The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 12, 1898, Image 2

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Pni.v. \* LKEB mTTEK. H 't i m jfc Hl Ht ? & ■ duty or |Sp y ; HBHHPUHH^HHvi iin.. JK public as the roguldtarmy and it Hay be that Omfrs! dm* not Har* m have the public lfagtnAi on Hie Bitter. Captain Floyd apeak* thp Spanish ■anguhc* fluently, and his thorough fcnowlettge of Cuba,and (he custom* of Kotb the Spaniards titid thp Chilians, ■would make him u valuable man for ■•rout dutteu. V An old OUitimbui I>oy ha* hero In thi* I thickest of the fight anon ml Santiago. ln,i {* Lieut. Henson Estes, who Is Kgtb General Lawton's brigade. He |H n son of Mr. Q. H Estes, new of |Hdfcotton, and has a great many in Columbus. He is a most HKnmtsing young officer, and will no Kfoqht receive promotion for his gal- Hustry and courag< during the fight at Pkmilago. Oik hundred ren(* was good pay for a day the United States. JfewSpriniNoTßHißS SUITINGS fefauMM^QCKjl 1 ■jtjf to—— — Knee of GsrtHesonHaniJ MtM, mmmmmm, H, $6 and $7.00 Ones ■rfor $1 and $2. Ml MAUL, .ii.lit w HOT TALK AT ST THOMAS. TMifte l : « W* fia'i lUr« 0«r fail. o«r Coosot *grooks smnm M*al> to «Ht Onrproor. Qtyrtol *» Ttm ti*<*Mi I §l. Tht-moo, J»l» U Unvorwor **4- j la* so ho* ootitod Cwasui VoalMro* i ihoi Amomon mol to Urn horhor. *.*»* too*. ws# conirohsnd oo oaaw «l neutrality, It to aU o Poo ink awo-1 laal omM pmont (hr roaotvoL TW; m*«ol sold If lo>(Ui miM hrr cool. 11l would I0h» H. Tho *ov#rix<* threatened tho! (hr Otrtsoo, Frenrh Odd Itolloa worship# «oal4 M| (hr Danish gooboM TV rosso) ooM. "At thrir porll. thro/* Thl* Is ooolhrr aioof of tho kpontok aofodir to bnoork. Thor* U tf*m#n<to«t •iifNatt lo tho Is* toc<l Tho oUoota of Do rtty or* crowd ed Pmoli who oympoitils* with no or* #!ngto* American man. Voo ' Mom* soy* (hot (ho Yrammlto Hd otb Off ship* or* raolif horo lo cool anil Hill Mho 11, 100. * _ Itbe Ean of Lt mi Carolinian Ha* to Irli ;,f t Itbt Kfitnue m. ... ■ Hta mtto neighbor, a lover jj&LJr '* J ev f - -i? J t< •!!»*• « • i .a it.. ■ Hn of Aiken, t hies Constable Hben proceeded to the town* f 1 l9j[|gS||Hh' ' - > . "■- '• ■ H ■ BfHB|BH- .. . > >,. ■ II* >*T • » seen aqir-rtiua my Jnwnxwiga ” as Mr. Medloek ejtt, the officer* were prepared .Hock asked them If they had f the officer* replied that "»e •fly satisfied that there la no liquor In any form in the bouse or on the premier*." Mr. Medkirk aald he then asked the officers to take a seat, taking a napkin off the table, showed a glam full nf whiskey. He 'hen walked to the side board. secured a bottle with the dis pensary seal unbroken and treated the crowd *o drinks. "If this Is the way Governor Ellerbe experts to he elected, he certainly will be left” said Mr. Medloek. "For If the promises of my friend* amount to anything he won’t get ten votes In the two towns, and the first thing I In tend to do when I get home Is to take a drink (Com (hat bottle that the offi cer* hed to tie shown, and hope that old George Tillman will be our next governor." VALDOSTA’S CARNIVAL. Great Preparations Hade for the Event. Valdosta, Ga., July 12.