The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 16, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY 2 „ TO Close Oil tlie Balance of Girdles od Ham mmmVU rKt 1 in * S 3 00. $4. $5. #6 and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2. | LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. YANklll: DOODLL IN CUBA ia Swr*t«ii Mudr ia Um San of ill flaji, LXTSEATKSOII IT HOII NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS • 149 UP SECOND HIND SQUIRES *40.00 UP Parlor Organa 539 up Socond Hand %IO up m.L UIl or MtTatCAL OOOM AT . BOTTOM rail's*. Thomas & Barton, W H. HARRIOTT. Ihwlw, 71* Broadway. Augueta. On. ,-ta SPARTANBURG POLITICS. AH of the County Officer* There Have Opposition Spartanburg. A. fL, July Id.—AO in* eUtule for nolored teacher* la now In prngfeaa il ilia <fif. conducted by I’rof Mafid*. na*i*«# by R. M Alexander, •ft net pal of tbn total «ntrt*d aehool Tie court of notumotj plena oaovtd off very alowly Monday, only one caar (*i maturing » Jury being tried- Th »f nr 1 email money demand. Oi:r c? the IfMIMNI notion case* «•« railed, but ronttaned until the N >* vember term One of thee# cnaca ba* 1e- n appealed and another heard l<y t!i« maatar If in the hand* of Jud*e Kit ;h. It era* derided io pul no more In 'he mill at preaent, lr»t It lx* choked. Tberounly Democratic executive committee ura* In session Monday Stanyartu> Wliaon wa» the chairman, ind he aeemrd quite at home among the boyn. The candidates bava ar ranged for about a doaen meeting* In the county. It waa thought at one time LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. 11LLER WALKER THE HATTER. KISTOIX: HATS that two or three of the candidates would have no opposition, but there Is going to be a contest for evory office. J. I. Burnett will oppose J. J. Gentry for probate Judge. A. F. Barton Is go ing to give W. L. Epps a tussle for the :reaeurer’» office. B. B. Chapman, who has been county school superin tendent for several years, will have two opponents, Joseph llallenger and ft. A. Brock*. There will be about fif teen candidates for the Legislature be fore* (he doors are closed. The weather has been such as would chill the morrow of the whole Jarudyte family. Sunday an east wind sprang up and has continued every hour since that time. Monday night It rattled away at the rate of twenty rnttes an hour ond today the dust ts flying it! a way that would do credit to March. The men havr* brought out thoir dis carded wool hats, and the women are I titling on shawls and cloaks. Some of them are sitting around fires. There is tio sign of rain. nriuglYelties IN MEN’S SUITINGS “NO OLD STOCK." Price, $20.00 Up FERRIS, 820 Broad Street. IS TO IIEUT. SPENCE (*dHP. Aikii«— Hf Will El tit, Mijef. j |tm c*OMoie*6ao •• On fMw» N*t *• Mnjnr T—gw At ;**ia Om Inly IP *■* G*»e*ttK>t j I MtMM any* that tdntmsii ggenc* I wilt hn • mnjtw tn Ik) Third Owsrgin j r««im»ai and Id Mslsm is sn* him. Wham the asnUee warn xenttowod fm terdoy morning, ihn svrtraw mid "Major ttttdhsw wtU k* ewmmtnstoneil TrigUT w«» tgs taat appointed, and tin- ] daagHafl *hal Isa taaa. lam glad *« Anna n erta*** hawing Um war# o( hat ltd ter n dsnjor ia lh* Third Oswrgin re-j Ittmt. fam gratified ts know that <ha rwftkmsi of tha ragimeat baa made atsch good grugrana and I expert m gd dowa ts OrttHi is ass tha hsys j mm 1 hear aiaaa m*a are hoMiag hark harauae they want ts as with men who siperi ts get communion, ua j drr <be nest rail 1 think tha aw nt raadp nlkd will ana ns rated, bat I *> am think nap sms wilt he needed ts ig(n should ba aaoihar call, thorn aku > are holding back »»* rspartlag to tan- - der tham hereafter In order to get eom* aiwtoni will he 41 angpotmed." Ma-1 Jar Ape ace's wound In la tha wiiat. A email sleet rapped kslM from a Msuaer rifle want through U. bat the wound is not n ntry bad oae. and it la probable that ha will ba ready tor da*y aooa NORTHEN. Tha Arrests of Whiskey Sellers Or- 1 derad By CoL Candler On.. July Id.