The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 16, 1898, Image 7

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,j£ ( . | X 1 I,L iv.' V ’t%\f ■■ I % B ’ffl in /rjt^^n By ELLA Bt.TI.HR D AW. THE PATCHWORK 0» » T. Hoi long *c>' ti mm of oof iwtt jMTMIi, *«.#l<* »IM lot t# a pics .0 b»- ktll of Iki old (Hl'oltil ptidwork guilt, oxtollittg ft* virttiN ii ml tiJuKtjf ml km infill bipif m otoric* i f dayi otra tb* Iwaiaiii pink pnfkia cgU*4 (or a gracaful Mnpliaitt from -sh* oalj' man la iki •otid. aad «*h*t» tb* • , app*ara»fe'’ Inn of blue percgl* wa« Ihe moil ar liMlr rnratloe ever fimo.i* ts Aa a Matter of fact the fnchaork guilt la not to ha manned tv*r, (or It baa aot y*t |»aa«d iaif. fod**d, jtfat At freaeot It la la the fnM acaith of Hi power. Toe (ad for the ailk crazy guilt, that tnoet hldrao* of all bcesllcd artthtle (BOBetroattlea. etna died tail, and indefatigable uniui mult Pul ■ometbtag tn take It* piaee The patch trnrk quilt offers a *p!f ndld npfy-rtna tty for the e* tt up of all the actape left from the dainty rummer tf •■*»•! and tbfh. aga.a. ream* th* pieces to ftrthrf I* B convenient talk for Ijhe ref lew litth* girl whom «n bund* love tn be booled with sewing that makes thr m fee! like grown-up people. The pretty pniehwo:k uul jstily t"KkM Ire neat stitches s.Vuld b made, but it la a good object lemon in rolori- W:h careful teaching even the tntAt iuexpc rienc*d can *oca learn to make really exquisite tnoaalci of cotton aquae * and stripes and triaugl***. These came In very conveniently fqr the nursery and for th* summer cm lay*, and arc scmrtjgncA need for portiere* In the log rabina in the raodnfaihd tn which fashionables Icve to encamp *. during the heated term, and where apace la • limited, and pnulHpa* of Ol»'«ae al most unknown. These quilts are es pecially effective for the Iron bed ataada now so popular, and they are no*, m order to save tints. actually manufactured on the nfsrbttfe. F6f y serviceable one on atrip* iU tua key red and white cotton cloth la mailt! as fal lows: Cut white squares of about three Inches and a half squares of red and white of such a size that when a red and white half square are served together to make a square it will be the exact size of the whole white square. Put the first now toge her with al ternate squares of the plain white and the red and white. Make the next row of p’ain red squares alternating with the -cd and while ones. Sew tb-.' strips together so that a plain square shall always come beside the one made of the Poo half squares. If the seams ate felled down on'the wrong side, this need nol ho lined,'and a white lace or knotted ration fringe roaWeS a suitable fidfsh' ’for the edges. • , • ; ■ A'quilt of the'na*!cnal colors Is made In the "log-rabin" pattern. Cut cotton cloth about fight Inches, square. In the centre of the sqtmri baste a tiny ag, cutting off one end. ao that It will "be sqnare.' * • , On each of the four sides sew a one jtich strip as white, cotjon' cloth. All tiw piece* are jewed rm in this way. The two edges are put together as vel vetecen is hlif to the bottom of a shirt. Sew the edges togelber and turn -he last piece sewed on over on th cotton foundation and baste .it down with long stilches. Around the row of white put a row o-f turkey red and around that a row of blue bunting. Be ginning with the white again the square filled in this manner. The squares are sewed together and the (Julit lined with red. white and bine bunting.