Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, October 07, 1801, Image 1

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| ' 1 1 T/'nee DoL. per Ann . J i Volume 111. l • £ -Sa .y 'f'rhe Inhabitants of Augusta and its Vicinity . I LADIES tsf GENTLEMEN, I take a retrofpeft V'V to pa ft time, and make a companion of the present, I feel eneffable sensations for your unabated friendQ»ip for me; from my earliest acquaintance, to the present day. How feeble is my pen, and how vain would be the eloquence of my tongue, in exprtffing the obligations lam under to many. My heart is the great fenforium that feels—and gratitude, E.'t-ne, in silent language, acknowledges the favors I have received. Once more, and I believe no more—• I offer my lervices, (united with Mr. Borii) to you, Ladies and Gentlemen, as your teacher. Aided by an elegant dancer, united in the character of preceptor, and gentle man, I flatter myTeif that every encourage ment will be given. I can truely fav, on this occasion, the youth, of both sexes, never had a fair er opportunity for improvement, than the present time. Here the social, and Theatrical dances, may be taught to advantage—with a great many new iteps, by Mr. Borii. All who wish to avail themselves of this opportuni ty, may embrace it :—The revolution of human affairs, may prevent in future. A School will be opened in Mr. Ash ton’s Assembly-Room, on the third Thursday in October next: Particular at tention will be paid to the order of the school, and manners of the pupils. Mr. Borii will teach, if required, a Hornpipe, Allemande, Cotillon-*—as well as ali the fafhionable dances, praCtifed in polite circles. As a greater variety of dances will be taught, on the present occasion, than here to!'e, the price nruft therefore, be en creafed in a I'm all proportion —but ex tremely moderate. Ten dollars will be charged for each fcholar —two dollars paid at entrance, and eight, at the expira tion of the school. To prevent any misunderstanding, be tween parties, it may not be unneceflary to inform the parents, or friends, of those young ladies and gentlemen who may he lent, that it is proper, either to come when they are entered, or fend a note for the purpose. I advise every person who may fend, to do it at the commencement of the school, as no deduction can be made for those who come after. I have the ng consolation to think, that all those who intended fending to me, will not withdraw them, on account of my uniting my School with Mr. Borii— but the more readily fend on that account. With high relpeCt, I am, Ladies Ctf Gentlemen, Your mod devoted, Humble servant, Wm. spencer. September :6. (14) I THE SUBSCRIBER, NFORMS his friends and the public, that he has taken the convenient two ltory House, corner of Reynold and M‘lntofh- Streets, formerly occupied by Mr. Dread zil Pace, where he intends keeping a gen teel BOARDING HOUSE, and where travellers may be agreeably accommodat ed. also informs the citizens of Au gusta, < U) 3t he has ereCted a Biilard Table in the tame house, and being well suppli ed with the belt of liquors, he flatters him felf, from due attention, he will merit the patronage of the public. ANTHONY BLACHE. Aoguft 21. (to) TREASURY OFFICE, Louisville, Augujl 13, iSoi. HE Tax Collectors who are in ar rears for the years 1799 and 1800, are requeued to come forward and make final fettlemcnts at the Treafurv. EDWIN MOUNGER, Treasurer. JAMES MERIWETHER, Comptroller- General. IffA INK POWDER, For Sal: at this Office. . i ' a 6 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, *y WILLIAM J. BUNCE, AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE IN WASHINGTON-STREET. v* WEDNESDAY, October 7, 1801. mmmmmmmmmmmmammmu mmmmmßrmmeuem i.i 1 mm fib—a——————— ASHTON’S BOARDING-HOUSE & TAVERN, In that well known House formerly kept by Mrs. MvLaws. MR. A.SHTON takes the li berty to return Ins sincere thanks to the Citizems of Augusta in particular, and the neighbouring country in general, for the very liberal encouragement he has received from them since his commence ment of buiinefs in this place; and allures them, nothing fliall be wanting in his power to make their continuance of fa vours plealant and agreeable. He also in forms them he is well