The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 11, 1898, Image 6
MONDAY HPRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 12 Pound* , , * . Be 28 ***** • lOc BO ** a * a » 20C 100 "ill* 30 « A discount of 10 psr c«»nt on sbovs Is msds to iMirchosom of Coupon Books. W# gusrantso m prompt and roliabio sorvtco* Tthplisa EU E! CONSUMERS' ICE DELIVFRT CO. teCORO 40UM8KA. Nnrii i*,«m Catewpd *W ***• H*<« #•<■« MaaNtedt »«**• Ik* An**- ' im mni'i'M Ml «<f W' ; gs* Mtwt» Mllff Ik* MMI *»M ** CWIfMM. <M graty ■nil W»P* R..OM a*4 MM** »e#f*t mMUM. Ml PW*# mm «•«» «h** «t>r bgiw* mt* t* Ik* «••*'**• »C Mra ! I'hltPd »*•»«•. N|l Wash P*'«* Wimya4nl «f Th# <>.!•»> **•«' CMtar <k* AM Pgfggiaor c*'t ►« w* j 'JteTmiiimi of Ik* »H in ifc* ff*-j tkabsl Guard fc**ll»* • tapd-racy la abut w Ik* rotors tea* Wkon Ik* PPC*. rar.4 Mil «m MMiMd Ik* r»**i •*» H k* khmaa that k# «kmM Mh* »o bar* m kkkonuku t *>**" **» «***» *«*■ ffaueert to «ktaai wk#«t mw w*Vkk'ik* Shew W*r* in tw tahen Ik. Ik WM»#w to k«* ***** at tetter**! trossp* *♦ M t* la |« North (YMteUkk. wklrk. a*l#d M* «k* lb*** compani** iliwif •• kiwti*. from ikwi wale. still make ■ l*k com pul r*rnwaM «f m< b)«a ***** tkaa l.okk m#n In A taken* a tautaiio* of negro troops were tak*a ta «»d#r ike Atnll ■ MKilbmi « 1 tw jki*p" 1 »o ERHK* s*.ood m «• t" nak* » roll Sml regiment fn m thst w»f Two ■ti'ioni of < negro lm#(» will be a< • Burl from under the second Pf V Thera If now at r«»p A'.g»r a eol* Forwl bait*Hob Iron Ohio end on* of Ike Massachusetts r«*imenta Includes eon* n*an> private* la addiitoa to tkeeit votaateer* raleed under <h* reg uler tertea, four of lb* so-called iro man* regiments the Beveotk. Wgbib. Ninth and Trnth - will b« composed of ne*n*» la furn tailing officers for three colon-d .amrasmls. the war department ha* had a serious problt mto con’cnd with It la the peraldents dealt* to give the negroes a repreaaotatlon aa officers in ihr last «ar, when there were 97.7M1 nr*™ tnan>* • three pear men «*- In the fed •teJ amp. the officer* were white men. When «he propoailtoo was made to pisee negro officers over some >f the colored command* no* bring rained, Ibe quest ioa bow thr officers’ men would be arranged when there were while and noJorrT qMlc#* ibe same iwgltncm came That question re main* to be settled The experimetK of a negro rrgitneot wholly cffieerM by negroes ia to be triad in the ran* of the North Carolina twirl men t.’ Whose colo nel will be a cokwM matt. In ihc Al abama reglmeof Hi* tiftlchrs will be while men. la the immune negro regiment* there •will be a mixture, the coloncle aud oil: rr field officers and the captains being wtU*. and tbe leqaer officer* colored. Army ex pul« regard the officering of negro regiment* with negroes aa an ex periment which way or may not turn out well. The negro need* to 1» well led. they aay. to make a gn>d fighter, and there i* some dbubt whether col ored troop* will follow one of their own race aa well as they would a white of ficer. PETITION DISMISSED. Request For Removal of Prof. John Gadsden Is Declined. Charleston, a. C., July B.—The stu dent* of tbA Collette of Charleston have barn unsuccessful In their efforts to have the chair of English declared va cant in consequence of the alleged in competency of Prof. John Gadsden. The board of trustees met Wednes day afternoon and considered fhr tua aiorlal of the students, the stenograph ic report of their testimony and the representations of Prof, Gadsden. The testimony was carefully revised and considered In all it* details and the board finally reached the conclusion lhat the testimony of the students was not sufficient and that Prof. Gadsden had not boat proven Incompetent, so the students’ petition was dismissed. The students have made a hard