The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY 2 i' i —-Tf? —~ Clbeb Oil me Balance of Cirtlcs oo Raid a . ..ij n—irr—lfff t WU •800. ftA. 85. 80 Bn4 $7 00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2, LEWIS J. SCHAUUjijwSjS. VANklili tKKItII I. IN CUIIA la Swr'D#' Mmsc hi U» Earaaij Ik i«!4ttr fteyi LIT? BATE roll iT EOMK NEW WRIGHT PHNOS $149 UP SECOND HAND SQUARES ft 40.00 UP Pailor Organs §3O up Stocortd Hand SIO up rm tiK* «r *D»toAi «oou* at i •hi sum raids* Tims & Barton, W. H WJUUTr. Revels*#, m n*. MOKMOM IN ÜBOaUIA They Hold Their nr*i Annual «'ob!«t «gee I* Camp!*- 1 County. Dewf'OSVlllr O*-. 1*1 1 I*. “ •mob Sow amabltsbed a •>*!•»*<«■ to her to IM mate tlatur'day and *•«"- day, Jaly lab *»d t*tb, held » foß»*r*- Hoc of to* torty-four eld-rs compris ing tfa# Georgia complement or to «<*yt lh*tr of ptolarioa. the Georgia rmftfmx* Tkey held their meetings »i Baton I* Campbell emietf. hboot twelve mile* iMthmwl of Atlanta, at ~liirh Itiue <unt« of Ihrir prominmt of ferers t* the elate* ro'eel.m attended. whose b#adq’isr«ws are at Chattanooga. They held two da ye public meet lap end one day tn execu- LADIES’ TIES .SOMETHING NEW J. IILLEH WALKEB THE HATTEFt KNOX HATS tlv# irflcioD, when* lafttnwUooft w«*r«* given and aaatgntneota made. Tkla new conference has been In exlsteoee only alnra Inal April, and twenty-two counties Immediately to At lanta, or Fulton county,.a*d the point* aelected. KWTABLIfiHICD ISSo—ltellabls Uncle J.*w will lend yon any r.mount of mon ey for atiy length of time on nil hinds of personal property at a very low rate of interest. Alt transactions atriotly eonfldentlal. Bteel-Umd burglar proof aa'ea. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jaoksun street. Lewis J. firhaul. MORPHINE RATER’S RECORD. Sixty Grains a Day With Twenty of Coe aide. Philadelphia Record 1 New York. July 10— Druggist Clar ence Bell, aged 2?. of Ht<;ksville, U 1., wa* placed in Bellevue afcoholic word today. The quuntlty of morphine he uwd daily gtvea him the record over all patient# who have ever been In that Institution. He l>«8»u the habit live years ago. when ho was a drug clerk, and tn a comparatively short time reached the average fiend's dose of ten grains dally. At the beginning of last year the quantity hud beeu lucrcased to thirty-five grains, and of late he has been using sixty grains of morphine with twenty grains of cocaine. Five hypodermic ueedlea were found upon him when he was admitted to the hos pital. H ta sal he plunged tbe needles if-rough his clothing n his baste to get the effect of the drug by injection in bis arms. “The morphine habit can be cured,' 1 raid Dr. .Toy. "We will trout this man by supplying other drugs In place of the morphine for a time—drugs,the use of which will Induce babits—and the allowance of morphine will be reduced from day to day." ' ttf;% iVejt tftt' ftflftl ftCAN9AI» I / «** WwgAa a *wis* fsMMpAs A****** ** «•*•**•> I ***«#«*Mfcg •# SUM* H** pmm ** «§• *■**► * n u | ijtAij iiMMdl **PP* u§ <***ot¥** *« ** lu*tPPfI u*tPPf ****** mm mm ***** §w4i ***** TV mi Pmmmi I M is 14— jt# Mm* m* * .4, jjHf Mf.inwi s*4 p* ***p i V #'4** ft «i rv4 A**<lM** , I * tirift tiftftpß ******* n mm**** t* is ****** #t*4sS •* #9 libs P*§* ss P*4**** m*4 194449 tIH ******** pm* tm'*§ s « tmmm m IsNlMfs lit* prlibHsws \<4 pmm* mm* Is it pi*f TPm is ***** I Ik 1# m****ot s I ' f *m mm ****** • liftMP n css i* is sphshipni mm ** , mm* *** m* mm* Tils *S* W j it hs* nottl* !