The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 14, 1898, Image 7

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VICTORIA IS AT HER CORONATION Fry* tout**"* to«u* Tatoa A»**»»l ■(■•*#*«'* «MN U*t tfMiWt !&• «•>«*»••<• «M *m ***** »* kaaa tk#*i > I#ai in th* fa*#* pt*»*«»*d Mi *- tagaaara tad 4>4 w*t a**ai ***** iw«t4 tts*>ngk *t*o to* 4a*b*d to tort Thyaa* aad aad l -fmir toll «m what |MW«»btlt«t »«• * 14*4 ttolt' • him right* ya*o| »**o *ad toss f*ahlt *tmm**»4 Mtt4l»M •»«*««►*• >4 t« >mtt th# #»*fa at *h# into** to go h#f tMC "Mat t aat «« up »« «M*| ht«*“ to* mMUmto mhi ■ •HIM hW • **pl» <*• •#"•* M 4 a#*l to bint 4*4 tbt# nut* art of UkMtttitoi loada#a* ratted farth prate* tram all Tk* mafurtn* *wa*#d wh*a tk* HMft ‘ **ng “Tlit« I* tk* Ddy,“ Mr, Tb* |m>- pt* Mot* rbawtrd "Ood tat* Qvt. «i vwrart*’ • •• to* ***** tmm tbt.. thro*# *«4 hdtoaad th# affhbteko* l», «*• attar Hk# t*M M* «*o rroaa Hf K«ftrt. Ms ImH (a rtewlt* tk* **t ******* fit** th*» 11 ••■•lit her "**• •Itu of twt*W." rot*ra«4 la Ik* threw* UM tk* wawmaeioa wrvte* aa* The Awakening. Itofor* tk* UllH i Cat* Urn* Fear* Tk* «r* Of o*trag#4 Jarttr* kta**4 throagk ail tk* toad atlMf Tk* OnWwi *o!#«a»y her hard Uai ralord aloft to Cuft. tk* guhrkrtHag If* Of tkoa* k*r cboara propl* Mop*. 4* Ur*— Ay*, prayer u.*tf-w*r* aUll for paw* Command." Atoatl tk*y crt*e. "kot ahi I# a* trait* la« •tonA book Ikon* l**« Honor lo thin* arm* eiptr* ” And kc wko ruler! tkcoatlon’a drrtlay Took not bla faca from at that far* beolen. Yet hr Id lo teaak tk* «aih*rin* dog* of war. But hark’ Ware-born# com** Merry - * •mothrrod ery. And lo! Where *tood bof bow that form dlvln* Armored *td grim, atatki Man. Th* dr am la o'ar. —Pa#.*ka! H. Coggln*. to Ood#y'f Magacfnr for Jim*. A WOMAN HERMIT AND THE REASON WHY If m« story of Polly Blake. the wo* mmt hermit, who lire* In • forest twelve nuies from Bardeton. Ky., was written up as Action, the verdict would be (hat it was Improbable aud melo dramatic. In 1835 Polly Andrew* wa* engaged to a young farmer named Stephen U?tton. During the summer a atrangrr by the name of Tbomaa Blake made hi* appearance on th* aceco ami cut Deton out of Polly'a affection*. Letton did not aeem to mind his jilt ing and remained a good frtend of the Blakcs after Polly’a marriage. About a year later both men started on a journey. Lettou borrowed money from Blake, and a day later Blake Left the bouse of the drover where they had both spent some time. The night fol lowing Blake’s departure the drover’s house was entered, robbed of SI,BOO Summer Millinery. The principal novelty this year la In the different weave* of straw that are us d in the corustrnetlon of the hat*. The soft satin-Bnisbed braid t» osed In all kind* of hat*. Soma of the weave* are open-work; other* are quit* close together. Thera are even many in what ti*ed to be called Neapolitan strew, a very fine weave that look* like horsehair, and often black and white are put together in these Neapolitan straw hats, in which there is an exqui site shad of a very pale Using these different weaves, and straw by file yard, the milliners are able to se cure a much better anti more distinct ive style for their individual custom ers. The hats, so to sjc-ak, can be bulk to suit the head. Of course this Is not a novelty, but has been done for the last two or three years; “but the straw itself is different this year. One very old and exceedingly effec tive hat is made of a lemon-color straw with an Inside satin finish. The crown of the hat is shaped