Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, March 17, 1818, Image 2

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w' _ WHOLESALE grocery store. ——— The Subscriber, Hat now on hand, and it constantly receiving from JS'eiv-Forlc and Boston, Extensive Supplies of the Following Articles, which will be Sold for Cash or Town AcexrTANOES at 2, 8 and 4 Months, as low as they can be had in any Wholesale Grocery in the State : HHDS. and Barrels prime Sugar U ). and do. Loaf k Lump do. Ticices and Bags Coffee Whole Chests and Qr. Boxes Hyson Tea Hhds. and Tierces Molasses Jamaica 4*h Proof, Wind-? RUM in Hhds ward-1 stand 3d Proof, k \ #nd Bartels New-England ) Holland and ? qjjj j n Pipes and Barrels Northern ) Cagniac Brandy A Spanish ditto f pj pel and Barrels Peach ditto I r Cider ditto j Philadelphia and Georgia Whiskey Cherry Bounce in Barrels Anniseed, Peppermint? CORD i A LS Cinnamon and Clove y Philadelphia Beer in Barrels Newaik Cider in ditto London Porter and ? In 6 and 10 dozen Brown Stout ) Casks Tener.ffe, Sherry, Siciley, ? WINES in half Madeira and Malaga J pipes*qr. casks Spanish and American Segn s Chocolate in Boxes Pepper, Ginger and Spice in Bags Almonds and Filberts in Bags and Bbls. Raisins in Boxes and Kegs M ickarel, No 3 fat Fall ditto Smok' d Herrings in Boxei Cheese Goshen in Casks Butter ditto in Tubs Cranberries in Barrels Oranges in ditto Shad, No. 1, in ditto Salmon in ditto and Kegs Potatoes in Barrels Window Glass 8 by 10 Windsor Soap? , n Boxes Bar ditto y Daniel Abbot, Respectfully informs the public that he has commenced the Windsor Chair Making Rusiness. at the uppermost Store on the North-Side of Broad-Street where they may be supplied with Chain of vaiioiis colours and descriptions, and the work warrrnted HE H IS FOB SJILE, a qUAXTtTY or Domestic Goods, VIZ— Shirtings, Ginghams, Sattinets Fustians, Woollen Cloths Morocco Shoes Hats Warrented Saddles an J Bridles, kc. Which he offers for sale at Wholesale and Retail for cash or country produce on the roost liberal terms. — also — One elegant Timepiece. Chairs mended and painted as above. Janu'rv 30 61 W illiam Farrington, HAS JUST RECEIVED, JJnd ha for sate at the Store, lately occupied by Doctor W C. Lawrence , deceased. I OAF Sc Lump Sugar by the Hhd or Bbl Jl B-o«n Sugar :n Hhds. and barrels, Holland Gin in Pipes, barrels, kegs, or by the single Gallon Brandy in Pipes, or by the Gallon Barrels Cordials 14 Half Barrels do. 30 Bartels N. E. Rum 6 Hhds 4th proof J m.tica ditto. A few Pipes Northern Gin, k 10 Casks Whiskey, 6 Chests best Hyson Tea, A few Barrels Coffee 40 Casks and 10 Boxes Cheese 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 40 Kegs best No. 1, Butter *0 Boxes Shaving Soap 10 Ditto. Cigars I.orril id’s best Maccoboy and Scotch Snuff by the dozen or single Bcttle Best Cut. and Twist Tobacco Smith’s Bellows Tow Cloth Common Fools Cap, and best Letter Paper Logwood, Iron, Steel, k<-. kc. The whole of which will be sold low for cash p oduce or town acceptances. December. 5 45 Imported Irish Potatoes. THE SUBSCRIBER, Has landing from the Jtoat Constitution. 122 HAMPERS Imported Irish P (aloes of excellent quant) for Need or family use. vl I.SO A a quantity of N. E. Rum. and No'iiu-.n >\ htskey in Hhds. k Barrels. W ou n will be disposed of on accommodat ing terms, Wiliam M‘Harg. Januarry 20 Candles, Mould and Dipt, 4,5, and 6’s. Geor gia, and Northern make Wrapping Paper Writing and Letter do. White Lead in 28 Ih, Kega Linseed Oil in Barrels Sheet Iron for Gin Makers English and American Castings Jugs and Jars in Crates and Hhds. Cut Nails, Brads and Boat Spikes Bar Lead, Shot of all Sizes Dupont's Powder F. F. B xes Negro Pipes German, Blisteied and Crowley’s Steel Plough Mouh's Sad Irons and ) „ . _ . Trace Chains $ lhe Uik Inverness Bagging Twilled Sacking Ready m ,de Bags Kentuckey Tow Cloth German Linen Men’s and Youths Roram and Wool Hats by (he Box Women's Roan Slips assorted colouts Grindstones Bottles in Hhds. and Hampers Liverpool and Coarse Salt Waggon Tire and Axe Bar Iron Nutmegs in Kegs Rice in half Tierces Copperas, kc. kc kc. Deni jons Superior Old Madeira WINE warrented not inferior