Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, September 04, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA HERALD. Vol. XXITI No. 19. W&IBX°iII<DVS2- AN II Commission Business, The Subscriber having taken a least on the Ware-House recently occu pied by HOLCOMBE & TUCKER (Opposite Messrs. Sims JSf Williams. Tk STILL tie thankful to liig friend' y y and the public for a share iff their patronage. Every attention will be paid to the interest of those who may favor him with their bnai ness, whether in receiving and for warding sales and purchases of Cotton uy *\VeYc\umtiise of .uy description—His WAHE > HOUSES STORES are now rea dy for the reception of Cotton and Merchandise. R. Malone. Augusta, May !• 88 tax * AND Commission Business. The Subscribers, Renew the offer of their services to ' their Friends in the above Business. They continue at their ,01(1 STAN 13 on Broad-Street, AM) THEIK WARE-HOUSES, ARE IN GOOD ORDER FOR THE RECEPTION OF COTTMX &XU HCOftS Os every Description. They take this opportunity to re turn thunks for favors heretofore re ceived, and respectfully solicit the concnuunce of a portion of public patronage. A Slaughter C. Lahti zan. Angustu, September 8 < it T\\e SaibscYibeY, Can constantly be. found at the Au gusta (ummission BWd <3 BRDIBXs, ANtsLEF'S RANIiE, From early till late, where he still attends to of MEDI CINE. Bleeding and Teeth extract ing in store, at moderate, terms, and to servants at half the usual rates us heretofore, which is worthy of notice. 13 rugs, Glass,*U\s, Taints &c. &c. Will be receiv d on Commission, and prompt returns made of all sales and evi ry attention paid to the in terests of his employers.. C. C. Dunn. December 12 48 XTW BOOKS at El} ’s. v TTEVIL WORTH, by the author of YVaverly, <Se. &c. Melmoutli, ihe Wanderer, by the au tlior of Bertram The Earlhqu ke, a Tale, by the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or the Correspondence of the Pringle family. The Angel of the World, a New Poem Blackwood's Magazine, No. 15 Just received and for sale by J. & 11. Ely, Who keep constantly a I ige sup ply of Fools Cap and Letter Paper, and School B-> k», which will be sold to Country Merchants on the most "advantageous terms. April 20 3t 85 £/* Have this day received by the Steaui Boat, the Life of Out er il Greene—Jackson on Fever—No Fiction, a Narrative founded on Re eeut aud Interesting Facts. — AIJiO — A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL LOOKS. FOR SALE At the New- York Commission Book- Store. Samuel Sturges, Agent. July 17 3t 5 Stolen. A SQUARE Breast-pin, being a Topaz set in gold, and surrounded with bril liants. The PIN upon close inspection wilt be perceived to have been Soldered near the Hinge. A negro is susnected to have taken it, and as it is particularly valuable to the loser, being the gift of a ftiend; a han 1 o ne reward will be paid for its reco ver' . it I. ft at Allens Lottrrv and Ft-ba- ge (Juice. 6. UOLL&T NUIIA3XE, OFFERS FOR SALE, Hilda. & 100 Barrels Phi- j ladciphia Whi key, 20 Hhii*. NO. Hus. Sugars, ! 2000 Bushels Liverpool ground i Salt, 100 Sacks blown do 8000 lbs. prime Snap, 5000 lbs. Square &. tint Iron, 40 B rreis Maekarei, No. 3. ogniac Brandy & H’lllaud Gin, Whittemoreg Catds, No. 10. And will receive in a few Days, 150 Bags prime Green Coffee, 50 Barrels new Maekarei, packed this Spring, No. 3. . A few Buudlcs prime Hay g 200. The above GOOD > are offered low f.r Cash, or on a short credit fur acceptance in town only until the Ist. nf October next, and all remain ing on hand that d >y, will pusitive iy he sold at Auction. July 13 3t 4 In® AmiaiL f|MN Bathing Tubs, very superior JL do Roasters different sizes, do Scales with beams properly regulated do Buckets, different sizes do Coffee Puts do do do Pans aud Sauce Pans do do do Watering pots do do do Powder, Tea and Sugar Can nisleis, do C.itidle Sticks do Candle Boxes do Candle Moulds do Cheese Toasters, do Liquor Pumps, do Liquor Measures do Grvters, large, for kitchen use do Nutmeg graters upon an im proved [il»n do Cha ideliers, in sets us a su perior construction do Sconces, an improved pattern, do Cups, pint and half pint, do Spilling Boxes do Lanterns, both large & small do Skimmers aud Ladles do Cullenders do Scoops and Funnels do Engines for the purpose of watering Gardens, &c. do Pepper and Drudging Boxes, do Sillabub Churns, do Trumpets for hunters & stage drivers do Pudding Pans, Or any other article or articles in , the Tin-Plate »\ orker's line, by i Wholesale or Retail, will be fur nished at the shortest notice and the work well executed on the most rea sonable terms by applying at the store of \ John Hayles & Co. }C7» TIN GUTTER* f«r ho.