Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, June 19, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. VOL. xxn No. 101. ipas? waso* TIN Bathing Tubs, very superior do. Roasters diflVreat sizes, do Seales with beams properly regulated do Buckets, different sizes do Coffee Pots do do do Pans and Satlee Pans do do do Watering pots do do do Powder, I’ea and Sugar Cau nisteis, do Candle Sticks do Candle Boxes do Candle Moulds do Cheese Toasters, f do Liquor Pumps, do Liquor Measures do Gratis, large, for '" uenase do Nutmeg graters i. an im proved plan do Chandeliers, id sets of a su permr Construction do Sconces, an improved pattern, do Cups, pint aud half pint, do Spiitiug Boxes do Lanterns, both large & small do .Skimmers and Ladles do Cullenders | do Scoops and Funnels do Engines for the purpose of watering Gardens, etc. do Pepper and Drudging Botes, do Sillabub Churns, do Trumpets for hunters & stage drivers do Pudding Pens, Or any other article or articles in th"! Jin-Plate Worker’s line, bv Wholesale or Retail, will be fur nished at tlie shortest notice and the Work well executed on the most rea so able terms, by applying at the store of John Hayles & Co. 5C7* TIN GUTTERS for houses, made and put up at short notice.— .Ipply «s above. April 6 81 .AN. i . f CoimnissVaii Business, Ttuaabsf 'b'i' having taken, f Incise on the Ware-House recen*>/ occu pied by t HOLCOMBE & TUCKER. (Opposite Messrs. Sims dj" Williams ,j \ *JTLL be thankful to bis friends .Y f and the public for a share of th- *r patronage. Every attention will He paid to the interest of those who may favor him with their busi ness, whether in receiving and for warding sales and purchases of (jotton ot MevtAvcmdUe of i. y d sersption—liis WARE HOUSES STOCKS ore now ree dv for the reception of Cotton and Merchandise. R. Malone. ■w Augusta. May 1. 88 15t ;DQ Bags Prime Green, of the Ne-v Li 'p, Just received and for sale by C. L. Lawrence & Co. ALSO, IN STORE, AND FOR SAI.F., New-Orleans Sugar, of the Old Crop, prime quality, Loaf Sugar in barrels, Best Richmond Manufactured To bacco, 8 hands to the pound, liar ris’s crooked brand, Five B iles best English Seine Twine. . January 18 4t 58 TAILOR, Qne door west of John Barry's, nearly opposite the City-Hotel, I 5 ESPECTFULLV informs the %> citizens of Aogusta and its vi cinity that he has this present week I received from New York, the latest ! Fashions of that place—Also, a few j Superfine Blue, Mixt, and Block Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Vest ings, whieh will be sold low—A* he ! has had a considerable of experience j ' in his lins of business, he feels con- I fident, that lie will meet the appro bation of all who w ill favor him with their custom Coats. Vests and Pantaloons used and restored to their origns seoustre at the shortest notice, and li the most reasonable terms. April 3 4t 80 " PRINTING, | Neatly executed .t the HERAI D-OFFtCF, j on in a* terms. T\\e Subscriber, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has received A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF SMW Suitable to his Line of Business, CONSISTING OF SUPERFINE Cloths, Coronation Mixt Cassimeres, Black and Blue ditto Snperfiue Valencia Vestings, (en tirely nhv.) He has formed a connection in Charleston, by which means he will hvays have on hand a constant sup ply of the newest GOODS & FASH IONS, direct from Loudon. James Gordon, • Tailor <s• Habit-Maker. Washington Street December 29. 53 —* liauding this , From Boats No l df it. HMD© Lbs. Prime Green Coffee, 2S Hilda. Prime Sugar 40 Barrels do do 70 Barrels Superfine flour A few barrels Irish Potatoes Pipe* Superior Holland Gin. And by the next Boat, 30 11 lids- Prime Retailing Molasses IQ lllids. Philadelphia Whiskey, 00 Bbls. do do With a variety of other articles For sale by R. Malone. March 16 3t 75 NEW ‘BOOKSat Kenilworth, by the author of YVaverly. &c. &e. Melmoutli, the W anderer, by the au thor of Bertram The Earthquake, a Tale, by the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or the Correspondence of the Pringle family. The Angel of the World, d New Poem Blackwood’, Magazine, No. 15 Juit received mitl f-v sale by J. & H. Ely, Who keep constantly a I irge sup ply of Fools Cap and Letter Paper, and School Books, which will be sold to. Country Merchants on tKe most advantageous terms. April 20 St 83 HOYJSE, SIG.X, Ornamental Painting, (Hazing, Paper Hanging, Igc. WIE Subscriber anxious for Work. _l_ is now ready to receive appli cations, having every necessary re commendation. Apply at this office for particulars. Charles A. Cox. April 23 86 To febovv\uvkevs. WANTED by the Subscriber, a bout the first June next, two or three Good Workmen, to whom constant employment, and liberal wages will be given* Richard Matthews, Cambridge, 8. C. April 10. 