The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 16, 1898, Image 3

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SATUHOAY IN ASOCIAL WAY AM Ik* f Anatty *K*t(* | At} tW tofM I* kill of **KT*l*f*. vm *til *9** M l*fW, HMiiti *t ib* m|iy an; Do uk <** ik Mrtk k»f«r* i»*m. That lk*T Ml M 4 IffAWf ##* Ok* Ik* talpl—a l r *fUfiiM kklH Rtlll Ikf raa* and Mill ll*l |o All tb* snrlh M full of rWUIi-0, l>ufllKS a***? litll* Jo|l liMn« • v*r Hill* trtmbltn. fjiipn knitfi nr bit>h*a my*; , Wishing i* k* oiiWr Iwpr Wn*ii| M »•» hlfW *<*?! Ok* lb* kIW). bsdplvss rht dr*«, •till they nv* ial Mill lk«r Mu* All ik* tkrih s* full of lotwi Walk 1 -## alowly. whiajwtng *«r**t: IHrmlM lrtt«< til hu 141 mm rtk'lM Thu mum rnimbi* at ther foot; Breaking rvi a »4 burning !«twre. Platting lm lb* *erll ahull km — Ok. ik* looliik trusting lomi, At I*l they roan ul *llll they go, AH Ik* world I* fall of psapi*. Hurrying, pushing ruahtng bp, Bmi hr Unrd*M* irryln* crosses. Psss DR CI«WRr4 with M sigh: Snr*. Ilk* u* with smiling faces. And their kmy ktiu below- Ok. the ul-cil. burd-n-d f*eop>. Hew 1 hoy time and bow they go. All :b* earth I* full of carp***— I hut and bon-* laid there 10 rest Thl* Ih* end. that babes and children. Ixtvars. people, find a* beat All their (ear* and all thrr burdens. All their sorrows wearing ao. Oh. the *ll*ol. happy errpae*. Sleeping soundly. lying low. A Sint-du-IM. Vine m*rrl«-d women out of ten M* vert that they have to jump out of hed i It the morale* to close the window. No ! matter bow unselfish the average man may be la other thlnga. this little oour- - teay he absolutely refuses to extend. ! He will do anythcg to get out of It, tn fact. He feigns sleep, sickness and. j If i.ecetsary. sudden death. Perhrps | those women who contend that men are : mere se’.flsh In little things than wo- ! men and more unselfish e hen It comes i to big things are right; and IMs Is Just ; one of the little things, netting up and ! rinsing a window that has been open j all night Is a very little thing ordina rily. but when the nights ore nipping, as tb-y are In winter, the mole hill grows Into quit# a mountain Wo men accept the situation amtobly, how ever. and have devised a special gar ment for the occasion. It la colled the saut-du-lit. or Jump-out-of-bed,eiKi e*<i he put on In a Jiffy. The moat desirable Hnd la made of dnublefaee elder-down flannel cr soft French flannel. The garment la cut with two straight seams under the arms and hangs In a double box plall from the neck behind. The ample fronts fold widely about a broad shawl collar rolls back down the entire front. Wide Japanese sleeves are more effective, but bishop sleeves, big enough to slip on easily and gath eicd closely at the wrist, are far warm er. The Jumpout-of-bed hr.s possibilities of great artistic beauty if becoming, contrasting colors are selected, end If the edges are piped with plaited rib bon cr silk cord and a silk rope run through ribbon loops Is knotted about the waist. Jumping up and clor'mg the window becomes a real pleanur- to a woman, even on a atinging morning, If she possesses ore of these robes. One worron says: ‘■f first heard of a saut-du-llt when t was in Paris last fall. For the first three years of my married life my hus band and I quarreled about who should close the window, and I EUrporo we would have gene on, like the brook, frrever If I hadn’t run up on this gar ment. Tcu see, it Is so easy to hop Into. I put It on the foot of the bed at night with my Piece-lined mules and get into them before you could say caterpillar. And what do you think? My chest has expanded