%•*• Ml ********* | I r r»ffftSK Ml Pt**f* ftSA IkSf W® I 4ft| rm£sS l*S y# -amrni • IwSS t *B# I Ml v#»rlAs. IlmNv m Hr# i»f I whwa p*a thawgM pa* »»r» artaMssh ] a« rtmt pMrar asiMl* Mfhti amm Ittiae Tha *«*tal la that shortly wh-s I p«* fait par anfl hast t*at p**r P” Itpiral paw- Ilf. Bsl* Parthar taproarhaa If. Ilrt*- mm wall ha*M*i athswaf trwth tw *a I fMSWISfS4I **4*'t Ills *f*m I "Vo* ha—• fast inM a* kfaal li |ta a mat RaatpthiM *>»» tt* iwwarf |a*4 yea .11 ha pawtahad.. tt ta paiafat j for wav ta ifet*k tb*> P* i»w*wf an jlhtla Ip l ' !*■*•* *• •• ha** 'A* »ha - I. wof a Aoatr of th* t***en*** of taw ■ I ItM. hat la >Mt for a aaawart that I y.,,1 awrilfr-f troth a«i<t that r* roo- I Mdar alHt aaraaaary t* -aaa Ptaare. loppaar* to aw Mtfl more ta*«Htag You I are making the goaers*i*at tHMriy rt- I OtraltHM (lamaay ta wot the oalf nwnry ta ha atauard Raaata also, ta pr nvtm 4 of th* twmwsrr of I* -j.'ta* tn roortaxtoa M Kola, after r*fa*rfe- I tag that alt pollUHana ara saWilwa, oyrt irf aarprta* tba* Hat ara I among than m*a who. aaaiag the real ] game, ran play H bo’dV’. "Not oae of | > sj," ha raaclodra "appear* U> ms , pact that the man who la thraa yrara witl enter the I-yaae will ha th' man tW has r> wtfrahlp. troth, til 'tec to Fraacf by tba Dray ftu trial." itruKi-Etra arnica badvr Th# boat Salaa M tha world tot Cnta. Ilrutaas. Soraa. tlieara. Salt Rhnura. Frvar Soraa. Tattgr, Chappad Hand*. Ckilb>*>**- Ooraa. and at: Hkta ErupUoaa. aad poaUtvaly cam Hi las. ! or a.» pay raqw'—t It Is gnaranteod to giva partact aaUafactioa or moaoy ra lu ad ad. Hr tea 26 cant* per boa for aala by the Howard A WlUatt Drug be. ORATORICAL. Hr. J. R. Staton on HU Way to Hont aagta. Macon. Oa., July Mr. John ■loach Straton la In tha city for n couple of days. He Is stopping (over while an route from tta- eastern fail of the elate to the great orator!- | cat coutaat at Monteagle, Tenn., where he goes a* Mercer's representative to j contest for the oratorlcnl > hampluoshlp |of the entire south. Mr. Stratoo has l«<tn enjoying a camp fish and hunt on the Oconee river. Ho went there to ' recuperate after his hard work at Mer cer last term and to prepare for the coming erwtest. He reiiorta that he feel# In splendid trim. The contest oc cur* July Ilf. Vanderbilt. University of Virginia, University of Alabama, Tulane and other leading Southern col lege* and universities will Vte repre sented. Quite a party of friends wifi accompany Mr. Straton on the trip. Dr. Bollock will be In th# party and he haa entered into the occasion with hie usual enthusiasm. A low rate has hern secured acid friends of Mercer and Mr. St raj on will go from Macon, Atlanta 'and other point*. Mr. Straton has chosen the following subject for hie orntlon: "The Breaking Up of that Solid South the Salvation of 'the Section." He has embodied In this Speech some of the leading Ideas In his recent debate speech against Athens, and friends who have read it pronounce [the effort a winner. Mr. Strnton stand* not only for Mer ' cer. hut for tbe entire state of Georgia ! in this contest. It I* the first time ; Georgia hits ever been represented In Ulie Southern Oratorical Association. TO USL IHU RIFLES. The Qovernment Will Arrange to Purchase the Cartridges. Washington. July 20.