The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 23, 1898, Image 6

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SATURDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 19 f*ou»t#i •••* 2® ; ... so * • • • • too # # • • ' A omtnrni of 10 per cffifM on tabov* U rnerte to purti aacrs of Coupon Book*. Wo «uar*HtM • imompt end Ttkiliw CS«.:: CONSUMERS ICE DELIVERY CO. bfIBOR AND LABOR ROTES. nv iripoNßi! jowtiiL. now* Hto Cmma to T**r«. f**» an jww taratof •**•'•* Ho** a |e4l# INMHrtN®' * tm >l* **•* tm*t P#f fwif {fcM*# 99990 WW** A ®*H# 9900000 **• !*#••> *• era (gata* *• •*** * D*** ~,B* Mm m tan, El*,, id t ra Wato#, Mar •»*# a «M at ptoffto «m t» maw M tar'i»r«»te Train atoay* tofl Mw *ta<**m. H<> w urtoura amafttMi ■*•#. A *M tall of Ito'U**, m> UM MH to I »H» A Jolty Itata Mae Ptan hw to tom. Met* n ktaWMi e m •****»• ft**M A imßiMlm" to •***» lararA ta##### TM k might as Hi* jw* to •>•*>• pm rod ant II to *•**•< t* la**l» Ito tm*#. As mam r°* W* *• t* !••<*•< J A mi at ml to |iw tta* in*ta. The «nw H>* »M 'to toy* »> T Asm 'to toy cam* * to lotto At«ffu«t*a to toe CQOgr»l«l*«* tfeuil I® proportkA to ttotw® m* to«vr (4lt ro*ti ♦ban la other Hl |ami When 141 e m<a abound IB Bun tot* till •**» ru»». »» s r»l». I* low. Tto Min' m a *•**•«*** to lto> uuern ployed man to U Braking nor km* work, and 1f to do** n«H openly make B prvjposltion to tttitk lor a lower •age than lb# man employed to la UMtl aa a means by aioc **n*t*l ear* | to that r*d. Tbr rail for volunteer*, demonstrated atottor the Mb j rbanlra wanted lb worll or not, and wbal wna thr eomtstlott id ill# wage norkrr In •ttoe'lHMwa, *titrbanie in Annual* ta in * fix'd enadttinn com paratively, and law *f* oat of era-, ploymefil. Did you ever aotlr* Ikt printers' union iatol at tb* baa«t of th* editorial rolumn of Thr Herald? Hid yon t ,rf atop to itiquira *hai aigaiflcanre waa attach'd to It amt how mmh it* ap pearance meant to working men and mri'bauira alike? It la a voi* simple aiory. and I will that give Ita moaning j to tto wage rarurr. Thi* littlu label at th. Jnxid of tto p*p*r asy* «n the wtrklnf prop!* the proprietor* cuuui : ' wit all 'hr vondliona of organised, labor and not only to I lev* iu a high wage acalr. but pay it; It *aya to the e.erlur this paper *• y nur filrnd pra-, t rally, not theoretically; ii« manager*! agic* lo ca obtlab a J ( *t, and j by tliua advertising their position they encourage ithei* to do l.kcwla* . TbuS| It I* clearly the duty of the wage earn-1 rr to patronise such pap* l * ’hat rar.y | tbe union label. What doe* it mean to the merchant? By eetpbl'fehing a high; t age It enables the merchant t cell | utore good* and a better quality, thus, the par-era carrying the lnbel deserve tbe merchanti’ kfany cities h.av? gone so flic ns to dfdlarc ull pub ic notices printed In papers not car rying the union label tiles'll. U Is only a mat >r cf a short time when all binds of label goods will be In de mand In Augusta. What are we going to do labor day? Are we going to let II pa -s unnoticed? The United Stairs congress and the state legislature have declared I h p fits'- Monday In September u lectal holiday. It 's properly celebrated In all cltlvi in a manner anil stylo the citizens may adept. While th's day was established through the efforts of organised labor, ret union labor must not arrogate to Itself all the rights and privileges per taining thereto. tabor Day belongs to all classes of