one inch and a half since I got this garment. Why? Because I can go from the worm bed to the open win dow, no matter If the mercury is co quetting with zero, and stand there in perfect comfort long enough to expand my cheat and take twenty-five long bieat’-n of fresh air. This I do every morning. -> id I feel like a new woman. Every married woman has to shut the window, and of course every unmarried one docs so. I. for one, recommend the Jump-out-of-bed td all womankind. This garment can lie bought ready made, or Is easily made at home. Regarding flembcrs of the Army League. Mrs. C. Henry Cohen, vice president cf the Georgia Army and Navy League for the tenth congressional district, re quests that those who have received let ters ashing tl-jom to become members of the Richmond County Auxiliary,will reply, as promptly as possible, on the postals furnished them for that pur pose. as she is eager to complete the membership ns soon as expedient. Army Ice League. The children of Augusta are doing j 1 ami >»* %•*» t* «***» **>d jtlkVf til VpPff I [no <M* pwpilfllip tin T *A*n' , 140.1' MN^t* l*m ** lit AH mm (Min m %*+n *** ***** lit nut Ht# It $ 9*99 #♦* Hi 1 Mi* omm** In %'WHWKI fitPAMin j m am Mi I Mfth i § r 14* I ? t# nnminw® Ini if Hnttptts I Ht «M *•*# wl m*n** t*m** j 4i) INIViHNm' * |nln®4 * j Mr «»4 Mr# CMftfti* WMIMf iw j fflwNßi in n. Mr I**l m-Mt sms Hi** ham in* 11 IttpftflflNL Mr iM Mm U»-H 9*+** | Mi* Timrf MmiH»«••»#* Mm* t*iltl# MnoQttt* ah 4 Mtf** Witty* Rotui Imr i iMiny fwr m wtoit. P, %.» ! Mr# A II Mi**rt nn4 Mmilly *•*» 5 Mm Mm Will IM*'* HI |Mrv today (of tint Irftfifr N. C* I. Mn*f*r fCrntm Mt*«*t H nilorlM (V |j>oM>M>ltlr ** •« r«* j Mr. «fi4 Mn K Cl Tnt%*» *n«t Tlrvkf, tMr Hrtifct IHtH »“». !le«v* for Tykr tocupM for a •rtiort trt»* ! MUa Mirfirrt Harrimion !#fi«§tfi4 n « Htfhtful n to Mtsn ftftrtwttf of rh»rlmt« n at hti homt ifot »vrnlni A i ifrVif htfi4 4tar-oun* A <9 WAutlful mu* late on tfc.. atataaa. ant an Impromptu Sronnrt htld duiinf tht rwlni. Mit* j Himnffton i btautlful v«k*t t»ot«!in# {h*r fftitrft iptiibound •« uaual. Ir**a | war* aarvtHl at 11. WEST END NEWS. Thr program of th* Bt, Luke's Ep arorth League laat night was a very brilliant one. and when* all of the par liclpanta acquitted tbcmselvr* to will diacriminatiou tan Bnd no place. The musical rendition* were perfect. All were highly p-:natd with the evening * entertainment. Mrs. Platt and Mias Cook, of Gran ! itevllle, 8. C-. are the guests of Mr*. W. !G. Cullam on Starne* street. A marriage that occurred In West Kod a few days ago L that of Mis* Ra burn and Mr. Arthurs, botli of I-ang ley. 8. C. There being parental ob- I Jictlona the young couple dcc.ded to ! get married and b'ar the consequents*. I Mr Arthura drove over to Mlsa Ka i burn'a and asked her lo take a ride j with him and they drove on over to 1 Augusta and w*re married. Mlaa Re burn I* one of Langley’* loveliest daughteri. ’ Mr. Arthur* Is a young but I nest man of Langley and is to be congratulated on winning this fair young bride. They will return to their home in Langley Sunday, <vh.:re they will reside In ibe future. We wish for them a long life full of peace and hap- Incas. Little Lee Ora Pr.rkcman Is very 111 at her home on Hicks street. Mis* Mamie Sills, of Hleks street, w-fTT visit relatives In Berxclla tomor row. Mrs. W. J. Dlggle and rhlldrcn ,of Walton Way, ere summering in North , Carolina. Miss Elio Kanoy has returned to her home In Parnell, Ga.. afier spending a Tew days pleasantly with friends here. | Miff) Ollier has returned home from a very delightful visit to the Misses Huffman, cf Orovctown. Dr. J. J. Nichols returned home last night from Oregon, wheiv ho has been for several monihs. Mr. Hardy, cf Columbia county, was in West End a few hours yesterday. At Berean Baptist church tomorrow there will be three very In’, resting ser vices held In the day. Rev. C. M. WllkTEon will preach. In the after noon Mr. oalflieEh will give a very In ter: sting talk to the Sunday school. In the evening, Mr. Eubanks, of Macon, will dsliver an excellent sermon. Al! are cordially Invlt-d to com.