—Camp North** j Is quiet and only routine work la be ing dons, though (be companies are rapidly filling up wHh the reerutta Out daily arrive Dr. I* B Grandy wae busy yesterday putting the new arrl-1 r*U through the examtastloua and uu- 1 packing hla hospital atorea. He Is well! pleased with the auplplea rent him, aa they embrace sheets, pillow caeca, night nhtrti and other nereaaariea for ihe comfort of any patient that ha. might have. His work D btlng done erith quickness and dlepatch. Col. Candler ordered the arrest of a! party who was suspected of selling whisky la camp today and aaya that hej will not allow It If he has to Issue tha (-airants and have them served him ■elf. Three of rapt. Powell's companv took French leave today and a detnll from that command <v»» Bent in search of them. They were from Dallaa, Oa.. and will he brought hack If possible. Lieut. Kimbrough keeps very busy trying to get his men In shape and tliry are rapidly showing the effects of drill and discipline. Floral new addl tlons to his command came In today. The camp Is very quiet and orderly. RELIEF IN SIX HOUR*. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved In alx hours by "New Or,. a t South American Kidney Cure." It ta a great surprise on account of Its rxceedlng promptness tu relieving pain In bladder, kidney* and back. In male or female. Ilelievea retention of water almost Immediately. If you want quia relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Sardelle, druggist, Augusta. Oa.. 612 Broad street. FOUND HIS FRIEND IN CAMP. Prof. Hathla Has a Pleasant Expe. Hence at Tampa. Americua, Oa., July 16.—Several weeks since when a regiment of Illinois troop* passed through Americua, Prof. J. E. Mathis, super intendent of the city school*, was at the depot. One of the soldier boy* requested Prof. Mathis to mall a num ber of letters «t the poatofflre for him. and lor several minutes the two wens engaged in pleasant conversation. Quite recently Prof. Mathis went to Tampa on a bualr.oaa trip, umd while strolling near the camp one day came upon tho soldier boy for whom he had mailed the letters. Prof. Mathis was so favorably Im pressed with his young friend that he invited him to dine at his hotel, and tn the afternoon took him driving over the city. The meeting In Tampa was a most pleasant occasion, for both, and each has found In the other a polished gentleman and warm friend. Tho young soldier boy was a news paper man prior to Ills enlistment, and quite recently wrote a glowing letter to his paper of the many kindnesses extended by his newly made friend la Georgia. MAY COriE TO AUGUSTA. Colored Military Company Enthu siastic Over the War. It Is likely that the Columbus volun teers, the colored military company.will come to Augusta to toin the First Geor gia colored regiment Instead of going to Alabama. The following are the oll’.eer* of the company: Captain—John Davis. First Lieutenant—H f. Humr roy. Second Lieutenant—Charles John son. First Sergeant—William Pitts. Captain Davis and bis men are en thusiastic over the prospers of gettin.r into u>;Ul*l service- . GEN. JOHN B. GORDON. 