Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, April 07, 1818, Image 2

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A. R. Ralston, HAS JUST RECEIVED, AO Hhds. Molasses 75 do. Sugar 18 Ditto Jamaica Rum jo Ditto and 50 bbls. N. E. ditto 30 Bbls. Whiskey Tenerifle and Malaga WINE 500 Plough Molds 100 Pieces Baging 15 Casks Cm Nails Trace Chains— Castings —ALSU FOR SALE— -50 Bbls Potatoes 100 Bushels Corn Meal 2500 Lbs, La'd 10 Kegs Buncombe Butter, kc. kc. Which will be sold low for Cash or pro duce. March 31 6t 78 The Steam-Boat Company OF GEORGIA. Under their ad «» incorporation by the last Legislature, have unanimously resolvtd to divide their Capital of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars, into sixteen hundred ■hares of live hundred dollars each. lour hundred shares or one fourth of the whole •took on which fifty per cent or two hun dred and fifty dollars have been paid in, ate held by the presentjstockholders, who will offer FOR SALE At I‘ublie Auction, In lit* not exceeding Trn Share*. at the time* and filaca herein cf'er specified, viz : 400 SHARES At SAVANNAH on the third Monday in April next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon at the Court-House in said city ; and 400 SHARES At AUGUSTA, onthe fourth Monday in Ap"l next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon at ! Howard’s corner opposite the Post-Office in said City. The conditions of the sale will be £250 or fifty per cent on the amount of Stork, to eqo > z- the purchasers with the present Stockholders, to be paid down together with half the amount of any increase or advance thereon ; and for ihe remaining half of ary such increase or advance, a credit will be giv en till the Ist thy of Novt tuber next, for Notes With approved town ennoiseis. The accounts of the Company will be made up to the Ist day of April next, and a divi dend on its, then, past transactions declared. The new Stockholders in common with the old, ate to he emitted to all the benefits of the Association from that period ; except the mltlng from the Incrrttr w advance ou ihe intended sales, which will inure to the present stockholders, or their Assigns. On the ssiri fi si day of April next, an In ventory of the whole of ihe Company’s Pro. perty will be made out, am' filed in the Of fice at Augusta and Savannah, where persons wishing to become interested may examine it, am] obtain all other necessary informa tion relative to the affairs of th« Company. Ily Order, J. HUTCHINSON, Treasurer. fcC7* The Editors of the Savannah papets. the Milltdgeville Journal, and the Washing ton News will please insert 'tic above in their papers until the days of sale. March 17 74 Dancing Academy. Ml. MON T.AIS respectfully informs the Ladies am! Genii, nun of Augusta, in, 1) IT SCHOOL isop.-n at Mr Lvs- Xtx’s Hooni evetjr Saiurd.iy from 9to 12 o’clock in the inorninu; and I to- 3 o 5 in the evening. His MUHT SCHOOL is open at the same place every Tuesday and Friday evenings, commencing at the usual hours » February 27 > 69 beach Island academyT - S 'lib hc.icn-Uiaud Academy, is in sue- JL cessful operation under the direction of the Hiv’d Mr Holcomb*-—This literary in stitution has betn sustained without the aid of pompous advertisements. From several re cent unsuccessful attempts to settle youth in o situation, to participate in the benefits of the Si h iol, and a disposition lo promote useful knowledge, the urn'ersigned is induced to of. for his house, and the attention of h’s family, for the accommodation ol eight or ten Stu dents, at the comparatively low rate of lioatd in this vicinity. Ilia house is large ;.nd con ynit-m, si'uattd within a quarter of# mile of the Vcademy and is well known to possess the means ol hesltli.—Divine service is stat edly. and occasionally performed at the Ac ademy. F.lihu Williams. March 27 x 77 A TEACHER IS wanted lor Isliu kc county Academy in W uynesborougli. to commence on the fi si April next : 1 he branches rtijuired to be i.iUgh', me the E'emenu of the Greek and Lv.m L ngusges Matheimticka, the English gramattcal'y,' with Writing and Cyph e *n,» Candidates will he attended to at the Slid \c d my, on the s end 'Tuesday of eve ry month, until the *».