The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 21, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 TP to Qqi He Balance or Girdles ao QaQd Kw-.-mmmrn *f 00*4 S 3 00. S 4. SO, $6 and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Jeweler, VANklil: UOODI.b IN CUBA v * 'CmM es .4*h * ™ It Bwfpf*«i Vssfc in Ik* B*n of Ik* flirt#— 1 Bojrt urs am son it hoik NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS • 140 UP SECOND HIND SQUARES *40.00 UP Parlor Or«an» §3© up Second Hand SIC up nu ijti or momcal uoom u , motom rucm Tloias & Barton, W. H. BARRETT. fteertrar, 14 |}o y, Avftiitt, *i*« te._ - j QOLn MINKS fOn ROCKEFELLER Proper-tins Valur* at fl.Ort.Ofifl F** |#»o Um Ooalrol of the Millionaire IVogit. Wash. Jn.y It.—A N<-» York trust oo»p«Br. eontrolted by John P. Rockefeller haa n*rr ( U,«Kl * martin? upon **° fl*^ 4 * J**’? 1 ’ • million drtiam. ot which fi»ck#- (j; (r owned (hr majority of stock It; public sale B»tunl»y th- of Oh mountain and th" Monte Crlmo mi(K» «*»• «o th* «"<•» rompmnr. the miner rtoeflhold.-r* **Mkf tt»elr Inter c*». One mine was but Hi tor IlM.imi •n<t the other for |tr,«,OCO. the •mount* of shelr bonded IndebtednoM. At". th' stockholders bad contributed to the d- vrlopment fund •bout »15«.000 being ••pended last fetr alone. Now that Rockefnller lta» raeluflve rimtrol. It l» ewpected that the Kveretl nnd Monte Crtssto milroad, washed out, hi November, will be rebuilt ibis year.j LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. ULLEBVALEEB THE HATTER. KNOX HATS DEATH ATTRIBUTED TO SOUJIERS Genrgiown. 8. C., July 21. Thl»| community was shocked to hear of the' tfoath of Mr. John T. MeF«rJy, of this j c«y. occurring hv Charleston Sunday afternoon as a result of lnjurie* sus- 1 tatnrd cavern! days previously at the hands of a quartette of rufflnn sol dier* In the latter place. Mr. McFoely j was a yonug tnon of probably 80 years, possessing amiable quulltles and vvas In the city by the sea. It Is said, to ( consummate arrangement# for his near marriage. This circumstance lands ad ditional sadness to his terrible ending. The deceased leaves a property esti mated at forty or fifty thousand dol lar*. The disposition of same is not j yat known. OASTOTIIA. Beam th. Kind You Have >l*:us BjujM “nr INCONSISTENT. ‘■Mother,” sighed, the young wife, “I regard Tom as the most inconsistent man that ever lived." "You put It very strongly, my dear.” "But I mean It. Ho told roe the other day to l«s more observant, to keep post cd us to what we would need, and to do my buying when things were cheap est. I went right down and laid lu a big supply of Christmas presents, and ho hag scarcely spoken to me since."— Detroit Free Press. Have yon any old gold or silver? If you have call at my new Jewelry store, where there is a lady In attendance, and we will either exchange for new goods or ail cash given. D*ewls J, Cchaul, the popular priced Jeweler, i. watfAL WtrTM* ntfhM s*s*»» LAWU | |*j) 00W0 0 A to»MM» !•*■#*% A *A*#» «9nN| «-# iriMNM A* *to Um*# V4# %m . |ppt tto nt oMfcnfi to fM4M n. yr tinm* li Ifto • at a**i toMtoMt * MMMtototoMtoa Ml 4toMNM | ff«nan #t«ft ■ •*^m» If* *tto iarifniP'tiiM !• PM*!