The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 19, 1898, Image 6

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TUESDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 19 Po*>nO* • , • • • J 0 2ft • • • • * *s® 00 ** • • • • 200 100 " * * • • A dnceuni oflOpir c#nt on *bov« la mmdm to pwrt*Y«ker» of CoMonn Book*. W* guarani** « prompt #nd rtMMtbSi «orvico. Mm B CONSUMERS ICE OEUNENT CO. OMAHA’S EXPOSITION last «i ill Vr#r» at lit <*r»M Fair. •toaiot*to AaiiMMi, tka *"> •* mmon ant M*itkaM«r*l Tkrm to Iwr*l «!****» to *kt «to*M ■ Hfwrtr-t Tra*• ■ Wktotoa* tm* mmS lattiato km*l •**»•**<*• - a»a to pm ■ 0m In - g pMi at thr Nchrnsk a metrojwH*. Tk* Inulip of (he hy Fiskn * I4ffri<r •*>«• * k 'Mdin* »i> rli will bf* an arti«ilr add u lea to .hr oth-r bcdut'f'Jl bulMtnf* on the u»aS:i court. It wilt lUot OB tto« iolrtb aide tsf III* Kwatw tract, Juat *«* of the arch of the Mateo, and will occupy a space 136x240 Sect. Thera wilt be too prin cipal oniranr**, pa* on th# caat and the otter oa th# horth aide, farm* <h.* lafyon. , : The a*lertor At fir bn.ldlffk fnesenu the ‘of rwn stoile* aur mounted bp a it 4)l bohiahrado. back cl which appears another ntoiy • The whole dealan ahowa a aery studied treatment along rlaaalr tine* of th< Corinthian order of aaahitectnte. lib erally embelllahod with ornamentation drawn from the incxhauatibla reaout ei of the French rcttalaance. The hr at glory ta of ashlar work, with arehert openings. while the second atory li treated with columna oa the priucip. • f.nodes. hack of which appear open loggias, twenty fee: in depth. The bat natrade surmounting the see-,id story guards an open pronv-nmlo twenty fee wide, back of which «lae,» a "cleat a ory" liberally treated with Corin',hint; cclumns. At each corner of th.* build ing is a r.quar> pavilion rlalng above the main lioea of the fracture. .Statuary la freely used on the ex terior of the building, (irslg.'ed along lines which convey at once to the eye tfce general ehatacicr of the building ar.d the uie to which It I* devoted. At e.-.cfc eortler of thd pnvlllona are llfe • lar.l figures icpres iulag music, dent - ing. etc. A large pediment on the east facatie contains cn allege ideal group de- P citing the muse*. Surmount tag this pcllment 1* a Rtalue of heroic site representing Fame The interior f the auditorium is ar ranged on the lines of a Greek theatre, vi.ft the seats In a kcml-elrele. facing arntth. The main floor has a seating CafSPcHy cf 4,000 and the stage 500. Oftning from the auditorium and ar ranged around the sides are from twelve to fifteen larße rooms, each about twenty feet square, which may be used for comtn'Uee rooms, dressing rcotris*for theatric:'! people, etc. The interloi Is roost artistic, being treated along the some lines as the ex jtcriar, with the free use of ornamental M»« » *>***• Um **** *» Ik* aa*tm»m «*AA Ml* •»*•« YM Itoto-m *W *4 ItM WfAWAM to i i|»wto»l to'Mto At T 1 tawitil* wt*to tooaia—rtaa ‘at t~ t -1 ft*to<to> MitolHi k*t tom* *t* to* : I tot amkNMf* to «to» M-kMA *1 to*m «M* WHt Itoto •****»• too* tototot IkM I! Ik* ktollto# **H to Mulitrrto MWtoM* w*f non* tkto to*toi rttoto MI Urn w*t mam Ik* kaM* |fto‘*to N>«M * • •Mto<* r *to to** |«MI f*to*r». mm*4 to** *rtl to* rtoto '••to* Ik* iMtoto fctoWi*#* Mto mam : 'mmmw**< kwkUMto (I to Iktoii* to*, f M AMMA**** *M» *• Amt to M» «•* to lik* to tort AfckM toll *«totol* Ik* THE AUDITORIUM. 