The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1898, Image 6

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THURSDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 19 Ppuntf» • • • • SO 9ft **»••• tOc 60 *■ • ... 20c 100 * i i * • 30* A o<«C<H>nt of IO per f#«t on Ibovi hi m«tl# to n# 6 #* *of CaOOflo® Book*. IN* (JUOfOOtOO ff prompt *ml reliable nervic*. Ttkrtitn '■2 CONSUMERS' ICE DEllV'fil CO. MANILA MAY SURRENDER tkht* Gt*, MriHii Arrtm-lffMi gttt» Adit* ain! I’tH Sow. 1mm »g« t»p loop* a* M«M* Iwwmi» ' Ana Ms* YH N»M K*| j«l» *•*- ffftMXSt 900 000/0 *» *OOO9O *!•*«* ffsftirr Of# OilHi srftvrs* I* *•»» (rs AM pM#tMKy «M *1 f*«l» ***** •»< iff* I‘wfc*. i**"'**" l * *•* iMtf •****M?- ffpra xr4» ■ ocm mi il'T <» #e» taMtv* i»Wlwf»- Swill pflSillNl Sflft Wff f*Strt ft- *tn hirt nt ilrey ww* *i t* o*tt«r •• pim>4«? flswnfli twirl#* p»bl f ,v j lMnr tfc*,' VUII h* rema i *4 *n **rrr«w**r •** *. •* I r « 4 * 4#npn ««!•!« MINI# A *m '• Vlratsi* rad* t fir Ml** t* PIIIIMN **••'•*• t'* r '** **»•**»* # rIIMNI CfcSHUwitsra • I'Mfl »!'"• *#f. MM »**fc ow*f MW# biff • .1 iff IN fc ,!«f* »r Of *M" »•** Tt*r I'MMI.C Ok hi* #gft#f4Np X.W# *•< , ###■ 1 **OF f -mt* rn*o» l<» ** * «•«»■»•: »•*'*«• lft#**wfi * Its •/« *n- . *# att !*»»»« »f» l ** j tretiMf* PwtFUf* » •* Ah wMff j Drill A M t l # •C* N IHirr. **f 04 tip**? !>»** m**f# PEACE" PROSPECTS DVINO OUT. Spain’s Crier M»rt* T*o Wok to I Ifc-mamf It. Waabincttni July *l-Without any *rry tangible rraaon therr Has t»ffn a notable direunco* of (ipii*!iilr O' pr-rssluna i*M( parrsniwii .ifflrlsl* tt the effect that an early peare might l»e looked for, Possibly ihla temporary <t» pi raaJon ta explainable by the fart that prleate adv rex entirely unofllr al to character, from Europe. Indicate that the situation in Bpaln 1* an- ii that there la on pretNM hope of ove rttire rom’.ug from Bpaln, ihe goytrnirent of which country la apparently In ro-ist exasperating Igatteancr of the con.l i tlonr In America. It I* apparent Ili lt the peace pan* in Rfiitn still feel* l*«e*f too weak to Inaiat tipPtt dcmaii ling peace. If the dominant party In Annin la under the iinpreashm that thr I'nited States prtipoaea to denude of all or nearly all her colonial possession*. II m.ghl easily be conjectured ll would favor a protracted resistance, being roneinced that It had little more at raiak* and retying upon the European pea era to protect the peninsula Itself. Warning nee* from Europe conveyed through reputable newspapers Indicate that the United Slate* will not be left free to conduct the campaign in Eu rope. It Interpreted In some quarters as really the only hopeful slgna of it leginning of peace negotiations. BUCKLEN B ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve to tbe world for Cut*. Bruises, Borea, Ulcers. Salt Rhoum. Fever Soraa. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skip Erupt lona, and poeltlvely cu-ra Pl]#*, or no pay requltE'l R l» guaranteed to glee pertect sattafactlon or money re funded Price *5 cents per box. For sail by tbe Howard A Willett Drug ro : TKAN PORT* COMINU SOUTH Three Left New York at Daylight This nomine and Also St. Louis. Nciv York. July 31.