* »--*« atli to «mto atAwspHi **4 MM tatMMi tto flip 4MMMMI Ml. |fKMI*tiNPNI fttflfl NHmPIM Ml pPPM I Ipfttp, ImH, MM* MMI »»*• A—mH *A* *M4f» ! | Inal la into# #«*M |-| nil Itipi Hit *—«d fetteWwMp are vpfw SfffjfW atupn ftwm IlUa Irhtp i tith- nut yum wan m»g*e ttma ywwr «i - f* m*-n arasw* W n ***v —esu 1 #IMS» <*•-•««** oart ta *»»» bawdy i» baw> m ,* |mi, a the ream mad* Mr r»W* nrww. Um m and *baai» are H«e* 'bat raMT* nt b«*«* *• "Wtw-bad’a" mtnnd, t#,«e A f«r«»tt»a hwtbar «* rare* An .. . i Mama** OrtlArate— A *twrn pna*- la a e»w rauwtry with an «»bn»wn erew. wbieb tntla t» raaufe hearer ay* •mat hettut Mama •art tn •*• turn**- UmL flrr-n-d «r wtwbed sw tba reekn «yf •licttiMMl. A Ineame—A dmettet. A min my ***»d freeuratiy nm*» • tltiie tun brtara *M yata under aar ta a great undertakmg H« •he batb n< it her tmryam er fnttb t«r Mt <et ere Ortfta wttb the tide to ward ite* break ere. A 1 —A Mlpimhnl wtfMl Ouif | tt*n*« Mmrt «* <mt of 4«&CM«M eyr t.tfr|,.n ff*g th»t IMN from Mi tk# of Mlpni. Heaven- -An enuatry from whuh en CVdumlare baa ever brought ue bark a iiutwairr. of erbtrh tee know MPr thnt *vrry rtflM# iM » iienthmiwa are ttt by on—an band* rv*ey~A ~a—«m" H,»«a «*• «•!. I rata teg mi la Imr cwtawdwr of nta. or „ ar f ar e—Yartlra vrbl'h «*• fttiu* l« |trt*v« (h«( thrJr ml#- 'uM* »a« tn tns th* M*loe *f«p Ls th«Mr M*it ! t'hontofn f^irt-i* —iht|m #*nt ftut bf L ! leuit of the ghost of * Irhaare tn rotor out with national b»n ior (?) for Spain. EPfABUdHED IWh-Rrlhblt fneta Lew will lend you any amount of nvm j ts for otty Irnartb of time on an blnde | rs personal property at a very low rata ( gHrMt All trawmetbm* •Utelly mnHdrnllal. KteeJ-l.twd burglar proof wa'.a Cnder the Arlington hotal, oa farkaon ateeet. J. PehauL DOT ACdDENTAUUY KIDLED. ' \ gad Aceldmf Orcured Jfeeently In Rock HIM. Rock Hill. 8. C., July W A very «ad (accident orcured In our city yesterday ! ro n,nlng Just after midnight, tiy wblrh lone Innocent ynum# colored boy lost bla I life. Policeman T. F. Rivera, who goes lon duty at midnight, had gone to tbo (depot, carrying with him, aa la hta rua tom, his double-barrelled shotgun. (While there his attention was dlrert led to two colored toys, Ram Brown I and Britton Henderson, lying prostrate on the platform, both asleep. Mr. River*, holding the gun In hi* right hand, grasping It about the platol grip, L testified to by witnesses, punched llrown with the tnustle and awakened ! him. He then went to Henderson and punched him screen 1 time*. As the l>oy awakened one barrel of the gun was discharged, the load taking effect In the unfortunate lad’a boweta. The hoy orose, clasped the policeman around the waist, «nd exclaimed: "Lewd, have mercy.” He lo.dted up Into the police man's ftioo, groaned aoverol times, fell over and In two minutes was dend. Aa (the boy arose the policeman exclaimed iln sorrowful tonca: "Dord. f have kll * led this poor boy, ond he ho* done 'nothing to me." I The killing was purely accidental 'and Mr. Rivera la unable to account (for the reason of the discharge of his (gun. He did not think It was rockt d. and feels sure It was not. He had I loaded the gun only about a half hour 'before going to the depot and had car ried It under hi* arm to that point. I He hod a custom of carrying his gun 'as a protection against dogs. He was horror stricken «t the awful consequ ence of his carelessness. He liked the hoy as ho was obliging and polite. Yesterday nionnlng Coroner J. M. Brian was notified and he came from | Yorkvllle on the 11 o’clock train, and 'at 12 o'clock held an Inqpest ovo/ the body, the following persous composing the Jury: R. K. Sadler, fireman: R. W. Creed, Ed. F.woll, T. L. Williams, ■«?. S. Brown, J. D. Scruggs, H. N. Young blood. J. H. Toole, T. O. Flowers, S. It. Milling, Hal Brown, J. A. Hall, Ike Barron. 