Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, October 24, 1805, Image 1

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• ; . - • w VOL. VII No. 16.] Conditions of the Ilerttld. The AUGUSTA HERALD will be published week ly the price of which will be three dollars a jean half, or the whole, payable in advance, as may be most agreeable. A l l ■ Subscriptions will be for one year at least, but Subscribers papers will not be discontinued, till a wish to that effeft has hern signified. Advertisements will be inserted at 63 cents a ®ijuare for the first publication, and 42 cents a square for »«rh succeeding continuation. Persons who may wish to take the HiHald, are refpe&fully informed, that Subscription Pa pers are in the hands of the following gentlemen who are duly authorized to receive the advance money. Savannah...NltCts. Bacon Cs* Malone. Me firs Seymour Es* Co. St. Mary's....yieCrs. Cook & 1 Co. Louisville Major John Berrien, H. Stem. Washington.... Bernard Kelly, Esq. Wilkes County.... lfaac Willborn, Esq. Ma thew Talbot, Esq. Greene County.... Robert Dale, Esq. Hancock County....VeKerhn Thweat, Esq. Clark County. ...E. B. Jenkins, Esq. David Witt, Esq. Franklin County... . Thomas P. Carnes, Esq. Elbert County Middleton \Vood3, Esq. George Cook, Esq. Petersburg Caps. Robert Thompfom Me(Trs. Whyte and Heilyer. Lisbon.... MelTrs. Jones and Walton. Lincoln.... John M. Dooly, Esq. Oglethorpe....'Sir. Samuel Strong. Grantsville. ...William, Grunt. Cambridge, S. C Doffor J. Casey. N or I C E. THE Copartnerftiip of Edmund & James Low is this day diffblved by consent, E. LOW. JAMES LOW. Burke County, Oftober 10. (it) NOTICE. THE Copartnerfhip of Cormick & Lube, being ditto]»cd by the death of the latter : The business will be carried on in future, by the fublcriber, to whom all persons having de minds against the firm, or individually, are de fined to apply, anti those indebted, arc requefied to make immediate payment. JOSEPH G. CORMICK. September 26. (m tl) ~N OTIC E THE dittolution of the Copirtncrlhip of Taylor £3" Moore, has this day taken place by mutual consent.—All perfons'indebt ed thereto by book account, are desired to li quidate them, and thnfc whose Notes are due are reguefted to difeharge them immediately, otherwilefuits will be instituted for their en forcement. DAVID TAYLOR. AUGUSTUS MOORE. . T" !v (3) NOTICE. THE Parnerfhip of Scott Ctf Kelly having expired—Those indebted to tha firm, are requested to fettle with the Suhfcri bers, who will in future carry on the business 2s usual. WILLIAM SCOTT. THOMAS KELLY. 3°- (47) ~~N OTIC E. ALL having claims against the ellate of .1 illiam Poe, la’e of the city o! Augufia, deceased, are desired to exhibit them duly attested and those indebted, to make pay ment to THOMAS CUMMING 1 . GEORGE WATKINS, } Aum "■ Wa ? 30- (47) N O T I C E. ALL persons having claims against: the estate of John Pierce, late of the city or Augusta, deceased, are desired to exhibit them duly attested ; and thole indebted to make immediate payment to ROBERT HAMILTON, ? ~ JAMES HAMILTON, j A<tmr s ‘ February 19. (tf 34 ) N OTIC E. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of William Harknels, deceased, are desired to make payments to, and all those who have demands against, are required to render state ments agreeable to la-v to Abfalom Rhodes, Esq. with whom the books and papers are longed. OSW 7 ELL EVE. January 3. (86) N O F7c e. ALL persons to whom the estate of the late Andrew Innes, stands indebted, are re quested to render their accounts properly at tested ; and those indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment to James Beggs, Adm’r. December S. (ts--) WEBSTER’S Spelling Books, fOR SALE AT THE AUGUSTA BOOK-STORE. The Subscriber, Respectfully informs the Public,and particularly the Lumber Cutters on the Sa vannah River, that he has taken the commo dious and ex’enfi”e Lumber Yard, Together with the Wharf, Store?, Sec. former ly occupied by Col. Ambrose Gordon, WHERE HE INTENDS TRANSACTING THE Lumber, Factorage and Commifm Business, For such persons as may favor him with their patronage ; and flatters himfelf that the uniform attention and pun&nslitv which he means to observe, will not only leave no room for complaint, but give as general and com plete fatisfaflion, as the Rate of the market and his own conflant exertions will admit. TaTTe who may haveoccafion for hi? frrvj. ces branches of the FACTORAGE BUSINESS, (for the tranfa£tinn of which he has as suitable (lores as any in Savannah) may be allured that their interest will not be neglec ted. William Cook. Savannah , Sept. 19. (ijtf) NOTICE. THE fubferibers having entered into Co partnerfliip, intend to tranfiuft Commission Business, UNDER THE FIRM OF BELCHER fcf PHELPS, And offer their services to the public in that line. WILLIAM BELCHER. CHARLES P. PHELPS. Wm. BELCHER, takes leave to inform his friends in Georgia of the above mentioned connexion, and rcfpeflfully felieits their pa tronage in all agency business. Boston, Sept. 2. (14 iy) Bills of Exchange, ON NEW YORK, For sale by JOHN HOWARD & Co. OftnWrr to. <■,,, 1 v '-47 JUST RECEIVED, " AHD FOR SALE , 30 hogsheads MOLASSES, 10 bags COFFEE, 15 barrels LOAF SUGAR. JOSIAH ROBBINS & Co. September 17. (iitf) removal. THE Subscriber having taken a fix years LEASE of Mr. John Porter’s Dock, ad joining Mr. Boltons Yamacraw wharf, he has removed his lumber yard.