- out. Mrs. Charles McCullough, cf May ev enuc, will move to Walton Way Mon day.* .Vies Alice Scott, after spending sev eral weeks very pleasantly In Norlh Georgia, has returned to her home or> Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NE’V YORK. bA ~ i*mm M ny Mi** 4M»t MMtaaf a aavw pint aaJ • ah*§% mub Pay #wm MfP aa Mafaini aftaaf M# iaa §r*t •*» Ml Tfta pc !«*•*» laai #r«a> ay at m* Pap- ] <aa * ciirtatvfMrh'P ••* tart aptay lata*a# T%* a fiawrat• pta «a 4an n*y« no atfatMfttr apraattNl tIMH il ai* I %#t f ripraU ia 4H»t tHMr A atP* J taraty ip-* vmt paaity t * afriat f tar a aarfilNi IM ipratip • I Mlaa MiNtia Pa* yalftta j HI la lt*Y bmm# aa Waltoa Way fruai 1 a *p*a pi -ftftti tMI fa mlauaaa at 1 ilrv it ft |, Ttataama Ha* Hifiwi. In In# h#mt at WlMt* l*iataa Mlaa aPNy !#• *» t* % tat Mai talaitaa* it Maria wa. «U at«at tlta ttynnaf* «l|pr* ipya a faat it al la tV*»*Mlaaa , „*4« t f||y an*i r «t#it of Mm Amaa*' ton i«4 Mra Mtt*a. aa4 It poaa to pm hum it wa* a a »ad »*ttt A. «try large aamai wa* r<atia*d, wfcirk Rnr* to .'be benedl of the rhuerh Th* muni I *• tn*«da of Mlaa I‘oopee ,t Map (ttate, wilt regm to tears of Mr (I W Csltatn. of Mow* aeeso*., will *p*ad HNsarmw si latikf MtM tloley Newmen will *p*ad w*h .*Hh (rl*i»d» al Trsnilt*. Oa Tt* nswertm* friends of Mr. 1 A.! Tbaip* will be pleased to leara that h* la IsynnKi from hi* reeeat lltnsaa Mr Mlhe l»uaa will *pmd lomorrow j with friend* ta Kdarfleld. f. I* Mine Alw la !!*•(* will ylsli Mi** Km it* Murphy ai Wsbetaas ne*i w.’k. Ml** Mora Veiiahi. a trry <r harming young lady, will tear* Monday os as ralradrd rltM lo (touts Csroltsa. Re*. J. B Durea will prearh iwo eery tnler.' itlsg irrmon* ai the Wood lawn lln pH*! rbufTh tomorrow Ail are iarlted There will b* Sunday whoot at Sib i ley Sirdoti tomorroa afternoon, fir. Falk, superintendent. All hare an ta ylutloa lo atteod. Mrs Charlea Hll. end children have returned home arter a pteaMUl slay of a er*ek with friend* In the country. Ml** Hattie K mlrl*. of Columbia ccuniy. a very pretty and faeclnathig young lady, la exprevd lo vl*U rela-| ilye* here tomorrow. Miss Ag'*" I* expected home today from IJncolnton. O*.. where the ha* been for r-’veral week*. The many friend* of Mrs. John Sharp will be pleased to learn that sh” la improving from her very aever* lll ncaa. WAYNESBORO. What la doing on Down on the Central. [Special to The Herald ] Waynesboro, July 16. The clouds have reigned supreme this week and everything has bowed before them even that little penetrating and seduc tive thing known as "news'' baa been laid low with apparently not a spark of life left in it. The crops, which the weather, be It rain or sunshine, ever and anon brings so the from, Is the absorbing thought and topic of con vematrnn, with the men, at least; and well It may be. for the welfare of this land of ours depends upon the growth of de cotton and de corn. The rain of this week hat worked a world of good to the planters in this community. It has put new life Into the crops, and the corn especially, which, with a few exception*, la in a flourishing eondi j tion. Not