11EIt INTEREST IN IT. “No,” she said; “I don’t believe iu pushing the war too fast. I hope tho men who are running It will take their; time about it.” "That's a queer view to take of so serious a matter.” he replied. "Well, maybe It ts." sh<? assented, “hut when tt began Fred. Robbins said he'd buy me a two-pound box of candy if our side didn’t win iu less than three months.” San Diego, Tex.—Expectation Is that Duvall county will make tho largest crop of cotton this year ever raised. Neylor, Ga. —Crop prospects greatly Improved since rain. Now there is complaint of too much rain, ._ ,_. w WILL IT BE BROOKS OR MILES I tl IHl#iUi| Km i tMIH M Mil \ MifllAm fIM IMiMIII Ml •** tfM* I *H*IWI I HiNi *m Cl MIMiMtMMM ***** «*f MM Ml «M*4 Mt tf# M*M4 liMf ivmlmm #»4 tiirNM Mmmi t «**4 ffMI MMNI «lwM U MM ii» s If Mi *««*!>» ItiUiMii C* »%4 19 if 1 MMI MMM lift am TM* Mft 9111 M* j y»*Ar MM «4 iMMWMMff IfM**®* •• 1 [r»M>M> Ml liii fMMMtf? fA*M*f»l . MMi MMttiii «M mmi 4*pi#)mmm# liil I pVMf tMMrIM ill UM *M* fiflllM ** ; Mill MM Miff M» «IM#I •? MMftt TMMMiif. fMMI MCttMMIifMCM MMl> fcMt I Mat Mi Mill Mi MMf** •* j IMM «sci Hn*«b IMmi* m 4 CMi Mt-M I MftM N*m #**4f M» «*» m «M I I Mi tMftllMti. tlM* M»i a# tMi MMtf f*4* ? MMtiif IfUMM* fM*M MilH UMfn 4MMMMMIHSI M# t* fMli f)MM#, TMi mM»I# Mill M#^4*Mljr Mii*Mif M9MH4M#tIM IfMi tMiifM tMMMi ||4 MMMI. Ml #®i M* »*MI M^^i* UMo tM# miMMmf of tMi C*Mt* MMMkSfitlOMi Mmm«*#m fMli CMMMtrf w 4 Ntn mm, TMifi IN tMM NbiM li i iirto Rka MfeMMliA • llMHil it iitii u»4 |wtn mm to IH TMfIMMKj jin A tMi «tM*f iMMtMfOM it IMmmm. MM 1 IMi VMMtM r«Mrt. Mi 4 ME*tQ£ tMMir so | Ml. Crm* Hi mmim Mm** Ui fit tM**# j tr ft blr*. Mi f M MIMM ioMM Ml MM(|I j jpMttl llfillf MMfIMM tMt IfMFlt tw.l If Mi Mo iO. IM# li if tMi noMfM*i» * tM Kliiltot* will opfraM ilkm mHM m\ or Mill b ( m4 5 HI OM tbi l#if Of ttoilUaC MrotrifUp j ■ad (MHr pmm obltMMiM»fii to tfc* M|»mm- UM ffovrriMtii In coMMld«riilM of tit itiNilf Until Ortsrtl fiysete'* arrt**l la lowa on Friday night, no q«sr»tk>n but I flswa ratted sa to (Janaral Mtlsw isadtng I th* m petition to Porto Mira. Itroufec't, {tradings srs mid tn have - basted flow -, |»*»r tn the light at th# frjuttinga o*> r lilaatkifio's downfall, and Ac la quoted) a* saying that h* would liflc to be given I {the same rflanre that Shaft** obtained) Inf shewing bis mottle, with an indc- J |pendent command 1 here la. therefore,; a little doubt as to Mile*’ movements, | though every sign of tho pr**'rt move ment favors the idea of fll* going u originally arranged. Much will depend! on whether the prraud* nt feels (bat tn , watching tbe nest tumpasgo from ‘Washington, he needs Mtlcs at hi* rl-, how. Bnmethlng will Ling* alao on j the prospect# of peace. If these proe perta ate fair. Miles