Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, July 17, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. VOL. XXIII No. 5. JVaUonvxY Wovk. PROPOSALS by JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, OF FIIIIiAJIELPUIA. Sfor Publishing by Subscription, a Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. BV JOff.V SAXDERSOX. jTiniEN we consider the personal quali »f ties of the Statesmen, who were as sociaied in the first Congress of the United Slates, and whose names are affixed to the Declaration of Independence, the perilous j occasion which demanded the exercise of their wisdom and deliberations, and the in fluence of their councils on the interests of I vuu:ikind, we must acknowledge that very rarely a mure imposing and magnificent spectacle has been exuibited to the world ; and we shall seek in vain, in the annals of nations, for an event more worthy of com memoration, or of being cherished forever in the hearts of a grateful and generous people The love of Independence is in ter-woven* with the frame and constitution the human mind. It is almost tile first sen }ujutiu[i animates uie infant’s features in tile Ciauie ; ami amongst ail the actions and eaterprizos of iriiin, none has awakened in to acivity a greater exertion of the virtuous eiingies of :us nature, none has excited a jjjrealer warmth of veneration, and has more mi,)-nous claims upon our gratitude, than res. anoc to tyranny and political oppres sion. in :ho..e Republican States which have been toe adm.. auon of the world, the first tr.bu'c ei genius was paid to the patriot or hero who pi -.noted tne cause of liberty ai.u linomained the independence and dig nit; oS :n„. . lue animated efinvas, and the breathing marble snatched his features from tile grasp it death, and the historian in scribed his name and achievements in the i i perishable records of fame. It would in deed be no fuv. ruble pressage of the per oi our republican institutions, to I discover an insensibility to the obligations ! we owe the memory of the illustrious pat- j roas of American freedom. 1 bey adva ic- ; ed us, by their magnanimity, from the uiglo- | iious state of col.nnal subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion ot a foreign power, to the distioguislied elevation of a sover eign and independent people ; they asset ed and maintained tne imprescriptible right ot humanity, by tne “ mutual pledge of tlieir lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor ami us long as virtue holds her em pire in the hearts ci tne.r successors, the example oi these generous benefactors will noi be lost to i-ic world; their names will liot pass away, nor be lorgolten ; or their glorious deeds be c --founded in tile com- - moil and c - aa. transactions of life, fngra- , fitude, is a- ic-e, teat in nations, as well as J in I v.duals, nnh -.ates tiie last degree ot de- j generacy uud corruption- . It is a vice that 1 implies llie alls, ue-.- m every virtue ; it was in die age ot U iguia, that tne name ot the Scipios wa. proscribed, and the statue of Brums, hr . giit ifeatii on its possessor. “ ’l he glory of o-ir ancestors is the light of posterity,” and the homage of the living ca mot be oft’ei ed to the merits of the illus tt'ii us dead, with an ineffectual or sterile admiration. Great and splendid actions will seldom 1- a a i-cved by men who have hum tie or ordinary bjects in prospect. It is by coiiUT- piatirg -l-e lives and ciiaracteis ot those " n are 'marked out from the multi tude oy'iirir eminent qualities, that we be cone ’ iocs -it their virtues and their re liowii. it-s hv reading the history of their generous and noble a.:i.ons, that sympathe t: motions are exr-ieu in die heart; anti L. , rtiierac. -n of rich teelitigs, that grau <Jen" sentiment, dignitt and elevation ot character, and hub: s of yi- ne, are generat ed and confirmed. Lyiurgus clad m ar mour the statues of the Gods, tuat even m their devotions the citizens of Sparta might have the image of war belore tlieir eyes; observing well that the disposition of the mind, like a limb of ti.e body, was invigorat ed bv exercise and activity. “He inter- ; ■wove’,” saysTPlutarch, “ the praise of virtue an the contempt, of vice in all tlieir pur suits and recreations, and by these arts they were possessed with a thirst ol' honor, an nliiusiauis bordering on insanity, and had not a wish for their country.” The trophies of Miltiades inlerr .pted the sleep of The mistocles, Theseus in listening to the exploits of Hercules, was fired with hisspir it and became tbe successful rival of bis fame. The uncultivated savage catches the of emulation from the deeds of his ancestors, and hangs his hut with the em blems of his father’s valor. More need not to be said to enforce the utility of tne publication we have underta ken, and winch we u-w submit to the pa eronage f cur fellow-citizens- CONDITIONS. The Work will ee published in 8 volumes at intervals of six mouths, and delivered to Subscribers at Cj2 50 per volume, in boards, o 00 do bound in sheep, plain. 3 25 do do gilt. 3 50 do do in calfi plain. 3 C 2 do do in calf, gilt. It will contain upwards of 50 portraits, er.- j graved by Mr. .lames B. Longucre, and sac j simdies of the signatures, besides a number j of allegorical embellishment*. The paper | and printing will be of the first quality, and - every exertion used to make it, as it should j be, a’ XaUonal IVork. The first volume is now published, and j submitted as a specimen of the work. Should anv of the succeeding ones prove inferior, | .Subscribers will be at liberty to withdraw j feeir names. May 18. j ~WANTED TO HIKE, A S a Nurse, a NEGRO GIRL' J\ about to or 12 years of age—For Particulars, apply at this office. May 95 PROSPECTUS OK & IN SIX BOOKS , ENTITLED better to 23e: By Joseph Eve. To be Published in the City of Augusta The following extract from the “ Geohqii AuvEUTtsEn,” will elucidate the principal and drift o the Poem • “ l’he Poem is in SIX BOOKS, of from three to five hundred lines each. The author’s object seems to be to combat that erroneous sentiment which the melancholy speculations of minds ot gloomy sensibility have inculca ted, that the miseries of human life so far overbalance its enjoyments, that existence itselfisnota blessing, or its continuance to b? desired. Mr. Eve, in his Poem, attempts to show, and we believe pretty successfully, that tnere are sufficient grounds of comfort in ali the diversified stations of life, sufficient sources of consolation in the midst of con visicts and difficulties, to demonstrate the ruth of the title lie has chosen for his Po em, that it is “ Bklteb to Be.” He endea vors to show, that Providence, in continu ing individuals in existence, forms a more accurate estimate of human happiness than those churlish beings do, who, in the midst of countless blessings, can find nothing worth living for. Mr. Eve takes a. survey of hu man life in all its stages—of science in all its branches—of business in all its activity—of creation in all its sublimity and beauty, and under various views, and many animated descriptions, lie endeavors clearly to show, that the life of man, with all its vicissitudes, has a balance of happiness greatly in its fa vor. The work, we are informed, will after a short time be put to press.” TERMS, The above Poem will be printed or. very fine paper, and in an elegance of style not inferior to Uie handsomest northern publica tions. It will be comprised in one Volume, con taining about 209 duodecimo pages. The price to Subscribers will