only are these products of the soil taking advantage of the re -1 freshing rains and sending their heads I up higher, but the grass Is keeping pace , wiih them and only the steady strokes I of the hand of labor will keep it from crowding king cotton out. i The Children's service which was 'postponed frrtm last Sunday afternoon, on aeount of the inclemency of the weather, was held at the Baptist church jen Wednesday evening. Among the Daughters of the Confed eracy of this place who will be In At ! lanta In attendance cn the veterans' re- I union, are; Miss Lewis Godbee, Mrs. jH. H. McMastcr, Miss Belle Cox and . Misa Corinne Dickinson. The Woman's Missionary society held !a inctno.ial service at the Methodist ' church Thursday evening to Mrs. W. A. Wilkins and Mrs. Jam"« H. Wbite head, t’.vo of its most faithful mem bers r,;ho have recently passed away. Miss Jurfa Miller will spend the rest of he summer at Saluda. A pleasant party eomnrlslng Major W. A. Wilkins, Mrs. William Everett Jcccs, Miss Marie Wilkins, and Mi. W. H. Davis, will leave for New York next i W cdncsday. * FRENCH niNISTERS. They Are Hiding From Their People the News From Santiago. [Special to The Herald.] Madrid, duly 16. At the conclusion of the cabinet council the ministers s ateo that the news of the capitulation lof Santiago had not been confirmed, j and said they doubted the truth of the ! report. CENSOR AT WORK. i Blank Spaces in the Spanish News papers. [Special to The Herald.] Madrid, duly lfi. Today’s ner;a --! papers are noticeable on account of ] blank spaces in the columns indica ting suppressions by the government cense ss. Many people save their thirst for the Alexander drug store fountain deli cious drinks there. ' TBE JLX7OXJBTJL T THE LOG OF THE COLON TRANSLATED llf t*r»rt« !l» Nutiirmmi Flat* fklM. *»lit*d ly • Tide, k rwrk*d Ika fWerSMt ittiriiirr July lft yuOnviki ta ita I Nliiai tarwui as itn 4na«* ««f Aiiat* ! tat tVtwffva i«at« aa taiwtt ftam tta <. ' krn t«*Hl «f II» Cnatobat l‘»aa lip Ilia i Mtianitya ! April M —Arrived ai isne rtraode: (W Vlscewl. Ckya Vec4* Inlaortei. as* j • Sodas. i April t> >lll# Viacaya asd Alnur- . .sale dusendn arrived All IS* vmaaria ' [rosled and prrrvM*uO*rl The ehlp I trek , etorva asd auee •'April » Mailed, lageihee wllk lk» . ! inkMil* Marla T*reea Vtaraya. Alsntr* | a ale lS|s*sdo, Furor. Trreo* and Flu. | las The Cotnm tawed iSe Furor, the i Muesdn Ibe Ftulon. and the Maria TV. j re#* tSe Terror A speed of elghl hno!» j 1 >ai arrasced Met M Sighted Curacos (n» IS* ( ratM cf Veoeaueta I | - 'M*y M.-~St#sa»*d undhwurd j 'May I* Hesde*»oae appolsted at I Panliago de Cub*. May I* Aidved al Santiago de Cuba, am-h-tina il • hi n*. May n The Culas shifted her as* r borage In Kneenada de Oaapar (about a mil* north of M«cm Csalle.t I • May rs - The aalch lower o»as*ll*d ihal lei of the enemy • *hl|«* »*** in algM. aceompo«il*d hy torpedo boat* or •mail *«•**!*. Al »*• Ih* semaphore signalled that Ih* enemy had dump ' pMltd. j ’ May 91 —Sent an o*e*r in Morm Castle in aalch and report lie- p«»ltlon ~f the enemy's ships and lo announce Ihe movemerti. • May J».- -The eeumy's vessels were lo the eastward ateauung in column* Recognised the llronklyn, Indiana. lowa. Minneapolis. Texas and a mer chant vessel. We prepared our hallery ar.d loaded with steel shells, j ' May id —At noon the semaphore an 'no us) red that the enemy’a suuadron wa* in *lahl; also the arrival of warship* with two moats with three Ashling lop* ea<h. and two smoke pipe*, i - May SI.-The Colon wa* slnirk by ’ fragments of a a hell A red during a t bombardment and her head wa* htjur ed. "Jure I. The her berth In the harbor. "June S. *:-•» «»• m.