wtll go anyway.! so a* to "be In at tbe death.” Goner* Is Brook* and M'lea have been warm personal friends for many year*, and If Miles la bound to go there la no officer whose orders Brooke would no carefully obey. Hrooke ta trying very hard to get permission to take his en tire corps with him. and not have any from Santiago. Hie corp# he argues, has beet) trained and brought In’o shape by himself, and he ssntild like to test Its metal all alone. Moroover, the men are atroog and well, and he feels thnt It would be a wrong to them to bring among them tha Santiago sol diers wbo have been exposed to yellow fever. If all of Brooke's oorps went with the Incidental addfllnna which would hnve to be made, the total In vading force would number obout thir ty thousand m«n. These are practically ready to start now, and all that would have to be arranged would he the de tails of commissary and transportation. Both Brooke and Miles wish (o avoid the perils of the Santiago campaign by being sure of un overwhelming force nt the very start. They feel that the Spaniards would then discover that they were beaten before any fighting began, nnd th* Island could be taken with very little loss of life. DALTON 50LDIER DEAD. Private l.on P. Barrett Succumbs to Typhoid Fever. Atlanta, Ga., July 21.—Private Lon P. Barrett. Co. H, Second Georgia vol unteers. died at Fort McPherson on Monday of typhoid fever. Barrett was brought here from Tampa. His remains were taken to his home at Dalton, Ga. Frank Q. Allen, Co. G, Sixth Infan try, who was shot In the foot at Santi ago July 1, died Monday. After being wounded ho was sent to Tampa, whera he contracted typhoid fever. His rel atives aro unknown and he was buried in the national cemetery at Marietta. THINKING IT OVER. “Why don’t you shoot?” Inquired one Spanish officer. "What’s the use?" replied the other. “We never hit anything.” "But there's no use of wasting our ammunition.” “That’s what I want to avoid doing. In my opinion we bad better get some one to sell It to the Yankees for us. We'd at least have the satisfaction of getting their mpney.” —Washington Star. SmithviUe, Bastrop County. Tex.— Crop prospects are better than they have been for several years at this time. Uniontown, Ala.—There has been some complain of cotton not fruiting well. tub: wcjqxjbta herald t — -m^rw || 1 L. tMi. m aft. H 'tr>i%.,' flew*®® iV 4 A F* J * T i\rr»r.^ 1 fll I\ \ in* it-ftHr /(llu Mr e.«ea *»-♦ -rttw . 4ie .*.** Wat n'tnelewty and yevamaeatly me It a a atugghd • kwiatw ta mil yaw, art la left yaw, wfcrt yee wart, SHL fttVRJt t»A(.K£O AOAtft Mae •ttrhee Man SmeeU a Wtad Mar at • Caatreey Warn. <4 flpMl}t| Mbocit Mikf Mtfoi Mod tbi b**4 Mijr to (to thmm ' Mt 4 1 'lenrge hyaavy, **l ewa Ml je» <f a trek that Htayb n ieelaad |4s)fd awe tttu- art It werkel like a ) *el!«ra all hapw !