The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 15, 1898, Image 3

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FRIDAY AN AOIFUIi STORY OF HAVANA Tit f'Mfi* Tint Ait •( lit Bl*»ri* UM hH«t. M l pftaUtg niMKN NhWi Any PfNMI M The M*<*-d| Fort d* fnxt July It.—Th* *t«* •At# Bergm «r| b *M retag*** *«• Havana. kn | Tt**d tad M f«ar»a lined here, They tel? leiribt# t»l«* oi mob A bk>»> »t •*• tboweaad tlaimoed I# lb# tr*bt of W*#‘« • pal •r* am tb# third lor tool W* l ** ■tad* • ap***h •**•*•« them food **» Oomag Tbit q»i*<#d ibr« for th« tim* being. bar tb* vtoleb*# brob# Mlt **«trr ob*a tb* of OrrnVs 4* ftai *»• m*4r kaowm. Tb# tHaattob m 4#a#*raf Tb* city I* ttarrlac Tb*r# It no br»ad bT*r* bat b*r-t a . freak srat for dfteea Hart. Ufr It aol taf* tbtrr and uprising tad mat •act# may orrar R tajr gaom-nt STABBED HIMSELF. Alt Taylor Trtrt to Take* Ml* Owo Ufa. Macon. Oa. July >*• Ab Taylor. Ok fcuog farmer of Warrior dturiet. J who rtabbed hit wife to death on San- j da* Inal, au raptured at daylight y morning. about two nil Ira from tbr sir nr of tbr tragedy and tael** in.lra from Macon. TayUtr bad been trailed by a poaar all night, and wh tracked in tbr aof: mud of a ditch to ward a peach orchard on the plantation j of B> n Wllhamaon. The foremost of | tbr purturra caught sight of him lying rrourtird under a peachtrce. Aa aoon aa Taylor saw he «as discovered he stabbed himself three time* over the heart with the same knife he used In the murder of hla wife. The weapon, however, did not quite reach the heart, though inflicting dangerous wounds. \ He was brought to the city and lodged j In Jail. To The Atlanta Journal cor- , respondent Taylor acid he would not have attempted hia life if he had not thought he was gemg to be lynched. j He had been told that a mob would string him up as aoon as he was caught. Tailor belongs to a family of de peraie men. One of them <''tnml* ed suicide a few years ago while nursued la a swamp by a sheriff * posse. An other Is now serving a life term in the penitentiary. This man does not ex press the slightest regret at the mur der of his wife, which was cold blood ed and dastardly. People out In the dis trict are determined, apd there is some talk today of an attempted lynching to night. but such a thing is not expec ted. DUBLIN GETS IT. The Georgia Weekly Press Associa tion Heets There Next Year. Dublin. Ga., July 15.—Mayor Adam* received a > telegram from Editor Hil ton, cf llic Dispatch, <vho was at New nan with the press boys, announcing that the Georgia Weekly Press Asso ciation had decided to make Dublin the place-of meeting next year. This Is a signal compliment to our city. Our citizens should and will am ply demonstrate to the pencil pushers that their choice was a wise one. When the time for Use gathering of the gang has rolled around, Dublin will have made such cdvancem-'nt beyond her already goodly proportions and pro gressive spirit that the brains and bril liancy of the weekly press will be eharmed into singing her name in laudatory accents from one .end or the slat? to the ether. Del the editors c'mc. Dublin will welcome t*utn in the warmest manner end entertain them as only Dublin can. WHAT FOR ? 29 An Italian Squadron to Cruise Off of Spain’s Coast. Rome, July 15.