—At mldnlffht three of the United Static transports, which were fitted out at this port, nut to hbu, and took a southerly course. The Glacier, the Roumanian now known ns “No. 52'“—and tlic Michigan known as No. 21” —were the boats. The Massachusetts, which Is being loaded, wilt leave Inter In the day. The auxiliary cruiser St. Louts, which now carries five 5-Inch rifles, ts sched uled to leave the American Hue pier for the South nt a p. m. today. She has 4,000 tons of coal, ammunition and a big stock of provisions. AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There ore few' men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wtllet, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything tn their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is the wonder ful remedy that Is securing such a fu ror all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Cat tat above drug store and get j trial h "tile for 10c. or a regular sl*e A, 50 cents and *I.OO. Guaranteed to .ire or juice refunded. A 3'lglau Genius, noting the fond ness of mice for music, mvc-utsd a mouse trap. In which a music-box ,akes the piace of, but ft combina tion of tbe two would cost no mote ami ghould piov.c a-retiisUble. A DIVERS VISIT I SPANISH WRECKS Tiff) Kl« 4 Tkfll lUufcrv iff K*£lm lihd Wfft On# Utmli i#» mMw YtMH at III# I Mmamta* I §f»rt»f intfcf H#r»HL iHf HmU M Whit* i nvil*. Jwif IK • »t?ni AfmmfK olM##. Th# Alin* rKriVKiflft #|MWV SAC mu*' #o9B9MHftr Iftinartliß#. tit fftofi* »C Oiyrnfl* • !» .*rh Sb.ll in rlrwrty traced »• m Mgvxt to vso at. All the vraodwnfff lx. lutsllj dratveysd Very !*• Innp* * : nra thtoogs tho knit. One g-inrft ml midship* Own'd human remains iv-'r# **“r« i* »*rf*rst A jif m bum if t»ut l*i tffflltly wrttrfcrßi jpbrll# tor# imm twP holm In th** |«ri#l)t at fh*' #unt r»i»l Inwurtl. Tlw 1 I ’.mil In nt « full of (fttitfd Iron nn»l | L horrrcl lb-ami n hnd frrcdl to d»T# on , It rearm him thr Maine The apep*r- j ancr cf many bodlx*. badly bunk'd. *as < noted. The abate doing the m-iet dnvn-1 hge tom over th* nfter berth deck and] I Info ftt“ port how. tenting everything ' a ft to tbe mglsea Three large ahrllt I ! ntcrivl amidships Th* death rale was not aa great aa the Helna'a The thm . Anti,nhi th - uiloa did not l>urn. It i sunk too quirk. It vvaa riddled with! ~ hot or nil altea. Ril-lnchc shell* did 'the work. A hnnch of dmd near the. ladder to the superstructure shows that they ware klllel by a shell aa they were atempting to le*v». The treaaure cheat ’ m the super*! rurture deck was open and emprty. A fi-lnch shell through the rabln wreeked everything, killing a score. The bodlrw are too far gene to tell ihe rank. This la the Brat time j divers ever vtsltrd warship* in action. I The divers names are Oscar Krlcaon, I and Prank Breshan, two of the beat In the navy. relief in six hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dls. rase relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It ts a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness tn relieving patn In tdodder, kidneys *nd back. In male c- female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you want qui. i relief and cure, this la the remedy. Sold ‘by I, A Gardelle, druggist. Augusta. Ga.. *l2 Rmad street. With Ripped Gloves. “I always look at the woman who ban rips In her gloves," nays the | woman, "ll shows a certain stag* of demoralisation, and I am not certain thqt tp* woman is exactly responsible for her aciions. That Is, If the rips have not route unawares. Occasionally, a Ihreml In a glove will h«"e broken, and will pull out afttr a woman loaves home, leaving a rip for which she is not I reapcnsible. But you rati tell that nt a | glance. The victim is self-conscious. ! You ran see the evidence of the rip I flirt in her face: the attempt to look ! unconscious tells Ihe