The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1898, Image 7

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SACASTA AND SPAIN. % (h*m to ***** A Mata# #.» ik> tom** h *<••♦« •#*# «•••«•• An te* <#•*•*** # *»**t*a«*« mm—l ** i*»m *te> •*#** **» ■* to *•*•*■"• Ml to ***#*- ***** to ***** *• •** w* ha»-*** *am •*• •**» I tear at » gMWMMM m>w« a «•* m to* him •%*% i» #**■»«* mmtom •*••■■%■** to ***** fNMt «*•*** «ww*»**M toa* l tea# to# te#t *t «*•* to * to* *to j t* M a*4 to «b- WWAaI *A<* toto «* Ik# p. to w tot* • mmtoum to Mt>to iater.a»*». W» t IMIIMM *»* ***** to*toM *** tana* ** »*«»■» to tAa *•*• to to« *»** mto* tAaa «to «*#* to *•* «*** #»•* w* •# torn* *to ’toft •*•**•« at itoHMto •• to»»i*«»* to* **<••'» *toww’ to lata* tot* Aad afn* ail totowtt* •««•*. (to# to\m to*** la*a iMil* ***** to* I* toto*r to ****•■ .it* al to*a»«H« to* •#***' *•* —c«** TAal «****« A Itofclto MtoM. th# WIMtl «HII tm «M ttoM# tl» town- *• A~ «•»>•* to# AM tow* ’A# I to* A *•! «* Kwrapaa* to <« Btotowt** » to"***< •* MMltof to <aa< to »A* "tofu MR* ptr«* •a*»* to 4*m*»< *te> to • *'#• **mt to*« to to* pwMtoNV •#* te*«» ttolto >toto to«to4 la Ase to* to *»* vunera. tad topi «a v»toaa<* «4 ***** •to you# «a la that pmtm to to •cH ****** to »»*** fto *•!••**• a ikarty < trained to I** ***** ah rA akrl ared to ***• to to* •?*»««* and tto Wall* as to sab|t**» "Ah' a* * Ret t* »n#ir ta tto **xMtiiw »A#f# witototo! »J- Nr Mitok. tto a*aar*!gto to * Jar tom tm tiwto to ***** turn* to IN !«!<•»• ***** to tAtir *ir**» to tA» •ortANto team by lA* canal* ia totr Ralarra Al it- »«k *A*r tom at *to*r As*j»ml all Ito afomaiwa •»* all »A* palaver to a thrnaand Xmntala toy Aac* ana la« Wh.a iA*l* *r* dteatran aobo-lv dares ta aaaoanr# th> m anl *b«a painful rvaolatleas are «a A* t*a*o. nn b dr dnr*a to roua**l «k*a» to toknc* th* «mpre would have A**a omr*Arc.«a tt**aty-*t#A» y*era ago W I* kad ant ttarlarwl war on Praa ala It waa overthrown b< -auae :t war defeated and III* oa lb* 4*A of Arptoubto ronUnited lA* war be*ana* they An*** they tAai *»oo!4 beei:me an pnp ilar It they prop-aed pea**- > n 6paia a almllto dread plaraa th< toln taera ta Ibe ana pa nful diAmity tbruugA which the lea-lcra la Prao':" •ere obH«~l to pa** And th* aaddeat thine of all 1* *hat by tto **ry fore* of clccomatanre* the Skirts Trail Again. Trailing ikiru nr oner urorr fash ionable. They are graceful »r.<J More becoming to all aorta, abapea an I * - m of women than the abort sk'rta, but they arc dirty, or. at trait. th*jr attain that rind!tion after a few wearm-m. Fickle fashion aaya that by autumn the <l« ml-traln will be In vogue even for aireet wear. Already the faahlona ble gown mutt touch the ground all around, and l» la be*!nnlng to dip In the hack a litye. Tb'.a will be >ad oewa Indeed to the Humbert of the Rainy Day Club. The Rainy Dala'ee c<*gr*t ulated themarlve* no end of llnw last reason that the trailing akirt 'ad be-n dr.ven from ihe fare of the earth- How dl.gttetert they will be to leii:« that *.t hat bobbed up. or rather down, serene ly again and ia sweeping the street*. Fashion or no fashion, these very loo* aklrts are Inappropriate for walking. In the ft rat place, a genuinely <idy wo man. a dainty woman, cannot bear the thought, much less the reality, of wear ing a shirt so long that 1t ia Mire to be come dlry before she