fight against Prof. Gadsden. Shortly after Prof. Gadsden had been elected the successor of the late Prof. H. Boa*, in the chair of mathematics, the students raised objections to Prof. Gadsden's re maining In th. 9 chair. About a year ago Prof. Harrison Randolph was given the chair of mathematic* and Prof. Gadsden was named a* the successor of Dr. Hbnry E. Shepherd. The students sot up a howl at this action of the board and they hav.? never ceased their efforts to have Prof. Gadsden removed. The board of trustees refused to con sider the question of Prof. Gadsden’s alleged incompetency until he had been given a trial. At the completion of the recent collegiate term the trustees took up the students' petition and after a hearing had been given to the students and to Prof. Gads den. the board reach ed the conclusion already giv«n above. t jT-* Old But Tough. *• '■> ” (Boston Herald.) General Gfespez. of Cuba, is an old man, but, he t* a lively one. There iR pieaty of fight In him. and he is used to tha hardships of war. 1 ARftV DtACM AIWII' S AOtOHT : raitMt**. Owike*. ktwa and Irtitk «f NatkMd M«a Try ta Oa* Tk*aa Sack. | Waaklagtc a lafy a Srweea as appil •atiwaa ter tk* tfiarkarg* wf ealtated | men la 0* attar kart keen H**l*e4 *at tk* war kegartatrat Tkey «naa j UiM Ike tatkrra and aintker* wire* head frtaada. all as wh«» a** bnagtna ; rftrf »Maw«| a latweae* to I hear ta hat* their rogaaata graaied > genet* r» and r*pf**«atati»«* ka*e arg •M the reqraeat* wpoa tk* depaMara** !*ad tk* war aOetai* ha»» expanded a deal as rim* and pattern* fa lavaaii j gating tk* ease* bfwngkt ta lk«tr at t*n«loa la order that a clear «ad*estandiag may k* had by Ik* public con- rmtag Ik* otaMer es dtackarga* from tba ar my. A*atatant Irmisrf of War t»ynha today rendered a decision wklrk will b* tk* gold* in the future of ac tion by tk* department on application* for dtaekafr* from tk* **r»lr* Tk* **ff»iarx daatrra h to b* un-l-r stood distinctly Ikat all aurh spplira- Hon* must b* mad* to th* war depart ment tbrongk tk* regular military rbannel* g*tl«f*rtory evtdmo- that tb* enlisted matt ta under eighteen year* of age win catitl* him to dis charge upon application, but enlisted men between the age* of eighteen and forty-dr* wttt be required to present perfectly soilsfirtcry reasons for th* dim-barges for which they may aak. Th* derision of Assistant Secretary Melklrjoba la embodied in Ih* follow ing, which Will b* publlahed In general orders to the army: "Under Ih* act to provide for tempor arily Increasing (he military establish ment of th* United IMat** In tlm* of war. approved April It. I*»*. the age limits (or soldiers of tb* national •oidirrs are dstd at eighteen and for ty-five rear* of age. persons not I#** than eighteen nor more than forty-five year* of age enlleMng In tbe volunteer array, and possessing the other quail ficaUona mentioned In the act are le gally enlisted. Upon application to th* secretary of war and satisfactory proof that any volunteer soldier Is under the age of eighteen, he will be discharged. Minors over eighteen year* of ay.- ore nut cntltlrd to discharge, but meritor iou* case* will be considered All ap plications for ditchsrge must be msde through military chancels to the sec retary of war. -Attention is c*ll»d to paragraphs S7O and *7l. Army Regulations.” DESTITUTE. A Wife and Four Children Deserted I or W ar. Albany, Ga, July A woman, named Nellie Baynes, and four tittle children, the oldeet of which la aeven, has arrived in thi* city from Tlfton. The woman has a sad tale to tell and la an object of charity, She ia the wife of William Baynes, and ha* been left by him in the most destitute elr eumsianetw. About a month ago her husband mut to his work one morning and came home later In the day