*mee, coana yew wo— kw Heea Met h> Bar ilarbtg Well— fit '• •pftedtt v|| 1 f vitr* tm * (<o tbi sfKib lay ft fam-stf Yuc remewMed U»« heavy alert e*oAm—WW« Bight Unolkr war marttad—wbvu all th* trass InaA *d •n ynHy after th# atorat. Yoa rtastc be* Atapbiw—be bad a w <1 Inf oct neat the (l»it of t)ream uiv ontsin where be eat bta waaid wlucevm. That s-ts hr 1 bad at luwdaoßM a pat* of bay taut* a* •ear telu drew an* Tbn otgh >ma tea* ail right la ctnry pwrtioular. bat the oil oca beat twull* onro la seliib wben *ba woaM tag* mattaru lu her own way an i throw ap her aatd. Yoa talght pat rorka lit her earn twlet her tall part, whip, ewdar and ra*a a* a»«ob a* yoa liked, but abe would aovey move till aba gut ready. "Um day I sort LrUnd wbtm be waa | hauling art U>e Oral load fur tlta day. H« told me hot* she worked, aod I told him !h*a and there that If it waa my bnrau I'd juet uabtscb the nigh awe and leave bar bltobud on to the load In ibo wrxxia. Tk*v woat Into tho Harbor with the Unt load all right, bnt when tba •nroud load waa pil'd on and wader way IlMtiga were dtlfereal. At a certain placa In the road ap guoe that buree'e h.*»d again It waa tn jnat the ant place where she bathed before. Stove waa mad aa a batter. Ho took off bla coat nod hat Ue aware till the tree* around him trembled. Next be took a oapUDg btycb and whipped and pouaded tilt bo wae all Un i oht. Then he mi down ap’d rrMtM. Then he thought be‘d oaax the critter, eo he got a drink of water from a «j>rtng hho drank it. Than baaekrd bar to go, bnt not a mua cla would *hti laove, htepben fnaited till ha heaauie exbauatod. •’Tbew. as he toM m« afterward, he look Sperry'* advice—onhitobed th« aigb one. straddled her back and made for heme, leaving the ugly, contr'y thing alone la tke wood*, bitohed to a tied with a oord and a half of green wood to auohor It. He never so mack as looked ro?|id nor said aye, yes, or no, but mad* direct for home, potting tip hi* horse and eating his supper. He had beooai* sa ‘diegasted (hat he nearly dis miss'd the thing from his raiod That night begun with a little flue rain. It was like a oold mist, and wherever it struck H frOsa. Then it snowed and Plowed for awhile, then again it turned to rain—th* queerest storm ever known on-Moont Desert ttJuad. There wue not a miriuto utter 1 o’elook that eveniug till daylight neyt tuotaing but it snow ed or rained, and the wind was like a double edged ruaor 'long toward morn ing. Every tree was three times iu proper siue, ana the ones left standing rooked like the roost beautiful plumes you ever see in your life. Lots of tree* were broken to tbs ground. The tele graph wires were nearly an inch and s half in dfittNAtpr, covered with solid ice. Little hmbi t "cf btroh and mnpll were like brunches'of coral. "In the m era tug Steve took out ths old horse and started hack for the woods. When ho near the place whore he left the horse, and load, ho was astou ished. The old nag was there just whore she stood all ulnot. Not tne sign of u track did she isake. Her legs were tho size of flour barret, her body surely three times its proper size. Her eyes and ear* were hidden from view by the snovr that had drifted upon her; the steam freu her nostrils fortaod ioieles that reached the greopd. All in all it was the tough est sight be ever witnessed. Mr. Leiaca at first supposed the animal was deqd, bnt after awhile he took an ax and broke the ice end lot the poor critter oat. She was like a chicken coming out of an egg. The coat came off in large flakes. When he hitched the nigh pns on, he only had to speak once and ha niado lively time over tba icy road that morning. He kept that , .pair till last year, when they both died,. “They never balked again. Hewi» MISS SCHIET TO BRING PEACE \tsm% I* f# %M <]««*§ fc*t*§f! f idfM I* i ft.j ftil Mftr 1t tM JMpM 9*‘ j .NiilMi i'f* mm WMltoM -Tf4mtr ii>M j Mr# t -ntii- im Mi: Mi .itPi MM* It • I f** « M*® p*mm MIN t«M«v4 f j * FASHIONS IN TIAR9. tirßftgi m n i«* »>«>■• VMava Ami IMaMa* •**• li W«b»—m- Paefebat* rf~g~ «**a la art* I***! 