Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, October 11, 1801, Image 4

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MUSES RETREAT. From t), e Centinel. The LIGHT OF THE Moon. HOW swift flew the moments away. When our hearts were too small for a sorrow. When in childhood we hoped like to-Jay, Would rise the bright beams of to-morrow ; Unconsciously time went along, And when evenings arriv’d, oh, how soon! We listen’d the nightingale’s song, Or made shades by the licht or the moon. How bright broke our youths’ rosy morn, Unclouded by trouble or care— As pure as the dew on the thorn Was each mind flowing free as the air; Then Hope sweetly glided the scene, And each heart was as gay as the tune That merrily rang round the green While we danc’d by the light or n« MOON. But why came this knocking within, Why oft “you lead w n onc” cried the swains, Ah, surely, it never had been, Had Eliza ne’er danc’d on our plains : Oh, would she had never been there— Indeed but she left us too soon 1 She seemed most bewitchingly fair— And mild as the light or the moon. I sought her, she own’d to approve, But 'twas him on a far distant plain! • And I, though 1 could not but love, Return’d to my cottage again: I cannot yet join the gay rings— At my door tho’ 1 listen the tune, Its echo a new sweetness brings While I gaze on the lichtof the moon. Cambridge. FRAGM ENT. POW’R, wealth, and beauty area fhort-liv’d trull; 'Tis virtue only blofToms in the dust. APOSTROPHE to IDLENESS. IDLENESS, thou banc of every esti mable quality, thflu ~PfWi4ffty ' oughteft thou to be painted, and how dangerous is it nr rnciufge thy carefTes ! beneath thv enervating blandifliments every corruption springs up, and every virtue is obfeu red. It ii thou that finkeft the love of honorable performance in the bed of in glorious ease. It is thou that holded out the oblivious draught of what duty calls to perform; and when once thy cup is tasted to intoxication, farewell every hope of fame, farewell every wish for distinc tion. Bound in thy fetters, talents, whe ther natural or acquired, are useless; and even ihe brighted virtues become tainted by folly, or contaminated by perverse pailions. ANECDOTE. Duke Shandois, (of convival memory) one day gaming at the Groom porters in London, after having looked at his watch milling, his fob, put it between the lining or nis oreecnes am. nun; crmrieTtme after he milled his watch and informing a nobleman who fat by him of it, the no bleman immediately dood up, aud lock ing the door, said, Duke Shandois had lod his watch, and that every perfou prtfent fliould (land a dried search. Accordingly a general search was made, no person refus ing, hut one voung gentleman very decent ly drefled, who drew his sword, and said he had not the Duke’s watch and that he would not he searched by any man in England. The Duke took a fit of laugh ing at the gentleman’s foolifli refidance as he thought it, and in his fluking on the chair he felt the watch, in his breeches under his thigh, and cried out immediate ly that he had found his watch. When all the confufion subsided, the Duke rose up, went to the voung man and calling him nfide, nfked him what could be his rcafon for refufiug to be searched, as he was innocent, and as he knew it a meafnre that would be infilled upon ? Upon which the voung man said, to fatisfv your grace, I will tell you, tho’ I would not tell any other person in Eng land. I am a vounger brother, I have spent a large personal fortune, and am now re duced to great didrefs, I dined vederdayat a friend’s house, and not knowing \»here to dine this dav, I put a cold fowl in my pocket, and would sooner fight any man in England, than it fliould be discovered tfcere. From Tkomas’s Massachusetts Spy. , “ When fortune is smiling, what crowds will pear, 1 Their kindness to offer and friendship sincere ; Yet change but the prospect, and point out distress, No longer to court you they eagerly press.” TRUE frieaddiip is the mod noble, exalted and generous sentiment that ever a&uated the mind of man. But alas! how often is the name of friendfhip pro f. tituted ! The blufli of indignation fuffules the cheek, when I reflect how often ma lice, envy, and revenge, lurk beneath the appearance of difinterefled affeftion. Alphonso was young, amiable and a greeable ; his partner in life was no lels pleasing, their children were such as pro mised amply to reward the care and afiidu ity of their parents, and fulfil their molt sanguine expetdations. The fortune of Alphonso, though not affluent, was fuffi cient to procure him all the neeeflaries and many of the little elegancies of life; his trade was prosperous, and his wealth daily increasing, he was happy, beloved by all. Every one was his friend ; his presence at every party was solicited, and social inter course without him, was joyless and insi pid. A perplexing circumflance obliged Alphonso to borrow of his friends a con (iderable sum : He offered to mortgage part of his edate ; they would by no means permit him to do it, and readily obliged him. A series of unavoidable misfortunes now rendered his circumflances extremely difficult. As the embarrairments increased, t:>e friendfhip of those who had been the fliarers of his hospitality, and had received innumerable benefits from his genero is af fidance, rapidly declined, and, fliall I write it ? thole who were under obligations to him, fhamtfnlly exerted every endeavor to plunge him into ruin ! He had disposed of his eflate to fatisfv the demauds of his impatient creditors, and, upon an exa£l calculation, found that he owed a vafl sum which he law no prof peA of paying. He applied in vain for alfiflance to those who once received him with smiles, a cold refufa! dung him to the foul.