6 i jj a } (M#t L|| fiut r *4tt* l» Mi* : 4*#* wM >■ t**' ItoMM# H 0 0 96 . 14 * CtaMtti Mii n 4w* **# m*m4 ft j m &M t*s 11 m i <*6 ft** 9*l* WOU& tm M# m*'** ** ***** * 44MPHHML ** *t*m****w» Mmr I aa# T Ik* 4KNEP' Iwwu a* lw *%• mUtormn et watt <dß ti §• i« r«n m Vmm4 oim9***m* H*m U lily If, Imm I* TIM* MllfMl 10 fIMMPt MO til|l9 ftt4 iMVf llUlf Mrtmiif* «m tt* OMM4 itw*l »«Ml *4 Vmotmm. t« n» it* 14 m ktum*. cm m l«t? to li ft i»4 St. (MRtMH It 69f ffo4 H I*# tx»<r>tlltr I# t*» phNOM, 4# 4* 3 #iM4 lIMMi Id dMMMi-k*td Uk* Im ottiboirt 4m* tof j til n»Mdir« t 4 lh# ittf mhn «l|li M pNMAt (A AlliAtt AM Hi* SSMk IA lit A Ad AVA M|*l*il4 U> MMNi tIM •**»• «*rml CMMMBAAdIiAM *< to'fl ftA tlMt d*t It III# purify of III# KtMbil AottAO* M «r*Mi Mma Ma4oaart#fA will bm lotainl fa ilt* ettf 4ar A 4 tM AAOIOt. j Th# •n'form drvaa of th* Waff wilt b# Um> usual Msrii Nfk cox. pants and Ml hal. Ihmw sf lb# Waff bslonglag lo naifnrwwri camp* wII ssna# tla# kafu adopted by their rsgpec IHw cam oa Each member of lb# staff will h# expected to wear a wblta bast, and *h# flatted Cos federate Veteran badge no tha lap*! of hla coal, a tan a badge which Will ba furnished by Capt W, H. Harriwm. chairman of the com mbtar no badges X Atlanta Oa. which will tw a disLognirhing badge for tb# commanding geaeral'e staff aad will be worn bp Ml of tb# staff Bp ordtr of J. B Gordon. General Commanding Oeorg# Moortnaa. Adjt. Ota. and Chief of Staff. Official. WHILE THE WAR LASTS All who match, walk or aland, should shake into IMt shoes Allen's Foot- Ease. a powder. It cure* aching, tired, ■ore, gwollen feet .and makes tight of new shoe* easy It abeorhs moisture, ond prevents chafing, hot. smarting, blistered, aweatlng feet. All the regular army troop# and navy men use It. Vol unteers in hot climate# east’! #xlet in comfort without It. Allen's root-Ease la ■old by all druggist* and shoe stores f*c. Samples sent rHEE Address Al len B. Olmsted, L# Roy, N. f. COL. JOHN UILnORE. The Death of a Prominent Sanders vMplle. Sandersvitle. Oa.. July 16 —Col. Jmo. N. Gilmore died at hi* residence at t o'clork «. m. yesterday, aged *3 year#. Col. Gilmore wm one of the oldest clt lien* of BamlersvlUe. having located la-re about fifty year* ago. He then entered Into tho practice of law and followed tho proft>s*loo until hla dt-aln. He, at one time, represented the !6th district In the alate senate, and was mayor of this city for several years.• and filled many other places of honor' and trust. He leaves hla loving wife, his daugh ter*—Misses Mary and Faille, Mrs. B. F. Jordan of Atlanta and Mrs. Mertio Kinsley of Buffalo, N. Y.,—his sons— Harper, Ben and Horace—to mourn hla death. They Indeed have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends. E. H. 3. Woman’s Mission. Successful competition in any field depends on physical health. €}MMmLIA»E%S |*_ ii ■?, ILI •* asked. I—— Ml Shall women rote? Shall they practice law? 1 Tfittei n Shall they compete with men in every field? > VVliatevcr woman's mission may finally be de 'l SlB clared to be. it is certain that something (T\ I gT/JBmust be done for her physical health. \) J- w ttMi-t- —[yU Ignorance, superstition and mystery sur- Pe-ru-na and two ot Man-a-lin. I feel like a new woman. When I commenced taking Pe-ru-na I could hardly walk across my room; now I am doing my own work and can walk to church. I shall never cease to thank you for prescrib ing for me. I had beeu under the treatment of two doctors bui, never received any benefit until I commenced taking .your medicine. 