The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 15, 1898, Image 5

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FRIDAY ""*»• TESSTSi. «‘JI^ 0000 * ,ut Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GEORGIA CnMJMr.Ntt u SUMNSHI OfAunßl:# ji. .ism RAID IN CAPITAL. **•*«•*’ s —— J»mm T*mm. W«tow> 9 9mm. 9m*t ft. IMmMI L tP ..ii H MUhaMO W h «m»»W. If—£*••»«*. ( Mtol. WMM. 9 H*m, l»mm *MI COL BRIDGES SMITH. lUw lit ftktaM tit Ftirtl *f Jttj. CkOKlnMk letter I ra* ll» Om* toi ."toe— imum*. Cut ctrrti m-idg** Ranh of n« ■«. o* »•» i«i«tntuo tb* fwil *»f HmIHTi vwtory Mo hoa omw* N Cn**4. OHf Ctfft Morn*, on ob*wwrt «N mo um*. * Mr* tbe TSMi Bind* Mor* K Mi Homo Go.. Matter TS im*-H**|s. I—> twmbrtl, my bay. how do r«a dt ? «.ntn manor? Woalaor amilor. y*« •or* WHO MO. man.ihie m th* t-lortmw r Mink Jwty. b'jrnah. iWUrttl.fl l*4»- |m 4 WaaMftgt n • Mrtbdor. *••*- loro IhMUlu. bmwtmrd Ml t“oor?.r*cap* ttulai'a hotllto kit h'vorajr hr homi>- ww* Lotiut a>« Mr. ‘oetuo aw. oM fellow. Jool t-owtia’t hr IB m Jam hod ta Mo. won't 4a M nom* met*; k«oar I wn t. hat hooray for IMI. "Whil* •* ha Mot waa **ata» (la* hi* arwy la th* grass. Sampson •!- * th* PWltotloe* wMh th* Jawhon* at an a**. "That* whaoatr aaattrr. aa4 don’! I*u fcrg.t It. Bat yoW’U ’ora** me.Lrm. Lemletl. m* hor. That a right. your* a daisy Ain't y*u (lad you’re living? Wh0...p00 art August*. bur aln t It hot. amt M seorehtng ? Old Knmp*. n kno kH ’em. Dtdo t h* dawn >m up. I Iwm didn't hr knock th* stuffing «Ut'n | •*fn * padblanie old Hop** «Bd IhM war | Just commencing. "Let'* ffttUnt. Lem- LH'I buckle on <M»r armor. break lulu ll» army. #•* forth to battle ud hurt this thing *W« q#n. Hooray for Wuf- IHA Ahaf* a brick. Ua. He* n lallyrooW-r from Ta«. Anil old Dasrer. Cad Meat hla old * >at. Now, there a • roan right. Urn. There’* a atar-faaer Olve me Dewey or fie* me death. Three cheer* and a rlnf-*treahe4 tiger for Dewey. Didn’t K* knock the aock# ofTn ’em’ Will you go, Lem? Won't you go to Cuby with me. old boyT That* right; I knew you would. And when we gel to Cuby.won’t M «lay ’em? Huat my button* If I ain't feeling good today, lem Feeling good all o*er, from the eole of my held to th* crown of my f*"t. But you il •■cure me. Lent. Thi* I* the Fourth Ju ly. Lem. Beet dedbtame day In the whole year 'wtptlng Christa**** But what did Chrtatma* ever do for Cuby’ What'* Christmas got to do with tbl* thing anyhow? Dadblame Chrlstmaa. “Glorious victory, Lem. I can Just see our boya »oraml»llng up them hllla with the aun Ju*t a-pouring down and the j aweat Ju»t rolling down and the Amer ican flag a-dapping It* wing* In the air. and the boy* Juat a-whooplng and a- i shouting and a-cusaktg them dago* and ; a-ehootirg of ’em down world wdtbcut ! end. Hooray for our side. And the col- j onela and the general* and the nigger* ! and the rough rider* Juat e-pawing up th* ground and the bullet* whizzing up the shells whistling and the cannon roaring and the flag* flying and the . Rpanlarda running like the devil beat ing tanbaik. It *il great. Dm: it was bully. Hooray for old ttampeon. But you'll 'acu*e me. hem, Lemlvtl, me boy. Don’t do ft often. Lem, a wear I don’t, but Juat couldn't possibly help It. Lem. Hooray for Bnmpaon, hooray for Shut ter, hooray for ot4 Joe Wheeler, hooray for everybody. Let's take ’em one more. Lem. old boy. •‘Fourth July, you know and no more till neat Fourth July or Christmas. But who rung Christmas Into the garni' again? Chrlatma* ain’t In It. But you'll 