—An Italian squadron has been ordered to cruise off the cco3t of Spain. A JUNE CLOTHING SALE! In order. to clear out ail Summer goods Price shall bethe lever to move them, and at once. Prices quoted here tel. bufh\lfthe L ftory S To Appreciate the great values in this sale you must see them, . . . SB.OO $12.50 Suits Reduced to . 57.80 SIO.OO Suits Reduced to B ss.ou $ 7.50 Suits Reduced to ,f QO« l=? T r 1 ' JLm. SY3LVBSTBR. - r ” ■*- ~ t.A*U*.V CLOCK*. VRAMtII it at Vi. ill\»N AWA% t«t » We Always Have, and Always Will Lead in Real Bargain Giving Na misleading atatemsnt*. dlaappolntmenl. exaggerated MmaaoMberaloMh.'goodi ‘Slv'jn, study for yourselves the money saving in this great sale. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Wt bat* a email M of Hurt a raehaed * CHfurd and CWwlaied'gbw eJ VM Kid Ur* Pbo#«, rap aad ptalb Into. Wvrth »*• aad |*.aa. 011 l f, |f( |f A o*a« a Okorolat* t ok>t*4, Ro*»iaa Calf I At* »b«<# «ntn low. a lla* that aa* beta a*Ui«< lor «*• but tb* prir* from #•>* on until a»M «UI b# •t a* Be,r in mind the customers interests are ours.. We are always on the .lookout for the best for our patrons, and our efforts are usually crowned with good roaults. Be mindful of good advice and seek us for bargains. RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE GO. - • STORES B *?22 B Broacfstreet, opposite Monument STORES INASOCIALWAY i Army and Navy I eague A targe number of representative wo men met In the library pailora. yester day afternoon at si* o'clock, to organ ise die Ktchmoc.d County Auxiliary to the Oeoigta Army and Navy League. [The meeting was tailed to old. r by Mia. C. H. Oaken, who had been appointed vice president for Richmond county by | Mrs. Atkinson, the state president. Mrs. J. L. Dillon was apoplnted aer retary, pro tern. A nominating committee, composed of Mrs. J. R. Lamar, chairman aid Mrs. W. r. Eve and Mrs. Lou Stale# | Jnrkstn. reported as follows. I Presideni-Mis. M P- Ci.rroll. Vice President—Mrs. W. A. Latimer. Seeontl vice President—Mrs. Marga ret Dugas. Correa ponding Secretary—Mias Bella I Walsh. Recording Secretary—Mrs. G. R. Ar go. Trcaaurer —Mrs. Bryan Gumming. These officers were unanimously elec ted. and Mrs. Carr II t<>ok the chair. Suggestions for making money were asked for. end Mrs. Dawson moved that arrangements la* made for an Ice cream festival In the city hall, with a promenade concert. Thi* was second ed and tarried, end a geneial dlscua ston ensued. The arrangements for t its entertainment will be left to Mrs. Daw non and Mr*. Rattey. Mrs. Cohen rep. rted I 2. r '.lo sent as a nucleus for the league by Mrs. Geo. Howard, v ho had saved thla sunt from the money taiaetl for the Augusta sol diers. A vote of thanks wo* tendered sot the genetous contribution. The following name* of vice presi dents from the various churches were then read: . The Sacred Heart—Mrs. W. A. Mui berln and Mrs. James Daly. Second Presbyterian —Mrs. Hal Low rey and Mrs. George Lombard. First BtiftUt —Mrs. James Dawson and Mrs. A. Smith Irvine. First Christian —Mrs. C. B. Vml and Miss Estes. First Presbyterian - Mrs. H- ** ■ B. and Mrs. Caswell. St. John's—Mrs. A. B. aJckson and Mrs. W. B. YodCg. St. James'— Mrs. Lamback and Mrs. It. B. Morris. St. Patrick's—Mrs. Eattey and Mrs. ■ St. Paul's— Miss Mary Hall and Mrs. A. L. Bur-veil. The Church of the Atonement— Mrs. Ed Platt and Mrs. Carpenter. The Church of the Good Shepherd- Mrs. M. 8. Walton and Mis. T. H. Scott. . Synagogue—Mrs. I. C. L vy ana Mrs. First Lutheran—Mrs. Addison and Mrs. Schweig rt. Second Lutheum—Mrs. "Von Sprag.n. Upon motion of Mrs. Eve, Mis. W. yj X. Walker anc‘ Mts. Josh Doughty were elected vice presidents from the county at large. Upon motion of Mrs^ C. A. Rowland, Mrs. IT.l T . B. Frost r Herhzihah war elected vice president for the forming of an auxiliary In that ; town. j [n reply to a request for Information, Rice&O’ConnorShoeCo. Mr* C.