Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, March 27, 1818, Image 2

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• 9 * AUCTION. On MONDAY, the 30th inst. will be Sold at Thomas S. Oliver’s Store, without reserve : A His Mock ot CiOOns,W‘ Consisting of a General Terms—Cash— The Sale to commence nt to o'clock, A. Af. and continue from day today, until the whole are sold. Fraser & B iwdre, Auct’rs. ---.ALSO- On WEDXEsD \Y, the 1 5th April next, will be sold without reserve, at the Store of Cosby Dickinson, Broad-Sheet, three doors below the GLOKE- I’AVEIIN. HIS ENTIRE STOCK OF * Lnj Goods and Groceries , Hales to be continued from day to-day un til ihe w bole are suld. Terms of sale—all sums under one hun dred dols. cash; over one hnndrod dots, and i under-ix hundred dols. six months; over •ix handled, ilois. and under one thousand, dnis nine months; and all sums over one tli .n,and. dols. twelve months credit, approved endorsed piper will be required. Isluuu Thompson, Jluct'r. March ;J+ Auction Sales. The Subscriber, *Y¥TIHHING ... ucc.iiic the DRY GOODS ▼ T rtu.mcti, p opose selling their entire 8t .cs consulting of a large and well selected Assortment of Eu'opean and Domestick GOODS; On Monday, the 6th of April next,' at Vui. vu; m.i, at lucir Smic. opposite the Post.t (Hi e : The sale to continue from day div, until the whole are sold TKR VS — Vl sums un ler 100 dols cash, OV ' 100 d.»is ind n n ex teed ng 300 dols 60 d ys, '<ve. 300 dot-. uul not exceeding 500 dols 90 d.ys ov-r 500 dols. and no; exceed ing 1000 dols 120 lays, over 1000 dols and not exceeding tsOO six months, over 1500 d >ilais nine inomns Notes with approved town indorsers will be requited 0- The above GOODS, are well Worth Vue .i.eii.ion of .vJercnants and others; [ t'ie offrtng amounts to about 30,000 dols. and ! composes a ercater variety of articles than were ever offered at Auction at one time in this place. Hutchinson & Co. Feh’uarv 17 T 66 The Subscriber, Ha» Ju.t Received bo late Arrivali from ; .Ye ir You it, The Following Yrticles, Which wiih Ins former Stork, mikes his Assortment verv Complete. riz— Cl ENTLRMRNS Fine Snwarrow, Rn* J| see, Jackson's and Lured Bools Ditto ditto Morocco Shoeteis Ditto (Into Wax Caifskm ditto Ditto ditto Motucco Shoes, Shoetec- Pmnps and Pumps Ditto ditto Buckskin Jrffcrsons D.tto dmo sealskin J-ffersons, Shoes end Pumps Ditto 2d miny Morocco J ffersons D.tto ditto ditto CulLkin Jtffcrsons and Shoes Mens Ditto ditto Grained Laced Boots, Shoe ’ees and Slues Ditto dit o ditto Waxed Laced Boots Shoctees and Shoes with Spu peces Ditto ditto Waxed Muslin-Lined oboes D lto ditto ditto Uola Shoes Boys fine Shoctees Do. 2d qudi y Laced Boots Si Shoctees Do. Mir >cco and Sealskin Pumps 500 Pair Nog roe Shoes Ladies do orco Waterloo Boots to Clasp Ditto dit'o and Sealskin, Laced 800 s Ditto Black and colored Morocco Shoes to i Button Ditto ditto do. do. es Straped Di to ditto do. do. Walking Shoes Ditto ditto do. do. Handels Dnto ditto do. do Jackson's Ties & Slippers Ditto 2d q t duv Laced Boots, Shoctees and hues Misses Morocco and Sealskin Laced Boots Ditto Sealskin Wa'king Shoes lx Slippers Ditto KSiit S: p.iets of various colours Childrens Morocco. Sealskin and Leather Shoe* of all sires 1000 Pounds best N rrh -n Sole Leather —ALSO— *4 Bbls. New-Ark Cider 16 kiegant viahogany St Maple Bedsteads St) DoXen Gilt Chaus of different Patctns 10 Ditto Band Bt'xrs and Bonnets 6 Ditto Hair Sifter* 12 Ditto Morocco, Calf and Roan Skins Morocco k Hair d runks. W hips Si Brushes —On Coring •• merit— -20 Half BV.s. Northern Beef 20 Ditto ditto Buckwheat Flour and T 5 Boxes Smoked ilcning. N. Trucsdcll. March 13 ?* William Micou, IS RECEIVING THIS DAT, l And for Hale oh Moderate Term*. Q Bbls. Best quality Mackerel for Family use 10 Half Bbls. best New-York Mess Beef 3 Hhds. and 34 Barrels Rye Whiskey 20 Hhds Molasses good Quality, 15 Tierces best English Porter 15 DittoViavannah Rice 15 Bbls. Double Refined Loaf Sugar 18 Hhds Best Muscovado Sugais for Fam ily use, 2 Pipes Genuine, ft. P. Madeira WINE Ma-r-h 13 4t 73 THE MILFORD AND UlVfcUO ROAD LOTTERY. Drawing to commence, in the City of Jer sey, on the first Tuesday of May next, to be completed in Twenty Drawings SCHEME. 