<! fi -t t | av 0 f Aoril. S. Sturges, Pres. B. C. A. N B liu i: « hhurrio has pecn two hundred dollars, aud the tuition money added thei cto. December .(J lot orew Just Received, Q Hhds. Whiskey 20 Bbls. ditio 20 Ditto N. E. Rum W. I. and Jamaica ditto 10 Bbls. Apple Brandy Madeira TeneriflV | gr j-WINE, Malaga J 20 Boxes Claret Sugar in Hhds. and Bbls. Plough Molds Patent Hoes 40 Craves assorted Crockery Ware 50 Boxes Moulded Candles 10 Ditto Spermaciti ditto. Low for Cash by A. Picquet & L. P. Dugas. March 31 _4t 78 The Subscriber, Has Just Received from Boston, (In Addition to In* STOC A" of Nothem Home spun*. Saddle*, Shoe*, iSc.J A FEW Bbls. Clear Pork, Mess Beef, X\_ Salmon and Mackerel, White Beans, Potatoes, Casks Cheese Kegs Bu ter, B ixes No. I, Chacolatr, 1 Chest Hyson Tea, » 1 Case C uion Cards, suitable for Re tailing— Which he offers For Sale on reasons ble tei ms The liberal encouragement he has Receiv ed from the good people of the City and Country, in his Windsor Chair Bus ness, induces him to tender them his thrnks for the past, and Solicit their fu u-e patronage. Daniel Abbot. Upher end Rroad-Street JYurih Side. Mi-rh 31 78 Rum, Brandy, &c. \ Q Hhds. N. E. Rum 11 Pipes Hi and/ 30 Casks Cheese 1 Hhd. Loaf Sugar and 30 TICKETS in the Mi ford and Owrgn Lotterv,in whole, Ha'v *, Qu irtcs k F/«rh'hs, Highest Prizes— S 70,000, 8 35,000, and manv o heis FOR SALE nr Wm. Whitlock, Jun’r. Mitrh 31 4 78 Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING closed Ills Business in New- York- has now commenced the COM. MISSION and WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS in this place at the Store lately occupied by Messrs John Cummino k Co. A Supply of GRO 'ERIKS aie on the River, i.nd will be landed in a frw days Alfred J. Huntington. Augusta Miin h 31 78 Notice. THE Partnership »f the Subscribers un der the ft m of Beers t3* Sturges, is this day dissolved bv mutual consen'. J. S Bunts will attend to the unsettled Business of the concern. J S. Beers, S. Sturges. Augusta. March 7.oth, 18 18 76 The Subscriber, Having bought the stock of dry GOODS and HARDWARE, of the late firm, offers them for sale, at the upper wing of the City-Hotel, together with a f.esh Supply of Seasonable Articles in the above liac, Just Received. S. Sturges. March 24 Ct y > J. S. Beers, Continue* Husines* at the Old Stand, and hue on hand, and offer* For Sale very lew :— —A VARIETY of— GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ac. —VIZ— -50 Bbls. and 2 Hhds. N. E. Rum 3 Hhds. Jamaica <x Wtst-India ditto 20 Bags prime Green Coffea 25 Bbls. Northern Whiskey 16 Ditto Apple Brandy 7 Hhds. Molast-es 12 Bbls. Newark Cider 5 Casks best Brown Stout Porter 10 Bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar 5 Tons Waggon Tire Iron 40 Pieces prime Inverness Bagging 10 Kegs best Virginia Manufactured To bacco Malaga and Teueriffe Wine, Muscovado Sugar Shaving Soap, Cotton Cards See. See. March 24 At 76 “wholesale grocery. Subscriber has taken into Copart- JL nership his biother S. H. Outer, un der the finn of J. L & S. H. Oliver, per sons indebted previous to this date, will make payment to the above firm, and all demands against me, will be paid promptly by them, j James L. Oii?er. j March 13 73 *** Blank Deeds of Conveyance,, neatly printed on valume paper, fur salt at j this Otiice. MILLEDOEYILLB, March 31. We have no very recent information from the army nnder Gen. Jackson. It is under stood, however, that they have left tort Scott and descended the Appalaehicola to meet provisions, a large supply of which had arrived from New Orleans. Intelligence from the army of friendly Creek W'aniors under Al’lutosli, has been ! received down to the ifith. In descending the Choti*l...»t.e«, A-Unittib witft a large party of his warriors kept the west side un til he finally took and dispersed the hostile Indians of the Hitehetau tribe, who were in arras under their Chits the Red Ground King. A detail of his operation* will be found in the subjoined letter*. INDIAN NEWS. Extract of a letter from Maj. Daniel Hughes, United. States Factor, to ike Editors of the Journal , dated Fort Mitchell, March 21. “ I have particular pleasure in giving you copies of letters received by me from William M'lulosh, General, commanding the Creek Regimeut of Indians, w ho march ed from here on the 26th ultimo, with only six days provisions, for Fort Gaines. lie arrived there on the fitli inst. where he re ceived six day * coi n only for his Warriors, and then pushed against the enemy, lie is highly deserving the character of a warrior. 