1*• niffif Tb* 1| |f) tjo<ii® ilk<* 1 ftarol. fm>( *nd faYftstfp nRIVm ®®<t ta ateirmbly adapted for tb* pdrpoar. the high dome covrn-d with glaae per mlMlßg the exhtbltioß of the talleat nr- 1 nanient a 1 plants, in ibe centre of the dome will be plar-d the crystal ratre In 1 a pyramid of rorke covered with moeaee * and flow ers and down rhe aide# of j which will trickle count!*** little j streams lo the pool below. This pool i will be surrounded by a double eolon ada wnb vaulted Arche*, forming a ;rand clrt-ie. I’nreatneted aa to motif, form or unrounding, the architect has succeed 'd in products ga building singularly striking in |ta splendid masses, effec tive features and excellent grouping. While a classic mol If has been edonted. It has bean handled with an uneotiven t tonal freedom that gives to the whole a rich oriental effect. The haste of de sign Is the chaste lonic. The details ore modeled from flowers, fruits and towage. On either aide of the stately central -□trance are lowers, or rather mos<|tia llhe minarets. This feature is repro duced on tour sides, forming an octagon t'roin winch springs the dome. Between these minarets are placed circular col onnades, sutrouudrsl by staloary em blematic ul of the seasons. Above the dome Is an open observatory balcony from which cun tv* obtained a grand view, not only of the Exposition grounds, but of the city and adjacent lakes, the pirturwqa* valley of the | mighty Missouri, and the lovely city oi l Council Bluffs live miles away. Above IhiH opeu balcony is tb-.* belfry. At Ihe ends ofjiie wings ate octagona-roofed pavlltons in harmony with and empha slxlng 111** grr.einl foim of design. The wide frterc* Is beautifully ornam.uited with rapid*, in riotous revelling amid | I fruits and flowers. On she other s'de of tin' main e-ilranoe,. on high stylo hale, are plaeod groups of statuary r"p rwentlng "Night' ami “Morning,” fes tooned, the one with morning glory and the other with nlgbt-blomtng ee reus. hTe building will he profusely dccorntsd with flower urns, hanging baskets and ornamental plants of ev ery rieecrlption from semi-tropic climes. The execution of the design and schcmr Is original and the group- THE HORTICULTURAL BUILDING. iSh aw «wk* tkto to* «to «k* tkto* I i trustor to to* .amt***#* j <VM Am* 00*0* totom Ik* ito* «.»t,.iftok*to <m to It MB* Hi ttok* -tokto Mtoto ktotmtor** **►• wfttoM* i* MtoatotoM patototO^Mk ICtto**!**!* ik* mm OtoWMA tm, flto M*% to**# H an* tom **M* ftomur •** tom «m*. **4 M*»* #*kk* A*# i* ik* M* to to* ******* to to Hi tk* **m* to • «m**k«i **»* ik* ***»• toot ***** !