labor, and they should join together and properly celebrate the day. A parade and trades display could be arranged and public speaking at some con venient place. Like demonstra tions are held every year in nearly all cities great and small In the United States, and there is no why It could uot he properly observed here. The Federal T.abor Union could call a meeting of all classes of ell Isons ami front that mass meeting select t tabor Day committee, Place on the commit tee a workman and one of the owner, of every mill, workshop and factory In the city. Seek the co-operation of till employers looking to a general closing down on that day. Reduced rates on the railroads could he secured, and the streets would be swarnted wi'h visitors on that day. For a little outlay Au gusta would be advertised all over the United States TlHhi #*#**#**#• *«# tteft* i### * • *►--«. tot to* Uto totoata tofto Tta* *•*» ss»--t*i «n ito toll to* Am { *<*>«•▼ to **■**« Mm*** »* to#- mmm* *mi to tarttotto torwta toll =^~LT“ * H lAOVtotol «bii% AflttttoMi '*l**tlto •f |jto I ||ninllnill A**—loltno of MarlM* ’ Isis Ctatoa nf UtaaA latt* MM Ms Hem jW fMr % Yft it ta4fi* Mrttl Ctotoar Ms to StotofllK ». >•» 4 **"***"* | AM** astoaaltato AH "tto* tatotota* iHAi r»a i■* ailatlst to | lottos tto Ansa **torta tasloot aata Ito t tsttosaUossl Aassnsdas sf Msrtals Ma st tof*. «lth ito fstl assrllos *» ' „>Snmm si of ito AsMrtma Faflaga llSs *1 Latov. flrrlafata Ito ptoAsrla of itoto Afto* 'aafatr * Itotr itnps tolM SSW St*SSlt4 by SnS-oMoS to* III* j n> si,mi (srsaslly aoiuH Ito ftatl roofer*! iqs of all lateral loatl. •#• t kraal raalral aad total tastos*. aaf Ito tabor pm is amt rfforla to yro tori tto siasitot* of our aaanr'atto*., asA lo mfnrr* mms ralra and eradi dost Wt rt|t I tbat rosslttto to iyyotabf by alt orgaalralkra* lo rati iipos Ik* Atolrr* urytnc ibal Ihry <U* rnnllßU* hanrtlln* «to gnn4a of Itoor arts* mm iorti list* aa a aodtstal baa tore rtatlitf. aa4 aaprrlally Ibal ibi*v do sol tain talo s*e matron* for Ihr mm Inn warns with Ito agasl* wbo atr aoUtltlaa ordrra. Lailtri nrillrs lo Ibasr Arm* by tbr «Ac«r» of oncaalaatloaa. rrprrarstsilrr mm. sad Iba dtotira will hart aplmdld rffrrf t la brUialnc about a rnort* aprrdy an • Irmrnt. We br( you lo urga upoa alt lo mm ply la thla dlrrrtloa. Htr* arr Ibr "f'nlou arrrckrra": I. Tbr grharldrr-To'nhkmp Co., of Crrotaod. Ohio, maaufariurrro of till. ga« tod gaw llnr alovro, alt markrd "Rollablr.” Tbit Arm baa broken Ma aarrrmmt »ltb ita so employ only un ion marbintala, and ll* factory I* now, bring operated by non-union men. 8, Tile Chicago stamping Co., of Chi cago. fit., manufacture** of the l'n!t.~d Stalea" bicycle. All wh»»ta rre marked "U. P. Wheel C."* Thla Arm dlacharged a numlter of rur mem ber* Lecture they were union men. which resulted In a grr.->rnl airlke. Theta wheel* are now the product of non-union labor. 3. W. It. Kauher. of Chicago, til.,' mnnufurturer of the "Fauber One- Piacn Bicycle Crnnk Ax Ur" Thl* gen- Ib-man d nehargnl n number of our member* who waited upon him M a committee to Interred# for two mem ber* who h»d been unjustly dlscburgcd. A genernl atrlke followed, and the plant I* now being operated by non union men. Every honorable effort baa bit# made by our ars, elation to ndjuat the nhnvo dlfflcnttle*. but with no favorable rMUtt Hence, our appeal to orgnnlied l:\brr ami aympathlxcra wherever found to a*al*» ua at thla tlmo In tf*ch iiiy ihc»a would-be "union wr?ckcr»" that the right* of their employes must be re*perf.?d. j We beg to neaure all of our sister enlona. fr'cmls nmt sympnthlxera of :t cbr- rful reciprocation upon request. | 1 bonking you In advance for your ef forts In our behalf, w; are. Fraternally yours, ,Ta 9. O'Connell, G. M. M. Geo. Preiton. G. S.