The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 16, 1898, Image 5

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SATURDAY About Those $2.19 Shoes Th#r« are only 130 pain left We Have juat finished the biggest five, days* tale of Men's $2.19 Shoes on record. They are popular Shoes at a popular price. Likely you've seen them in our windor. or on your friends feet. All right— aren't they? Eightyone cents saved every time you buy a pair. VVm. riulherin’s Sons & Co., 846 Broad Street. GEN. ALGER'S SON lit Un PielucibM Himself tl tkf FreaL lltlnuM Thai tN»rf h la#* froMM* tiv« lor Ofl | lMlt W##tfrv»ton. idly it.—Tilt Cmpt Al §rf. wlma la ftJttost 4»*ly "»#BtU»ft#*l It os# sty or oaotber oa d!»i*»iu *!i tog h Inter If snoaf the moo. more or tree, at Santiago, la Vr*&+r\tk MotiUra Algtr. one of tlia tiff Bret ci* villa oa to le nam*d **y tbt <n an aniitasi aujunat a*o»ra», wlib U»t * Hr la lb* aon «f tbo etcretary of war Hi* nilitiff flprr mce Ixfio af ter lb# \>n ***i war broke out. and at a time ekrn it wit d#cm#4 wlaa and baps n#*cai»nr to provide ao many adjutant generals tbst tbr balla of tna war depart maat aometimea Imama clogged with them it they tumbH over on# la lb# apparent per formance of more or leaa newraary du ller. It ta no part of tbr proper duty of ao assistant adjmoot grurral. wbrthrr be b# a captain or a major, to hand!# a rifle, cm* are such officers commonly found in the fronl at tb* tire* of on •rtioii. ThtM U nothing In the regu- Inttonn of the array requiring that th* commander of >■ uruf *h»ll imo h<* le«i*o*t‘ i. f to notify fnxernraer.t of th* condition of health of Mtiium »*'• Juiar.t generals either at pr|vata rx- PHHI nr 0( | foit to the govt mm (Hi cf iik* $1.63 a word. Up to ibla time roo# of the distich ra from tba **s of war h.-s mentioned th<* killing of au assistant adjutant general cither of the Impulsive or the phlegmatic kind. Th* Irequent men tion „f ih" whereabout* of Col. Alger and hi* heroic prrformanrrof aitn ||> Autir* rip.rt( A to b* pulCortard by him la nMribntid at the war depnrt ni“nt aolely to tb.> fact of bla aonahlp. TUtr* ta more than on* aaalatant ad jutant general, but up to dale only one betide* Capl. Alger haa rcc’lved high pni&y, Capt. Janua O. Blaine hna lie.-n wall spoken of unofficially a» hav ing conducted himaelf with unexpected Pti pnrty, and gl w en promise of being a iM.'fvl officer In the Hhlllpplnei. A* Capt. Alger I* c-tr the top of the lltT of m n appointed to bp captalna It la conrtently expected that, with the help of a little influence, Mu? secretary of war, taking the cue from the press dispatches, may he prevailed upon to make him a major. This Is for You. Would *ay to all my numerous cus tomers that I have returned to the etty and will be happy to see each and everyone. Will also add that I will be pleased to see anyone suffering from nny form of scalp trouble. Let me help you before It Is too late. Call on me At the same place—B2s Broad street. MRS. SMITH. Rattier What’s your idea of wo man's sphere? Rounder-Haven’t any; but my Idea of man a sphere is a high ball.