•<*•> tool Ato* Mto Ikinr. •** to** ktok t» Ik* k**M*to* •itomTmto**mMWMto •*»% •• *AM M «tok Mto toto toto** mktoto** to • Am to. ****** to It tom* amkw tokMalAtM Ito* (OM* lt,[tr*ii« I* ***** *l*ll ik* *«m* to ***** to Ito* fit** OtoMMtkto toktok. Tkto Atom MR to* t*»»k*to ap*a Ito* a* km *kt* to ito* amk. »to«* mpm la* <*4* to ik* •"*••* to ***** to ito* **■ »*<••*• mm* to Ik# mmtm Atll k* torn t»*»to Akwmt Mto klMto IHM kill k MA4 m*tal*ir« • k*A«i Alik *M to* •.MktoM. AMk to *#» mmr •*< « AmmrMto f*rkfta. «Hk ktAUli] Tfc* Akto* I* ****MM«l*4 k* k to'kW I parapet, at the centre of which upon • either s:£> aryl be a 'arge tbiebl of the! 1 arms of the Hailed States surmounted 1 by a golden engb* end with youth* n*i I supporter*, each boM'.ng a maat for th» : national colors. The Arch will be of I stone, to commemorate the Exposition end lo form the future entranec to Kounu<* Park. It was designed by Mrssis Walker —Kimball, supervising architects. A Kj» - ARCH OF THE STATES. He Prefers a Pretty Nurse. Labouchere. the clever, eccentric cd.- tor of London Truth, acknowledges bi» subaervlcncy t(> wtimon's beauty In n recent editorial paragraph. In which ho says: "If T were 111 and rc<j.u!rid a good nurse to look after mb, 1 certainly should prefer that she be fairly good looking-all things else being equal—a good looking young woman Is o more pleas'ng object than one whose virtues are entirely Internal. I. therefore, agree with the hospital committeeman, who observed, according to the statement THU JtJl Hi H^A-XJD vjOoD iuck QHmn* BAKING POWDER* iSTKf BIST. Ml«rh*a* of All In L##v«n --ln« Pow*r. *f k Am**** a* Ik* *»>«*! **»■*» #Mt* <•( Mkirmw to M»***•*•* aag I*. I•**•****«. BW *«•*'* A*k* M tk* k** Urn t*m *k***Nt «- kto mmAum • Th# Mir* »<*»m a* norm o*«*»A tkto k % iisttoo* h*in imri k*«* A k*MA hf — to Mto m*» *wki«« [l MnM *••« Mt Ik* km *m» A.k*Ak»*k [k#m«* IkM Ml **Nl«l|t hi*. kpt***kM»«m to m— *■* »*A»* riamw jAt-Muirw ii'nito, I #* .m* -. _ lf » mlfca'fkkl.i# k- at«|k* a i#kppFA * #**l* *t t* * * * *“■* M>'A Alik ***** MAM MtoMkto Mr N* mltof II to *Hk ******** A# imkllMk «k* foil * lot* Tkto to I* •■Milt* lk»t t «*• • ItrtlM* #*•»»** fr*to **«*• MttMlto* f*» **m •» m«miito ***4 «*• •m*t*4 to* mm* to Ito* kmt Hitmu.»* In am mi# t*l *H I* a* «*«# l*r HMI. MM AfAkktol. m*">«*»tol «to*« irto Mll*rt **4 *Hm itkinc torn torn •lx I am omttrM* Mri. t *«*• i*k# arml »!#•**** la r*r»»HA*A«Hkk lk#m to anr ttftm oti«»*lm f*«m itoi* !**- nktoAtotoNtr i <* «*itf»nr »***, to. A Unaartr Ur»l*M "*- *»• *•** M HottN A WIIM. flntkkl*'*. They Csssl Passengers. Women's awfu'te*i In the wlirirr* transit. Twenty e*it apmtcra — ™ Laid to be in the employ of the Brook lyn MHgbt* rollrond com party They I ill# mAKtrt#'r* m*m®ry j*® » ■ TtiHf 4utf If to MHNM tin #%rh nr ao4 **• tlmi th# mtulut- Lor Hnii ip BELIEF IN MX Horn*. Distressing Kidney nnd Bladder Die- I rues relieved la sit hours by "New Itiirat South American Kidney Cure," It is • great surprise an account of lie .feeding promptness in relieving pain in btaddec. kidneys er.d hech. In male |c- female. Eelhiya* retention of water I almost Immediately. If you want tut' * I relief and cure, this I* Ihe remedy . fe*ld Iby L. A. Gardell*. druggist. Augusta, j 'la.. «U Broad street. Lend a Hand. Ltnil