The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 21, 1898, Image 8

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VHUftSDAV WE DON’T ADMIT TRABH No tndocomwnt tuffiCM Nm« to M»t! unworthy Cioihing If t>c»or i*f»hi*> »r» too poor to buy iubtUfit<gi good* lh*y Mill find out Romo day (hat inferior fiMfCbcndiw mi v#ry *l#M»r, pod w# do 001 wanl (ham to think or My the! Ih»y got <t bad bargain hero. No matter how low ihnt prlc#* wo jh# uiuAt •tandard of reliability. That** ooa of tha charm* of th# Ouksomoi halo. 25 par cant off all Man** and youths* Fancy Ca*almara, Chavlot & Wor»- tad Suit*. 20 par cant off all Mao’* A Youth* Black and Blua Wor»tad Suit*. 25 par cant off all Chitdran** Knaa trouiar Suit*--all styia* and *<fa*. CO par cant off our antira lino Man** Straw MaU-naw good*. €*Mtm srvtr *#***»«•*• m ••*- M pH «**M jssrffs mmw* «»** lal I tmww SisiM»»fc t ***«■». • «rt* *• «•» *•* . « •#*. Spot cash Sale MR. [. I. Mllliß HAD Hl» Dnil OrranH at ««4tsw •• Gfffrcta R«4 To 4«» R. Wm V».Mk« Ur. R H Mkrrt* ■l* w f. • Broths 11, it t. Miun oi«4 at »* iW* «**<»««* •< *»#**• *• »#•'• Wtfl BB <!**#•» *** h*#. *. t»f mi •» < hw I Mr •*» b*v*d. r**p«n»-a « R|Hr l to '»«•' •m Ilf k6* *ttl WC-ceot«Mt*« IW *' Mr. aad Mr* Mill** »«"'* Mr. R M. Hirtla. % tfutW 1,1 **t»» Mll*«r «kMr Imom I* •• *to r * lH,,,y atmul fin dim from Mawlamt Her • Mr MllWr **i ltk>a »ufc, and w * <V*th rvsaitwt tn * ,r * ,M t<r brought 4>»»n l<» August* lhl * ••**'>4 •*<• and tto fuuttal will <"’«r ««m«rr«* i»*inln« :ro«i th* rostiVm*. , Haymilus ami Macartan M(ll»r waa torn la *M> tot*** «»•'"> hM< h hr aid br bulled He was* tooth* *f Mr F II M.ltrr a«id Mr. R f>. Miller and Mr* Jnn Kvr of Kingston. Oa . ansi the fa<h«-r of Mr K. T Mlllrr. Jr., of the G*»i - at. railroad, and Mr. Toni Miller. th* wall known '»'f#"H| #lf n i« ttvr In AuMetlw #'M*4 *f tto** ard t* hi* rrlall***. *h* M*«ipl«- «i Au gusta trndrr ihrfr stnoeresl apvn (Kithira. Mr Mlllrr was alxty-tto*# *rr»» of a«r and had Itvaff In A*gu*ita all o hi* lif,.. For many yeors h* »»* aoaduc lor on Ihr Q#«r*U rattroail and 1» known and loved to eywcrtody along tha liar of road. Hr wa* an effl< ‘ t it* j thr Order of Hallway Conduct >r*. The funeral arrangement* hav* ml Man completed further than that II will occur tomorrow morning from '.hr residence The Ladies of Augusta will be treated to a feast of Bargains tomorrow at White's. COURT. 1 he Prisoner* Who Were Tried Before Judge Baxter. When Judge Baxter announced this morning at 9 o'clock that hi* court wm* ready to dl*h out justice trreapec tlva of race, roltw or creed, the prison er*’ box contained only a f w prospec tive rcelplents-of Judge Baxter * com modity. Kills Butler was fined 97.50 for hav ing played the alar part In a domestic infelicity. He hail allowed his wife to hit him on the toe of his boot with her side. George Blue was slued live dollars. His offense was that of uiignllantry. He east aalde hi* chivalry for a few moments while he lambasted « female who was making life a burden to him. Alice Jones ami Indiana Hampton, Afro-Amerinans from the western por