stovy in a mo rn nt. 1 wouldn’t trust a woman who poes out with n rio in her gloves In cold blood, for I wouldn't trust myself In a ripped glove, anyway. Tt gives me such a feeling of demoralisation that If I was compelled to wear them, as T say, I hard!” feel that I should he mor ally responsible for my actions. A crowd of several hundreds of peo l le gnthiycd out to Went Philadelphia the t.tber evening to watch the novel nigh of so American flag floating 2.000 feet tn the air. It waved and (lapped in thr l.ilsk breeze, and appeared to have no s upport whatever. The people wondered, and this feeling increased materially when Old Glory was seen to descend toward a tall building. Tho ting, though npparening to have no con nection with the earth, was evidently under human control. The apparent tuyiteiy was cleared up later, when :t became !;»u“in that the flag had been attached to several large kites on the roof of a tall structure. The kites were six and one-half feet in height and weighed nearly two hundred pounds apiece. To Remove Stains. On the table linen we have the stains of ntpat and fruit, which may become insoluble. For grease, potash, soda and ammonia are the common agents. The potash and soda must be diluted, and be sure to apply all these alkalies to the water, and not to the fabric, and tbeu use.the eoan^ FIFTH COUPS. )|gff ftfck gffd |hty«rtlMffi Ww*\ lift iff Tilt i In. IdWii 0$ f # •*##**••* WMI lYflMl t InM# tm# s*h'*o* Ms tl I liK* ? ** ‘ ### ####*4 # »#!*•* +Wh-* I I #«»i >4l |# DF*######* I *#* *#* w ##/#«■ j J mfet*** 9MOM4taB •• *** t j rmh mm* v-'ifpi #MM *m pmtwtattt hump tmuMpi *mtm turn t*mmt , I Imm## Iti #** th# T%n# lIN hh4t Uii mtth* rmm tmmth m *****| |l4r#irf#l M* $i •*##»• I# K*l4« ]m 1 MHilKill tuft I#* Infill MifMl | |n«ii I## 9%vfiff* Him I { mmh*f H nm m* m* (Imp NiftftftK*# > I *tmt l*# Ih* •! #««!«»- K*R III#! at th# **** warn in oath *%**■ j -si MM* MMo* boa ai> *4 that ha d*c« j ■MM •'HJkI #l#4l I I* t‘ #1 •***• 4 • ftlfft * tn#.# aohoaa Finn *th§ J II k# f imtif t<m |M> M4# lin ####l4 ## < I c iff# # f##t KMf>rf • mmmrn# t# •##; I mi#* #hmt tut* b»r# #yt###* *#4« «K# thru** Ohs «MI *#r tm#m •K##l4| Mr #1 VP# # fpp f #1 MnM# l«H» O* F #rffpp ; ' «*#*#*, **f UMP tvo ' ; bp *#mt NH# ''#«•# I# «## #####*#!#* *t , I s«rih CimllM a* i Mitn Iftbt tm i# fßKmtti V%‘a«h»p#io|| tugtoha to t%i# ¥ bin 1 ji#f* *p i#r# of irmaMpnrt* 1 I V OHKIYO OH fKltVibl'i #1(11*4 Tli** *Y'irlii| r*i»fh»nr » A#mt Ha## le Nt # Tht*» at ihm Craimtm ths. r ,ff s h|- liflffBllt) t| »ki M | S .mi • r#pf Afearf* i# 1# fMrr at ffliilpi «»r rtriD ih<tn of rttfTflilßf of % j’uf Vh t h nmi|4 hf (|I[M) aft Capt nharp 4rm aot npm* tli# i# liikf In *# H|{tfiy t%>r<U flkßf h* fill rsi*4* ti< n*# s n l.i* Ing tfif* I'rlui ihal Vtsrsva. xnd Marti T vm* Into N tr- 1 folk harbor. Thr Almlrante Oqu ndo, ■ he fiars. tn ill be loet. The sucking company la under Us contract with th* govern tn co: to racefyc N® n day ns. long ax the sserk continue* xnd n large twin's for every yeeeel brought Into Norfolk* harbor and duFrered to th* _ govern went. The wrecker* having » greet locentlxe. and fearing th<» coming of n storm whlrh might destroy chance* of raising the ship#, are work ing like beaver*. TO EMBARK AT NEWPORT NEWS Arrangements to Be Made There for Handling 20,000 Men for Porto Rico. Newport News. Vo., July *!.