Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, August 27, 1800, Image 1

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Os 7//i ee Do/s. per Aon. ] Volume ll.] H. LORD & Co. ' HAVE JUST RECEIVED, — A Conjignment of — Sugar & Coffee, Which will be fold low for cash, or exchanged for TOBACCO or cofxoN. THEY HAVE ALSrf-ON HAND, COGNIAC BRANDY, FRENCH ditto, APPLE ditto, JAMAICA SPIRITS, old and of a superior quality, NORTHWARD RUM, . / HOLLANDS GIN, t MAMeA NES, bv the TENEmIFFF > or ca LOAF and LUMP SUGAR, TEAS, 8 BOXES SOAP, NORTHWARD CHEESE, &c. Aprii 23. (ts. 58.) CHEAT GOODS. J. & O. Stuiiges, Have Ju/l Received a Frefi Supply of Luteflrings, Humhums, Linens, White Kid Gloves, See. Which with their former affbrtment thev are determined to fell at the most re duced prices. April 16. (ts. 58.) The Subscriber, Has ju/l Received and For Sale, A QUANTITY OF LIVERPOOL STOV’D SALT, Which he will fell at a reduced price, by the quantity or Tingle bufiiel, for cash, or produce ot’any kind. D. Williford. July 9. (ts. 52.) FOR SALE , Two HOUSES (A LOTS In this citv, their situation is equal to any for Business.—Also, a quantity of GOODS, Suitable for the back country trade. For terms apply at this Office. June 4. (ts- gS) Received on Confinrnment, TEN PUNCHEONS of 4 th PROOF Jamaica RUM, Part of which is very old. John Bacon (A Co. May 28. (ts. 58.) FACTORAGE (A COMMISSION rpHE Subscribers having largeand con- J venient STORES in Savannah, now for the reception of produce,, offer services to their friends and the pub liJplll the above branches of businesses. WAYNE tf.SIMS. Savannah, March 13. (ts. 58.) Just Received, ON CONSIGNMENT, A QUANTITY of excellent 3d proof jt\. Apple Brandy in Hhds. & Bbls. Jamaica Rumof afu periorquality inHhds. Old French Brandv in Pipes, Malaga Wine in Qr. Calks, Jamaica and Havannah Sugar in Hhds. | and Bbls. MolafTes in Hhds. and Tierces, Macharel in Bbls. Also, a few boxes frelh Chocolate. The whole of which is offered for sale unusually low for cash, tobacco or COTTON. M‘Kinne & Co. J une "• (ts. 58.) Blank Deeds of Conveyance, For sale at this Office. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, BY \V ILLIAM J. BUNC-Ei AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE IN WAS HI NGT ON-STREET. WEDNESDAY, August 27, 1800. Frejh Drugs, Medicines, (Ac. Doctor Hull, Informs his Friends and the Public, that he has Received a Large and General Supply of DRUGS, PATENT-MEDICINES, ESSENCES, (Ac. (Ac. Which he will fell cheap for Cash. He has a Quantity cf the following Colors: White Lead, § Pruftian Blue, Red Lead, § Patent Yellow, Yellow Ochre, § Vermilion, Verdegrife, § Umbre, Rose Pink, § Whiting, A L S O, GOLD & SILVER LEAF, PUMICE STONE, BRASS MORTARS, COMPOSITION Ditto, TOOTH JNSTRUMENTS, C*. ftCF Country Pra&itloners aiKi Storekeepers can now be fully fuppliecl, and they may rely on the Medicines being of the very bell quality. June 4. (ts. 58.) THOMAS HOBBY (A Co. HAVE ON HAND, RUM, WINE £3* BRANDY, by the calk or final! quantity* Excellent VINEGAR bv the calk or gallon SUGAR, COFFEE,' ' TEA, CHOCOLATE and DRY GOODS, AS USUAL. July 23. (ts. 54.) Just Received, AND FOR SALE, ON THE NORTH SIDg..OF BROAD-STREET, , Fir ft Door below Mr. Dale’s Store, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Conffling of the following Articles, Viz. FOURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, Second Proof Weft-India do. Northward ditto, Holland Gin, Cogniac Brandyjlhe firft quality, Peach and Applefcitto, Cherry Bounce, Mint Cordial, Porter, MolalTes, Sugar, Cheese fir (l quality, Salmon, Mackerel, ,Dryed Herring, Rack Cider by the Bbl. or smaller quan tity, Railins firft quality, Crockery Ware, Ail of which will be fold low for cash or PRODUCE. Isaac Wingate. April 23. (ts. 58 ) The Subscribers, RESPECTFULLY beg leavetoinform their friends and the public, of their having entered into Co-partnerlhip under the firm of ROBINSON & SMITH, at their Store opposite Mr. John Mover’s,in Broad-street—where they have for Sale A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they will dispose of low for cash or produce. P. Robinson, W. S. Smith. December 11. (ts. 58.) The Subscriber, SOLICITS those of his friends who (land indebted to him either by Note or Book account, to come forward and difeharge the fame; as it is not in his pow er to give further indulgence, he flatters himfelf they will avail themselves of this notice. Thomas W. Grimes. Augufl 20. ( t s. S B.) Loring £s; Seaver, INFORM their friends and the public, that they will commence COMMIS SION BUSINESS in Boston, on the firft or September next, in Company with Mr. Samuel G. Sargent, Merchant of that p!.u e, under the linn of Sargent, Lor ing and Seaver, they offer their services to their friends for whole interest they will always exert themfdves ; the business of Loring iA Seaver, will be continued as uhialat Savannah, under the direction of Mr. P. I. Seaver—They will advance half the amount of any consignment to Boston, in Inch Goods as Loring tit’Seaver may have at Savannah, on the lliipment of the property from that place; or they will advance half the amount of any lliipment on its arrival at Boston, in any goods that miy be ordered from thence, or they will accept Bills at ninety clays fight for the fame