tion of (he eity, entered Into a pugi listic encounter yesterday, the last chapter of whleh was a sentence upon Alice, that she pay a ten dollar bill or work for twenty days for the city. Follow the crowds to morrow to J. B. White's great Bargain Sale. A Card. The United Benevolent Society of At lanta. Cia., ivas led to believe that Judge Mlllege M. Connor, a magistrate of Augusta, was using his official posi tion to stir up dlscnnent among the pol icy holder* of this company hi that city. Believing this the United Benevolent Society had printed and through Its ogents preferred charges against Judge Connor that reffeet upon him «s an of ficer and a man. We learn that our In formation is nut trustworthy and that we have ddtie Judge Connor a great In justice. We rhgn't our action and de sire in tills pu hit* way to recall (mil retract all that we have said or print ed in a*ny way detrimental to him. C. R. Normandy. Secretary. Attend J. B. White’s Fri day Bargain Sale tomor row. Special reductions in every department. HAM HAI.L CkH* V«m IMr Abe on*** I Mty Craft Dollar ta Ml. Creators. Tb. M*a*t«r* frfxiH tk. tea4er* la . I WaahlhSL*«», ft if fg. I (VfflftilfNi •• •• ••*••••* 1 lo I j MMWWIt *• *• «•••«* aa I t • j [ TV dffaathl IV Urn**-it* Bt flklßtiifl. It H- K I Mm .. 7 u # IflN. Un»l» .. 4 t 1 TV rolrmrtf man tram HMnklrn »» ! Nrw folk ft m r. Inrooklrn •• •• •• •* .... .. 1 1 t !u*itpvlf|e ..... .. «... «It 5 , Tha Of? hfadtd VfNllHl f*flfl«<|aHitMß *0 it He latter** gf.uwd* . R. >1 R Ftlllr. tclphl* .. ..1 I * Chicago It II J ; The utratr* wen from the (Uants In t New T«wh, Darla and Grady es th* latter team making a triple ulay R. H F. N*w i If * i Flit.hurt 7 >* » [ The Otinle* defeated Cleaeland tn ( Rultlmore r. n r. ■ Hsititsor* .. .. •» .. ** * i Cleveland Sl* 1 | A telegram from SI. le*ul* atat.w tt*M about half of Hie creditor* of Cbrta ' von .ler Ahe the ex-h*»ehall m»gn»’e. met there yesterday and decided to v- Icept BO cent* on the dollar for the'- IrlaUM. Thu* the trouhle* of Mr. von der Ah*, le.ho «n once a power In baselaill cir cle*. are nearly over. II win be remembered that he was recently followed by detective# to l*ttta 'hurg and there kidnapped, tak e> l»ef,ite a Judge nml pul In Jail, only being re- I leaned after a hard struggle by the lawyer*. CHARLES LUNDY KILLED. Hit With Pick Axe In Hand* of an Infuriated Comrade. ft was learned yenterday that Charles ; Bundy, who formerly lived In Auguala : and who had enlisted Trom Savann*.h I In the second Georgia regiment, hart j been killed In enmn at Tampa In a i quarrel with a fellow.- soldier. The Infnnnntlon came In a letter re- j reived by Mr John H. T-undy. who lo- . tor left tlx* city, and thus details of the ! tragedy could not tw* secured. Knough. however, was learned to state that the quarrel aroae while the ■ two volunteers were engaged In certain I camp duties, and the other soldier, whose name is not known, struck I.un dy on the head with n pickaxe. Death was Instantaneous, the sharp point of the axe piercing the unfortun ale man's brain. The young mail was horn In Augusta, and lived