—Firing at the en trance of the harbor. Imter the Aagship made signal that a merchant ship was 'entering the harbor. It being the Inten sion to sink her at the entrance As she I was passing Knsennits de Ntspero (al the inner end of the nsrrowsl she was Mick by a torpedo from the Pluton and !by a mine without accomplishing her ■lntentions. Hevai prisoners were taken, 'one r.Atcer and al* men. S "June The enemy opened Are at 7:4a. At ll:$5 the aemaphore signalled [that the enemy wua withdrawing We nre preparing the Ketna Mercedes with rapid Are gun* at the mouth of the har- I bor. I-ater received notice of the loss euatalncrl. The dead are Commander Kmlllo Coata. executive officer of the Mercedes, and Ave men. The wounded are Knslgn Alejandro Molina and twelve men. "June I*.—At 5:20 the enemy's squad < ron opened on the shore batterles.some of the projectiles falling In the harlmr. At 8:05 the Are grew le*«. Our batteries continued to Are. 8:35 o’clock—During the afternoon equipped a company for lundlng. “June 17.—Fifteen of the enemy open ed Are to the windward Point Ca brera, lasting until 5: (5. It was begun by th" Texas, a yacht and two laun«h es. "June IS.—The Merrlmne was exam ined by divers. Twenty ships appeared, only four of which were men of war. One was very large. ■ June 2i. A landing party was equipped and went ashore. "June 22, 8 o’clork—Heard shots from the enemy's squadron and realized that our batteries were firing. The enemy fired slowly, the bombardment lasting until 11:30. “June 23.—Sent a detachment ashore with rides and ammunition. "June 24, 25, 28 and 27.—Sent rlfi>>B and ammunition to the Parplor Iron pier, Dos Cruces, Dos Cantinos and El Cobre. “July I.—Provisions find ammunition sent to the detachments on shore. Heard cannon on shore. Dutlng the af ternoon projectiles passed the bow of the Colon. Heard sharp firing between the town and Slbrney. The squadron was firing upon the harbor. A number of wounded arrived at the military hos pital. Our men slept at their guns. "July 2.—The flagship signalled to light fire under all hollers. The Colon lit hors so as to have steam at 2 p. rn. At night heard rlflp firing toward the town. A little later the enemy's squad ron orened on the batteries tun! bay.” Th"ie is no entry on the log for July j, the dny the ships came out and were sunk. . , , , The log was translated and printed on board the Brooklyn yesterday. EXCURSION ON MONDAY. Stoy & Moss' excursion leaves Mon day, 6:45 a. m. sharp. One dollar for the round trip. Secure tickets. HAVANA EXPECTS PEACE. And Everybody But Blanco in That City is Satisfied. Madrid, July 16. A dispatch from Havana says a great change in public opinion has occurred in that city and that peace is expected in a few days. There is grebt rejoicing over the pros pects. Blanco alone is dissatisfied wltte the situation and is advocating further Spanish sacrifices. The po sition of affairs, the dispatch says, ren ders ultimate. Spanish success impossi ble- ,yV. , , LONG TI|HE BEFORE WE GO INSIDE. Statiagt U f'lpurri Hat i allot ll* •mpM. i»Ha« I *«*«*• I Mat i«* Hr Dreaded Mwe* lhaa RulM i IWfoes Rant tags. t ,*» p m . July 14. tla hiegtiaa. July U tHy Hpsrlal Tnegrsm In the Herald. July IS I Al • knugn Hsnilagw ha# eureeudeted H is twd thought here Ihut the city ran he ocvwplsd fa* mawth* "Hie major pnrtbai 1 of oue troop# will he moved Insn the * trinity aa snog a* |*t«aa!htr.owing to the large amount of atrhneaa exhdtng. It Is no longer dented that yettow fever l* pfvvatenl and ha* claimed j many tkitm* TVi* are