supplied w ith a good aflbrtment of the heft liquors, a well fur niflied (fable with every kind of provender fur llorfes, and an attentive oilier ; toge ther with good provisions and beds in the mod comfortable manner for themselves; and where, by his attention and care, he hopes to m erit a long continuance of those favours so liberally beftowedas everything fliall be delivered as procured at the mod reasonable terms. Any number of herfes can be kept at livery on as good terms as the natureof the times will admit of. Pri vate or public dinners furnifhed at the fliorteftnotu e, and at any hour, agreeable to the bill of fare delivered. *** DINNER on the table every day exactly at 2 o’clock. July 1. (ts. 3.) AUGUSTA CITY-HOTEL. THE Subscriber has rented the Build ings lately occupied by Major N. Durkee, in Broad-ftreef, where he intends keeping a Genteel BOARDING-HOUSE and where gentlemen travellers may be handsomely accommodated. He also in tends keeping a Livery liable, constantly and well supplied with Forage—As the buildings he has taken are as commodious as .nny jo this City for the intended pur pole, he doubts not that bis tteady and unrernitted attention, will give general fatisiaftion to thole who may favor him with their company. JOSEPH CARRIE. WHO HAS TO LET, A Good STORE with a Cellar. June 24. (tf.2.) TO RENT, And pojfefm given the infant , The HOUSE 6? LOT, felAt Present Occupied by fc-ssiffigpsEqj Captain Richards: For terms apply to. D. URQUHART. September 2. (12) TO BE RENTED, And Pofjefion given Immediately , THE HOUSE & STORE lately oc cupied by A. Knox & Co. For particulars, enquire of Wm. WHITE. March 24. (89.) TO BE RENTED, And immediate pojfeflion given. A VALUABLE HOUSE Cs* LOT well enclosed, at Harrilburg, late the property of Doctor Offutt. The front is fitted up for a store, with an ex cellent cellar. On the premises are every out house for the accommodation of a ten ant, and a Pump of excellent water in the yard. For terms apply to Mr. J. B. Wiikinfon, in the absence of SEABORN JONES. Auguff 19. (10.) pT The SUBSCRIBERS, HAVE FOR SAL E , A QUANTITY of SUPERFINE FLOUR, Manufactured by Joseph Ray, Esq — The quality of which, will be found equal to the Northern Superfine. M‘KINNE Ctf Co. J ul y 29- (7 ) FURNITURE^ FOR SALE , A SIDE BOARD, DINING TABLE AND ENDS. BREAKFAST AND TEA TABLES, BEAUROE AND CHAIRS, Enquire at this Office. DOCTOR 8188, HAVING returned from Philadelphia, offers his Medical Services to the Citizens of Peterlburgh and its vicinity, and hopes by his attention to gain a part of the public confidence. —He experts soon to receive a general fupplv of FRESH DRUGS & MEDICINES, Which he will dispose of,on as low terms as they can be fold by any other person in the upper parts of this Hate. >• Pelerjburgh , Elbert County t September 21, 1801. DOCTOR JAMES EWELL, Having fixed on Augusta, as his future place of abode. RESPECTFULLY offers to the inha bitants and those of its vicinity, his Medical Services, assuring those who may call upon him that every attention will be rendered, to merit their full approbation. The poor will find him ready to attend them gratis. N. R. He may be found at his Shop (Broad-Street) near the City-Hotel, where he intends keeping a general Assortment of MEDICINES, which he will fell on moderate terms, and warrant them to be genuine. September 2. (12) THE SUBSCRIBER, INTENDS Removing to Washington County, on the Occonee River, and is delirous to fell his possessions in this county, including the town of Harrif bnrgb, and 272 1-2 acres of back and river Land, adjoining laid Town. Purchasers may be accomodated with Lots from one half acre, to eighty-seven and a half, of as good land for cultivation either for Cotton, Corn or Rice, as any in said county. — The wood on said land by taking it to Auguffr., which is about two miles and a half distance, over pay for said land. -A L S 0,- My Dwelling House & Tobac co Infpe&ion are for fale.—lndifputable Titles will be made to the purchaler.