here for many yeers, remov ing fliinlly to Savannah, where he was engaged In the railroad business. His brother. John Bundy, is connected with the Augusta Fire Department. NEURO WOMAN BURNED. Aged Negress Severely Burned By Ignition of a Kerosene Stove. Tim department responded to an alarm from box IS last night, at Broad ond Center streets, caused not by u conflagration of property, but by the serious burning of an aged negro wo man mimed Lisa Yarborough. The old woman w as engaged in filling o kerosene stove and in some way the oil Ignited, biasing up and setting on tire her dress, which was quickly a mass of flames. A crowd collected, attracted by her screams, nnd someone secured the ser vices of a dot-tor, who had the wo man removed to Bamar hospital. The latest advices are that, while severely ond painfully burned, i! will prohnblly , yleW to proper treatment, at.d no serious result Is apprehend ai. hr’ 00W AT REST. Funeral Services of This Esteemed Man Occurred Yesterday. Tl»' funeral of the late James L. Gow took place yesterday afternoon at sii: o’clock from No. - Cummiug street Tile members of Camp 4;1B U. C, V ntKl Miller Bodge. 10, I. O. O. F., at tended in u body, Mr. Gow having bee« a niember of each. In addition, a large number of riil xens were hi attendance, testifying to ihe general esteem tn which Mr. Gow was held. Mr. Rpb Bisell has returned from Sa luda. m i«(. _ _ ; Ufl ll M 6'fM •* kprial Tnii •*4 Anti «4 **Vr. * C!NMNS 4i| I 9mi tTN | CVI W> IMI m *M A « PliFTVl* j** **vai B HR *fc4< B #4*4) BBMItk Ml 4V* t§ *■** I •HI »#»*# i#iT#- »•' |... ] 1 1' %4WM| f j TV# ****** (t»t* bfi #| |Bi i i jB4N9 #■*♦! | t* V* #ll a Ml# | ’ If .%**#•*••• I MB# j I Tk* >*f Wfi*i» #■«## ##« j fflßltß If ||<vbn * ■, #B#| Vs ***« i|*iil4# j f*ttf If MM hm f Biwi Mnmi J j n««|«*#| IjiMli'lfß «** IB Bf#B* f«t 4|#B- j s t#.. B# IV AlNfMßl# v*)f f Bf# 9* V I [ B#ll«#l #l4 BPBPtBI foivtinc m tv jlßfUVi* r >*lM #9 I i jwf f hr i i9H|M ## IIV'B # IBM 1 I ib«#blbb r4iff <s 4BNN9MM MBVfH fVIfM» f|**i liMlt IV IB fl 91. ■#**k $t Prvr««i|Bl W If.. CNtßftßir TVnl H K IvtiFf r mMB r M fH«tr#4». j) jn*«Bi iVt W Ifr n, Jm W, WVlt# A It 4b»»b naplaia (atoieg Rsrrsss ft O. Margl Maj W A tltt.W** I Cot™ p»rgt Iks W WM* ! First Music Ms J.,rdss Hsli«a |ir«ssn* W R Whit*. Ik* It tVrtjr. H I. ftoisshcas, I «l F Ag** J#«* Apso, War* Malta'A Ikrfd t T ti Rarvott, K W Cot* jltsr, M K llsal ». T I* Branch Ja* t 'rsastcm. John <l. Rat bote W A li*scl FVtrr I'mlcM C. H Howard. II Brandt. W I l**lph My H<w, *. w Rtnoa. W I. Dunbar. H h Jor dan. O R ttaah. F C. Mrs, (Um l*om >hard. W T Unit. Ct»* F*«ttn*r. »*»**« Dsn m F. fkrraU. Jn«. A Fulcher, 'll T Low*. H. A. Chumi**** <> T Git beat) I. U Munkr U F Chap man C J Oadhne, John C McDonald, John Christian C. tl Gusdtb k J. W M' I Jtughlln J. \V Clark A T Graf, J H Merer, ham Clark. H M Hair J J Miller Walter Clark. Ja* ll*m m..r «. W C Mulllaan. M C Murphey Jan C Neely. Orchard K J rTCnaair. G--nrge Oliver. H Overstreet, J J Fal mer: Th.