-T. X. u. Full Infcrmatlan will be fur nlahed upon application. Conductors will meet t -night. Cos Peter* bos com- to town. Engineers will m«-l Sunday in R-'d Mi n's Hall. Jas. E. Wallace can now bp found a 1 Beard's printing office. Jerome Jones would be gla ’ to hear from Culpeper, address Herald. Blakeley’s friends charge him with visiting a misfit clothing parlor. Tli» next meeting of the Clerk's Colon will be held in Kansas City, Joy j Is a candidate for delegate. The Herald representative brought back o souvenir from the Clerk's Na tional convention. It can be seen in 1 C. 1-evy's window. J. A. A hired, of the Clerk’s Union, liar gone In the grocery business. An ad. in The Herald would inform his friends where he is located. Mdved is a good fellow and will make n sue < ess. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /T? y/ Signature of ttoftem* ummui MfttM. ml' ■* ton tom A *nMma| MtoAMta AAflft ' t ' ItoMdtfaa to* A - ******* gam****** (gw*** M** T~*% to* M» taAAaAj • tokA Wtok—w c#n 0% | ; ffTtil MrtllP•#•** IlMk ! t%» taa Midi <*+* 9m 10* I MM mm ***** wto m* Wto* Mi fysto#* ««*tauy*a> Tto mton*** - n*t**n M nAM A*****nj t* tto ***** turn* >******** m> * ******* kto Mwawana* ***** T%# Ma* YftoA fbaatond A** M I* *M j wpw t MM *•*• **w tak A* Awl W it* Itoffitka **r ***** Tto r**— «f o»m*4 to# . **4 j to******** M. *••* *to**M «* ton* tto ***** I*l*4 ** s 4 (to** «4k***t ! \ Tto afmntai* *f 4**to»** *• Y***l i... rtt I* (to I. T. 9 #*•♦«*• i«« *t ****** *t» to *«M to *«to'Aa; Ml n tto *Hto*f*r*n>w«* of tto ”T'#i**4 . At*M* tom* **** *■*• tarwk* Eh* j Bern tototo *toto*to. tor **••** ] ||Hpt Hlllfflt- H la atotof **•» tto 9aMim**r» an 4 ftoa tom pi a**4 «*a*n tor MA to* rami am# MM rod ram •«* «*• ***** ItolM **m» Car wwrto IT i Af*rr*y to* ftohYnh’* 1 *toto ' am *raaaia*d to** • to***, #•* ton* • • twAow ran# to 4n*mi* tto ***ra ' atom tto* *m raykio* T*# la**r**th»*al AmrlMk* •’# Marktwton la tto lot nog latow «*!•*'•*- iim ta «#»r pmtowto tot any *to* '•* ■ ark Aa*a tor tto «*#•*•••»«•. Tto Cl«**A nitol trnirli to •*• riAtw* t tto at tto ftaaaha KipraMito atom a i«to»r of a K C P * 0. tatrwmotivn. hot it *y tto Batd*l* ItotoAßttr* work* Tto praanylraata mad *an fl*'"' order* tor tot ram an Mtonr* *"* wtt* tto Jnrknto A Wotoia company. KM wit* tto MIHto Car work* and to* wtt* tto Altoona *koy* Macbtatata am a*tortal!r mgitaaMd to rtay away from AprtngAeld O A •trtka la to at Fooa gaa rag lac work* Afklßft (riect wor k mml ‘* l *av* o*c man opa™*' <•* ••ehtnen. The Alerting Wotatad Mimpsny. o! Clinton. Baaa . elarted up J*i>" 1»* *•••* a few *»nda. hut Ila -*pcc d that th* mill will noon to running full. It will • employ between toHy and Afty tonda About Sto cneptotcra In a down Belt* ta* towna have received na Itterwaar •vemglng a cent an hour The raa chlnMa, Wnk»mlth. ete„ along the Clyde, received n nlnt maae of 34 cent* • UPflt Strttoa In Austria. —During IW there were SM atrlkra tn Au»<rl* *ffc**t- Ing 344.114 people, who 1 >rt SPSv«» days of work Of the»« rtrlhe* *t «»*r * succewaful. I*7 partially atKceeaful and 183 were fallurt*. Th« exeeutlvo commute# of