—Everything la In readiness for the carnival and many of the free street attractions have already arrived. The carnival wilt begin on Wednesday and will con tinue tour days. The i tute aaanelatkm of county offi cers, chiefs of police, marshals, etc., meet hero tomorrow and will remain la session during the week, it la ex pected that a large crowd will be here and elaborate preparations have been made for entertaining'them, two or throe banquets and a barbecue being among the special features prepared for theao guests. The old Confederate veterans will meet on the Utb and an address will be delivered to them hy Hon. Robert Mitchell, of Thomasvlllc. After the re union a feast will be spread for the old soldiers. Arrangements arc being mad* to entertain 500 of them and the feast will be one of the finest ever spread here. Many of the county officers are Confederate veterans and will share In the courtesies extended our old sol diers. The new railroad has been comple ted to Pine Park and trains will run over It during the carnival, carrying the crowds to the races and attraction* there. ■, The industrial, floral and bicycle pa n.dvß promise to he unusually brilliant tHlß|ot tfc* week. Large crowd* from all sections. raised hrr own Hhlbde her own linen. AUGUSTINS IT THE SEI SHORE \ iU}p) fail) Haiti* i UifikOM Hm Thooo I* Sup Be* IWt Taa oaA WotPr ii H. 11»> iit * in Tav | Las **JlZ*7l \r I W*t**m |*)< *4 ti A« •**#* M | ***** 4 «4 #*•*•** I iMt® I I BN4l§# Iff jmwh #&*»• ] I Ay* w a if* iKftftf atari# All lA* I fa#** if# At h****** 11# ttt tIN Ktm ONMfe* F«ffi# Ml# j I r*a»ft>. aft** Mr*. IMt»f **4 II W I [ ftouot |n Wo h, Mr oiol Mr* 4, O j j Wloam 004 family | Mo I, Ur **-4 I Mr* W T. fMMi oM fomtig 004 (M ] If W M<os. Mo l lh# Ms a loouih, jrffnb. campu—d of lh* foUowio# w»h > I ko< WO ~H*>bno"; Or. a C h (Mo I forth, otioo ll*#* » Wrigkt Ml il« Gkomotoo t'roh Oo(rh*f. O, ». Njt jolt#* mil My*, iho two# iohoiawn.i John T. Wtoo, otto* Mo»mi * >th IU« | ■ rp— hojor. Oil N«f«ro. olio# Ain si# Mon Who-I«p**o Tuctle-Kggo, 4> It (land. oltaa Bto*»y Rip. who root Ash | | Do*# Potior, 01100 pirklo tlo*o. oho II Shaw rotor wooUtor. Apot »yl*woi*r. alias Thirty Dor* **l NAw »o Ttoto:! Chsrtoo Mark*, 01100 Idgkining oo Moot aa • Tortlo: W M (Too*. M. 01100 Lo 1 li lonr. Who f*i» Mia Hair Dp Is Popor. A ioor wool of hoys ao**r wool wot oo * busm. Wo horo hod all htoAa of fas. Oo loot Tu*#day w» i««|M nlnety-on# Mi ow* l>*nf«>rth Wlao. Us** and Puller cnaght SSI rnM\|i thirty otlontro and at olcht f-ttind two tortlo oooU. cot IM r««» and torooA o IM p««o4 tortlo. That I woo only ono Anr’o aport Aadtlnr *err gnud considering It rnlnt4 orory Any rsropt aa*. The vonthrr It mid hero. Wo ofawp oolrr blanket* orory al*hl. ClonoUnoot U post to godtlaeoa. oo w» go la tho *urf four and •** Horn oath day. On Thursday wa all went te th* tort ab the ewtfww’# north end of th* (aland. I It to n mngnlleent structure mounted with Id-Inch disappearing gutia and th# boy* up thero ar* dead anxious to got s chance to try their skill ou a Spanish man-of-war. They non * toll? ant nnd full of Ilf# W* have had a dance at the pavilion every day. Lot* of pretty girl* hern.} Handsome Dave Potter, heller known aa Plekla Dove. I* a great masher among th* fair sex. Only one accident haa occurred dur ing our atay so far and that happened lo our mascot - Wise Ho w*» walk ing on the beach when he saw two cal ico crabs at the edge of th# water. He kicked them out and In doing so broke off part of one of the sheila In his foot, which rauaed him • great deal of pain for two days; but he to o. k. now. Guy Rogers and Hill Nye art lb# champion fishermen and are stuck on the finny tribe. Now, don't yon forget that Dr. Dnn forth, th# heavy weight, can beat the world on catching crab*. He catches ■oven at a time and now hold* the belt with Wise a good second. All of the fishermen were out this morning at four o'clock nnd hod good luck. Mr*. Kelly