-ms* Faarl* *l. J. M. R K Pvh.l, O H Ferry, p. D. Plumb, Jan Fond, John A Frtee. Ale Hhndes, Matt. Rh*. Randolph Rldaeley. J L. RobertStA, H. C. Rof,ey. C It. Ron land. C. C. hego. W K. htk.qi. W F. Staton. John K ttnnth J. Rice Htnlth, W J Steed. Jcchn K htevdly, J F Hturman. h. A. H. Thompson. M *. Todd. Daniel Turner, It F. Walker. W. H Warren. John M Weigh-. Phil Wetgle. James Welteh, Wm, Williams, C. II Withrow, John D. Wolf The four drummers served In the war and hi addition there were three bu gleis and a tease drum. COMPANY A. ! Captain C. A Wither#. Chaplsln K. G. Collier, First Lieut. C. A. Doolittle. Ret ond Lieut. L. W. Kent. Third Lieut. J. C. McDermn*. Fourth Lieut. John Harris. Kergt. Major U. W Preveau. Orderly Hrrit. J. F. Corley. Hernnd hergt. Wm. ltemmelt. Third fbrgt. W. J. r.mle. ] Fourth hergt. Fred hchlela. I Fifth Seigt. J. C. Darrteotf. | First Color hergt. R. I* Tudor. ! hecond Color hergt. W. H Hlekmsn j Third Chlor hergt. h A. Altman ; Fourth Color hergt. W. F Faultier. ; Fiist cerp. A M Ford, j Sen oil Corp. W. H. Chavou. | Third Corp. John H, Smith. | Fourth Corp. James McCarthy. | Chief Musician Joe Mount. | Aaslstont Musician* J. I>. Williams. W. E. Fond and James McMillan. I Privates A. L. Holley, L. A. Posey, lsham Jrnes, J. W. Jones. J. T. Jieien, K. C. ’Johnson, J. A. Johnson. Bluff Johnson. H. C. Kennedy, James l.un dy, A. N. Mi Klvene, J. E. Moye, H. H Pugue, Perry Strang, P. H. Strom, tv. D. Sha’.v.A. J. Timmerman. J. O. I’lm, 8. A. Allwine, W. A. Avery, J. H. Harnea. C. Cl. Barnes. T>. Corley. J. L. Chavous, Allen Chavoua Pnul Carter, H. Chapman. Wm. Ferris. Andrew Graves. J. C. Goetchlus. C. H. Garvin. W. H. Goff. W. H. Hatfield. Tl. J. Hol ly. J P. Hodo, L. C. Hooks, P. A. Wattes, G. W. Whitehead. W. H. Wheeler, W. H. Vaughan, J. C. Cain. C. C. Hill, J- P. Keilum, K. G. Gregg. Wm. Nash, Joseph Steele and K. L. Storey. Follow the crowds to morrow to J. B. Whit’s great Bargain Sale, SI OLE A QUITAR. I. Stephens’ Fondness For Music Lands Him in Jail Isaac Stephens was arrested yester day at a !ate hour under suspicion of having allowed his weakness for music to get the upper hands of his Innate honesty and tn consequence thereof having wrongfully appropriated a mu sical instrument In order that he might regale his gentler friends with noctur nal serenades. The guitar which he is said to have taken was the rpopetty of a lady who lives on lower Greene street. Isaac was arrested at the re quest of the owner of the instrument nnd he is now in jail with the charge or lore, ny from the house hanging over shi head. INFANTS DEATH. Son of Hr. and Mrs. Manning M. Fox to Buried This Evening. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Man ning M. Fits will be grieved to learn of th.? death yesterday of their infant son, Manning. The funeral services will be held this evening at 6 o’clock. TEISJ ADOUBTA Iki jB.XjT>. ; GIMP GUI. (tottf* 4*t it fiftip litif 4 ii| tl* i I-*#*##* MmP **t IV# tl MPmnmi* ( HIM)* I*• *r •MV# * B4# #4 Bt BiilM ! ~ #*##! m -■ n mi «b# t#iß# .■ .. j4l «»* || nf |%| It I (Vvila W. of Ca A, 1 IJmßobu r ZJrJSmZi Ib roni rit»l ol flftrtft Mlf, *9o ! Ll wm* AlMka Momr* VaritiT. t** *•*> *»ow« W I l#r rtrtitr. Abu be#*! lo hi*| .gpllc.t on .ad tea «f n "rdersd k. P-1 port for .ysintnatton for tit* puaiKioat «f band MaaftT- Thi* la rqn’valrat to appointment. 