Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, December 14, 1801, Image 1

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Augusta herald. Three Dols. per Ann. Volume 111.] x Isaac Herbert, TfyMt&s hefhod of informing his friends and 'tie Public , that he has jufl Received , A FRESH SUPPLY OF DRT GOODS, Imported by the late arrivals from Eng land, which with his former Stock conftitntes a General and Extensive Af fortmer.t. He has Also Received a Supply of SALT, Jamaica, 1 WeS-India and >RUM. Northward J Cogniac Brandy, Madeira Wine, Hyfon and Soufhong Teas, Chocolate, Coffee, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Pepper, Nutmegs, Bloom Rafins and Almonds in Boxes, Allspice, Ginger, Salt-Petre, Bed F. F. Polifli Gunpowder, Shot afTnrted sizes, China and Crockery "Ware, And an handsome aflbrtment of cut and engraved Glass Ware, &>V &V. Which he is determined to fell at the mod reduced prices for cash or country produce. Those persons who are any way indebted to him are reque/led to make payment by the fir ft of January next , no further indulgence can be given. December 9. (26.) THOMAS BARRETT, Begs leave to iform his Friends and the Pub » lie in general, that he has Received a Fresh and General ASSORTMENT of EUROPEAN GOODS, Per the Cleopatra from London , Which he offers for sale on very mo derate terms, for cash or produce. tAT ALL persons indebted the firm of THOMAS BARRETT & Co. are again reqaefted to come forward and make pay ment —those who do not avail themselves of this notice, may expedt to be sued—as that concern was dissolved lad April. December 2. (25.) J. & O. Sturges, Have Removedfrom their former residence to the Store formerly occupied by Mr. William White, next door below the Shoe-Store — WHERE THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR' SALE, LADYS Morocco, Kidf&in, Leather and fluff’ Slippers, Mens coarse and fine shoes, Boys and Misses Shoes and Slippers. Negro Shoes, Black and colored Luteflriogs, Striped Sattin, With a variety of other articles, all of which will be fold on the lowed terms for cash or cotton. Oftober 14. (18) Thomas Jones, Has Removed to the Store lately occupied by Captain Richards, next door to Mr. James Murren, where he has an ELEfiANT ASSORTMENT C rf GOODS, Which will be disposed of very low for Cash or Produce. K3* Country Storekeeper s may be supplied on very reasonable ter ms. November 11. (22.) FOR SALE, ELEGANT GOLD & SILVER Sword Knots, BY Wm. POPE. November n ,( 22 ) PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, BY WILLIAM J. BUNCE, AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE IN WASHINGTON-STRKET. WED N E S D A Y, December 1801. ■- ■ Jr — ■ -- ■ ■ ■■ ——l ———— Just ReceiVed, AND FOR SALE , FOURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, Wed-India ditto, Old Cogniac Brandy, Loaf and Brown Sugars, Bed Green Coffee, Cotton Bagging and Humhums, Saddles, Bridies and Saddle Bags, And a few Barrels of Good Flour, B. fcf W. H. Burroughs. December 2. (25) JUST RECEIVED, Best Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, W. I. & Jamaica Rum, Northward ditto. Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. For Sale by J. 6? O. STURGES. November 25. ALL Persons indebted to the Subscriber for dealings prior to the year 1801, and especially those whose en .gagements are of several years danding, are hereby Notified that suits will be com menced for the recovery of all such debts as are not paid or fatisfaftorily secured, within a short time. THOMAS CUMMING. WHO HAS LATELY RECEIVED, A Variety of \ SEASONABLE GOODS, Which, with his former Stock, make a pretty General AfTortment, and are offer ed at Reduced Prices by Wholesale or Re tail. November 1 r. (22) IFaCTORAGE AND Commiflion Business THE fubferiber refpeftfully informs his friends and the public in gene ral, that he has rented the RICHMOND WARE-HOUSE, where he has good and fufiicient Stores for the dorage of Goods, and also a large Ware-House inciofed tinder a good fence, for the reception of Tobacco and Cotton ; he flatters him fdf, that his deady and unremitted atten tion, will give general fatisfaftion to those who may favor him with their cudom. STAINBACK WILSON. September 30. (20 ts.) THE SUBSCRIBER, Continues Selling of his Remaining STOCK of GOODS, Consisting of many useful articles adapted for the ensuing Season , at greatly reduced pi ices for cash or produce, viz. ROSE and Duffle Blankets, Superfine and second Cloths, Yorkfliire Plains, &c. &c. Cafflmere and fancy Ved Patterns, Silk, cotton and worded Hose, Iridi Linen and Scotch Sheeting, Callicoes, Humhums, Shawls & cotton Handkerchiefs, Men’s and Women’s Hats, Smith’s Tools, Hard Ware and Cutlery adorted, Paints and Window-Glass, Iron and Steel, Also, a supply of GROCERIES , &c. &c. JOHN MAC IVER. The above will be found worthy the attention of Planters and country Merchants. Oftober 14. (18.) TO BE LEASED, On SATURDAY the tqth infant , on the premises , between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock to the higkeft Bidder , for the term of 12 months : The PLANTATION, belonging to the Edate of Cornelius Dy fart, on which Mrs. Bowen now lives- PofTeflion to be given on the fird Janua ry 1802. Auguda, Dec. 1. 25. THE SUBSCRIBER, RESPECTFULLY informs the Pub lic that lie has opened fliop in Wafli ington-dreet, in front of the Printing-Of fice, in the City of Auguda, where he carries on the CLOCK & WATCH MAKING BUSINESS, and hopes by his Punctuality and attention to business, to deserve encouragement. Clocks & Watches repaired at the above shop, on the shorted notice, and on reasonable terms. tf 3 Orders from the Country executed with care and dispatch. H. BUNCE. November 4. # THE SUBSCRIBER, INTENDS Removing to Wadiington County, on the Occonee River, and is desirous to fell his poffefiions in this county, including the town of Harrif burgh, and 272 1-2 acres of back and river Land, adjoining laid Town. Purchasers may be accomodated with Lots from one half acre, to eighty-seven and a half, of as good land for cultivation either for Cotton, Corn or Rice, as any in said county. — The wood on said land by taking it to Auguda, which is about two miles and a half didance, will over pay for laid land. —ALS O,— My Dwelling House & Tobac co Infpeftion are for fale.