* Ribbon Is used to bind the edges or to form a fringe of red. white and blue hoops. All this, according to the directions given by an authority oa the subject, *** A nOUNTAIN SOUVENIR A very enterprising young matron - in our midst boasts a quilt that Is the envy of all beholders. Last Summer,the ■*lfT’health of her Invalid mother requir ed that she spend three months on a quiei mountain farm in middle Ten nesfpe'.'*nte Mimate was delightful; the ’long riacs over the hills glorious; long, dreamy afternoons, with an eatertain 'in g bop It, in a hammock, swung from ‘ apple.treee in the orchard, were ideal; bur. after a time, all these things be gan to pall, and the restless young 1 (kanMttna hagssn ks ineni sMfM tv aom* i tk »« t» b«ir if - h*«t» •*“ * maMPnlff » wh* hod bseß hii** *** ■ns *a * i ■imMWatß ar» man •#** wx"*nht s*kMh MM Ml turn BS* twt'tM to >M !*»*> jK.wae at *»no isssti a—*■ *— j raotk din**, • «r*Bs d»nl H • fUor •f Ufa aka had hitk*««« , m>m«4 In pay * 4*ll *>• hue kaMkh f-.«aul. a*J ao. tutm'-ng k*t fca»4* i* : «•<*** aad Marartag Iwt h**4 w»K a bat* a*a Vwa aka Martel mmt *■«*** |tka reach * oars Umm* b*»a lfw M«*a* IKm If •«<>*»'ahtta rtacb* Mirk as can MIM oa la :* MM44M T »a*f *a4 Bp Iky tea* raaks fram tk* *.<*4 Haw that aPßMt.awa ****** 4*** MM •cao'sm* Wi a* la thr Ma arraaih I#4 *** WMtftlß tn* M Nl tli# »«**» *• tH*i vork 44# #nick’i lim •%***** r»r4* 4 *9**4Vf r+ltr* ra*-d «* tb* bm MW rnt!» of (k-cy tTApI* Th n ah* mafl Brad, tear* k>« [to t|Si. T b« rmtiil ••• tlfti i#o* ! inir ftnim of «it Is •'»* 4ft f I tl Iftr llttlf h# lit til# lltll. rftrdtftft • •il ftfti Ml tli' #rH» StKN* mjnnrr tbNi* ttisitf'fti ftf# fft? ■ f ,t*f Oft bf tb# w ftirß of tft# wttsuliii. ||# found It til, i»r®t»ftb*f b*caa*c of tk* eoaal’ *. far aaor* ab •oiiengly tatcrrsiln* than rmbroklM’y «r i kiaa palatiag. Oa hrtcki as eraoon* aba would carry k»r ap'aa'Bg wbaal out en ter U>* tree# where tb* glata-rlad ' gr. nnd mad* a rtryrt far llacr and si tier than any to b* found In psUar** nnd where the maraeloua light* and shades* ra the dtauant mountain* made oumtiarleaa beautiful color effect* never to be forgotten Ssunrtlm** both hands aqd brain would remain Inactive. ' while *h* (*N dreamily into tb* ( dti*kr giadea where tb* aaowy abeep w t» **en *a " hit* *wlt*f agalaat th* dark bark* round of atoaa rev r*d rock* sal tbi.-k underbrush Then aha wou’l drop her work and p> to **ab the poke* herrt** arlth which the efoth the apun ’add \o#e were died a *o!;d n!Bison IVkn the late autsmer rain* cautwd Aitgusi to stem akin to October, the d «>* and window* of the tiny bouae were eloaed. a great Are of cedar wood, ao sweet and ao brilliant in tb* burning wa* lighted, and th* work carried on by its Aiful fleam*. Other mountain folk timid at tbc right cf the “mtran gt r," wonid tome time come in. and atnrle* would be told of a life the city wr men bad only thought of a* aome ithing vague and unreal and sllgethcr 1 bookish. gouKilmei the gueal would drop ber work to pop the aweet corn jc.r lo rcast after a marvelu recipe the tlay rusa<t apple* from tb* farm or chard. serving them lo her t»o*t(«* in 1* great gourd she had picked with I her own hands and dried In the hot ; noonday sun. Oradttally the cotton became thread, the thread cloth and the