1 to say* Colonel Withrow, and Horace j In a few day* will b* atending to tn*j format on of thr banJ. asleatlnc the and enlarging the nuch oa at musician* J already at camp. IJeotenant Luden H White, son of the role red grearber. Linteaaat I Grant, of Atlanta, and IJeutenant J Crumley,e*-lteuiennnt of the Georgia colored nglment of Atlanta, adl all he I appointed Ueutenaat*. A son of Chief Surgeon Fuqua ha* been appointed hospital steward and #ll join ttw rfulmcnt In • I THIS F. n. AT CAMP. Col. Withrow Will Lxtrnd Specific Invitation* For Dlllerent Day*. The Herald yvgtrrdsy published a general Invitation to the eitltena of Augiuda. ttndrred by Colonel With row and hit c Ulcer*, to visit Camp Dy er this a ternoon and lake a lock art'll*.l In corn, nation with the col onel today, he slated that this was a lit fits premature., as <vhlle they were glad at all times to see the visitor*. It was hi* Intention to tender siw'lfic In vitations to The various clubs, the city official*, etc . with their wive* and families, and thu* both himself and his officers could give the visitors more time and show them around with more attention to detail, than by a large concourse of visitors at one time and on one day. The invitation for th% afternoon was Intended for the Elks’ Club mem bers snd their lady friends, but. as it apepars. has been taken as being for the general public. THE WEATHER. What Sergt. Fisher Prognosticates About the Elements. Augusta, Ga., Thursday, July 21. IS9B. Office located in United States government building; telephone No. 1598. Forecast for 3fi hour?, ending 8 p. m„ July 22, 1898. Washington forecast for Georgia and South Caiolina: Fair tonight nnd Fri day. Local forecast for Augusta and vicin ity. Fair tonight and Friday. THE RIVER The river at 8 a. m. »vas 6.4 frrt. a fail of 0.6 Met in th? pas>t 24 hours. SYNOPSIS. Temperatures have fallen sine? Wed n.-sdsy morning over the great lakes and Ohio valley end have risen over the rest of (he country, the rise being marked in 'he northwest section, tho colest weather this morning being con fined to the upper Mississippi valley and upper Michigan. The rainfall throughout th? cotton belt in the past 24 hours has been ex tremely light and widely scattered at ’ least one-half of the belt receiving no rain at all. The barometer has fallen rapidly in the northwest country, while ;he ''high” has moved eastwar’ to the up per lake region. The ait pressure is also high HUTexcs with slight depres sions on the Atlantic coast. Largest stock of imitation Cut Glass wait 4 ® ever brought to the city, now on sale at White’s, at prices less half what others askj Glop IX XIN m |)t* Ur A4u*f# UmH ti <if«f* Mlthfi Mini tiff Be t*** I *•**«**#* •• tt Hitv* ; |if *hb mm* UwMWBI Mbb TV# fi ißilßit* t f‘ 4 til# *-f-.}|- ; * *4l $ I ‘ ifiai f-j f«• Bin i#4 IB tVr*# *!