also went with ua. She to fine with hook and line and very popular ou the Island. Thera ar*> several families here from Savannah and *ll ore very lively. This 1* a great place and It la a won der more people don't come down here to spend a few day*, One night Mrs. Ferrla, Mr*. Potter and Mrs. Wtngea and all the men went on u turtle bunt We found one large one on her nest They got 124 eggs and turned tho lady over. 8h» weighed close on to tOlJpounda. Wo then turn ed her tack over aud watched her go Into the ocean. We will leave here on Sunday and expect to be in Augusta on Monday momtng If the boat don't get stuck in the mud. If we do, wo will let Dr, Danforfh, the heavy weight, get out and walk and thus lighten the load. Our, masfrftt aeka the blessing dally and thin to whnt he says; "We have had fish for breakfast dinner aud sup per; we have had ftrii fried, baked and .stowed; fish tender aud fish tough, and w# think we have had fish enough." Rip Sqtol aays hc'a no Jonah, but fish won’t bite Mr. Field and Mi Moss arc having very lino luck fish ing. They have been here three weeks and expect to stay two weeks longer. Mrs. Charles Ferrla will be here for a month-. Major Bob Potter sighted a Cuban man-of-war off of Warsaw which had been to Savannah for coal and think ing lt was a Spanish warrior he sailed foVth In his naptha launch and opened fire with a parlor rifle. When she hove to he found It was a Cuban, so he let her go on her way rejoicing. Guy Rog ers has had lots of fun. As a single man he is a regular ladles' man, and don't you forget that John Wise had his fun #very day. He was Into every thing. He went out foraging and lo w'-en he returned he had six chickens. You can’t loose our mascot. Think of Dr. Danfortb gaining ten pounds. Our cottage Is decorated with the flags of our great union nnd we ate strictly in it. Trusting nil our friends are well in dear old Augusta, we ai % ' remain yours with best regards to The Evening Herald and long may she live. W. tttir atjgxjsta hbbald I«NCIES DROMES f •H V ** 9m*~ A j A s»J *• r* *»p \ B y - trirH M P . U9** •** #kf’ £ ij ntuHHH. * •INI. ii# tNh#l4»#i it HNPM miiii UMvli ! ttrflh, A«4ih «*l tAllwni. nil*,, j lili* Imi ti HftHiiA i Us w#il Mw ** t #wNMNa# hrY fhlifaMi Ihlllf* f*w tt># | #«m# i#yM* y«#i iit* iIMMi •** lA* j •Ml Min** f wigiM Ip» irMi If ll j Ak»* *«f Wl«an# A# loir twill* ii# Mm | Ai»>li«ni «irml# Impl pmm Ail Itllti t*•* | m~rmh t *wW i«4 l»fi In i*4i 11mm I omMImI to l*r IU.U.OS 1 Mhm«4 hio n.t*W* sted nttly uw.T u*tw* i**ttie* . of Pr r* M nod Moo a no. ►<*** I sm wall ood OO tlwk| V I o*or woo " »Dr tionwwo. pwotoot «f th* *or*l ool lintel. t wIoWibM. <L, *rUI ptoorrito tor An* thnwMOd «<nmpo tbto year free of rh«r*e AM *WMO*O owltorto* too f trihil* troohle* or on* Hwtwof i Mto o»oewo» in*oihr*nr, nmr bar* Dr IlnTtwon n private manor I without tost ttepd lie .portal qnoottno blank* for Wtt IQ I B Tstarrh In *oa*ntlnlly tho oanv •*orywhere. whrtVr In Iho pot*T organa or Iho hood. Ni w #or* all phaoro of It. II M Iho Walton* Catarrh Itemedy Two Little Shoes vj II L (By Otto Boyor.) Pag. tblrk fng. *( Hirer o rlork la th* ■Hrraaon "Only throo orloch!" oho tigb*. Klower and • lower ete plion th# nrodl* itiroogh the embroidery. At Inst At drupe it Bbo root* her brad on her band and atare* gloowiy Into the dim. tray fog So brifhi and ■on ay a ntornln*. and aow *u buy! Who would have (bought that tho weather would rhang* Ilk* this? Howrror. It was oo murh Ilk* her o*m Ufa. More over, trrrytblng wo* *o ladlffrreal to brr. Y«o. her life rooeaibcld loot thl* day. A ehort. *unar youth, and then At ft ret her matrimonial Ufa had been to Mlaoful. Not too load and too ioymt. Ilk* her maiden day*, however an wonderful. Ukt lh* noontime >* a June day. when the allrery rye> !