1 Prize of 70,000 Dollars 1- -of 35,000 Dollars 2 - -of 10,000 Dollars 2 - -of 5,000 Dollars 10 - -of 1,000 Dollars 30 - -of 500 Dollars 140 - -of 100 Dollars j 3200 - - -of 30 Dollars 3386 Prizes—not 2 Blanks to a prize. 10,000 Tickets. JLY* i'K’KE I' •, Halves Quarters Si Eights TO It HALE BY Francis Clark. —ALSO— AN ASSORTMENT OF Gold Sc Silver Patent Lever in Path Watches Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys Finger Rings, Earrings, Breast Pins, Silver Table. Deserts and Pen Spoons &c Watches and Clocks Repaired on the shoitest notice. March 20 75 LO FTE \i\ Tii' IvE Vs. A FEW Tickets with Halves, Quarters. and Eighth*, in the 2nd Class of the Grand Surgical Institution Lottery, Bal timore. Just Received and for Sole hy Ed. .k G. J. Burrough. March 20 -3 lit ns 11 dry Hoods. •Vow aftening two Door* cbivt the POST-OFFICE. '1 BALES Fine and low priced Caxht I dmo ussoit.d **-.mean t.! I ditto Li"ti s ' ; r>s I ditto E>mh.,x* t* 2 Cases Stockinet* l ditto Nets "u: :<t- or** 5 ditto tam 1k M .:. 'if- atmt r .nt 1 ditto Red P©» ket h wndkOßiiutdi I ditto White do d o 1 ditto Madras «■! .0 I ditto Cotton Shirtings i 1 doto B •mbi zine 5 Trunks Calirots l ditto Furniture ditto I Case Pins 2 ditto Huttons 8 ditto Morocco Shot* 2 Bales Sooty It malls 1 ditto Ri d Gd as I ditto Fine Mafias 1 Case Black S.arcenetts l diito Changrble do. 1 doto B'ark Handkerchiefs 1 ditto P : aid ditto ditto 1 ditto High coloured Sewing Silk 1 ditto Btsck do. do. 1 ditton Chappa Roinalls 1 ditto Florence and Levan ine Silk. Together with a general assortment cf Fan cy GOODS, which will be sold low for Cash or good paper. A. Bidwell Ilf Co. Janusrv 20 5P The Subscribers, HAVING purchased the Muck in Trade of Bowif. Pehn W Co. will carry on the Btismess at the s atie Store, under the firm of PENN 17 J \C.K-.oN. THEY HAVE NOW ON HAND, —A General Assortment of - Groceries, &e. Thomas H. Penn, Wm. Jackson. J •mia’-v 2 53 iHHU. A FEW BARRELS Prime Flour. TOR SALK It r Penn & Jackson. March 17 ? 4 £s* Wanted to Purchase, a Tract of Good LAND, with from Eighty tu Due li un - dred Veree, Cleared and under a good r nee Suited to the culture of Corn and (Nilton, and not very far from this city—Enquire at this Office. March 3 7n FOR SALE, \ PI \NO FOR I E, wmch has been some what used, but in good order.—Enquire ut this Office. December 9 46 CONGRESSIONAL. From our Correspondent at Washington, Thursday, March 12, »BiB. j The first half of yesterday's sitting in the 1 house of representatives was wasted (was ! ted 1 may truly call it) in discussing the admissibility of the petition of our Vincente Puzos, who represented himself iu it as an agent of Venezuela and Buenos A> res. Ihe Speaker, to whom it had been directed, laid it before the house and Mr. Colston moved that it should be read in order to ascertain the nature of its contents. It was accord ingly read, and Mr. Forsyth moved the house that it should not be received—NY hich motion was supported by Mr. LowndeaJu a very able speech. A pretty animated de bate ensued, in which Mr. Robertson, Mr. | luckerof Va. Mr. Bassett, Mr. Trimble, and Mr. Johnson of K. opposed the motion —and Mr. Forsyth and Air Lowndes were joined by Mr. Pitkin, Mr. Poindexter, Mr. Pindall, Mr. Mills, Mr. Ball, Mr. Sergeant, and Mr. Cobb, iu supporting it. Ihe ground taken by the latter was the impudent and presumptuous character of the petition, which contained the most dar | ing expressions of censure on the president for his wise and meritorious conduct in sup pressing the establishments at Amelia-is land and Ualveztuwu, which iu truth destr j ved high praise. ( Had the president acted otherwise, Mr. | Poindexter said he would have beeu extre i niely culpable—for those men whom he dis lodged, were not only mischievous und dan gerous to others, but were doing great injury to the Patriot cause. If any individual had any wrong to complain of, let him come for ward as »ucli ( ; *l was said) —but nothing of this kind could be received from the agent of a foreign people, parlielariy in the shape of an aspersion on the chief magistrate, and grounded mi that an appeal agaiast him tu the Irg slature :—between such a character and tlie United (states, the house could not adjudicate. Could that house say that the president of the United States had done wrong and that a foreign agent hod done j right iu accusing hint ?