Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, July 27, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. vol. xxrn No. s. XatioivaY Work. PKOPOSALS BY JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, OF PHILADELPHIA. Tor Publishing by Subscription , a Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. BI JOHN SA YDERSOX. WHEN we consider tlie personal quali ties of the States.nen, who were as socia’.ed in the first Oi.ig. ess of the United States, and whose names are affixed to the Declaration of Independence, the perilous occasion winch demanded the exercise of their wisd ini and deliberations, anil the in fluence of their councils on the interests of mankind, we must acknowledge that very rarely a more imposing and magnificent spectacle has been exhibited to the world ; and we shall se -It in vain, ill the annals of nations, for an event more worthy of com memoratio i, or of being cherished forever in the nea is of a grateful and generous people, file love of Independence is in tenv .veils with the frame and constitution l the nu in an mind. It is almost the first sen timefu i hat animates the infant's features in i the ; and amongst all the actions and enterprises of man, none has awakened in to ou.’ ty a greater exertion of tiie virtuous energies of his nature, none has excited a greate" warmth of veneration, and lias more imperihits tslaims upon our gratitude, than resistance to tyranny and political oppres sion. • In those Republican States which have been the admiration of the world, the first tribute of genius was paid to tilt; patriot or hero, who promoted trie cause of liberty aad maintained the independence and dig nity of man. I'he animated canvas, and the breathing marble snatched his features from the gr .sp of death, and the historian in scribed ins name and achievements in the imperishable records of fame. Jt would in deed be no favorable prestage of tlie per- ] petuay of our republican institutions, to j discover an insensibility to the obligations ! we the mem iry of the illustrious pat- I rons of American freedom. Tney advauc- i e.l us, by their magnanimity, from the inglo rious state of colonial subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion of k foreign power, to tie distinguished elevation of a sover eign and independent people ; they assur ed and maintained the imprescriptible right of humanity, by the “ mutual pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and tlieiiv sacred honor and as long as virtue holds ner em pire in the hearts of their successors, me example of these generous benefactors will not be lost to the world s their names will riot pass away, nor be forgotten ; or their glorious deeds be c infpuiidect in tiie com mon amt casual transactions of fife. Ingra titude, is a vice, in nations, as wed as individuals, indicates the last degree of de generacy and corruption- It is a vice that i implies tiie absence of every virtue ; it w»s | in the age of Cubg.iSa, that tlie name of the Scipios was proscribed, and the statue of Bmtuj., brought death on its possessor. “ The glory of our -nicesiors is the light of posterity ” and the'liomage of the living tan not be offered to the merits of the illus trious dead, with an ineffectual nr sterile admiration. Great and splendid actions will seldom be achieved by men who have hum ble or ordinary objects in prospect. It is by j cootemp ating the iives and characters of those who are marked out trom the multi tude by their eminent qualities, that we be come emulous of :heir virtues and their re nown. It is by reading the history of their generous and noble actions, that sympathe tic emotions are excited in the heart; and by a reiteration of such feelings, that graii d.-ur if sentiment, dignity and elevation of charade' 1 , and habits of virtue, are generat ed and confirmed. Lycurgus ciaU in ar- V mour tae statues of the Gods, that even in their devotions the citizens of Sparta might have toe image of war before tneir eyes ; observing well that the disposition of the mind, like a limb of the body, was invigorat ed by exercise and activity. “He inter wove,” says Plutarch, “ the praise of virtue dnd the contempt of vice in all their pur suits and recreations, and by these arts they were possessed with a thirst of honor, an nthusuits bordering on insanity, and had not a wish for their country.” The trophies of Miltiades interrupted the sleep of The misiocles, and Theseus in listening to the exploits of Hercules, was fired with hisspir it and became the successful rival of his fame. The uncultivated savage catches the flame of emulation horn the deeds of his ancestors', and hangs his hut. with the em blems of his father’s Valor. More need not to be said to enforce the utility of the publication we have underta