Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, July 23, 1800, Image 1

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Three Dots, per Ann.] Volume ll.] H. LORD & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, —A Conjignment of — Sugar & Coffee, Which will be fold low for cash, or exchanged I for TOBACCO or COTTON. THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND, COGNIAC BRANDY, FRENCH ditto, APPLE ditto, JAM AICA SPIRITS, old and of a superior quality, NORTHWARD RUM, HOLLANDS GIN, SHERRY, ) W TTVTT7C K •MALAGA r j7 V W p X N by * he TENERIFFE ) Plpe or Ca k> LOAF and LUMP SUGAR, , TEAS, 8 BOXES SOAP, NORTHWARD CHEESE, &c. April 23. (ts. 41.) John Bacon, and Co. h aving just received Per the Helen, Julius Pringle, and other late arrivals from England. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF European GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Which they are now opening and difpo luig of at the most reduced prices for cash and all kinds of produce, in the Store lately occupied byMeffrs Drenv O’ Wallace, second door to John Wilson, & Co. Broad-street. 1 hey have lihewife an Assortment of GROCERIES. December 25. (ts. 24.) CHEAP GOODS. J. & O. Sturges, Have Just Received a Frejh Supply of Lutelfrings, * Humhums, Linens, yWhite Kid Gloves, Sec. Which with their former assortment they are determined to fell at the molt re duced prices, April 16. (ts. 40 ) Frejh Drugs, Medicines , &c. Doctor Hull, Informs his Friends and the. Public , that he has Received a Large and General Supply of DRUGS, PA TENT-MEDICINES, ESSENCES, &c. &c. Which he will fell cheap for Cash. He has a Quantity of the following Colors : White Lead, § Pruflian Blue, Red Lead, § Patent Yellow, Yqllow Ochre, § Vermilion, Veiy>|grife, § Umbre, Roife Pink, § Whiting, ALS O, “ GOLD Se SILVER LEAF, PUMICE STONE, BRASS MORTARS, COMPOSITION Ditto, TOOTfyJWTRUMENTS, &c. Qodmry Practitioners and Storekeepers can now be flip plied, and they may rely on the Mpe# tcines being of the very belt quality. J une 4- (ts. 47.) The Sublcriber, Has just Received and For Sale , A QUANTITY OF LIVERPOOL STOV’D SALT, W hich he will fell reduced price, by the quantity or single bushel, for cash, or produce of any kind. D. Williford. J ul y 9- (ts. 52.) Blank Deeds of Conveyance, For sale at this Office Augusta herald. Printed by GEORGE F. R ANDOLPH & WILLIAM J. BUNCE, in Washington-Si km: m WEDNESDAY, July 23, 1800. The Subscribers, RESPECTFULLY beg leavetoinform their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-nartnerfhip under the firm of ROBINSON £* SMITH, at their Store oppufite Mr. John Mover’s,in Broad-ftreet —where they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they will dii'pofe of low for cash or produce. P. Robmfon, W. S. Smith. December ii. (ts. 22.) Just Received, ON CONSIGNMENT, A QUANTITY of excellent 3d proof Apple Brandy in Hhds. & Bbls. Jamaica Rurnof afuperiorquality in Hhds. Old French Brandy in Pipes, Malaga Wine in Qr. Calks, Jamaica and Havannah Sugar in Hhds. and Bbls, Molafl'es in Hhds. and Tierces, Macharel in Bbls. Also, a few boxes frefh Chocolate. The whole of which is oflvred for sale unusually low for cash, tobacco or cotton. M‘Kinne & Co. June 11. (ts. 48.) Just Received, AND FOR SALE , ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BROAD-STREET > Fir ft Door below Mr. Dale’s Store , A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF GROCER IES, Conftfting of the following Articles , Viz. IT'OURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, _ Second Proof Weit-india do. Northward ditto, Holland Gin, , Cogniac Braiulv, the firft quality, Peach and Apple ditto, Cherry Bounce, Mint Cordial, Porter, Molalfes, Sugar, Cheese firft quality, Salmon, Mackerel, Dryed Herring, Rack Cider by the Bbl. dr smaller quan tity, Raisins firft quality, Crockery Ware, Ail of which will be fold low for cash or PRODUCE. Isaac Wingate. April 23. (ts. 41.) FACTORAGE & COMMISSION r T~'HE Subscribers having largeand con- X venient STOi-tES in Savannah, now ready for the reception of produce, offer their services to their friends and the pub lic in the above branches of businesses. WAYNE fc? SIMS. Savannah, March 13. (ts, 36.) FOR SALE, Two HOUSES fc? LOTS In this city, their situation is equal to any for Business.—Also, a quantity of GOODS, Suitable for the back country tra»!e. For terms apply at this Office. June 4. * (ts. 47) Received on Consignment, TEN PUNCHEONS of 4 th PROOF „ Jamaica RUM, Part of which is very old. John Bacon (A Co. May 28. (ts. 46 ) FOR SALE , A QUANTITY OF Oyster Shells, ENQUIRE OF Jonn Bacon & Co. May at. (ts. 45.) Loring & Seaver, ir NFQRM their friends and the public, that they will commence COMMIS SION BUSINESS in Bolton, on the firlt of September next, in Company with Mr. Samuel G. Sargent, Merchant of that place, under the firm of Sargent, Lor ing and Seaver, they otter their i'ervices to their triends for whose interell they will always exert themselves ; the bulinefs of Loring c 3 Seaver, will be continued as ulualat Savannah, under the direftion of Mr. F. I. Seaver —They will advance half the amount of any consignment to Bolton, in fucli Goods as Loring & Seaver may have at Savannah, on the shipment of the property from that place; or they will advance half the amount of any shipment on its arrival at Bolton, in any goods that may be ordered Irom thence, or they will accept Bills at ninety days fight for the fame as the Ihippermay think proper, un til the firlt Sept. Loring.& Seaver will make reasonable advances on confignmehts made to Mr. Samuel G. Sargent in Bolton, whom they guarantee. April 16. (ts. 40.) F O R SAL E, THAT well known PLANTATION formerly owned and occupied by Major David Crifwell, lying fix miles be low the town of Walhington, and forty four mites above the city of Augulta —Containing one thousand and leventy five at res of land.