to any. —ALSO— ON CONSIGNMENT. !0 Bbls. (Double rebntri) Loaf Sugar 12 Doz. Elegant Gilt Ch-Ps James L. Oliver. February 6 t 63 Edward Quin & Co. HAVE RECEIVED, Per ship Portia from Bordeaux, 85 Bbls. Almonds 75 Lasts f.iatet. Cordial, Oiives, Capers, Fruits in Brandy Sweet Oil and P unes And have also on hand, 20 Hhds. Nugar 10 Ditto Jamaica Rom 60 Qr. Casks Ttneriffe, Sherry and Malaga WINES 4 Pipes II ill md Gin 50 Barrels Northern do. and Domestic Brandy 30 Bbls. Lump Sugar 70 K. gs Dupont and Co’s, double and treble F. Gunpowder 200 Boxes Raisins 100 Ditto Spanish Segars 20 Krgs Northern Butter 22 Barrels Train and Linseed Oil, &c. J -nm»-v so 6] Apothecary’s Hall. FOR SALE, 3 I Tierce and 4 Cases Vials, consisting of White, Green. Speoia, Essence and Patent VIALS, assorted. —ALSO— -10 Barrels Salts, 300 lbs. Pale Peruvian Bark 100 lbs. Yellow ditto do. 20 lbs. Red ditto do. 50 lbs. English Calomel, 100 lbs. Powdered Jalap, 200 lbs. Camphor, 100 Bottles Castor Oil, W. I. 6 Dozen cold strained American, for fami ly use, 6 Do Henry’s Cal’d Magnesia, (London) With an extensive and general ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS, SPICES, DIES, PAINTS AND PATENT MEDICINES, SHOP FURNITURE. BY Cunningham Iff Dunn. —-Constantly on hand — White WINE VINEGAR. Jmm-v ?p 5 8 Clothing, Scythe Blades, Gold Watches and Jewelry. THE SUBSCRIBER, Hat Received on Consignment, t Trunk London Broad Cloth Coats 4 Elegant Patent Lever Gold Watches Sundry Cards assorted Jewelry, and 21 Dozen Scythe Blades, All of which he offers for sale, on reason able tet rat. John G. Cowling. U" Apply at the Store of Messia iVl'Ge he» k Musgrove, on Broad-Street. February 37 gr 69 *** tteguhitions establishing the Customary FREIGHT, between Savannah au«l Augusta, may be had at this Oihee, LATE FROM ENGLAND. From the Charles. Courier, March it. By the ship Sally, Capt. Watsok, arri ved here yesterday in the short passage ot iS da\s from Liverpool, we have received London Papers tu the 27th, and Liverpool Papers to the 29tli January, both inclusive —nearly a month later than before received. Some extracts from them will be found in this morning’s Courier ; the most ma|er>»l of which relate to the 8 t»»c of the markets; there being not 1 " 1 '!? politically impor an . The London Papers contain the .Speech of the President of the United States at the opening of Congress, with some flattering re remarks upon its amicable temper, and the , flourishing state of this country. J '1 here is much speculation in the English prints, as to the views of the United states in taking possession of Amelia-Island. [Extracts from Commercial Letters.] “ Liverpool, January 2 4. “ The demand for Cotton has beeu limi ted this week—and, with the exception of Sea Islands, prices of all sorts have tleeliued > *d. Ihe sale* amount to 4000 bags, of nhi eh 3i>o are Sea-1 stands, at is 3d a is ltd ; 130 j Orleans, at it a 23i ; and 1430 Boweds, at To-day new Boweds ofter Ireely : at 2ld. without meeting pureliasers. 300 bags ot good quality were sold yesterday in ! one hand at iujd Tobacco lias been in good j demaud aud prices of middling and flue leal are higher. 230 casks new Carolina Rice has beeu sold by auction at 37 a 38s per ewt. j “ lu the week ending 17th Jail. 11,000 ; bags of Cotton had been sold in Liverpool, j among which a small lot of Sea-Islands j brought 3s 3d.” “ Liveiipool, January 27. j “ The demand for Cuttou continues ve- > ry moderate, and even Uplands are heavy i at 2ld ; a parcel of 300 has been sold at 20 Jd; and was ottered and refused, 1 for an entire cargo of nearly 1000 bales. Very fine Sea-islands are scarce and for ve- i ry eltoice marks 2d a 3d advance has been given ; say 3s 3d a 3s 6d— Wiee is lower; about 330 casks have sold at 37s a 33s per ewt.” Fricts at Liverpool, Jan. 29. Cutton, per lb. Bd. Georgia Is 6d & Is 9-Jd ; New-Orleans is Ud a 2s ; West-India is 3d a Is 9d ; Sea-Island 2s 3d a 3s; Stained Is ud a2i 2d. Flaxseed, per hlid. for crushing SO ; sowing 103. Rice, per ewt. American 37 a 38s. Brazil 30 a 3 is; East-lndia it a 295. Rosin, per ewt. Am erican 8 9*. Staves, white oak pipe 28 a 32s ; hhd. 17 a 27s ; bbl. 9 a 13s ; red oak iilid. 