Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, June 22, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. Vol. XXII No. 103. S3EW IBSDI&S AT ELY’S. THE Village of Mariendorpt, by Miss Anna Maria Porter, The Report of the Trial of Robert M. Good win for Manslaughter, Fanny with Additions, Woodward’s Literary Casket and Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Litera ture, No. 1, Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 16 and 17, North American Review, No. 31, Espinasse’s Nisi Frius, Gould’s new edition improved, with Notes of Cases to the year 1820, Phillips’s Evidence, new edition, improved to 1820, Chitty on Hills, new edition, Chitty’s Pleadings, Chitry’s criminal Law, with the addition of V Voi. 4th, Co le’s Surgical Anatomy. Family's Lectures on the Teeth. June 8. 3t 98 CoWlns Sc Yloumvy, OF NEU .YORK. Propose, publishing bp Subscription, STBKEOTTPE EDITIONS OK THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE, IN TWO SIZES, Octavo and Duodecimo. STEREOTYPE Editions come strongly recommended to the public, particuiar ly on account of correctness—consequently this modern invention will entirely do away the objection to American publications in that respect. Such a work as Shakesdeahe, perfectly free from error, and otherwise well exe cuted, together with the adventitious cir cumstances of ornament, needs little beside to insure a favourable reception from the friends of Literature, and of American en terprise. The Subscribers are authorized to receive subscriptions for the above, and assure their friends, a. * he public generally, that they will us_ their best exertions to satisfy tho»e who r.iay pubscr be ; that they shall not, as has been too frequently the case, be impos ed upon bv works pubo-ued by subscription, and in every case iij wl icli they are not sa tisfied that the books, when delivered are as good as represent d they >hail lie under no obligations to take them. They will be delivered early next fall ; and at from S - to 5 per sett, lower tiian what tlie S t ORE retail price will be for die same work Persons wishing to be supplied with ele gant copies of the above celebrated work*, are requested to.c .d and view the speci- i mens of binding, See at the store of j. & 11. Ely. June 8. ot 98 The SubscvibcT, Hespi c-j'iilp informs his friends and the public, that he liqs received A SS.s ! ASSORTMENT OF FM'if Suitable to his Line of Business, consisting of SUPER FI VE Cloths, Coronation Mixt Cassimercs, Black and Blue ditto Superfine Valencia Vestings, {en tirely new,) He has fanned a connection in Charleston, by which means he will Iways have on hand a constant sup ply of the newest GOODS & FASH IONS, dtreet from London. James Gordon, Tailor $ Habit-Maker. Washington Street December 29. 63 l*antVmg VY\\s Day, From Holds .Vo 1 dj - 11. aS4SM> L 1)9. Prime Green j C dice, 23 Hhds. Piirne Sfigar 40 B trels do <lu 70 Barrel* Superfine flenr A few barrels Irivh Potatoes * Pip-s Superior Holland Gm And by the, next Hunt, 30 Hh4*’ Prune Retailing Molasses 10 Hhds. Philadelphia Whiskey, 60 Bhls. do do With e variety of other articles For sale by R. Malone. March 15 3t 75 NEW BOOKLS at Ely’s, j Kenilworth, by the author of Waverlv, &e. &c. Mid mouth, the Wauderer, by the au thor of B-rtraui The Earthquake, a Tale, by the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or the Correspondence of the j Pringle family. 1 The Angel of the World, a New Poem Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 15 Just received and fur sale by J. &H. Ely, j Who keep constantly a large sup ply of Fools Cap and Letter Paper, j and .School Books, which will be sold i to Country Merchants on the most I advantageous terms. April 20 21 S 3 AND Commission Business, The Subscriber having taken a tease on the Ware-House recently occu pied by HOLCOMBE & TUCKER. (Opposite Messrs. Sims £ Williams.j WILL be thnukful to his friends and the public for a share of their patronage. Every atteutiou will be paid to the iuterest of those ] who may favor him with their busi ness, whether in receiving and for warding sales and purchases of Cotton ov of any description—His WARE HOUSES Sf S PORES are now rea dy fur the reception of Cotton and Merchandise. R. Malone. Augusta, May 1. 