— The stntrnveot made laal night that IS.OW* or 20.000 troops from Camp Atger and Chlekamauga would embark from here for Porto Rico la confirmed today. The Cb rasa peek* and Ohio people are mak ing arrangement* for the rapid hand-, ling of the stores rxpi-eted to arrive here and to tie gent South on tbe trans ports. The railroad people also say they ore going to make such arrange ments that every man sent to Newport News may be placed on a transport tbe day he arrive*. If the ships sre ready, no matter how large the number may bp. Captain Girard. In company with a railroad representative, ntnmtned the proposed camping ground near here yraterday morning and declared It to be an Ideal spot for the purpose. Forty horses and full equipment* for Battery C, Pennsylvania artillery, lo ected near here, wilt arrive tflmorrow These supplies will put the battery In such condition that It can move on short notice. Hon. C. B. Bush, president of the Oltmer County (W. V.) Court, says that he has had three rases of flux In tits family, during the past summer, which he cured tn loss than a week with Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Rush also states that tn some Instances there were twenty hemorrahges a day.— Bienville, \V. V.. Pnthflnder. This rem edy has been used tn nine epidemics of flux and one of cholera, with perfect success. It can always be depended up on for bowel complaint, even in its most severe forms. Every family should keep It at hand. The 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Farr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. the pblayo ts a lamb duck. In Tow of a Cruiser ond Has Evidently Met With An Accident. Marseilles, July 21.—A steamer ar riving here last evening reports having sighted Admiral Camara’s Spanish squad!on off Tunis on July 16. — The Pe'.nyo evidently had met with an ac cident. A column of smoke arose from tho bat'eshlp and she was being tow el by a cruiser. CASTOniA.. B«ar« the _/f 1,18 ' (oa Have Always Bought B nr SUBIG. BUT NOT BIG ENOUGH. (Omaha World-Herald.) It was Subig Bay, to b.e sure, but not so big es to comfortably hold any of Germany's fleet and Dewey’s. HAS A GOOD REASON. » (Cleveland Leader.) Admiral Camara is the man who cap tured the Vlrgintus. No wonder he doesn't want to meet any Americans . t- '»l«r ■* -* i.. * ■ THE -A.TTGXJBT-A. FTHTRALIO GooD iUCK BAKING POWDER, 15THE BEST. Hlßhn 1 of All In Uiiv#n inn Pcikffr, *t*iTr*. kait«l Nwtas sad tkh"* las I# Thad Ikmiag igy IMmM i* T*t Maid | , ffsMMgV. II- C„, lull fit,—lt ’*** twra ■M* i days a**s* th* ffrasstg, n-flW'Msat an* ratline of ga aUV' ff*v*s*Mt*4 1* Th* «of go much tramv *•! . », .. . _ Md ittitll 10 did th* y- 1m- orrhe**ra ! fdxasnt for the orraaioa. begta lo post Th, brilliantly lighted bail atina, ad tbroogh th* maty flaur* *of th* ger- ’ man. of a Itauttful bunrh of sxtst rs-j, AH eo*tp!rvd to make a if bp that will long b* remembefrd by those> after I o'clock r frmhmeott war* served tl-o Ike dancing ccntlo mxf (rtittl 1. when th* aotr* of Hum*. ! Swrar Muib*” warned th* daocsira that 1 the tlm. for departure had arrived. The german wa* gracefully led by Mtss Agnes D* Icon Mu* -a. »*l*t*d la ( 1 the Aral halt by Mr Wilder and lo the j ond half by Mr. Wilbur. Mta* Mo*** was gowned in white or-, gand'e. with fuoitag and white aatla. Catchy lltla favors consisting of small United Stales flags. tIMI with yellow and blue ribbon, tbe exilora of the club*, were given to melt p-xtle* man. the youug ladle* receiving souve nir badge* of the earn*’ color, held by patriotic buttons. Several visiting young Indira were present, among whom may be notably mentioned: M;sa Sayra Bonlto. of New Orleans; Miss Goodman and Miss Mlchaelao-n, of Charlrattm: Mias Strauaa. rs Moyrvitlc. and Miss Nolaud, of Lauren*. Antujig prespnt as chaperones were Mr and Mrs. E A. Solomon*. Dr. end Mr*. Baker. Mrs. Felix Moaea, Mr* fUtrcn Phelpa. Mr. and Mrs F. Levi. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mr. and Mrs. Butman. i Tho young ladles were: Misaea Bonl j to, Goodmnn. Miehaolsnn. rcnce. | Dee. R. Sch vrrln, Long Kyten- I burg, Zt-lglrr. Reid, A. Moses. Mtss Moses. Misses Dunn. Harvdff. Cohen. I Lopua. Spnnn, J. Schwerin. Strauas, I Phillip*. S. Moaea. Solomons. A Winn. | Kttcrron. Noland. Buttman. Davis, Sanders and others. The young gentoemm were: Messrs. Wilbur. F. Holman. Boykin Wilder, Am'eraon. Ryth. nburg, Cohen. Sous bagger. Me Fa dden. Williamson, Schwerin, Osteen, Harvey. Dunn. Bot tlvnan, Du Bose, Du Dime. Durand. Sanders, Cooper, Moses. Graham. Man ning. Auld, Witherspoon: Bland. Ken n.-dy, Hurst, P. Moses. Shelve, Slan sell. Warren, H. Harvey, laeut. Ward, Messrs. Yeardon, I. Strauss. Huger, J. Moees, Leon and others. HbPHZIBAH. Spoolol to The Herald. Hvphzibah. Ga.. July 21.—Miss Julia Rackley, of Egypt. Ga., Is visiting at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Roberts, near DeHruce. Mtss Annie Green, who hos been vis iting at the residence of Mr. J. F. Wenthersbee, has returned to her homo tn Sllvertnn, S. C. Rev. J. W. R. Jenkins has made a neat map of the location of the chur ches comprising the Hephzibah Baptist Association. The execution of the work reflects credit on the compiler. The pastor conducted services in the Bap tist church Inst evening. Subject, Af rica. und he used a map of thnt coun try to aid In explaining objects of in terest. SHAKE INTO YOOB SHOES Alien's Foot-Eose. a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ago. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or crew shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweatmg, callous and Thot, tired, 'aching feet. Try It today. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores, tiy mail for j2sc- in stamps. Trial packages FREE, j Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lelioy, N. a— ta* 0 IHRTTn ST. ALBERT HOTEL It Hillman. Ga., I |» amm *•»•<## *#• •**#*# W#h h **#t j a#Wo# *h#r «#• «#■#'## mat tm «# ** I «## #•##»#> #«#<###<!# o*4 I !#«##•#> mm-m > r*#tp—i (ftatmam hm% j #M#tNi tmatk $ to* p##t tahta ** ###bm# #4M#mp J 6 BOTOI Eililtl Cl THE HEED HOUSE Al HAW! 1 M j fit Ad] Tot tIM Asst WIOdIUMI fff ftaawr (hriU. Hf#- If. A, INmhl m# toft## tk#f#i at j >l« IfffxNN #1 M*» ma» #**# th# Kl#K «o##4»#i 1 tm flint • ##*#* at’ #i# !#» #«# j «*•* t **»>*<M a th# #•!**#« wham# Itm* Bwiw #mi h**## #t # t ta Mlix M A. HI Ml. Harlem, Cl* Tbe Algesia Herald Lanest. Briiltett a:i ike Bftt litvifapir Pikluktl ii ?l» Scciin. j QUICKEST TEI.KORAPB Mlwt rilK KKWB or TI!K WORM) WIIILK IT IK NKWff. ’l2 TO I« HOUR'S AHKAD Of OTI IK It OKORr.IA AND SOUTH CAROLINA PAPKRS. •rl TRIAL WILL CONVINCE TOU MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting th« money. AlexaDderUobnsoD Agrn's fle-ttish Am r tun Mortgage t'ompany, 705 Broad St. FOR RENT. j DESIRABLE GREENE ST. LOTS. From October 1, IS9S. I offer for rent the following than ughly modem and attractive residences. 417 Greene street 8 rooms i 707 Greene street 8 rooms 045 Greene street 8 rooms 1128 Greene street 8 rooms 1134 Grcneo street 8 rooms These houses contain all conveniences and are desirable Hn every respect. Look at them before you go away for the summer. JOHN W. DICKEY. 