* wa*lng, and th# rooeo bow their htada under the warm klea of lh* aua. Ala*! It I* mid within her room. Bb* poke* hrr otorr onu g!*rr* Into It* gre. aa (the before looked Into th* fog. How that gloom}* *'Hah! you think yourarlf no Imporlant. Bre! If I did not feed you. Hi a couple of hour* you ( would be aaheo." They had not rauaed each other any dlreet grief, tlv*y had not broken their j marrlkgr root*. Hut they had forgot ten to put fre*h fuel on their conjugal i Hr*. »o th# heat had died out Thla | noon they had had again a •'«•*»*” to gether—a apeerhleaa acme. Thcee ar* always the moat dangerou* onea. He hud ne-rer been of a talkative penaonallty but her* waa not a quiet temper. How ever, *he had learned to hare It. Grad ually. quite Imperceptibly, the danger on* tdal* la reached —the nneoneola ble. They do not underetand each oth iff, She Bhtinka her ahouldera. Ten full V#(»rs ar* gone hy, until today, un til thla moment. What a weary time for both! All at onre a thought (laahe* through her head; a thought (hat, like a slnlater hutterfly. haa vnnlahert and returned mvernl time*. She alwuya drove It back ne something Impossible, horrible! Today aht? welcome* tbta thought. To make on end—not to wait any longer, until everything Is burnt to ashes! Then she shudders. No, no, not that! From the bamboo table she takes her key-basket with a peculiar smile. How long yet? A shawl around her should ers, rhe leaves her room on the sec ond floor. She oteps over the hallway of the third story. The consumptive music teacher sings with hor misera ble votes and ecstatic expression: !’H« Hae Coma in Storm and Rein." IJ*a smiles a pitiful smile. But for what Is this pity? la not this poor fool quite happy—far more happy In her phanta sies than sho?” “Have I any right to pity anybody?" she mutters to herself, and than climbs up another flight of stairs. On her way she counts the doors, and Unlocks room B. Here, at this height, It's pretty light. Trunks, boxes and open drawers fill the room. I.isa bends over the front of a box and opens lt. Packages with letters, little trinkete and similar relics. They all tell their stories, hut Lisa has for goten these. 'Over a silver heart and a strawberry of wax sbe shakes her head, not knowing what they mean. They are remembrances of her maid •on days—the roost precious that she brought ln‘u her wedded life. In former times (her casket stood In her parlor, and she frequently gazed at It with a pious look. Bat, later on. had made her so many more sumptuous presents that the casket— which ac cording to its exterior showed no marks of extreme a#—had been ban ihert to the garret. }o share the fate of all dethroned gode. : There lies a book bound In rod raoroceft with gilt edges and borders. Lisa otfbns it. w -Today I am seventeen years old,” Ihe reads. She smiles tearfully. Sev enteen years! Like sWing air it rises from the mouldy She reads THE RUMOR FROM MADRID. U &4J* Tilt tluir* His (sdUtt Oil tl SdllUdgd farad, * lib Only s nuedlwJ at Mw*. Ait# At Ai aAma> M iA# CH i I J,B r I |I»MM Ai# yirjrimtir# AiillA#A A M*» Taxfmt Hit A i to it!M fctillHil «A* HMtfc to IMU# AA# «ArA«4 of ill nttotlto Ay of Uiirti. I in*m fr ijii<m i Hero mm% ivvit I ijr. Alha#ia#. nfivtoUt# ii# oitAi* I into IM torM tinoo? XJM thrown It A# AooA A«r A tot*t tAi Am* t! to io U*H. Am! tot KrtAft t*» A*f “Was I Hug oncof Kvnry and any gie a u!