8 a 9s. l'ar, Americurt cargo, 18 a 19s; Virginia 20 a 2ts. Tobacco, per lb. James River 5 a 9d ; llupaluiunock 5 a 7d ; Maryland 6fd a Is ; stemmed 8 a 10-J ; j Kentucky 4 a 7d. 'turpentine, per ewt. good 18s ; middling 10 a t7s. London, January 8. President's Message We received this j morning a copy of the Messsge of the Presi- i dent of the United States upon opening the Congress. It is, of course, a most impor tant, and we are happy to add, a most satisfactory document, confirming, in every respect, the statement we have more than once published, of amicable disposition of the American Government. An American Paper says, and we coincide entirely with it, that it is the ablest and most satisfac tory Speech we have read for many year.” [ Courier . JANUARY 15. The Gazette of the Two Sicilies contains the Royal Decree, bestowing upon the Prince de Talleyrand the dignity of a Neapolitan 1 Duke, by the title of Duke de Dino. The 1 honor is to have a collateral descent. The report of M. Las Casas being con fined in a Bohemian fortress in unfounded. It is said he remains at Francfurt, under the surveillance of the Police. JANUARY 20. The ship Grace Davie, (with Officers, passengers, bound to South America,) w hich was seized at Cowes has been liberated, aid arrived at the Motherbank, preparatory to proceeding to St Thomas’, the first fair wind. Major Lockyer, and the other Officer* who had engaged their passage in the above sh p, and were subsequently con cerned in a duel, at Cowes, with Lieutenant Sutton Cochrane, it is ascertained sail ed for South America in a brig, a few days after the fatal event took place. We have received this morning the Paris Papers of Saturday last. The project of the law for recruiting the French army was still under discussion iu the Chamber of De puties. There was not much novelty of ar gument displayed on either side. Those who objected to the law, urged the same grounds of objections as preceding speakers, that it nearly resembled the old system of conscription: while they who supported it, maintained, that as compulsory service was only to be enforced, where voluntary enrol ment proved insufficient, the spirit of the Charter was not violated. If, indeed, the principle be admitted, that France requires an army, to place her upon a proper footing of equality w itli the uther Continental States, it sreuis unreasonable to condemn the only ineans by which that principle can be prac tically adopted. Voluntary service must al ways be precarious and limited. Men who have any regular occupation, are not likely to abandon it. for a military life, especially in time of peaee. That martial ardor which during war, may stimulate individuals, can form no excitement when war is at an end. We should not be sorry, however, if the amendment, for taking an annual vote upon the army should be adopted. Pnch a check ma . tend to secure a state of peace ; and we are glad, therefore, t.. find it so strenuously insisted upon by the Chamber. Jan. 19.—Yesterday, towards evening" he Duke of Wellington. Lord Hill, Colonel Freemantle of the Guilds,and some other Gentlemen, landed out of the Paul, Captain Staines from Calais,at the Albion Hotel, where they had dinner, and proceed ed about 10 o’elock ill his Lordship’s car riage to town. By a letter from a Gentleman sent on pur- ' pose to ascertain the slate of tke Indian, lost of Roscoff we are informed, that the bndiej i of 143 of the unfortunate sufferers have been i found and buried ; the crew and passengers j amounted to 193, and not to 240, as w as re j ported. The only survivors from this me . ! lancholy shipwreck are two pigs, that Came ' on shore in one of the boats w it hunt damage. The vessel is scarcely to be seen at low wat er. She had been sold for 2000 litres. January 26. There have been great fluctuations in the Funds—Consol, which early on Saturday were 80 1-2, have to-day been so low as 78 3-8 ; since then they have advanced, and at j one o’elock were lor mouey 78 7-8, and for account 79. It is reported that the Right Hon. F. Ro binson is to be the new treasurer nf the Na vy and President of the Board of Trade— and that the Right