Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, December 12, 1805, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. VII No. 23 J Augustus Moore, Oppofte Mfjfrs. Gardner’s & Messrs. Ross, Brown & Co. large Brick Building. Has just Received and is now Opening, A GENERAL assortment of DRY GOODS, Suitable for the Season, and for the Country Trade particularly. AMONG THEM ARE FLANNELS, Coatings, Caflimeres, Cloths, Plains, Blankets, Carpeting, Oznaburgs, Dowlas, Sheetings, Linens, Piatillas, Calicoes, Dimities, Mullins, Cambrics, Florentines, Du rants, Calimancoes, Wildbores, Shaloon, Ser ges, Bombazerts, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Ho siery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Suspenders, Cordu Toys, Fancy Cords, Velvets, Sewing Silks, Threads, Tapes, Bobbins, Shoe Thread,Twine, Leading Lines, Bed Cords, Cotton Cards, Sta tionary, Powder, Shot, Lead, Flints, Alum, Soap, Copperas, Spirits of Turpentine, Medi cines, Crockery, Glass Ware, &c. See. See. With a great V~atiety of Articles in the Cutlery,Hardware fc? Ironmongery Line —ALSO,— Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rum, Gin, Wine, and Peach Brandy, Molaffcg, Bottled Porter, and various other kin•« of GROCERIES. All which will be sold at a very moderate profit, for, cash, or almojl any kind of produce. December 5. (22) Mrs. Chatfield, Has Just Received and For Sale on moderate terms , A Variety of Imperial Chip Bonnets, OF THE LATEST FASHION: Together with her former stoi k, making a neat and General Assortment of Articles in her line. December $. (22) Coach Making. A REPORT having somehow been circulat ed,that the fubferi'oer had it in contempla tion to relinquilh his COACH MAKING BUSINESS, be take* tbs liberty of informing the public, that he has never had any foch in tention, on the contrary he has lateiy received several additional hands, who are excellent workmen, and the business will be carried on by him in future, more extensively than hereto lore.—Coaches, Chairs, and Carriages of any kind will be made, or repaired, in the best man ner, on reasonable terms, and with the utmost promptitude. As he is well supplied with a quantity of well seasoned Wood, he flatters himfelf, that those who employ him will find his work equal to any imported from abroad. NOW ON HAND, Two or three ready made Giggs, For Sale on reasonable terms. CHARLES JOHNSON. December 5. (22) ffcj* SOMERVILLE. THIS valuable healthy Retreat on Rae’s Creek, about four miles from Augusta, is r.ffered for Sale on moderate terms. It con tains upwards of 4000 acres of well timbered Pine Land ; a large clearing under good divi sion fences; a Saw and Grill-Mill; —and the stream and situation is well calculated for the ereHion of a Cotton Machine, Diflillery and other improvements. Also , 4 or 500 acres of Pine Land on the road to the Rocks, just above the late relidence of George Walker, Esq deceased, and suppos ed to be equally healthy with any other place in the State, and on which there is a Never Failing Spring of excellent Water. Also, a Valuable Lot and improvements, call ed Offutts, in Harrisburg. For terms apply to John B. Wilkmfon, Esq. in the absence of SEABORN JONES. December 4. (3 22) ~N OTIC E. " TO BE HIRED TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, On WEDNESDAY the fi>fl day January next, at the Dwelling House of the Subscriber , Eighteen or Nineteen likely Negroes, Confining of Men, Women and Children, Boys and Girls of different sizes, belonging to the "Orphan of William Hill, deceased, those that have them in pofftffion, will please to have them there clothed according to contrail with their hire. James Alford, Guardian. December 5. (2t 22) TO BE HIRED, At the Market-House in Augusta, on the fir ft day of January next, for the term of one year, The NEGROES belonging to Miss Mart Ann Hammond—those persons who hired them for the last year, are requested to return the Negroes, Cloathed agreeable to Contrails. John Course, } n C. D. Hammond,\ Guard s * December 5. (22) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1805. Bradley & Knapen, MERCHANT- TAYLORS, . Have Juit Received from New. York, and for Snie, THE FOLLOWING — GOODS, —VIZ BEST London Superfine Blue Cloth, ■ do. do. Black do. do. falhionable mixed do. Dutch Superfine Biai k do. Best London Blue and Black Caflimeres, do. Mixed & Falhionable Cclhmires, Black and Fancy Patent Cord, Black, Drab and Olive Genoa Fancy Cord, Fancy Silk Velvet Veiling, A variety of Toilinert and Swanfdown do. White, Green and Blue F annels, Bell Gilt Fancy Coat Buttors, Silk and Cotton Sofpvnriers, Together with all kinds ot Trimmings made use of in their line of bi.finels. They expt-A in a few days a further supply of FANCY GOODS, which will render their assortment interior to none. They return their thanks to the public for the liberal support they have experienced fiu-e their rtfitlence in this place, anii hope their at tention to hi finds will fecoretlitm a continu ance