'acuse me. Lem. Not another drop after this one. No, these are mine thi* time; you p:*y for the next round. Going rtratght home now. Lem, and get plum sober, swear I will. No, not a single drop. Got enough. "Jach and GUI went up the hill To get a glimpse of Shatter; Jack got hit and down he fell. And Gil! went tumbling after. “But you'll ’aouse me, Lem. Hones", now. I won’t do It again, but Just couldn’t help It thi* time. Awful sorry, I*m. Set 'em up again, old man. Just one more, end I’m going straight ( home. Yes. I am, swear I will. So long. Be. good, Lem. Bye. SMITH.’’ Rqgret A feeling frequently Induc ed by the discovery that there la more than one way to do a thing. FOR SALE 10 Counter Show Cases 4 Upright Case and Counters 1 Table 7 Counters 6 Wall Cases M nUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. THEIR 11ST FIGHT. Tit u Mike i Hart Mf««le Till Tiaa. Took Vkat»<>« ta Maho Om sprmh ta tha Campaign. Atlanta 0*» July Ift. Tha pop* IMtn art propnria* «• aanlt* lh*ir Mat l.*hl with th* tknmrra.» ta tha «UW* of Georgia tt la anhoonrad h*r* b> th* »ng»o of th* party that th* Hon Tti mum K Waiaoa will ntakr a ap**rh a» Th«»*on --«t* horn* —oa th* Jfth nf thia month flp tar ml* win h* Mr «'»!• •oa'* oply <*mp«l*n *fort. a* b* do** not pttrpo** to go oat la th* frog? and IrJ hi* pa or • »an. *l* hn* apparent ly oil himself k»m from thr party, baring refused to mar oat to aay of th* roa**atioaa. or to wrapt thair bob* tapiiaa , fa. common proprtnty « sak*. bow roar. b* Will auk* on* speech, anyhow, and tkr popsllst trader, ar* herald ns tbia with a via that *bow* bow aleo d*r baa a row* th* hold ih*y maintain upon tbr semblance of political organ iiatloa. At tb* oar tin* It la ann.uncwt that part" campaign headquarters un der da mica of W F. Cart*r of M*l | trim, tbali man of tb* atat* *imiOvr 'rrmmttt**. will b* op*n*d up h*rr nail week, and (bat Chairman Chrt*r will remain in prraonal charge. conducting an ap|rr*Mlv* fight until after tb* Oc tobar election. ♦ Appa.nlmrnU harr a!*o barn mad* Id various quartara of th* at at* for ncmln*** of tb* party. Mr Hupan. tha nrmln** for govrrnor. ipok* thla wrrh at nouglamlllr. Ih* inn whic h ta known a* tb* b'rthplac* of popu lism In this stair. In th* days cf Apoa tM Post. H* bat arveral oth*r dam uh«ad In that imrowtiatr o*ck of th* j onocila. Judge lllnea. once populist ran idiadte for governor, and now populiat randldair for rr.ngT*** in thl* district, li> in* on thr program to sprak with him al Monro*. Walton county. For mer gubernatorial candidate W. 1,. Perk will speak at Blakely on July 20. at Fort (Mines on the 22nd. and at Cutfcbert cm the 23rd. Prof. Zettler, th* populiat nomine* for atatc school ci mmlsilrner. has made dates at, Hpringf eld. Effingham county, on July 25, and *t other points in Bcreven, Bulloch and Bryan counties during that week. • On July 28 a large ramp meeting will be opened at Villa Rica and on the flrat day of the meeting J. R. Hogan. B. M. Zettler and Felix Cobb will speak. J One the 29th, Ben Mllliken, nominee for controller general, will speak at the same place. Mr. Hogan will spnak at T-a Orange |on tbe 29th. and at Hamilton, Har. is county, on the 80th. y- 1 11 I Trunk Repairing By expert trunk makers. Augusta Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. 