*t have wrtttea UkM." Tho ptexi graph of aa mM with whom oho had N**a infotooted foil in to Vr band* Sh* teor* it op to a ear* lea* nay. Th* point*!, worn mat fOr# now ranee* hor dtogoot Th* coAIMon t«uw}*ete and other roHrn oho throw* with contempt hack Into tho ten; withered dower* eurronnd her n brnwa. tew-like doaty onhotaom to blown Into h*r oootrtl* And yot they mm bad color sad treat Dot th**# things or* of no rnln*. If tb*y bar* nothin# mure to tell—ft oo* ha* for gotten tholr Mart**. fth# aigh* “I think I aha!! take nothing along” fwditenly oh* os rlnloM "WhM to that*” II I* a IHtl* artlrl* wrapped np la (toon* pwpor. and Idea twill** lo ad vance. skeptical and cnetemptuona. white th* wafokte It. 1010 her lop fall* aa Inilgallleaat little baby oho*, ghe lank* at It a long, loop time, and her «y«t alrwrly >ll with tear* that drop oo lh* little aho*. And softly, endearing ly. eh* etrofcf* it It I* a toft, small •hot. of colored leather, oaly a little mottled and with rurly lining, a «ho* for th# tret pedal movement* of a child. It relate* to a brief, hardly to her conarleare reaching Joy of ■ moth er. She heraelf. tbr-a only a child, yet, fearing more than longing for th# ap pearaac* of th# IHtle one. That'* why the did no! keep th* child after It wa* bora And the little fact over which the shop* were worn have gone to reat lifer* tiring from the dust of Mother Barth. Yea, ah# ha* been mourning, when th# tender, childlike play of a mother with th* tiring llttla doll wa* over, but the ha* forgrtten it. However, lhi» very moment ehc frel* that eh# wa* ! mlwlng It all the** long *e* year*, ev 'rry day. every hour. She pr**«e* the little ahoe to htr cheek, a wild longing •cite* her. Ob. but onre to feel the** little arm* around her neck! | Charles, of course, ha* long forgot* ton. What la a baby of a few month* jto a man? Men lore their children ' only from lb* moment when they ran make a (how of them. Aad so a Rule airl—th* dlaappolntmrnt of he- birth 1s not forgiven Ik*t *o soon. Charlaa wish ed himself a aon, of course! Lisa's toar-atainad *y*a looked through the garret, skylight Into the fog. which she eannont distinguish. She see* h.-r lit tle one to all the phases of Its ten years' li?e. The chubby baby, walking along, holding the furniture, as It cannot stand on ll# feat; then the two-year old, babbling Its baby language; then the talkative age, the a„e when the question* com# pouring In. when the lary# eyes look so questioning and baf fle ao frequently. The first knitting. She sita on a foot-benrh, her fingers and her elbows spread. You can sec the rosy tip of her little tongue. Then lessons in read ing by mamma, and sweet, silvery sounds which she calls ■‘slngtog.'' The first sebooteday! What a quiet good-bye, and yet how excited the lit tle heart, and what a merry. Joyous re turn after school hours, wihout hand kerchief and halr-strtng, however, with an escort of questionable “girl friends." During the following years her stockings are always full of holes on knees and tegs. After thl* she has become a tall, conscientious girl, her blond hair worn in a net and doing her French exer cise*. SomeUm-ee she makes mamma blush by her inquisitiveness—she still believes In mamma's knowledge of ev evcrylhlng. It will not last very long, for the llttl# one Is so smart, su much smarter than her mamma. She possesses her father’s keen brains and his thoughtful eyebrows. Yet. she has her