Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, July 31, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. Vol. XXIII No. 9. Xatiowal Wuvk. PROPOSALS BY JOSEPH M. SANDERSON, OF PHILADELPHIA. For Publishing by Subscription, a Biography o f the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. BT JOILY SANDERSON. WHEN we consider the personal quali ties of the States nen, who were ■ as Hocia'.ed in the first Congress of the United States, and whose names are affixed to the Declaration ot' Independence, the perilous occasion which demanded the exercise of their wisdom and deliberations, and the in fluence of their councils on the interests of mankind, we must acknowledge that very rarely a more imposing and magnificent spectacle has been exhibited to the world ; we shall seek in vain, in the annals of .nations, for an event more worthy of com memoration, or of being cherished forever in the hearts of a grateful and generous people. The love of Independence is in terwovens with the frame aid constitution the human mind. It is almost the first sen timent that animates the infant’s features in the cradle ; and amongst all the actions and enterprizes of man, none has awakened in fo activity a greater exertion of the virtuous energies of iiis nature, none has excited a greater warmth of veneration, and has more imperious claims upon our gratitude, than resistance to tyranny and political oppres ui ui. In those Republican States which have the admi'ation of the world, the first I tribute of genius was paid to tlie patriot or Lem, who promoted the cause of liberty aid maintained the independence and dig nity of man. The animated canvas, and the breathing marble snatched his features from the grasp of death, and the historian in scribed his name and achievements in the Imperishable records of fame. It would in deed be no favorable pre-sage of the per petuity of our republican institutions, to discover an insensibility to the obligations we owe tile memory of the illustrious pat rons of American freedom. They advanc ed us, b> cieir magnanimity, from the inglo rious state of colonial subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion of a foreign power, to tne distinguished elevation of a sover eign a . i independent people ; they asser eu am. maintained the imprescriptible right ol u unanity, by the “ mutual pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor and as long as virtue holds herem piro ju the hearts of their successors, the , example of these generous benefactors will not be mst to the world ; their names will not pass away, nor be forgotten ; or their glorious deeds he c oifouuJed in tue cum- | mo.i and carnal transactions of life, Ingi/a- , thuds, is a vice, that in nations, as well as I individuals, indicates the last degree of tie- I generaoy aid corruption- It is a vice that j thfblies the absence or every virtue ; it was i m the age ot Caligula, that the name of the Scipius was proscribed, and the statue of Brutus, brought death on its possessor. “ The glory of our ancestors is the light of posierity,” and the homage of the living cannot he offered to the merits of the illus trious dead, with an ineffectual or sterile admiration. Great and splendid actions will seldom be achieved by men who have hum ble or ordinary objects in prospect. It is by contemplating the lives and characters of those who are marked out from the multi cude by their eminent qualities, that we be nome emulous of their virtues and their re gown. It is by reading the history of their tenerou- ami nobie actions, that sympathe ic emotions are excited in the heart; and ty a reiteration of sucli feelings, that grail bear of sentiment, dignity and elevation of character, and habits of virtue, are generat ed and confirmed. Lycurgus clad in ar mour the statues of the Gods, That even in their devotions the citizens of Sparta might have tne image of war before their eyes ; observing well that the disposition of the mind, like a limb of the body, was iiVvigorat ed by exercise and activity. “He inter wove,” says Plutarch, “ the praise of virtue and the contempt of vice in all their pur suits and recreations, and by these arts they were possessed with a thirst of honor, an ntnnsiauisr bordering on insanity, and had not a wish for their country.” The trophies of Miltiades interrupted the sleep of The mistocles, and Theseus in listening to the exploits of Hercules, was fired with his spir it and became the successful rival of his fame. The uncultivated savage catches the flame of emulation from the deeds of his ancestors, and hangs his hut with the em blems of his father’s valor. More need not to be said to enforce the bitiuty of toe publication we have underta ken, and which we now submit to the pa eronage f our fellow-citizens- CONDITIONS. The Work will he published in 8 volumes at intervals of six months, and delivered to Subscribers at g 2 50 per volume, in boards, bOO do bound in sheep, plain. 3 25 do do gilt. 3 50 do do in calf, plain. 