'Phone 2181. hhpmzibah. Personal Mention-Services In the Churches. [Special to The Herald.] Hepbzibah, Ga., July 15. Miss Ruth Kilpatrick has returned from a pleas ant vigil among friends at Rehobeth, S. C. Mr. Joe Newsome, who has beep at Indian Springs for some time, in quest of health, will return borne this even ing. Mrs. M. B. Clark Is visiting friends in BlackViUe, S. C. Miss Annie Farmer went to Blythe this morning. Mrs. R. L. Farmer has gone to Beall Spri ns. Mrs. R. Farmer and Miss Ruby Far mer will leave Saturday for Millen, to spend a few days. Prof. Jackson and Master Louis JacJtson have gone to New York on a pleasure (rip. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Baxley, Jr., Greens Cut, are in the vl'lage today, guests of Mrs. G. P. Bush on East Boundary. HEPHZIBAH CHURCH RECORD. Baptist Church. Monthly conference at 11;30 a. m., Saturday. Preaching by pastor. Preach ing again Sunday morning and evening. Sabbath school 10 a. nj.. Sunday morn ing. Methodist Church. Sabbath school 5:30 p. m., Sunday. This Is for You. Would say to all my numerous cus tomers that I have returned to the city, and will he happy to see each and everyone. Will also add that I will be pleased to see anyone suffering from any form of scalp trouble. Let me help you before It Is too late. Call on me at the same place—B2s Broad street. MRS. SMITH. Have you any old gold or stiver? If you have call at my new Jewelry store, where there Is a lady tn attendance, and we will either exchange for new goods or all cash given. Lewis J, Bchaul, the popular priced Jeweler. , EDGEFIELD’S BOOM Unttat »f (to iVK4w<*uml It smut Ttofc. Ab. .. .. _SS J.m Ig ill «*—w- ._ *■ -w ■ - Will mlff V' MW > T|*»|g€l \ (•parMl In cnh—»l* tttlf I lt4«*lM4. A C id* Ik fhS* tow* now bn* a eiassdarabtn M«»m no. a* a n*mb*r nf fopr** *»• *»uv*ty nt work • hub fill sllmuMui and »tnw lb* t>at ural ndVMlapa* of Kdg*b*ML Prof S K M#i|*y. wtm b** b**n in ebarn* of tb* co-cduc at tonal iswtltui# M WilUntan. bn* nbont m*d* at tana* m*«l* M ope* Hi* wfHMt at tbl* pin**, u»4** tb* nam* of tb* Booth Carolina Coadncnttonal InatUnt*. Prof. Mnli*> It no ortiv*. pruprtmdv*, up-io dai* auk. full nf rim nod tW*tll#MKW. Me is a aon of tb* K*v Mr ltnttoy. tabu stands an bigb among tb* Itoptlat* of South Carolina m n church «rork*r Tb* iDMitnt* is not dsnomlnst tonal ns tb* rorp* nf IMtrnetora will bt aeimsd Trow nil denomination* Thla la on* of th* factors that baa atlrtwtl up onr towa. and It should do an. is t ka»w of no place in tb* atnt* more auliabi* tor a aeboot Ilk* Uls. lam curtain an towa la lb* Mate ran boast nf bctlet •star, bettor health, or a mor* loyal or blpb-spirited people. The town I* built oa n ndge with two *tr«nm* run ning oa **rb *id*. which makes th* drainage pertort No miwqutto n*t* nr* need In Kdgrflrtd: our night ar* cool and ptoanant. altogether BtlgeflelJ makes an Ideal summer resort We nr* oa a level with Aiken, and onr nlairra ar* mild and balmy, which makes our rtolms for tbl* town at a winter retort worthy of attention. Tbe watrr In Kdg*ll*td la cool. pure, and rtoar. tt I* a fact tbM on* of tbe oldest physicians In the county, who ha* practiced bl* profeaaloo her* acttvlely tor forty year* doesn't remember of having butane or two caana of typhuld fever during hi* lonp and Jll*ll*gul*bed career. Tbl* fart alonr Indicates to one’s mind bow free Edgefield la from Infection of any kind. It Mat rare thing tour ua to ever have epidemics, showing hcqy well drained our town ta and how pure tbe water. The ootton seed oil mill uatlcr tbe superintendence of Mr. Chaa. H. Fisher, Is * paying buslne**. and of un bounded benefit to farmers urount In the county. One of th* other