-hen rxptalard that while « I* ant r for the Augusta auxiliary to attend money in tended fur tb* llmrtla l#s««e. mon ey an he obtained from the elate trees urer for sky mtto of e ant am**ns the • tree and fsmlhe* of August* wWW* ,S‘.Hr* n*A (Inn of • meeting at the library at el* s'rlwli Hat —da y after noon, when the vice president* from the cbWfbro will aonolnt their sub- I vommltteea for eyetematte wort. The follow tog name# were enrolled for membership yeelrtday: Mr*. W. A. Ullmrr. Mrs Mark Silver. Mr* A W. Anderson. Mr*. O. Jl. llstH*. Mr. Hryan Osmeala*. Mr*, lib-hard K. Allen. Mr*. Wm. B Lam jgin, Mia* Oe«»rgl* Ketee. Mrs. M. U Walton. Mi*. Wm. H. While. Mrs. A. r». Jackson, Mre. John Wicker. Mr*. Alfred Cuming. Mr*. Hulh Carpenter. I Mr* Ira J. Wlllnrd. Mr*, Robert H. Wilghl, Mr*. Tho*. Br*neh. Mra. Louis Cohen, Ml*» Amelia Kreln, M*g. 1. c. Uvy. Mr*. Julia P Dels**, Mr*. C. ghxlet Smith, Mr*. John K. Jack son. Mr*. Jaojphi I-a mar, Mrs. Kd Bu«. Mra. Margaret Dug**- Mr*. Boykin Wright. Mia Elganor Dawson. Mr*. Melville Trrrett. Mrs H. H Hlekmab, Mrs. J. B Rrhwrer*. Mra. Hugh Dales. Mrs. Bertha J M-yets. Mrs. T. S. Haworth. Mr*. Addl*«* Welslger. Mrs. Kate Clanton Welslger. Mrs. Rem Ramaen, Mr*. Wm. U. Tutt. Mr*- ®- L>s*er. Mrs. C. H Cohen. Mrs J. Wtl- He Levy. Mrs Thos. W. Alexander. Mts. Charles Withers. Mrs George A. Wilcox. Mr*. Frank H Miller. Mr*. W F Alexander. Mrs. Bishop Alexander. Mr*. Mary Lou Phinlsy. Mlaa Kathe rine D. Platt. Mr*. Ctra*. Platt, Mr*. Adolphua Sett, Mr*. J. P. Mulhcrln, Mi* W. A Mulherln. Mrs. Win. Schwetgert. Mrs. Thomas Oolemnn, Mr* W W. Battey. Mias Mebaws.Mrs. Black. Mrs. CL B. Argo, Mr*. T D. Caswell. Mr*. A. M Williams. Mrs. George Sibley. Mrs. DeVaga Cohrm. Mr*. Frank Ford. Mrs. Jomes Daly, Mrs. J M. Hull. Ml*. E. B. Baxter, Mis* Walsh, Miss Dovlne Jcvnes. Mrs. I awton Evan*. Mrs. P. F. Campbell. MISS Allle Eve. Mrs. B. F. Brown. Mrs. A. F. Pendleton. Mrs. Landon Thomas, Mr*. M K. Klnchtey, Mrs. W. W. Alexander, Mrs. Anna Burwell. Mr*. Willie Butt, Mrs. W. F. Eve.*Mrs. A. J Renkl. Mrs. P. D. Horican, Mrs. Hugh Dempsey, Mrs. Lucy H. Wrsy, Mts. Lou Scales Jacksco, Mrs. J. L. Dillon. Official Announcement From Mrs. Helen Plane, President Atlanta Chapter Mrs. Helen Plane. president of the Atlanta Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, sends the following notice to Daughters of the Confederacy and wives of veterans: The Atlanta Chapter of the United ! Daughters of the Confederac wtlt give !a grand reception at the Kimlinll house * on the third day of the reunion, Friday, j 22, from 6t09 p. m., followed by a 'cotlllbo in honor of sponsors and j maids of honr. Cards of admission to ! the cotillion will Ire Issued to the gen ! tlcmtn. ! Invitations have been extended to all jehaj t rs cf the order; to all. the notable women of the Confederacy; to sponsors and maids of hmor of the depait ments and divisions of veterans,. anil ;t depm (meats and divisions of the .Sens of Veterans, and the sponsors and 'the maids of honor of all other cqm imands are cordially requested to apply | for badges of admission. The wives of , veterans are requested to do the same, j The following badges will be lequlr jed of nil in attendance; i Member* of chapter: a white ribbon Inscribed with "Atlanta chapter” In red letter.