and Informed her that he was going to the war. He didn’t leave her nor her children a penny and went away with out saying goodbye. Since that time the desea ted wife and four children have gotten along a* best they could, living c n the charities of the good peo ple of the community near Tlfton, uit ere she was left. She came, here and brought letters with her stating that she Is an object of charity. She I* trying to get to Mcßae, where she says her father lives. She says If the good people of Albany will get her to Mcßae she will he taken care of by her parents. She saya If she can get work she Is Willing to work long enough to gat the money to take her home. One of the little children Is sick and they need help very badly. They are now at Mrs. Hood’s, that good woman hjt/lng given them shelter until some arrangement could be made either to send thorn to Mcßae or to get work for the mother hero Something should lie done for her and the people of Al bany will undoubtedly rahe money to send her to her parents, where she will be wcleomp. Hon. C. B. Bush, president of the Gilmer County (W. V.) Court, says that he has had three cases of flux tn hts family, during the past summer, which he cured in less than a week with Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr, Bush also states that In some instances there were twenty hetnorrnhges a day.— Glenvitle, W. V., Pathfinder. This rem edy has been used In nine epidemics of (lux and one of cholera, with perfect success, tt <v,n always be depended up on for towel complaint, even in Its most severe forms. Every family should keep it »t hand. The 25 and 60 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., O. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. ..■.w.-a,.— - < , He’s Liable To. (Salt lAke Herald.) John Sherman is a cold, icy-matt, but If he reenters Ohio politics he will make it hot for a whole lot of people. TETE3 AUGUSTA HUHALD cart. *mr» ornctna Tk* Waw*4ed onto** (law* AmN Ap* grave at Ike «Haagemewat *» r*mgt Tvrtf fi> ■" Tk* IfMegtte has gry.veW ta ywev ami mwwgfct aiasnag **t ppnaeng-fv «'*p« ,1, » N*r* wf 0» H . MX k U, (. agMkry (W I*- W -pdfi the* twtgWiiß r f I .MM A. If flinnim <Mwt lAaWtekwkt PMs ckwl k*rr wee a n nail* I *> I'aksfr Ml laty t *ad l*f» RMfwtrt m lui *Wo t M IriMpel MfiMfilk wi‘k tbe v'*g **« iww*f*4 **•» frwm that gMw* h» Key W«M On imtM at Her W«M, «‘*p»#ib .Karr asd «h*e wwwkdad mm tank th* Maarawt* foe tbs* gm*». M« reached Tb«*pb Ms# M**»l M * w'«dw»« amt tww kmw* ***** l*A fwr ht# bmaw la Sswtueb#, whwra h* will t*mata at* lit abt* tb ratark to tk* Avwit Hi* wausd hi at* eenobb W Ut hfi arm wttt he M*»l-e* tee a***rM w**i*. Ob arriving her*, he aa# .-eatvgM by M ciw nttnsr* sad a*w#**tw* mm. aad dor mg Ik* twa buue* lhafi k* «M m tb* rtty b> gav* aa ar<ma*' u# U* figM M wbtcb k* partTipai*d He **y» that the great kwa of Ms *a*ta«a*d by th* Am#rb»a «w coafd k**w |a** prevented had th* »* maMbker of, the army aot *bd*»n»uaa*>ad th* Mtcpgtb sad rater of 0* gpsntarda in tag ** teat that be did H* eatola th* bra very of the AWterteaa* enga**d la th* fight bat **.-•* that tk* eutuaieers, who a*ra armed with ggrthgf.etd ri ft**. bare *i»* I* kandirappad and th* aapenortty of th# Mauarr gnn* w*a d*- mon«rat*d clearly H* aar* further that had tbe A mart*** arbiter* so* bmm tmbo*d with a at mag patriot v spirit there is no qn*atton but that our army would bar* received a defeat lb th* firm engagement ll* frit else* the management rs tb* debarkation and any* (hat at tk* tlm* of h a denar tora tk* engineering rmepn which ae • »mpanied CNaeml ShaAev s army h*4 not prvpnred a landing fer tb* art tiler* which <-•«* still aboard tba transport* St Balqqirt. CAPT. NEVIN Qi ITS. Compelled <o Bellnqulah Hl* Com mand op Account of 111 Health Bom* O* . July 1.