1 ***! , - aniketa end H baa baea fwml «brt it I ' u wo !<»/** a aty i as patkeata taka» ert k* yutits t# Wrtß X'huee ksa tir litM li Ktageity, 0 NftrtNft (Rkn#f •>* ■ _ Ai4 *Pmii * Miwrt »•*•* AM •**—• un*# t»Mm ‘ * Mb ?**%•# M* JKiMMMa otfi cßltl t#MB tioe|l «Mwi t IM* |St*ft) wMM Mu M ! *#• t* tM# MMI li •upe sod to Ibe wives daagbtnka arc ! mMo Milt m 4 **•o**ol U . f|| m Uml to l4f VMIM ta toM.I MM * ! , gantry the <4 ft he* grt** forth. Wee,. I uo iuixv. '' Tba day has i* •• a wk*s tba Ua, art ey.a md) t# saad f *eh a j < f ttare i« the eligrteat provart tlaa, ws pro*# •• aiectiva i •getnet refrwrtcry tie hn w* lot, . much ai, .at it It t* aeefei to awoto so | ** a tetttf to her aervoae ayet«m—any j phyrtrtaa can tall bur that It ha# It* |,(i«>iek<ftcal beaeflrt—bet auwoultnlty j (iilSQl to eetsteed by Unw motrt weth ud« Whua abe begrt* *° eh. vIM eW tartinasd slgus of Afebreea. mac crae' • Inkerferse. “Now, don't «ty- It uatw j your non* red msA y«at ejma agly. It I won't change osa.” U» if bet* -vpertal ; |y entree be will abort “Pur baaveu'• cake, stop taet crytoa aauw unices yoa wart to get rrt of nt! 1 wus'l rtacit if’ A woman tajoy* crying. The wise ' nuia M aware of this and is never heart less eat ugb to attompt stopping a aouro* u t pleasure. But It is unc room maac» why be ia not aifeotad by bar team, if tiiuy arise frum bodily paw or tetania mental suffariag, be i* all sytapatby. hat tba by atari cal overflow that rout bu pvodtK'ed on aa instout'i notice, that sewn* to be ou tap—fe.esur her dree* dosai't fit ia ooc partioalarer she lacks a dime to omnplrte one especial pur •base—floes not now excite bis mtarost. Whaa a man once, It ii from tbe diaphragm, and tbe sob* give him ac tual physical pain. His Vi fellows know this and can sympathise with bim. But women cry from tbe chart thrust without tbe slightest effort, and utsti know that too. Tbe oid Ocrmea proverb, “Nothing dries eoooer than a tear, ’ niosl have been written by a wan wfio had bad espertewoa with tbe wiles es weeping women. There is a gnrtot old Eoglirli posm that give# a lift of tbe various evil spirits that infest this world and inflict injury upon more or less usdaacrvkig mortals, aud ocnoiudes aith lbs startliug vtatoment that "* wckptng woman with two black eye* it die wh&edeat devil of thorn all.” The principal point fur the con*idcra don us wotpau I* that when (be mast iav* her “good, comfortable ory" she fhU>id babe y-r oencnlatkm privately. ■Vhea d>U in tbe presence of uatynrpn •hiatag niafi, she tutly even target to ry, so* if she remembers there ia a . astiilhty that abe wtll forget the cause f her lachrymose desires, aud smiles usy'soou chose away tbe tears as they im ih eflllfltoh years. If the syx has re ormid ia Mti® reapset, man aaod not luim tbs eraflit. It is a bnsy, hurtling ig®, in tba aftiee at lsast, and ttierc wo oes likve isarqpa to be wise, *arn«o