1 wisjfi every woman who was suffering as I was would send for one of your books. May God bless you and spare you many years to relieve women who are suffering as I was.” Fifty thousand women will be counselled and prescribed for Ijiis year free of charge by Dr. Hartman, president of the Surgical Hotel, CritUmbus, 0. All women suffering from any disease of the mucous membrane',' or any of the peculiar ills of women, may write to him and the letters will receive his personal attention.® Write for special question blanker women. THK AUGUSTA HERALD b*e BMPg*k •##* •* ■*•• Ci seat ta «*> til •* His *• # left isttUMlta **»;•»*» ff ■0 met rut mi«p #m mmt fit W I «‘T!!! J t NMT OAVIfi * ffOtt J •%«%«%%%•%%%%%%%• THE NEGRO COOK | ffiAtti Uta FafMl; if Ml A, H Wi}. The DM Ml Jott Hg% tog Caataeaed *• Jaaap. JMy It - Mr. A B Way *» 6/f6 Ml A (Rrfiv'Al w 1 fi # »M •*»» " 1 hfrAltfA** r «*f'*4»* A*<m»A4 %f fIMM |tmk, • i**» fMLwB •* j g-agga that they hat her* mies.aa email things alwat the hnaa* aad lh* M JaH having luafebesd to Ihe crime Dr Ta'ty • mlag «w»ry effort to save bIPCOVKHKD BT A WoklAH. A tint hpf |M| 4iATAY<HTy AAA Inphi •ana «*#. uodcrmbw* and death ea rn ed Imminent For three otouth* eh* roughrd m -trr-*'r t ' could not ■mep Phc gnnlly discovered a way ta recovery by purchaetna of u* a bottle at Dr King's New Discovery for Vnu sumptlon and w«s no much relieved «si utlnff tn* nr»t ** ir*Ai rw **•* n i»h*. ind tHfe Iwa MIM h** nbeolutely rurerff Her name ta Mr* Lather Lula Thu* write* W. C. Ham. mkt * C*.. *f Bhetby. N C Trial bot tle* Wr at Howard * Wlllrfa drug at,,m Regular star 16c and *IW Every boltlr luarantfrd A ORAND SLHXESS. The Picnic of Which AM Efho Ma* Been Talking. iffperial to The Herald.) Elho. 8. C., July It.—Th* Oooee Preid pltulc on Thuraday wa# a grand auc- K©##a. Visitor* from Charieatoo, Augu*- ; tn, Aiken and other point* were too numerous to mention. Th* hall at Wtl listoi) In Ihe evenln* wa* a area# U* be long remembered. The sweet stratus [of music ueased between tb* hours of 1 an<l 1 o'clock, when each oa# aepa rated to seek their destination, regret ting that this pleasure ta not repeated more than once a year. Mlea Luc lie rtilllp*. after a charm ing vlatt to Denmark, returned on Wednesday Ml** Birdie Matheka. of Rlarkvllle, I* visiting Mr*. M. *. Llrobrtck The many friend* of Mr. l*on Btan eell will regret to learn that he has continued fever. Miss Minnie Moore, owe of Augus ts'* Charming girls, la visiting Mr*. N. H. Rtaneell. '•'Mis* Clara Johnston returned from ■Washington yesterday. ’’ The Baptist protracted meeting will commence here on tomorrow nwd also at Mt. Calvary. OABTOniA. Bears the I,w Hw * i * a ' s Hon. B'llllam H. Davis, the young, handsome, and talented solicitor gen eral of the Augusta circuit. Is here In attendance uqon the congressional con vention. He is quartered rp the Pu laski. Mr. Davis' home ts In Waynes boro.