—The war de partment is making arrangement* to procure ammunition for the Mauser Ti tles captured from the Spanish soldiers itt Santiago. As soon as definite lufor niattou is obtained in reference to the I number of weapons of this kind that i will come into the possession of the : government as the result of (be surren rantler of tha esstern portion of Cuba, the ordnance bureau will call for pro posals to supply cartridges for the ri fles. Ammunition for these rifles 1s manufactured in this country and can be procured promptly, u iW. J. BRIAN |' IN UNIFORM IW U m #§ i«f to l* N IMi itjaa ttwpM tflt I tMRNMNfc* I **ss#**. *4* .. M*s Wv § \ ; $p- {ftMft **s *** ******** *m *j>o 1141 ******* 'pm Wm*m »» «4N| sm***-**4 ******* 99mm Nf ************ f%*t HiftftMW ** B'Ms*Wf‘i<M| 19 |M|»« «Mf| ] lfrr~4fli mm **m *m*-**m *f j C -at |s» t «*s W9VI 9<VW*ll Al49#*# IVH99 ft ffrp#ft» "»«<|> M 9 I ) i« i$ **t*' tm * ***• fit* $ •m Hfi «•»#«« * ♦•Aist* if mriA m**9i *99 %■*** «<H Iw ****** INW* ps«ft*n# ll' wfi | . tits **** mm* *t *49 w >wp 1 *• ***** : p**m** |ln«4i*9 4|t#* ** ' 1 WMWpMi mm JNt ■P*9rt | fc ••9 *• w •hi* «tMt wU« P***** **' WMW9 a m*w« *•*» m AUa*w*. »h* If#"*# ifffYi 91 ***** 99 w*wr | ***** M n m 9*9 iipiiMP “ _ J l« i* taaaw to as aew****** ,h ** ‘ Hryaay adaa»a»t wRR la*a * twam* (•'«*• ha* •> _ ‘no UH A l» <**. Vaftmr r«v« flay O* •* Al* Atiaato. Jahr 18—-A«la*»a *® •* tktt-V t:-{!*• itt ftRNN In re.tow f**'* refwa *t this Ttaa MM w«l th* rata* iAR'< Ms •• gaa.HM>tiae swat (•nan *hwß aw* *•»•* taat April Tha gaaiaattaa •***a<a #•• tafwted pmata __ Th* l**t *4 IMate* atari** boa*ttal * ggfwtr# ha* bega* 18* «mt*at with >*'• ! tew jaeh aad baa f Mbiad at Dry Twrtwgpt. at th* rtorida j h*y*. a gaataatlaa **«*» tor »fe# •*•* j 61*,* who B*** h*r* aapewrd M la* tot*tea M la prapwted la ram tb* waaaded farther mn» btnaher. bat nthee «eldler* te«amta« from Raaiuga might hrtag th# pelln** l*wi tata iht# t matrv aad for 'baa tb# dw#ailaa ramp oa tba lata ad of Dry Tnuaga* win be arrang'd Tbe ot#l# of Klarida ha# aim qaar oaiiaad agaiaoi »<>«dirr* rr-ura.aa frugi Roaltago hat tha l>sited gu t maria# hnaphal gaataatta# #y#t*m *l»l h# likely Id operate oa th# eoatt tavhow i It I# also expteted tha. lb# F#doml qua rant lo# *ervi. v will h# In foiao wheretwr lb#re aaay h# latortioa. i TlfTidtral. not# aad towl authori ty* are workiag la haratoay tbw year, aad H la am Itbaiy that la the rural of yellow fevtr la thio ooantry there will be aay such iaicrruptio* of tra V a# thar# waa laat year. IV. 4. F. Alaxa*d#r. grrthteal of lb# Atlanta laard of hoollb. aa d: "Th# Ailaaia board. #1 It# aioct ng two we#k# ago, adopted the rales for mulated bf Ibe Southern quarantine cnaveaiioa. They provide for •■#« *•• quarantine against oil Infected points. | but no wholesale, ahoigun queraatlne that will needlessly #iop trafll; In w»d# arras of ttrritory, as the meas ures of last year did. • When a town become* Infected, all other points will quarantine against It, and bo one will be allowed to oome away, except through a camp of de tention. The United States marine hospital service has adopted the same rules, and local, state and Federal health authorities are In harmony." WILL COST A HILLION, Ano her Estimate of Carrying the Soldiers to Spain. New York. July 20.