md suang, as factors in the daily life :t a vcoMii that dempnia the best efforts -xum.lbem. They art! responding brave ly and Intelligantly, and there is no lime left for orytng. Phiiadelphi* Cimea trr*; CABTOnIA . Beaiv tbs jf TN Kind You Haw Alwavs Bought A GROWING LIST. f (Detroit Free Press.) Honors for itlb achievement outside Santiago harbor will not be bestowed until the list of warships that sighted andr fired at the Spanish fleet first Is completed. NO* A 8 HAPPY AS THEY LOOK. (Atchison Globe.) Half the men you seo sitting on the porch with their families in the even ing are being reminded that the grass needs cutting. AS MUCH PROTECTION AS POSSI BLE. The government can reserve the blowing up of the mines in Boston harbor till the last. WjSIJI A CUT THIS OUT Wni« |TOUf A# VcHIkAIRAPI ON iMb Nani*, ftnft-fbc • mount MCAIMfy to Oft# •* (R'ftf'jf IHBCT* tiOOfl «« jyOW flrflnl, *k*»*l BBtfNl t n*j»H Of a*>ml it to THK MIRALD. advertisement coupon. To im; Atm bta MgHA» ti Uiwwaw inßßfi th* Bclv*rt'*#rTi»nt written botow -flmoft in your ’•WANT** rolumntv for which you will find #nelOß#cJ $ Oftntt — ai -1 A*"- AtaMii-ifewwnAb »r-i | SIGN HERE Rate* v:* * * ftVtAs l mm *to«» >4 ttmm, | ONE-CENT A WORD mtuation wanted W A I®# MIITI OH AM ! acKispiat* «r . T*tiim mmm itowM If mmmi M #MmmmUmm. J WrfmtoM fVMMB itijr mw tor t !•» a# toiTllk. Ar|4t K4fftf j WMttto. Ho ##u»«*fM m. c. 4Mir a WAJffF4>-A FIaACR AM Ift*KMC OK I toMxftfl. Applj IM W«J%«rr fftfMit* I U W ANTKIW O>TMITIf»N AM COOBL CAN MtT# Mq IMAMPMMC’#• fll **<*'• iViMti#- July *1 HELP WANTED WAN’Tfci*—AkVItHAL CONi'KTKNT j j drvMtr.akaM sad »w* first rtosa > uu-r | and itUcr. to <*l- charge of work- 1 rrsvnva in profnincr.t It* ith Ctivilst town. A|.«»ly Mavaulay A Co. JlySl |1 WANT TWO mtNOORAPtIKRH yottitg men. to fill I*"*- permanent inoaltlnM. L. J. H>«iy, No. * Library ' building. 4«‘» » W ANTRD A C» > ATM A K Kit AT once Apply R- Hubca. l«t Mth »»-. Columbta. I*. C, July -l FOR SALE CREAM—CI BAN AT S 4 JACKSON AT. ! VERT CHEAP—PI*'obh *nn«, M*. cal tnsirumsnta. watchan alrooat glvoa a«*y at t*ae!e Uw'e. yon BALK CHEAP—A PAIR OP , youn* horses. Will work doubts or | singU- C. H Howard. Jr., at Howard j & WlUet Drug Co. June Ik ts I for saij: or rent—hovse or 1 1 rooms on Lincoln street. In good con dition, on eaay terms. Wm. Bchwelgert. Aug 1* ________ for balb-a lot or second hand door*, sash, blinds and wooodi-n column*. Also a large lot of roofing vlite. In good condition. Apply to Ji cob Phlnlay. Au * 1 TO RENT for rent-one furnished bed rooom. 1001 Telfair street, city. Aug^l FOR RENT—THE UtROK HAND SOME dwelling No. 932 Broad street, with yard running through to Ellis street. Apply to Jute* Qodln. TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING j 1229 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. July H TO RENT-KROM OCT. 1. THE! residence corner Broad end Marbury street, containing twelve rooms, with all modern conveniences. Apply IL R Broad street, city, upstairs. July 22 FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1. IR9*. THK dwelling No. 622 Ellis street; also the new dwelling; No. 215 Oliver Row, Mon ument street. Apply to Jacob Phlnliy. Aug It FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1257 