Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, July 02, 1800, Image 1

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Augusta herald. , v 4, u j . .im j VviLUML. I.] mmtm- 5 •t&*K*rZ**>*nr*mw*> .- 1 i ■tibiih SCO I T & Co. In it he Brick Hrtt/e next (loot to Mr Kennedy's t. - VE 5/ t/ar Benjamin from LONDON, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, „ VIZ. Muslins, Mufhnets, Diannes, Ginghams, Durants, (j dienes, IMarftiles Quilting, Linens and Brown Holland, E'* : fl» Nankeens, Ivin."s and Womens fi k and cotton Stockings. Ditto tut< o Umbrpllns, Car efin ■ & Carpets, iS by 20 and 20 by 22, NY : > kr.v Giab, 3 by 10 & 10 bv 12 L ad.m hott ed P wer in uaflts oi 6 d- zen. F ne Apple Cheese & Pick’es, J-ne it. (S - 47) W. Robin (on, 5c Co HAVE JUST RECEIVED Aid For Sale a I their STORE North Side BROAD-STREET, Nctnly opprfte the Market-House, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Ft rdvrare, Cutlery , &c. &c. Li K ’ WISE AN ASSJRTMENI OF 'GROCE R I E S, Among -which are the following, viz. .... 'll U ’A r\w».t, .Veit India do. K trtnward do. by the gallon or Bbi. Couiai B amiy, Holland G n, C’i lerhv ;!i barrel, Belt W H-India Sugar, ?sfc c Ac. December 12 ' (ts.) Ju.t Received, AND FOR SALE, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BR AD -TREET Firs Door below \lr Dale’s ''tote, a fresh as ortment of G R O C li K I E 8, Go'n lifting of the f Ho ming A-tides, Viz. < TH Proof Jamaica Rum, Jj/ Second Proof A tit India do. Nor’hward, , H >'i ord (iin, i: >gmac Brandy, the firft quality. Pi- h and A [a; le ditto, Ciern Botrue, Mint Cordial, , P rt< r, Mo.atiesy Sugar. Oieefc fi'ft qualify, S: "non. Mackerel,' D> ve i liming, R tk Cater by the Bbl. or smaller quan tity, R fi s irft qnabty, Cotkerv VV re, A> of >vh < wii b'' fold !nw for cash or PRODUCE Isaac Wingate. April 23. (ts. 41 ) Just Received, OV CONSIGNMENT, A {ll Yof ex client 3d nro.f J. ik. so; it Brandy n Hhds. & Bbb. J a: Ru nos all eriorquality in Hhds. I fse.ieh Brand, in Pi:c>, !t; aga W ioe in Qr Cask-, J a a a nrl H vacnah Sugar in Hhds. and Bab. M • -(Tes in I? s. and Tierces, Joachar I ip B s A f>, a few o\:’s frrlh Chocolate. The whole of which j.. off red for fair ’ tj >ai.y low for cash, tobacco or COT TON. Ivi-Kinne & Co. June 1 r. (if. 48 ) Printed by GORGfcK RANDOLPH Isf \\ T.LIAM J. BUNGE. «n v\ ash< ng . r7l ~ L D N ES D A Y, July 2, 1800. Frejh Drugs , Medicines , &c. Doctor Hull, Informs fas Friends and the Public, that he has Rec-.ived a and General Supply of DRUGS, PA I ENT-MEDICINES, ESSENCES, fcfc. &c. Which he will fell cheap for Cash. He hat a Quantity of the following Colors : White Lead, § PrufTian Blue, Red 1 end, § Patent Yellow, Yelio.v Ochre, § Vermilion, Verdegnfe, § IJmbre, Role Pink, § Whiting, ALSO. GOLD & SILVER LEAF, PUMICE STONE, BRASS MORTARS, COMPOSITION Ditto, 'i GOTH INS r RUM ENTS, &c. ffcj* Country Pra&itioners and Storekeepers can now be fully supplied, and thnmavrely on the Medicines being of the very belt quality. 