mother's impulsive nature. How would they otherwise agree so well together? The lonely woman moans from this torture. In crazy tenderness she weeps tear after tear on the little shoe, and covers It with kisses. It is the only thing that ts left her. After a pause she is puxsted, and takes tho time-worn tissue paper in which the little shoe was enveloied. Nothing on the floor she finds—atxsolutely nothing. She empties tlus whole box. Carelessly she throws all the tokens of her maiden days on the floor. Sh# Is lookir g for the other shoe. These two little shoes stt* wants to take with her when she leaves —nothing else. Then tates. Perhaps she will find iB hrr writing desk, where ti:oy ffl were kept lying. Jp The n lira arc thrown I'ackßllg box. It is nearly dark now. I, '/{ii'j the little shiv? to her heart,Js| CUT THIS OUT Writ* your Adv*rtN*w.«nt on thl» WRnk, onetoM amount n*c«H£ry to p«v tor au» many «ntor tiono Rt you want, and • «»H#r moll or itnd it lo T>{E HERALD. i - ■■ 1 — —-*■ advertisement coupon. TO THE AIUISTA HE KALI) I Pi«a»« inMrt th* *dv*rti»*m*nt written b*low tim** In your "WANT’* column*, for which you will find *ncto§*d i——- —c*nt» SIGN HERE I nttuatuuM Basted, t*»in*d Fra*. ft-*., *■ Men Rualdets »<•£*♦*- !<>»-«*, R»*l K*Wte, For tele Mte- KfllC.l hmi Cm., cum *>T a-ktuiM. F* -«» Motived I lot toad iktn I# mmhe. I doom stair*. The ronauMpllve to atlli ■logtag thl* tlow a **vet, loottah tit* (to cradle song Ltaa smile* with a pcoud »bu> What Com *lm uaderataad ih#»#uf *’ j And ttot ah* facto a deep pity for <h* poor woman Mw teMMi to light her parlor. But (he IMito ska* to out uoder j th* writing doth Mh* to Is da*pair—ah# himts again, la breath aaa ha»t* ah* opawa every drawer and (urn# Ita coatowi* over and . over. A alack of old tollar* aad wear writing paper Ha* around her. Aad. to ataka thing* worse, at the end of her search. *bt la aaabl# to remember whether ah* raolly saved both ahoea. ' While her d*apalr. her haate, h#f| exrlt#B)*at have almost occrpow«r*sd her. a deep. alow, clear voter to aak- j lag. “Gao I help you, child?" She look* Into tbrfara of her ba*- baad with a frightened look, "Already returned, tkaiiea? No, you cannot help m*.“ "Who kaoura? I often found aome of your belonging*!" H* *<retches out hi* h*nd. ÜBln(e»iUona!ly. for tb* little j package I* the aga-wora ttmua paper: and open* It. "fat go.” the toy#—*ah# to excited •ad grasping for It—'"H I* mine. yea. mlae! And never can 1 give It to you!” Hrr #yea gleam. "And I won't give you mine," h# an swer*. with trembling lips. “You know where It to! You have j It—" "Within my writing desk. It'* with j your letters. 8h« would be a big gtrl' now." Tbcr# !•** a world of pain, tender- j neat and longing within these simple word*. Lisa rise*. She notice* the wrinkle* 1 on hi* forehead, that no golden-haired daughter can itrok# away; hi* tired eyes, hit faltering lipa. With a sigh that ahake* her whole frame ahe throws her arms around hla neck. f He tenderly strokes her dark hair. “How excited ray little wife la!” Then hi* own tears mingle with hers.. OABTOTIIA. Bears the ypTM lltlf YOU Hto Uttft fcjflM HOSPITABLE CHARLESON. flow She la Taking Care of the Sol diers Charleston, 8. C., July 12.