11 is conduct proves him the decide friend of our Government and laws ; he is the vio lent enemy of the hostile party, and they must expect to feel the weight of his arm if they give him battle. “ He has done what he mentions in his letters, while on his march from this post to join Gen. J.tclonn, and is exclusively en titled to all the merit of his labour and per severance.” Copies of Letters from General William M-Intash commanding the Creek Regi ment, to Muj. Daniel Hughes, United States Factor at Fort Mitchell. “ Uche Old Fields, March 2. “ fim—l wish yon would inform our Agent mid our head men, that siuce I left Fort Mitchell, the fourth day at twelve o’clock, I have taken three of our enemies that were firing on the vessels on this river, and one was wounded at the same place when firing on the vessels. I have got them in strings, carry ing them to Fort Gaine«, and expect to catch some more before I get there. Nothing more, hut the creeks are very high—it is as much as we can do to travel. 1 remain your friend. WILLI\M MINTOSH, Gen'l. Commanding. “ Fort G sinks, March A. “ Mnj Daniel Hughes —l wrote you the other day and Inid that 1 had taken three prisoners—l carried them to Fort Gaines to the commanding officer, and he told me lie would have nothing to do with them, and said to me, you may deal with them by your own laws. We had proof that they were at the destroying of the boat below the fork of Flint river, undone of them was wounded at that time—they were doing mischief to our friends and 1 knew what was the luw between us and the United States ; 1 did not want them to stand on our land, and I have Gheii their lives—l have heard where a good many of our enemies are collected, about forty miles from this place, and 1 hid going to push on to them to-morrow a* fast as I can, ’till 1 can get where they are. This is all I have to say to you and our head men and /.gent, and whatever I do hereaf ter 1 will let you know again. Nothing more; all my men are healihy—yonr friend, i Gen. \Y m M-Intosh Comm'g the Creek Indians. “ P. S. The commanding officer at Fort Gaiues bad taken the Tame King's son a prisoner and gave Jiim up to me—l heard no harm against him and have turned him loose agaiu, and now he has j lined us.” “ March toth, 1818. “My Friend —l received your letter on the 9th day of this month ; on the Sunday in the evening there was about fourteen of nur old enemies came and gave ilum-elves up to us, with their women and children ; I sei t their women back with some of our own people to the Ufaula and we have takeu two of the men aloug with us as pilots. They told me that tke'Kcd Ground Chief had got j a great many of our enemies collected toge- ! ther to fight, and fVse two men are pilot ing us to him. About one hour after we took these people, ten more ntea came into our camp with white flags and joined us; I send this to you—l am going to-day, and to j morrow about 9 o'clock the fight will be end- j :ed with as—if 1 fnnquer the Red Ground l bief, I don't expect to meet as many more I in number hereafter—you will hear from me as quick as the fight is over w ith us. Your fri«ud y Wm. Mlntosh, Gen'l. Com. the Creek Army. “ Chanbullet Creek. March 16. “ Sir—l have the honor of writing to you again, ns I promised you 1 would do so ; 1 went down the creek Cliaubullee the 12th J day of March, about ten miles above the j camp of Cunchatee Mieeo or Red Ground ! Chief, ami the creek swamp was so bud we 1 could not pass it for the hie;li wateis; nn meu hrd to leave their clothes and provis- 1 I ions, and sw ioi better than one half of the i I swamp, about six miles wide; we marched within abort two miles cf his station, and ! ihe next moruing we surrnuudrd his place. , but he was gone and we could not follow j him till we could get som provisions we 1 had left behind us; land Maj. Hawkins followed bin and overtook bis party, and he got away from us with about thirty men. We have taken 53 men, and about 180 wo men and children prisoners, without the fire 1 of a gun ; and we killed ten men that br*;ke |to try and make their escape. 