—lndifputable Titles will be made to the purchaser. The above trail of Land was purchased by John Course, Esq. of Richmond coun ty, about 16 or 17 years pad, at Sheriff Sale, for William Greenwoood, Esq. of Charledon. I (hall refer thofe' that are inclined to purchase, to John Willlon, Esq. of the city of Auguda, who can give them gen eral fatisfaftion, refpefting the titles of the above property—and tor further in formation, apply to the lubferiber on the premises. EZEKIEL HARRIS. Augujla, Richmond County , ) September 27, 1801. ) The SUBSCRIBER, HAVING declined the keeping of a Grocery any longer, is now occu pying the fame place as a Taylor’s Shop, to which the drifted attention will be paid,, and having engaged Journeymen of the fird defeription, he will be able to carry on the TAYLORING BUSINESS in its various branches, equal to any shop in this city. ISAAC WINGATE. November 25. (24. NOTICE. On the firfl day of January next , at New- Savannah , Will be Rented and Hired for the term of One Year. THE Land and Negroes belonging to the heirs of Henry Arinton, Esq. deceased. Bond with approved security, will be required. A. HATCHER, Guardian. November 25. (25.) NOTICE. To be Hired on the firfl day of January, 1 802, THE Negroes belonging to the Edate of A. Leigh, deceased, for the term of one year.—At the fame time will be Rented the House and Lot belonging to the said edate. BENJAMIN LEIGH, Ad'mr. December 9. « (26.) NOTIC E Oh THURSDAY the lafi day of December next , at the House of John Evans , deceased , in Burke County , on the Waters of M'Bean , Will be Rented and Hired, THE Lands and Negroes belonging to the heirs of said deceased, to the highed bidder for one year—Bonds of Notes and approved security, will be re quired for payment of the hire, and return of the property at the expiration of the year. DANIEL EVANS, Adm'r. MARGARET EVANS, Adm'rx. November 21. * [ Half in Advance. JNumbfr 127. ASHT ON’S BOARDING-HOUSE & TAVERN. In that well known House formerly hey by Mrs. M‘Laws. MR. ASHTON takes the li berty to return his liacere thanks to the Citizens of Augulfa in particular, and the neighbouring country in general, for the very liberal encouragement he has received from them lince his commence ment of business in this place; and allures them, nothing fliall be wanting in his power to make their continuance of fa vours pleasant and agreeable. He also in forms them he is well supplied with a good alfortment of the best liquors, a well fur nifhed liable with every kind of provender for Horses, and an attentive oilier; toge ther with good provisions and beds in the most comfortable manner for themselves; and where, by his attention and care, he hopes to merit a long continuance of those favours so liberally bellowed as everything fliall be delivered as procured at the most reasonable terms. Any number of hbffes can be kept at livery on as good terms as the natureof the times will admit of. Pri vate or public dinners furnifhed at she fhorteftnorice, and at any hour, agreeable to the bill of fare delivered. *** DINNER on the table every day exadlly at 2 o’clock. July (if. 3 ) AUGUSTA CITY-HOTEL. THE Subscriber has rented the Build ings lately occupied by Major N. Durkee, in Broad-street, where he intends keepings Genteel BOARDING-HOUSE and where gentlemen travellers may be handsomely accommodated. He also in tends keeping a Livery liable, conllantly and well supplied with Forage—As the buildings he has taken are as commodious as any in this City for ihe intended pur pose, he doubts not that his Heady and unremitted attention, will give general fatisfaAion to thole who may favor him with their company. JOSEPH CARRIE. WHO HAS TO LET, A Good STORE with a Cellar. J une a 4‘ (tf.2. Mr. Patrick jack, having pyt>- lilhed a llatement purporting to be a tranfaftion between him and the late firm of Sims Gs M‘lntofij, it becomes ne celTary for me, as one of that firm to trou ble the public with our representation— It is true, that an instrument was given Mr. Jack by us, when he indorfed the pa per to which he alludes exempting him from the usual responsibility to which in dorfers are liable. But the ground of ac tion against him, was that the original con trail was pronounced illegal by the Supe rior Court in an adtion brought against the drawers of the paper, and not on ac count of their insolvency ; and we were advised, that as the exemption of Mr, Jack was only in relation to his indorfe ment, we had a right to recover from him what we had paid for a paper, which con trary to what was exprelled in the face of it, proved to be of no value. This advice we still believe to be correa ; and as we were reduced to the dilemma oPfuffering a nonfuit, because the neceflary tellimony was not colieaed in time, we mull renew the suit and be prepared to try the merits when the cause is next called for trial. BENJAMIN SIMS. Augusta, Nov. 18. FOR SALE, On a credit of ninety days , for Country Pro duce, IVtjl-India Goods , or even Cash will .be taken in payment : A HANDSOME COACHEE, with Hamefs complete for two horses For further particulars enquire of JOSEPH ASHTON. Oaobcr 28. (ao.) FOR SALE, A WAGGON, W hich has been in use, and New Gears to it. Apply at this Office. OAober 7. 17,