—A dispatch (o the New York Herald from Washington says: The war department has about completed arrangements for tfeo trans i portal lon of the Santiago prisoners to Spain. The quartermaster's depart ment has prepared for the necessary advertisements and will Issue them as soon as minor details are reported by Oen. Shafter. The present arrange ment calls for the shipment of 24.000 enlisted men and 1,000 officers. These i figures are, however, subject to change. The contracts call for transportation from Santiago. Guantanamo and one or ttyo northern points to Cadis. The government Is to furnish rations and ! all things necessary for the voyage, j The officers will probably be given a I separate ship with cabin accommoda tions. The government rule* and regu lations regarding steerage, space and air will be observed. The government gumv.ntees that no prisoner shipped Is Infected with yellow fever. At the lowest rate yet offered by any steamship company It will cost the United States over one million dollars to send the prisoners back to Cadiz. The lowest offer yet received is $45 a man, which calculating on a basis of 25,000 men, will mean that the govern ment will have to pay one and a quar ter million dollars for transportation alone. Of course there will also be a very heavy expense for food and other nec essaries with which the Spaniards will jhave to be provided. OABTORIA. Barn tbs ,*Th» Kind You Have Always Sought The great troubbe with the majority of men who bet on sure things is that [they always bet the wrong way. j When a girl tells a young man that she dreamed of him the night before be should begin to save money tor thv t'ur |niture. THK A.TJQT7ST7V HERALD FIRST Cl, VOLS [ • Ml NOT CO Itw iypeft A® 9 itot IN IHM j llrh Tbe Ik totds AlwtwaMMM iwb* too# by tba I m at Abe to smb, I ************ W* W" « ***** W*~m****t** u iMtito im ■ mi t*m Pm* **mm*m *dk fhA'-4 tft «<*•-%* ftyftftdf ««h- •9# Of * gfS-fh sw IWW ra«a •*#•»<• *« *^mjm I mrntrn to* *n* i ■, im Ml h >t I TT-r-m (Mtoh ff9HftP»9t mm*’+o \u~ivmtimr *m rwsiirrrif •** 4iti | >tv 3 A-. lf AJb m 9n t~ I# 9N* <9N» \ M M *99*9 ***** m* IMNftft itHW 4tM* ; -ft w'ft 99 tin* 9*9* 4*«Mh»*9 Tto mow • " m I 'to ataiwrlrtn# oi aR abtea ttow* ipsa liwtliU- tods* and Oaaaeal Ml’** taft NawtoMto toe towto IMw* last awa* He aid wan far tb* Hwaapwrt# »n tbe rraat at Asa Juaa II woe wired y»*t**day shat the yvea atoat had **e steed ittoatihe taat da* ti irntard torn to o—*» torward th# 9tf|»flt»«r If* to*<4 fWB 9M99WHI t 9 ‘ mnm ftMftlHft 1991 4» ®9tlrlstol9Nl 99 MNK* ppfflrfto'tM 9 « * »*f rSTtotwv- umt mow. •Jfdd*** to he tohaa todme Apala ew® riet*. rmctu.LL cotNTr crops. Tb# Fartwor* are Hopefal ad Alwcb Reiter frkts. i Cam'.lid, Oe July *• Ctogo hrra W gi -al. aad tbe «f to for th* tala to| , M up *ad tot th* mb to th;ar to a. tv i kilt grae# The eora crop of MltrtoliL -co«wny wW doaW* tbw of tost **ar. 1 Aad farmer# are bap-fat of better prices tor cotton, aad M »' thee# p*to pte will ho im top once more. ■ A tow day* ago t was ta Tamer* n»r. way up ta Habefsbam ruuaty. and the eoantry to atrthtog Aad the atetbod. cf earning a lletlheod are oo di»*rea» , There th* farmers grow rom rye. sod pot sloes and ship tanbarh and rye straw Thto rye straw ta need by bora* collar fact-*rt»* Aad that to th* chi-hen , and egg country Here if to cotton - nearly all wton. and th* average far mer here with even the all cotton p'an I ta better rtf than hi* brother who lives oa the hillside# of Habersham ' Th# daeat eropt In the stale are abeut Arlington. Many fields will make from twenty to thirty bushel* of corn per acre —aad the cotton 1* tbe best 1 have area anywhere. Arlington Is hntlfi • in* a new school boose, a splendid building The find was bunted down, th# second blown down by a cyclone and this oae It Is hoped will survive wind aad fire. The railroad from Rainbrldge to Arlington Is nearly com pleted. ft will ran through a splendid country— heavily timbered with play and hard woods. • - Trunk Repairing By expert trunk makers Augusta Trunk Fartory. »41 Broad. 