6t 84 wanted. 1 WANT A BOOK BINDER im mediately, to undertake and hind an edition of the Laws of North Carolina and Tennessee, of 800 vol umes, Ist and 2d. of about 1000 pages each. I will furnish the tools and materials for binding. Any per son willing to undertake who is stea dy and a good workman will please write me immediately on the subject. Much other binding, such as making Blank Books and rebinding old books can always be had here, besides the binding of new books, of which there will be a large edition printed so soon as the present work is out of the press. Edward Scott. tCaoxville, April 20. 3t 91 N otice. months after date, appli cation will be made to the Hon horabie the Justices of the Inferior Court for the county of Burke, for leave to sell all the real estate of Joseph Attaway, late of said county , • deceased, for the bcuelit of his heirs I and Harley Attaway, Ailm'r. ! March 7, 1821 ’ 1 h:9io / TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1821. AND . Commission Business. The Subscribers, Renew the offer of their services to heir Friends in the above Business. They continue at their Old STAND on Broad-Street, . AND TUEIK WARE-HOUSES, ARE IN GOOD ORDER TOR THE RECEPTION OP .COTTOX &XD (HHHJS Os every Description. They take this opportunity to re turn thanks for favors heretofore re served, and respectfully solicit the continuance of a portion of public patronage. A. Slaughter <Sf 0. Labnzan. Augusta, Scptembei' 3 24t -1 Tlw SttbacTilieiS Canconstuntly be found at the .Au gusta Commission JuYa£\ ' 7 'S ft.LVOE, From early y late, »kr« h* »tilj attends to the tbuciice of MEDI CINE. Bleeding isn't Teeth extract ing in store, at moderate terms, and to servants aj half the usual rates as heretofore, which is worthy of notice. ttrugs, U\v\ss j toils, Taints ; &c. &c. Will he received on Commission, and prompt returns mad’ of ail sales and every attention paid to the in terests of his employers.. C. C. Dunn. December 12 48 N otice. the undersigned has tjf f by the Ilonejuhle the Court of Ordinary of Uurta county", h eu j regularly appointed Guardian of the : and property of William i Jones of said county—-it first having satisfactorily appeared to said Couit that the said William Jones is in a stale of the mast deplorable insanity. These are therefore Co lorwarn and admoifisli all and every person ot persons from making aiiy contract with said William Jones, and to for bid them fro An crediting said Wil liam Jones, or any person in his name or by his order, willvut the privity, consent and intervention of the subscriber, and from interfiled dling in snv manner with the estate either real or personal of said Wil liam J Jilts. All persons having demands against said William Jones, cun have them adjusted by application id the. sub scriber, o:i a satisfactory shewing of ! their correctness —And those indebt ed to him are Requested to some for ward and make immediate settle ment ; ns it is his intention to take the most energetic steps to place the estate of his ward in a regular train. Augustus H. Anderson, Guardian of ti nt. Jones. IXj' The Chronicle ami Advertiser will give the above two insertions. March 20 "6 N otice. NINE months after date, appli cation will be made to the hon orable the Justices of the Inferior Court for the county of Burke, for leave to sell six'enths part of a tract of Land, lying on .Savannah River, commonly known as the shell Bluff tract, it beinga part of the real estate of William Whitehead, Esq. lale of said county, deceased, for the benefit of his heirs. John Whitehead, Jun’r."] g* James Whitehead, i> £ Hamnel Dowse. J 2“ October t 2, 1820. Im9u. GEORGIA, Franklin county. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1820. WHERE AS James 11. Little and J’lhit Westbrook, applies for letters of Dismisgory as administra tors on the estate of James Litlle, lute of said county, deceased; stating tl»« t they have discharged the trustconfid ed to them in the said administration : | It is therefore ordered, That letters of dismissory be granted, unless euuse I be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in November next, and that this fule be published once ; a month for six mouths, in one of the public Ga/.ettes of this state. ji true copy as taken from the Minu Frederick Beall, CVk May 3, >B2f». Jmfim 1 iVv\V\mm\ WovVl, PROPOSALS BY JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, of raiiAnFipau. For Publishing by Subscription, a Piography of the Signet h to the Declaration of Independence. »r WILY S-lA‘J) EPSON. WHKN we consider the personal quali ties of the Statesmen, Who were as. sociated in the first Congress of the United States, and whose names are affixed to the Declaration of Independence, the perilous occasion which demanded , tire exercise of then - wisdom and deliberations, and the it- 1 riuence of their councils on the interests of mankind, we must acknowledge that Veil* farely a more imposing and magnificent spectacle has been exhibited to the world ; and we shall seek in vain, in the annals of nations, lor an event more worthy of com memoration, or of being -cherished forever in the hettrts of a grateful and generous people. of Independence is in terwoven with the frame and constitution of the human mind. It ir. almost the first sen timent that animates the infant’s features in the cradle ; and'amongst all the actions and enterprises of man, none, has awakened in to activity a greater exertion of the virtuous energies of Irs nature, none has excited a greater warmth of veoffttibu, and lias more imperious claims upon our gra'itude, than resistance to tyianij and political oppres stair. In those Republican States which hsve been the admiration of the world, the first tribute ol genius was paid to the patriot or hero, who promoted the cause of liberty aid maintained the independence and dig nity of man, The animated cuuVas, the breathing marble snatched his features from the grasp of death, and the historian in scribed his name and achievements in the imperishable records of fame. It would in deed be no favorable pressage of the per petuity of our republican institutions, to discover an insensibility to the obligations we owe the memory of the illustrious pat rons of American freedom. They adva'tc ed us, by tIK-tr magnanimity,'from tile inglo rious state of colonial subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion of « foreign power, to the distinguished elevation of a Sover eign and independent people.; they assort ed and maintained the imprescriptible rights of humanity, by the ** mutual pledge of tlicif lives, their fortunes, to d .their sacred honor j” and as song as virtue holds her em pire in the hearts of their successors, the example of these generous benefactors will not be lost to the world ; their names will not pass away, nor bo forgotten ; or their, glorious dfeews be c nf.iimdcd in the com mon and casual iranSsplinns of life. Ingra titude,'is a vice, that in nations, as well as individuals, indicates the last degree oi de generacy and corruption- It is a vice that implies the absence ol every virtue j it was in the age of Caligula, that the name of the Scipios was proscribed, and tlje statue of Brutus, brought death on its possessor. “ The glhry of our aoj.Rstnjs m the light of posterity,” ail'd ti/t: homage of the living cannot be uffeled to tile tnei itjt of the illus trious dead, with an ineffectual or sterile admiration. Great and splendid actions will seldom be achieved by inen wi\o have hum ble or ordinary . »jec|s in prospect. It is by contemplating the lives and characters ot those: who are marked out from the multi tude by their eminent qualities, that we be come emulous uf.tlieir t-rtues and their re nown. It is by reading tin* history of their 1 generous and noble actions, that sytopatbc ! tic emotions are. ekc.ted in the heart; and by a reiteration of rncii feelings, that gran deur of sentiment, dignity and elevation of character, and habits of virtue, are generat ed and confii Vd. Lycurgtts clan in ar mour the statues of the Gods, tual even in their devotions the citizens of Sparta might have the image of war before their eyes ; observing well that the disposition of the mind, like a limb of the body, was invigorat ed bv exercise and activity. “ fie inter wove'” says Plutarch, ” the praise of virtue and the contempt of vice in all their pur suits and recreations, and by these arts they were possessed with a tlhrst of honor, an enthusiasm bordering on insanity, and bad not a wish for their country.” The trophies of Mi tinkles interrupted the sleep of 1 he mistocles, and Theseus in listening to the exploits of Hercules, was fired with Insspir it and became the successful rival of Ins fame. The uncultivated savage catches the flume of emulation from the deeds of his ancestors, and bangs his hut with the em blems of his father’s valor. More need not to be said to enforce the utility.of the publication we have ken, and winch we now submit to the pa tronage of our fellow-citizens- CONDITIONS. The Work will he published in 8 volumes at intervals of six months, and delivered to Subscribers at g 2 50 per volume?, in boards. 