4- Os 47') Received on ConfLnment, TEN PUNCHEONS of” 4 ih PROOF Jamaica RUM, P..rt of which is very old. John Bacon G? Co. May 28. (ts 46 ) FOR SALE , A QUANTITY OF Oyster Shells, ENQUIRE of J'v n Bacon 8c Co. May li. _ (A A5 ) WHEAT WANTED. ” A liberal price will he given for two or 5000 Bulhelsof Good Merchantable WHEAT, Delivered at Mr Hi ledge’s Mill. SCOTT & Co. J ,nf TT - $t- 47 ) Hie Su Tcribers, E) F.SPF.C TFULLY beg leavetninform iV their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-partnerfliip under the fir n of ROBINSON & SMITH, at their Store opp fi-c Mr fohn Mover’s,in Broad-ftreef—w’iiere they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF G O O D S, Suitable for the prefenf season, which they will dispose of low for cash nr ptoduce. P. Kobinfon, W. S. Smith. December rt. ( f 22 ) Jusr Rlcclved, AND FOR SALE , VERY LOW FOR CAbH, A FEW quarter calks of excellent SHERRY WINE, One Pipe of fi» it quality PORT WINE Jamaica sugar, by the Bbi. LOAF Dam, HYsON TEA,, Af w m -of COFFEE, Andafew Boxes of KAlSlNSoftheSun Sims & Wayne. AS Fufinefs win render it necelTiry that cmr Mr. Suns (hould be absent from Augusta a greater part of the Summer, and being defirnus of making a difpufirion fas manv GOODS as polfible previous to his leaving this—We hive determined " to fell any narr of our rem doing ftoc k of DRY GOODS for cash, tobacco or cot ron at cajh price , fur cost and charges, a I rh )le persons inclined to purchase, mky avail ihemfelves of this opportunity > f gening great Bar fa ains either at Wholesale or R tail. Aj.r.l jo. (ts 4a.) CHEAP GOODS. J O. Stukges, Have Just Receive J a Frejh Supply of Lute ll rings, Humhums, Linens, White Kill Gloves, See. Which w th their former assortment they are determined to fell at the moll re duced prices, April j 6. (ts. 40 ) H. LORD c^Co. HAVE JIHT RECEIVED, —A Confignwnt of — Sugar & Coffee, 'Which will brfoil low for cAH. or exchanged for tobacco or COTION. THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND, COG MAC BRANDY, FRENCH ditto, APPLE ditto, JAMAICA SPIRITS, old and of a foperior quality, NORTHWARD RUM, HOLLANDS GIN, M\uGia * INE '’ hv 1 ' 1 " TENERIFFE ) 1 ,pe or td^k, LOAF amt* LUMP SUGAR, TEAS. 8 BOXES SOAP, NORTHWARD CHEESE, See. April 23. (ts. 41 ) John Bacon, and Co HAVING ]UST received Per the Helen , Juliu> Pringle , and other lat ai rivals font England. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP European GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Which thev are now opening and difpo ling of at the mod reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Stor lately occupied by Mr (Tn Drew id Wallace , second dour to John Wilson, & Co Broad street. 7 hey have lihewife an Affrtment of GROCERIES. December 25. (ts. 24.) Coring & Seaver, "INFORM their friends and the public, l that thev will commence-COMMIS SION BUSINESS in Boston, on the firft of September .next, in Company with Mr. Samuel G Sargent, Merchant of that pla-e, under the fi/m of Sargent, Lor ing and Seaver, they offer their fervicts to their fritnds for whofc interest they will afwavs exert themselves ; the buGnefs of Luring id Seaver, will be continued as u ; ua at Savannah, under the direction of Mr. p. I. Seaver —They will advance ha’f the amount of any consignment to Boston, in such Goods as Loring id Seaver may have at Savannah, on the fhipnient of the property from that place; or they will advance half the amount of any shipment on its arrival at Boflon, in any goods tha* may be ordered from thence, or they will accept Bills at ninety days fight for the ft me as the shipper may think proper, un til the firft Sept. Loring He Seaver wil m k<rreafonableadvancesonconfignment• to Mr. Samuel G. Sargeni in Boston, whom they guarantee. April 16. (ts. 40.) FACTORAGE & COMMISSION THE Subftrihers having largeand con venient S TORES in Savannah, now ready for the reception of produce, offer their services to their friends and the pub lic in the above branches of bufioeffes WAYNE fc? SIMS. Savannah, March 13. (ts. 36.