*. Vlsltl'.'g members of the United 'Daughters of the Confederacy: a pho tograph of the president of the chapter, 'suspended from ribbons upon which is 'inscrib'd, "Atlanta Chapter U. D. C.” i Children of the auxiliary, n white rib bon. upon which is "Children of the THE A”OOUBTA HERALD' Men's AN Potld Pot IP Poll Pbosw lb tan* bod nrnmum ••< Utt*T **' pno4 tseateia amt fkll It t» **!•**. «*• *:«*«b4 ««H P»** tHlt b* II !• A Bn**' All Pol 14 pall* C*tf Ur* Pb"* «»*• P l * l6 ,o,> <««etdere.i good talar far |t,». but sold b* u* for It *#• Men's and Boys Tt* end 1t44 Straw Hats msrked dots* to «fcr. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Alt of «*r ladle* Colored IJM»**d UPkOtford* Vkrl Kid *bd Tmt Conbderary " TW bad*** wtll he dlelrlhuted fmsn the Woman's eluh rooms. Bfth Poor of tb* tlrwnd. from I* m II o'eloch n, m . and * to I p. m . on Thursday and Fri day of reunion week Badge* will not b* given to ladles at Ibe rityr who ar* noi member* of lb* chapter By order at It* pmuldent MRP. I P. HA INK Corresponding Secretary. Notice to the Daughters of lb* Confederacy Mre. Kve ask* Ihwt the member* of Chapter A. Daughter* «f Ibe Confed eracy. who expect to attend the con vention of the Daughters to be held hr Atlanta, ncxl week, during the tcunlon, will tend to her. liefore Monday, for their credential* If H«cy will mail a postal card to Mr* W F Bvr. Monte Bano. she will immcdlalely mall the de sired credentials. Morrts-Kulke. Mr*. L. J. Kuhlke ha* Issued Invi tations to the marriage of Miss Alya Kuhlke to Mr. Harry Hassan Morris, which will lake place on the afternoon of Thursday, the twcnty-drat, at 12. M o'clock, at the Flr*l Itaptlst church, the Rev. Dr. banning Burrow* officiating. The young couple will be «» home to their friends at 111 Telfair street after August the Aral. A Marriage of Interest. The marriage of Mis* Crowell Man ley and Mt. Loul* Schley will be cele brated on the morning of Tuesday. Ju ly 2«. at St- Paul'* church, the Rev. Dr. Chauneey <?. Wlflfam* officiating The young couple will leave immediately for Asheville. Notice to Vice President* of Army and Navy League. The vice presidents of the Army ond Navy League from the various church rr „ rp urged to attend the meeting at the library tomorrow, Saturday, after noon. at six o’clock, when arrangement* Will Ik- made for organized work. Mr and Mrs. Will Butt are visit ing friends In Grovetown today. Mrs. Thomas Barrett. Jr., and Mrs. F. H. Barrett are visiting friends In Athens. • Mrs. Anthony Silenus of Charleston spent several days this week with her mother, Mr*. Vasom Miss Amne Stovall, who Is visiting Judg- and Mrs B B. Gary In Abbe ville, was complimented with a german lest week. Miss Marie Bertorelli, one of Charles ton's most fascinating «jd popular young ladles, Is the guest of Miss Celia McDonald cn upper Broadway. WEST END NEWS. Prof. E. M. Osborne has returned from Lula. Ga., where he went to at tend the funeral of his wife's brother, who was killed there a few days ago by an unknown party Mr. W. T. Spires, of Walker street, will return home today from Columbia county. , . Mis. K. A. Tharpe is quite sick at her home on Crawford avenue. Rev. B. E. L. Timmops of White