be one dol lar half bound—or vne dollar and a half full bound in a superior ityle, payable on delive ry of tbe volume. I'CT Every person who shall procure twelve subscribers, and become answerable lor the payment, will be entitled to an additional copy. QCjr* The Proposals for the above work, are left at the different Book Stores in this City Augusta, November. g/“ The following articles ve- j ceivetl from Six' auuah, by the Steam- i | Boat Company’* Boats if uot claimed, j exjiences paid and taken atvay be '■ fore Wednesday the Eleventh of du ly, they will he sold at Public Auc tion, to pay exp slices.. T. B. 1 Box containing bottles of . Snuff, 1 Box Raisins, J. B. 2 Casks Cheese, F. 1 Tierce Oil, Diamond W. or M. 1 Hhd. Liquor, i. B. B. 2 Barrel- Cider R. W. O is, t Kfgs printing ink, L. C. Latvson, t Box and l Barrel, Diamond H. l ox Soap, C. & C. t Barrel Hardware, F. G. & r O. ) , r,* , No. 189 \ 1 lruuk ’ T. & B. 12 Boxes containing Wand en Clocks—shipped from Savannah by Captain -Rockwell—to order. Cumberland 6 Bales. June 19. 7t 101 £/• Boat Owners.—Will take notice that the 101st. section of the I General Ordinance of the city of Au gusta will be enforced after the first of June—lt reads as follows :—“ All Boats not in aetifal use, shall be re moved from opposite the eity during the months of June, July, August, September and October, annually. Boats found opposite the city, during the above named mouths of the year, containing water in the holds, shall be seized by any officer of Council and conveyed from the city. Ant person, violating this section shall be fined, at the discretion of. Council, in a sum not exceeding ouC hundred dol lars per day ; and shall, moreover, he liable for all expences incurred in re moving such boat or boats. 5 ’ Juue 1 95 T\\p Yiuteryveiaff. mHE first volumes of the KUTKKPEIAD A or MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND LADIES GAZETTE, ended in April. The , j second volume has commenced, much im ; proved, and considerably enlarged, com- ! 1 prising eight quarto pages with a sheet of - Music in every number, and is published j I semi-monthly, on Saturdays, at three dollars I per annum, by ; JOHN R. PARKER. No. 2, | Boston, May 5 97 Wkatf F on\\vAHN V Office. | *** NO ITCE —I'he Fresi- I dent and Directors of the Company, have ! this day declared a dividend oi 2 1-2 per ■ j cent on the Capital Stock of the Company ,| fur the last quarter, ending 30th ulL—The : same will be payable at this Office on or as- I ter tbe 20th instant. JOHN SHARP, Tteasurer. » July 3. 1 TUESDAV MO .INL\G, JULY 17, 1831. MIKI WBls TIN Bathing Tubs, very superior do Roasters different sizes, do Scales with beams properly regulated do Buckets, dilF'rent s;zes do Coffee Pots du do do Pans and Sauce Pans do dn do Watering puls du du do Powder, lea mid Sugar Cah nisteis, do Candle Slicks do Candle Boxes do Candle Moulds do Cheese Toasters, do Liquor Tumps, do Li quor. Measures do Gr. Hers, large, for kitchen use da Nutmeg graters upou an im proved plan do Chandeliers, in sets of a su perior construction do Sconces, an improved pullern, do Cujps, pint and half pint, do Spitting Boxes do Lauterns, both large & small do Skimmers aiu? Ladles do Cullenders *' do Scoops and Funnels do Engines for the puipoge of watering C dens, iLu. do pepper and l. Jging Boxes, do Sillabub Chur;.*, do Trumpets for hunters &. slage drivers do Pudding Pans, Or any other article or articles in | the 'Tin-Plate \\ orkcr’s lute, by : Wholesale or Reiail. will he liir uisheil at the shortest notice and the work well executed on the most rea sonable terms, by applying at the store of .taint Hayles k. Co SC?* TIN GUTTERS f-.r hn .s.g, made and put np at short notice.