'Plain# 2111. TAKING THE PLACES. The Associated Press of the Calmen era Notification. Camp McCalls. July 11. via Plays— A launch from the Marblehead went up the hay thta afternoon to Vertleaya del Toro, oppoette Cattncnera. and gave formal notice to a Spanish commander of the surrender of Toral's troops, to gether with the conditions of the ca pltulation of Santiago A limited time wa* fixed for hauling down the Spanish (tag over Cnlmrnera. The Ameslcau officer also gave notice that If the Spanish gunboat Sandoval was disa bled lo any way. or if any arms, atn maaition. public buildings or barracks at eaimenara or Guantanamo were de stroyed the Spaniards would not be treated as prisoners of war. The flag was hHUled down this afternoon. From Spanish sources it is learned that the iota! force at Guantanamo and Cbirao uera is about 5.000, of which number 3,000 are fit for service. Tomorrow steps will be taken for the formal surrender. What disposition are to be made of the prisoners Is not yet determined bo cause of the presence of yellow fever among them. TREASURE SHIP. She Brings In $1,000,000 From the Klondike. Victoria. B. C.. July 20.—The steamer Cottage City arrived today with gold and miners from the Klondike. The value of gold and gold dust on board is estimated at between *750,000 and $1,000,000. She brings as passengers thirty men from the Klondike. From ISkaguay she brings news that “Soapy" Smith has been shot dead. Smith was known as “the King of Skaguay," and was one of the most desperate men in the weat. Albany. N. Y., July ljj,—Myron H. Hooker, editor of the Press and Knick erbocker, is dead. _, r ,jj , PRTING BOARD {- IN ATLANTA ! ft * fg ftpg |ft# tig (if) i Mm9] i * *] Mgfrt *•«** A§B#*'-*to (99 ***** 19 *'f9 ♦srrsaarr.tsS i Hjtm iq# #«tg ■■rgir* to# *b# »w**—e he AI torn II .TX rnmmt #f aatoto ***** t«toa tmrnm tow »h* Mto*"**J | p tur «r^r«*ritoM* Safiscai rto*■ to "t’ to# 41i**9®9 TNI 9 i«9W99*ttlNl ** 9 *****m*** ** * f ujpu*® *otm fm'jftmmjm *ato"live «•«*•* w'w '-y" . ... 91 'ft « 19* $ tod*" ►9«9$M t JftaM»|vv> lb* tondK rt *—***»*»* **»- 1991 if tn ** *** 4t09 o*9* , j thftto *M**9* *0 19*9 fw*y. wfftpto 9N9#Mtobto«t9 999 19 trnm I inrtll 19998*9 ******** ***• 99tTTr »rto 999 ** —A. - -—t ftfttol# A 4ft* toft 1 «9to<9 I9ft9to4l* j 99KN899 mm* ********* IMH! HE ADVISES. ITm fra *!• hga.a M a Veda le Up *A-A ***** ■ j C*M* ta N T j4MnMtl I Madrid la!? to tb# iPaa* rwt*a | a n ient at tb# Itofttoalto '#l«*f»»k»' that ts a ol»b*ar)le » revodvad aa taj I ( g. fgt* of Cbh» tb# +of* •* to- j ' yt*» ihr rahaa Casbolire *« waa fm , ' an anMaoaskral imgt to* MMtw tb# bdto 'toatsk both aa*V*e gt»»aßt#v.a« • 1 *oaa for lb* onoiataw mb of ,h * Cahaa (adasl nisi rat lafi- _ \ LTb# aenbaaeador* of »*** a b*!4 a h>a* eo«f-r#«»r* lad## •xk ObtoMMl RaaifnP*. #>bo aftenaardeafi «Hi ted whk tb# fb|* ! ROBERTTiII A MBBKI4 MARRiKD Tb# Author and Art I* l Wed# MM* Elsa V. M'Jer. at Washington Neb Tork. Jal# l». R” b ' rt to. Cbaabers. tb# arils* and author, aad Miss Elsa Vaughn Molrr w#r* a*arrt'd j last Tuesday at lb# restore** of »b* bride# aacl#. Cato R C Da Bols. ' United States army. I* Washington. 1 th# Rev W J. MeKnight preformiag. th# ceremony. Th# aao«wae#»eßt ! coats# a* a aurprls# to Mr Chambers' | 1 cot.