Pla'ins, formerly of Augusta, is in the city for o few day I *. Mr Pat Curley of Crawford avenue happened to fall yom his wheel a few days ago and hurt his hand very bad- J The Woodlawn iijpworth League held a very Interesting meeting last eve ning at the home of Mrs. Ktter of Wal ton way. The program that -as ar ranged by the officers was well render ed, They will meet next Thursday night at the home of Mias Josie Bodaker. Mrs. Stephens and children of Craw ford avenue will leave tomorrow for Verdery, 8. C. Miss Belle Brows, a very pretty and popular ynuag lady, who ha# been *le lltng her aunt on Ptnrne# street tar Several week*, will return to bet home In North Carotin* tomorrow.’ Misses l*da »*d M*dle Boyd of H>rk* street left ltd* morning to spend ass ets! week* wltb retails## m KdgePeld. P. C. Mias Hattie FWochm** I* quite #•■ b at her home on Broad sired. The program of Pt. Uhe'e Kpwnrth t-engue tonight *lll be very Intereeling and a large alt rude nee should turn out. Mlrn llctthe It—vc* la vlslllag rela tive* In Columbia county Ml*# Alh-e Collier, a very pretly and winsome young Ml. will return home thla eftermion. nfier a very |.lca»«nt vlett of several week* to relative* at l.ulavllle The T F. B. tT. will me* tonight at the Berean Baptist rhureh. An esrel tent program ha* l»-en errimged by Ibe Iblr young ladle* of this *orlety. and II j n» doubt will be very entertaining to .• L . Ml** Mary Wilkinson I* visiting rel atives m Mouth Carolina. Mr. Frank King has accepted a po sition with Dr. Barton of the W«*t End Phmmary. Mr Hightower lmr returned from Port Royal Mr. and Mr*. Brown returned from Mllledgevllle today. Miss Mattie Dorn l* visiting Mr*. Mo- Alhany at aßth. The Yellow Kid basebnll and the \\ . V.'s will play a game of baseball to morrow ®ft^rnoofi. ; Th«* children of the Woodliwn Moth <od*lt church will hold a very entertaln -1 ing service this afternoon at 5 o'clock. All ttw children are cordially louvlted to come out. Mr*. Ergle haa returned from Who les*. Mr. A. H. Dim Is still quite »lrk. Mr*. Will Irby from Texas will ar rive Monday to spend several weeks jwlth her parent*. | Miss Mattie Martin of May avenue ! leaves tomorrow for Orangeburg, S. C. Miss Anna Mason haa returned from j South Carolina. | Mrs, Wm. Nelson Emlyn and little daughter, Luclle, of Jacksonville, I* la., are visiting Mrs. S. W. Arnold, the mother of Mrs. Emlyn. Mr*. Tracy B. Mothewson and Miss Lily Rountree leave tomorrow for Tren iton to spend the summer. I Miss Johnson of Atlanta, who has j been visiting Miss Mattie Lee Lo< k ' hart here, left today with Miss Lock hart for Savannah, where they will he j members of n house party given by Miss Floia Doney. | J. O. Stelins of Augusta arrived at Ihe Pulaski last night. Savannah Press. J. K. Price of Augusta is In the city stopping at the Screven.—Savannah Press. Mr. Clarence Cates of AugUHta Is on a visit to relatives In Johnston.—John ston Monitor. Miss Essie Matthews, one of Augus-* fa's most charming and beloved young ladles. Is vlsltlrg relatives in Johnston. —Johnston Monitor. Mis* Emma Ruth Newman Is visiting Mis. Geo. Helntz at Biaekville, S. C. BLOUNT BOWEN DEAD. He Was a Well Known Citizen of Brunswick. Brunswick, Ga., July 15. —Blvunt Bowen, a well known citizen, who set-v --ied os Inspector of customs under John hi. Deveaux seveial years ago, died suddenly from an apoplectic stroke. His condition was beyond medical skill when