somewhat like a toque. At the back is an enormous flouble bow, the straw tied just as rib bon would be tied Back of the bow of straw are quantities of shaded tea* rosesy and the whole hat is veiled in yellow tulle. It is Indescribably soft in coloring and general Affect. Bright red hats are no longer fash ionable, and there are Aery few purple ones seen; but..all* conceivable shades of green and blue'are greatly In evi dence. On the blue hats there atv? trfmtflihgs of different shades of blue, so that theer will be the deepest navy b)ue„and the lightest turquo'se, with all the intervening shades. —Harper’s Ba- Bar * ,i.i i t Umi-ilja.ui.tie oi Liu itukrt me trttk tkt* tk* *+t*mm» t§ tk* g*f*4Mtt»a* of tte*#a tm**t* t*m ** an *n4 Sh* had »«*a in tk* Akkcf km kown and • halt nfcan 4* ■•a* p*«w.t'*e I* p*t4f k*f *•••» mum «* ****** *m tk# pat#** H** la«w 9ain<d hrt. aad tk# nrk to* wa* ohtH»d la retry ***** k*r trritd ark* haaar*» •n* t».w*g kcr artm..wt*4«en»*ni* la Ik* people Ik 1 * '**>aa naatg t***<4P« 4t* pla**4 Moth a.adr a#r* oreoptod ta bold tag tk* ark m 4 •*■****• n*4 a •** impotatM* far krr ta *4»«rt tk* Imp** lat dlad*ta. knt tk* |b»h#*» «f Balk ertaad *ka a*» nttk k*f *a tka ear nag*. a**t*t*4 bat a* wall aa to* ewatd It *#*•**! *a ladlcroa* :bat ha* nta)** ty *ankt not rruart* her aurtk. and •b* baud into a W*nf p*a( of toagktar ‘ At laid all waa *alol. bat bator* tk* * w»tty k**4 aa* pto**4 apaa I** ptt> I taw «k* bad a*at (a l»<t«lr* If l#»H RaT# an* gull r aril tx>rd Orartit# 1 air "It I* la fart tk* twm**k*bt* an ton as aaivatt*. tnadn*aa and good ****** witfc propnnr and digmf* aktrti make* k*w m »d»iraWa *ad *a eadrsrtnc to Ifeopa aboat mr." RUZZARDS AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. On our ride to Xochtralco we i ban red upon a valuable piece of to forraatloa which I do oof foal tike w ititniidm* from thla superstitious age and I think It will ha of grvat use to our Rilnd-rurtsis and healer*. When 1 wondered at tbs alia of the buuard* we encocuterad. our guide, who waa a rotuairer guide and a man of stand ing, and perfectly trustworthy, told roe That this bird wa* really ■ rrow. and not a btttsard. a* 1 had thought And U I* «ot merely an ornamental and thieving bird. Thla la what ha told me: If any ni* haa heart-disease, or (a threatened with It. orgonlr or other wlae. all tie needs to do la catch one of these crow* and make a companion of him. a real Intimate. He muat keep ami tba Inmates murdered. The assas sin then aet fire to the bouse. Blake waa put under surveillance. The de tectives shadowed him for month*. One day hr paid nut a bank note with a stain In one corner. The stain proved to have been human blood and he wa* sentenced to the penitentiary for life. In vain he protested that the money had been paid him by LetUro for the .debt of some months back. Blake died in the penitentiary. A few years after bis death. Stephen Letton, on bU death bed, confessed the crime. His motive* were purely those of revenge. He had never forgiven Blake for supplanting him In the affection* of the woman he loved. Then Mr#. Blake went to the wilderness to live. She haa lived In the lonely cabin In the forest for the last fifty years. • TITLES OF THE HOY KING. The following paragraph about the Utile King Is from the Chicago Record: Alfonzo XIII. of Spain is only twelve years old, end he has so many names aud titles that one would think It would make him dizzy to remember them all. No doubt he spent a day or two learning them, as one of our boys would learn the capitals of the West ern eat.?