pmhahly now W* case* among our trwnps. Dr Dullema. its* trellow fever #u ] thvrtll. has retum*d in the l*utted : States, leaving Hr. W Parker in I charge All the buddies* al gitwmev. j I grinding the poaloffire, have been bunted and airmtuous efferla made to sump out the Infection Well denned and susptrbnm eases nre being Undated, preset a po* 1 office (nape* lor. Is nmostg | the ei<k allhutigh It M ikeuthl only to Ibe mslsrtn. The Itewepape* stiff I* being depleted Iby air kite** and aver work. Again Turns Is l agland. tendon. July Iff - Apaln's latest de** 'petale appeal la to Bngland. Recognis ing the usrleatwtea* of an nttempt nt i Intervention by atty of the continental powers, she (urns to London (the Is re* ported lo be eounding the foreign of. |Acr With deltrste diplomacy In the jsipe that the friendship be I ween Koglaeid and the I’nlted Slate* will help her out 'of th<- humiliation of begging for peace on bended troees before I'nrle Sam. ' Them Is. however, not one chance In , s thousand of Rnghtnd helping Spain. The Kngllsh govern mevtt ha* shown ah- ‘ solutely no sympathy with Hagasta'a policy, and public opinion la all against Spain'* pretention*. The action of the ,Herman Aeel In the Philippine* la dose. ■ ly watched by Kngland. Position < f the Pope. I Rome, Italy. July 18.~The Pope, ap , psr-nlly In despair of doing much for .Spain, Is no wglvlng hi* attention In jlhe preservation of the Catholic church Interests In the lost colonies. On re- Jrelpt of s telegram from the queen re gent. announcing the surrender of Han .tlago, the Pope eumm<*)cd,hl* cardinals ‘for a conference on the pot Ij y of the ’ Vatican, pending negotiations for peace. It vas decided that the efforts of the i Pope will be conAned to getting aasur -1 once* of the continuance of the relig ious orders and the maintenances of their privilege* In Cuba and elsewhere. He will send Instructions to Cardinal j Marttnelll to obtain from the United States all possible favors for the Cath olic church. COLUMBIA'S ENTERPRISE. New Water Works and Sewage System Columbia, 8. 0., July I*.—At a spe cial meeting of the city council called together Wednesday night for Ihe purpose of devising some means for relieving the residents of East Ger vals street from a deplorable lack of water supply Bntl pressure. City Engi neer Wilson sprung a delightful sur prise In the shape of a schema that aeemed at onoe both feasible and prac ticable, an entlerly new and up-to-date system of water supply and n general adequate system of sewerage. The council listened to Mr. Wilson's scheme with close attention and when he had finished elaborating the plan they voted him their thanks and pledged him a thorough and Immedinte Investigation of his suggestion by a unanimous rising vote. In his earnest talk to council Mr. Wilson bpgan by pointing out the se rious defects in the present water hup lily and emphasizing the need for the benefit to the general health u good system of sewerage. As to the new writer system, It was only a question of time when a water plant would bp absolutely neces sary and as to sewerage the town would never grow or develop without a good general system. The maximum practical capacity of the present water plant was only 1,750,000 gallons a day, which was totally Inadequate to meet the increasing demands, and the pumps were In very had condition arid might at any time be overflowed and rendered useless by a freshet. If the river rose within five foot of the limit reached In 1888 such a result would he brought about, leaving the city with out a drop of Water. CERVERA’S HEN. Families of