—The situation of this dock being equal, if not superior to the one he formerly occupied, both in situation and largcnefs, he is hopeful of a continuance of former favors; he has likewise large and commodious store rooms for the reception of every species of produce. JOHN MEAD. Savannah, September 5. (g.) (p 3 ALL persons indebted to the late firm of William H. Jack fsf Co. or to the eflate of Andrew Innes , deceased, by bond •r note, are once more called on for im mediate settlement; n* further indulgence can be giver. —Those indebted to either of the above mentioned firms on open account, are requefled to liquidate the fume previous to the firfl day of September next.—After that date, suits will be commenced against delin quents without diferimination. JAMES 3EGGS, Adm'r. J u, y 4- (52) IpP Wanted in a RefpedUble Store in this City, a YOUNG MAN, well acquaint ed with Business, and a good'accompiant. - To a person thus qualified, a liberal salary will be given. Application to be made at the Augufti Book Store. September 26. ( t f I 3) NO 1 ICE—In consequence of a Number of Ticket! of the Charleston East- Bay Street Lottery still remaining unfold, the drawing is unavoidably postponed until January next, tncrefore all those who wifti to become adventures may still have an opportunity of porchafing Tickets from the fubferiber in Broad-Street. JOHN WILLSON. G- (8 6) N OTIC E. I 'HIS is to caution any person from tra X ding for a due bill given by me the 24th ummo, to Tbeophilus Simmons of Orange Burgh Diftrift, South-Carolina, for one quar ter cask Weft-India Rum, and one quarter calk Ncw-England Rum, 33 I am determined not to pay the faqte, it having been given in pay ment fer a herfe, which, from circumstances, I fufped to have been stolen. DAVID TAYLOR. Otfohtr a. (rjtf) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1805. JUST RECEIVED AT THE AUGUSTA BOOK S TOR II. PORNEY’S French Spelling Book, Perrin’s French Excrcife , Ditto do. Fab!e>, Greek Testaments and Lexicon?, Clarke’s Homer’s Jiiad. Ditto do. Oil v fie v. Young's Bailey’s and Johnson’s Diftionarie?, Kennel's and Adam’s Antiquities, jenyn’s View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion, Willifon’s Catechism, Public Characters, or Contemporary Eiogrn phv, Winter Evening?, Guide to Happinef?, Blank Bonks Ruled for Music, Pliilanthrophift, or Political Love Totyder. July 10 A Few Barrels Superfine Flour, For Sale by ROSS, BROWN tst Co. J»!y 25. (3) —■ ■ ■ ■ - i A few Reams excellent WRITING PAPER, just received and for fide at tlie Attgufln Book Store. October 17. Lost, or Lent Out, A PAIR of large STEELYARDS, which will weigh auout 364115. ;hr person in whole potteffion they may be, will confer a favour by returning them to DAVID TAYLOR. September 12. ( IO ) n FTT i c e. WHEREAS my wife Lucy Marfliall, has left rry bed and board without anv just caole, this is to caution all agamlt giving her any credit on my account, as I wili pay no debts of her contrasting, after this date. MATHEW MARSHALL. Lincoln County, Oftober 5. (3 r ”) N oTI C E. ONE of the Administrators on the Estate of the late John Pierce deceased, ex peding to be absent from the state a few months All persons concerned are hereby informed that, in his absence, Mr. Andrew Harrison, is appointed and duly authorifed to tranf.uSt business for the said eflate, anti give receipts for all monies which may be paid on account thereof. RO3ERT HAMILTON,? , JAMES HAMILTON, f /Jmr u July 18. ( 2 ) notice. THE Administrators of the eflate of John Pierce, deceased, being desirous to close Adminiftratinn as soon at polfible, and the securities urging it.—Those persons indebted to the estate are again called on to make pav ment on or before the firfl day of June next ; if not, they may exped to find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney. ROBERT HAMILTON,? , JAMES HAMILTON, A P ril »• (ts 42) notice! I HEREBY forewarn all persons from trailing for a certain NOTE OF HAND, given bv me, to Seaborn Jones, Esq. on the fourth of March 1803, f or one hundred dollar?, a s the said Note is paid, and can be proven. SOLOMON ELLIS, Sen'r. Columbia County , Sept. 21. (1 2 ) A Waggon, WILL be fold on Tuefday the 3d of December, 1805,.at the Black-imith’s fliop apposite to Mr. Chaifields, to pav for the •ronwork of said Waggon, done at said (hop, provided the owner does not fettle the demand before the day of sale. If any balance 1? on hand after fatisfving the said account and ?d --vrrtifing, (fay 30 dollars) it (hall be paid to the owner on application. , W. URQUHART. September 24. ( I 2) TO RENT, Two Stores, WITH CONVENIENT OUT HOUSE 3. PO3SEISSION ofonewillbe given imme diately, and of the other on the firfl of November next. Enquire at the Augufla Book-Store. 