element* that speak well for Edgefield la that our brilliant and home-loving patriotic Oua Tomp kins, who was born among us, la soon to start a ectton factory of 5.9 M spin dles, which will add new vigor to our town. Our farmers will have a more ac'eaalble market tor their cotton, and It will bring new people to Edgefield, which will also have an upbuilding in fluence. Rev. M Ramsey, of Johnston. Is as sisting Rev. Dr. GwsUney In conduct ing a protracted meeting in the Baptist church. The county candidate* are active, electioneering, shaking hand*. Hskovg how the wives and children are, and all hut asking people to vote for them. There Is not much expression of opin ion in reference to the state campaign era though a good many have mode up their minds. Mrs. Dr. W. H. Hill entertained the Eucre Club last Friday at her residence on Main rtroet. Mr. and Mr*. Flsho won the first prise, and Mrs. Ha|tlwan ger and Mr, Charles A. Griffin won the boobies. We are having an abundant*' of rain now, and fortunately not washing bul a steady downpour, lybich does a groat deal of good. Hon. A. K. Sand’rs. mcrrb'rß of the House from Sumter, was over o n av> It to Hon. Thomas H. Ralnsford, and Ula old schoolmate, F. W. P. Rutler. Mr. Sanders Is one of the solid" men of the state, liberal intelligent and loy al to honesty and good government. The Inn Restaurant Rives! special rates to grass widowers. SHIPPING SEEDS. We are shipping this week 1,500 pounds (fifteen hundred) collard seed to California, and a large amount of seven top turnip seed. These seed are , grown In Georgia. The Beed trade of, the Uuited States come to Georgia for them. There are many people who be- j lieve that Philadelphia raises most of; the seeds for Ihe United States, where | as as a fact, Philadelphia grows but the smallest fraction of seeds. As a seed grower she does not figure at all. j Since one-ha'.f pound of qollards: will sow an acre, the above shipment of collards will sow 3000 acres. We have sold to California In twelve mo nths enough collard seed alone to plant 6000 or 7000 acres. So say the Howard & Wlllet Drug Company. ESTABLISHED 1890—Reliable Uncle Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all kinds of personal property at a very low rate of Interest. All transactions strictly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof safes. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street. Levrls J. Schaul. BEST WAY TO ADVERTISE. Stick up a placard on your door, It’s noticed there by half a score; Perhaps a hundred, scarcely more Than that will ever heed It; But let an "ad.” your business state In papers that are up-to-date, Whose circulations circulate. And countless thousands read it. —L. A. W. Bulletin. The successful man does not believe in luck. TUB AUGUSTA HTDHALD. *cwarl site ao Man TamKiHer > tuna* ig an ataa a* ansa a* i sank, lataaast aa iihhm 1 taat e#«a *iii«a am tot aa i nut iaao awt m* sst»»«n *«a msa> gutut** ?».» atuuikl ao»u* 1 aa*«a »»* »*u«. I PWtT ©AVI# * now COMING TO GEORGII CgiMinUM ia (to Stalf Miklag I’mstfv.v Westerner* Preparing lu Csns I* This Melton. Wayrmas. IM. July lb Wr*i*rn farmer* and castl* raiser* ar* *n«d to bn piepartng <w emigrni* l«* thla *>• (ton in tort* nnmtora thla fall and lo cal* nl Hatley. Hnbofc— and I Hike Tb* men at lb* b*nd »* ‘he mn»*m*ni #**, of enurs*. enthusiastic, nnd har* n* doubt that I bed will b* abl* la dispose of all ibeir cntonlsnlim lands nl * good price oat cs ib* W**t«rn farawr* an lb* location Tb* prtc* of