1 and 2 Library Building. FOR SALE fW~I have for sale very desirable build ing lot tocsicd in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in tbs city. Will sell laine very clieap. Just the place for u handsome residence (or your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1327 GREENE STREET. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Street Is located i«i one of the most desirable sections of the city. House built of brick m a handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all tn good order. Lot 48 by 176 feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home it will be to your Interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, J and 2 Library Building. »AlUU»4kl> MMIftPUUM jt — -----1 ■jmoimrmm:~9m.<--mmoK!moomoK- Charleston l W Carolina *l»t*t4 • ■♦#■****•*•*•* MM tsffMMs a* ffffast #*>•* tow I A4ffMfM..y 1 ».»«.»w*.I i 11*4* 1 Ay— I ## hmtmmmmttm####*#* --«•«ii!■!###► -i ' **•* I * hm*m*mm* **% ■,X M - -** ■ Tsß? [ * f OOOOO !l# ‘tmpm* laVSHv * thmmhotfcL***** —** •*! 1 !»### Mit*### * aiMi# KtSjjt*### 00* * I *»* * •*** * -«• v ■ 900 1 %Mmm t# 9#*m* * 0000000* t '"mm* *•••—#• * fatmt4mtimmotWt##*o o***l #fiMpi#k|»■«»*»•— I m #«##R ii# 11 1-1 11 MW—f 11 -* # ■#*|#p *OOO 4 '«* I tif o 00 000 000m* *t *» I * tmmftmahmmm #•••-** *l(4 ■9h#t# it#### * ” #OOO 00000A, .-.... *joom ........ I ♦ fn—iistfis. ... . ...... It Vmm # *■*'■ * I a—a-SM , ....... I *O/00 * 00*0 * M/mmtammt*moomo <»•••»«i*** - ■ I * ttmmmmama* 00 o*o ******** A* A##«■## ««■** *» 00000* taJtapa* I la# t*t#K##HMl4s « *oo*o 9 #t*o* I >••• 000* I A# h#mOh 0000 0 0 00000 tM-hOfO* 000 0 00* I ** paiim *OOO «*«#*«•*• I t ®###|-»****** i I * fflpfNNHßs ••***••*•••*{ fUBM# ■ -00000 00 ] * f Jttmm* o*ooo*o j U S».4.M*«MV||hMM*|| i ; At AiMlfl# fw#f#4# j * Hmlmaooo.. **•••#•* hJhma*' m \wrn >m— *ooo—oo*ooo*l Mb* * j * mmoWm 00000* 0* * f 4Pi#i I M##l. •••••••••• 11.###*# JJthpm j I m §p#ommmt* o.*o.*o*oo*o 0— | * •*#■ ! I 0%00 htagm if!# »♦♦»■*■** "si.stM"' J j j ** - t ###m i I •* f* 1 * t# PdW##il#» a a .••• *• | KtOmm j I *PMM#MV*s OOOOOO*OOOOO* { 'R# #4###] y*m .. ....I l«f#H hWmmi * >• ’<>l >kMt« I * fllUmlala ii stoas IXiWk I •* as ti»# ***** e visM * **** Mas ! ’,**■■ a silaikraa *»m tm ail eaaw i «• k a. 1. _ 4 Va* 0 lln*omc*4 A* a tt • <a». A. L *l 4 I. A*l Skitaay* I 00* issHtsMri *wk fistlsis lii'wy to wt ts * ra-ai*.-* •*!*<)*• t® tsXo* j taiaa svkiaSxi'ra **«■ 000 mm «v. J. • ft*m. 4*«, hw an, mat soittr MintiMmt T M MHISb' I*affM Mias—» twisu k* ATLANTIC COAST LINE. vffokTTrr ki»i» (jru lßff norTff TO INK kg ST sail NORTH. ■IIOMTKrr AND Qt’IUKHUT RoUTB T»j nne itArr anu north. I $ |i>»tm }, y Auiuata Oa At 1 # iMfffß |:ot*<V) L#.... Aik#’# At f 1 11mm f 4il*f !T *'s |#V.. .. ffjNpRMRI#T«I >#«Af #|« fsrii 4.M|im. Lv Oraogti'g....Ar 4 4*am : * n*pn L* f*umre*. IS. C...A* 1 4 !*am : * 25pm Lv Fh-rot ca ..Ar i I Mam !Mtttpwl Lv Fay»ttrrill* ..At | I IH>™ I f 21am At PMerahWr* V*. Lv S t2pm 4 oSani Ar Richmond ...Lv 1 8 tipis j 7 41 m Ar.. Washington .Lv ! 3 4«pm mint Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv 2 25pm II 25.1 m Ar Fhiladelpt.ta Lv ,12 ospm 2 Ar... New T..rk ..Lv » »*m Fullman palace buffet sleeplr* rare from Va on and Augus.a to New Totk I R. A. BRAND Gen Agt.. 72J Broad ft.. Aogu*t*. Ga. T M KMBRRON. Tiatfl. Mansaer. H M. F.MKRfIDN. Oea. Paw Agt. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE. Receiver Fas! bound We*tbour J. 1 l-rst See d 0 Flr*t Hee d CtSal naaa V. ~ Oae* rtas# Mix’d S Mix'd Dly Dty. ; Station. Dlv Dly. No IS No.S J No 5 AM I’M- lArrlve, Leave. PM AM J 4 3:SA- 0 .. Anderson. ..