-rl# of literary friends, sad will b# uo Iras pMasiogly received by th# many ! ndmlrers of his pea. Mr. Chamber# I* a native of this city ! aad has achieved a aid# reputation a* a writer of fiction. Among hi* booh* lare Lorraine." "A Rrd Republic." A King and a Few Dukee.” “The Maker of Moons" and "The King In Yellow Hi* latest work I# a aerial now run-. nine, called “Ashe# of Empire.” ' Mr Chamber* I* thirty-two years old. He was educated as an artist and took up writing aa a diversion. Ht» productions attracted attenion from the first. GOING FOR HIS GUARDIAN. Well Known Maconlte Accused of Em bexxlemmL Macon. Oa.. July It. —A aenaat on waa produced Saturday when J. Tom Rogers, a prominent citizen, was ar rested on a warrant issued *t the In stance of his nephew, charging him with «gnhex*lemeot of $5,000. Rogers is the young man's guardian. He gave bond for SIO,OOO. Rogers was tried In the superior court a year ago charged with arson, it being alleged that he burned bis store house, while a member of the well known firm of Turpin & Rogers. He was acquitted promptly, his defense being that his partner was Ms perse cutor because of a disagreement be tween them. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Another great discovery has been made and thot too by a lady In this country. "Dlaeaae fastened It# clutches upon her and for seven year* she with stood its severe tests, but her vital or igans were undermined and death seem ed imminent. For three months she coughed Incessantly and could not Sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption Btid was so much relieved on taking the first dose that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Hara mick & Co., of Shelby. N. C. Trial bot tles 10c, at Howard & WlHet's drug store. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Every | bottle guaranteed. I Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. New York Futures. New York, July 19.—Futures opened steady. Sales 4,100 bales. August 5.99. : September 5.96, October 5.98. November 5.95, December 6, January 6.04, Febru lary 6.07, March 6.10, April 6.13. CUT THIS OUT yftrbft yfHjf A«IVwf l <9ft* n *D> OR ttH* Lift toll, <-*« •motml fieOttoArv to* (My M mtotoft ‘ftotof* titom tot you urftfii, fuwi #*UMf m*M Of *»fwl to to THE HC9ALO. ADVERT IS EMIiNT CUUfHJN. TO Tftft AI*M »f A MftftAlt) f*.oAaw inb«rt thto tofSvbFtHdimdint Wfitttoh liatpw - - timto# to* your "WANT** ttoumrw, for which you will tmtf tohcloMNl ft - - Otonta SIGN HERS? I aswMiw** W»»l»d. * n . *. Pnv*n»*% I'* ••• • ■■• la* r * HH* *Mw Rate* * £JZ . •*»*»•«« t * »“*** »» I.* *4 : w* M 'he* Id **a*» ONE-GENT A WORD Si f UAT ION w ANTI D I WaNTtttb A PLAm AM Nut'lß | ulKl, «r s«tw Aped# Mb* Rdisir aa . IVI A VTUf * A I'lACg AM Ctlhl (All •trw*. my. Jat# to HELP WANTED I WANT TWO «TKN"URAFHRRA r-nna man. A> PW g- d. permanent 1 prwlOone L J. H«w*V. *fn A Librae# kanting J»iy to l L _iu iL jg L ,n ■ i— ■■■- - - - [wanted - a ooATMAKrn at oar* Apply H. Rabea. IU7 Mala At. Ctilumble. M. C. July 21 FOR SALE CREAM —CREAM AT 24 J ACKPOM «T. VERT CHRA F—Fistoto gaaa. most. : M i MMtramente, watihaa sun oat gtv*a j away, al Uael* l*Wfc #-,.r bale chicaf—a tatr or y -wng dormw. Win work daubie or 'slcgl* C. H. Hnvsrd, Jr . at Howard A wuivt Drug Co. June to ts I ■m, 1,1 1 ' a ' ■ ■ ~ ! FOR BALE OR RENT—HOVPE OT T | rooms •« Uwf-ntn stivat la good eoa (Rtton. on *a*y term# Wm. Bchweigert. I Aug t. FOR SALE—A LOT OF SECOND baud door*, saak. blind# and wonodan ralumns Also a large lot of roofing •Ist*, to good condition Apply to Ja cob Phlnlsy. Aug 1 FOR SALE CHEAP—SECOND HAND | To*l typewriter. Splendid condition. !Slug, care Herald. ' Aug l Yuan wed fri FOR SALE-TWO LADIES WHEBU j —ln good chodltlon. Price reosonabS*. also furnished room to rent. Apply 5M Broad street. J" l * TO RENT for rent-one furnished BF.n rooom. 