*. His eight names are I/eon, Ferdinand, Marie, Jacques, Isidore, Paschal, Antoine, and Alfonzo. Besides being King of Spain he has twenty seven other titles: King of Castile, of L?on, of Aragon, of the two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, of Navarre, of Grenada, Smokingr Revers. The “smoking” revers are the new est models Jacket fronts. They take the name from the long turn-over cellars on men’s smoking Jackets. Sep arate black or colored velvet revers are worn over the bodice of visiting or driving gowns, and, afTord quite a little protection when jackets are first left off. For the walking dress, if one alms at being smart, one has a chemisette of front to match the lining of the jacket, as It is expected that jacket fronts will fly open to produce the de sired effect. Simple justice requires it to be said that Admiral Cervera, In his sortie from Santiago bay, displayed a heroism of which tbo bravest nation in the world might well be proud.—New York Tribune. ■ •.a * Tl-TBI A.TJGTTST_A- HBBALD HAVE A COW. A* Aaa»d«da as Mafka* «».fc»al#* • VMM tk# kMkttaw | fat aftof hwildl itoAtaut $ ta aagtMgdtd* k* kad **• »•*•«♦*» Mpk «... |n tka •ttp as a f«aof di**t» at tk* at*** kwa*a “ **•* tka Jalt Idfta Hear j«wra*t tk aa |«kt****w* *•**' itai MdgrarKf <* »k* Fnaatoat “It a*a a tore* wrtnpaaf and a *#r? goad ****** fwa* aid Mot bar MeßtaWt aaa tk***. bet *k* aa* aot *un »**k am* to* m— laa Map* hr tr»«»to tan to* kepi • *ha»» a** ka tka dlk* aat and aa datait «# M ******* to*,. «ka aa* frrrrril attk Ik* auaa’ltr of .****• *****4 attk tk* ft ait aad aaf fna. for ah* Umkto ap aka aaa ta tow •a*ct war aad *atd "TATtium. paa aat k«ap a «a aaw ’ •"tom* as tk# youagar ********* as tk* kMkttp part? t*>aad It <»•«.« to •apprwa a aa>tt* bat tk# IVendMt. auk kta a*»al tart aad «*a#taaaa*a*. rgptUi! " •Ta*. mot kef «• *m *<ford to ka»# a ana aaa. aad kara all tka rroam aa raa paaatkly aaa'" gtTASUfHKtI teat--torn*to* t*agn U* mm I*o-1 tat Mr •»**»*• ** ■ tor aw* k»*t* *i tim* ea aa »mt* *t |N»**a*t property at a **rr law rut* lof nleroor, AH «MUe*rtlo«* rtftrtlr | raakdeattal. PtMt-t.igd burglar piuof jrafr* Code* lb* Arttacton h-trt. aa Jarbaoa atrtol taert* J. krbaat. him by him ronrtaaily. trt him *at from tk* Mrar plat* at laht* and *l#*p with him at night- Wh r> tht* hrttm. ry t* ratabilahrd. all lb? mao - * h*art dlara** and tradrary to It wilt Irar* ih* man and pa** lato It-' #row. Th* trgtlmony to thla fart I* abundant, a* 1 admit* of bo doubt. And th* atngnlat thing *h«it th* mlrHrt<' I* that the crow ta pot Injtimd- Th* prow, by an •ntlrrly «< otat pmcMa rommon tn all mlnd-pnra* ahwrrb* th* h*ari-dUra**, and *u»taft>* Bo harm, and aak* *o pay for hi* work. Thla Thrltlan 8. Irate crow I*, to b# *or*. a Mexican, but I auppo** that any kind of crow «Ith u« would do a* well.- Trom th* Bdltor - * ttludy." By Chart** Dudley Warner. »n Harper - * Magaiin# for June. NOVELTIES IN SILVER. Of silver novelties there la really never an end. The demand for some thing aew In sterling Is so great that the manufacturers are always at work getting up new designs. One of the prettiest end perhaps tlw latest In these. Is a duster which Is made of a fiix's brush. The tail of the fas Is mounted upon a silver handle and used like a feather duster. Of course It Is hung In a conspicuous place at an ornament when not In use. The latest sliver powder boxes are enormous, being fully eight Inches across. They are of cut-glass, with sil ver or