Greene, with modern Improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply 1256 Ellis. Aug 1 TO RENT—DWELLING OF 7 ROOMS with all water conveniences. Poses siem at once. Rent low. Apply 427 Fifth street. D. Graham. Aug 1 Misci L LANE o u s SUMMER COURSE OSBORNE'S BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial pQurse reduced from SSO to $35. Short hand and typewriting $45. Boys and girls from 15 years and up taken. June 17 ts WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE— House of three or four rooms to live in. or rooms '.Address Rent, Herald of fice. July2l TWO BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 Telfair street. Can give a large, pleasant room with two beds, on rea sonable terms. Aug 1 JULY 91 |Special Notices. !a MOM* aWMTI *A l« Of# I lit if. (to . July 14* l** ,00117 RUN THE RISK cf Usinf Bad Language, Biit 0 To Simmons’ Bicyc f e Shop Hi Luo,ll> ai iiKir, And Gkt Yoar Work Done We!L K-r tl>« bdi hu oajrt Btcjretoi llutfiifltd l |*nr#» is • trt on firitirmv. t mubirl uflc i iitf)C>ii tHjftghl ii.(t •44 ufi ALL WORK GUARANTEED PERSONAL MENTION. < Charlea G Btitfel. of 8t Loola, la to i pteseat iu .bat city a hrvuae statu, of I the Geetcan pert UchllkT, now being j cat at S - .uU ,s> t. It will be act up tn | St. Louis place, near tbe home of tba j doQor. Hen” Clark, wtio waa chief of acoutx j for General Cutter in tbe campaign | which ttt.'.d to tragically at tbe Little ; Big Horn so many years ago, la now | trainmaster oed indinn interpreter at K,»l Ren . I T. It ia understood that tbe truatees of tbe Brittain Museum wtll appoint Mr. George Ftortesctws to the office of print ed books, which will soon be vacant by the resignation of Dr. Garnett, who retires on a well-corned pension. Proctor Knott, eg-governor and ex ! congressman. Is living quietly In Ken tucky. where he 1* a professor of taw :n Cuater college. He might have had several Important offle-w during the Cleveland administration, but he re futed them all. Prof. William S Brooks, director of the Smith observatory at, Geneva. N. Y.. haa had conferred upon him by Hamilton colic** the honorary degree pf doctor of science, in recognition of his numerous astronomical discoveries. Mr. Brooks had made a great number of eometarv discoveries, ninny of which are of the highest scientific In terest. AN ELECTION ON THE QUIET. Not Even the Ordiuary Knew It Was in Progress. Macon, Ga„ July 19.—Seme months ago it was announced that a district in Vlne-ville had been ordered to bold an election for justice of the peace. The governor passed an order because tbe counts’ had not held such an election in several years, It being known (hat the negroes were In a majority and wanted the office A notary public had performed the duties. Tbe election vans held Saturday, but wrs so skilfully managed that even the ordinary was not aware that this was the date fixed upon. As a result of the quiet way ia which it was done, J. H. Brown, a white man, was elected with out opposition. .FRANCE RETIRES A LIEUTENANT. Offered Recently to Fight With Spain. Paris, July 21.—Pierre Loti, tbe fa mous novelist, and a lieutenant in the French navy, was peremptorily placed on the retired list today. He has re cently offered to fight with Spain, A