Spanish Sailors (Taking inquiry. Washington, July 16. M. Thiebaut, secretary of thp French embassy, call ed at the state department yesterday to make inquiry as to some of the dead and wounded Spanish sailors of Admi ral Cerveva’s squadron. The families of the Spanish sailors are deeply agi tated, as no exact list of the saved, dead and wounded has reached Spain thus far. The relatives and friends of the sea men are besieging the Spanish authori ties, and the inquiries are in turn made through the French authorities here, who with the Austrian officials have charge of Spanish interest. The au thorities here are giving every possible facility to the relatives and friends of the Spanish seamen, and, in addition to furnishing identification lists, fa cilities will be given by which the friends of the sailors can send them money and supplies. If you are going to paint a house call at Alexander drug store for informa tion and price-a. \[ fCSfk IF DR. CHIS. C. NEEDHAM. AMI MIC A> DBNTAL PaRI t»RS. REUOIOUS NOTKI3. Rl Pkul's chnrrh, D, C. C. William* t». D„ rector lon a m Celrbrallon of tb* holy communion II no n. m Morning prayrr, litany •nd sermon 1:00 p p Sunday school. « oo p m - Ktrnlng prayer. The Young People'* 111 hi* Cl#** j meets In tb* vestry room al 10 o’clock, j 8T MATTHRW.B CHPRCH, Sunday. » a. m.. Sunday arbool Rnallah sermon at It a m Sermon I by Rev S. C. Ha limit a*, of While! Rock. S. C. No evening service Thursday. * p. m.. teachers' meeting. COI-ORRD CtII'RCHES. CHRIST PRKSBYTKRIAN CHURCH A. S. Clark, pastor. Sunday reboot at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m Spe cial topic: “Being Like Christ" Preaching at. * p .m. Thursday at T:!0 p. m the Christian Endeavor meet. Topic: Christianity compared with other religion*: Acta 17:22-31. GATES NOT SHUT. Cervera tan Leave the Ground* on Parole. Annapolis, July 1«. Superintendent Cooper of the naval academy today l ■tP'd the following general nrder; First —All Spanlih offirera who give parole will be permitted to go without the gates and Ui have the privilege of the grounds between * a. in and sundown The parole will not permit them to leave the city limits. Second. —No person will be allowed to enter Urt grounds or to land at the wharr-s. or water front, except such persons as are atiachrd to or connected with the naval academy in any capacity; ser vants employed in the officers' fami lies. employes, enlisted men, persons delivering goods or receiving orders, telegraph messengers and express agents. Horses and carriages will b* slopped at the gates unless carrying of ficers or members of their families to iheiv residences. No other persons will be permitted to enter unless by special permit from the navy depart ment. or by permission of the super-; inter,dent. Third. The countersign, will be strictly observed after 8 p. in. until reveille. Fourth. Th» com manding officers of thp marines will issue instructions to sentinels for the strict observance of all these regula tions. BEAUFORT’S HEN. How the Call For Laborers Was Re sponded To. Beaufort, July 16. The call for la borers to go to Cuba to assist in tbe bjillding of bridges and roads was an swered here by the enrollment of 75 or 100 abe-bodied negroes ready and wil ling to go at once In response to the Inquiry from the quartermaster In Charleston as to how many could he gat at short notice. Two or three hundred could be produced with suffi cient time given to recruit. All are anxiously awaiting notice of when thee will be required to he c.n hand. Dr. N. j. Kennedy, a respectable practitioner of medicine here, has offered his ser vices