a hand to the fearful. ! Lend a hand to the tempted. | Lend o Land to the doubting. ' Lend a hand to soula in the shadow, j Lend n hand to the student at sobrnt. ■ Lend a hand to those who are often i misjudged. i Lend a hand to the poor fighting the wolf from the door. Lend a hand to the soul crushed with unspeakable loss, Lend o hand to those whose lives are narrow and rramped. Lend n hand to the boy struggling bravely to improve his mind. Lend a hand to the warrior who is lighting his battles alone. Lend a hand to those upon whose lives the sun seldom shines. Lend a hand to young people whose homes are cold and repelling. Lend a hand to those whose sur roundings are steadily pulling them down. Lend a hand to the girl who works, works, works, end knows nothing of recreation and rest. Lend a hand to the prodigal sister: her life is os precious ns that of the prodigal brother. Lend a hand, an open hand, a warm band, a strong hand, an uplifting hand, a hand filled with mercy and help.— Silver Cross. J 3&. ~u— ESTABLISHED TTnels Lew will, lend you any.amount of mon ey for any length of th*e on all kinds of perscMal property o(:a very low rats of Interest. All tranAlOtions strictly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof safes, tinder the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street. Lewis S. Schaul. M MMt M ttt-Mtort k the ST. ALBERT 90TEL ll Hillman. Ga., mmm *•*• #* to* i Ufa #*k * Akto km*at **A«r M* ****** tH I* #•* m* y ttoMtot* «'» ■»*— *-4 .MrtrtjmNm >wt ta—ik AtoatMki J 6 EUIIQL BOiti Ci THE REED HOUSE —AT MAW Ito Rtadjr For llw Arrc»»«Ut*o» of Sumaaar Uitata. Mw 11. A, kmk tom tokM toatf*a* to* aita** M lit’tom tout Ik# Ha* o**a4m« •atf a*rmtm ttmim to t AM ka t*m* I’m kiiattit MMI Kim «|#r too MRA M A. RKKii. I!**W«. C*a r Burl Sit Cliff. uriAwr jA Skk* y, F ■ T« l. HI Hat** Utoltlj It WA. I*. M Y I tt. MtfrMlA. . V.' PRETTY roo** cm it* rhiatnry Itrr(i. ft I® till* (HhtDo’ii *i« gfiti•. !jh film |if MM* rtfiuillir MEptofiMil* Otf w*'i »iJ#r«4# din i* •nf tutm lu • MMcUm with rimi mg. No toot to f*M d«»*® m*o vour ®mk !*•*»•. Inn ®nd gti to#— am Nm fn*adi. | For porf Icuiam a® 11 ®t th# fflrt of THE QA n LIGHT CO. OF ACOUITA, ' C*3 OHOAD NT. Buy You Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Ore roe Street la located m ! one of the moot desirable sections til the city. House built of brick Hi a Ihsndeonie end durable fashion. Con- I tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all in: good order. Lot 4* by 17* feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home It will lie to your Interest to e<«- sMcr ihla jrogertfc^ John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library tt.jitding. Tie Augusta Herald Largest, Brightest M tte Best Newspaper FilMei it This Seclioo. QUICKEST TELEGRAPH NEWS) TIIE NEWS OF THE WOULD WHILE IT TS NEWS. l« TO 18 HOURS AHEAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA . papers. ft A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU ATLANTA AND RETURN $3.42 ONLY 3 42 TTCKTES SOLD July 17th, ISth and 19th Good to Return until July 31st, 1898, Inclusive. GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULES. CITY TIME Leave Augusta 8:0f> a. m., 1:20 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Arrive Atlanta 12:25 p. m., S:2O p. m„ 5:00 a. in. Tickets on sale at City Ticket Office and Union Depot office. JOB W. WHITE, A. G. JACKSON, T. P. A. G. P. A. Oakland. Clarendon County, S. C.