the Uwgue of American MuntrlpaHllen has selected James A toenher of N. Y. Tqpogmphlcal . Colon aa one of the apenkers at tha league's next convention In Detroit In August Tha subject of his address will be "Trade* Cnlon* and Their Re lations to Municipal Government* " Cnltcd Slp’c* Mlnlnter John Barrett, st Siam. In s letter written March JO. says that a mighty oppoHujjity %.wa.t» 'the South In the Far East. Where cot ton la wanted suit the demand is In creasing to a great extent each year. Of 1h- 500,000,000 people Inhabiting the Far East. 400.000.000 are eotton-wesr ! in. cotton using people. Not more than 100,000 square miles of the trrrl ; tory are suitable tor the raising of cot ton. so that it Is Imported In such | quantities that millions of dollars ran bo added to the ineonvs of the United 1 States cotton growers, who produet is i preferred by mill owners In the Par Bast, providing It ran he shipped at a comparatively low rate. Says Mrs. Grundy, tn the Peoria Trades and Labor Journal: I was tn a street ear the other day when n smart looking young woman entered and hung herself on a strap In front of a rut bur mournful-looking man. He loked up at her and then resumed bis musing*. Before the car started up Main street all the men except the mournful one had relinquished their seats to the women, but the smart looking young woman still remained unseated. After the car had rolled on for several block the smart -looking woman said to an acquaintance near " Oh. r am so tired!” and the acquaint ance politely asked the man with the mournful-looking countenance if he would not "please give the lady his seat." The man replied: "No. sir. 1 will not. She has token my place as bookkeeper at Blank & beense she offered lo work for $:! a week less than I got. If she can take my Job she ran take my place in the street car. I have a wife and child at home starv ing. and 1 have been tramping the streets all day looking tor work. 1 am very tired, too.l There was a painful silence tn the car. The smart-looking young woman got off at the next cor ner, and her acquaintance remarked to the young man: “I know how you feel, my friend. A woman took my Job this morning. lam going home to break the news to my wife, and tell her | to start out and hunt work while I look after the baby and do the housework." THIS AUGUSTA HETRAXJ3 GogD IUCK BAKING POWDER* IS THE BIST. H «h»«* of AH In L«*v«n> * ,n * Pow * f> tt*a* to it**** Ito total t W#*d». "Tto l*«H<> wwr*. ***e *4 Ito •*»»' toa»*<o«* *4 war *<—»«■»«», taato M. to a r»to mt raucMy to «*• «*#•«*• |toe*4 at aMtraraa* ton*a*to*4A wrevaata, ’ jtarvM** Ufa A. T. to*** to to* >•***•■ tto* IsaAton" Itoto* Jwwnal tat tag to* Ito to tto fir-r * «**!»« *a*4 to tag llkMlf CMfltoffttlY III# 4tßf lW «**F* «f 4MIHI Iv|p9 t cAnxMI #•*? , griw ii T%# f*#|jiptfi«4 kt# fWT Im# | fitiily #—l> ■ I»m#-4 ftwMf n*4*rmm4 • rtoftAlU tiWiM #1 !• HPT I# IfUfTTI lb* t| In - M|t oftfl Mi #ft4MrRtA4MI Ik**# to f'MOoorto atol(fe 9 MMI kHokk opiit# To i'll *' 4 qhlt tin* iioocU fton Mir' utitfst | k4 .* i|h millitlm »*<l cMric ; liY of III# it»f* #f ml. 004 tit# 01099' j #«K# UCIII Id 004 III# IR## #f rOl* f-i'H §f sltto t I iMI lOOff*# to O - - t. wt Mto *alitas*lA>ait tor»||M Mi l ft toiw' i am wr tm mm w 41 topfiif#* ts owifftltii ft 004 f If# oaf f 9 <IM f h-* tt vr f*4T f(# MOO#**# 11# sos oro# I a iiintti rtont Out *ll * fr ?l# to iii vi lo mro Of tv I# O lit (tO fOOH C#t tOO €m WHI ""VT nuy d nod# MIO, fortilfe lH# t#*»H ilint fii#* ftrtlr!