has gone three blocks from home, and then. 100. wh r n the akirt I* ao long It has to tie re bound about twice a month which is both troublesome and expensive. she Didn’t Seethe Joke. Lord Lytton.. when viceroy of India, was sitting one day at dinner next to a lady whose name was Birch, and who. though very good lpoKiug. was nut aver Intelligent. Sakl she te his excellency: "Arc you acquaint'd with any of the Btrehie?" "Oh. yea/.' replied Lord I.ytton; “I know several Of them most intimately while at Eton—indeed more intimately than I cured to." “My lord," replied the lady, "you for get tie Birch:* arc relatives of mine.’’ “And tbey cut tne," said the viceroy, "but." and he smiled bla wonted smile, "I have n°ver felt mere inclined to kiss the rod than I do now.” Sad to say. Mrs. Birch did not see the point, and told her husband his excellency bad Ifcsuited her.—San Fran cisco Argonaut. i Deeds. There i 3 no heart beat in the lay, Which bears a record of the smallest deed. But holds within Its faith a!way That which in doubt we vainly strive to read. One seed contains another seed. And that a third, and so forever more; And promise of as great a d-:°d Lies folded in the deed that went be fore. —Lowell, ESTABLISHED IR9o—Reliable Unci* Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for anv length of time on all hinds of personal property at a very low rate of Interest. All transactions strictly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof safes. Under the Arlington hotel, oo Jackson street. Lewis J. Scbaul. i ***** at* tea **s*RAo to iao *mrm i a-ih afAMt tutor tel *Ato» #'•" *i*»“i tana a* fata a#4 mtofim, a a»te>* rn m *tom mm to** torn* m tom , rmtii' Aral tot mm ** ptottom ! Tto»« Aa*« *Aa* fttotoatoa .-tea* a** 1 tea* Aat lA* A* toil «to*r4 tod Pto •ana n, to to -to m**to (A* Wtexaal dtrat a » aa* lato otott* »« p*a#» ta •k**a <to t» If to lapttaMMwc ?%»’ ta a <p*»'t to tto -r<ah** to la* Ml" pa»' '*>»■ **» aa th# »* at* IkOTU any tKKHI MKtotM ■raw * mm* aft w****** ir*yw*w*ify** ftifia ara arm aato>»*»«<> a»pt# Ato •Am Aa taAa** to** Uh * aa apaa aa». t-**Ak mm Aateftottoat aA<rt* watteai tM •AA fa* lac* to* reaataiap t»*ar TA*t to* Aa* A*atf • •►•«*« mum tm*- t«n* a*d to* m» mmmmm atm tAoa* ' t*cd ttoawcAwal *IIA at.A •to VtoN »»tA pmtr «Ai«atoA*a*touai ’•«ar mmm* mttk am **i«a*A. a*» *•««*» <Uaaa aa* rtmtt m toUam ttmtor. \ U*s to"*** ar #*a» ** P ta • Aadiea ta *c*etaalty trtaiaato *l*A touy-ap pt!*d la**a. bfaida. tibkPM APd to*** •m WAtia lafna Aaamaa aktrta to wtf , ait A aUA. antUi). ar utA*r laacy ttMt ta** atraady ta aaaatol mm. they Aaar any r«rt to tnamin* ta ropaa Aat th*lt rat aAtoWM Ml m<n>«A «**■*»! t a hit* they ar* InaA Tnmmiac mm* • ba «ta*iy aiatad to iA*ta lot** oa. Wet* ahtrta ar* awtom!a*d to • trttaialac to Moll to»«»* Aa*t ato oa# -or b»tA Pdtoi to tto hodtc* aad apoa th* aid* ffwat **a»» to tto akltt fmaa ha** to toai or froaa Ae« to ha«* t'anally tA»a* hu*ra ai# of hlarh »to»tt' or aat In. no maMee a Aat tAa Aoe or fabric to tto to •» * A ptwtty nr* Atone* of eeahmer*. et?i.eAty loot* and Arooftoß o*rr Ito belt la front rk»e* *itA hattoae. It ba* on# tar** '»P«< ,h »* «*"»• * w,y to tAe rtaAt from l*r> or more oerrtap ptna ro*ra or plaitinita erraa*ed *" aland out beecinlagly froai ander Ha Mt ( n A almllar plaltlna to art upon the edm of tb* high