ken, and which we now submit to the pa eronuge f our fellow-citizens- CONDITION'S. The Work will be published in 8 volumes at intervals of six months, and delivered to Subscribers at g 2 50 per volume, in boards, 000 do bound in sheep, plain. j 325 do do gilt. 350 do do in calfi plain. j 3 62 do do ill calf, gilt. It will contain upwards of 50 portraits, en- | graved by Mr. James B. Longacre, and sac i similies of the signatures, beslA;s a number [ of allegorical embellishments. Th« paper j and printing will be of the first quality, and every exertion used to make it, as it should I be, a National tl'ork. The first volume is now published, and submitted as a specimen of the work. Should any of the succeeding ones prove inferior, Subscribers will be at liberty to withdraw heir names. May 18. WANTED TO IURE, AS a Nurse, a NEGRO GIRL about 10 or 12 years of age—For : Particulars, apply at ibis ofliee. Mny 93 PROSPECTUS OF & tPvQnm i>; SIX BOOKS, ENTITLED better to 25c; • By Josnm Evk. To be Published in the City of Augusta The following extract from the “ Gkohgia Advertiser,” will elucidate the principal and drift o the Poem : “ The Poem is in SIX BOOKS, of from three to five hundred lines each. The author's object seems to be to combat that erroneous sentiment which the melancholy speculations of minds of gloomy sensibility have inculca ted, that the miseries of human life so far overbalance its enjoyments, that existence itself is not a blessing, or its continuance to be desired. Mr. Eve, in his Poem, attempts to show, and we believe pretty successfully, that tnere are sufficient grounds of comfort I in all the diversified stations of life, sufficient j sources of consolation in the midst of con ! victs and difficulties, to demonstrate the I truth of the title he has chosen for his Po em, that it is 11 Butter to Be.” He endea vors to show, that Providence, in continu ing individuals in existence, forms a more accurate estimate of human happiness than those churlish beings do, who, in the midst of coanllesi blessings, can find nothing worth living for. Mr. Eve takes a survey of hu man life in all its stages—of science in all its branches—of business in all its activity—ot creation in all its sublimity and beatify, and under various views, and many animated descriptions, he endeavors clearly to show, that the life of m an, wKli all its vicissitudes, has a balance of happiness greatly in its fa vor. Tlie work, we are informed, will after a short lime be put to press.” TERMS. The above Poem will be printed or. very j fine paper, and in an elegance of style not ! inferior to the handsomest northern publica- j tions. It will be comprised in one volume, coil tabling about 200 duodecimo 7>ages. The price to Subscribers will be one did- ! lar half bound—or one dollar and a half lull j bound in a Superior. Myle, payable on delive ry of the volume. tlj* Every person who shall procure twelve subscribers, and become answerable for live payment, wi l) be entitled to ail additional i c”py 'iP The Proposals for the above work,are : left at the different Bonk Stores in this City j Augusta, November. AT ELY’S. TIE Village of Mariendorpt, by Miss Anna Maria Porter, The Report of the Trial of Robert M. Good win for Manslaughter, Fanny with Additions, Woodward’s Literary Casket and Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Litera ture, No. 1, • Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 16 and 17, North American Review, No. 31, Esjiinasse’s Nisi Prius Gould’s new edition j improved, with Notes of Cases to tiie j year 1820, Phillips’s Evidence, new edition, improved to 1820, Chitty on Bills, new edition, Cliitty’s Pleadings, Chit’y’s criminal Law, with the addition of Vol. 4ih, Code’s Surgical Anatomy. Parmly’s Lectures on the Teeth. June 8. 3t S 3 Collins & IVavmay, OF NE" -YORK. Pi'opose, publishing by Subscription, STI.«IM>IAP£ EDITIONS Os THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE, IN TWO SIZES, Octavo and Duodecimo. STEREOTYPE Editions come strongly recommended to the public, particular ly oil account of correctness—consequently this modern invention will entirely do away the objection to American publications in that respect. Such a work as Shakesveihe, perfectly j cree from error, and otherwise well exe- | cuted, together with the adventitious cir fumsfances of ornament, needs little beside j to insure a favourable reception from the i friends of Literature, and of American en- ! terprise. The Subscribers are authorized to receive j subscriptions for the above, and assure their j friends, and the public generally, that the j’ | will use their best exertions to satisfy those ! who may subscribe; that they shall not, as j has been too frequently the case, be impos i ed upon by works published by subscription, i and in every case in which ’hey are not sa j tisfied that the books, wliea delivered are as i good as represented, they shall be under no j obligations to take them. I hey will be delivered early next fall; j and »t from £2 to 5 per sett, lower than | what tlie STORE retail price will be for the same work. ' Persons wishing to be supplied with ele- 1 gant copies of the above celebrated works, j are requested to call and view the speci- i mens oi binding, &c. at the store of J. &H. Ely. | June 8. 