5 September 5. (g) (pT The GEORGIA JUSTICE OF PEACE, may be had at the AUGUSTA BOOK-STORE; and in Lonifville of James Meriwether, Esq. and «t the Surveyor-Gener al’s office. Jaiy 4- fs a ) [WHOLE No. 328. SHERIFF’S SALES. Ott the f.<fl Tuesday in November next, at the Mar. krt I Lust in the City of Augusta, at the usual /nuts, WILL BE SOLD, One Negro Fellow named Dick, lev!- fd on as ifv. property of F.ovd«is, to fatif fv nn execution in favor of Davy Hunlv, obtained ; gain ft Nathaniel Durkce, as princi pal ami In»vd Jarvis as fei urity. ALSO ' 274 Acres of land lying nnd being ii 'he county of Richmond, hounded hv lam s belonging to the estate of M'Carten Campbell, the mm n commons of Anguftj, and lands be longing to Robert Crefwcll, the above land levied on as the propertr of Floyd Jarvic, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Archibald Beal. —ALSO,— One Negro Fellow named Refer, le v!*d on as the property of Drradfil Pace, to fatisfy nn execution in favor of Archibald Beal. —ALSO,— One Negro boy named Eill, levied on as the property of William Maxw-el ’, to fa. tisfv an fxecu’ion in favor of Ftancis Gaddy. Conditions Ca'h. H. M'TYRE, d. s. r. c. OJ!o\-r 3. (I 5) Administrator’s Sale. l/dlle Sold on the toils December next , r.t the 1 lantuian rs Samuel Hollingsiwrtls, dee. ALL the perfonnl Property of said Hidlingfworth, on a twelve months credit, br bom 1 , «ith approved fecurry, viz : Six Ne groe?, Cattle, Hogs and Household Furniture, f lie la'e will be rominued from day to day until the property s all fold, JACOB HOLLINGSWORTH, Adm'r. , MARY LAN OIK, Edm'ttix. Septrini’iT 21 ( r -) Will be Exposed to Sale, On the fst/1 Tuesday in November next, at the Market-House in Augusta, the following tra fit of land, viz : * Two tra&s granted to William Mat thews, containing Two Hundred andeightv feven md a half acres, each fituatc lying and being in the County of Walhington.on the Al tamaha river. —A L S 0— One other traA granted to William Matthews, containing Six Hundred and ninety acres, situate lying and being op the Ocenee tiver, and. in the county of Wafliington at the time of survey—which said several trnfls of lanrf, being the real rftate of William Mat thew';. deceased, will be fold for cnfii, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. WILLIAM GARRETT, Adm'r. August 26. (g) (pP A large supply of the ist. 2d. ana 3</. Fils, of the LIFE OF WASHINGTON, /t nsiu on* the River, anti it rxpeffed to arrive carlo next ■urn- Subscribes s not formerly supplied, with the sis fiend second /'A will please apply at Dofior Murray--, where thsy will receive them —lbe Thiul /- /. will then also le delivered y r>n paying Four Dollars in advance for the Fourth Volume. Mr. Wayne (theproprietor of'this work) bees the Subscribers to receive as his apology for the dis appointment they have experienced in the receipt of their Vols. his assurance, that about nine hundred Volumes intended for South Car olina and Georgia, were unfortunately loft at sea, during the winter— which compelled him to repr int the same. It it expefled the while will be soon completed in Five Vols. the last to be accompanied with art Atlafs and list of Subscribers namet , which will be deliver . ed to Subscribers gratis. ! une go- ( 5 o) Just Fublifhed, Andfoi .'.ale, at the Augusta Book-Stork .The la(t Word? and Dying Confetfiojp of JOSEPH HAMPTON BEELER, Who was executed at Edgefield for patting Counterfeit Money. THIS Confettion confirms what has long been fufpefled, that there was an ex'en five connexion of the counterfeiting gentry, reachingmto fevera! of the louthern and w»f trrn states, 3nd embracing many person? of ref pedlability and wealth—and we trust that the circumstances this confettion details, will lead to fume important dilcoveries, and to just and legal convi£lion c . OTP,A FED from Augofta Commons a few O days since, a DARK BAY MARE, about 1 hands high, a natural trotter, and draws well in a carriage; no brands, a (mail star in her forehevl, (nine (addle spots on her back fetlocks-trimmed and without (hoes—Who ever will deliver the said Mare at the Augusta Book Store, or give information where (lie may be had, (hall be handsomely compenlatec* for their trouble. (p* Ihe fubferibers to the LIFE OF WASHINGTON, may receive the Sec ond Yolume, by applying at Doctor Mur. ray’s, and paying Four Dollars in advance .or the Third Volume. February 7. (3l)