#* ov*% rvf iininl 00010 lit trtl to rvrllr til# *zmt UOfOt ■ I# wOftupcy #oo4tttm* Mra. C H praaKlaut at lh* I Gilmer Cnuntp (W. V.) Couri. aap* ] I oat he has had ttarra raae* of flu* lu | ht* family, darlaa IN* to** summer. I w Mck rn ruled I* Wa* than a ! with Ptombvriain * Colla, ClhJris and j Inarrhne* Kemedy Mr. Bu-I» alan j atata* th*t tip aero* inatame* there | were twraty hracrrukyn a flay j Oi-artllr, W v„ Patkfkidcr TNI. rat , imp b++n ucnh) I# kin# taptttrwlri of fiiis fftt ftnt of # holer#, wHf» prrfrrt ■uccea* It raa alway* he depended up rin f nr twiw#l c'ompiaint. #vr* in it# I*.rent t*\*t form* Bvfff f#ml*y fb »nia kfMpp It si hifift Tl»** f& Startd 14 cvnl hot • llm fiv p«l« t»> Alrs«ii*f”r Drue A ttertt op. , C. H. Parr, ot Bell Tower Drug Ptor#. Silk V sites The very nearest fad of the season I* th* revival of an old faahton— the silk visit* which our gran. mcthers wore It ronaiat* of a little eaat made of taf feta. which raa to worn with *ny aklrt not only of a lk. but of other mate rial a* well. The prettieat mode* 1* made with the hack in a basque abape; the fronts loo*e. but with long tabs! th* alicve* very small, with a rap over the lop, and a high turned-.ack eollaf faced with seme bright color. 1 ,e s.ik is cpvered with tiny cording or shlrlng put on In ns fantasflr a patter as can bo devised. It la not support'd to be worn dthrr over a thin shirt-walat or with » false front. It la held In place by a narrow belt whtch goes tinder the front pieces. It has not as yet appear eJ. excepting at the private dressma ker*'. but I* already becoming a craze. For women who cannot wear shirt waists there Is nothing smarter or eobl cr Of course, tt it not a very «tsy [ model to make at home, hut it Is a possible one, and a very good one.— Harper's P’zar. CASTOIIIA. Bear* th# 1 its Kind You H.i.i tlaaci Bought T" yucen Victoria’s Breakfast Service. Having first procureil the requisite order for admlaslon (not at nil an easy matter), you utay perhaps arrive at a fortunate moment aud see in a small ! tray, placed on ot. of the many shelves ! which drew out from the centre case. | the exquisitely pusin and neat little breakfast service which is in ev ;ry day ! use by Her Majssty. It is of modern make aad curious design; the tea and coffee pots, etc., being somewhat squat in shape, and perfectly plain, with the exception of a narrow band of burnish ed gold repousse work surrounding the upper part of each vessel. The egg stand. which (for the Information of the curious) holds some eight eggs, is rather more ornate in style, each ogg enp l ing surrounded by a band of gold ornament. —E. M. J. in the August Pall Mall Magazine. WHILE THE WAR LASTS j xit who match, walk or stand, should shake into tbeir shoes Allen's Foot- JEase, a powder. It cures aching, tired, i sore, swollen feet .and makes tight or | new shoes easy. It absorbs moisture. | B nd prevents chafing, hot. smarting. |blistered, sweating feet. All the regular army troops and navy pien use it. Vol unteers in hot climates can't exist in comfort without tt. Allen's Foot-Ease is sold by all druggists tfnd shoe stores. 25e. Samples sent FREE. Address Al len S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. #4 MAttlf ffLtaVMff .