR, 1 teas, I 8 BOXES SOAP, | NORTHWARD CHEESE, &c. I April 23. (ts. 41.) I Frsjh Drugs , Medicines , &c. I Doctor Hull, urtforms his Friends and the Public , that he has ■ Received a Large and General Supply of I DRUGS," I PATENT-MEDICINES, I ESSENCES, fcfr. tfc. ■Which he will fell cheap for Cash. ■ has, a- Quantity of the following Colors : ■White Lead, § Pruftian Blue, ■ed Lead, § Patent Yellow, ■fellow Ochre, § Vermilion, ■ T erdegrife, § Umbre, ■vofe Pink, § Whiting, A L S O, I GOLD & SILVER LEAF, ■ PUMICE STONE, B BRASS MORTARS, 1 COMPOSITION Ditto, i TOOTH INSTRUMENTS, & c . Country Practitioners and ■>rf keepers can now be fully supplied, they may rely on the Medicines being ■the very best quality. jJ“ne 4. (<f. 47-) Bublic Auction. ■ MONDAY the 2id in (lant, at CAMP ■BELTON, will be fold on a credit of nine all the Per final Est ate of J amis deceajed. ■ Conliftiflg of a General AffartmerU of fey GOODS ■One NEGRO FELLOW, ■One HORSE, halt of a TOBACCO BOAT, and ■loufehold A Kitchen FURNITURE. ■ : purchasers are to give bends or notes ■< approved feenrity. 1 Wm. GARRETT, ■ Admihiftrator. June 2, iSoc. (31.47.) cralbt Printed by GEORGE F. RANDOLPH & WILLIAM J. BUNCE, in Washinoton-Street. WEDNESDAY, June iS, 1800. Just Received, . ON CONSIGNMENT, A QUANTITY of excellent 3d proof ! Apple Brandy in Hhds. & Bbls, Jamaica Rum of a superior quality in Hhds. Old French Brandy in Pipes, Malaga Wine in Qr. Calks, Jamaica and Havannah Sugar in Hhds. and Bbls. Molafles in Hhds. and Tierces, Macharel in Bbls. Also, a u few boxes frefli Chocolate. The whole of which is offered for sale unusually low for cash, tobacco or COTTON. M‘Kinne & Co. June 1 r. (ts. 48.) Just Received, AND FOR SALE, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BROAD-STREET, Fir ft Door below Mr. Dale’s Store, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Coif fling of the following Articles, Viz. FOURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, Second Proof Weft-India do. Northward ditto, Holland Gin, Cogniac Brandy, the firft quality, Peach and Apple ditto, Cherry Bounce, Mint Cordial, Porter, Molafles, Sugar, Cheese firft quality, Salmon, Mackerel, Dryed Herring, Rack Cider by the Bbl. or smaller quan tity, Raisins firft quality, Crockery Ware, All of which will be fold low for cash or PRODUCE. Isaac Wingate. April 23. (ts. 41.) Just Received, AND FOR SALE, VERY LOVY FOR CASH, A FEW quarter calks of excellent f\ SHERRY WINE, One Pipe of firft quality PORT WINE JAMAICA SUGAR, by the Bbl. LOAF Ditto, HYSON TEA, A few Bags of COFFEE, Andafcw Boxes of RAlSlNSoftheSun. Sims Wayne. AS Business will render it necelTary that our Mr. Sims should be absent from Augusta a greater part of the Summer, and being defirousof making a disposition of as many GOODS as polfible previous to his leaving this—We have determined to fell any part of our remaining stock of DRY GOODS for cash, tobacco or cotton, at cajh price, for cost and charges, all those persons inclined to purchale, may avail themselves of this opportunity of getting great Bargains either at Wholesale or Retail. April 30. (ts 42.) W. Robinson, & Go. HAVE JUST RECEIVED And For Sale at their STORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Hardware , Cutlery , (Ac. (Ac. LIKEWISE AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Among which are the following, viz. JAMAICA RUM, Weft-India do. Northward do. by the gallon or Bbl. Coniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Cider by the barrel, Best Weft-India Sugar, (Ac. (Ac. December 12 (ts.) ~ wanted; A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRONER, for which generous wag es will be given.-——Enquire at this Office. I John Bacon, and Co. ! HAVING JUST RECEIVED Pet' the Helen, Julius Pringle, and other late arrivals from England. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OK European GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Which they are now opening and difpo fingofat the most reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Store lately occupied byMeflrs.Z)rew (A Wallace, second door to John Wilson, & Co. Brond-ftreet. They have likewif an Aft intent of GROCERIES. December 25. (ts. 24.) CHEAP GOO DS J. & O. Sturges, Have Just Received a Frejk Supply of Luteftrings, Hum hums, Linens, White Kid Gloves, &c. Which with their former alfortinent they are determined to fell at the most re duced prices. April 16. (ts. 40 ) OCT REMOVAL. C. MUN.NS, Respectfully acquaints the La dies of Augusta, that he has removed his store from Col. Watkins buddings to Mr. Rafins Store in Broacl-ltreet ; where he intends to keep up a general and ele gant alTortment of Milinary and fancy ar ticles of the newest faihions.