lb* land* ire higher wb»re Ibe location* ar* »*p*riti*. As compared wllb good laads In thr North and West, tone of th* land* In soulhr ttoorgia are high-priced. For inelauc*. Ibera ar* *•**•*! good location* tor frvlonlr* on lb* Wayrruan Air Un*. between her* tad Omgla*. and tb# lands aell tor a rery low price Ther* 1* nn hi althlcr torattoa tka i on tbe Air Un*. ami tb* tonlth queetton to not on* to be Ignored by th* colon ; *a. Th* low land* la th* interior ar* cheaper than the high lauds, but the people of this auction do not consider them as dralrabl* sad valuable. A stranger would do well lo consult ih* old resldeola before Interning In land*. There are war Jand bbark*. and they are usually new comer*. A year or lwo ago a sht rk sold so Im aginary piece of laaf from 11.2W1 to I# Ohio mao The purchaser dlwoversd later that tbe location waa In tbe can ter of tbe Okeflnoke swamp and he bad no title to It. The land was covered with water and morass. The same tot of land had previously- been sold al different price* lo severe! men and-no body arrmed lo have titles lo It. How ever, after Investigating the location no title was d&pireA. So It to wll enough tor tbe new comers to seek the advice of reliable old timers of thia section before Investing their money. MOW NIiLSON HUNTED FLEETS Three Month* Before AbouMr and Two Years Before Trafalgar Lord Netson wa* thr greatest and 1 moat successful admiral the world pro i,lured down to the days of steam power j —yet on more than one occasion he let i hi* enemy slip past and l»d him a heart 'rending chase for monthu before a blow could he struck Bonaparte * expi-dltlim jfor the conquest of Egypt and the Ori jent had been organising tor mn«V I months at Toulon. On Mny 9. 179*. N«l --'son nulled wllh a flying squadron from Gibraltar to scout off the Frimch r*>M and ascertain the mission of thr.- French bU 1 But the enemy eluded him completely, left Toulon with Bonaparte'* army, land disappeared at sea with Nolaow none the wiser for having appeared la the Gulf of Lyons. Reinforced by ten ship* of the line, Nelson started in pur |*ult, but he kent missing the French fleet. lie called at Alexandria, In Egypt, but no French ship was there. Then he chased off to Syracuse, but no enemy still. Finally after about three months spent in vain pursuit he ap peared on August 1 off Alexandria again, and there he beheld the object of his scorch anchored In Abouklr hay. The army of Bonaparte had been safely landed. The complete destruction of the French fleet followed, however, and the ultimate ruin of the Egyptian campaign assured. The cam paign of Trafalgar, perhaps the most memorable In naval history, was Infi nitely more trying to the patience of I both Nelson and the English people than any before It. Americans grow restless If Cervera's squadron Is not j overhauled and destroyed In a few 1 weeks, yet It took Lord Nelson over two fyears to get within striking distance Of .the combined French and Spanish fleets which be sent to eternal smash at Tra- I falgar. The British admiral blockaded Tou lon, where tlic French fleet was fitting 1 for sea, a full year and a half, and In all that time hot once did he touch foot on the land. And how were his perse verance endSlvlgilance rewarded? On January 18,116*1, the enemy broke away and swept off to sen. It effected a Junction with the Spanish fleet at Cadiz —which Nelson had determined to pre vent. Then the allied force sailed to the West Indies with Nelson In pur suit. The