*1 3:20 it HO 11:16 2.36 "j..., Lfenver ... f| 3:41 11:23 J 0.07 2:2* 10 Autun f 3:6011:31 S:4* 4:1*131... Pendleton .. *i 3:69 11:43 9:49 2:06 16 Uh"ry Cross * f 4:**(Jl:4l 9 42 2:001* Ad-.m'a Crtas’g ri 4:14 11 69 » 1:35 24 -4ENACA .. a 4:29 12.25 *:ttl ! I <;;B ! i t;,, 132 . West! Union .a, 5 09 I J 5 >4 Walhalla . .*: I 11 AM I'M I iLeave Arrival PM PM. Kc 12 No * Nu ll N 0,5 8 Regular Station. F. Flag Station. At! regular train* from Anderson to Walhalla have right to track over trains of the aairit da** moving in i p postte direction, unlcas otherwise spec ified by train orders. Will also stop at following stations | to take on or let off passengers: Phln- | ney's, James and Sandy Springs No. 12 connects with Southern rati- j way No. 12 at Anderson. jjos. 6 and 6 connect with Southern j railway Nos. 12 and 37 at Seno.-a. J. R. ANDERSON. Superintendent. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule tn Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Auguste. Southern Ry.. 5:30 p m Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & S. VV. Ry 7:4;> a m. Arrive Lenoir. C & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:60 P- m - Arrive Green Park, Stage .. 7:06 P " 1 - Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F HARPER, President. G. P- A. Ch ec k Lost of $ I 33 1. 31, ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK. No. X 4107, drawn by C. W. Pilcher, attorney for Jos. H. Spear*, dated June 15th Inst., (and mailed same day) *n favor H. A. Cook, for J 1331.31. Payment has been stopppd. All persons warned against using in any way said check. (Signed) J. H. SPEARS, v C. W. PILCHER, Attorney. ORDER YOUR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Qisaniitv and Quality Gtmrantcid. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell 'Phone 21fS4 Stronger 365 Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. JULY 21 *AIU*OAf> fltfMftiltlLft* S. C t C. MIIVHT CO 000 *oooooooo* o*oo «*•**•< Iff, jm*o tfvfej l wa* Wmhho* #.««* D«4* Im !»•*%• L» *a» iistx A#om'to'T%iiihm, TfffcSw ; j** % * -at***#*#■ i##**- Ft < j»ilt>ti!.-Ml ■'*/### j #9 r h##' *##■ a$ Amm#m*U Mam W#m fiMftf fL* *h#*~a S 1«74# { • % htmfiha , -Wimpmt | A# «mm it thahoham i tmgm f a# *.n#k a #t Amm*h*ah#hm A mi# f#r, i Mni *f# ###N#n#t. | h###a 1* It t# i*■ * l*SrT"i ♦ ypnM»N», -• rn#m A 9 « im iV# n t##!ip At i i • ft *<#*uiflk. 4AW|#k» tt TaththW* lAt • #■# * >»#<#»<*>>■ -* tapm Al#lift AA«UMiI'i'ItHML itftiif $•««#• #•■'#»>» 11 a !#—>#• a##h# U htha#ooo 0 t i#m At A<*«»... iJOam 4 9 Ampwm h&t liUAlll h 4 t! VIA iSh H4U j Iht**.#h im#t #f ta #M IH4# I#a T##h 1 t t ' . warn tmimß A t A i(M#» 4* apm |,« Ift —A 00*#* # #»H 1 - ff f o>o rs Hflffkfft. 4 I 'tPOn U SftNMHMftftl .41 (7t# At I ...JAMam l.» *T Ham 1 At w .TJ^bij At mthm., .1 tt#«• |At VHI A 9 ft mult . tMrnm uWOtWIA ftVttgoy* tl#tty I tfffN PMNftft# fc# it# | Oats f i«• a % m^srT r WWßm JvS^pSs^mßß# I I 0 f%#4fffi •< 9 t.Jbfm iJttHft Itfftt |9#ftiilftt| IJttfl' i.4*##i ft fl iff .. . 9 * f‘*T 4 Mvm#| I Atft## Ltettm. ~) AJOpm .000000*] thUAH* ! rutt TffTiT'. gT-itT- 11 -t \t*m#m |ji9« Mmn#|. . 