of past favors—They are lorry to have caufeonce more, to folic it those who have fullered their accounts to fluid for years, to come forward and lettle them ; to those alone we have to ohferve, that anv apil'cation for work on a credit, will not be attended to in future. December 5. (22) Dissolution of Partnership. IN conftq ience of the death < f Thomas Ktl ly, the Partnerlh.p cf fcco tt ‘j* Kelly, is dissolved-—ass indebted to that concern, are he re by notified that no indulgence u 11 he giyet) af ter the fir ft of February next, when, all bonds, notes and accounts will indi(cri>ninatei» be placed in a lawyer’s hands for recovering, in the mean time, produce will be received in pay ment at the Market price. Those who may have demands against the late firm are re quested to present them for let Latent. In future the buftTefs will be carried on* by the fubferiber, who has on hand, an e«*i nfive and compUre assortment of DRY GOODb and GROCERIES, which will We Aiffnfr.t on such terms as to make It an objtH to Country Store-Kepers. William Scott. November 28. <2l) N O T I C E. THE fubfr ribers having entered into C«- partnerlhity, intend to tranfaA Commission Business, UNDER THE FIRM OF ' BELCHER U PHELPS , And offer their firvi • < to the public in that line WILS tM BELCHER, CHARLES P. PHELPS. Wm, BELCHER, fakes leave to inform his friends in Georgia of be above mentioned conne&ion, ard refpeltfulls felieits their pa tronage in all agency business. Boston, Sepr.-2 # (14 iv) ~N <J T I C E. ALL persons indebted to the estate of George Ringland, are requested to make payment to the fubferiber, and those who purchafetl property at the sale of that estate, are informed that their notes having been some time due, payments are expelled immediately ; as there are some demands against the estate which mud be paid, a further indulgence can not be given ; those who have accounts against that estate are informed, that arrangements, are making to difebargethem all,and they are desir ed to fend them in, with the necessary vouchers or fettlcment, to John Carmichael, A fling Adm'r. November 28 (213) N O T I C E. THE CopHrrnerftvpof Cormick & Lube, being diffoUed by the death vl the latter: The business will be carried, on in future, by the fubferiber, to whom all persons having de mands against the firm, or individually, are de sired to apply, and ihofe indebted, are requested to make immediate payment. JOSEPH G. CORMICK. September 26. ; (12 ts) N O T I C E. THE Par nerlhip of Scott & Kellys having expired—Those indebted to that firm, are requested to fettle with the Subscri bers, who will in future carry on the business as usual. WILLIAM SCOTT. THOMAS KELLY. Mav 30. (47) N O T I CL ALL persons having claims against the estate of Will/am Poe, late of the city of Augusta, deceased, are dtfired to exhibit them duly attested and those indebted, to make pavment to THOMA 3 CUMMING 7 .. , GEORGE WATKINS, \ Admr ‘- May 30. (47) DRY GOODS fpsi ] ' * eery Stove. The Subscriber, In addition to his fosmer ajfht tsttent has received, and is novj a Fresh Supply of FALL GOODS; ....SUCH AS ... OSE and Dnffil Blanket*, Cloth*, Ker- XV. feymeres, Flannels, Corduroy?, Velvets, Intckfets, Patient Cord, Durant*, Caliman Bombazetts, Oznaburgv, Ti klenbnrgh, i willed Sacking, Brown and White Hetliau Ralls, Brown and White Piatillaj, Brown Lin en, I and -J Irish Linen, Dimities, Calicoes, Vlutlins, Cambrics, Cotten and Worfied Hnfi t ry, Black and Coloured Barcelona, Striped and andanno Silk Hamiken hiefs, Romals, Cotton ;nd Linen Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Cotton and Thread Fringe, Black Silk Fringe, Laces Edge tugs, Bobbins, Tapes, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes and Slippers, also, a general adoitmtnt of Iron Mongerv, Hard-Ware and Groceries, comprising Nails, Locks, Hinges, Smoothing irons. Hand Irons. Knives Sc Forks; Siv-tiHSths, Pocket, Pruning, Pen, Butcher, Shte, Glazing and Drawing Knives, Steel and Pot Coffee-Mills, Tools, Jamaica, Weft India and d rthward Rum, Cogniac and Peach Bran dv ; j itrry, Teneriffe and Malaga Wine, bell London bottled Porter, Teas, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Pepper, Spice, Real Spanifli Scgars. With a Numher of other Ai ticks , Which comprises a very general aflbrtment, all cl which be is determined to fell at the mod rHuced prices, for cash and country pro litres onlv. DAVID TAYLOR. December $. (22) Alexander Spencer, lias received on Cor signment direct from the Manufaftories. » 196 Dozen SHAWLS, Nezvefl Paterns. *. v1 Pieces CHINTZ & CALICOES, do. will be fold isy-the Dozen or Piece a Ay moderate advance for cash or clean V in. » >' «f N ovember 28. (3141) if.