chase continued back to Eu rope again, without success, and Nel son thereupon left his ship and tempor arily returned to England. It was not until October 5, 1806, over eight months after the French force had escaped from Toulon harbor, that Nelson finally met it and the French allies in the bat tle off Cape Trafalgor. "Our customers say you manufacture three of the' best remedies on earth,” said the mercantile firm of Haas, Har ris Brim & McLain, of Dawson, In a re cent letter ,to the Chamberlain Medi cine Co. This is the universal verdict. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the finest preparation In Ihe world for rheuma tism, neuralgia, larno hack, qulnsey, sore throat, auts, bruises, burns, scalds, pains and ©tellings. A 26 cent bottle of this liniment in the house will save a great deal ut suffering. Buy It at Al exander of Bell Tower Drug Stcye. 1 THE BIG BATTLE Tlrw nirari Vim liftffu Ifiirt Hhv. IUmM N*w*4l M !»«*wil* W suud»d that tig l.gmb to Htowrw Aikaato. Ua , July M Aumug Uu .. _•, * * - *i_ M ~ amtk.Mv t _ _ _ - . _ ,j . “kaqp—bw 11**w —'•*** RMM* m wtWwf sd Her* from ib* huika*** «t «to*u*#o to rv«wpar*t* m M- iv— toowk* hospital are three UmtgWM. tto* *< them. b«u«*ee. was m aligtoly wwqpd «l that be teaswal at Tampa, »««4r to go hark into sum to a few aay* This gallant otore* la Meat, Isaa* T Newell of Mi!to4g*rtll*. a grsudwm at lb* Ml* ttoSMtut t alquiU Ltoul New ell gradaated aaly a y*at eg* (Tom West Fatal, and was •saiga*d to lb* Twenty-iwvoad lafwatry. which «ld rai isat **rvk* bafar* gaattor'- Aaother as tb* wowad*4 mta who ram* la oa tb* bospttol train la U*at Fred tawla. at Ik* Twsaiy-*«*-oad la faairy. M* to a ana of Oat. J. K Law la. who was pueima*f*f la Aitaaia wa der Fremdewt llsrrlsoa. Ltoul tsrwla waa not wounded, hut harwm* etch through ctiwsalv* best. Ms Will Mar* to* reran Urora, N J_ tomorrow *w>l cs pacts to b* able to an bach to bis regiment afior a abort rest L‘*ut. R. R. apeae* ta tb* third of lb* (Horgiana to aorewmb to tb* gaatiagn fight Me wa* quit* *»» r rvly wusuxtod la tb* shnuld*r. but will not to** hi* arm and la report'd to b* getting along all right Ltoat ftp*nr* wa* ap pointed a major la the Third ttoorgia <olcareer rvglment. bat oa aeeouut of ib* ruling of tb* war d*p#iiamut. al lowing only two majors to tb* regi ment. he failed lo g*t bis commission Many of tb* wounded at tbe post ar* ’able to walk about at will and mm of th»m were ia town within a few hour* after tbe arrival of tb* hospital train. They bud been away from a city tor ao long, altrglng la tr*nclw* sad undergo lug other hardships of campaigning, that they lost no tlm* In getting an other glimpse of clvtlluUoo. I Win never one of these wounded sol- I til rt appeared, aojue of thi tu with ! their *rm* lied up and other* with Ilaud aged head*, fhejr were *t one* the obtM-rved of all observer*. the heroes |of the hour. From the look# of their (lotting some of them might have been {engaged In a lltree-year campaign wllh *ut renewed uniforms. Inatead of a three month*’ seasoning The canvas 'clothes adopted for this particular campaign do not at cm to staud the ! racket In very good form. The two men around whom centered (he most attraction tm dhe hospital train day before yesterday were Capt. A. C. infest and iJeut. H. G. Lyon, both of the Twenty-fourth infantry. Thine t*vo men have won the admira tion of their army comrades and en deared themaeives to their country. Capt. Ducat, with his lieut/mani, led , the charge on