Hon. T. Wallace is to bo j Vice-President of (he Board of Trade, j We have received two Piandeis mails, one last night, and the other this inoruiug. An | article from Berlin mentions a singularly ri i gorous punishment inflicted upon a Prussian i Oflieer and his second, for fighting a duel. ! The former has been sentenced to nine years i imprisonment, and the latter to four, j The Ghent Journal contains auother epi | odium upon the commercial prosperity of England. It does not appear that the patri ' otic societies, with all their foolish rhudo montade about swearing to wear and use no | articles butofhume manufacture, havesue ; cceded in excluding our commodities. They j now call aloud for legislative interference; i hut we suspect the legislature will he too wise, in acting for the uation, to consult on ly the interests, or rather the prejudices, of a separate body. The same Journals contradict the account of the deaths of Messrs. Lalapie and Pouti coulant, in a very satisfactory manner. It says, “ these gentlemen have not been hung in the Brazils,” because they have never been there. It is impossible to gainsay this j conclusion. An article from Hanover, mentions that j the nuptials ol the Duke of Cambridge with a Princess of Hvsso Cassel, are expected to take place about the middle of March, aftor which, lifs Royal Highness, accompanied by his illustrious Consort, will visit England. His Royal Highness, it is added, has receiv ed official congratulations upon his proposed j alliance, und the Ladies of Honor who are j to be about the person of the Princess are I already appointed. January 27. ; Opening; nf the Session—Prince Regent's Speech. I'lte Session was opened this day i by Commission. As soon as the Lords Com missioners had taken their seats in the House of Peers, the attendance of the House of Commons was commanded; and the Speak er of the House of Commons, attended by a large number of members, having obeyed the summons, a Speech, of which the following is & correct copy, was read . I Speech of the Lords Coramissioilers, ! a. * \ TO BOTH HOUSES OE PAHLIAMENT, ON TUES day, January 27, 1818. My Lords and Gentlemen, WE are commanded by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to inform you, that it is with great concern that he is obliged to announce to you the continuance of bis i Majesty’s lamented indisposition. The Prince Regent is persuaded that you will deeply participate in the affliction with which his Royal Highness has been visited, by the calamitous and untimely death of his beloved and only child the Priucess Charlotte. Under, this awfnl dis pensation of Providence it has been a sooth ing consolation to the Prince Regent’s heart, , to receive from all descriptions of his Ma jesty’s subjects, the most cordial assurances . both nf their just sense of the loss which they have sustained, and of their sympathy with his parental sorrow ; and amidst his i own sufferings, his Royal Highness has not ; been unmindful of the effect which the sad 1 event most have on the interests and future , j prospects of the kingdom. 1 We are commanded to acquaint you that the Priuee continues to receive from forei-a powers the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition towards this country, and of their desire to maintain the general tranquility. ■ His Royal Highness has the satisfaction of being able to assure you, that the confi de tree. which he has invariably felt in the stability of the great sources of our nation al prosperity, has not been disappointed. I The improvement which has taken place in the course of the last year, in almost j every branch of our domestic industry, and the present state of public credit, affording abundant proof that the difficulties under i which the country was laboring wpre chief j ly to be ascribed to temporary causes. I So imporinnt a change could not fail to , withdraw from the disaffected the principal meant of w hich they had availed themseL es jf t the purpose of fomenting a spirit of discontent, which unhappily led to acts of I insurrection and treason : and h's Royal ! Highness entertains the most confident ex- I peetation, that the state us peace aad Iran-