-ues, made aud pul up at short notice.— Apply as above. April 6 81 Tbe Sabscribev, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that lie Ims received A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF Suitable to his Line of Jiusiness, CONSISTING OF Cloths, Coronation Mixt Cassimeres, Black and Blue ditto Superfine Valencia Vestings, (en tirely new .) He has formed a connection in harlestoo, by which means he will Iways lia>e on hmd a constant sup- , ply of the newest GOODS & FASH- ! IONS, direct from London, Janies Gordon, Tailor Sf Hab’t-Maker. Waslungton-Street December 29. 53 MOUSE, ftIGX, Ornamental P tinting, Glazing, Paper Hanging, <Sfc. ’ ■''HE Subscriber anxious for Work ! 9 is now' ready to reeeive appli cations, having every necessary re commendation. Apply at ibis office for particulars. Charles A. Cox. April 23 86 MARCHE'S BEST In Pipes atid Quarter Casks, For Sale By I. Thompson. j TJrde- r. ,h, : T-r-rn, May 8. 90 TU33i)AY MmXiNL SEPTEMBER 1821. SI^W AT EI.V'S. j rp'lF. Village of Mancmlorpt, by Miss X Anna Maria Porter, I 1 lie Report of the Trial of Robert M. Good win for Manslaughter, j Fanny with Additions, Woodward’s Literary Casket and Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Litera ture, No. 1, Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 16 and 17, North American Review, No. 31, Espinasse’s Nisi Prills, Gould’s new edition improved, with Notes of Cases to the year 1820, Phillips’s Evidence, new edition, improved to 1820, Cliitty on Bills, new edition,' Chitty’s pleadings,. Chit'y’s criminal Law, with the addition of Vol. 4th, Colie’s Surgical Anatomy. Parmly’s Lectures on the Teeth. luneß 3t 98 SIJSW JBjptbi&aT TfE Prophecy oi l)ante,a Poem by Lord Byron, Mary ot Scotland, or the heir of A vcnel a Drama, lomidcd on the popular Novel of “ the Abbott.” Therese, tbe Orphan of Geneva, by John Howard Pa) ne, E>q. Sergeant Rawle’s Kepopij, 3 vols. Tue House Surgeon ami Phvsiciati, design ed for the use of fatuities with Concise Directions, price gl. 03* A fresh supply of AMI'S 1 best Letter Paper, for sale at the .higimta Book-Store, by W. J. UOBBV. July 3 3t 1 Collins & Mauuay, OF NE VOttK. Propose, publishing by Subscription, ! srtai.o yrmotions of tiih DRAMATIC WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE, IN TWO SIZES, Octavo and Duodecimo. SI'EREt )TV PE Editions come strongly recommended to the public, paiticuiar- I) on account of correctness —consequently '.his modern invention will entirely do away the objection to American publications in | i hat respect. j Such a work as Shakesof ikk, perfectly | cree from error, and omerwise well exe- I cu eil, together with tlie adventitious car- i fit instance* of ornament, needs little beside to insure a favourable reception from the i ti ieuds of Literature, and oi American en terprise. The Subscribers are authorized to receive subscriptions for the above, and assure their I friends, aud the public generally, that they j will use-their best exertions to satisfy those I I who may subscribe; that they shall not, as | I has been too frequently the case, be inipos j ed upon by works published by subscription, and in every case in which they are not sa tisfi. d that the books, when delivered are as good as represented, they shall be under no obligations to take them. They will be delivered early next fall ; and at From g 2 to 5 per sett, lower than what the STOKE retail price will be for the same work. Persons wishing to be supplied with ele gant copies of the above celebrated works, are requested to call and view the speci mens of binding, &c. at tbe store of J. & H. Ely. June 8. 