—Courier Journal. FOR SALE 10 Counter Show Cases 4 Upright Case and Counters 1 Table 7 Counters 6 Wail Cases nUST BE 50LD AT ONCE Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. WANTS THE VETS. - Krimtriic It Stein tke Rmloi Nf\i Year. CfeaH#*t on Anttowt la I 81# rUMB Th#m In ilyg j ana. Son# of Cbnfadamia Veteran# and ' hold th#tr annual retratoat in tbla •»«y At the nuptlng of the buelaeas men *,t i,, >..],■ ~ |k. , tiamlier of com , meres It was deflaitely derided to ex ’ ... invlistlnns is the UonCpAcral* .rganixstions The meeting was well iasm was manifests*! In the proeead i ‘ A eomiauniralkia was received from i the Charleston and Se&tJiore railroad i company agreeing to build the audl t >rium for the reunion, jmcrvulcd tying I island should be selected. The gener j uua offer of the railroad company was ! accept**. and the veterans, sons and <laught.*ra. will meet* on Long Island j If they accept Charleston s Invitation. lying Island Is as fine a site as could I possibly hr setrried for the audits* I rlum. It affords the beet site In and j about Charleston. The railroad cora- I j.nnv will have ita ears running direct from the rlty to lymg Island next year, and the Improvement and Construction j company will have converted the fs | ’and Into an attractive and beautiful plare by the time of tho bolding of tho I next reunion. The loco) Confederate associations will now go earnestly to work lo bring the veterans to Charleston. | CURING HACON’S CARNIVAL. State L A. W. Meet Ms* Been Post poned. Macon, Cls., July 16. It has now been ; decided to {" alpt vie the state L. A. W. meet in Macon until the Diamond car -1 nival is held, eo as to make It the big* I gi *t thing over seen in Georgia. It has been decided, however, to have la big rare meet on August 5 at Central I City park. Mr. 1 o'nwood Hrlgla haa ; lieen oppolßtod manager of the tacee, |and he Is already at work to make J them a success. These desiring to enter these race* can get entry blanks from Mr Bright upon application, either by mall or in writing. The rgees will be open to ell and n large attendance is expected. The fol lowing Is * list of the events: One rrrile novice—First, second and third prises. One mile Bibb county championship— First and second prizes. One-fourth mile open—First and aec ce:d prizes. Tandem paced. One-half mile city championship— First nnd second prizes. One mile Macon Cycle club champion ship—First, second and third prizes. Tandem paced. 00^^ One mile tandem race, open—First prize. Entries close August 3. 12 m. Bibb county championship race Is open to any rider residing In Bibb county. ! Cdg championship Is open to any rider residing ivithin city limits. Macon Cycle club championship Is open to only club members. Those who are not members can get in tho race only by joining the club. The tandem race Is open to the world. NEUROES DISAPPOINTED. They Wanted an Opportunity to En list in the Army. Chicago, July 16.—Much disappoint ment Is being: expressed among: the col ored people over the adjournment of congress without the passing of any of the bills, having In view the special en llstmcmt of a large colored force tor use in Cuba and Porto Bico. One suc-h bill, introduced at the in stance of Secretary Alger, provided for the enlistment.of, 26,000 colored troops for tu.s purpose. Another bill, intro duced by Congressman Hull, colled on the governors of the various states to furnish and forward at once to such point os might be designated all of the military organizations composed of negroes. -Still another bill. Intro duced by Senator Foraker, provided for the enlistment of n division of colored troops to consist of not more than, five regiments and not more than 6,360 men. It was expected that one of these bills would go through before congress adjourned and Charleston be given a chance to furnish several companies of colored troops. A LIND OF PLENTY. Wtttu •( u* rttntftw f»w«*ls m «>»««»»•» «»4 6'way •* Hanitn JNnaa I »• Tim 1* teasf at* *• k*n«n lavna Mi *k# vmmm nt tiett Is^ m B#p#nifca ananfiac aa gywatsv I baa «ta*v NMffH tha Am m fanwri t» aw **sw «h»# t ana mwwfri f*t ihaww iw aw* taraa* ihaw kvtsad wwiwsif. t.aaua with ML* mm aa4 H ia4#a*<* unaaaa * wima' naal Htet# afu ialnn4» #HI xjam #a4 ! ••• nateatv mil*# T%# ml mrm at •!