— Cotton is In excellent condition. Plant is small for this season, but if is much better fruited. _ _ aaujoak waaßttUM Charleston IW Carolina titlM* A *•»»• it »a tam» > »**A lAtAA to. mm i*m *«•,. MM **»*Sto od A* iijtoto * MB * UtoNkMOH#* HHfltWJt *ApaM|ia t .tMt>*M aj*(* tatamt •*' l Jjßs;iUsJa *3Sa ******** * amuMw* .. E.. ktokAi jmM M Mtot4#k....»-^.~."»-to>tm * PyfeftoMMMMPV —o—# »♦♦♦ fg*PHI AJm*## * i a t *a** •Mjjldb I* (dHpMMk**'*#***** ••••*.' I'tHilHP *MfllMl|toaM «AAAkA* ■ i to *HIdHWPdHN»««♦» aaatatM| fbJjyd »**•**** j At, * WI * ,M • [ U tostotoAkai.. .... »to» hro^r~...itßr~ | * •••••• *a»**« I ** •• **** M »a aaam> aa* ; tjtoto , I* AyMM .«.»»■*.«.. ■«ltttttwj *•!!>» »A As amAp #**o*M**»tM!aA**wMi AdAdii .!:::.Ijfto*. tSjS ** AAA AA* AA • A tAAjdMK, fYgjWI j *Hu wmnha • • aaa # A*# ** i llAdHi. > Aydi. * PQ»>»d>V. tm.M.joAAt- ‘ "I* # a* aa* f m Jhtofl jwy>>AAAA«a* * AAA. f m gWWWdwMt M » AAA# —A# AA | IJHfdl' * AA * AAA k a A# *#» 1 •* *••*#•*- ■»*«♦»»♦ WMIIXjI * AlHMSMatAtotkAA* A* HA MAA# M mMI j l <•» as ii*to lotto tAwi A*am tAw taaatmitA mumw **at too mi »*•« wlkU . I k*» tt.aortliAi M BmtAo* to ab ettoto >A *.*.!» •*««.*• tottAAfk t*. kitoMaaMW AAk OtWkA itoftolf r*t **» toto»»MtoA totokm to toto* ttsts trktk* tot. to*, umraa W.J.rkAKI.Om Tt* Aft. t. 11, !*o:r»H. mmm AM. T H kMMtM'k Inf) Mtaart*. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. moimr axp qi inwrr lorn TO I>IB EANT AKI» NORTH Eifoutlet a xt* one icicet n«h*tb To THE EAET ANO NORTH. 1 S IFftfH Lv Aufuad (}* At ' * Sli»®i I I ##l' 1 L* .#* Aik*®.. ..a Ar * IwElfT I # }T|«m L¥,..stkamAfl •• As f l-p™ ) t,f ..Ofififtig Ar 'J* W»m I I ®bm Lv Etimtrr, E. C., Ar j 4 Emi ||® i. !*♦»» L* F«y*M#viU* .. As 1 i I I Maid Ar I**t#wtj®r®.V®.L»* I il®«n i | mrnm As • • JUpiMBPINI L* • • tlj»ro I T flarn As.. W®*ht®«to® .L* ■ I H|*m II »*n* Ar PhH®<»lph*® Lr 1 1 mpm i 93pm Ar... N*« T«rk I t Mm I ruHmin paitar* ikFrhl rnr% I from m®* >fi and AnfßfU to Ntw Totl HA. If HA NO. G*f» A ft., T 29 Br**®d fH . AttfUfta, Of. I T M. EMHftEON. Tt«Ec Mmiftr, 'll M EMEHNON, G#®. I*iP A»t. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. 11. C. BEATTIE, Reeelver. East bound Weeibourd. I*.rat Ber'd o First flee'd Class E Clara Class MtgM S kill’d rily Dly. S Station. t>l» Dly. |No 1J No « £ No H NoA AM.'PM.| (Arrive. Leave PM. AM 110.75, ):•*! F... Anderson. ..Si J:JH 11:** 114:IS 2:34 TJ.... I>*nver fi 3:41 11:23 10:07' 2:20 10..... Autun .....f, 3:10,11 33 9.S* 5:10 1i... peodlolon ...a| 3:59,11:43 9:191 2:00 It Cherry Cross'd f 4:0»U:M 9 12 2:00 10 Croaa’g f| 0:14 11 M *3O 1:25 211... 'JEN AC A ..