3t 08 &r NOTlCE.—Persons fin ed at the last Regimental Court of Enquiry, | will have an opportunity ot paying the Pay. , master until 31st instant, when executions I will issue. RALPH KETCHUM, Pavmaitcr 10.'A fU Ament, O. ,M. • ,r-!> 13 4-~ FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27, mi* , ROBE&T .MAIAkVE, * OFF ERS FOR SALE, 'ft& Rlitis. & 100 Barrels Phi ladelphia Whiskey, 20 Hhd*. N, O. Sugars, 2000 Bushels Liverpool ground Suit, 100 Sicks blown do 3000 lbs. prime Soap, 5000 Ins. Square &ll it Iron, 40 B-.rrels Mae karet, No. 3. Coguiac Br-’idy <£• Holland Gin, Wuittemores Cards, No. 10, And will receive in afe w JJuys, 50 Barrels new vl-uekarel, packed this Spring, No. 8. A few B iu dies prime Hay £ 200. The above GOODS are tillered low f r Cash, or nu a short credit for accep annes in ouiy u i til the Ist. of October next, auJ all remain ing on hand that day, will pasitiye ly he suit) at Auction. July 13 31 4 AS U Coumvissitm YUxsincss, The Subscriber having to'. rti a leas on tlu? recently occui pied by HOLCOMBE k TUCKER (Opposite Messrs. Sims <s'■ tViltiams. I I7IUI ht- thankful to his fiietids V f and the public for a share ot their patronage. Every ’attention will he paid to the interest of those who may favor him with their busi ! ness, whether in receiving aud for warding sales and purchases of CoUtm oi* Meirchsiudise of description—his \\ AUE- I Ui)USES $ S FORKS are now rea dy for the reception of Cotton and Merchandise. R. Malone. Augusta. May 1. 83 tar smr a®pns37 E Prophecy oi Dante, a Poem by Lord .8. Byron, Mar) ui .Scotland, nr ll.’e ly.-ir of Avcnel a Drain:’, founded on the ‘popular Novel of “ The Abboit.” Tlieivse, the Orphan of Geneva, by John Howard Paine, Esq. Sergeant and Uawh-S Reports, 3 vuls. I tie House Surgeon anti Physician, design ed for the use of families with Coiicise Directions, price £l. GCf’ A fresh supply til AMES’ best Letter Paper, for sale at the Augusta Hook-fitai s, by W. Jt. HOBBY. July 3 3t l Xfew V.imKa at Elxt’T. B7 ENILWOR I'H, by the author la. of Waverly, &c. &c. Melmouth, 1 he Wanderer, by the au thor of B rtiara The Fiai'ihquuke, a Tale, by the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or tlie Correspondence of the Pringle family. Tlif Angel of the World, a New Poem Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 15 Just received and for sale by j. k 11. Ely, Who keep constantly a luige sup ply of Fools Cap and Letter Paper, and Selioo! Books, which will be sold to. Country Merchants on the most advantageous terms. April 20 st 83 HOUSE, TSUi.V, Ornamental Painting, (Hazing, Paper Hanging, Nfc. f j| MIE Subscriber anxious for Work _S_ is now ready to receive appli cations, having every necessary re coninieiidatiou. Apply at this office for particulars. Charles A. Cox. April 23 86 NO riOB. Copartnership of Henry <§■ H Ralph Th ,mas,lias been sou e time since by mutual consent dis solved, if any demands against that concern exist, they will be settled on application to the undersigned, who during his absence from Augusta - this summer has appointed Mr. John W. Bkidiaes his ag nt. Ralph Thomas. J une 25 Ct 2 AYYvatY C vm\\ian\ OfVice. *** NOTlCE—t’he Freni ! dent and Directors of (he Company, have 1 this day declared a dividend ot 2 1-2 p-r cent 01 the Cap tal Stock of the Company for the last quarter, ending 30th ult.— the same vv 11 be paia >le at tins Oilioe on or af ter the 20th instant. JOHN SHARP, Ti'usurer. July 3. ' 1 1 1® miio TIN Bathing Tubs, very superior do. Roasters different sizes, do Scales with beams properly regulated do Buckets, different sizes do Coftte Pots do do do Pans aud Sauce Pans do do do Watering pots do do do Powder, Tea and Sugar Uau uisteis, do Caudle Sticks do Caudle Boxes do Candle Moulds do Cheese Toasters, do Liquor Pumps, do Liquor Measures do Graters, large, for kitchen use do Nutujeg graters upon an im proved plan do Chandeliers, io sets of a su perior construction do .Sconces, an improved pattern, do Cups, pint anti half pint, do Spitting Boxes tlo Lanterns, built large & small do Skimmers and Ladles do Cullenders do Scoops and Funnels do Engines for the purpose of watering GiirdeuE, fke. do Pepper uud Drudging Boxes, do Siiinbuh Churns, do Trumpets fur hunters & siuge drivers ■ do Pudding Pins, Or any other article or articles iu ! tlie Tin-Plate Worker’s line, by ! Wholesale or Retail, will be fur- j uishetl at ihe shortest notice ajid the work well executed 011 the most rea sonable terms, by applying at the .store of John Hayles & Co. 7* TIN GUTTERS for houses, made and put up at short notice.