-fiM .lame* If Nevln. commar.'ter of P». H. <ieornlv regtraanl of vwlunieeia. has ri signed bis commission. The realgnatbm wo# sent so Adjutant fteneral H Corbtn. *1 Washington, yeaferday buw nlng. It will h* aeted upon at once, as th* second fleorgia has been ordsßM aboard th* ira isport* to go lo Cuba, and It la Imperailv* thnt Cspi. Nevtrfa su* censor b» named before the regiment lepvpp. Seri--us ill health is the eppaa of Captain Kevin'* resign* t ten. H* cam* very near death at Tempo on account of sn abates# behind the : right ewr. This, In addition lo other sickness, forced him to get a furlough and come here for treatment. For more than n month he has be.-n In Atlanta under tfealment. H* has been constantly hoping to recover sufficiently to allow him to rejoin his command, but Instead of Improving In health he Has remained In about the same condition. Dr. Brown hi.a at last notified Mm that he was dangerously 111 and ad vised him to resign from the army immediately. With deep regret Cspt. Nevln acted upon this advice by send ing his resignation to the adjutant gen eral of the nrmy. •‘Our customers say you manufacture thr** of the beat remedies on earth” satd the mercantile firm of Haas. Har ris Brim d McLain, of Dawson. In a rt cent letter to the Chamberlain Medi cine Co. This is the universal verdict, Chamberlain'a Psln Balm is the finest preparation In the world for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lame hack, qulnsey, aore throat, cuts, bruises, burns, acalds. pslns and swellings. A 25 oent bottle of this liniment In the house will save a grent deal of suffering. Buy It a! Al exander Drug & flood Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. NEWS FROM TWEED. Several Item* of Interest to Church People-Enioyable Fish Fry. Tweed, Ga., July 7.—lndependent* day passed off very quietly here. Sev eral families gathered on the banks of the OeOnee to have a fish fry, and pro curing a good supply of fish from bas kets, all enjoyed the eating. Rntn Is needed very hadly In thl* part of the country. The clouds are thickening and portend rain. ljev. John Wilke* is visiting Mont gomery county on official business. Parson Wilkes 1* one of the oldest minister* In this section of the country and preache* every week. Rev. Jacob Barber, after an Illness of a month. Is slowly improving. He com menced Sabbath school last Sunday and had a good attendance. Quarterly meeting was held at Sa lem Methodist F,piscopat church last Saturday and Sunday. Presiding Elder Thower preached two able setmons, and Rev. O. A. Lewis, the pastor, de livered an oppressive sermon. The meeting was protracted and did good. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like It. but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak Idneys, malaria or nervous trouble. W e mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This med icine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant tQ Liver and Kidneys, la a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells. Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It ia purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. a bottle at Howard & Wlllet’s drug store. Annexing. (Louisville Commercial.) The fat and fussy Mr. Cleveland, In spite of his cry of alarm, has settled down to the occupation of annexing a few large-sized bass. ~ gseolggWakui.x GooD iuck BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BEST. High©** of All In L«»v«n ln«t Pow«p. uninrENANT rues «t*sE Haw tk* tlallaat oAk»r Pwagrd Being Ward Boom (Mm* Tnh*. ft there I* arty art* feature •< fife aboard ship that a ward roam «dßc#r ut th* navy dtMtke* H b Mr Meette* a* caterer nr tbe wfirtl m»*w All *f tb* wntd mom rdkcee* hare t* tkh* Itteir turn al ibis lob When Ibe caiertng of an *-taker* eape tally satiate. I •- ts t» his m—males, h* t» otlm slue led over and «r**r ngntn ta in# deep dtemret- The ward room caterer d««* all m th* buying toe the see** through th. ward iwa aleward. who la a* **- Hated man Moms ward r*w*n officers are aiwkmntty «■ .