cloth amall ■quares of white and red, many of which were avwid together by the del , lca»e mother, who was never »o bright- My inteioeted as in her daughter's slo riee of the life in the hut on the hill. ■ - 1 1 ' ■ .." • ' - '■■" •■ ~~'* . - p 111 —— - ■” FAWN-COLORED PIQUE GOWN WITH BLUE RUCHES FROM HARPER’S BAZAR THE _A_T7GTTBT-A- HERALD ftae if a ggtt* a aaaa* «voa*hab*» i gaaiMa wee PMgeati aa*a thaw wo* tb*. •web as «*d*:*o H Tb* waw k ** ] Mar eHiuM •• aM *b#d '*• *d i »«#»• *-*»*• d»to>* *«4 tMadta gs tb# qvfhikKl a k * I et f*t ** u ] I, , „,( a« tti as a*a*b »«*<** •< 1 1 I* ftfW- Uppftft# • - 4 f •4 m Jniftlfti iW %**■s>****• tftftf ftM * - * N t%* • ft# j Iftc ftft4 #Mft ft# ft* 4 UN • ft* Mk-" fte# • t«4#f B |M# tw r** ft# Iwiw m ill# ft###* m from ' #r*»» f**WMft hmm (MUM i# ffb# fT IO £# ft ftMMftlHHf'f ftlft*## Wft ftftft**’ ft# eknaa the M«M dalwMfu! aad attogarh t f >•«!#*** r ihpi# ft»* ###» •aft A CM ON #n ov. A rlever asm* art *t who la aot taafrittr to putting her art to Hr* ato*t |Martini tan* it#«g«Mhi* laaMMnpoa Ltng g *OM WHb th> Mca A [eryr and obat p»o»M are •NHAtHnoa •00l jic terai the atoat ' >aip »»«'bi' red ha t. have It IB tbelr prw*» .a io*IA pnatftfety wild with aavy (b ts#‘ who tar* the Moe* d airabie g • d«a or s*raa*a tagt*'< TkM ta tboie bp the •iMpl* otetbol of the eramaa wan of I a air wearing lost esartly tb< eight iM* What to wear, la a problem very f»w woawn have be* a o>l*e enough tn anlvn and It la one that la eternally ex ■ *lag he fem'aiae niiod so perhaps the wg gratlnaa aa to becoming aad appmp i ate colura made by tbla et*rer art *!. ma* prove welcctoe even become valo abi* to the worn*n wb» think* th* color of her hair ta aa eternal draw back lo all revelling la the brilliant tints which appeal to oa* with au-b lipeatstlbla charm at tbla season of th* year. To brain with th* woman with red hair fhootd never popular opinion to the contrary notwithstanding wear hint of any «had* Primroa* yellow is an **r*ltrni tint for th* woman teith r*4 hair..hut dear amber k< h*r very *«l coin#. Aor iif i* good bat aot bloe-pnrpl*. lovrnder should be avoid ed. Pale yellow pink can be used spar ingly. when the red hair ta areoippg nled by clear complexion. This I* tiAed lo advantage aa the lining of a hat or collar, a knot of ribbon, or for trim ming a y#llowi*b-whit* dr*«s. ('reatpy white la tie *pratal privilege rs the td man with red hair, and rheene-cluth la recommended as one cf the prettiest tints. Blue white and dead white ar# to be systems'lcally shunned. Ordinary reds are not becoming, but red* ’t'th aa amber glint are Intensely ao. a* Is a yellowish brown. If the red batr Is aer inipan.rd by green eyes they can be matched, says this mist tone-oliaereant artist, by a slight In tensiAcd tone of color, with aquamar ine. which la exquialte In soft materia! with ornaments of dull gold. Red or sandy-haired people with brown eye* are advised lo study tht dull autuntil tints, letting the brial'i ones alone and selecting sunset and dead-leaf green. A dead-leaf gteen vel vet kat with shrimp-pink lining if highly recommended for the woman with this particular coloring. No matter what the color of the «yes black always goes with red hair, and black velvet or lace are considered must I >coming with a color note tntto uuced by the addition of pale yellow pink reset, AN SPSN LETTER «To MOTHERS. . % ft* #T *< TH* m*n WR IlHiltT W t 9 5 r.Ttssssr* **" * h Oft ftMMuf L of ity*i**‘ *, M*u*k**rtU, rn* p* v, } <iUr $ »CASTORIA." ike tame thaf hot some aad dots mm bar V oa mery the fac»timile tigaaiaro of # rapper. ftUa it tilt arifjtfitd -C ASTORIA ahick hat tffA used M the hornet qf the Mathert qf America far over thirty gran. tOOK CAREFULLY at the trapper and tea that d it the kind tpm hare almagt bought n . "** m and kat the ngnaiurt of Cma/t/ffxm&Cti pee. So one hat authority from me to urn my name except The Centaur Company, yf tehuh Chat, H. tletcher it PretidcnL March24. h: ‘ s Do Not Be Deceived. Do nnt the life of your child by accepting a chrap aubniituic which aoroe dru^i 1 * may ortrr you <l*rcause he make* a frw more pennir* on it), the hv vrrtlit lit* of which ftftl he dt>ca n«t know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARd the signature of Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. m Htrawmi. t» •»»*** »*••«* ..*»«•«» I LOWI’RS I ON Tltr SPHINU. The hid for having ih* matertnla for gewns. etc.. In nrrard. both in shade and design, w'th th* aaa*' n of ihn y*tr la which they nr* to be worn, was moat charmingly tlluatmird In dn c* qulsit* Parisian outfit imported, this spring, by a gvocrou* Augustan, for b fnrtunnt* young relaltre In another city. A large percentage of ,h * eight een g- wns. meal of whleh wera of silk,| were dia(lngni»hcd by a floral dealgb in natural colors. Th* moat f rfrai skirt In tb* lot wa* cf heavy silk hro ended til over In greet pink. red. and pale yellow rosea. Not a line cf trim ming mam d the artistic creation and Ihe bodice of pink silk and Inee blen ded in with It. rather than detracted from the effect of the roses. An en tire dinner gown was of while silk with black satin Mrlpcs cn cither side cf which wet* tlffy wreal he* of crlmaon holle. The most delicate tn rosebuds wrrr sprinkled over a cream silk gown with infinitesimal!:' small yellow but tercups flowcird a nary blue allh walk ing gown, A brown cloth Jacket from Rcdfcrn had a whit* silk lining and was trimmen In bands of crenm lace In fleral designs, and a small driving <ffr of biscuit cloth via embroidered lb gold lllle*. A long opera rloak cf heivy corded silk and velvet was al most covered with raised velvet Macs. A flawlessly beautiful creation wa* u tea gown of ehina blue stlk of an ex ceptionally heavy quality flcwered wilgi tiny Dresden wreathe* of pink Vosehuda partly veiled in places by rascadca cf rich cream lace. Theae were only a few of the many lovely gowns, almost all of which were accompanied by hats literally ladrn with flowers. On the flat lop of one of the Pyrenees mountain* la the smallest republic in the world. It Is the Independent Re public of Oaust; has an area of one square mile; hBS only one hundred and forty voter* nnd I* governed by a pres ident and council of twelve. It has ex isted since 1648, when both France and Spain recognized its independence. PAINTS v AT— N WHOLESALE. n ATLANTIC LEAD Highest grad* Lead la 'United States. Known so for 50 years. BUCK LEAD—Port Lead. Port Zinc’ Many prefer this combination to Pure Lead. We like Buck Lead on our own property. l-4c. cheaper. RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OIL— Largest stock at lowest quota tions. VARNISHES AND TURPENTINES— All the makes of Varnishes. DRY COLORS AND IN OILS—I Car Mineral Paint, for outhouses, roofs, fences, etc. BRUSHES —Faijpt, Whitewash, Var nish, etc. V? PLA3 TI CO —Her f Wall Eivdsh Inside. Don’t oddok. Don't' peel. Get color card. <3Ol ■> • THE HOWARD'S WILLET DRUG CC WHOLESALE. Rare Chances THE r MPWCI.L PRDPr.nTT. near' Georgia ItallronH Hank far *»> ■« • bargain. 