1 have not | lost a man since I left Fort Mitchell. He would not have got away from us, but he had some eattle ou hand that he tried te , drive out of our way—so I sent 100 men to t«ke him and his cattle; when they came in sight, lie mid his party being well mounted on horses, they got away ; we got what cat tle he had with him. \Ve are very scarce of provisions and 1 linve to send the women and children op into oor nation—As for the met! 1 am going to take them to Gen. Jack son. Now there is no danger on the west side of the Ch&tahooehie river, as this was all the party that was on this «ide—we have to look for our enemy on the east side of the river now. You will he so good as to inform my head men and agent of this. 1 send te you, my friend and brother. Gen. Wm. M‘lßtosti, Com'g the Creek Indians.” INDIAN MASSACRE. Extract vfa letter from Dr. \V. B Ector, now on a lour in the Albania territory, te the editor of the Reflector, dated Fort Clai borne, March 16 —“ A most horrid massa i ere was committed on the federal road. To miles above here, on Friday night last, the 14th inst. I witnessed the scene myself, anti hasten to inform you of the particulars. Mr. Wm. Ogly, and three children killed, anti two wounded ; Mrs. Eli Stroud wounded, aud child killed by Indians. I encamped within 2 miles of the place, and dressed the wounded tnyself. 1 considered them all mortal, at least very dangerous. Mr Ogly was the only one shot aud scalped ; (ho others were tomahawked Two persons only, Mrs. Ogly and Mr. Stroud, escaped unhurt. Several parties of Indians hod been seen in the neighborhood, but were suffered to pass, as they professed friendship, though offering some personal insults. Trails liava been discovered near the road, firiug he.-rd, and Indians occasionally seen Danger and alarm prevail throughout the rout and fron tier of the territory. Governor Bibb is here, and is taking measures to pursue them, and intercept any hnstiles who may be returning from below the Spanish line, and protect the road and inhabitants. Two settlers have lately been killed at the mouth of Murder creek. 20 miles above Fort Craw ford. Mucnaek’s wife, who has been \vi th the hostiles several years, has lately return ed, and says that the Indians du not intend to make a stand against Gen. Jnckson, but will separate in parties, lav wasJe the fron tier country, and murder (he inhabitants.” Reflector. The Subscriber, HAS JUST RECEIVED, SO Bbls. Northern Potatoes 10 ditto Real Irish ditto 30 ditto Rye Whiskey Pepper, Alspice and Ginger Also, Exfiecced in Three Days, 23 Hhds. Prime Orleans Sugar. All which he is disposed to sell on the most accommodating terms. Patrick M‘Dowall. March 1 3 73 £> Wanted to Purchase, a Tract of Good LAND, with from Eighty to One Hun dred Acres, Cleared and under u good fru«e —Suited to the eultnre of Corn and Cotton, and not very far irons this eity—Enquire 1 at this Ofliee. March 3 70 Notice. ALL persons having legal demands a gainst the Estate of R. (I Scurhy, de ceased. are rrqarsted to present them prop, eriy attested f<* in the lime pre scribed by !®w, and all persons indebted to said Estate, are hereby requested 10 make payment immediately to Benjamin Leigh, Ex’r. March 6 71 27t Notice. ALL Fe'sons having legal demands on the Estate of Amelia Andrews, late of Burke j county, deceased, will hand in their accounts ; wriihin ihe time prescribed by law, those indeb ted will pay, or tl>e Law will take its course. John Andrews, Adm'r. H ith the will annex'd. March 22 3t 77 Notice. ALL Persons having demands against the Estate of Charles Skipwith, late of W ilkes county, deceased, are desired to tender them in propel ly attested ; and those indebted , to said estate, will make payment to. A. G. Semmes, Adirir. Savannah, March 21 I2t 78 Notice. ALL Persons having demands ag-inst the Estate cf John Mann, late of Augusta, ! deceased, are d« s:rtd to render them in pro j perly attested : and those indebted to said estate will make payment to A. G. Semmes, Adm'r. Savannah, .Marco. 21 I2i 78 *,*■ The Copartnership of Messrs. .Voniais and Leslie, ts this o . i oi-sjnut 00 mutual eouseut—Mr. Menu.* will stilt enn tiuue ti e School at the saute room. Ftbiuary is 42