to the government as a surgeon, to be assigned to any regiment or duty at the front, and is awaiting a reply to his offer. His application has been re commended and endorsed by the white physicians of the community, and the prominent citizens, who added flatter ing testimonials of his capability and worthiness. He is a graduate of the Leonard Medical school of Raeigh, N. C., and has practiced his profession here for a number of years, with accep tability among his race. He enjoys the kindly consideration of tbe white peo ple. While upon tbe subject cf colored people in connection with their services in the war. it may be mentioned that Governor t.eedy of Kansas has been urged to appoint ,Geo. W. Ford, a col ored man. at present superintendent of the National cemetery at Fort Scott, Kan., lieutenant colonel of the Iwo bat talions of colored troops from that si ate and has signified his intention to do so. F>REPARING FOR WATSON. Sinking Torpedoes in the Spanish Harbor. [Special to The Herald.] Barcelona, July 16. Long lines of torpedoes have been sunk in the har bor of this port as well as al other ports. If you suffer from piles you should try Japanese Pile Cure. It is sold at the Alexander drug store. JULY ie fi BRUSH WIIHI llltlllt I Downy had o«o M«- nllA. **Do-wm** «wt on# *t your TAoth. OurAkitt aoU workm*nkh!p In d«ntk*ry i hA» prov»n our worth lo August ADA. ( Good work And RsnsonAblA PricAb. Woman servant In At tendancA. It* BROADWAY, At OUST A. DA. NEW LINE v — OF * NEGLIGEE SHIRTS JUST RECEIVED The greatest va ue ever offered for the , money— -50 Cents Cannot Be Equaled. L. SYLVESTER ATLANTA AND RETURN $3.43 ONLY 3 43 TrdjfTES HOI.D Juipt 17th. IMh and lffth. Hood In Return until July 31st. 1898. Inclusive. • ••* ltd) elb' ie' HEORGIA RAUeItOAD SCHEDULES. CITY TIMK Leave AußUnta 8:05 a. m., 4:20 p. m., 11:30 p. in. Arrive Atlanta 12:25 p. m., 8:20 p. m , 5:00 a. m. Tlcketa on sale at City Ticket Office and Union Depot office. JCE W. WHITE, A. G. JACKSON, T. P- A. G. P. A. Special Notices: Webbs Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M. Augusta, Go., July Id, 181)8. « THE REGULAR MONTHLY communication of Webbs l.odce, Afi No. 106, will be held in the Blue Room, Masonic Hall, on MONDAY NIGHT, 18th Inst;, at 8.30 o’clock. MFmbert take due notice tbereof. Yihytlng llfelllren edrdinllv welcomed. Hvnrdst m s. McCREARY, w. m. C. K tOFKIN. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICE. A SF.M-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF three and one-hnlf per cent (3 1-2 per (ent) on the capital stock of the Irtah-Amerlcan one! I>lme Savings Hank was THIS DAY declared by the Board of Directors, payable on demand. JOHN D. SHEAHAN, Cashier. Augusia, Ga., July 14, 1898. INSTALMENT NOTICE. Office of Augusta Real Estate and Im provement CO., Aughsto, (Vh., July 16. 1898. THE REOULAR MONTHLY INSTAL MENT'of this Company Is due and payable at this office on MONDAY, ISth Inst. W. C. JONES, W. B. YOUNG, Secretary, President, CONFEDERATE SURVIVORS. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CON FEDERATE Survivors’ Association, Camp 435, U. C. V., will he held at the Masonic Hall, on MONDAY, July 18th, 1898, at 8:15 p. m., to perfect arrangements for the Atlanta re union. By order SALEM DUTOIIER, Capt. and Cc.mdr. Geo. W. McLaughlin, Adjutant. AN OPINION. “Do you thlnlt there is any likelihood that the Spaniards will sue for peace in the near future?’* “No; they can’t sue. They'd have to hire a lawyer if they did that, and no lawyer Is going to take a case unless he thinks there is a chance to get hig money.”-—Cleveland Leader.