—Savannah Press. round woman's delicate organism. Heroic effort* to endure pain ia part of woman's creed. Many women’s lives are a constant struggle with lassitude; many are violently ill without apparent cause, and few indeed are in normal health. This is fill wrong and might be different if women would follow Dr. Hartman's ad vice. Perhaps the most practical printed talk to women to be found anywhere is in Dr. Hartman's book called “ Health and Beauty,” which the Pe-ru-pa Medieine Co., Columbus, 0., will mail free to women only. It is certain that Dr. Hartman s Pe-ru-na has proved a perfect boon for women's diseases of the pelvie organs. It treats them scientifically and cures them •permanently. AU druggists sell it. “I received your book and commenced the use, of your medieine at once,” writes Mrs. H. D. Amoss of Greensboro, Ga., to Dr. Hartman. “ I took five bottles of NEWS FROM CAMP. -tltfp If h UN- l'W»f T#n limmb, IS rvaot a hfaswf the AOd-sedd Bwj* ] f#p|| s*Xf66t6* f ftW< <’* di | INRf p AfVt MpfRIPW 1 Xtho 969 Hill M (I* 0$ T 666 I H A th# fmgmr* §69 mr>** J pa 1 T n # unm 699 Mi Im» 96 m f* 609 I 990 C«H#< wp 664 I*6 §66991 I 41 I .ool*o tint M44lfft I 699 Mr* r#~>4tn4 lM4f wmmtp I Ml# #9i#r Tl# !• iMw j 1006 rj . ft# I rl#fl •<• ttftf I to A rm\tt 6 ft» 4*f# •4 ,i j tv* HJ.444, §6996961 taf pX»4» I la t«Q Milt, *6*4 to M (It t*r«**t | <tu*k 9999 966*04 *f 6 *996 §4 till# j Ktruf tj of T»mi i bm tftMTff I t*r+p f fovr blorltt 06 ffttUJt j wMti voo4, Am 6 nißiitWKx# I IM roof)# or# r*ry Mory ta tilt* «m4y tauftfry A tilt wpm ov#rlnrtt In (If ms# * etlemao frAVpliflff (till in ft)( 1 nl/ w » %, RWFOIttB |(g(rH«p wn ™ I country who met a backwoods lad on I hors*hark As they *eee Journeying tu j the earn* direction they fell lu logethef and <b* roaveraatioa soon turned oa ho ram 11 *** then that the traveler the discovery lh*' «b «•»■» of pe Mat* horseshoes were unused. In fact, the young countryman had never beard of (hem. and expreaaed great eor prta* at th* Information, and Inalated | og dismounting and examining ihe i shoes on hla companion a horse. The j reason of tbl* to. ot course, the deep, flat sand which cover* the whole land. Th# heavy ralne here would ba much harder on the mew If 16 were not fori Ibis saod. which absorb* lh* water sal fast aa It fall*, except who* there ta a j continuous rata, a* I* tha past four day*. Musician Pukall ta on guard sad all th* boys give him a hearty cheer, aa be sound* the mess call. Pukall Is one of the beat bugler* la the regiaient and Company C feel* proud of him. Wagoner Evans and Corporal Jack son gave a dinner party ts thoir quar ters this morning, at which were prea ent, besides themselves. Privates Car let ot Waynesboro; Sledge, of Augus ta, and Kidgeiey. also of August*, but with Co. 8., of Savannah. This dinner was the moat enjoyable and one of the ,moat “Brilliant aortal functions In the .hlstoTy of our onmpany, and being highly delighted with their boat*. Ev n«a la rapidly recovering from hie re c*nt Ulncaa. and the doctor say* there ta no doubt of bli early and complete recovery. Corporal Oatea haa charge of a squad of recruits and drill* them several hours every day. Hto men are fast be coming one of the beat drilled squad* among the new men. Private Tilley, of Co. H., has been appointed regimental chaplain, with the rank of major. He gives one of his good, rommon aenfe talks at tho Y. M. C. A. tent every night. The recruits, of which there are thir teen In Co.’C, and twelve In Co. E. are having tbelr accountnements Issued to them as fast as the quatermaeter's de partment can handle them and In a few days they will be supplied with a complete outfit. The regimental quar termaster has been obliged to have one or two extra men