eollar. ANOTIIRR HI'NORT MOI’TH. iWaahlnpton Poal.l In addition to fr«Hn* the rreooren trada*. the adminlatraUon la to'o* «<» give Hon. William D. Brnuto * J°h « ht' h rarrira a salary attarbaient. GENUINE tartan plaids. Just cow, *hv so many pretty gtrr and women sre decking themselves in Ithe gay Scotch plaids, tt might be In 11cresting to hnom something about jtbeee marvels of colorings. The gen ulne tartans are known and oumber ,d ami are of undeniable antiquity. The present Duke of Argyll ha* traced the theory that the plaids are not of certified age to an article In the Scot*' Magazine, a century ago. In the w riter would not have It that the plaids •vere any older than bia article. - Arother theory, for which mere la to bo said, fixed the first appearance ol tartan at 1645, the date of the battle of Kilsyth: but Hume, In his history of Scotland, has It that in Argyll and the Hebridae, b'fore the middle of the fif teenth century, tartan was manufac tured of one or two colors for the poor, more varied for the rich." Another annalist, who wroto before 1960. had noted the delight of the Highlanders In marbled cloth and their preference for purple and blue. Again, the Duka of St. Albans has in his possession a coat trimmed with royal Stewart tartan, which Charles II wore at his wedding. In 1661 the acts of Parliament of Scotland had mentior od tartan as a quite familiar commod ity, which told at 30 shillings an ell. And, upon all accounts, the Highland clans were wearing thalr several pat terns well before 1600. Broadly epeaklng, tartans may be di vided. as the Duk'~s of Argyll dislin- Eiitsb-s them, Into red and green. The Campbell, of green and blue, is, per haps*, the best-known Instance of the latter, while the red Is to be seen -x --empltfled In tho favorite royal Stewart, and in the kilt of the Cameron Hlgti landms. Th. hunting Stewart has it? admirers; but, unfortunately. It i» a false tartan. There Is e decline even in the best, for, in the opinion of Lord Archibald Campbell, an expert of rec ognized authority, wo cannot hope to r capture the colors of our ancestors. Lord Archibald quotes the mat rials of the old dyes Blue-terry was used for making scarlet, hyacinth for red, alder for black, willow for flesh-color, and Logan has recorded bis approval of a mixture of bullock blood and lime. New York Fashions. Summer weather in our climate Is exceedingly changeable even after the hot season begins, and it ia always uee ry to have a capo or coat at hand to slip on in the cool evenings or when driving. This season there is a great many new teilgne, and at the same time the style® of last year are not con spicuously old-fashioned, so that it Is possible to remodel many a garment that is handsome In itself and yet not quite up-to-date. Tfc.ere flees not eeem to be any law that cannot be broken as to what mate TJFTHI ATJQXTBTA UKIIRWL.ID yNauiwiA to tto lt-«a I I aa* » to m-toto tom* to «*#aw at IPtoi t» r-oaapH Atmitoi *- A»#te»*i torn t k»to Rtoto AR Mat • top* , '-•aa toA *faMP# Pe mtoto A*mm to* **» **'*A» top tmto to A*t«A *-• katwto ppatto i Mt ttoto t mm mmm* pa *« to eto'i a- Atoßar »Aa** , _ fto aa* «* da obto* #A to* tornm. It #»• tom** *m*m to ***-•>• toll to aw*A aad ama A* *»*aatoe**4. Va- I atat farpat a*t ■memkara to* to Kama, to** ftoara W * Ara** ta*» to toa I tn#*#t*«a# l 11*» A# aa