physicians were Called In. The hoard of educhtlofi has elected J. W. Grfllth of Woodvtlte, principal of the Grammar School. The board also adopted Miss L. A. Field's history of the United States. Miss Field Is a G-orgla woman and fills the chair of English literature and history of the Annie Scott Institute. Word was received by the naval re serves today that Ivteut. Greenleaf of Port Royal had been ordered to muster !In the naval mliltia. mg Top* g pe*M» t lartatwti Hi#-mad du «k* PH«* •»» b# III* Wr he«e pier op lu our *b<*» uiadon* • NK of lAdlmi* Tb* *P4 Cbaetw let# C» lotwd Okfiwd* and Pl'ap PH#P#f*. bmp* <* **• u ** • UM* «« « dat*. otbe** ibet will turn*. • pud I'** A»d worth from |j m<mup to B*. Will rt*uuMb#« «mi at It » . We ha** *lm> placed M ibi* aam* wigdow —l«w*f eld* *mMbdf W of heeled and spring hoel Wrap PHpprf* Tib •**»*«• Uaibef agd Kid TV» •epttiftitr iifF f»r Imh•* iM «hti dowt>l« tie PfW «Mi mm •»*. fir. % i ANOTHER BIG CUT IN PRICES v ENOUGH SAID Prices Speak For Themselves 18 pounds Granulated Sugar. Saturday only. $ I .OO ArbuckU's Coffee, Saturday only, for 10 cents. Sugar Cured Hams, guaranteed, 10 cents. Best N. O. Syrup to close at 15 and 20c<iiU. First patent Flour 65 cents sack. $5.20 barre.. Best second patent Flour 55c sack, $4.25 barrel. Good second patent Flour 45c sack. $3.50 barrel. Remember we hsndle everything In the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give us a call and be convinced. Wicker&Pilcler,freteßfliili Prices 954 BROAD HARPER’S WEEKLY will be remembered for Its famous "War Numbers’’ of the Civil War. Its value during the war with Spain will be even greater because of vastlv improved facilities. History is being rapidly made. The gravest questions of our time are com htgtothe front, and every American should have each week an accurate, concise PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THIS WAR from now until peace is assured, A brilliant staff of artists and correspondents are representing the WEHKLY at the ront. Rufus F.Zogbaum, Carlton T. Chapman, Frederic Remington,T. de Thulstrup, W. A. Rogers, Clyde, D. V. Hunt, and others, with a large staff of photographers, are accurately portray ing the movements of our army and navy and happen ings at Washington and elsewhere. Among the WEEKLY’S correspondents are Frank D. Millet, John F.Bass, and O.K.Davis, in the Philippines, John Fox, Jr., with General Shatter s army, Harold Martin, at St. Thomas, and others. By subscribing now for one year, you will obtain the WEEKLY during the most important engagements. Subscription for One Year BURIAL OF COL. BOYD, He Was One of the Most Popular Hen in His Community. Dahlonega, Ga., Jiffy 16—Th? funeral of Col. M. G. Boyd ccjurred Wednes day. It was largely attended, for Coi. Boyd wffs very popular In this com munity. He was a leading lawyer in north Georgia. He served his sena NOT* I*.. AA*. l ate Owe tNeeabda tbhPM %%b#a %d« -*Va# a FwedWPP. Now l« the time to Su Imcri lx* One Year, - $-1.00 *4.o© HARPER & BROTHERS Franklin Sq., N. Y. City torial district twice In the general as srmbly, and both terms of service took a high stand in the Senate. In his first term he was among the leaders in the attack made on the convict lease system. In his second term he was the champion of the Bush bill. In both sessions he did noble work for his sec tion and for the sate. Col. Boyd was 48 years old at the time of his death. JULY IS