detailed to help him for a few day*, to keep up with the rush. The recruits are faring better In the matter of clothes than the first comers, for the first requisition made by the regimental quartermaster was according to regulations, which has certain proportions of sixes to men, and for only the exact number of enllsfcd men; and few men got clothes to fit them wall. There have been several requisitions made for stores since then, and the new men have a large stock from which to select. The goods are much better than those first issued It is said that Col. Brown haß made requisition for the Krag-Jorgensen ri fles for the Second Georgia regiment and that the whole Fourth army corps will be furnished with theh. If this is done it no doubt means an early move to scenes of action for us. The requi sition for hand Instruments has been made and the members of the band are anxiously awaiting their arrival, but no more impatiently than the men. Sergeant Will Hackett has just re turned from a three days’ guard duty In Port Tampa, and reports a very pleasant time spent there. The men all dislike guard duty at camp, but when there is a call to go to Tampa or the Port. Tnere are plenty of men willing To exchange places with the fortunates chosen, sometimes for a consideration not easily refused. * CUT THIS OUT ■ writ* yrur Advert tMMVHmt t n thl% Ha HR **te amount hrtrtMfy Id i>«Y »or a* «v«r y .tvMtr «• VOU WAfif. Bffti tfi ttl* t f •it or no net (t to THB HEi'ALO. J ’ ADVLKTISIiMkM COUPON. TO me At 6*l M A MLRAt D f‘iooie insert the auvertnement written below - - ttmei In your * WANT” column*, I tor which you will find enclosed I - —cents SIGN HERS- -- i " 1 » -■■■—■ i—- r „ , n «»nl#tf. ir«t<#4 Tim. 'lt *** «. . X 0 . 9, i\t r< |tr. ttv# fleet ft*96**, I*W <t«!# Vh !ri <*« 'tr w#s.«d- have blood A- - -ner a exprcsaroai la j pane rough srewsis ta. "That ta hstach talk.*' Aad ohra a man wish** to •■- pres* great surprise, he slug* oat. - . _ ...with a at rone I e*tw- * * etrea* oa tb* "ffwat." aad "good*#** almost inaudible. A person who has laa.y aeeu thee* men la taeir sertoua. every-day haslaess Ilf# la Auguata | would hardly beltar* them capable of the boytshaeae evidenced every mo meat of their stay hat. Lieat Bryaa. who to officer ot lh* I guard today, ia spoke* of XI nt-’t lh* | ramp aa Ihe west aoM erly aad heed -omest ntfic-e la the regiment Hr to a great favorite among all the men. Sergeant Wright, who ta XIII la the division hospital, ta an attn-h Im ' proved that he paid «a a vlatt this I morning. He la still obliged to use crutches but hopes toon to be able to walk without them. Wagoner Evans haa received his ! honorable discharge for diaabtiKy and will leave tha ramp tonight or tomor row morning. A big hole will be left by him and there la uo recruit who will ever fill hla place. He accepted this discharge on account of heurl ■>o*e. which developed einc* hla arrival lo camp. Private Foeter will aleo leave, hi* discharge having coma. Tb# police equad. under Corporal Jackson, 1a busy ditching the street to drain off the water after rain*. Thie Improvement was badly needed and will no doubt leasan the umnuat of sickness In the atreet. Fresh lime has been *<aKcred. all over the camp and wilt aid In preventing alckness. Charley Benson. OASTOTIIA. Bran tb. J* *'*< ■"« »'™ **«* RECORD BREAKER. Steamer Murchison Hake* a Quick Trip to and From Savannah The Savannah News of Wednesday says: "The steamer