—lt was altogether ' the most impudent application that had ever been made, and was indeed an appeal ; fiom the chief magistrate to the people, had the accredited minister of a foreign govern ment been guilty of it. A motion should be made to » ,id him out of the country. M i. n Mr. Jackson was scut away, what "it the cause of it t Mhy his appealing ; ® ihe president to the people. The i mcairfM fi osr citizens were entitled to pe- j u mb : bi.t -t was ust the business of con- \ ** w its, » ale far the whole human fam- j ■—f goers they had no jurisdic- j nun. tor i i they them any protection. ' i»en on ike siijpasit.on that the president hud li t-d wrong, was net true) was ■ t.e lii um t.o nctivt e).L T ge» a<atn»t him ' inu foreign oeer si lbs peliuooer appli- Mi i ht presickat f~r redie«s, and was, as 1 1 ‘ . i • M) pointed—he then M pitted to i t !< g,s)xiuje, and hit next l < proiiauiy be i« the people. A wv.nsi stade to lay the petition j ii it uiiie. cut this was oppo*ed by se- j tt. wj piot',ted against its being enter* i t u<rw c : ail; and particularly by Mr. For ty n. who put the question to the house, »oaid tL-y permit auy foreigner to suppose , shat til' t xecuine of the Uinied .States was i acting in c iiir&dtction to the wishes of the i p .p.e r In the Case of the French minister r, who had appealed to the peuple from the chief magistrate, what was the consequence r Genet was very popular, yet, on his offering that insult to the president he v as not able to stand the shock,and was | put down, ilis offence, however, was only a barren threat—tin* was a threat carried into execution, and the offender endeavored to moke the house of representatives in* in strument. Extraordinary as it may appear, this pe titioner was not w it haul hi* adv oentes ill the house. What a p clure this olfers to the • world—what an example is this to set to fu i lure foreign agents Hnil ministers, to appeal j w henever they think proper from une brunch .of our government to another. I hat there | was one iu the house who would listen to i such an insult is a most lamentable etreum | stance ; I am sorry, however, to say that ? 1 there were 28. The question for laying on 1 ! the table was negatived. And the question s on Mr. F orsylh's motion, that ll.e petitinu should not be received, being taken by yeas and nays, was carried by 1 27 to 2S. ISTKRNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The house then in committee resumed the consideration of this measure, when Mr. (sawyer moved to rise and report progress, and matin a speech on the occasion. Mr. Junes of Tennessee and Mr. Colston both spoke—the tendency of their observations being to show that the house had constitu tional power to make rovds. canals, &c. And Mr. Hugh Nelson spoke long and earn estly to dissuade the house from immolating the liberties of the country and the rights of the states, w hick they should do bv adopting this measure. It was past live o’clock when i Mr. Nelson stopped, and the house ad- ! f j.mined. Alexandria Gazette London, December 24. Discovery of an extensive Forgery of Dank ’ > >f England ,YVi es . — It had long been sus | peeled that a gang .1' forgers had an es tablishment at M. Clears, in Carmarthen* - shire, and a strong impression has prevailed that the imitative notes of Messrs. Morris's ■- bank, of Carmarthen, issued from the same e smiree. The matter, however, slept until Wednesday last, when two women, passim? as mother and daughter by the name «f Bynes, arrived in Carmnrlhen from St. Clarc'g, and after various small purchases at f>nr different shops, at e«ch *>f which a £2 Bank of England note was tendered in payment, they finally adjourned to the Ivy Bush, and took two inside places in the mail to Brec«n, paying the fare in simula ted bank paper ; but the book-keeper, rather doubting, took the bill to Messrs. Morn's bank, where they were instantly pronounced to be forgeries. The ladies were taken into eustody anti thoroughly searched, when a quantity of ink, bank-note paper, and other materials for their purposes, were found in their trunks, and about £OO in forged notes, with slips of paper on which were fac simi les of the writing of almost every clerk in the Bank of England.