t*n* *-#• a •paward. • tor. Meet- • a aiftt*. **ar *• Atda't ba** ttoa tt at*. Wee to If, • ton* Ml Aetdto- to to Aaatatd If yaato tto mm rtoto *A«pc y*a And totter A#ep dent ttorae. And dee't to A-tod to ***m to «•- tern «A to a**. tear fart* Rota •«« A*»*A »*a. dm f ear* *aa tol y**k tv* Watona’a itody t# teak r*a aa Ate pray. M«r* a«*vt*a tor ran. *A-ot Itam po»t» ts y-aTVant I* Aeep deta aota •«*♦( Tea Aad h-*te» baa 'eat ttte. ae* PM*#* eenee W tad* rver i to** t» *** d-aa *v*rytM a» (BMMb ts y*a ebtoe raeto to n**44 WA» f*mr Auaitto a*rvani d*. Ten d A*"« d- eblto *A to* I* *>»• •Mar elan'; tool be** - atcA into a* Ply, ’**•* A* betoA ‘e*o *a to da, Aa - f»***y alnba ’*• to dt* MA» to man p« tottna* «*b to nea »*d to d* f*»* ob v-uta. Aa saa>H * *b tot *<*rA *IH ebt**r *hln». _ . Unde Item wtft never Mop. white wal* eon to to rop. T» brine yoa. lih# <>*"*». «t» I* ,lm# tan wen eblpe I* annk In de bottom op Ae deep. . ttm det little Caban e*l *HI ta‘«r» and tank. Porto HI- an*, dey *m frln. de Philip pine J lnln' In, . An' l oci, Item W «wk ob all d« *** _«». e. pATTusnoN. Branrhvllle. ». C., July ». ««*«. Trunk Repairing By expert trunk maker* Auiru«!d Trunk Factory. MJ Brood. Ptajne 21*1. rial shall be used —Milk - cloth. satin, mousse!tne-de-sole, chiffon, and lace arc all In style, and are sometimes all combined. Even for little children there are capes, not golf capes, but ths more showy ones of light doth trim med with ribbon. For older women there are combinations of cape* and jackets thbt seem to be most comfort able, and are certainly unusually,' smart. Then there are several *w<v ways in which Ist* shawls can be Mjl- Ised without Injury to the shawl, and many trqasure* are Lying brought Ipr ward th*t would otherwise be pinned away ha home chest. a Individual Freedom the Rule at Vassar. At Vassar the student Is winning greater frodoro, too. In her domestic life, for the system of self-government throws the responsibility in regard to the order of the community upon the girls. Certain rules are submitted by thu faculty to the student body. If ap proved, they are adopted, and the po lice force appointed to rarry them out is made up of studenla. The change has brought greater freedom of speech and of action to the students, and the old gulf between the governing body and the populace Is being Lrldg-d over.—From "Undergradunte Life at Vassar,” by Margaret Sherwood, In the Juno Scribner'*. A Delicious Omelet Souffle. For an omelet souffle eeparn'e six eggs measure and sift three tablu vpoe nfills of powdt red sugar. that me oven is hot and haw everydtying In readiness. B' :vt the whites of die eggs to a very *tlff froth. Beat theyolks of three cggs;add them to the whites;add a gri. I rind of half a lemon, tire sugar and a (nbiisipoonJul of lemon jute"; mix quickly. Heap into a baking dir!), dust with powdered sugar, and bake in a quick oven for five or eight minutes. Servo hot and as quickly as possible. -Mrs. S. T. Rorer in October Ladies’ Homo Journal. Dog* and a Duchess. T!:3 Duehees of Newcastle, who for several years has 1 owned the best ken nel of Rueisian wolf hounds in Eng land, Las barn asked by the Barzol Club <to judge the Barzol or Russian wolf hounds at its coming show, which will be held at Southport, some time in the spring. Mrs. H. L. Horsfall will be the judge of Great Danes at the forth coming dog ehow in Liverpool. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /if , Signature of -'" - / FREE £: FREE Tiiteort m AUMnr wwaml* mum * An Exttroa! Tonic Applied to the Skin % Beautifies it as by Magic. TUE DISCOVERY AGE \ A WOMAN WAS TUB INVENTOR- Thonmn A have tried fbto Unto temte **>* •) »*• dnwwvet •"‘-ectoeiim*- tottody M aHokM* and -eher ln.prsA**i««* to tb* r-.mplektto, but n-«**e h»«l »** ear "tort - .1 lb- M H- I. Itoajto «** aua Cto.pte.e-t e.-weleto to J* F.lth Ana- >e* Vo*k « MT. otorrd U*e p-ib k. U-it *o*et»-rf«U *-.mydeteto Totto Tb* raaato a# at«»y tailed h» a«#k» ihl* (Hwtorf y hatore U plain. Imam* tb^rhat* mto k-Uoaed ll<# U«Ht prlndota. I**lm.. (VMt)4* H-T . Rriff »■*'• • lofliC etf 'l ui«** tb* -km. brnre lb* tailuor* T!>» f-ito** BcP'a Ca*»|de»le# t-mb: ha* a m—teiMerating edwdup-t theculirl*. at—-rblncaod carrylnc id all linpunll*. •bl-Tlb. 1.1..11 hr tto natural arttea b rnn*tanlly hirriip to lh« aurfac* *d Jo lt in. It hto tl»* »hl« ahat a vltal'rln* loaf: I* t» th* Mood and nrrvea. a him! of new Ilf* that lmmodia»-ly evhltarnlee an-l •1 rrnytli-n» aher-ver applnd It* tonU rtfn t b AH atßM#l laarMNW-W" itm-Uly banlih-* foo— r fr- uu llu akin. flrkle., pimplr-*, l.larHtodf. le-Uh piirhe*. •rinklea. liver .j»>t*. ornrhn-*., oittnraa. eruption', and -Inmolormh-n* of any kind. . , . In oiler Ihal all may he bene(|«*<l by their tm at lAronry. th* MUma |WI *iU. dunug th* pmrnt month, gl-« to <«« THE MISSES BELL, 7« nnh av«., n*w York city. For Sale in Augusta By Jam»s Daly & Co. Seasonable seeds Wholesale. AMBER CANE—-Browdcsst now for Hay. PEARL MILLET—Bow for green for age. CIUMBON AND RED CLOVER. CARHAOES. COLLARDB, BKANB. BEKTB. Mt'RTARD. SPINACH,RAPE, RADISH. ONION SEED. TURNIP SEED. TURNIP SEED-•''.000 pounds fresh Turnip Scid. THE HOWARD 5 WiLLET DRUG CO. ■ 1 11 "** everything on wheels FIELD & KELLY'S Just received, the finest line of Baby Carriages in the city. Agents for Ramb ler, Sterling and Crawford Bicycles. JOHN F. M'CARTHY, . Solo-Violinist. Late of Royal Conservatory, at Leipzig, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. For terms, dates ,etc., addrblaa 512 Ninth St., Augusta. Ca. JM| |ERMO HOLDS THE RECORD. ITS CIRCULATION MORE THAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA and GEORGIA. Why-Why BECAUSE —— IT PRINTS TEE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. 77 "A Newspaper these days must grorr on its a Newspaper." The Herfeld’s Wonderful Advanee and Growth Proves the Correctness of the As sertion. era ai tMr pa-lto. on* trial bottle to their Utotoetbto Ttotr ab-dutely IW. and M oohr Ihatllee* aho cannot call or *be lit* away ft -m Re* Y-.rk n»»y he hene filed a ii!*id an* hotlle to any ad doto. all rhatpra prepaid, on Ibe larstpt as » rent, (atamt* mail to) to coter r«*l of packmy and dehcertap Tb* price to tto. a-oelerftit took h» ft «** p-r tadlle. and flu. liberal tutor ahould h* •*»!**« 4 by all. Tin. Mi—i Bell bar* )u»l puhl»*hed tbiir ar* booh, “toerrta e« h*a*ty.~ This Valuable work la ft** to atl toirlp H. The bm-k lr**«» e»hau.tirrly of tha important-* of a r-il o>uipk»i-n; trlk b.»* a a--man way acquir* Ivauty and keep It. hp—utl rhaptef* tm the earn cd tbahair; le-w to hate luiuriant*T-.ath; liurtul. * aw th-'l* of making the hair pre aan- It.