## tf****# ki R*iHf w a* l # iM|«Aßt* whJau. tka* I# k la al®Bai ## ma ana-vt #a Ik* f«kit *4 Vmiina nn4 tk# •umka# #4 Ik* inkka- Ham aa mm#t4 ai attf ita mu * H * |w* aaAvf i«**l vnw4l*t‘«a. Ik* ttaka nf Ik# f%ilwppkaki h## k##n nf I *.~m* B;l#B<ln#t. 18# Hik P|RBiB j tin# *mm k##B «Mirli#4 ks UhM WMAI wtamgswc* ami the sls»4s have aMM* MW fnwwdstmw nf Manila .a J ian *l ui fi#iUa#«ion, and gaqwlowawaaa Mr rrauA Ms [ rovtk. fnmtn #kw not## m Ik# auk I lam fttotiai kaa a kmk nfrtafcw* «4 i«k# V*kitvt*Blim Mt’tv* wkfi tn krwlllf forVMiht# #B4 an#fM*i ck#f» #Mk# k# viji "Mtif claim a ***** i ta# m!44iiat tm## mmf, nut If a# UNEHTt# 8 88118881 B»#*V■ If la am*** «hm* <ka« Anw limn #nt#r*rla# mill •koft'v kav# to la* trrter# toodrm minitwi m#tkn4# A riiHpplMt ffiatnl ka# ktn 81 twvli. bwl it la 8i |ir#ik#Bf roof'n#4 to a mineral diitfKl In tk# r##t#tn part of j l**oa wk#r# tkr fullourinc format km# ' h«v# hr#n n h#rrrril of rhtotttte 4labaat and fakbro. to •rtn# itmmirt aa4 rrruni formatkmn wiib marine foaaiia Minin* for *”*4 prart c«*4 kmc b#for# tk# a4##nt of Spaniard# tk# tool# of Ik# n#l.v#a a uaahinC bowl and n #«*4tß bowl ~ (trine of |r«ti anllQitilf Tk# oolj# kw ! provemrnt which tk# tfonntavd# inmv dur#d in tkts rude prrv##a mn* tk# Mexican “arnislr*.’’ a block of v«g moJriby buffalo power like m ll stoaa cm a nether block Valuable coal field* remain cither practically un ' tonehmf or worked Id a haphazard fashion Mr an annual output of a few thousand loan- when the judicious em ployment of a few thousand pounds 1 would In A few years not only render the Islands Independent of impoyled ■ M „i pgt would also create a remunera ttlve export trade, for the local coal la 1 very good, and almost smokeless f eam | coal. The question la often asked. H >w la It that ao little ia known of Pbllip nine gold? The answer is simple. I There la »o offlcigl control of the oul put, nor tax on It. The miners live in isolated districts and village*, with rare communication between them, the uni versal man cf business being the omnl preaent Chinaman, whoso buslneaa la not to swagger over the volume of ! trade. I Copper 1* found In many parts of the !Philippines, and In fact a Spanish com rpapy was at one time established to work the Luxon depoalta on a large ‘scale. Furnace* wpre built machin ery war put up. hut what the native* could acomplish the Kuropoan mc’sl lurgiata failed to dn, although in those Mimes copper was worth ovor oue hun dred pounds per ton. The absence of 1 road* told, and the enterprise eventual | ly collapsed. | A copper mine was also worked In the neighborhood of Manila twenty or thir ty years ago, and great expectations j were entertained of Its success. But I it also came to nothing, owing to bad I management. Pearls exist in the Archipelago, but i no systematic seageb for them has yet | been made within Its limits, while, al- I thnugdr the PhlllnQlnes Mineral syndi cate has not attempted to work for them, several gems have unexpectedly come Into Its possession, "small, very small gems, but none the less gems of a rare kind.” ELECTION FOR LOCAL OPTION. ; Sumter to Vote on the Question on August lylh. Amoricus, Ga., July 16.