♦- v j4B# f Lars a»*e th* and fM . .alb *mg ... HiAlUl lß*f 1141 p j > peg ; n III* *I i ** «f ii*«r«lß f I fkg BBflf #4#ft*4 41 IB I I ■■> sum i * m i*f .g* t lift * ]|m| 1 • *4l Tdf BXfBBB ’’ I I ™ afr4 . r tv f (Wfyuftf 4flil*«Q i #tat# It I j Ban visit -4 Y* rfc IB B My a —». *— * *ll. ..Gt Cla *„%* d 1 L 4 ‘Dy (Bull QNVV'iArtn Bit’ll O* ITISI rU| I •T* ag. at on* day In Aahevlll*. Nawth L- , ... wh'.h a let of yoh New York ic«f on to Wavblo’ton City to ae thutaj I sights ov that capttal. •• °® all come on hyab. an It a<hr lost ».#R c* s b«i h! many of us. ■’W# ah mcvln’ right along down in (>r • Jsh. suh. Who’d a-th«ug*» t-a j yeabs ago that weekly pappah* would : have stereolypin plants sad a-ah bul Irt'.ns* Rut we've got etn an tnish people ab mighty rothuataslic ovsh this hyah »ah an' the way It’s brought, th? Nawth and So' toge hah "It's a e'ght. by God. auh. to m-k i (hub wuhld think to see ole Joe Whee- , tab tn a Fed'ral ualfohm a-leadin’ * j Yaok- e trrop* agin thus Spanyahd*.! ] 'O.iwjah is a great state, an a-dnln' hu* shaynh in this wsh. An' she's progrrssin’ In syricnloha, m»nu fachnh an' commebce fastah than any atMfi fa the South, suh. Gawjaw Is what you might call thuh New York of the South already.”- N Y. Journal. The ladles of Augusta will be treated to a fea9t of bargains tomorrow at White’s. COMPLIMENT TO MR*. NEWBERRY. Mas Telephoned By Two Brothers to Come to Atlanta as Their tiue.t. Mrs. Amnnd* W. N-wberD r- a high compliment and neat favor this morning. Sh° received n telcpbuue message from Mr Win. Mercer and Mr John Mercer to come up to Atlanta to attend th > reunion ns the guest of them and tholr families. During the civil war thete* two gen tlemen. who are brothers, were wound ed or sick, and while in this condition were nursed hack to health and vigor hy Mtb. Newberry. They ram? down to Atlanta yesterday to attend the re union and brought with them their families. They wanted to spo Mrs. Newberry, who many i-ears ago had been so kind to them, nod accordingly telephoned her to eomc up and enjoy the reunion -vith them. Mrs. Newberry leave? at 4:20 this afternoon. PERSONAL. Coming and Going of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Mr. Harry McDonald, who ha? been in Augusta for the past week or two, left today for his mountain home in North Carolina. Howard Murphy, at the Arlington ho tel, received o tine five-months-old fox terrier pup from a St. Louis kennel to day. Accompanying the dog came Jn* pedigree, as long as one's arm. nt.d if such things count tor anything he should prove a fine animal. A telegram was received this morn ing from First Sergeant Side, v- Anbalt of the second Georgia, stating that his company would leave camp at Tampa today for Fernandima. COAL SHED ABLAZE. An alarm of fire was rung in this morning about half past four o’clock from the court house box. A small shed in the yard of the Co epe.ative Cool company was discovered to be ablaze, but it was extinguished quickly, little damage being done. ThK NAME. Th# bAm* Aufutt* l*umh#r Com* piny* it on# that «#w#* with It aUI th»t Hi •ynonymnu* tot h©n#*t hw#m#M m#* tho<3#. car# for # cu»iom*r*» inlafg*»l. prompt imprvie# #nd IN «H#nUon to ihoa# littl# <f#t#iUi which mak#i pi#*»#d pttrofN* To d#a> with iuch * conr#m it • m«it#r of int#f#ii to you probably • m#tt#r of f r##t#r mom#nt th#n you'd r#a>it# without ihinkwi# lh# thing ov#r. ||«# worth think in# ov#r. anyhow. ’Annul i#ii6w4 Lumbor, ShingMM* Lath#, Ba»h. Doors, Blinds. rUJOR lIANAHL I* Aggntota* Rawhrwpuy ■»♦*»** *> >w4g» I towry Apswc Yto# felftVtaf WTf '*’•* »»*4JJ r mAma > Lj u, Tha HsroM this *. **;.