1001 Tetfslr street, city. Aug t FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1. ISM. THE j dwelling No. IS Ellis street- Apply Ito Jacob Au * 1 FOR BENT—THE LARGE HAND- I SOME dwelling No. »32 Broad street, with yard running through to Ellis 'street. Apply to Jules Godin. RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING 1 1229 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. ! July 24 'TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1. THK residence corner Broad and Marbury street, containing twelve rooms, with all modorn conveniences. Apply 112® Broad street, city, upstairs. July to FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1, 1898. THE dwelling No. 522 Bill* street; also the new dwelling. No. 215 Oliver Row. Mon ument street. Apply to Jacob Phlolxy. Aug It FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1257 Gretene. with modern Improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply 1255 Ellis. Aug 1 TOHRENT—DWELLING OF 7 ROO>iS with all water conveniences. Poses slcei at once. Rent low. Apply 427 Fifth street. D. Giaham. Aug 1 ■ ■ ” "" LOST AND F3LI MO STRAYED IN OUR LOT ON JULY 18, one bay mare and qolt. Owner can have same by calling at Washington and Reynolds atreet, proving property land paying expenses. W. J. Ruther ford & Co. Aug 1 mTscellan eo u. 7 SUMMER COURSE OSBORNES BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial course reduced from *SO to *35. Short hand and typewriting *45. Beys and girls from 15 years and up taken. June 17 ts _ - JULY 50 TWO VbiIRDLMM WaNTWD AT <W | T*4'a.i are*, «*aa gt" a la ran. I | *999 9tft- Itof Waft A 99 I ! .urn*?: \*.*mpt* |9 »n turd s*a« mm 994 9 mm mm* m * *** **** ttownv A 94** «• I X* I*l j I?ftfto9t4 ftf ftotof J«9|C ** special Notices. rr*cit*K* s* Ttcf TWX ntlfAN AXt» A«XH*A!VT ASCWm ftt Ur 994 Mri Jmmtm U I m 19>t0«9l *4k rpItHGH 1 („ m > tm* I9»to 09900 T • M#»* *! i?mm» , pm ftf# ftViiri r«>\t«mitow lar I ■ a— 11l I 1 "-I H rbba l odge. Nfi. Ibfi, F. * A. fi. Al SUMS Oa Jaiy I*. IN*. iwAw 'l A b' Vi R • Hawk Mall, *» bfl>- I VKSDAY IVilriu, JMP isd-. at u*r!*rk. far ih* turyw «< stieudlag the funeral «f ear site brWbee Jseam L O#*. Mem tea ail* «ak* daa »«•*#*. Rrstbren of eih> r lodgsa curd tally >o tiMioJdia 0* Ot-Ua ft. a Y*> KKkRY, W. If. C. 8 lOFFIN, B*ervtary. BPWIAL NOTICE. A HEM-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF three and one-half per cent <* 1-2 per f'**nt) on (hi piftiiil ft'-ifk of fht Irtsk-AmtHos and Dim* Raving* Binh was THIS DAY declared by the Board of Directors, payable oa demand. JoHN D. MUOAHAM. CaaWer. Augusta. Ga.. July 14. ****• Social Lodge. No. i, F. 8 A. fl. A CALLED COMMUXKATIOX of Social L» g*. So. U '«• l#ld it tbe Lodge K**m« Manonle lb I . W EIiNEtDAY MGHT. .'kb Inst., *1 *:*> o'dork. Tbe E. A. Deere* «IH b* cmferred. Ky or i" THUS. C. WHIT*. BW. WM H.CRAKE Secretary. # JKE jjtßflfl HOLDS THE RECORD. \ ITS CIRCITLATIOW MORE THAN DOUBLED THR< »U< IH< )UT SOUTH CAROLINA ami GEORGIA. Why-Why j »■ ■i.»..' HLi A I'.— — 1 IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. t" “A Newspaper the*# days must grow onl Its merits as a Newspaper.” The Herald’s Wonderful Advance and Growth Proves tbe CurrY'tineas of the As jsertion, UP-TO-DATE METHODS V UNTIRING ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE ’ SUMS OF MONEY SOHE OF THE METHODS THAT I MAKE THE HERALD FAHOUS.