—For the first time since Sumter county was laid out and Amoricus became a settlement !with wild Indians as « part of her population, the matter of local option Is to he tested at the ballot box, prom ising the liveliest campaign that ha, i been waged here lo oil these sixty :years. | Judge A. C. Speer, of the court of 'ordinary, haH ordered the election for August 17th, and already the "prohls” and "antis” are lining up for the bat tle royal. Ever since the Indians and early set tlers enme to terms liquor has been sold here, though the number of sa locos Is not now so numerous, perhaps, as at othtg- times, ond they are under stricter regulations. However, the prohibitionists desire to have the sale of whiskey In the county abolished, and a petition, said to contain nearly '6OO names of citizens, has been filed isi the court of ordinary. I All qualified voters of the county, white and colored, will have a right to • determine the Issue. To be thrus quol ! ffied, a voter must have registered ht» name with the tax collector since Jan -1 unry Ist, and those not registered will have until August Ist to do so. After 1 that date the registration books will be closed for the current year. The contest is now on, and will be hotly waged to the end. It has been definitely decided that Cervcra is not at Santiago. TBS AUGUSTA H & ■ f * ii# iJC kAly* "Trr #8 In* 88 •hffcf I# tamf'Hf t B*k MB# *f j^ lTrmnt ,7 m B**TCi rkfumrlm *B4 B*B tl V# 818 t ka#4 ***** M mm* **»* 888UNI ta a*####** Bwß* b##»*k 11 tk* * wtftfc tl la 88 knp NUB#— fob 8# lk*B> ta i*Bm*# 8 ail#* 8 b«* k#BB tun Tk#< tar tag tk# #a*#. ik# un 4»tu C#t»4 *• *teb* ta in *Bt«a| frtlfc b* 9wmm t mw a#4 wmh**nh* MMMaMi fti a#«t|t» I# # **n##aß *• 88* *4 ***** #**s»##* #f #nt##tg#f m tk# nfeMftMViy k viuftM *unußß*u ik*t *• Ml «9sß#B k#f lUftM? At kjM ttvft# |#Bu aa4 *4(Bki l#i4k*fw**#BM*u# Bklfk m*m k* k#t «n#MN» *#M#a Tk#* %n*m . , . jAf •q t ß#F* #|t llfhf hna b»**i«* aa4 *>•»»’«« wa«a»tew». jwl ,iJ[ asawAnsi la hnwv p»t««cr WnacttpUMi I* aa «*«*<lh<« Mr Ml H> nf» .»f tkl* t h*4 If art# 4l#** s tt# r* Ik# kikak «4 w»j»4mh if### ###c#tu#4 la *#•! #»ak#a itey wm •#» BNBk*f* M#4t#to# 4»-al#f# ##ll 8 8# k## #*4 4fUfVBB tu t*c*i«#i*#4 # a m*mUA** Mh iff* ami «Imp Im»« m# Iwv* aftek *4 my Ha* THIRD REGIMENT. Ts« Hundred and Fifty Mastered Into Service. About I lllcoa Men Have Owe I urned Lhiwn So Par. Pang Nprifwo. Griffin. July I*. 1 I Tk* wnierlsc in of lb* Third r glm*;i« wa* brgun today. About twa bun j ilrxt on* fifty v;Junte*r* bar* taken E Thar* arr ma* fl** hundrv* man in : >,tup an* K I* *ap*rl*>l that lb* r*- glmvni will ti* fully recruit** In a f*w Only about ode In flftren ar* turn** 'down la ih* final examinations bora ! by the surgeon* OLD OI.ORV. |lt to 6c Raise* Over (he Logie and Phenlx MIN*. j Columbus. Ga., July 16.—A popular *ulHu:r)pth*] la la-big rata** by I lit* imnny employe* of the fCngl* an* Phoe | nix mtlta. whirl* when all hav* ron- I tribute* will amount to th* sum of flf -1 doltara. The *um will b* sent Im j mediately to Nome firm In New York j with which a largo United litotes flag j will be purchased. 1 The flag will be 36 feet long and 20 | feet wide, end will be made of fln« | wool. It will hr unfurl** over the largo j plant a* noon aa pot*«H»le. It can be m>c(i for many mile* around, a* It I* ito wave from a long flagpole which will l he plaicfl on tb* lower end of Mill 1. i Tij - employe* of th* company are all i anxlorn* to work under "Old Glory.” 