—lt having been as certained that two young men, who passed as brothers by the name of Johnson, had gone through Carmarthen on horseback about 12 o’clock, two persons were sent off by the Gloucester mail in pursuit of them. On the arrival of the Coach at Handover, one of the men who was standing at ihe door of the inn enquired if two Ladies had arrived ? He was immediately seized, and the other was apprehended shortly after wards in another house Their pet son* and luggage were then searched, and about £l4O in forged notes were found upon them. They were ronveyed back to Carmarthen at four o'clock on Thursday morning. One of the gang passed through Swansea last Tuesday, on his road to Bristol, and a trusty messenger was then despatched after him. One of them stated that he had a considera ble property in the county of Cork, in Ire land, nnd from his keeping hunters, and liv ing as he has done, his means, from what ever source derived, must have been in pro portion. Friday ihe man above alluded to was apprehended in Bristol, and, it is said, a small rolling press, coining dies, &c. com plete, were found in his pussesion. The Folly of Going to Law. [Lord Erskine, in hts armata, ufter cen suiingtlie immense expense of law proceed ings, especially of stamps, which be ealls pictures or portraits of the king, relates the following anecdote.] In passing through (lie rooms of the prison ers, we observed fotlr persons who were playing cards together; when my conduc tor, who was still the same eminent advo cate, desired me to stop and observe them. “ I hat first,” said he, pointing to the matt nearest us, “ is an honest baker, with a large family, who brought a suit against his partner at the table, to recover about 20 pounds for bread that he sold him ; but for which the other, who is a carpenter, could not pay. having a large family also, and his I taxes to government in arreur, for which his i little effects had been sold. 'The baker pre vailed in his suit, put the pictures of the sov ; er eign (the stamps) and the expenses of the proceeding, beyond what he could charge to his ■; opponent, would have left him but litiieto re ceive, even if the carpenter could have paid ; but receiving nothing at all, he toe k him t® prison fur the debt, which was swelled by j lfie expenses to more than double the sum. But the poor baker thus receiving nothing front his prisoner, and not being able to pay his attorney for the proceedings and the portraits he was sued himself, and was ta k-Mi to prison also ; and the plaintiff and de fendant now sit opposite. But the attorney w«s just in the same condition as his client whom he had subdued; as, by getting no thing from the baker, he was unable to pay for the portraits, which the paper-merchant had sold Him; and he was sued and hurried to | ptison himself, where lie met with She gen tleman who is now his partner, viz. the at torney for Ihe carpenter, he having been sued for the portraits also, which he hod bought for the carpenter's defence—and being cast into the same prison, the gaoler has got the whole covey. They have not, among them all, the smallest coin in circulation; yet they areas eager at their game, as if the Lite cf the universe was- at stake on eve ry card; and they pay one another with slips of paper, which they pleasantly e- * nough call exchequer bills, as they are to he prid only by similar, slips of pap er when they become due. I never witnessed such a scene. It was inhuman to laugh as I did. hut it would have been more than hu man to resist.” GhORGI V, Burke county. I>lary Weathers, applies T T for Letters of Administration, on the Estate of George Weathers, deceased. These are therefore to cite and Admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my Of fice. within the time allowed by law. to shew, c use (>r any they have) why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at Office, in Bui ke. this 21st March 1818. Samuel Garlick, Cl'k. Notice. ■ A P er * ons having legal demands on the , d. A. Estate of Arnetts Andrews, late of Burke county, deceased, will hand in their accounts | w thin the time prescribed by la w, those indeb ted will pay, or tne Law will f ake its c^u^se. John Andrews, %idrnr . li tt/i the wilt unnex'd. March 22 3t 77 Goslieu 11 utter. A FEW Fit kins selected for Family use— For Sale by the SubscriDer, at the store J. V\ . Bridges. | George W. Bridges. December 16 46