* 4 29 12:25 9:10 ! I ! * 40, 12 Weatl Ifnton 5:0? * 3-, ,34 .. Walhalla ...» *:I7I AM 'PM.I ILeave Arrtve'PM PM. N 0.12 No.O No ll N 0.5 8. Hegular Station. F. Fin* Station. All regular trains from Anderson to Walhalla have right to track OTer trains of the same claea moving in op posite direction, unless otherwise spee ! tiled by train order*. Will also stop *l following stations 10 take cm or let off passengers. Phln ney's. James and Sandy Springs No. 12 connects with Southern rail way No. 12 at Anderson. Nos. 5 «nd 6 connect with Southern railway Nos. 12 and 37 at Pemoca. J. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March 6. 1838. F-natcrn Time Standard. Leave Avgua’a. Southern Ky.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Cluster. Southern 14y .. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. By c 45 a.m. Arr ive Lenoir, C. & N. W. By 1:1* P ">• Leave Igtnnir. Stage *:*• P- m - Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 P-m. Arrive Blowing Bock, Stage -• 7:30 p.m. G. \V HABPEK. c. F. HABPER. President. U. P. A. Check Lost of $ 1 33 1.3!, ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK, No. 14107, drawn by C. W. rileher, attorney for Jon. H. Speora, dated June loth in«t.. (and mailed name day) In favor H. A. Cook, for 81331.31. Payment has been stopped. All persons warned against using In any way said check. (Signed) J. H. SPEARS. . : , j t i C. W. PILCHER, Attorney. ORDER YOITR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Qkantitv nod Qnjlity (iuarantetd. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell Thone 21«4 Stronger 36a Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. JULY 10 HAtMiOAta M»aitoWUto S. C t G. RAILWAY CO •AA aAAAMHMMA MAA tmwprm * fc ?r#i2urL turn ttotk* ktoa Aa<a* I* »<**• JljhliP"UPSHTfißi at I a* tottoHati La ttto»t«t tmm At « karto-. n«AA .At jljtoa"l .»*0 *tMB SmaSSmT : »a»«toA* IS iSMto."TdCV MW I! At ItkttoAtoto MM* M Ittotokto IM At ito*<m »<*%.* tt Amatto mtoato ‘ ptoto omtNf 'bAWMMAM* l*l**a Ct «BpEnßßpHßK^nß| a> * to*«m ii tom* At gfc|.»t,l»Ma .1 1 a•*#**(• ****** L* £•••%.- }ga A» < *«»» . At*aA •* » <T"k * tofto ””A4tAll A* l toka*Ctt>A»HlA it«n I«m a»»«tt i kaMHßSttotoßA'^^AH''.'.^,r.;. :.‘.ffy. .'.:.v : .^r^gOgftotS^-c.'^tOto*t. J^SStoa— MMlaWWaßaktoka I* a mom*. Aanto Ia a0m.... aitomt At A.tAt ... ftotot At A«r*MA M»|A luklM AkW MttTM YU MAAkakk linn*ii*A Ittitt I* tori Awa Aaa Ttk (. I*m dwP'fcSfflg At Atok'to# fJMto AtAlkto .iMaas At k#« Y#*• I »t ANi*iikto . 1 ***** ' QKwwttA wr wmom. Am-«A“T"U»MA lotttk* ll*.. IfkpAN MA*kk< LMmA Aftto* ItotilA . tMtm **ym I4tf*a drift ktotot.... AeAfto *Jtoto Aim** Pakka.-.. kayai‘...**r*T*Mto ISkt CamEaMk ■ 'tMa lik* Uam Tma0Ha......... .* MAato kMa« Ittoo Ami Atmti ti*....... t Uka I a taam kHptta * trotito a** mm * ■ toy*A «tttotxM M > barttotoA AHk !*•• Y*>t Motam tkto tmk tomtom* tor imkmmtllto I*. totoitoAW.AtotM an* tk*' *.#tto ral o. am* ir*» all patoto tto ml |Wi Ik ill k I.T.mMM. I.A.rkAkMM Itoatt* Mtatym. ftakto Mitapto ».k. kkMma. «aa. AM -AtoPtoto ka ♦ *■ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. , -§r * rosiest nose lletweew Calambtsaa* *•**!