3l 98 Tbe THE 'first volumes of the lUI EKPKIAD or MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND LADIES GAZETIE, ended in April. The second volume has commenced, niucli im proved, and considerably enlarged, com prising eight 'quarto pages wilfi a sheet of Music in every .number, and is published semi-monthly, on Saturdays, at three dollars per annum, by JOHN R. PARKER. No. 2, Milk-Stree Boston, May 5 97 SotiokT ]S hereby.given, to all tny Creditors, hat 1 have obtained an order from the Honorable the justices ot the Inferior Court of Richmond Couh j ty, to he brought before them ut the Court-house of said County, on the fifteenth day of October next, in or der that 1 may be allowed intake the benefit of the severnl »<t of the State of Georgia, passed for the re lief of insolvent debtors at whieh time and place they will appear and shew ctiuse i»f any they have; why I should uot be allowed the benefit of the aets aforesaid. John McKinne, By Attorney, John P. King. August 14. i<^ Dissolution. Ci parioership hitherto ex- j JL isting in this place, under the j firm of McKenzie Benni cn &. Com ! ; pany, is thin day dis-nlved by mu usl consent. McKenzie and Bknn ch will attend to all unsettled business of that concern. Thomas McDowall, McKeiTxie Bvmicdi. Augusta, July id, tHit. 7 mW Just Received, * And for Sale at the New York Cortmisaon BOOK STORE. C ALTHOKPE, or Fdlen For tunes a novel iu 2 V lurnes, j I by the author of ilie Mvstery or For ty years ago—Price Si 75. VIEWS OF SOCIETY and man ners in America, in a Series or Let ters during the years 1818, 1819 ajid 1820 —Price $3. - Samflel Stuvges, Agent. August 24 31 16. PROSPECTUS OF Ss ipjuism IN SIX BOOKS , ENTITLED 23ctttr to*2sc; Hv s r pii Eve. To be Published in the City of Augusta the following extract from tlie “ Gkohou Advertiser,” will elucidate tlieprincipa and drift o tbe Poem • “ The Poem is iu SIX BOOKS, of from three to five hundred lines each. The author's object seems to lie to combat that erroneous sentiment which the melancholy speculations of inds of gloomy sensibility have inculca ted, that tbe miseries of human life so far overbalance it s enjoyments, that existence itself is not a blessing, or its continuance to be desired. Mr. Eva, in his Poem, attempts tosho.v, and we believe pretty successfully, that mere are sufficient grounds of comfort iu all the diversified stations of life, sufficient I sources of consolation in the midst of con i' victs and difficulties, to demonstrate the truth of the title he has chosen for his I’o cni, that it is “ Bettak to Be.” He endea vors to show, that Providence, in continu ing individuals in existence, forms a more accurate estimate of human happiness than those churlish brings do, who, in the midst ol countless blessings, can find nntliing worth living for. Mr. Evr. takes a survey of hu man life in all its stages-—ol science in all its branches—ot business iu all its activity—of creation in all its sublimity and beauty, and | under various views, and many animated ! descriptions, lie endeavors clearly to show, j that the life of man, with all its vicissitudes, has a balance of happiness greatly iu its fa vor. Ihe work, we are informed, will aflei a short time be put to press,” TERMS. . . *, | The above Poem will he printed or. very fine paper, and in an elegance of style not ! inferior to the handsomest northern publica i tions. It will be comprised in one volume, con j taining about 200 duodecimo pages. I'oe price to Subscribers will be one did tar lull'bound—or vine dollar and a half full bound in a superior ityle, payable on delive ry of the Volume. !Jj* Every person who shall procure twelve subscribers, and become answerable for the payment, will be entitled to an additional copy. Xj* The Proposals for thenbove work,are left at the different Book Stores in this City Auguttd, November. ~TIIE (DBML'iim Delivered on the 4 t/i duly, 1821. BY E. CRI rCIIEIt, E-q'. May be had at the HOOK S FORES of Wm. J. Hobby & .1 . k 11. Ei.y’s Price 25 Cents. August 10. 12 LOST —A small, line Gold, BKEAS I -PIN ; with a fine I'opaz cen tre, and clia-ed l’..rdt z The finder by leaving it at tile Herald Office, will confer a particular favour ou the owner, and will re ceive a suitable reward if required. July 27 8 Stolen on Wednesday night last, tlie following Articles, viz. One fine linen ruffe Shirt, marked W. J. B. one common do. without ruffle, no marl., one striped Vest, one pair white Pantaloons, one pair thre..d Stockings, two Towels, one linen diaper table Cloth and one child’., calico Frock. A reward of TEN DOLLARS will be paid for any information which will lead to the detection of tlie thief, and a reasonable compcnsutionlor the recovery vl tlie articles. —Apply at this Office. July 13, Information WuuWa\. VNY inf rmatiou reapi-eling Mr. MICHAEL (t’DWYKU. (ana j five of the County of 'Tipperary, j Ireland,) who came to this country in the capacity of a Teacher 5 nd is probably now employed as such in ■nine part oftliis state, will be thank fully received by his wife, who i* now in Savannah. Direct to the Georgian Office. Uj’ Editors of papers are requested to give this an insertion or two, for the benefit 1 of the unfortunate. J July 10 3 iff? NOTlCE.