—The anguifli of his heart while he beheld his amiable wife, and the blooming innocent pledges of their mutu al affeflion, reduced to extreme poverty, is indifcribable. Thole ta- —••u crTt y Dee n , . J.Wff advocates and greated admir ers, how became his mod cruel enemies, and by their coldnef* and affefted superi ority, barbed the darts of affli&ion, and triumphed in his misfortunes. Others would flirug up their dioulders, and fay, with a half smile, “ I pity Alphonso, but charity begins at home.”—“Aye!” laid another, “ he is a clever fellow, but I al ways thought him too generous for his own intered.”—All agreed to forfake him, and many regardless of their obligations to him, conspired to increase his difficulties and the diftraiflion of his affairs. Gracious heaven ! can human nature be so depraved as to exult in the miseries, and triumph in the didrefTes of a fellow mortal? Oh ve, to whom pity and misfor tune are alike unknown, whose iron hearts never opened to the generous, refined feel ings of humanity, ye are flrangers to hap piness! Ye never witnefled the exprrfflve, greatful looks of an objeA relieved by youi benevolence. The tearful eve, the half articulated thanks, and til.* sigh hording from the bosom iweiled bv powerful, jn exprelfible sensations of delight and gra titude, afford more exquisite felicity to a heart where fenliliility has found a feat, than all the glories <>f the eift.Tn w: rid. A true friend will never turfite us in the hour of adversity, but will with inrreaf ing kindness, dnre our furrow®, and bv partaking,mitigate the.pangs infixed ty the “ Stings and arroovs of outrageous fort me." Such a friend cannot be two highk* va lued! hut alas! how few are to be met with, whose greated happiness confills in both ing the anguish of the woe worn kart, and wiping the tear of miferv fron the cheek which the cruel hand of forrov has robbed of its vermillion. Strange as r ap pears those who are in the greated ifflii cnce, and balk in the sunshine of luxuarv and prosperity are often void of humaiity. Not know ing from experience the wants J of others they never trouble tliemfelves to think of them. And it is dill more ftrmge that those who have fuddeulv arisen front poverty to splendor, fliould so fir forget ( their former fufferings as to refufe relict to | the unhappy wretch whom misfortune lias reduced to indigence. Yet this humi-iat- ; ing truth, so degrading to human nature, ( daily ohfervation can teflify. Oh ! For- i tune, if thy partial gifts have a tendency ( to render the heart callous to the fine emo- | t ions of sensibility, bedowthem noton the % j, - •"LEICESTER GIRL. t Septcm? sot. Soap and Candle Manufl^ THE Subscriber returns his thanks to the Public, and his frie..Vs in particular, for the liberal encourage ment that he has received in the line of his business—and likewise informs them that he has moved nearly opposite the Printing Office in Washington-Street, where he intends keeping For Sale, SOAP: Mould Csr Dipt CANDLES. TALLOW made into Candles upon realonable terms —having his works well fitted up for that purpose—Solicits a (hare of the public favor. ROBERT REID. ( ’ Wanted to the above busi ness as an apprennct, a Boy of Colour of about 14 nr i 5 years of age. Twenty t>o!lars Reward. RUNAWAY Iron the iubfcriber in Hancock County, a NEGRO MAN named FE'i ER, of a yellow com plexion, abou' fix ieit high, thirty-five years old, ft.,u; built ; had on when he went away a cotton shirt and overhalts, the overhai s <i e<t j nr: ie, he had on a blue Broad doth coat about half worn. Any period that will brii g him to me or con fine him in am J;• 11 in the fiate, so that 1 can get him, (hall have the above reward. JOHN WILKINSON. October 21. Itn Dollars iveward. RAN AW AY from the fubferiber in t Lou 11v it;, a NEGRO WENCH, named LOUibJi, verv w ell known in Au gufla, formerly belonging to James Bay ard, who her from Mrs. Pavajean : She i» about 33 years of age, chunky made, with a rough face, speaks broken Engliflt and broken French, and calls her felf among the black people Luci. Any perfoti who "ill deliver her to Major Scott or fames Bayard in Augusta, or the fubferiber in Loutfville, (hall receive the above reward. • CHARLES GACHET. Loutfville, Sept. 17. * (15.) SHERIFF’S SALES. On the fit ft I UESDAY in December next , at the Market-* 4 ": rt" —' :rt t,te City of usual hours, WILL