«a*tMi aa caterers, end athdni tnabe • »«yv had fiat of It, It ta a principle imwi ward room of. kcern ta ndteuio th* n»»»* caterer and pour calsadr spa hi# efforts, no matter how *nce*e#fut h* may be, and (he < ntervr N always tb# butt of all hand* at! al meal tune* Kverylllng he seta before hi# mmsmate* a pne none, d villainous, aad he la mart# aa nntappy as possible, even tbooth he lllieor tbe officer* of the me** are *n ly guying him Al the end at thr mceilh the expenses of the mem *re divided up arnona all of ih# off!* #!* of th* me**, each paying his portion. U*ul. Vlrt.rt- Mlu*. th* nervy young officer, who rectvdy performed the seal of gettlna a good view at th* Kianlrli fleet In Panting . hartssr bv mskins a daring dri-ur of aeventy-Bvr ml).-* or so on ruhnn *ot». was attached to Ih* Bennington, which wn# lying te Hono lulu harbor, nbout three year* •#-> He was then an ensign and hr had eiot up to that tlm* hem a ward room cairrer tta h* was unanlomusly elected almoet as Ms* a* he wa# attached to the Ben nington. Meat. Blue I# a giant of a young man and exceedingly nafurcl But h* mad* * rad hash of th* caterer's job. He got his account all u'lxrd up before he hid served as a caterer for a week, and had to pay a lot of aelgnor lotagr out of hi# own pocket. The meal* he placed before hi* messmate* were satisfactory enough, hut the caterer's }«.b wore tm U*ul. Blue a grrnl deal. He figured on how to get hi* conge- When a new caterer 1* elected It is Ihe custom of the ward room to weigh themselves every day in a spirit of fun In order to worry the caterer amt to njakq It appeal, by their solemn ly averred loss of weight that they were being half starred. fdetlt. Blue went down to the engine room one day, after he had been wor ried over the catei ee's job for a week or so. sod dug out a big dop scales. He tinkered with It for a while. Then he rigged a bo'sun's chair to It. carried It alt. and suggested to the officers that when they wonted to weigh them selves thereafter they use those scale* of his. The officer* didn't expect any thing. and after dinner several of them weighed themselves. They had all lost a pound since the day before. They said the scales were wrong and Ueut. Blue admitted that perhaps they were. They all weighed again the next day. Kach of them lost another pound, and they began to feel of their waistbands wondwlngly. All of the officer# of the Bennington ward room mess went on losing flesh, according to Lieut. Blue's scales, for ten days or so. Then a meeting of the ward room of ficers was called, and Lieut. Blue was dropped as caterer as tie'ng ‘'lncompe tent and no-account anyhow.'' Lieut. Blue didn't have to servqea caterer for the lent of the etwuise, and he wore a smile of deep content every time he looked at a weighing apparatus. OUT OF THE OINUER JUG. ‘•Did y«u ever play asked j Spencer of Darwin. “Yes. on the miss ing links.” was the reply that made a golf between them. 1 ' r~* “I cannot tell a lie. father,” said George, when questioned as to where he got the story about the cherry tra?, “I clipped it with my little paper cut ter.” “I went out yesterda yto celebrate with a century run," said Bearings ten tatively. “What wheel did you ride?” “Pin-wheel, of course-” said the patri otic cyclist. “Why don't you strike a Wow for ; bm but but bm but l)m bm bmb emphasizing her query with a blow on Mr. Linwood’s broad breast. “Wait,” lie said, impressively, as tie took two