88 15t The SuhscTibeir, Canconstantly be found at the Au gusta . Commission S>SB®*B SHPD-m, J-YaLSrS R.IJVnK, From early till late, where he still attends to the Practice of MEDI CINE. Bleeding and Teeth extract ing in store, at moderate terms, anti to serviTnts at half the usual rates ns heretolore, which is worthy of notice. Drugs, Diass, Dlls, Paints &c. &c. AV ill be received on Commission, j and prompt returns made of ail sales i and every attention paid to the in terest j of his employers.. C. C. puna. December 13 .48 iiDESE, ftiti.V, Ornamental Painting, Blazing, 'Pufer Hanging, fy'c. f BMI li Subscriber utixii>us«ji Work, _BL is now reiidy to receive eppli cations, having every necessary re commendation. Apply at this office for particulars. Charles A. Cox. April 23 86 To Shoemakers. TTf TAN LED by the mbscr her, a- j VV I* ol * l the fi'St June next, two ! or three Good Workmen, to whom 1 const aut employment, and liberal wages will be given- Richard Matthews, Cambridge, S. C. April to. fit 84 WANTED. 1 WANT A BOOK BINDER im mediately, to undertake and bind an edition of the Laws of North Carolina aud Tennessee, of 800 vol umes, Ist and 2d. of about 1000 pages each. I will furnish the tools and materials for binding. Any per son willitig to undertake who is stea dy and a good workman will please write me immediately oh the subject. Much other binding, sur.h as making Blank Books and rebinding old books can always be had here, besides the bin ling of new books, of which there will be a large edition printed so soon as the present work is out of the press. Edward Scott. Knoxville, April £b. 3t 91 <DD Bags Prime Green, of the . New Crop, Just received and for sale by C. L. Lawfence & Co. ALSO, IJV STORE, AND Full SALE, ! New-Orleans Sugar, of the Old Crop, prime quality, Loaf Sugar in barrels, Best Richmond Manufactured To- | bacco, 8 hands tu the pound, Har- | ris’s crooked brand, Five Bales best English Seine Twine, j Jnhuary 16 41 58 ■ —, jn olice. NINE months alter date, appli- i cation will be made to the Hon- j | hoi able the Justices of the Inferior j | Court for the county of Burke, for leave to sell all the real estate of > | Joseph Attaway, late of said county, , | deceased, for the benefit of his heirs l and creditors. * Harley Attaway, Adm’r. j > Morels 7, 18*1 l«.'! m FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1531. a*im TmißiSo tavlN Bathiug Tubs, very superior y do lloxsteis different lizes. du Seales with, beams properly regulated . do Backets, different sizes do Coffee Pots do do do Pans and Sauce Pans do do do Watering pats do do do Powder, Tea aud Sugar Cun- Diste.s, do Candlesticks i do Candle Boxes do Caudle Moulds do Cheese Toasters, do Liquor Pumps, do Liquor Men,ares Jo Graters, large, for kitchen use do Nutmeg graters upon an im proved plan do Chandeliers, in sets of a su perior construction do Sconces,-an improved pattern, do Cup*, pint and half pint, do Spitting Boxes do Lanterns, both large & small do Skimmers und Ladles do Cullenders do Scoops and Funnels do Engines for the purpose of watering U*rdens, ijSte. do Pepper nod Drudging Boxes, do Sillabub Churns, do Trumpets for hunters & stage drivers do Pudding Pens, Or any other ,-irtif!or articles in the Tin-Plate orker’s line, by Wholesale or Retui!, will be fur j nished at the shortest notice and the | work well executed on the most rea i soooble terms, by applying at the I store of John ! Livids & Co. JC7* TIN GUTTERS for house*, made and put up at short notice.— Apply as above April 6 8t # 3 LL\DJi A4J Jii and Commission Business. 'Che Subscribers, Renew' the off r of their services to heir Friends in the above Business, They continue at their Oltl STAND on BrOad-Street, AND TllElit ; WARE-HOUSES, ARE IN GOOD ORDER FOR TMK I’KC’gPTICiX OF CDTTDX .iXD DDODS of every Description. They take this opportunity to re turti I hanks for favors heretofore re ceived, and respectfully solicit the Continuance of u poriiou of public pal roiiuge. A. § 0. Uabitzan. Augusta, September 8 24t 21 TAILOR, Dne door west of John Barry's, nearly opposite the City-Hotel, Respectfully inform* the citizens of Augusta aud its vi cinity that he has this present week received from New York, the latest Fashions of that place—Also, a few Superfine Blue, Mixt, and Black Bread Cloths, Cassimeres and Vest ings, which will be sold low—As he has had a considerable of experience in his line of business, he feels con fident, that he will meet the appro bation of all who will favor him with their custom. £Z7* Coats, Vests and Pantaloons ured and restored to their origns seoUstre at the shortest notice, and II the most reasonable terms. April 3 4t 80 £/• Boat Owners.—Will take notice that the 101st. section of the Genera! Ordinance of the city of Au gusta will be enforced after the fi "st i of June—lt reads as follows :—“All ! Boats out in actual use, shall b“ re -1 moved from opposite the city during i the months of June, July, August, ! September aud October, annually. Boats found opposite the city, during ! the above named months of the year, containing water in the holds, shall ! be seized by any officer ot Council I and from tbe city Any person, violating this section shall be fined, at the discretion of Council, in a sum not exceeding one hundred dol lars per dav :and shall, moreover, be liable for alt expences incurred iu re moving such boat or boats.'’ June 1 99 National. Work. PROPOSALS BY 1 JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, Or PHIUDBIFHIA. .‘‘or Publishing bp Subscription , a Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. ! Bt JOII.Y SAXDERSOJV. AIT HEN we consider the personal qusli vv ties ot the Statesmen, v.ho were as sociated in the first Congress of the Hinted Slates, and whose names are affixed to the Declaration ot Independence, the perilous occasion which demanded the exercise of their wisdom and deliberations, and the in fluence of their councils on the interests of mankind, we uuo acknowledge that very rarely a more imposing and magnificent spectacle has been exhibited to the world ; | and we shall seek in vam, in the annals of ! nations, for an event more worthy of com- I niemoratiou, or of being cherished forever i in the heaits of a grateful and generous people. The love pf Independence is in -1 terwoven with the frame and constitution of I the tinman mind, it is almost the first sen i tinient that animates the infant’s features in the cradle ; and amongst all the actions and enterprises ut man, none lias awakened in to activity a greater exertion of the virtuous energies ot his nature, none has excited a greater Warmth of veneration, and lias more imperious claims upon our gratiludr, tiian resistance to tyranny aud political oppres sion. In those Republican States which have been the admiration of the world, the first tribute ot genius was paid to the patriot or hero, who promoted the cause of liberty ! » n -J maintained the independence and dig. | nity ut man. Ihe animated canvas, and the ; breathing marble snatched his feutures from the grasp of death, and the historian in scribed iiis name and achievements in the imperishable records of fame. It would in deed be no favorable pressage of the per petuity of out’ republican institutions, to discover an insensibility to the obligations we o\v«.Jhe memory of the illustrious pat rons of American freedom, t hey advaoc. ed us, by their magnanimity, from the inglo rious state of colonial subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion ot’ a foreign power, to Hie distinguished etcvaljou of a sover eign and independent people ; they assert ed and maintained the imprescriptible rigid* of humanity, by die “ mutual pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor and as long as virtue holds her em pire in the hearts of their successors, the example of these generous benefactors Will not he lust to the world ; their names will not pass away, nor be forgotten j or their glorious deeds be c ufouuded in the Cum l casual transactions of file, iugra litudis, is a vice, that in nations, as wed as individuals, indicates the last degree of de generacy and corruption, that implies the absence ol ebery virtdc ; it Was in the age of Caiiguia, that the name of the Scipios was proscribed, ami tiie statue of Uriilus, brought death on its possessor. “ The glory of our ancestors is the light of posterity,” and the homage of the living cannot be offered to the merits of the illus trious dead, with an ineffectual or scerile admiration. (Ureal and splendid actions will seldom be achieved by men who have hum file or ordinary Ejects in prospect. It is by contemplating the lives and characters of those who are marked out from the multi tude by their eminent qualities, that we be come emulous of their virtues knd their re nown. It is by reading the.history of (heir generous and noble actions, that sympathe tic emotions are excited in the heart; and by a reiteration of such feelings, that gran deur of sentiment, dignity and elarution of character, and habits of virtue, are generat ed and-confirmed. Lycurgus clad m ar mour the statues of tile Gods, that even in their devotions the rptizens of Sparta might have the image of war before their ey es ; observing well that , the disposition of the mind, tike a limb of the body, was invigorat ed by exercise and’activity. “ lie inter wove,” says Flutarch, ” the praise of virtue and the contempt of vice, ill all their pur suits aud recreations, and by these arts they were possessed with athirst of honor, an enthusiasm bordering on insanity, and had not a wish for their country.” '1 tic trophies of Miltiades interrupted the sleep of The mistocles, and Theseus in listening to the exploits of Hercules, was fired with hisspir it and became the successful rival of his fame. The uncultivated savage catches the flame of emulation from thd deeds of his ancestors, and hangs his hut. with the em blems of liis father’s valor. Mure need not to be Said to enforce the utility of the publication we have underta tren, and which wp now submit to the pa tronage of our fellow-citizens- CONDITIONS. The Work will be published in 8 volumes at intervals of six mouths, aud delivered to Subscribers at £j2 50 per volume, in boards. 