#r THE Sf. ALBERT HOTEL It Hillman. Ga., to mam »*»* to «*# •••** • -•» * tow# 00H 99 • 9f~ *lm» totatolf# wm tO #9* ♦* j Ut# » fi*4M4 fOOtotOOft- A*to Ms * •«# ##4 ! IlfMMOf tHOOf ''. *-i*»»fto4M iOKtotafftaf |nO' J . »ho ®o#o- (Of*od»*»|#o 001 ifp i« bhiiol earn a THE REED HOUSE maw * m tU&ij Far Ik* Am ShModAUeta of Sfitataf Ototatto Hat If, *A« Ito* to* ***** «»>*#» al iO# Hmm 9$ NtoVMM* oawt to# moo i##4o#a #f*4 o#»##lf# f(o##wl»4>t##M #|o t» #**#• •ImOi OMOOtOtO#4 4dffo# to# (HOliiOO «0BKM» 0m Urntms M9O Hfo*O •ito*t to MR* M A Mill'. Marie*, (k flitel Sit Claire, ■attaart. n*m Atoatotelv Fw**e**A Ttowggkli M •.<•*» I »»tr»! l*qlMi. R**4«.*rt«r. >m toaiAar—ta Rate* Aa.gatolj.t* M 44. I*. M nut IhogfMw. FOR RENT. i>ioMitAiti#ie aRRRYK Ft t/m* I thrmm Ortffco t. lO*. 1 #4f#r f«# f#ot ] , 1104 (IfYßftata Of Wt ««»•>•*•*•*••• * Wfo \jm%i Ot t ftl#d tiiwC’f Y#o 0# ##oy i*w JOHN W. DICKEY, 1 and 2 Library Building. FOR SALE gar*! bava for •**• vary <tolr»W» bnild )ag >* Inra’rd In lb* centra of ana of the batidromto block, la lb* city. M ill mil »sm* wry cheap- J«* lh* place far a bandaom* reatSenc* ioc jour family. Good tftHtt#* CALL ON MRS. JERRY O'HARA. NO. IJI7 OREEM; STREET. KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Refriger ators—tire Dewey Just annihilates hot weather Klondike. Gurney and Eclipse are all good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chestr; Ice cream f 1 eezers. See our lino of bedroom suits, JJS. Bal'y Carriages for 36 We will make terms and prices to suit you. Fleming:& Bowles 904 Broad Street. fie Augusta Herald Larnst, Biittest aifl He Best newspaper PiMisM ia Ttis Secttsn. "'y. QUICKEST TELF-GRAPTI NEWS) THE NEWS OF THE WORLD WHILE IT IS NEWS. U 2 TO 18 HOURS AHEAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA - . . PAPERS. rV w * v ~ \ «rR TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU' MIUKI#t) *Mtoßt»Dt,*Mta Chatlrsion IW Catollna «•*«#•* 4 4OPiPilo• t—* 04#P f-*o#/to * or fPffMfO Pm** t:SR% |P# % rxSHto TT* 4#ta»«»« ‘T # ifopj Dot | (MOflOMpfito *** ,|»{ i-pi' I*9?.a*f PPiPBi - toSSStetoTwi*- •< > ■{*4 Hr* to tto* ‘to** •toto«n «••*! «■»**,,■ 'toaetatoto* - •*-. : Ito* #**•• * %i •-I * MM M»t I t * 400 - '••♦VMMto* * • ®t<K***i4AH * HfMPHMR.*,., ******** I 0 99999 *#*• *.5 Wmmmlm* *»? ■> ** >#**» * * ■mPoo# f*. ~? * ** 9 fMfVOOPNOi at ** »**»•'liOPN# 4on m m*B Mpptfiop** a* **M4>* PMPPO #f.4W * tMPnOWO" * * *.**—m* tt ■»*»• I ##■# * 4tßpr#oNO*to*«** *» ** 1*» - a*• • ' • •PtaM * IMOPPOPP* *• aa a • a**a * t*4p|fOo >t> > **** 4» POQOPP »*♦ Pt jmlpfllt **■•»»* **■■•*» iSspooi *+’ * »♦* O |loHQp 1•• a •**•«•••»{ }§Wi t »»M*»» * l tjPoo ♦ . **♦? t># A IWOOMk *< i*aa«* a • -J * **» m* 1 fppOP Of MMtl ..♦.*.»4..4«‘*4f».mi MPO * MAIBwMMM,, 4,M»„ mjj* * towM. totaa* l*to *f*a| ft0a1............ it •** !*t# ‘■Naif. wMnkm 1 *ta|* *<aa»ta»ta»N Uto rrrwto* ..“ri«a*** ** I Y*** * to* Jtof* M «.... m,. l,*T«t A*ww *PMMtoI... i |.*tjai **va Tm**............. I*a>* ***** * fhjltoA. totoa* * aita**aia................... . It *•* At iHO. marntn « j »***• «*» 1 t 40# 1 »»#tO f«#l #»#w# Rflft 90m ! tm* M#vi»i ot I o4m#* i #*p Pt #4l ton I >a M. U Or* «**•***%•» al 4* to it* to all | tto* to r. A. L m 4 f. *« * »«»* 1 •*t rtaeteMif *nfc r**ia- va Ntttof Par «*t ******** tvi»«<** * k*a*w tatt* wtto • tr*.. a*en« W.J « KAKMfr Pan *a» * R. hi. K«>htß Mtot to T. M KM KNK'M 1 toto ■aa** 1 * A**toa. Ito ATLANTIC COAST LINE. IROPIKT f Affß «ritlWf KOtTfc TO TM BAIT Al*B WORTH. AHORTBUT AND Qt'ICKEtaT noi*T* Tl» TMK KART AMD XtiRTH. 