--’ "" ; 1 he Subscriber, HAS JUST RECEIVED, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS; Imported in the Ships Union and Bruns wick, from Liverpool. Calculated principally fur fuppivinp COUNTRY STORES —Which will tie dilpoled of something under the ufnal rates by the piece or package, for Prompt Payment in cash or produce. John Fox. November 21. (20) The Subscriber, RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, and particularly the Lumber Cutters on the Sa vannah River, that he has taken the comma dious and extensive Lumber Yard, Together with the Wharf, Stores, See. former ly occupied by Col. Ambrose Gordon, WHERE HU INTENDS TRANSACTING THE Lumber, Fa ft or age and Commijfion , Business , For such persons as may favor him with their patronage ; and flatters himfelf that the uniform attention and pun&uality which he means to observe, will not only leave no room for complaint, but give as general and com plete fatisfaffion, as the Rate of the market and his own constant exertions will admit. Those whotmay have occaGon for his servi ces in other Branches of the FACTORAGE BUSINESS, (for the tranfaflion of which he has as suitable (lores as any in Savannah) may be a (lured that their intcreß will not be neglec ted. William Cook. Savannah, Sept. 19. (>5‘Q REMOVAL. THE Subscriber having taken a fix vears LEASE of Mr. John Pooler’s Dock, ad joining Mr. Boltons Yamaeraw wharf, he has removed his lumber yard.—The situation of this dock being equal, if not fnperinr to the one he formerly occupied, both in situation and brgenefs, he is hopeful of a continuance of former favors; he has likewise large and commodious flore rooms for the reception of every species of produce. „ JOHN MEAD. Savannah, September 5. (q.) N O T I C E. ALL persons to whom the estate of the late Andrew Innes, Rands indebted, are re queßed to render their accounts properlyat telled; and those indebted to the faideflate to* make immediate payment to James Beggs , Adm’r. December 8. ' (ts 32.) [WHOLE No. 355. (r.j The Subscriber, OPENED, A HANDSOME AS SORTMENT OF GOODS, Which he will Sell Cheap for Cash or Produce. Among which arc the Following Article*. —VIZ KOBE and London Doffil Blanket?*,. " k Blue, Green, Brown & White Plains, B.nh Coating & Yorkfliire Cloths, Suptrfine & second cloths, Calltmeres and Sivanfdoivm, Red, Green, Yellow, White Sc Scarlet Flan nels, Fancy Cord, Tli'ckfet Sc Hunters Cord, Mens and Youths coarse and Fine Hats, White and Coloured JVlerfeilles, Dimities, Jaconet, Book, Lappet, Japanned and Tam bonrd Mullins, Plain and Laced Cnmbrick M Bins, Mullin Shawls and Handkercbie/s Traces and Edgings, Durants and Bombazetts, Irifli Liuen and Sheeting, Oanahurgs .wid Cotton 8.-gemv, Saddles and Bridles, ALSO, A large assortment of IRON MONGERY H CUTLERY, And a quantity of GROCERIES. With a great variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate, CT* Hr reque/ls those indebted, to come forward ns foots as pofible. and those who were backward la ft year, will save tkcnj'elves and him trouble , by paying their accounts, as neccjfity -will oblige him to be rejjs ng- John Carmichael. November 28. (1131) Bills of Exchange, ON NEW YORK, For sale by JOHN HOWARD kef Co. October 10. (,f, 4 ) A Pew Uarralt Superfine Flour, For Sale by ROSS, BROWN df Co. J ul ? (3) A few Reams excellent WRITING PAPER, Jufi received and forfale at the Augu/la Bcoh Store. October 17. I he Public are Refpeftfully in formed, that Mr. MITCHEL.L’s Dancing School, will hereafter be kept on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Hit next School day will be on Ihursday the 21st inst. at Mr. Ashton’s Dancing Room. Hours of attendance, from 10 o’clock to is in the forenoon, and from half past 3, to half past 5 in the afternoon. Mr. Mitchell will attend, at private houses, to give Leflbns to those, who choose rather to be taught at home, than to attend the Ichool. He also teaches the Piano Forte, Violin, and Gtrman Flute. November 14. (jf r q) ALL. persons indebted to the late firm of William H. Jack df Co. or to the estate of Andrew lnnes, decealed, by bom! or note, are once more called on for im mediate fettlemenr; no further indulgence can be given —Thole indebted to either of the above mentioned firms on open account, are requested to liquidate the fame previous to the firft dav of September next.—After that date, suits will be commenced against delin quents without diferimination. JAMES BEGGS, Adm'r. J»’y 4- (52) NOT! C E. dillolution of the Copartnerfljip of Taylor df Moore, has this day taken place by mutual consent.—All persons indebt ed thereto by book account, are desired to li quidate them, and those whose Notes are due are reguefted to difeharge them immediately, oiherw ile fuiti will be inflituted for their en forcement. DAVID TAYLOR. AUGUSTUS MOORE. July =5. (3) None e; ALL Persons indebted to the Eftafe of William Harkr.eli, detea feci, are desired to make payments to, and all those wlfo have dem?nds against, are required to rend-r state ments agreeable to law to Abfalom Rhodes, Esq. with whom the books and papers are lodged. OSWELL EVE. January 3. (86) 1 he bublcribers to the LIFE OF WASHINGTON, may receive the 4th Vrdume, by applying at Do&or Murray’s and paying the advance for the fifth and last volume. November 7. (18)