• •eaetWsk hawsers ft— ISeSwasu CVs* lasahl* s»4 SNbar IWMs ggheSlre Jgly # UPS ■' in—-- - --- sa Wo. at Ueeshhsaa*. Mails, lastly. i~» Trow 7?Tr ky i *•» *3* 1 —v ........! B«»h. II ** At iZurnSm I «« NS j, , o*.neat-tan j t*» 4*, K ,WI». »M|> ar kiwr'aabara flo’W . T•* i( Is nJCiTir 1 .. | ««», «•* **■ fiapr * ™'-1 ik **3r ! - J2STU.. ..»»*f »»5 ’ f*<..n»s . j *•»«> : SSE 1 - Iteek 818 I ! **, i**n Ar i kuMH ' * rjjs Hn*M4bo#o | _ u Ls <lrw*#»l*WT> ..«*••! fj® •*•*••• Ar fiortrtk .... •• ... ‘ "** UanrUki ■ "T"" » M P I»P Ar m.-tnaoiHi j **» *»> At Washm*toa I ««• •»P “ . UAlUßH.reia K 8... •»»: *• »P “ Philadelphia }“ - Hrw York. 11 **P * a> KunlhbessA i ! *“' ** H *' ** Malty. Ituit r. Lr Nrr Y vix’Ps KK «dp It US* - Philadelphia OUp 330 a ** puttoßOff. ...... | ft A» 5 ISR I leV. WAflh'lOß, Sf R j H) 43 1* !I!S» L* Richmond .. j 1210®t IT 01 m hr Kfearlll* | 6 Up hv~ f»* yrfolk | • tip Ar. (Irtifiibofo | 0 4®• Lt (trnnabero | 7 oft d 7 Stp ■ Charkitr* { OJb m 1® 30 p •* Rock BiU ! MPa 11 <*p - Chmimr ' lu ftft» 11 s*7 p “ Winnaboro. ! 11 l!» 12 2B® Ar ('olTna Hliuid'c *t jir 4Snn. 107* I.T*t I 1 14r| 4®* ** JithMton*. ....j 2 58p ♦‘.tin® - Tr#oton 8 Uh r ft S® ** Ur®att««vllbi . * 8 88p; 7 <f* ® Ar AutruNts . . ~.. 4 15p< ft (JO® I Lr. Kparfanburg jll 40a ft 16p ! I.r.OoI'Ms.KCKO By ! *»p 7 00a Ar.Gk®rk*Um ft 40p' 1100® Lr Colfk®. F.C AP.Ry 11 56 a 12 47 ® ** Saramiah 4 47 1> ft Oh ® Ar. Jarkfumvill*. ft 35pi > I*® | AAEFi.NO CAR fIKVICt ! Ex.-elient dellj ps»«,nger service between Florida end New York. Noe. 37 and St—' Washington and Southwestern Limited. Solid Veniibulrd train with dining ears and fir-: class coaches north of CharMte. Pullman drawing room sleeping car. helwren Tamps. JacksonTtiln. bacanuali, Washington and New York. Pullman Sleeping Care between Charlotte and Richmond. Pultmi.a drawing-room sieepine cars be tween (Ireensbore and Norfulk Close conneer tlon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving (here in lime for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor car , between Charleston and Asheville. Nos. 33 and 36—C. S. Fart Mail. Through Pullman druvving room buffet sleeping ears be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Char i lorte Pullman sleeping cars between -Tack , Bonvillo and Columbia, eu route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK K OAM NON J. M. CULP Third V-P. * Wen. Mgr. T. M . K ashington. W A. TURK. b. H. HARDWICK. O p. A.. Washington. U. P. A., Atlanta. GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) ftj Schedule Effective April 24. 183*. \ Pullman Sleepers between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ~| 7:osam| 3:2opmllo:3opta Ar Atlanta ...jl2:3spmj B:2opro| b:ooatn Ar Macuei ....!ll:lsam| I 6:45am Ar Athens jU:lspm| 7:Jopm| - Ar GainegvlUe!*3:46pm| I Ar White P!'Sj*l :00pml | - Ar Mill'gs'le .|10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ..|lo:loatn| 7:lopmj Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at MiUedgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:11 a. m, 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. rn. A. G. JACKBON. O. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.