D. Murchison, Capt. Haddon, arrived from Augusta and waylandlnga yesterday afternoon She mode one of the quickest round trips, If not a record breaker, between Savannah and Augusta. Leaving here last Friday night at 11:30. she arrived at Augusta Sunday afternoon and was detained seventeen hours In discharg ing and loading her cargoes. Return ing the left Augusta 12 p. pi- Monday and arrived here at 6:30 p .m. yes terday, making the round trip of 560 mites tn ninety-one hours,, Including the lay over at Augusta and regular stops at waylandings.” FOR SALE £B~\ have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in tho city. \\ ill sell same very cheap- Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 13a? GREEN E STREET. Check Lost of $ 1 33 1.31 , ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK, No. 14107. drawn by C.;W. Pilcher, attorney for Jos. H. Spear*, dated June 16th Inst., (and mailed same day) in favor H. A. Cook, for $1331.31. Payment has been stopped. AJI persons warned against using in any way said check. (Signed) ,T. 11. SPEARS, C. \V. PILCHER, Attorney. JULY 16 ONE-CENTA WORD SITUATION WANTED WAKTfIVA KWITfOX Aft HO(*fK gif I af)4 mri# r#MPrTf*fif#. Ma* WANTTeI) A PoUinoN or AVT trorfc At Ho* AM (lacluwYfs m ; waxtwki’uck to do bitukh I c « at Ah 4» at tit OF AXT KfXD. YYUilfut K» wnrk. WI!H« Wll | WA.VTKI>—rCAS!TION AS* CASHUSR, I iMilffKomAi) nr Kidy» compAAlfci* ! fUfft Tol*ror'** g(v<m A Hrem.? W. M , rmt« nf July If HELP WANTED [ AGKNTJ* AXD CANVAB - I’dnfMirAlli’lfHl matte r f»»r ynu. Tha lk*»n Ideal I*(n irlli to Itdy on night. No competition. Soma art making M to Ilk a day. Circular tree. Mine. ThorapM.Ti’a Hair Novelty ICO.. >2B Broadway, New York city. •July 1> FOR SALE CREAM-CREAM AT 26 JACKSON ST. VERT CHKAP-Plstota, guns, musi cal Instrumenta; sratcbwt almost slv*a away, at Uncle Lew’w. FOR SALE CHEAP—A PAIR OF youbg hones. Will work double or sirgi*. C.*H- Howard, Jr., at Howard A Wtl let Drug Co. June 28 ts FOR SALE OR RENT—HOUBE OF 7 rooms Lincoln atreet. In good con dition. on easy term*. Wm. Schweigert. Aug 1. FOR SALE—A LOT OF SECOND hand doors, cash, blinds and woooden colur.m*- Also a large lot of roofing slate, in good condition. Apply to Ja cob Phlnlay. AUo 1 FOR SALE CHEAP—PAIR RLACK young mule*, sound and ail right; al go heavy two-horse spring wagon, ?ar ry two to three thousand pound*; also harness cortiidete, all nearly new. Call or address G. C. Witte & Co., Jackson street, city. Jul* 19 FOR SALE—TWO THOROUGHBRED Jersey cow*, with young calve*. Johnston & Pickard, 736 EUla street. July 17 TO RENT FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1. U9B, THE dwelling No. 522 Ellis street. Apply to Jacob Phinlxy. Aug 1 TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING 1229 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. July 24 LOST AND FO UND LOST— AFRICAN”PARROT. SLATE colored with red tail. Escaped Sat urday morning. Suitable reward to finder Upon return to me. P. J. Sulli van. Aug 1 "miscellaneous SUMMER COURSE OSBORNE'S BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial course reduced from SSO to $35. Short hand and typewriting $46. Boys and girls from 15 years and up taken, jur.p IT ts TWO BOARDERS WANTED AT 77,9 Telfair street. Can give a large, pleasant room with two beds, qn rea sonable terras, Aug 1 WANTED FROM OCT. 1 TWO UN FURNISHED rooms on. Greene-above Centre. References ezbhnnged. Address at once S, 121 Telfair street. July IS