—The peo- j pie of Charleston have been doing ev erything in their power to mate? the! treops here comfortable. The quartern supplied for them by the city are the best to be had and are cool and com-! modlous, and each xlay Mayor Smith supplies each regiment In the camp with one thousand pounds of Ice for the drinking water. Appreciating these and many other courtesies extended his command, Gen. Wilson aent a letter of thanks to the mayor and council, thanking Char- ! ieston for all that ivas being done for his men. In it he said that the city had established Its claims as a most acceptable place for the embarkation of soldiers. The Yaie and Columbua left their anchorage off the lightship at 1 o'clock Saturday. Gen. Miles was safely aboard the Yale and the transfer of troops and baggage was made with out an accident of any kind. THE NEW CIRCUIT. Dooly County Push the Bill Creating One to the Limit. Cordele, Oa., July 12.—The bill In troduced in the last session of the gen era! assembly by Hon. D. V. Whipple, representative from Dooly, establish ing a new Judicial circuit composing the counties of Wilcox, Dooly, Worth and Coiqultt, will be pushed through the nekt session of the Legislature if possible. Active work Is being done already, sounding the nven elected state on the bill. It JULY 13 ONE-CENT A WORD ’ bITUATION WANTED A RKTTi.W!» WMITiS WOMAN | ««»!* • •* iNHttrtteHfMFT. (Ml ftf At*V kin# t>f Hitt k t !i4! 11l ‘tfi’ie, ' A4}r»«f H .IIS -n atrttL |W A NTKI> HIKITION A# MO! K* ply M Twtfntr Hfy. July It ,WANTK!>—#!T!?AT!Otf A# HI'TLdKK. f #r porur «r any kin# »f 1<» k ltrvK« rliy. luljr U WAKTH * -WOHK. H<4TLIIR OR Tiiftd at#rk. Apply Win. SiiclwrtKC. !42f? , tlaefcao* iMWHL niy. Jmi y i* W ANTKIV-#ITrATH>N A 8 W TUER pac kman or r n r or aay k #«# of Hork t'fotiA! NO'UjWf. J no. Kol* leek rtrrat. city. July IS W A A# IU r TI«KH. pairtrr. hoteter. ysrdm<ui or any klud of work. Apply Ud» Jot»«# atroot. July II FOR BALE ■ CREAM-CREAM AT 24 JACKSON XT. VERT CHEAP— Ptsiol*. gun*, must, rel Instrument*; wetrhse eisaoet glv»a i away, at Uncls LsWe. TOR SALE CHEAP—A PAIR OF ( young horses. Will work double or .•ingle. C H Howerd. Jr . ei Howard ji WtUet Free Co. Juas iS ts FOR BALK OR KENT-HOUSE OF 1 r x iom* oa Lincoln attest, to good con - diiinn. on easy terms. Wm. Bekwetgort. i Aug 1. I WILL REEL VEWV REASON ABt-T a tot of eeeond hand doors, blind*, aesh and wooden column* Call for T. jJ. Daly. Oliver Row. Monument afreet, land he will Blow and price them. Ja- Icob Phlnlsy. Augusta, Ga. Aug 1 TO RENT FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1, 1888, TUB dwelling No. 522 Elbe street Apply to Jacob Pbinlxy. Aug i l FOR RENT—7-ROOM HOUSE. MOD | ERN conveniences. Cell r. street. *ls [month. Poaaeaßlon immediately. P. O. box rut. July 12 LOST AND FCUND LOST—AFRICAN PARROT. SKATE colored with red tall. Escaped Sat urday morning. Suitable reward to finder upon return to roe. P. J. Sulll ven. Aug 1 LOST- A LADY'S - DOUBLE CASE gold watch with chain and charm. *5 reward will be paid tor thu return of the same at The Herald oflJbe. Julyl2 LOST—HEAD OF SCARF PIN, PLAI TED gold, with diamond centre. Re turn to Herald. July 18 miscellaneous" A POSITION FOR 55c. THF INTER STATE Agency has 500 positions to fill by August Ist. Salary 115 55 per mo. Address Interstate Agency, St. Mat thews, S. C. Box 18. SUMMER COURSE OSBORNE'S BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial course reduced from *SO to *56. Short hand and typewriting *45. Beys and girls from 15 years and up taken. June 17 ts WANTED TO PURCHASE—A SMALL retail drug business. Address Drug gist, care Herald. July 14 WANTED FOR HIS FEED FOR TWO months —A gentle horse. If satisfac - tory may purchase. Apply A. B-, Her- J aid office. July 12 1 lir YOtT WANT TO TAKE A NT CM trip for ti little money, go on Stojß tV (Charleston on thfl