June 24 on the block house "San Jaun," some distance out of Santiago. The stone house stood at the top of a hill facing the pathway leading up to it and Into the town. It was placed tlure purposely to guard the approach to the city and to advance meant for our soldiers to pass It. It was occupied hy from flfty to sixty well armed soldiers. Capt. Ducat, with a detachment cf aevet.ty-flv.' men from the Twenty-fourth Infantry, charged this fort. Hi* company charged up the I hill amidst a perfect hailstorm of bttl- I lets, which were showered down upon them, the Americana firing as they went. The Spaniards were struck wllh awe, nt the daring of men who could not he stepped hy bullets, and when what re mained of the company arrived at the top of the bill the Spaniards fled. A number of the dons were killed. Neither Capt. Ducat nor Lieut. Lyon reached the top, hut their fall never for a moment stopped the onward march. . . . Of the seventy-five men wbo Btarfeu up the hill In the face of the destruc tive Spanish fire fifty-three arc now in their graves. Twenty-two reached and occupied the blockhouse, part of these being wounded. OASTOIHA. Bears "ho Kind You Have Always Bought GROVETOWN ITEMS. Visitors Big Revival at Grove Church. Many Converts. [Special lo The Herald.] Grovetown, Ga*, July 15. Rev. J. M. Atkinson of Harlem and Rev. S. W. Gainer of Harmony Grove are guests ol Mr and Mrs, W. J. Heggie. Mr. Walter Bell of Harlem visited friends in our village on Thursday eve ning* „ ... , Miss Bessie Wilkins, one of the love liest of Augusta’s daintiest maidens, is at Vflla Marion on a visit to her friends, Miss Stovall and Miss Phlnizy. Grovetown Is always charmed to wel come Miss Wilkins. Mr. Hugh Harris is up on a visit to Sans Souci. Mr. Evans Chamberlin is is Grove town on a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. Hoffman. Mr?. Blancbct of Harlem spent Wed nesday with her friend. Mrs. T. Smith. We welcome our friend Mrs, Morris back front her pleasant trip to Mil ledgeville and congratulate our little favdftte Miss Hattlj on her success in (he exquisite little recitation in which she seems to have won all hearts. There will be services at both the About Those $2.10 Shoes Thera are only 130 pain left. We have just finished the biggest five days* sale of Men's $2.19 Shoes on record. They are popular Shoes at a popular price. Likely you've seen them In ou.* w indor. or on your friends feet. All right— aren't they? Eighty*one cents saved every time you buy a pair. Wm. flulherin’s Sons & Co., 846 Broad Street. Mpmropal church and th* CtKl.llan rhurrh oa tuadap A revival al much iaicurst la now in pnwrr*** at tb* Baptist rhurrh. Tb* pastor. Krr Mr. Acktaaoa. la being ably assisted by Krv Mr (toia*r Mrs. Fleming Momriy bus tor* *P*n ding arvarul day* » Omvetawo proper th* gw**' of Mr*. Hill. Mr inmkary Kleiner tour** Cutoc- Irn nett week, w* b*wr. for Tamp*. Nearly every heart ia tb* Util* village feels a rtpeiful pride to sending ibis soldier boy to tbe Another of uur old acquaintance, la alto huuml for Cuba. Oruvetowa semis h*r best with es with Mr. Jark Miller. A teeter received yesterday from on* of Columbia county's soldier boy* com manual** an interesilnir sari obtained from a comrade cm board ih* converted yacht Vlsea. where Adolphe Oulrores la a prisoner. He say* the commander of the Cr.stobal Colon declare* that If (he sunken Merrltnac had not mad* the , nlyeudy nairow passage unh difficult and dangerous to pass through. Hi y would have been