as the fhifkpermay think proper, un til thefirft Sept. Loring & Seaver will make reasonable advances onconfignments made to Mr. Samuel G. Sargent in Bqfton, whom they guarantee. i l>r i! 16. (tf.JfS ) N O T I C E. ALL persons indebted to the Subscri ber bv bond, note or book account, are requested to pay the fame to Mr. Sim ion Thevenet, Merchant of Augulla, wno is authorifed to receive the fame. PHILIP F. RASIN'. August 13. (57 3t .) NOTIC E, HENRY DARNELL, refpeftfnlly in forms his customers and the public, that he will be absent from this place a bout twenty days, that during his absence the business will be conduced by Mr Matthew Thomas, who he can recom mend as a good workman. August 20. • (ts. 58 ) for sale, That well known PLANTATION formerly owned and occupied by Major David Crifwell, lying fix miles be low the town of Washington, and fortv four miies above the city, of Augusta —Containing one thousand and seventy five acres of land.—lt has on it a large two story dwelling Houi'e, Kitchen, Barns, Stables, a house for Distillery and Cotton Machine, with such advantages as render it a desirable object, for any one who wishes to go extensively into the farming or planting business. It bason it one of the fineft Peach Orchards in the state, confilting of about five thousand bearing trees. Perhaps no place in the upper country is poflefled of greater advantages, in point of health, society, goodness of foil and improvements. Any person wishing to become a pur chaser may know the terms by applying to the proprietor at Augufia. BENJAMIN SIMS. J u[ y 9- (ts. 58.) Fifty Dollars Reward. SOME flight of hand gentleman on the line from Augusta to Norfolk, having made free to flop a letter from the fubferi ber directed to John Hamilton, Esq. con taining bank bills to the amount of 330 dollars, of the following defeription : No. 7466 N. York branch bank of the U. States, 6 May 1798. jodols. 6495 2 Oft. 1797. 50 404 2 3 Jll ne 1798. 50 1256 30 N0v.1798. 100 ' 1445 Baltimore 1 Dec. 1798. 100 The above reward will paid by John Hamilton, Esq. Norfolk, or the fubferi ber at Augusta, to any person giving infor mationthat will lead tothedeteiflion orcon vuftion of the guilty person. In 4he mean time all persons are cautioned against re ceiving either of the Laid bills—as pay ment thereof is flopped at the Bank, ex cecept to the order of said John Hamilton. SEABORN JONES. Augusta, Georgia, July 15, 1800. MAY BE HAD AT THIS OFFICE. Elegant Gilt Letter Paper, Common Writing ditto. Ink Powder. [Numer 59. AUGUSTA Os SAVANNAH Line of Stages. THE Proprietors have to inform the Public, that the AUGUSTA and SAVANNAH STAGE, will in future run once a week—lt will leave Au gufla every Saturday Morning at seven o’clock, and arrive at Savannah on Mon day Morning nine o’clock ; returning, leave Savannah dn Tuefday one o’clock, p. m. and arrive at Augulla on Thnrfday afternoon. Fare for Paflengcrs, nine dot.lars, with an allowancV of 14 lb. baggage—all extra baggage 7 cents per lb.—All bag gage to be at the riik of the owners. The Proprietors think proper to observe that they find it iinpoffible that they can afford the terms of paflW at the former ! price of eight dollars,'as they are no.v com pelled to give at lead one third more for Forragethan they have hitherto done. J. & W. GRANT, Proprietors. Augnft 20. (ts. 58.) Henry Darnell, TATLOR (A HABIT-MAKER, TWO DOORS BELOW SfENCER! CORNER. W ASH INGTON-STR EET. Respectfully informsthe public, that he lias commenced the above bufintfs in all its various branches. He liatters himfelf from his experience and at tention to business, to merit the patronage of tlie pubiic : Such gentlemen as may favor him with their work, may depend on its being executed with neatness and difpatch,and on the moftreafonabletcrms. November 13. (ts. * Isaac Wingate, TATLOR ,& HABIT MAKER, TAKES the liberty of informing hi* friends and the public, that he still continues the TAYLORING BUSI NESS at his former (hop, where the pub lic may rely on having their work execut ed with neatness and dispatch. April 23. (ts. 58 ) ONE THOUSAND DOLL/tfRS REWARD. WE the Snbfcribers offer the above sum for the difeovery of the villain or villains or any of their accomplices, who deliberately and inhumanly fliot Mr. John Hammond, on the evening of the twenty.firft instant, eight o’clock, as lie was passing through his own yard to his Lodging-Room. The money to be pfid for such evidence as will be fufficient to convift any one or all concerned. S. HAMMOND. LE ROY HAMMOND. Ma y 28. (ts. 58) Thirty Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY from the fubferiber a few days part, THREE NEGROES, one a Molatto Wench, named Anne, flout and likely, brought up in Baltimore, Maryland; a flout well made Fellow, nam ed Roger, works at the shoemakers trade, has a particular tone of voice, the other a young fellow about twenty years old speaks diftinftand sensible, his name J A ! cob. Ten dollars for each will be paid on their being delivered in Savannah Jail, by Col. Ambrose Gordon, or in South- Carolina, by E. GILLETT. J u| y 2 - (ts. ;8.) FOR SALE , TWO NEGROES, One a Wench about 20 years of age, very likely. The other a Fellow about 25, both used to the field. They are not fold for any faulr. J. & T. GARDNER. August 6. (tfjß.) [Half in Advance.