* natural l-auty and ndor, eren to ailvanud are Alan ho* to I-am-h euperflumi. hair fhnt the te-e. neck and arm* wlthmit Injury to the akin. Thi. book Will be iuaik-4 to any addreaa on TrKETiU Mila of W milerhil CYrni t.lrtion T-nic fre* at parlor*, or At cents (nwtof packing and mailing) to thu»* at a Corrmpondmce cordially aoHdled. Ad dr—t AMBER CANE. ivjwn broadcast now It will! prob ably yield two fine cutting* for hay. Cured and baled, there will be no more , pricy bay than this. 8 *&•: SOW AMBER CANE. SOW AMBER CANE. SOW AMBER CANE. FOR HAT. FOR HoY. One bushel, SV.SO; sack at SIBO per bushel. THE HEWIRD I WILLET DBUO CO. Rare Chances At Grovetowo, three minutes' walk from station, 40 acres good land, new house and outhouse*, good water, lot, und garden fenced; nice pasture, or chard. grapes, peoches, etc. Fine crop on land. All necessary farming imple mtots. Wagon, horse, cow and calf, turkeys, chickens und bogs. Party going North at o«ce. To a quick buyer $1,200. of 8 rooms, all out-houses, 1 acre land— desire tile’ place for summer —home at HaiTem-11,000. A bargain on Reynold* *treet-blg lot, good 4-room bmse-brlng $6 00 per monthe ; -always rented-S4OO. Ltwrt F. Yerflsry : Heal Estate Agent, 8 Library Row. The Paper Thai is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. : THE—, | BEST BUYERS N Are the Wage-Earners- the Working People of a Com munity : : t t : : : s THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAOE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. • ■IT’S THE BEST.” Not Too l-ate to Buy a SUMHER’S SUITj I Haff th« AttAAOn i« y*t to com#, And toted#* you will find many w«rm day* in th# FaII wh#n a Summir't Suit would not to uncomfortAbl#. Tlt#r# !• on# ar#At AdvAntA*# In buying A •uit now ; you can «#t a vtry fin# Suit for lit ti# money comparttl to whAt itt VAlu# would bring At th# beginning of th# A#aaon. R#A«on t#ach#* economy. You *av# money by buying your clothing from us. I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAIL OR-FIT CLOTH If.RB. AUGUST A. .... GEORGIA Aopsta Co’s GENUINE ALT [XTR ACT NOW ON THE MARKET. CALL hOR IT. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumberj • AND Builders’ Hardware. ICth nniT. FF.AR ILI CO BIC BAIL WAT POWER HOUSE cm UlttlLigiK 7*. i l JUikbfA. OA Tivoli Brewery. THE LARGEST BREWERY IN THE SOUJH. PORTNER’SBEER FOR SAI-K EVERYWHERE IN AUGUSTA-AfK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent 138~T\VO TKI.ITMiiVK-' hH —. REPAIRS uE W. SAWS, RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &0., FOK ANV MAKB OF GIN. FNGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES ftt.nSriM v» K: lombard iron WORKS & SUPPLY CO,, AVOVHTA, OA. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 8191. Summervilie Plumbing Company Mg-Plumbing. Sewering and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Spccial'y. gmr-Esttmates Given on All Kinds of Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. Leers, fesh, Blinds, fie (tidings, Laths, Shingles, Wtod&Coal. HAVE YOUK Children’s Hair Cut while the weather is warm HICKEY'S B6RBER SHOP A iso use HICKEY’S MAGIC HAWALINK for the HAIR. For Sale By Ail Druggists. TO RENT. Four rooms on Sand Hills In very desirable location. Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water, &c., &c. Possession July 1. JOHN W, DICKEY. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office.