—During my absence from this city for . few weens M.. James M. Thompson will act as my attorne). JOHN GLASS. August 21 15 T’niN'm g, ! Neatly ex <w».| at tt.e MF/tAI I) OFFICE on low terms. [Whole. No. 4397- ©vSiM)©SL a THE Subscriber respectfully in form* his friends and the Citi* z.'ns of Augusta, generally, that hi* SCH(it)l, is now open .(over Mr. J. Houghton’s Shoe-Store, four doors above the YTdrket, South side Broad- Street.) where he will teach Head* itjg, Writing, Arithutetic, English Grammer, Geography <£'c. Terms made known ou application at the School Koom. John P. Green. July 17. S Executive Depmutment, T MUltdgtviUe, ±Ui Aug. tail. J The following Resolutions being* tukeu up, it Is Ordered, 'That they be published once a fortnight, in each of the Gazettes of (his state, until the neat General Election. Attest JOHN' BURCH, See’ry. K. D. hi Senate, nth Jlay, tail. ”1 he committee to whom was re ferred the presentments of the (Jr. nd Juries of GrCeue and Hancock, coun ties, Report, That whereas it is the undoubted right of the good people of this state, whenever they shall think lit, to alter and change the fundamental compact by which they ure associat ed 5 and it has been represented to tins legislature, that gieut numbers of the citizens of the said state are de sirous of altering the Constitution (hereof. And Whereas it is the du ty of the Legislative body to give ef fect to the public will, when the same ahull have been correctly as certained. BE it therefore resolved by the SCnute and House of Representatives ol the >tate of Georgia in General Assembly met, That it shall be the duty ol the magistrates who shall preside at the elections for nu mbers | ui the General Assembly, to the sev ! eral counties of the state, at the next | geuerul election, to receive ami re- J guter the votes of the persons vot j ing at the said election, on the pro ( priety of culling u Convention far tha purpose of revising the Constitution ol this state; und to this end, the said magistrate* are hereby requir ed, upau recetviug the vote of each aud every individual, to enquire whe ther it is lue will of such voter, that a Convention for the purpose afore said, shall he called or not, And to record the answer to Hocb enquiry upon the ticket given in by such voter, by writing thereon according to the truth of the-fact, the word *’ Convention,” which shall indie ,te the will of the voter, hat a Conven tion shall be called, or the words, “ No Convention,” which *h II indi cate the will of such vo or, that such Convention shall not be called. And be it further reiolved, That it eitall be the duty of the magistrates aforesaid, to x tn»ke a correct return of die votes so taken as aforesaid, to the Governor of this late within thirty days after the said election, to be lly him übmitted to the next Le gislature, to the intent, that they may - make provision for calling a Conven tion, if a majority of the citizens of this state shall require the same to be done. And be it further resolved, That His Excellency the Governor he. ond he is hereby requested to hate the foregoing resolutions published .n the Gazettes of this state for three months before (lie next genetal elec tion, and pay for (he same out of the contingent fund. NOTICE. 'l’MlßOitizetis on the upper part of 1. Bruad Street, are notified, that the eitra tax assessed on them by a Jury of the Mayots Court, for the purpose of opening and extending Broad- •treet—will he forthwith col lected agreeably to an ordir of Coun cil of the 4th August, instant, exe cutions will issue on the 16* li instant, against nil who are in arrears for CITY-TAXES A. Bh£S, City Tax Collector. August 7 3t 11 NOTICE. NT L. STURGKS and N. L. _ • SI URGES, Jun’r. are. eith er of them authorised to nttetid to the business of >he New-York t om mission Book-Store, during the ab sence of the subscriber. Samuel Stuisjes, Azent for JV. Y. Commission link- Store. \ .It,no S Mi 'J7