— Apply as i hove. April 0 81 TY>e UtilisevyYhm*, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that lie lias received A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF ill ©©DiMa Suitable to bis Linp of /f astness, CONSISTING of QUPKRFiNE Cloths, Coronation iVLxt Cassimeres, Black and Blue ditto Superfine Valencia Vestings, (en- 1 tirely new ) Mo has formed a connection in < Chirlestun, by which means he will iways have nu hind a constant sup ply of the newest GOODS & FASH IONS, direet from London. Janie* Guidon, Tailor $ Habit-Maker. 1 If ashington-Street December 29. 53 ©MMl'iSlS* ~ j £§)© Frimfc Green, of the New Crop, Just received und for sale by 0. L. Lawrence k Co. ALSO, IN STORE, and von SALE, New-Orleaus Sugar, of the Old Crop, prime quality, Loaf Sugar in barrels, Best Richmond Manufactured, To bacco, 8 hands tu the pouod, Har ris’s crooked brand, Five Bales best Eugliah Seine Twine. January 16 41 68 TIIE HIGHEST PREMIUM tHVKN t un (j\\ar\estou Bank Xote,a, By 8. AJ. Allen, Corner of ttroad uiiU *\t’lntoi/i-Strcctl March 27 78 MARCHE’S BEST In Pipes and Quarter Casks, Pur Sale Ily 1. Thompson. Under the Ulobti Tavern , May 8. 90 _______ rjpHK firm of llknuy P. T*de« r J. 4” and also of SvVage y Spann, is this day dissolved by mu j tual consent. All persons Indebted to said firms are requested, to ni’kr immediate payment to Hk»ry P. la ber, who is authorised to make set tlements. William Savage, James Spann, Henry I*. 'I alter. April 17 * 61 b~J [Whole. No. 1386* AND r X Commission Business . r ■ . \ , The Subscribers, Renew the offer of their services to their Friend* in t\te above Business. They continue at their . Old STAND on Broad-Street, ANU THEllt WARE-HOUSES, AKte in ooub ok6kr FOH THK 11KCF.PT10N OF COTTON* A.XO OOOOS Os every Description. They take this opportunity to re turn thunk* for favors heretofore re ceived, and respectfully solicit the continuance of a portion of public patronage. A. Slaughter C. Labuzan. Augusta, September 8 24t 21 T\vti Can constantly be found at the An gusta Commission mmm bip©ib% mvsLcrs Hdjtruß, From early till late, where he still attends to the Practice of MKDI i Cl.\{i. Bleeding and Teeth extract- I big *u store, at moderate terms, and j to servants at half the usual rates at heretofore, which is worthy of notice. Ovugs, OAuss,OUs, Vwnvls &c. &c. Will be received uu Commission, and prompt returns made of all sales arid every attention paid to the in terests of his employers.. C. C. Dunn. Decemlior 12 48 ’Vo feUofciwakcvs. WANTED by the iuosc< her, a bout the fust June next, two nr three Cood W orkmen, to wh< m constant employment, and lib ral wages will be given’. Richard Matthew*, Cambridge, S. C. April 10. fit 81 IIF.T ULRUft Os Liquors, | 1 fc, r ILL take due notice that the V V following clause in the secoud section of the (Jeneral Ordinance, will be strictly enforced The pen -1 ally lor a breach will b* at the dis ' eretinn of ('ouncil to the amount of ! Due. Hundred Dollars. “ See. 2. Nu retailers, except Ta i veru K.e> pers, shall sell spiritous or | fermented liquors on Sunday, nor af j ter nine o’clock at night at any time; | nor shall they at such time keep upen the doors or windows of their retail t shops ” July 20. 6 Tilt LeulUv of the OUy, Jleyuires that the tenth Section of the General Ordinance, should be rigid ly enforced —it reads as follows “ No person slmll kt p on fiis or her premises any nuisance to the an noyance of his or her neighbors. Any one so uunoyed in ay complain to a Member of Council helungi g to his or her (list net, or to the M irail J. fetich Marshal shall summon three freeholders not residing in the im mediate vicinity to ex inline Vie premises complained of. If they think there is a nuisance which ought, to be removed, they shall t -ive a de cision in writing to lhat effect; and upon such decision, the said Mem ber of Council or Marshal shall order the removal of idle nuisance, and if witliui three days thereafter it is not removed—for every day following, the person on whose premi ■> s it re mains, may be (incd in a sum not ex ceeding twenty dollars.” July 17 5 £>T!ic person to whose care a BAV llOKfeK was entrusted on Wednesday evening last, by a negro bov, will confer a favor on the sub scr.ber by leaving him at Mr. I.oug ►treel’s stiib'Uis, or Mr. N. (Jusliin’s Broad-street, where all expence* will be paid. AVilli ini B. Steele. July 13. 31 4 */“ K. McCoowns, will act a? my Atlornev, daring inv absence. ,'OHN S. COOMBS .] dy 15 (it 4