300 do bound in sbeep, plain. 325 do do gilt. 350 do do in calf, plain. 3 62 do do in calf, gilt. It will contain upwards of 50 portraits, en graved by Mi*. James B. Longncfe, and fsc minifies of the signatures, besides a number of allegorical embellishments. The paper and printing will be of the first quality, and every exertion used to make it, as it should be, a JYalional Work. The first volume is now published, and I -submitted as 3 specimen of the work. Sb >yld any of the sticcc-ding ones prove infeiior, Subscribers will be at liberty to withdraw heir names. May 13. # WANTED TO HIRE, AS a Nurse, a NEGRO GIRL about to nrl2years of age —For particulars, apply at this office. i May ' 93 [Whole. No. 1370- PROSPECTUS ' ' OF &. s>©iEsa SIX BOOKS, entitled better to &t> Hie following extract from the “ r „ •^S%ISSHr- ,he princi^' object seems to be to combat that' l “ ltU ‘ or ’ , Sentiment which the melanrhnlu errt ! r,em,l > of of gloomy cnlT «veVSo l S^;;'^m; , z iife si> <°show, and <lt, ‘ m i’ tß that mere are sufficient in all the diverged stations ofbft , ource* of consolation in tl.e^mw '««» and difficulties to aJ" dlrt 01 co "-' ruth of tiie title he*h« d efl ?o»stTate Ukj 'em, that it is “Bwmi, h‘ !‘°" ♦oVs to show, tint Pm ■ , He endejt hig individual* in eiistr^e' 0 !’r" C °""‘ lU ' accurate estimate of i„ ,ICe \ tornis * more those churlish btin/L do *.', '* l ? f ". n k ess ‘I 1 "' Os counties* bi eSB) „£, livuig- iSr. Mr. Bum*.. n ' th "'(r w*nh •nauWinaintSM^* 1 * ofku. branehfo—ot bti„ ii*f f ?“®V9 ** l *l*. crcMb, in all »,i;V S ‘ ? ea , Vors c,eari y to show, fcaa a bufate of h», * *” ita vor ! ; happiness greatly i„ its ft. , TEH,Vis. Ihe above Poem will ba printed o- verv fuferiorm r ih a "| d *? *" ele «r*»ce of sty ie not "on.. hC U,l<Jsomest northern publics- It will be comprised in one volume, con taming about 200 duodecimo pages, i ,*° Subscribers wilt be one dul. lar Uajl bound—or one dollar and a half full bound m a superior style, payable on delive ry ol the volume. ip" Ever}; person who shall procure twelve, i and become xnswerable for me payment, wdl be entitled to an additional copy, *» (Cd’ The Proposals for the above work,are leu At the different Hook Stores in thib City, Aurnita, November. TKfc £utcv\Wiat\. THE first volume* of the KUTEHI’BUIi or MUSICAL INTELLIGEfyCKK AM) LADIES GAZETTE, ended in April, The second villulne has commenced, much im proved, and considerably enlarged, com p sing tight quarto pages with a sheet of Music-in ev<- 'number, and is published snttUni'pihl;, ou SaAlrdays, at three dollars ' per annum by JOIIJV R. PAIIK ML No. 2, Milk-Su'l-e Bouton, May 5 97 & At a Meeting oif the Stork bottlers of the Savannah Itiver Navi gation Company, held at the Giulie- Tavern, at Augusta, on Monday the 13th day of November, 1820, pursu ant to public notice previously giv en for six mouths, for the purpose of taking into cousideralion dm ex pediency of dissolving the Company. JVlr. Thomas iVUOowall, wns(>;>!l ed to.the Chair, and ,Mr. Auousrvs Whitlock, appointed Secretui v. The Minutes of the proceedings of the Meeting held 1 on the find of May last having been read—it tvu* nUliimously Hraotved, That in consequence o the small number of Htoekholder* present, this Meeting he adjourned - until the first MONDAY in May next, (being the time of the Hegol.u A/tntt il meeting.of the Wtoeklioldej tffen to meet at (he Gjcfbe Te- ti.i, in this City, at 11 o’clock, a. m. for the purpose above mentioned, and Id: other purposes, and that public no lice of their proceedings be given i.i one of the newspapers of this city, and Savannah. Tltumas M‘Dowall, Chairman. Auocstcs Wiutlock, Sec’ry. *Nuv£inbpr 1+ lmTm NOTICE. THE firm of Hknuy P. Tau* : <y Co. and also of Svvaoi . Spann, is this day dissolved by n tnal consent. All persons in/i-l f to said firms sre requested to ih . . immediate payment to Henry P. : bkp, who is authorised to m»k< 1 ! Demerits. William Savage. James Spann, Ilenry P. 1 alter. April 17 . fit 81 Wanted to Purchase, 4 SMART active NEGRO !>.<,: about four teen or fificen y i-.trrf «f age—Enquire at this Office. • March li