} ~FOR SALE , Two HOUSES (A LOTS In this city, their situation is equal to any for Business.—Also, a quanritv of GOODS, Suitable for the back country trade. For terms apply at this Office. J“« e 4* (tf.47) 1 [ tiaij in fnum ufc k S 7M DIGEST of the LAWS gs GEORGIA® THE Compilers have //■ fat ’t fa'iien tJ inform the JtibJcnba s and toko wav wj/k to purckaje, that a number i ■ copies h tat a: rived, and will be JelhocJ S® Col GORDON 7 in SAVANNAH, <|l tie rovr OFFICE in AUGUSTA, il JAMES MERIWETHER, Esquire. M LOUISVILLE, and by Mr STERLING! G RIM ES in WASHINGTON, Aogufta, Mav 14. (44 ) j JEFFERSON ACADEMY, fl r TMiE Commillioners announce X pleasure, that the JttlYrfon Acadclß mv is now open for the reception of \oMhfl under the direction of Mr. ARMOUR, from whofc chara&er an<9 thilities as a teacher, the Conunifirmer I have great expectations. Those who ehjfl trust to him the education of their t hil«l «iren may he affiircd that his utmost en* deavors will be used for their improve ment. It having been notified some time age: that the extreifes of this Academy woii.U begin, and a difappniiumcnt having taken! place, the Commiftioners derm ir theist duty to fav, that the delay proceeded from the ' non-compliance of the gentiemud w ith his engagements, who they had then iitvelied with the re£t< rfhip of the /Acade my, and noi from any dried in the infthj ’ution, nr any omilfion on the part of the Commi dinners. Ter rs of tuition for Reading, Writing and Arithmetic—Three Dollars per qnar ter. Mathematics in all its branches—Four 5 Dollars per quarter. Larin and Greek Language?—Six Dol-J lars per quarter. By order of tie board , JAMES BOZEMAN, CIeUA Mav *7- («f- 47 ) j ENGLISH £3* MATHEMATICAL 1 SCHOOL. MR. KER, refpe&fully informs the young men of Augusta, that he 'ill open an EVENING SCHOOL an Vlondav the 23d inflant. where he will teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic,Book- 1 keeping, Geometry, Trigonometry both plain and fphericAl, Menfurartion of So-; perfices and Solids ; Gauging, Dialing, Navigation with the latest improvement! refpeding latitude and longirudr bv celeif tial observations ; Surviving in theory ami pradire, Afironomy, Euclids Element, Algebra, and various other parts of the Mtthematirs both pure and mixf, Ge ography with the life of the Globes ami Maps—Those who wifii to avail them selves of the present opportunity, will] please to call on him at his S< hool Room,* corner of Green and M ! lufo(b streets.— -1 Where a few more Pupils will be received 1 in the day school. # June 18. ‘ (ts. 49 ) NOTICE. ALL those who have left Deeds or other papers in the Cierk's Office of ti.i# county to be recorded, are request ed to call and take them away, and those particularly who have not paid for the cording, are informed that they will not >e recorded until paid for, neither willthe Clerk be accountable for thrir fafe keep ng—Nopaper in future will be received in the Office un'il the legal fees ar»- paid. Joseph Hufchinfoq. April 30. (42 ) ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. WE the Subscribers offer the above sum for the difeovery of the villain or villains or any of their accomplices, who deliberately and inhumanly lh„t Mr. John Hammond, on the evening of the twenty.firft inftanr, about eight o’clock, as he was passing through his own yard to his Lodging-Room. The money to be paid for ftich evidence as will be fufficicnt to convid any one or all concerned. S. HAMMOND. LE ROY HAMMOND. May 38. (ti. 48.3 I