'And there will doubtless be Home pro gram arranged by which to eelebral* , the occasion. | The flag will be much larger than any of the United Htatea flogs which now wav* in th« city and will be about as large him the star* and stripes which are soon to float over Morro Castle. Fifty dollar* Is a neat sum and show* the patriotism of those whose position prevent* them from sinewing their pat riotism by marching to the front. The ladies of the mill are also helping and everyone la anxious for the Hag to ar rive. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought DOWN AT ELLAVILLE. The Crop Prospect* There Are Very Fine. 1 Ellaville, On., July 16.—Th? teachers’ Institute, under the management of Prof. J. M. Collurn, convened at Ella ville Monday morning. Quite a number of teachers from Marlon, Schley and Sumter counties were in attendance. It *eems as if the drought has left us and the rainy season fairly set in at last. We having showers every day. Corn and cotton Is looking fine, and in a growing condition. The pros pect for a good crop Is very flattering. Too much rain, however, may Injure both corn ond cotton. Tho strong east v.lnd which has been raging several days has been very disastrous to the, peach crop in this section. Col. J. A- Davis has shipped up to date four car loads of line peaches from his farm near Ellaville. Watermelons and peaches seem to have been plentiful on the streets last Saturday, judging from the way "clif fy" could be seen dovo f.nng them on every corner. They were evidently very cheap. ESTABLISHED WHO—Reliable Uncle Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all hinds of personal properly at a very low rate of Interest. All transactions strictly confidential. Ejteel-lined burglar proof safes. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street.,rLewls J. Schaul. UNWRITTEN HISTORY. |i§iilti| Aten lit ftliff*) ta taftuai. Haa the ItMatM *a* Ikliasht * j m» Iflgtat • l<Ma JM|a flatshi As4is as at I •'•MM** l "* #M Mrlihaa o*»li» (Ma* - Bta>, lit 8 jf«tßf uFfltlfk in tku CtHiif! Iff 18 UMI #•s• * | f iuMt# 8 fott 4#f# 81 88*#* k#k#B ffii# ptete#, tn am *44 f* #»4. Ilf Tatt#4 #B4Bl# i»itk#B 884 kß#§' t»«k ktatorukl mißi»##»*## «4 Wkt* a#t • area) wiaiM, iha ««*’>>• ft* I Mr TalhaN la Ml rraia of s«t a»4 i» N‘. piwaiixalira aaf all hM fsrallia*. aa* •* J tiwnf nk### k# B#sv #4l ta ITfks t#*ttf | (ft) |#Bf# cgnli tlMttit. tk# 18 * ran J ««t tk# 8N|(8 (It, ltß4 ** 8 BCBBII fftfk ] #1 ngklr a# tna a4j»HHtMI lit. laikn« t j f488(at(<«8. 88 tfktek k# gllfßi 88# #ll kla alas the Itsi ilufl was aaa* la I Wilkva nanty, H»aka*> Uw it* aar* Wkllary aa* kla partner Park** »rart»* a (la kont aa* a larg* notion kou** tk* la*tar to koM Ika rotla* tk*y Mf»dH tn rvcHva fraaa raataa tra to gia. Tk* *la k«»»s* aa* grated altk troa bar* so tkat tlsiintt ai|hl k->k itirnagk aa* aaMt tk# wtHtaa ffy* iaa ftp* tk* at* •iikoat *aw*ag tk* rin ko»s* to *** tk* laarklaery. aoi *p I prckeaffia* tkat tk*y cowl* betray kts I •servt t« Ini Whirl A taan ky tk* aaatsl of |«,M) aho ll«*4 s..tar eight of l*n tnlltaa ilnra tkl* yki*. ky *»«*atn* hltasf f la anasa’t •’■><hr». procured Maiitatw an* >sme oat aa* made kl< I impnnrtamt lb* sa* gin. Mr Tab 1 1„ , Mr , that tuny M Farrra, ki* bia, ksmltk. made Ika saws, tk* Aral Ilka! •*« em a«** | Durk**. Wh»a*y'B patiatr. b*lag ! dissipated an* laalicntl** l» l»ua(n#aa. vvhilnry sol* oat bis farm to Mr. Tal ixit. iu# gin r<M,on n, ” , • " Talbot bad moved lo bla place former la now his kitchen and still has the long grated