silver gilt fops. They are kept only partly filled with powder, and the little pink or blue powder puff shows very prettily through the cut glass. A useful thing is the opera vinaig rette. It is also of cut glass. It has a division In the middle, which makes It possible to carry aromatic salts In one end and a favorite perfumed salt in the other. The top can be> of sil ver, with a monogram cut In the glass. A rolling stone gathers no moss; but there are lots of men who don't use moss In their business, anyway. of Toledo, of Valencia, f Galicia, of Majorca, of Minorca, of Seville, of Sar dina, of Cordorva, of Corcega, of Mur cia, of Jaen, of Algrave, of Algeziras, of Gibraltar, of (he Canary Islands, of the Eautern and estern Indies, of In dia, and of tha Oceanic continet. He is an Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, of Brabant, and of Milan, Count of Hapsburg. of Flanders, of the Tyrol, and of Barcelona, and Lord, of Biscay and Molina, and so on. Alfon so is a great favorite with the Spanish people. They call him “el plquenito” —"the little one,” and ha la cheered wherever he goes. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. got, &4KIH c POWDER Abiolutely Pure ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. , « ( A»r wglHnwr. ui nt» corrw tut womt to 1 If t.u’WfXl mm f**. Tltg CA»TtI«IA.‘ Aim vAtt IlkHlfit APtggtA.f A* Ot It fkAWf tIAKX. ! t DR t. AM Lit L PfTCWfR. of MusMckmurtti, mt V* angith* of ••CASTORiA," lAc no mu that hat barm and doer now bear s/97 ...* °* rt ' rr * Out foe-urniif higmUtra of trapper. This i» thr anginal ••CASTORIA'* which ha* bem ased in the home* of On Mather* as Amerk* far oivt thirty year*. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and *rr that it it the kmd gm hanr alwayt bought * on the and ha* the ngnature of CCmMrHtlcjCae wrap per, No one ha* authority from me to u*e my name cjnrpi The Centaur Comjiany. as which Chas. H. Fletcher it President. t 4bU* Do Not Be Deoeived. r»q not r the life of )t»ur child by accepting a cheap hubkiitutc which tome dritggitA m.ty offer you (IrreauAT he make* a few more pennie* on It), the in* gredients of which even he docs not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Yon. Rare Chances THR I’AMPnai. PROPERTY, near Georgia Railroad Hank for sale at s I bargain. IS* feet front on Mclntosh, Ilk I feet deep, with on*- duelling of 16 room*, tone of I room*. 2 store# and vacant lot— No*. 118. 112 and IIS Mclntosh street. Make me an offer. ONLY OHANOB just now to buy a home In North Augusta, where you will enjoy living winter and summer, and not have to go to the mountains sor t breeze*. Party moving north only reason for selling. Dwelling * rooms, nuthouse*, good water. Lot £o*2oo feet. A PNAP. 40 acres good land, new house and ouUsiuae*. fond water, lot and garden fenced, nice pasture, orchard, grape*, peaches, ftc; first class crop on this land; all necaesMry farming Imple ment*. wagon, horse, cow and calf, tur keys. chickens and hogs. This place Is on the line of the Georgia railroad, near Augusta, and {tarty want* to go north at once. To a quick buyer— sl2oo. Leonard F. Verflery Heal Estate Agent, I Library Row. IKIIEIIEIP COOL by using one of our odorless llefrtger ators—the Dewey Just unnihtlatps hot weather. Klondike. Gurney and Eclipse are oil good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; Ice cream freezers. See our line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby ckirlages for »6. We will make terms ami prices to suit you. Fleming & Bowles 904 Broad Street. UP-TO-DATE METHODS 1 V N*4 tJNTIRING ENERGY, brains and push, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OF MONEY SOHEOFTHE METHODS THAT ( MAKE THE HERALD FAHOUS. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. Things You Should Know /If You C S Paint / Ist. That your painter can ralgan ab solutely pjure and highest grade mixed paint while or colored chemically pure, at $t.2S to $1.27 a gallon. 2d. That If you are fooled Into paying $1.50 per gallon for any ready mixed paint, you are throwing away 26c a gallon. Sd. That Atlantic whits lead la chem ically pure. There car be and Is no better paint. 4tlr. Buck lead Is mixture of w-hlte lead and *lnc, which we've been selling and using on our own property for 30 years. For practical purposes In paint ing it Is equal to white lead. It Is sold at l-4c cheaper than Atlantic. sth. Adulteiated linseed oil will stick -and not dry and will soon cover with dirt. Beware of cheap bargains in lin seed all. You will regret their use. Our linseed nil Is unadulterated aud chem ically pure. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. WHOLESALE PAINTS. FOR SALE gxp-j have for sale very desirable build ing Jot located In the centre of one of the handsomest blocks In the city. Will sell game very cheap, just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. IFOIR SALE. Hallock Cottage on Monte Sano- A new cottage of 4 rooms, Pantry, Bath and Kitchen. Two Lots well lo cated; high elevation; long time; 7 per cent interest. CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate. 882 Broad Street. Check Lost of $ 1 33 1.31, ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK, No. 14107, drawn by C. W. Pilcher, attorpey for Job. H. Spears, dated June 15th Inst., (and mailed same day) In favor H. A. Cook, for $1331.31. Payment has been stopped. All persons warned against using In any way said check. (Signed) >! J. H. SPEARS, | C. W. FILCH ETC Attorney. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 2101. Summerville Plumbing Company jHff-Plusabing. Sewering and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Specially. fflff-Eatimates Given on All Kinds of Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. 3TO 7MID 11 TOIO Wo havo a sow morn SUITS than wo wish tc curry over until next soason. in Juniors from 3to 7 years, and in Children's from 1 I to 16 years, which, this week, will be sold at a special Tow price. You will save money by buying your child a Suit now. A good investment for sn extra Suit is always proper to have on hand. Remember The Department. I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA Augusta Brewing CD’s GENUINE * |y|ALT [XTBACT NOW ON THE MARKET. CALL HIM IT. W. H. Lynch & Co., Y ellow Pine Lumber! Builders’ Hardware. 1 Lcors, £asfi, Blinds, ■ ■ . 1 rioiilclings. Laths, Shingles, W ood & Coal. Wth 67PEET. SFAR FLICURIC HAIL WAY POWEfi HOUSE niubuhk T 4. • • acouma, aa. Tivoli Brewery. PORTNER’SBEER FOR SALE EVERYWHERE IN AUGUSTA—ASK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent S —138 . - Special Low Prices “■ at the Augusta China House, 704 Broad Street, For Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Refrigerators and Ice Chests. TO RENT. ; -;p Four rooms on Sand Hills in very desirable location. Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water. &e., &c. Possession July 1. JOHN W. DICKEY. TO RENT. From September 1 st next, office 739 Reynolds St,, next to Exchange building. Apply to W. H. WARREN, 828 Greene Street*