8 t*pm Li Awmll Ga Ar i a»i>m t.v, AtheaAr taata «:ITp* f.v Dratnatk ...Ar * Kpm « Mfim Lv,. Ortigli'l | I *•■»* » taprn Ia aaiwter, *. C. .. Ar I 4 3»* • »pm Lv ...Fb toara ..Ar j * Stom 10-Uptnl Lv. Fa yet t*» Ilia Ar I »»♦** I Uatn Ar F»«*r*b*ra.V*. Lv i IJpm i tom Ar KicfctnonA Lv ! I lit* 1 tlaiaj Ar..W«o*aa'o* .Lv > * *«»•"' t again Ar... ftaliimor* ...Lv { 1 Sr* 11 stain Ar. f*hlla<l*!pbla Lv IT '#T*m l aipm Ar Ka» T*rh,...Lv | t Kata Pullman oa)ar-r buffet rlrapaia car* from Mm <>* aad Augutta to Krw Yorh wtihoof c honor K. A. BRAND Ora. Agt., ;jt Rr-wd «. Augusta Oa. T M F.MKRWN*. Traffic Manager, H M FMKRRON. Oca. Paaa Agt BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE. Rtneivar Eaat bound. Weatbourd. T'nit Becdd Flraf Hec’d Clmi Clare F. ** Clara Cleea Mix'd 6 * Ml * d Dly. Dig. S Btatloa. Dly Dly. No U N 0.4 £ Na.ll No.* AM 'PM-I lArrlve. latvt. PM. AM. IS St I N •!... Andereon. ..a| 3 10 11:* 10.14, B:S* 7...,. Ikenver J 41 1t:23 lo j}g id! Aurun f, J*e 11.33 9:S* *:l4 isi... Pandleton ...a! 3:5»Il:43 8:19 3:dd 14! Cbrvry C roaa'g fi 4 H.M I t 1:00 It A,V>m'» Croaa'g f| 4:14 31 *9 a-mi 1:35,24!-.. JENACA ...a! 429 13:25 tilt! ! I r4W ! t 45 -32'. Weatt Union a 5 09' 135 )J4 Walhalla ...a! 5:171 tu I’M I iLeava Arrtv«!PM PM. *N0.12 No* No.ll So.S ~8, Regular Station. F. Flog Station All regular train* from Anderron to Walhalla have right to track over train* <>f the *ame cloaa moving in op posite direction, unle** otherwise spec ified by train order*. Will also stop at following stations to take on or let off passengers: Phin ney's, James and Sandy Springs. No. 12 connect* with Southern rail way No. II at Anderaon. Noe. 5 and « connect with Southern railway Nos. II and 37 at Sena,-a J. R. ANDERSON. Superintendent. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect, March «. 1398. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta. Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir. Stage P m - Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G W CARPER, C. F. HARPER, Pre-ldent. O P A ••If You Want to Make Money, Move In the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.'* SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING CUT IN LIFE. ADYF.RTISERS WHO USE THE HER-’ ALD GET RESULTS. WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY*! —ORDER YOUR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Qusntitv and Quality Guaranteid F- w. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Deli ’Phone 2104 Stronger 366 JULY ta Miutiah #titaw.yu* 1 S. C I C. NIILWIY C(f •*» 4MNI4 ffi«M *to* «MR*>rtA J !-„ i •*-> ??.. #*.:**» K*ar >hn»» u a* La 4* Ll ia As A’*'*— | * 4has -A, tfMsf *< t fctomtoi:atoli »* * m ma, *to «*to» ■ :»» toe to tt toe M jHWMM# 1 #*«* ttoaa, * to »•**•♦ A< < *a?lto asav . *r Btotow .»».**taj|> h##9P- tfiirr t ifiit mYlf tipffV, M I# mmm% ♦ 9* * mMhmm If Hfußta A * Kit»i#tal#.hfc #H 1 m ItovUto ♦**>* m T**d>* . *.4tahy to a# *'*ands* .a rare* i. h-n a»» .to » Attaaa *• tuisHuDAitadta dart Baraga *s*s4ay i j* a j mra A«n>* ta .. * 4toa *• Aitrni.., T.aaw Ar a etoa tri« jivTH H a hi* mitt Yia itotlkl i Thara** rusysr ta ard Asa* ha* Yarh It'd siinsis - t,n I,llm. TartißPtoi at *va,,,, A'to. I* *rsA as*• taPvaa at insaw* dt,va» pt ttoSitd Alh* At 1. la s * ante i-e jtatoa'ta. ■ * Ufto Ar Waah'Vto fjmmm Ar Aihaa . >•] ttom A, he* T .tot gkytn.Ar » s#v**a_. * ; towuto AtaMhUIA PITMUON. D**y ta**** *• 4af dtainaa ttatp t .a** 1 *ar*iSi "l'fHa~CWpi*r*|ia«» | iTtotora .j t’Spval MtoW l-hi* * «<ca* TrraAta I JKa*s M#P*» 14**a* AyHte Vato*....; 4 tAptaif lUMto Adirva pah4hA~r»| rrtwßsMS 1........ H#R tdav* Maato tto* IMh** I eu#*1!e....... *. A dtotata | tto* led** | rjtoua *»*pm arrse a ...... K*» *ja _ JJfjm ' i «**«»**•• *• »kartito* artah Me* Ta*t «*»ea*rra. dta* »Hh drawer, to Jarirs* vt»* F**- to totWAg M**r*t A ****** «d* «hr '•♦.er'a nto taaad u*aa *»*aatata ituta' watt. , J. II saM* I.A PHtataPOH . .. .-«• Ms*****. t**tak Haaagto f. k.M***r. <■#* At! /*•*»'• ’ SOUTHERN RAILWAY." rsafest Ttma •rtsrr*' atamktaaad Jae*. saartlte tsrirn Ttma IWrasaa Cm mta and Other Pel eta. Edscti-r Jm)T A tto ■ —— * 4 . VsTia a*, as MnetatonnA Usdly ttallr. ■. re*, pc *r tav 1 tra* *iay Ar CMumto - ; ♦*P 43« a ,_ iwnnt' ;i,*g 1 tar* »»y Ar >:«ruWf| Bn «y .. Ar t-henna ***> Im * M- .'-j *»l » - Itototo ... j«r J; Ar cSrtifm .'..‘i,» Ar Wtveaehoro 10 “f ** **> l.» toatotatod *5 S?P Ar Norfolk ! Tl> »: - • • Daartll* 11 M P I*P Ar Niefcnioad * *** *** Ar W*rkis*tto **» umm • Unit; mom Pa N * *«£ : I Sa? >8: noatkkanad. Dnllr^l^ll" l.r New Pa. R & * »' P *»l8n» " phiisitsiatai* .. lap a so* " BattuaoM. *Rip tSla Lr Wssh'toa. Ba By ... j k ISp II U a Lv. Rteh'iooad • lltoat Wots* I.r Daortlle .............. (TTid* 4 ISp Lv Norfolk f » »p, Ar «4rpi n«D4hro | tt 45 a ..* Ls Oiwiiboro ?0b • *£p “ ('harlotte ! 935 e 10’JOp - E*H'k Hill 10 U Wp “ Ch««t«r • i lObSa 1! JR p ** WtMiijiif 1141 a 12 3ft* Ar r©l bU BUod f«t ...... 12 4bnn 117* !.▼. r»)lunil>i* l a il<*p t 1 Ifip! 400 a ** Johaftoa* ~ 2 68pj <oo* *• Treat#* . Bl#Pi « 25* “ Uranitertlie .........I 8 7 U 7 • Ar. AttfH* 1 4 15pj t 00* LeT AtaheTTll© : H2O r H OBp I.r. Spttrtmafurg j 1140 m, tt Iftp hr OoKbi*. 5.C.40.8y 1.. R ip! 7 l»* Ar Charitatftcm tt 40p| 11 00 a Lv folbio. P CAPHy 11 55. 13 47 a “ Savtfutiali 447 p 5 08* Ar HLeIHNO CAR lißflCl. Fa civile* t (Uily p*s«enfer ferric# between Flondit and New Y*»rk. No*. JfT rjjA I—W iwiLinf ton *nd Southwestern Limited Solid VvwtibuJod train *ith dlniag cart and flrtat tdf*n cnacbe* north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room Bleeping car* between Tuudk, Jackßon\-ille. Savannah, Washington and New York _ , . Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlott# and RieAmond. Pullman drswing-room sleeping ears be tvt *« h yreensboro and Norfolk. Close Conner lk,r"t v'rtolk f.r OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving Ibere in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between Charleston rod Asheville. Non. 9* and SB—IT- S. Fast Mali. Through Pullman drawing rvorn buffet .ieeplag isni to to eeu .i.- ksonviUe and New York and Pull man .1 cooing car* hetwaen Augusta and Cchar lotte. PuUmaa aleaplag car* between ,la< k aonvilla and OolumMa, en route dally between Jaukasavtlle gad Cincinnati, tua Asheville. FRANKS hInNON, J. M CTJLP. Third VP. A t+en. Mgr. T. M . Washington. •SW—'“wri. GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. j Pullman Sleeper, between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St- Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:osami 3:2opm|lo:3opifl I Ar Atlanta ...|ll:3spm| B:2opmj b:ooam ! Ar Macon ..,.!U:l6aml ,6:45am : Ar Athens ....;il:lspm! 7:'Jopm Ar Gainesville *T.4spm| ; Ar White pisi*l:oopm| ••;••••* ! Ar Mllltole . 10:10am| 4.30 am i Ar Waeh’ton ~|10:10«m! 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta s:l* a. nu, 7:45 a. m.. 1:10 P. m., and 8:25 p. rn. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A, -J