— Apply us above. April 6 81 NfT lyN'TSi EC f,t t r.»i W vj. iJij o Hit“y» iVnao G fecii, of the New Crop, Just received and for sale by L. Lav, retif.e bi Co. ALSO, i.V STOKE, AM) roa SALK, NcvV-Oflerttis Sugar, ol’the Old Crop, prime quality, Loaf -n barrels, Best It I* l l rni ini Manufactured To- i baceo, H liund), t« die pound, Har ris’s crooked brand, Five Bales best English Seine Twine. January t 6 4t 58 ODD Rarrcfs- Fhilatlelph' Whitke , * AND 1000 Bushels Salt,, Just Landed, nil fur Sale by I. Thompson, Under the Globe Tavern, Juno 12. <ii) THE HIGHEST PREMIUM 11IVEX VO/l C\\a\*leslon YnvnU N’otes. By S. M. Allen, Corner of liroiul and A/ lutoth-Streets March 27 78 MARCHE’S BEST ai&»-a:t.aA waaa In Pipes and Quarter Casks, For Sale tty 1. '1 hompson. Under the Globe Tavern, May 8. oo lUssoVuViDU. r|MIE Copartnership heretofor e 1 exisiing iinilcr the firm o THOMAS A. BREWER hC-.i. is this day by mute .I consent dissolved. Thomas A. Brewer, George Asplttwall. June to too IXrT WANTED to hire entij 1 the Fall, ’Three or Four active NE ; GRO BOYS, to work on a Brick- Yard, near ihe City, liberal wages j will be given, enquire of Joseph I Bignon near the Market. June 2-3 8t 102 hHiN, Ornamental Painting, Glazing, Paper Hanging, <S*'c. Subscriber anxious for Work 1 is now ready to receive appli cations, hbving every necessary re commendation. • Apply at this office 'for particulars. (■harlcs A. Cox. April S 3 86 aisi r •- AT 1,1. V-S. HHiIE Village of M.uitndorpt, by Miss X Anna Maria Purler, I lie Report of tile Trial of Robert M. Good will for Manslaughter, Fanny \i th .Additions, Woodward's Literary Casket and Pocket Magazine of Classic and I’ulite Liters ture. No. 1, It I;,--k wood’s Magazine, No. 16 and I^, Nortli American Review, No. 31, Es|iinasse's Nisi Prms Gould’s new edition improved, willi Notes of Cases to the year 1820, Phillips’s Evidence, new edition, improved to 1820, Chitty on Bills, new edition, Chitly’s Pleading.-, Cliitiy’s crimioal Law, with the addition of Vol. 4ih, Colh-'s Surgical Anatomy. Parody's Lectures uu the Teeth. June 8. 3t 93 UoVUns & Hauutvj, OF NE'V YORK. Propose, publishing by Subscription, ST Elt EG TYPE EDITIONS Up THE DR. IMA Tie WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE, In two sizes, Octavo and thiodecim4. S IEREOTYfi; Editions coine strongly recommended to the public, particular, ly on account of correctness—consequently this modern invention will entirely do away l! - objection to American publications in that respect. Such a work as StiAXiisrcAfti, perfectly ; cvee from error, and otherwise well exe cuted, tojreiher with the adventitious cir fiinistiuices oi ji-nameul, needs little beside to insure a favourable reception from tbe friend* of Literature, and of American en terprise. I ll- Subscribers are authorized to receive subscriptions for the above, da--ore tlieir friends, and the public grn<-.Jl\, that they will use their best exertions to satisfy u llu may stlb-au die i that iliey stiall not, as has been tin* tr.opieiHly the ease, be impos ed upon hy workspubusliud by subscription, and in every case in which they are not sa il lied that 1110 books, when delivered are as good as represented, they shaft be under no obligations to take. them. ■ hey wiil lip delivered early next fall ; and at frmfi E-’ lo 5 per sent, lower than what tbe.STORE retail price will be for the .same work. Persons wishing to tie supplied kith ele gant copies ol' the *b,.Ve celebrated woiks, are requested to call and view the speci mens of binding, Sic. ah the store of J. k IL Ely. •Intie 8. 