3 62 do do in call, gilt. It will contain upwards of 50 portraits, en graved by Mr. James B. Longacre, and sac sum lies of the signatures, besides a number of allegorical embellis .meets. The paper and printing will be of the first quality, and every exertion used to make it, as it should be, a National Work. The first volume is now published, and submitted as a specimen of the work. Should any of the succeeding ones prove inferior, Subscribers will be at liberty to withdraw keir names. May 18 ' wanted to hide. A S a Nurse, a NEGRO GIRL /’a. about t@ or 12 years cf age—For Particulars, apply at ibis ufliee. .Yi.iv o.) PROSPECTUS OK il SPDSSQ • IN SIX BOOKS, entitled better to 23c: By JosEru Eve. To be Published in the City of Au gusta rile following extract from the “ Geoiigia Adveutiseh,” will elucidate the principal and drift o the I'oem : ** 1 be Koem is in SIX BOOKS, of from three to five hundred lines each, the author's object seems to be to combat that erroneous sentiment which the melancholy speculations of minds ot gloomy sensibility have inculca ted, that the miseries of human life so fur overbalance its enjoyments, that existence itself is not a blessing, or its continuance to be desired. Mr. Eve, in his Poem, attempts to show, and we believe pretty successfully, that tnere are sufficient grounds of comfort in all the diversified stations of life, sufficient source* of consolation in the midst of con victs and difficulties, to demonstrate the truth ol the title he lias chosen for his Po em, that it is “ Betteh to Be.” He endea vors to show, that Providence, in continu ing individuals in existence, forms a more accurate estimate of human happiness than those churlish beings do, who, in tile midst ol countless blessings, can find nothing worth living for. Mr. Evs takes a survey of hu man ble in all its stages—of science in all its b ranches—of business in all its activity—of creation in all its sublimity and beamy, mid under various views, and many animated descriptions, he endeavors clearly to show, that the lile of man, with all its vicissitudes, has a balance of happiness greatly in its fa vor, Ihe work, we are informed, will after a short time be put to press,” TERMS. The above Poem will be printed or. verv fine paper, and in an elegance hi style not inferior to the handsomest northern publica tions. It will be comprised in one volume, con taining about 200 duodecimo pages. The price to Subscribers will lie one dol lar half bound—or vue dollar and a half full bound in a superior style, payable on delive ry of the volume. fi 7T Every person who shall procure twelve subscribers, and become answerable for the payment, will be entitled to an additional copy 'Tj* file Proposals for the above work, are lelt at the different Book Stores in this Citv Augusta, November. ~suw rnmiLs AT ELY’-S. ; KATIE Village of Marienddrpt, by Miss Jl thin Maria Porter, lile Report of the Trial of Robert M. Good- ' win for Manslaughter, j Fanny with Additions, Woodward’s Literary Casket and Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Litera ture, No. 1, Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 16 and 17, North American Review, No. 31, Espinasse’s Nisi Prius. Gould's new edition improved, with Notes of Cases to the year 1820, Phillips’s Evidence, new edition, improved to 1823, Chitty on Bills, new edition, Chilly's Pleadings, Chitty’s criminal Law, with the addition of Vol. 4th, Code’s Surgical Anatomy. Parmly’s Lectures on the Teeth. June 8. 3t 98 Collins & \Vcun\A\, OF NEW-YOKK. Propose, publishing by Subscription, STKKEOTYF& EDITIONS OF THE UR JIM ATI C WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE, IN TWO SIZES; Octavo and Duodecimo. STEREOTYPE Editions come strongly recommended to the public, particular ly on account of correctness —consequently this modern invention will entirely do away the objection to American publications in that respect'. Such a work as Shak.espe.ihe, perfectly . crec from error, and otnerwise well exe cuted, together with the adventitious cir fumstances of ornament, needs little beside to insure a favourable reception from the friends of Literature, and of American en terprise. The Subscribers are authorized to receive subscriptions for the above, and assure their friends, and the public generally, that they will use their best exertions to satisfy those who may subscribe; that they shall not, as has been too frequently the case, be impos ed upon by works published by subscription, and in every case in which they are not sa tisfied that the books, when delivered are as good as represented, they shall be under no i obligations to take them. They w ill be delivered early next fall ; and at from 5“ ,0 P L ' r seit > h> tt 'er than i what the S'l ORE retail price will be for the j same -work. Persons wishing to be supplied with ele | gant copies of the above celebrated works, are requested to cal! and view the sptci ; mens of binding, &c. at the store of J. & ii. June 8. 