146 frat fratit «ni klelntoah. SIS feet dr*p. with jm* dwelling us U n>*mr. < jrwie us « mom*. J SI urn* and vseani Kit I Sou. Its. 112 and U 0 Mclnlusß ttr«*t. I Make me art offer. , IoNLY CHANCE ~ , Just now to boy •> h one in ! North Auguaia. wkey#. you will enjoy living winter and summer, and nil have [io go tn lb* mountain* for breesea I t parly moving north only t- •»*o'i for i selling Dwelling * rooms, outhouses, good water. Lot 5«x20» feet. ' A SNAP. ' 4* acres good land, new house and ! outtaMiac*. good water, lot nnd garden fenced, nU-r pasture, orchard, grapes. 1 |M-arhe», etc; Hist clans crop on this land; all necessary farming Imple ‘ments, wsgi-n. horse, cow and calf, tur- , | key*, chicken* nnd bogs. Thl* place I* , Lg the line of the Georgia railroad, nra r Augusta, and party want* to go north j at onpe. To a quick buyer— sl2oo. Lsoiarfl F. Verflery I Real Estate Agent, , * Library Row. KEEP COOL tiy using one of Our odorless Refrtger- I a tor*—the Dewey just annihilates hot I weather. Klondike, Gurney and Eclipse are oil good; everyone guaranteed; *»■ ! ter coolers, cedur chests; ice cream freezers. See our Une of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriages for W- We will make terms and price* to suit you. Fleming& Bowles 904 liroad Street. UP-TO-DATE METHODS : ' N TJNTTRING ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS ; SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OF MONEY -1 • i; j, SOnE OF THE METHODS THAT ( MAKE THE HERALD FAiIOUSr . ;; , • ■:, -■/ ' -.VVv ■ Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port* folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. 3 TO 7 AND II TO 16 We have* a saw more SUITS than w« with to carry ov«r until next nwiion. in Junior# Irom 3to 7 year*, and in Children# from II to Id yoart. which, thi* week, will b« Hold At a tpnoifJ low price. You will BAVitmonny by buying your child a Suit now. A good invv*tm«nt for ah extra Suit it Always proper to have on hand. Remember The Children’s Department. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA Aipsta Brewing Co’s GENUINE ALT [XTR ACT NOW ON THE MARKET. CALL FOR IT. W.H.Lynch&Co., Yellow Pine Lumpcrj AND Builders’ Hardware. leth tl BUT. NFAP FLICIEIC BAILWAY POWEB HOUSE gw mu KuhK 14. 4 • AVCVtTA. OA. Tivoli Brewery. THE LARGEST BREWERY IN THE SOUTH. PORTNER’SBEER FOR BALE EVERYWHERE IN AUGUSTA —ABK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent. 138—TWO TELEPHONES—I3S Special Low Prices * at the Augusta China House, 704 Broad Street, For Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. Refrigerators and Ice Chests. TO RENT. Four rooms on Sand Hills in \»eiy desirable location. Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water, &c., &c. Possession July, I. JOHN W. DICKEY. ’ Leors, £ash, Blinds, riculdings. Laths, Shingles, Wood & Coal. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. > BELfi- TELEPHONE NO. 2b»l. A Summerville Plumbing Company «W-J-iumbing. Sewering and VauUlating Steam and Hot Water Hoating a Specisl'y. gay-Estima es Oiven on Alt K-ititii.of fipe Work. All Work Guaranteed.