BL SOLD, One likely Negro Woman nany ed Nancv, taken as the property of Tiili ferro Cox, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Stephen Files. A L S o, 700 acres land lying in the coun ty of Jack fun, on the waters of Trait or Foal Creek, joining lands of Barnett Thompson and others, pointed out by James Gardner, Esq. as the property of William Eltoft, to fatisfy anexecution in favor of laid Gardner, surviver of M‘Cal lum and Gardner. A L S 0,~ Sundry Merchandize, taken as the property of Jobu A. fatisfy James Bulgin. —4* .? O,— A valuable Plantation in Colum bia county, pointed out as the property of George Fee, to fatisfy sundry execu tions; a complete defeription of which ; will be given previous to the day of sale. —A L S O,— Sundry lots in Harriflburg, poin ted out b* the defendant Ezekiel Harris, to | fatisfy H. and F. Willfon. Conditions 1 Cash. I. MALONE, Sheriff, r. c. Oflober 2S. (20 ) SHFRIFF’s SALE. On the fir ft TUESDAY in December next, at tne Market-ffoufe, in the City of Au gusta, at the ujual hours, WILL BE SOLD, A Lot and improvements in the said City, at the corner of M‘lnto(h and Reynold street, at present occupied by V\ illiam Bellamy, George Pearson and others: Seized as the property of William Bellamy, to fatisfy Abraham Markly. Conditions Cash. i I. MALONE, Sheriff r. c. {Cj 1 The above proper ty was levied on by a I former Sheriff, & the Sale fttoped by a Claim, \ which has ftnee been decided. I. M. < October 14. (ig.) { Twenty Dollars Reward- STOLEN from the Subscriber on the second inflant, a Double Case GOLD ‘ WATCH, with a Gold Chain, Seal and Kev ; the outer Case was ornamented with engraving, and the Cyphers P. S. on the I back. The Seal had the Cyphers B. S, 1 engraved on it. The above reward will be given either for the Watch or for such 1 information as may lead to a deteftion of < the Thief. 1 BENJAMIN SIMS. r DOCTOR Blßß.'vj HAVING returned from Philadelphia, V offers his Medical Services to the ' Citizens of'Peterfburgh and its vicinity, and hopes by his attention to gain a part of the public confidence.—He expefts soon to receive a general supply of FRESH DRUGS & MEDICINES, Which he will dispose of,on as as they can be fold by any other pdPfW the upper parts of this Rate. \j, Peterfburgh , Elbert County , 3Lt - -ff/j > September 21, Henry Darnell, TATLOR fc? HABIT-MAKER, TWO DOORS BELOW SpiNCEl’s CORNER WASHINGTON-STREET. Respectfully informsthepubiic, that he has commenced the above business in all its various branches. He flatters himlelf from his experience and at» tention to business, to merit the patronage of the public : Such gentlemen as may favor him with their work, may depend r on its being executed with neatness and. ifpatch,and onthe moflreafonable terms. I THE SUBSCRIBER, 1 NFORMS his friends and the public,- I mat he has taken the convenient two Rory- 1 House, corner of Reynold and MTntofh-i 1 Streets, formerly occupied by Mr. Dread- | 1 zil Pace, where he intends keeping a gen- ' teel BOARDING HOUSE, and where travellers may be agreeably acUunrnodatf*”*' ed. He also informs the ’citizens of Au gußa, that he has erefled a Billard Table m the fame house, and being well fupplj. ! ed w,th the beR of liquors, he flatters him- i let, from due attention, he will merit the patronage of the public. ANTHONY BLACHE. jAuguß 21. ( I 0) WANTS A PLACE^ A young man, who unde,-Rands ac counts, and can come well recommended Off,-‘ rrher ifaforma£ion » c »pire at this Odfober 28. f ■ 20. F O R S A LIT On a credit of ninety hays, for Country Pro duct, Weft-India Goods, cr even cash will ve taken in payment : A HANDSOME COACHEE, with Harness complete for two horses-1 ror further particulars enquire of , JOSEPH ASHTON. Oftober 28. ( ao .) RAN AU AY from the Subscriber f » who resides in Liberty County, on the 10th of July laR, a NEGRO FEL LOW named ALCINDORE. r He is about 22 years old, small size, and very atfive, speaks broken English ; but under- Rands French, being brought from the Cape. The firß letter of the brand on ' h.s breaß is F. the whole of it is not per feft y recolleacd. but believed to ba F IN He had on when he went away a blue broad cloth Coatee, striped Jacket, also a yellow caffimere one, brown cord*! roy Overalls and black Hat—l will give THIRTY DOLLARS rc Jd ,o person who will lodge him in any Jail in this flare, or a liberal reward to the person who will bring him to me. , W. M‘WFHR. Sunbury, Augufl 7th, 1801. AUGUSTA fc? SAVANNAH Line of Stages. THE Propri<*brs have the Public, that the and SAVANNAH STAGE, iuturc run once a week —It. will leave 1- gjitia every Tuesday Morning at fiv<v i o’clock, and arrive at Savannah onThu/I day twelve o’clock ; returning, leave *' Savannah on Friday ten o’clock, a. m. and arrive at Augufla on Sunday afternoon. The proprietors on account of the high price of Forage, are compelled to make the following alteration; : Fare for Paflengers, teh dollars with an allowance of 14 lb. baggage—all extra baggage 8 cents per lb.—All bag gage to be at the risk of the owners. J. W. GRANT, Proprietors.