aiadoaa a* In tk* lime !of Whitney. The rollon hour.' make* ' a large rommndinu* ham. Mr Talbol ,ay* that Allison or Blllron. • man connect'd in bu*ltie*» with Whitney, l told him that Wbltnay go! bt* llrsl . idea of the Invention from a marhln' ■ um*4 to prr|Mire rug# foe making and which be aaw on a wrecked vc**c! j |t may be Intf crating lo say that Hair ing the war of 1612 cotton tra* hauled from thl* county itkllk**! to Balti more and t’hlladclphiu and the wagon* loaded bark with good*. I cannot clo*e thl* rrmmunlcntlon. say* Judge* Andrew*, without a word ‘about ray aged and highly reaped.-* | friend In hi* character of Ipantlng; ! som» of the land now 1n cultivation ! t,y Mr. Talbot, wa* old when if mirths of the state of Georgia was In ! | lf hands of the Indians. Mr. Talbot, by paying ottcntlon lof improv.-ments, * has not only preaerved. but has im proved some of Ilia old lands. Before ihe daya ol rollon, tobacco and rice ■were planted on thla land by Mr Tal- I lK»t. The walnut nnd other shade trees. 1 planted by his own hand*, hav* the ap , pearanee of aged trees. Hl* slave* ! (all Inherited) some ns old. If not older |lh»n bimoelf. with Ihre generations of ! . hi|*icn and grand children, and I j don’t know how far Into the great, great grandchildren, gave to the white ■haired citizen ttie appcurancc of a pat riarch at the bead of his tribe. The old mansion house Is now zilent and gloomy, for Mr. Talbot has out lived nearly all of his family. From the front portico you can see old Smyrna i church and the graveyard where so | many of the race l:o buried. The land* owned by Mr. Talbot was granted In 1762 by King George the Third to Mr. Talbot’s father, John Tal bot, of Virginia, who wus for many sessions a member of the House of Burgess. Soon after receiving the grant of land he sent from his planta tions in Virginia a number of slaves lo settle on his land. The family moved to Georgia from Virginia in 1783. Johti Talbot on his arrival was sent to rep resent Wilkes county at Savannah, which was tbr>n capital of Georgia. He died In the montli of August, 1795, at an advanced ago. In Home's history of the Presbyterian church, ho tells of tho funeral of John Talbot, Esq. He left two sonß, Thomas and Matthew. The r-scords of Wilkes county and the state of Georgia tell how well and faithfully they served the state of Georgia. Among his great grandchildren were the late General William H. Talbot Walker, who was killed at the battle of Atlanta, Col. Albert R. Lamar, of Macon; Mrs, Elizabeth Talbot, widow of the late Captain Carlton Belt of Bulloch county.—Mlllen Herald. "Our customers say you manufacture three of the best remedies on earth,” said the mercantile firm of Haas, Har ris Brim & McLain, of Dawson, In a re cent letter to the Chamberlain Medi cine Co. This Is the universal verdict. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Is the finest preparation In the world for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lame back, qulnsey, sore 'throat, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, pains nnd swellings. A 25 oemt bottle of this liniment In the house will save a great deal of suffering. Buy It at Al exander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. HER VOICE. "Your wife has such a liquid 1 voice.” "Yes; that’s a pretty good name for It,” replied the addressed husband. The first speaker looked up Inquir ingly and (he husband added Immed iately; "Don't you understand? Why, it never dries up, you know.” —Chica- go