3t <*B j £/* NOTICE. —Persons iin- j i ed at the last Regimental Court of Enquiry, j j will have an opportunity ot paying the 1 Pay- ! | master until 31st instant, when executions j I will issue. RALPH K ETC HUM, Paymaster 10 th Regiment, O. .If. j July 13 •* TUESDAY MORNING, JULY SI, IHSI.' HHH WiJJBSL TIN Bathing Tubs, very superior do. Roasters different sixes, do Scales with beams properly regulated do BHcl.ets, different sizes do Coffee Pots do do do Pans and Bailee Fans do do do Watering puls do do do Powder, Tea and Sugar Can nisteis, do Caudle Sticks do Candle Boxes do Candle Moulds do Cheesu Toasters, do JLiquor Pumps,, do Liquor Measures do Graters, large, f«r kitchen use do Nutmeg graters upon an im proved plan do Chandeliers, in sets of a su perior construction do Sconces, an improved pattern, do Cups, pint ami half pint, do Spitting Boxes do Lanterns, both large & small do Skimmers and Ladles do Cullenders do Scoops and Funnels do Engines for the purpose of watering Gardens, ike. do Pepper and Drudging Boxes, do Sillabub Churns, do Trumpets for hunters &, stage (Isivers j do Pudding Pins, Orany other article or articles in the Tin-Plate Worker’s line, by Wholesale or Reltiil, will be fur nished at the shortest notice and the work well executed on I lie most rea sonable terms., by applying ul the store of .Tollii Haylus & To. JC7» TIN GUTTER* f-r houses, made uud put up at short notice.— Apply us, gbove April 0 81 '1 he &übscribtr, Respectfully informs ha friends and the public, that he. has received A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF ' wm Suituble to his line of Business, C - NsISTING OF Superfine cioths, Coronation Mixl Cassimeres, j Black ant! Blue ditto Superfine Valencia Vestings, (en tiiely new.) lie has formed a connection in Charleston, by which meims he will iways have ou hand a constant sup ply of the newest GOODS &. FASH ION'S, dired from London. James Gordon, Tailor dj* Habit-Maker. Washington-Street December 29. 63 DD Dags Prime Green, of the New Crop^ Just received and for sale by G. L. Lawrence Co. ALSO, JJV STORE, AND FOII SALE, New-Orleans Sugar, of the Old Crop, prime q;:aiiiy, Loaf Sugar in barrels, Best Richmond Manufactured To bacco, 8 hands tu the pound, Har ris's crooked brand, Five Bales best English Seine Twine. January 16 4t 58 IaO&T, ON the 12th June last, between W arrenton and Sweet Water, on llie Augusta road, a small Red MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, con taining Thirty iJoliars, and two notes of hand, one drawn by Hiram Read Sf Co. payable to the subscribers for Eighty-nine dollars, 85 cents, dated , at Augusta, the 10f It March 1821. . ! payable at sixty days after dale, with j ! a credit of Ten Dollar* ; one oiher j note drawn by Ken non and Ray land, j payable to same, dated at same pffice 7tli November 1820, payable 60 days fter dale, for Two Hundred and one Dollars, 52 eents—also several re ceipts. The payment of the above notes j j being stopped, the public are caution- , ) ed against receiving them. The mo- j «ey contained in the Book will be j j given for the papers and Pocket j ! Book, if returned to the subscribers j or left at Warrenton wi h Mr. Phi* i land O Parris. Tho’s. A. Brewer & Co. Augusta, July 20. 21 6 AND Commission Business. The Subscribers, Renew the offer of their services to their Friends in the above Business. They continue at their Old STAN D (hi Broad-Street, AND THEIR WARE-HOUSES, AKE IN GOOD OH DKR FOR THE RECEPTION OF GOTTVVX HOODS • Os every Description. They take this opportunity to re 11in thanks for favors heretofore re ceived, and respectfully solicit the continuance of a puriiou of public patronage. A. Slaughter ijf C. Labuzan. Augusta, September 8 2-it 21 &u\)seY’vWv, Can constantly be found at the Au gusta Commission mws AJVSLSrs IUNuE , From early till lale, where he still attends to the Practice of MEDI CINE. Bleeding and Teeth eiiract iug in store, at moderate terms, and \ to servants at half the usual rates as heretofore, which is worthy of notice. Dvugs, Glass,Oils, Taints ' &e. Will he received on Commission, and prompt returns made of all sales and every attention paid tu the iu lei t»ls of Iris employers.. G. G. Dunn. December 12 4s w&w&mwm ■ AND GoawuvsaVou Business, Tfte Subscriber having taltena leas on the ICare-House recently occul pied by UOLGOMBE & TUCKER ! (Opposite Messrs. Sims dj" Williams j E%' ILL be thankful to liis fi r lids V V uud the public for u share of thiie patronage Every attention will be paid tu the interest of (hose who may favor him with their liusi ness, whether in receiving and for- 1 warding sales and purchases of Cotton ou Movcivarniise of any description—His WARE HOUSES Sf S LORES are now rea dy for Iho reception of Cotton and Merchandise. R. Malone. Augusta, May 1. 88 15r at iMMwssk, fTtllF. Prophecy ol Dante, a Poem bv Lord X Byron, Mary of Scotland, or the heir of Avcnel a Drama, founded on the popular Novel of “ The Abbott.” Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, by John Howard Payne, Esq. Sergeant and RaiVlfc’s Reports, 3 vols. The House Surgeon and Physician, design ed for the use of families with Concise Directions, price &1. (E/* A f.esh supply of AMES’ best Letter Paper, lor sale al die Augusta Book.Sttre, by W. J. HOBBY. July 3 3t 1 N’TAV DDDKS at Ela,’ B . EMLWORTH, by the author of Waverly, &e. &c. Mtimoutli, ilie Waoderer, by the au thor of Bertram The Earthquake, a Tale, by the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or the Correspondence of the Pringle family. The Angel of the World, a New Poem I Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 15 Just received and for sale by J. & H. Ely, Who keep constantly a large sup ply of Fools Cap and Letter Paper, and School Books, which will be sold in Country Merchants on the most advantageous terms. April 20 3t 85 At The person to whose care a BAY HORSE was entrusted on J Wednesday evening last, by a negro j boy, will confer a favor on the sub j seriher by leaving him al Mr. Long* : street’s stables, or Mr. N. Casino’* , Broad-street, where all expend-* will j be paid, "William B. Steele. j July 13. 3t* [Whole. No. 1387. retailers Os Sp'wUous liiqyioTfs, VI7ILL take due notice that the ▼ f following clause ill the second section of the General Ordinance, will he strietly enforced The peu- * u alfy lor u breach will be at the dis cretion of Council to the amount of One Hundred Dollars. , “ Sko. 2. No retailers, excepfTa vern Keepers, shall sell spiritous or fermented liquors on Sunday, nor as ) ter nine o’clock at night at any time; nor shall they at such time keep open the doors or windows of their retail shops ” * July 20. 6 . T\\e \u.a\Ui of Uve C\ty7 - Requires that the tenth Section of the s General Ordinance, should be rigid ' ty enforced—lt reads as follows: — “ No person shall keep on his or her premises any nuisance to the an noyance of his or Ifer neighbors. Any one so annoyed may coinpluin to & Member of Council belonging to his or her district, or to the Marshal. Such Marshal shall summon three ireeholders riot residing iu the nn i ntediale vicinity to examine the premises complained of. If they think there is a nuisance which ought In he removed, they shall give a de icisinnin writing to that effect; and uptju such decision, the said Mem ber of ( osinci or Marshal shall order the removal of the nuisance, and if i with n three Jays thereafter it is not removed—for every day following, the person on whose premises it re mains, may be lined in a sum not ex ceeding t wiily dollars.” July 17 s \ufor mallow \Vanted. , Hh, children til John Cunning- A ham. deceased, who departed this life in Greenville, District, e> C. whose wife was named Jane, i heir youngest daughter, Jane Cunning hum, how «vsides in Bloomfield Nel son county, Ky. and is desirous of I obtaining any information that will open a correspondence between the w'idow of said Cunningham, or John, James unit George, children of the • aforesaid John and Jane Cuiiiiing. i ham. Ibes id Jane was bound or pm under Ihe care of Mrs. Armstrong of£ioiitli-Carolina, who removed to Kentucky and brought the suid Jane with her. Any information relating to them wilt he thankfully received by Jane Cunningham. Bloomfield JCif. dj* Editors of papers in VVa huigton Ei'.y, X inn and South-Cavolina, Georgia, Al erarna, and I'eniiessee, will confer par ticular obligation on an orphan chibl, by giving the above two or three insertions in their respective papers. ■lniv l 1 ) 3 fwfoviwalion WanttA. ANY ml' rmation respecting Mr. MICHAEL U DVVYKR, (a na- I tive of the (,’ottnty of Tipperary, Ireland,) who came to this country in the capacity of a Teacher; and is probably now employed a» such in some part i.fthis state, will be thank fully received by his wile, who is now in Savannah. Direct to the Georgian Oilice. djT Editors of papers are requested to give tlii ah inserlifci or two, for the benefit of the unfortunate. July 10 3 NOTICE. Copart nership of Henry Sf Ralph Th mas,lias been snu e time since by mutual consent dis solved, if any demands against that concern exist, they will be settled on application to the undersigned, who during his absence from August* this summer has appointed Mr John W. Ukidoks his ag nt. Ralph Thomas. June 23 fit. 2 Wlv.ivA Cimipaivs’s Office. V* NOTICE —Hie Presi dent and Directors of the Company, have this day declared a dividend of 2 1-2 per cent on the Capital Stock of the Company for the Ins? quarter, ending 30th alt—The same will be payable at this OiHoe on or af ter tiie 20th instan'. JOHN Sit ARE, Treasurer, July _ _ 1 .ftUAcn, 4 SQUARE Ureant-pin, being a Topaz iTL set in g« d, and surrounded with bril- I ants. Tin- f’IN upon close inspection will be perceived to have hewn soldered near the Hinge. A negro is suspected to have taken it, and as iwis partientariy valuable to the loser, being the pft of a friend ; » handsome rewa-d will be paid for its reco very, it left at Allens, Lottery and Exchange Office. July 6.