— The above traft of Land was purchased by John Course, Esq. of Richmond coun ty, about 16 or 17 years part, at Sheriff Sale, for William Greenwoood, Esq. of Charleffon. I shall refer those that are inclined to purchase, to John Willlon, Esq. of the city of Augusta, who can give them gen eral fatisfa&ion, refpedting the titles of the above property —and for further in formation, apply to the lubferiber on the premises. EZEKIEL HARRIS. Augusta, Richmond County , 7 September 27, 1801. A THOMAS JONES, Has received in addition to his former assort ment, a Quantity of COFFFE LOAF &/BROWN SUGAR, Which if applied for soon will be fold cheap by Hhd. or barrel.—Also, A Chert of Frefli HYSON TEA. August 26. (11.) THE LOT A T Present occupied by the Subfcri il her, may be bought low for Cash. It contains nearly two acres, is pleasantly situated, and well improved. ROBERT WALKER. September 17. (15.) V L oTl\ A NEW G UN L OCK , THE Dog of which, has been lately mended. Any information given at this Office, will be thankfully received and a suitable reward paid. FOR SALE, A New Sulky, Apply at this Office. Wanted to hire by the month or year, a house servant, that can cook, waflt and iron ; to whom generous wag*s will be given.—Enquire at this office. [Number 117. GOLDEN BALL, BROAD-STREET. THE Subscribers return their sincere thanks to their friends and the pub lic tor the liberal encouragement they have met with since the commencement of their co-partnership, and inform them that their business will, as heretofore, be carried on under the firm of THEVENET (if Co. who have just received in addition to their former aflbrtment, the following articles, viz. Calicoes, mnflins, dimities, ginghams, humhums, muflinets, Marfeiles, janes, Irilli linens, India & Englifli nankeens, velverets, fuilians, cotton & muslin fliawls, cotton and linen cambric, hosiery, haber dashery. mens and childrens course and fine hats, saddles and bridles, woo.ens, dowlas, platilias,&c. Fancy bonnets, feathers and flowers, tur bans, silk cloaks, lace veils, ribbons, pelon and rich fattins, crapes, black mode, kid, cotton and silk gloves, gold, silver, silk and cotton fancy trimmings, fnns.parifols, black and white gauze, kid, Morroco and leather flippers, spangles, bugles, silk handkerchiefs, necklaces, ear-rings, silver knives, fciflars, smelling bottles with a variery of jewelry. Lavender water, bnrgamot and court plaifter; an aflbrtment of Fresh Medicine, hard-ware, cutlery, crocKcrv, powder and fliot, basket fair, Spanish fegars, common ditto, fifli sauce, brandy and fvrup, pre serves, wine glades, bar lead, pewter plates, Sec. Loaffugar, bed hyfon tea, coffee, cho colate, sago, spices, faltpetre, Madeira, Sherry and Malaga wines, cogniac brandy and peach ditto, Jamaica rum, white wine and cyder vinegar; which they will dis pose of on very low terms for cash or PRODUCE, C. MUNNS, S. THEVENET. July 8. tf.4.) NOT I C E ANY person who may wish to become a Citizen of South-Carolina, hav ing a hundred acres of cleared land, fitiia ted on about three hundred of good qua lity, may meet with foitable encourage ment, by applying by letter or ijnperno to HENRY RAY. fctf* The Subscriber wishing to move in this line , expefls he can accomodate any per Jon of the fame inclination with evCty thing necejjary in the Planting Business , for the working of eight or ten hands. H. R. Mine Creek, Edgefield Diflritt , ) South-Carolina. j Soap and Candle Manufactory. THE Subscriber returns his grateful thanks to the Public, and his friends in particular, for the liberal encourage ment that he has received in rhe line of his business—and likewise informs them that he has moved nearly oppofife the Printing Office in Washington-Street, where he intends keeping For Sale, SOAP: Mould & Dipt CANDLES. TALLOW made nto Candles upon realonable terms —having his works well fitted up for that purpose — Solicits a fliare of the public favor. ROBERT REID. tyfj* Wanted to the above busi ness as an apprentice, a Boy of Colour of about 14 or 15 years of age. Henry Darnell, TAYLOR W HABIT-MAKER, two doors mow Sriscts'i comU WASHINGTON-STP z* V. Respectfully informsthepubiic, that he has commenced the above business in all its various branches.* He flatters himfelf frmn his experience - ad at tention to business, to merit the patM'ige of the public : Such gentlemen awas y favor him with their work, may 1 on its being executed with neatness’ r * ifpatch,and on the most reasonable \_Talf iti fAdvanie. -4- - ■ '' iU