cigars from his vest pocket and laid them on the tabourette, “strike again, and then to arms lu the common cause" OASTOYIIA. Bear, the <9 T! '* You Have Always Bougtit „ A Parallel. (Philadelphia' Rem.) Sherman's famous march from At lanta to tbo sea may, find a parallel In that of Shatter from Santiago to Hav. ana -: .t, .ibjaiffimsisifffetV’ i'&M, M HM» U UL kOtrf A. st. mum ll Hillman. Ga., Ntn .pxdf'Nsmi h t-fc*f Hate«* ‘«hsf” Ih* »<*M** *0 1* ta* highest steadaM, AHtewt**** •• * atitetei ***** va*u»«*»'i tkihctei **•> rf)*f haw* I tea pw*i teta* 1* g*»*>* 4 iiltest. j. s euiTEfi. mm ct THE REED HOUSE AT HARIXiH Rf trtj For tb« Aectteisodfitioo of SkKUn«T (lofitfi. Nr* M A- k*Mi ha* !**•* <ha's**f Ik* lists, *i Hark* and th* Hgh stands** sad #k tasiaeteedM-osv *»U h* *>*«• lban »ate>slb*-t rtering Uwomlag item Itm Boom* smf Bat** *| p y ta MR' M A- HKI!», Hart**, ft*. SEASON OF iBqB HOTEL MONTE SANO HUNTSVILLE. ALABAMA. Tbe Qieei of Hotmail Bmirti OPENS JUNE 20th- PRICES MODERATE. JACK H. CLANCEY, Manager- PRETTY rough on th« chimney ■weep. Ill* oer illation, Ilk* Othello’*, "i* gone." bet him get lorni cteauliar employment Onr housekeeper* won't tolerate dirt in any form iu ■ onncctiou with cook ing. No *oot to f«ll down Into your cook pint. Dirt mid gas •love* are had friend*. For particular* call at the office of THE OAK LIGHT CO. OF AUGUSTA, *22 BROAD ST. FOR $3,000 I offer For Sale No. 425 Fenwick street. House*contains 9 Rooms, Bath Room, Pantry, Etc., all in perfect order. There is also good Stable in yard. Lot 50 by ! 32 feet. John VV. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&Jolmson Agent* Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company. 705 Broad St. Check Lost of $1 331.31, ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK, No. )4107, drawn by C. W. Pilcher, attorney for Jos. H. Speais, dated June liith inst.. (ami mailed same day) in favor H. A. Cook, fox 51331.31. Payment has been stopped. Alt persons warned against using in any way said cheek. (Signed) J. H. SPEARS, 1*: ijft C. W. PILCHER, tmMStmA- Attorney. NAIUkOAb kUMBIiULB* Charleston! if Carolina •mm a stasmis *•»#•» hfkff teksdata W Bfiate *m» iteh »'•» rrixi-te IhUkxMN U 9 •item..*.-. m tevdavtii*..,—,, ** • ,*. tapte: te-okk * Bites k»e>bM-»»« *t«*i MPin-is* * *t<aei*»h««te >• • IMvm »» Mate * MNte*—•*-#. i 4 tefififif • * N»».hwtea«hh.. ** Ashanml*,. - ■ ,—• ——.*.dftete f * Axßdtefiib,*# hm« - aJfctef.. - -_.«»• * kxiiklm .......... llJte« *«tete •• hraxte terftegp......... itl.dtei * llAtete I tepte ' *adMtewi•— •« w......-.»»»•*•*■: #lteite *««•*•M ttepte-.......- At A**«#** j leltt^awaMl...«..m... A44»M'........ At llAliigfc »«*«*•*•*., IflMlfcrtsi *** ** pMWPBpil* #*** - **-**•«•»»f »**a « a, m fiffltedte rmmmrmmmmm* **** «• ••«*** i wmmmmmt »»•****• »k < » ***** ** * * \ JmmmSSS t* Aqgwate. aft— At AwNlait *.*•*.*.»».**?##ddh«da s Mmmm * fatten ****•#♦•** ***** I **#*•*'#* i * 1*t»aaate............. Mfiaw. «.**• ** wWdliplA. #4mi •**#** te.*w« ? dpi ** Ifa^PHinh*****•**•*! | * AWTWWNWI# ♦****»**•*#*« I**** s A*a®(|M® ITTKTfSSi .*. * *... t .*•••.*. j USUi ** *-#*•*►♦• a *•* . «»*_**»« ; f WAMP ** JNAe ■NHfHlidrahdidt a • a • fAWpABI **b»»*■**•****»* tun■•»'•,-.♦*»»»««♦»**. Ata*«i m Ufft* **• • ••#•*•*•••• | **•#«•• lAJdma " A tkmdst*-.......«.: ,**•',., .11 steat At Ahgwai* ~ |.... ...1 hlapte I dtp as «r*te ft<s Ankhxitnite muMM it 11 Jk.oo lx* ter all ptsw w AA. L. I Was cvwneetha* *t Brveaweod Iht Ns ids* cat AA. I- *vd 1.46 Mtlwafk •ad htartsnbwr* With ttelhlt ktktwsy Partey lah rxeattoa Ivtetly* W hdtets rates tehtdw**, ere., addtwa W.|. I BAl«. Uee Px* Aft. *. N. hoi IH. haUaMtec Ant. T. N. hMKRhOy, Iraffk M.nagvr Austte* B*. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. moPTTf f AND RntIKAT ROUTE | It) t Hit KahT AND NORTH SHORTBUT AND QUICKEST ROUTE j TO THE EAST AND NORTH. 2 tepm L«, .MtgMa, tie Ar I 7 44 *to 4 vr.',,-n i-v ~.. Aiken Ar ; 7 I9*m 4.17 pm lor.. ..Denmark ..Ar j * 17pm 4 Mptn. L«.. ..ChraMb’s—Ar i i.4«M» C.Ofipm, I.* Sumter, S C ..Ar 1 4 iMm I *.JSprt»j Lv.... Florence.... Ar 2.26 am MrSJpm Lv Fayetteville .Ar I 1 H|>m 1:21am! Af.Petersburg. Ya. L* j 8 ttpm 4 00am: Ar. Rnffimend .Lv i » 12pm 7 tlam Ar.. Waatkinctna.. Lv 18:40pm Ar... l!»lttm»r* Lv • |2Spm 11:26am' Ar. Philadelphia Lv jl2 Mpm 2 OSptti Ar... New fork Lv » 30am Pullman palace buffet steeping car* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change B. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 7« Broad «U.. Augusta. Ga. T M KMKMSON, Traffic Mm *ger. n M. EMERSON, r.en. Pas* Agt BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE. Receiver. ' Hastbound. Weaitourd. First StT’d o I'.iH'r Ftr*l Sec'd Cla*4 DAO /■ " Clae* Class Mix'd C Mix’d Dly, Dly. *2 Station. DI-. Dly. I No. 11 N 0.6 £ No.ll No.S AM PM tArrtve. Laave PM.IAM. 10:31. 3:00 0f... Andaraon. ..g, 1:20 11:00 10:1* 2:3*1 i, ... Denver ....« 3:41 11:23 10:07' ;:2«-10; Autun f| 2:80:11:23 0:581 B:lß!tif... Pandletotl ...*| 3:5911:43 9:l*' 2 0«!l6: Cherry Orosa'g f 4 0*11:53 9:421 -2:001*:’* OfoSS’g fi 4:14 11:59 »;JS 1.35:24*... JENACA ...*! 4:29,12:25 9.151 ■ i I 4.39: * 45: 132.. Waatl Union .»! S:W SsOSs )24 ... IValballa ..... 5.171 AM I’M,| Leave Arrive PM PM No.B No.ll N 0.5 ft. Regular Station. F. Flag Station. A!1 regular train* from Anderson to Walhalla have right to track over trains of the same rlaa* moving in op posite direction, unless otherwise spec ified by train orders, i Wilt also stop at following station* to take on or let off pawenxert: Phln cey’s, James and Sandy Springs. No. 12 connects with Southern rail way No. 12 at Anderson. Nos. £ and 6 contiect with Southern railway Nos. 12 and 37 at Scmaea. J. R. ANDERSON. Superintendent. CAROLINA AND xNORTHWEStT ERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta. Southern Ry,. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenofr, Stage 3:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. O~XV HARPER. C. F. HARPER, President. Q- ■ Attention, Housekeepers When *n Need of Table or Cooking Sherrie*, Imported or Domestic Port Wine, Claret, Fine Whlskie*. by the bottle or gallon (all popular brands), Schlltz Beer, Schlitz Extract of Malt, Baas Ale, Guinness’ Dublin Stout, or anything pertaining to a first class "Whiskey House, send to or call on T. P. FAGAN. 35K8F. 917 Broad street. —.ORDER FOUR COAL and WOOD North Augusta Coal & Simply Co Quantity and Qnality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 Strowger 365 Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. ‘jvty ii aiiMMIAP EBWWPEMm S. C. i G. RAILWfiT CO hkk MUIUSIM hdhte MwVttUML |**« iff*. Mfk -«kk k*»**te# tiate. -4r-'gt -■ - - -- ,-e- *#. -• -e-- Bate ItetM- *M ttete*. C. Ate-te*'Alxil.'.W>-s 7«£te A« < wteffi teste Him* I# twhtelte ate— at * ha*' tte.ilwpte at a«q*s>* .i.msb Basts Bated. l»*i!f. t*~AagsMa . 'ilteas L* tteftr*.' hJ|S ar ».>«.teteste fte—kte »«<*• a> ittefteh !•» *•#**«* '* * > — htev*. iIMMt l»«r*i*d* dki-naara# '' «‘»4aii« at«state H teasa A« IW*t.kß»» i t Btaattii*. naps l« rwMM . tJghte aritesiie* ..Atepite:*r It#g*«.ite.*»jte aißkh atM»NNcH»ATiwh IfiaPf ftnpt Pa* day-1 it A I'pwste.Titepi U Afitest 4 lj»M At At***... r.te*ax As *«*teMk..AAfffte Siliffi abb «*I TM * VIA l»B>N alii It*. t.«k *w«*d Mr atd kite h*v Task cr * At A'lite.....kflsM l.t »mb'rated teraa at Densaate. - 4.1 Shm 1U Ivt-tesrX. A Haas AT Kshat’d hhtete.L* Btetek d. .T Upax At hsab lte-ldmam ArAlhte.. ..l.lteate Ar ht* T«*kl.te(te,Ai Aerated.. .tJI—i kßußttiA MVNOOB. Iteity F taste Pwtetay Pwptar. Bats tatetm lateteik-.. 