Musician. (fagnki ta f» rtf pm**9*4 • fevfert » mm* until* kite# at j •Hi Mtlkl # j > t##nk'im 18 I I aal fpm • IWB I f pf ailfuir t# kte 9 *• ♦ *•* »* fkte ta Vk# [ piafttst # Bml | 3t |» tea* I 4*** k # BN# ! f H *8 Bn# 88|* ! Ms »• j f k#BBBBa# t# I B#Bt Ite*A Ilk j t* #Mt #fl| a I ******** hm I 4nt M# t» M j taattinf ts** I •4* 8 V## 8 Wm I Qne Thousand Mothers V CAN SAVE - M Two Thousand Dollar! By buying one of our Boys* School, Vestee or Double-Breasted Knee Pant Suits AT COST. SEE WINDOW J. B. WHITE & C 0„ Cloili Department. ___ t Ml; NCW MORI: CM. Gill! g VAUGHAN So* BROAD stkm.t. CMAI.I.INCI A All. AMI BAKU At* With The lest, but one of our semi-annual Challenge Sales will be crowned with an array of bargains, such as any store may be proud of. Some of the Special values are the results of our own efforts carefully planed for the occasion many weeks ago. Others, w* are frank to confess, are rather accidental, merely attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of the enexpected turns the markets take at times. All in all It is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for Sl.o© N Fifteen different styles in Ladies’ Low and High Shoes and eight different styles of Men’s. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Gouley while In the East. Agents for Hamn A Son. Stacy Adams & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIOH’S CRYSTAL PALACE y.l * BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 6C9BroadStreet. CONFIDENCE comes with riding a flrstrlnss wheel. Do, you wont to see the best bicycles In the market? A call at our establishment will afford you an opportunity to grati fy the wish. Good, when said of a bti y- Ae, means many things; ao much, In fact, that many machines have no claim to the adjective. We Insist that our bicycles will be used this season by more satisfied riders than any others. We offer our bikes as the best evidence of whut they are. Htmly them. Colum bia, Hartford, Vedette, Jack and Jill and Juvenile —$25 up. We carry a full line of wheels anti parts In stock. ii ■'ls'.,' ’t:-- < .'l We repair and make any part of a bicycle. We carry a full line of Sundries and Accessories. Seeond-hnnd wheels of many kinds at any price, all in A 1 condition., and In our livery wo have Columbia wheels to rent. deveney, hoop & company guard against small pox Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches. Fleas and Olher annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W. E. PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga Hlffi WANT M JULY I fl ft now running. Com* of our piis* beauties are flsh gem* and dlnaor seta. One might a* wall attempt to p»<*i the rainbow, a* to desertb* all tbs** good qualltie*. Th* way they nr* *ets- Ing I* a caution to thooo who lr‘*rd purchase when they can be bad tor -get lng Pome aometlmo." Bcltc-r pur chase when they tan bo hnd for suck low prices ** we ar* offering th-m. A* for g!*s*worc, crockery, lamp*. Ac., time and language fall u* to tell of the wonder* lh*t w# •#!!. Don't for et that our sero price* wUI keep yon cool. Remember the place AOATEWARE Is n term full of tempting possibilities, as defined in our stock. Here you're aa certain to find good things as you are to see people In a crowd. A 1 values tar tigate ware come from us as uniformly and regularly as your mail comes from the Postoffice. We answer for the satis faction of our customers, and experi ence proves that our word goes J 1 for 100 cents. A BARGAIN CnmMiwUui Ol UMiSLAI. HMIU.IANCV