390 do bound m sheep, plain. 3 25 do do gilt 350 do do in calf, plain. 3 62 do do iu calfi gilt. It viill contain upwards of 50 portraits, en graved by Mr. James B Longucre, and sac ■ g.i'jf.iesot the signatures, besides a number oi allegorical embellishments. The paper and printing will be of the first quality, and every exertion used to make it, a» it should be, a National tVork. The first volume is now published, and submitted as a specimen of the work. Should any of the succeeding ones prove inferior, Subscribers will be at liberty to withdraw ' heir names. May 18. ' r - WANTED TO HIRE, A 8 a Nurse, a NEGRO GIRL about 10 or 12 years of age—For nrticulars, apply st this office. May 95 r Whole. No. 1376. L- P TTvfc TButerptoiaA. THE first volumes of the EUTERPEIA® or MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND LADIES GAZE I’ I E, ended in April. The second volume ha* commenced, much .im proved, and considerably enlirged, com prising eight quarto pages with a sheet of Music in every number, and is published semi-monthly, on Saturdays, at three dollars per by JOHN It. PARKER. No. 2. Milk-Stree Boston, May 5 97 Notice. i Wl HERE AS (lie undersigned has VT by the Honorable ..the Court ' of Ordiu.try of Burke county, been _ regularly appointed Guardian of the f person and property of William Jones of said county—it first having ( satisfactorily appeared to said Couit . th it the said \\ ill• am Jones is in a state of tbe most deplorable insanity. These are I here fore to for warn and * admonish alfi and every person or persons from making any contract with snid tV Jones, and to for bid them from crediting said Wil Jones, or ally person in his name or Uy bis order, without tbe ’ privily, consent utnl intervention Os ! the subscriber,, and from iutermed i dliitg iu any manner with the estate either real or persoual of said Wil* liun Jones. All persons having demands against . said William Jones, can have them adjusted by uplication to the sub-. ■ scriher, on a satisfactory, shewing of their correctness —And those indebt ! to him are requested to come for ward aud make immediate settle mint ; a*, it is his intention to take - I the most energetic steps to place the ' estate of his ward in a regular train. ! Augusi us 11. Aridefson, Guardian of Wm. Jones. .(O’ The Chronicle and Advertiser will 1 gill's the above two insertions. > March 29 76 N otice, ' f IkJLNE months after date, appli j Axl cation will be made to the hon i- oroide the Justices of the Inferior n Court for the .county of Burke, lor [j leave to sell sixtehtlis part of a tract ~ j of Laud, lying, on Savannah River, i. j commonly known as (lie r.hell Bluff i- tracts >t being a part of the real estate s iof William Whitehead, Esq. late of t ' said county, deceased, for the benefit 5 of his heirs. e John Whitehead, Jun’iO * James Whitehead, !>s t Samuel Dowse.* * > October 12, 1%20. Itn9m j GEORGIA, Franklin county. Court of Ordinary, May 'Term, t £2* At a Meeting of the Stock. . holders of the Savannah River JVavi - gaticn Company, held at the Globe - ; Tavern, at Augusta, on Monday (be r: 18ib day ol November, 1820, piirsu l ! act to public notice previously giv. .j en for six mouths, for the purpose f of taking into consideration the ex j pediency of dissolving the Company. " | Mr. Thomas M‘Dow all, was «;ll eij to tbe Clmir, and Mr Augustus Whitlock, appointed Secretary. The .vlinutes of the proceedings of the Meeting held on tbe first of May last having been read—it was naniuiously f Resolved, That in consequence o the sinali number of Stockholders pfi-senl, this Meeting fie adjourned utitil the first MONDAY in May next, (being the time of the Regular Annual meeting of (be Stockholders) then to meet at tbe Globe Tavern, in this City, at, ll o’clock, a. m for'the purpose above mentioned, and for other purposes, and that public uo tiee of their proceedings be given in one of the newspapers of ilws eity, and Savannah. Thomas M‘Dowall, Chairman. Augustus Whitlock, Sec'ry. November 14 tiriTm Kinaf M otice. IW LL attend at the Store of Messrs. Walton and Hatris, op posite the Post Office, every Wednes day, Thursday and Friday until the <tf June, for tbe purpose of col ler ting tbe State and County Tax, for the year 1820. Persons in ar-' rems will do well to avail themselves of (hi* opportunity, if not, execution will issue. E. Bugg, T. C. April 24. 86 To House-Keepers, jff AN active young NEGRO GIRL, will tv ' hi‘ed for 3 or 6 months.—She is well qualified for a house servant or seamstress. Enquire at this office. June 12 3t 99