—lt has on it a large two story dwelling Houle, Kitchen, Barns, Stables, a house for Diltillerv and Cotton Machine, with such advantages as render it a definable object, for any one who withes to go extenlively into the farming or ; lanting bulinefs. It has on it one ol the finelt Peach Orchards in the Hate, confiding of about five thousand bearing trees. Perhaps n<* place in the upper country is pollefled of greater advantages, in point of health, lociety, goodnels of foil and improvements. Any person wifining to become a pur chaser may know the terms by applying to the proprietor at Augufia. BENJAMIN SIMS. July 9. (ts. 52.) FOR SALE, A VALUABLE traft of LAND con taining five hundred acres,fituated in the county of Wilkes, about ten miles from the town of Wafliington, on Long Creek ; originally granted to Sanders Walker, in the year 1784, from whom title has regularly defeendtd. The foil of tins traft of land will fufficiently recom mend it; and the purchaser will be secured in indisputable titles. The terms of the sale will be made easy. NICHOLAS WARE. ■Hy g- (ts. si.) JEFFERSON ACADEMY. THE Commissioners announce with pleasure, that the Jefferfon Acade my is now open for the reception of youth, under the direftion of Mr. JAMES ARMOUR, from whose character and abilities as a teacher, the Commissioners have great expectations. Those who en trust to him the education of their chil dren may be allured that his utmolt en deavors will be used for their improve ment. It having been notified some time ago that the exercises of this Academy would begin, and a disappointment having taken place, the Commissioners deem it their duty to fay, that the delay proceeded from the non-compliance of the gentleman with his engagements, who they had then irivcfted with the reCtorfhip of the Acade my, and not from any defeCt in the insti tution, or any omission on the part of the commissioners. Terms of tuition for Reading, Writing and Arithmetic—Three Dollars per quar ter. Mathematics in all its branches—Four Dollars per quarter. Latin and Greek Languages—Six Dol lars per quarter. By order of the board y JAMES BOZEMAN, CUrk. May 27. (ts. 47.) [Hal/ in Advance. [Number 54. MOUNT SALUBRITY. HI thin thee Miles of the City of Augufla. T\/ S jR. fc? Mrs. SANDWICH, A at the rcquell of several friends, uho experienced the advantages of this haiation, upon repeated trials, have erec ted a liutable building for a LADIES ACADEMY.—— I Twelve boarders only will bt received at aoo dollars per annum, one quarter paid at entrance. Further particulars may be known at doctor Montgomery's and Mr. Lubbock's Augusta. July »6* (3t. 53.) ENGLISH & MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. ' MR. KER, refpetflfully informs the young men of Augusta, that he will open an EVENING SCHOOL on Monday the 23d inilant, where he will teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic,Book keeping, Geometry, Trigonometry both plain and spherical, Mensuration of Su perhees and Solids ; Gauging, Dialing, Navigation with the latest improvements refpeding latitude and longitude by celes tial observations ; Surveying in theory and pradice, Astronomy, Euclids Elements, Algebra, and various other pans of the Mathematics both pure and mixt, Ge ography with the use of the Globes and Maps.— Those who with to avail them selves of the present opportunity, will please to call on him at his School Room, corner of Green and M‘lntofh-ftrects. Where a few more Pupils will be received in the day school. June 18. (ts. 49.) Mr. St PHILIPPE, HAS the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augufla, that he intends to teach Music on the Violin—to which he will add the vocal part for those who wifli to learn the Piano Forte, it be ing a great introdudion to that inftrumenf. He intends also, teaching a French School, the advantage of that language is too well known to persons who have trav elled or may happen to travel in foreign countries, to Hand in need of any apolo gies. He proprifes to make Geography and Hiftory a part of his buftnefs for children, to whom the parents would have no leisure to spare to that branch of their education. Mr. St. PHILIPPE, will attend every one in his private house, altho’ it would lie for their Left advantage to be taught many together, and will pay every pofli ble attention to bis pupils, particularly to those who would fliew good dispositions, in their refpedive branches. For terms apply to the Subscriber at Mr. Binyons. July 9. (ts. 52.) ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. WE the Subscribers offer the above sum for the difeovery of the villain or villains or any of their accomplices, • who deliberately and inhumanly fliot Mr. John Hammond, on the evening of the twenty-firft instant, about eight o’clock, as he was palling through his own yard to his Lodging-Room. . The money to be paid for such evidence as will be fufficient to convid any one or all concerned. S. HAMMOND. LE ROY HAMMOND. May 28. (ts. 48.) advertisement” BROUGHT to Jail in Warren Coun ty on the 6th day of this instant, a NEGRO FELLOW, who fays his name is Harry, also fays he belongs toone Mil age near Augusta; much marked with the whip, about twenty year? of age. The owner is desired to pay charges and take him away. George Cotton, Jailor , IV. C. N. B. The said Negro was taken up at my plantation, near Warrenton, and a Horse, Bridle and Saddle; the Horse is small, iron gray colour, near 14 hands high ; a very good saddle and tip bridle— Which Horse, Bridie and Saddle is at the house of the fubferiber. D. NEAL, • July 7- (*'•>