1 kfllptej AJfjtef SISSS I vftead«*Mlite... l.teyxw hjg-tm l l.Mpte Artte* irataUte. Utean PfTite t tepaa Antra Dwhlia.. * Mfpte I Data*. tea*# n*hH«. ....;..::T.".:.T7T]n»si l*.v* Ntaste UWaaa Mkte«te l*Sts tsaailte. *••••* •# ; 1 save e**4*s*vilte j «JBmb ; tbpa Artit* Awwu ' k««am t wxwsiM at Chari Map With N*w Yark napax ah* w>th staaPM* ter Js.btoovtti* Thh. •• teitted<teraa. Animate site tbe fteoffrta mad Waad lew all poate liMMtellh J. H PAhlMi. I. A KNfiRPpB (.Stefs Msasgst. lraffkteanan# f. D.«uh.h**«>. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Oaatrst Tims tlsr*r*s»C*l*t**l**#a J**h- Ms.tlte. tea**#** Ttss* Hstws*# C#- IMhs Ottwe .••!««*- BteaMtv* J—* I*. 1*»- . w II Ss M Vnr Iht ««•*». DMtf. B*lly. ~ tSSp u”5 ar RS3S ir titox** I'** 1 '** nx 45^142 So ISr "tZi Lv Aogwsr*. I>v By . ! JJgi j - ; * s»pn »p Se cSiSSSi m. <tet» r IM p *»# i ” w !B sd»». !ssi ? « itablut r::;::: j*p jg; ! Lv Ureansboeo l ? 52 jj Usnviu*.. .. • BMp 1 4h» 4tf.Wh»ktad * mm * a> Ar Wssktagva JS* ,! 5g £= 885. *** „ .7, . (no. *2 *•. a* SooU.oo.nd. Daily. Hatty. Lv New York. Pa. K.R. ... 4 *>p •• Philadelphia.. « 48P »»* ** Baittin *r* 0 a>p* 8 111 • Lv. W»«h'top, So. By . 10 48 P( II IS* LTiiiitniond limt 12 ulm Lv r>Knvil> | 5 80*| • lip Lv" Norfolk ........ j 9 35p ....... Ar. Or*rr.*baro . ...... jft 45 *j.. .... Lv Grnsijtboro ... 7 05* 7 ffip “ Charlotte 9 10 30p " K«*k Hill JOA»a 11 oftp % * Cheatar ......... ! 10 56 a 11 87 p ** Wuinaboro. 11 41 « IX ® * Ar Oorhlii Bland’# st ......... 12 48an *sl* Lv. Columbia Undep’t 11& p { 4 00* ** Johantoo* 2 5Sd 6Oj a “ Trrnfon HObpj 82a* '* (Jr*«nteviil* 388 F 7 tff ft Ar. August*. — ... .........! _4 15p; 8 00a Lv- Afthrvtlie * 8 05 p Lv. Spartanburg ........ j H 40* ft 15p Lv. CoTbim."».C .450 By ~.! 8 00p’ TOO* Ar Charlerton ! ft 40p* 11 00* Lv F CAP By’.. ill 56*' 12 £ • ** B*vnnc&b . j 447 p 5w * Ar. 4*ck«oov11l». . } 925 p 1 >ls * m SXRVICS Exo*'ll#»nt <tai)jr i*rvto* b*tw«sn Florida *ud New York. Nn* 37 and 88— W«j*hinftcm and Southwwt«m Limited. Solid VevtibuJod train with diniaf car* and first class couches north of < Tiarlott*. Pullman drawin* room sioeping cars between Tamp*. J*ck*onvtU«, B*v*nn*h. Washington and New York. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlott* and Richmond. Pullman drawin groom sleeping cars be tween Greensboro and Norfolk Close conned* tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT* arriving there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between Charleston and A»hoviMe. No*, as and 98-17. g. Fast Mall- Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping car* be tween Ja<*k*oatiille and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman .sleeping cars between Jack' aonvtlle and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via AeheviUe. frank s. gannon; j. m. culp. Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr. J- M.. Waabtoaton. W. A. TURK. 3. H. HARDWICK. Gh P. A.. Washington. A. O. P. A.. Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) jj Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleeper* between Macon and New York. . Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au gueta and St. Loul*. Lv Augusta ..j 7:o6am) S:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:36pmi B:2opm| 6:ooam Ar Macao ....|ll:l6am| | 6:45am Ar Athens ....!l2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar Gaine*vlUe|‘3:46pmj | Ar ’White Fl’*i*l:oopm| | - Ar Mni'gg’le -!l0:10am| | 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ..|10;10amj 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Train* arrive at Augusta 6:15 a. m, 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m., and 8:26 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.