—Begs leave to return his sincere thanks for the patron age he has received, andlolicits a continu ance of thetr favors. - -O A r HAN IT, A great variety of fancy Bonnets, Hats and Head Drelles—Alfo, an elegant assort ment of Lappet, Tambored and Jaconet Muslins, and other fancy goods of every defeription, which will be fold remarkably cheap for cash. J»ne 4- Qf. 47.) The Subscribers, Respectfully beg leavetoinform their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-partnerfliip under the firm of ROBINSON (A SMITH, at their Store opposite Mr. John Mover’s,in Broad-street—where they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they will dispose of low for cash or produce. P. Robinson,, W. S. Smith. December it. (ts. 22.) FACTORAGE (A COMMISSION THE Subscribers having largeand con venient STORIES it) Savannah, now J ready for the of produce, offer their ferviccs to their*mends and the pub lic in the above branches of bufinefles. WAYNE (A SIMS. Savannah, March 13. (ts. 36. j Received on Consignment, TEN PUNCHEONS of 4 th PROOF Jamaica RUM, Part of which is very old. John Bacon (A Co. May 28. (ts. 46.) FOR SALE, 1000 Buftiels Corn. ENQJJIBE OF James Magnan. May aB. (46. y.) for sale, a QUANTITY OF Oyster Shells, enquire of John Bacon & Co. May 2r. . (ts. 4 g.) Blank Deeds of Conveyance, For sale at this Office, NOTICE. ~| THE CL-P.irtnerihip of John Wilit! son & Co. having expired on tlrl firlt in Rant, it is therefore requetled th Hi | all thole indebted to that concern, ] bv bond, note oqbook account, will c#‘Lm i and dilchargeas much of their refpeftiv* fl debts, as thev conveniently can, at thiliW l’eafon, and all timl'e whole accounts yeHB remain unliquidated, are again, requcßeuQfl to come forward and give notes lpccdily. Llfl JOHN WILLSON, htvingfj on the second instant, taken into CthpffSlß nerlhip his Nephew JOHN W junior, the business will in future be car.i I t ied on under the firm of JOHN WILL*L I SON CJ NEPHEW, who have just re-TM ceived from London, Liverpool and Glaf-fl gow, a handfomeand extenfivr spring lup- ■ *’■ ply—which together with the GOODS 11 1 on hand, will make their alTortmeut as ] general as any in this city. They ha+r also on Hknd, 1 Genuine Madeira Wine, of the firft ‘.l quality, Port * ) Lj Malaga’ and > WINES. ¥ Teneriffe j Jamaica and Wcft-India Rum, L{ Apple Brandy, Bell French ditto, I,’ Holland Gin,* Loaf and Brown Sugar. L Coffee, | c Best young Hyfon, Y L"ta 8 „d [TEAS.f*. | Bohea j All of which they are determined to dif-' | pole of at the tnoft reduced prices for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. , J une - (4t. 47 ) * Loring & SeaverT i TNFORM their friends and the public, .1 that they will commence COMMIS SION BUSINESS in Boston, cn the firft °- September next, in Company with Mr. Samuel G. Sargent, Merchant of that place, under the firm of SarGent, Lor ing and Server, they offer their services to their friends for whose interest they will always exert themselves ; the business of Loring & Server, will be continued as usual at Savannah, under the direftion of Mr. P. I, Server—They will advance half the amount of any consignment to Boston, in such Goods as Loring Seaver may have at Savannah, on the Ihipment of the property from that place} or they will advance half the amount of any Ihipment on its arrival at Boston, in any goods that may be ordered from thence,'or they will accept Bills at ninety days fight for the fame as the fliipper may think proper, un til the firft Sept. Lorino &c Server will make reasonable advances on conlignments made to Mr. Samuel G. Sargent in Boston, whom they guarantee. A P ril * 6 - (ts. 4 0.) “ FOR SALE, fig house fc? LOT, wUsBBB At prtftnt occupied by Mr. John Macintosh ; of which the purcha ser may the 25th of June next.——For terms apply to Thomas Cumming. A P ril 9» » Qf. 3Q.) FOR S 4 L E~ "" Two HOUSES fc? LOTS In this city, their situation is equal to any for Business.—Also, a quantity of goods, Suitable for the back country trade. For terms appiv at this Office. - ' (tf.47) HORSES for SALE. ~ THE Subfcriberhasa few good Young HORSES for lale, on reafonabie terms for cash only. John Macintosh. J°»e (ts. 47 ) WHEAT WANTED. A LIBERAL price will be given for two or three thousand bushels of good Merchantable WHEAT, delivered at Mr. Millcdge’s Mill. SCOTTY Co. f““ e (ii 4;) [HaJf in Advance. [Number 49.