able to grt quietly sway In spite nf their mistake about tbe signal t'.gbt*. It la comfortable to know that the expensive cork and Hob son’s brave dead ware not rntiraly without advantage to us at Santiago. He aaya ibe bov* stand tbe climate well and declares that Santiago was thr most exciting hunt he was ever on. The way the,** deep-throated American war-ili gs hnrk -d was a caution; add ing that tbe Bible’s Sampsun used a sling, but oius Just send* hit compli ments to tbe Vesuvius and asks her to give way to one of those little con sumptive coughs of hers, and he gets »*(!' with 'be whole Spanish nation. Mr Zaehciy nnd family. Mr. Laiopkln and family, and many other of our county people are to spend the sum mer at Rutledge. They go chiefly for the benefit of the medicinal properties of the spring they ha/c there. Strange to say. one of the gptlngs al drove town possesses water* chemically (he samp. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Mr. J. T, Harris, Proprietor Harris Lithia Springs. Dear Sir: While It Is contrary to my custom to give testimonials to remedial agencies, I feel free to attest to. the efficacy of the Harlrs Lithia Water (when used In large quantltes) In the Rheum,, of id Gouty Diatheses; In engaged states of the Kidneys; In In flammation of the Bladder, and In all cases where there an excess of sol ids in the urine. Yous respectfully, GEO. HOWE, M. D. Comden, S. C., August 24, 1893. Mr. J. T. Harris: Dear Sir: I enclose you In this letter several pieces of calculi passed by a pa " Harris Springs Water" for the past 18 months. This gentleman has been a sufferer for two or three years with tient of mine, who has been taking the Cystitis, caused from stone. The solv ent power of the water has been, I think, clearly demonstrated In this case. All these fragments were passed In two evacuations from his bladder In the past ten days. I consider Harris Spring Water a most excellent remedy in the Uric Acid Diathesis, also in chronic dys peptic troubles. I am, yours respect fully, A. W. BURNET, M. D. TIE HERALD’S WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULAT CN JULY 16 Seasonable Seeds Wholesale. AMBER CANT—Nrcmdawt new too May. PEARL MU.Uff-tou f*e gr**n tor* age. CRIMSON AST ttED CLOVER. CABBAnm. COLLARDS, BRANS. BRET*. MCSTAHD. SPINACH RAPS, KADIKH. ONION KKUO. TURNIP HR»:i>. TURNIP tmED-*.** pound* fresh Turnip Seed. THE HOWARD i fILLET PROG CO. Check Lost of $ I 331.31 , ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD RANK, No. MW. drawn by C. W. PlWbyr. aiJLyA»ey tot 4«*- H. Hp**ra. dated June IMA Inst , (and mailed •am* day) It* favor H. A. Caok. tor g 1331.31. Payment has bean .topped. All persona warned agalnat using In •ny way said check. (Signed) J. H. SPEARS. C. W. PILCHER. Attorney. TO EMPTY SEATS. Boatnn Transcript. The most inveterate and culpable punster !u (he city said yrstcrdgy tt ■ ispiura 0/ Santiago was proving ta l«c a Cervera undertaking than had haUU supposed a Weyler go. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is <1 gr««t surprise on account of Its exceeding prompt ness In relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and bark, In male cr female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you want qukx relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., <l2 Rroad street. REALIZED. New Orleans Tlroes-Democrat. With two exceptions all the Boston theatre* are now preserving that ex citing drama known as "Utter Dark ness; or, llobind Closed Doors."