« hv «' j lg . . . , , _ e J r # |pid f*4 | | Vfi'f*# Is / * *»« I !i||f tB XhV ’* * • L fcf , Ar r .f r ybb. m •rnmvMl Jaljr IK.; (Hi # n iit|#4 in **Acl to dXiMtih b htn form <4 hnnkr pirf rTi# ***** wii * * U *« rrmf#m4 nnd rf*)«!r»4 hf •Br- t#l4 HtJitiH# j ord r#ft furthsT. that th* XittH* of Itkt fitviHrt of #bU! rrt*r*o by thi* or i 4#r apccisN ftAall, nitll th# furthvr *4 (hr roQit. InHtadr thr rcmnttfi of Herke Glarco* k J. ffrraoa. Waah iastf* Jchnsoa. Columbia. Mrtkuß’ j -.varrixi Taliaferro. Wilke* and Lin coin tn the state of Georgia EMORY SPEER Judge Above comile*. trgTber with Rich ■wnd t mute. constUtlra the nerth -eatdn dit'slcn of the Southern dis trlet of Georgia THE CROUCH STORE SOLD. Th* Purchaser Was Mr. CH. Howard. Jr., of This City Mr Cha*. H Hoaiard. Jr., hi* b">ugbl the Cix-urb drug store, sttrk and fix turn, mrta foon-.ain and food •HL, Th.' d«Mil «ra» cohturNttt4 th 4 « ooni'.ni fjftd tA# will hr drawn up and r#rrrd€ii within next f#w da«*f Thrrr writ atvrra! hiddrra on ih!*| gtnrk, flvturrr. #tr., a* !t war dot cnly a vtrf rfunpl#«r on#, but th# store' rn joy#d a larte and profitable oatronag*. Mr Howard, the pun baser, will con tinue to run it under the same firm' name as It now has for a while. He Is bound to su*ceed in his management j of the business, as he is eonservativt,, energetic nnd enterprising. Mr. How ard has had s’.x years experience in thej drug business, having been in the large drug establishment of the How ard Willet Company for that leqytb of time. The price paid for the business anil good will was *7.300. The next i highest bidder was from Da vson. Oa.. from which place a bid was received, the amount of wh'-b was 17.250. No changes In the clerical force or prescript ion'sts will be made now. Mr. Chas H Howard. Jr.. 1« a son of the late -M*J. Geo. J Howard, and from him he inherits a splendid busi ness ability. The large aroouni of good will which the lamented Crou -h Brothers secured will not be lost by- Mr. Howard. Marriage Notice. THE MARRIAGE OF MISS E. CRO WELL MANLY in Mr. Louis Walker Schley is announced to tak- place on July 26th. IS9R. at 8:30 o'clock, at St. Paul’s Church. No cards. SPECIAL NOTICE. DIED—MR. EUGENE OLIN, AT THE age of 26 years, after a lingering ill ness, possed peacefully away late yes terday afternoon. Funeral will occur from St. Patrick's church at 3 o’clock THIS (Thursday) AFTER NOON. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Mr. andrMis. Manning D. Fitts ore respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of their infant son. MANNING. THURSDAY. July 21st, at « o'clock p. m.. from the resld-cic* of Mis, M E. Fitts, No. 22k Tel fair street. Too Late For Classification FOR SALE —LARGE HORSE SUITA BLE for work in buggy. Would ex change for good pony. See him. corner Eilis and Milledge street, city. Jly 22. WANTED—RELIABLE BUSINESS woman for our cider deportment. Al so on to travel. Address Salary, Her ald Office. _ iukv at (Kim Mill Iwiiars ak Ai(t»ui Nib Utff Tlwnia4 B*kv Maw York Cotton tiehant* Rnra af-ar Wi-I Pot R*p< r Kag»■ bar of la mm Bn d. C ti.™ ia MiU a stag loss, and iha iW i «»fd #B the Kl hlßf* b#)Bf4l l#4#)f i A hlßtnin from tß# 9f#« York ICirliifg# Hal#* tlrnt #f9#r •‘*4#jr ilwy #in wni im mrf form rryort ff»# fi«mb#r [«f Nairn# tnfc). ar4 ihtl lNnroforr U#f ;• HI r#i Nt IM» (u glvr lb# ml#» In th# ta thr K«rfcly Pi Ire* Carroftt** rmp •uramary It pay# lh# o>r» rmp p«»itl'H» i« fi- fltrahi) rb#h||r4 #n«t th# area «»# urfffit n#r4 nf rain cfHHßknMy iH3rt« Middle T-sa* will make a find *fcnw. lr. this fall when the crop begins ta Oo lh* New Toth etortt mi"*m* ?»*• t.-rda> twenty active stneke rallied 'rartlonatly rv sale* of 14S.AK) ahafes [GraaftH th* e hole IWt. and the street tore, ns a whole, was bullish, there lie irta a pirrnll) t>» impflant short la* Th** itrrr|( tnf trtrtiiß Rtmkt I# dtt# t> novnrtpß |f»mpt*y by Pr*#td*nt TVr* t# tplk <»f a mmMarflna h#« twn#a th# Dnnvnr and Gulf and th# C*>U nradn hftdland A furtb#r advaw# of th# «#w gov#rn mrat bifid#—th#y r|oa#d y##t#r4ay #t 163 bid —la expelled on the groond ’hs* [they ar* especially suitable for ie*a*s rs bank circulation. Genrrr I Electric huslnees 1* very large, allh ugh Die company has a. f yet bid on the elertrlral equipment of jth'* Manhattan company. Th • following quotation*, closing pri ce* taken at 3 o’clock, arc over the spe jcial wires of Pain*. Mu rob) A Co.: CHICAGO PROVISION. , WHEAT— Open. Cln#-' July .. 7*H 'September .. .. •• •• •• •• 6*14 6714 fiecernber •• **H *”S ! CORN— | September S-I’i *7 T 4 I Decern her 3344 66tk | OATS— July .. .. IS'i 2244 | September I*’» 20 | PORK September .. *.95 9.83 LARD— July 5-52 September 5.65 6 60 October '.. .. .. 5.65 5.62 RIBS— September 5.67 5.6 S NEW YORK COTTON. January 5.97 5.94 February .... .. .. •• * *1 March 6.65 6.nt August *•** September .. .• 5.87 5.82 October 5.89 5.83 November December 5.95 5.91 Tunc—Steady. Sales 123.600. Middling 6 1-16. , ‘ ‘ NEW YORK STOCKS. Metropolitan H*'.i I#*, B. R. T -‘5 B. & O 13 Sugar I»i4 Tobacco 1 19 V» H*'.v A. M. S 12 ’» 13 , c B Q 165*4 10514 Chlcaiy Ga. “ Louisville and Nashville .. 52»4 5214 Omaha 82 New York Central 117% 1U 4 Rock Island »5% »5% Rending ’ - 167 « St. Paul »SH W 44 B Q 30% 30% Western Union 92<^ LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.13 19 February ard March .. 3.19 3.19 March and April 3.21 3.20 April and May 3 - 2 " June and July 3.23 July and August 3.22 3.22 August and Sept 3.21 3.*1 Sept, and Oct 3 -’* 3.20 21 Oct. end Nov " I 9 2l> Nov. and Dec 3.18 3.18 19 Dec. and Jan 3.18 3.18 19 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling 6 1-16. Sale? 1075 Receipts today 10. Receipts to date 375353. Stock on hand 15188. APPROPRIATE. (Memphis Commercial-Appeal.! Somebody ought io name a loaded cigar for Schley. _ _