3t 93 \ Prophecy of Dante, a Poem by t.ord 1. Hy ron, Mary of Scotland, or the heir of Avenel a lira ua, founded on the popular Novel of “ The Abbott.” , Tltertse, the Orphan of Geneva, hy John Howard Payne, Esq. Sergeant and Kawle’* Reports, 3 Veils. The House Surgeon i.nd Physician, design ed fur the use of families with Concise Directions, price j»ll. Tj‘ A fresh supply of AMES’ best Lt iter Paper, for sale at the Augusta Book-Slue, by W. J. HOBBY. July 3 3t 1 T\uf S\vbsci'ibeY< Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has received A NEAT ASSORTMENT <i? Suitable to his Line of business, CUNSISTINO OF Superfine cioths, Coroiintion Mixt Cassimercs, Black tint! Bine ditto Superfine Valencia Vestings, (e«- ti ely vex ) He lias formed a connection in Charleston, by which means he will itvays lime uu hand a constant sup ply of the newest GOO 1)8 Sc FASH ION'S, direct from London. Janie* Gordon, Tailor df Habit-Maker. Washington-Street December 29. 33 X V*W at VAnV Kenilworth, hy the author ' of VV overly, &.R. &'!. Melmoulh. ihe Wanderer, by the an- I tiior of U“rtram The Earihtjiiake, a Tale, by. the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or llux Correspondence of the Pringle family. The Angel of the World, a New Poem Blackwood’* Magazine, No. 13 Ju t received and for sale by j. it H. Ely, ; Who keep constantly a I irge sup- ' ply of Fools Cap and Letter Paper, j and School B f oks, which will be sold ; to Country Merchants on liie most . advantageous terms. April 20 Sit 85 nr [Whole. No. 1383. CI.OSI.VU. ■ t Tlie Subscriber, Intending to close liis Business for the Season by the isf July next, OFFERS FOR SALE HIS Slock o£ llats, Comprising- a very General Assortment, on the most accommodating terms, AkoNd THEM AMR ELKGAN l’ Cong nap fine Drab, I warranted water proof. Ditto lino black, broad and narrow brim*, Castors, imitation Beavers, Mens’ and Boys’ Rorams, Ditto Wool Black # White, Morocco (Japs, & c . &c. Country Merchants will do well to call, as a liberal discount will be utude to those who purchase largely. \ ToTeT. MX FROM the Ist of July until tko i*t of October— .the Store now occupied by the subscriber, one door above Mr. R. fj. Musaroves, rent low. George 1/annah, Juno 19 1 0l AND Commission Business, The Subscriber having iahena lease on the. Ware-House recently occu pied by utiL.coMhb & tucker. f Opposite Messrs. Sinu $ William ». IIM be thankful to liis friends v ▼ anil the public for a share of i ll V' ir I* *■’milage. Every atleution will lie pail to the interest of those who may favor htui with their busi ness, 'Whether in receiving and for warding s lies and purchases of Cotton oi* .Merchandise of any d script ion--Hm W ARB HOUSES % S LUKES are now rea dv for ib« reception of Cotton and Merchandise. R. Malone. Augusta, May 1. 88 tui- AND Commission Business. The Subscribers, Renew the ofler ol their services to • heir Friend* in the above Business. They continue at their Old Sf.vNLj tut Broad-Street, AND rtlF.Mt •WARE-HOUSES, AU K IN GOOD OH I) Kl( Foil THE RECEPTION OF COTTON .IXO GOODS Os every Description. ibis opportunity to re turn thunks fur favors heretofore re ceived, end respectfully solicit the continuance of a portion of public patronage. A. .Slang liter Hf C. Lahu/.ati. Anguatu , September 8 24s 21 The Bubscriher, Cun constantly be. found at the Jlw gusto, Commission AXs LEV’S lUJVOji, From early till late, where he stilt attends to the Practice of MEDI CINE. Bleeding and Teeth extract ing in store, at moderate terms, anil to servants at half the usual rates as heretofore, w hich is worthy of notice.* ■ Drug A, Glass,Oils, Taints &c. &c. Will be received on -Commission, and prompt returns made of all sales , anil every attention paid to the in terests of his employers.. U. C. Dunn. December 12 48 | To Shoemakers. WAN! El) by the Subscriber, a bout the lir*t Juse next, two | or three Good Workmen, to whom i eonstsnt employment, arid liberal ! wages will be given - Kichard Matthews, Cambridge, S. C. ’ April 10. 6t H*