0.0000— • *2*i##•# i tUhprn | Ufft# Ifffftiliff • 4 tMrti 1.90 pm UiTf S 7 |MA I ft »» 00* ft **#\m*m o*oooo h»at# ■ T.J#f m i ifififiMftf #9 (1 mil h*a Toot **f aha atih #t#»at#m tat ' jl»(hiH«ri‘# 9 «. wn »*l i?f 4«**9 A&fM# - «»||, i|t <*o*nr#i# t<ad t#aa4 tt#m #ll ! a fpt ##ol miUl J. H bAHVh. I. A. IVCRKW MffMftc. fntc Mftuif## r. |2. Gffi ftft >n^r4ftU» SOUTHERN RAILWAY." rratral TtsM Cal am ala ««* )•»*• aretttWilUs Mtlrffl 1 llffff »Wl»ffffff C** I fflffblff •*k<4 OfKfff IVfttflalflk Kra** r *TTW f -rnmmmmmrnm am***"* -1 *it i ' “ mm i*a,4y. 44*41*. j rt-aflii ... ’ ***» 6 If* Ar tYimial** ***• < *** L*. «%*r , ’rag4f'4HlWt JJJ * *• J Ar fo.umbm •• -,. T »»*l » *}> Ar ft® fey • ! t *o® 11 alft Ar aIuU/iIW j ««*»j *•* t ? £2S£m* J : 1 **»i i : 3SSBU SSS; 15? tl QMmjkM-4'*” »‘»£ *ss* «’m»lcro. **P •#* - phcire fy? ll!* I * k.. k Bill •*P ! •** At i -harl.,ll* ... ... I *!6v *l®a Ar «Swtoo la 4*r « 1«* rTurorMtere ...l"!' .. W lap Ar N'.wfolk ■■ ■ ■»« '• Daariile . 11 M P I **P Ar Ke kmoad « *>»; * Ar T'**fils*t*J _ •• Baliinmr*M.* ,!?!*' *1 5^ : Kaffir IfiS: SaMhboaod. im’ilr it ally. Lr. New York. Ps. R.H. t»p 1214 a! •• Philadelphia 1 «Up 9SO * “ »» luiorr ...... t H*)p 6 81* Lv. WiA tot, fto. Ry.. 10 43 p 1114* Lt. Richmond ... 1201 m I,t D»nrlll« ft So«j H lftp Lv llorfolk ft aft|» Ar. <irt*v'n*lioro .... rt 4ft a ..... L? T(6 a "32# • Charlotte ft * a 10 »>t> •* Ruck Hill . ... ; lft A#a 11 Uftp M tliv--4*«r ....... ! 10 98a; 1187 p ** Winashoto. j ll 41a 12 JIB a Ar CVilbia hianlg s*t Jl2 4ftnn 187 a liV.uniaabUL'B Gep't. lUp 4 00a “ Johoalona. £&3pj HOJa “ Tnatoc . . .ittr., 0 2ft a ” <ii4.'.itevillr 1 8 38p *o7a Ar Auiuata . . 4 lft p _8 00 ;k Lv ft** ertlia h A»h 8 6ftp Lv. bj'.-irtan nurtr 11 40 n fl l&p Lr. Qot*b4#* B.C.#«. Ry 1 UOO p 700 a Ar. (*harli*Mton vi 40pf 11 00a l.v Col'bia. re.APR.v. ...I I1S6» : 18 47 a Savannah 447 p ft OR a Ar Ja4»k«iouTille. j ft 3ft pi t Ift a W.KICHNO CAR service Excellent daily i»a«Menfv*r mrvivm between Florida and New York. No*. 1C ar.d JB--Wufhiug ton «nd South weatern Limited Solid Yewtlbaled train with dininf rtin and flrht c!a*»» ooarhow north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room ffltfepingcars between Tampa. Jack non rule, Savannah. Washington nnd New York. Pullman Sleeping Cam between Charlotte and Richmond- Pullman drawing-rooTO sleeping c«r» be tween tireenaboro and Norfolk. Close connec tioo at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Solid tram, with Parlor cars, between Charleston and Asheville. Noa. 86 and Bft—U. 8. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping 4?ars be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man tfleeumg cam botween Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman sleeping cars between Jack eonville nnd Columbia, en route daily Vietween Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK 8. GANNON. J M. CULP, Third VP. A Wen. Mgr T M.. Washington. W A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, ti. P- A-. Washington. Q. P. A., Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Merta'sn Time.) , Schedule Effective April 24. 18»S. Pullman Sleepers between Macon sn4 iieiv Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta end St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:o6am| 3:2opm|!o:3opui Ar Atlanta ...(12:35pm| B:2opm| b:ooam Ar Macao ....jU:l6am| I «:45am Ar Athens |l2:lspmj 7: Jopm| Ar Galne*viUei*3.4spm|....*... - Ar Whit* Pt-s •1:00pm! I Ar MiU'gsTe .ilO:10am| I 4:3oan» Ar Wa°h'ton ..jl0:10*ml 7:iopm| Picayune tralq leaves Augusts daiiy except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevtlle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusts s:l* a. m_ 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p re. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. j