The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 25, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY DISGRACEFUL RIOTING IN FLORIDA. lititin Agita l ti Iff? Aflif •l T«ap«. Alluk C>)Hww MM i«M I MMf ttoto. flpfa**f •» tV IVM*. f.* -i ■-] Tmmr* pi MgflN «4* ********** *4 ***** «M* gn* fit |N#f|*«W§S*# tHMpia * ttP IP# IHfttatHNM*''* wf |P» M *•' m tteifft#**# ItoWfe* Imim*4 #***- *'»* l *# i *»«w Pf *P" t»* P*#r*i4 «*# *•? ********* IP# tttW'fl IpHfH lIKPPPiP <*#•# PPPlif pPtP -■ •Mg 4NNNM M-ftP *#***■ NUMp »*t#» fp«m #4*4 44#«fc4*4# P*f *** **■"* cmMI l#M#4#(ii##l ##'» pMfPpPMIPPW® If*!* 1 -# 1 tk#t# tot* 4*4 #** «• IP# ***• 4P** rr ,;l * IP» m*u» IMto pp 4 IP t *y SgMf Itortf pA**~* tPIM I# #44##* AN»h»* f **#!«« 4 •##** of ito* 11 "pgP* f ******* t»f t»»i t* IP# V**** ms*#*** #p •** «##*## to» «rfMH twr *fim#** Hgi«f Kkf#*ht#* VP#p ##p#tiltp4 IP# «4r-4ki**44» ■#***•• •«* *** *** fi4Pt#i*# #1 •**•» *** • #tt#f P#«l * ppMty *#*W «■* IP# P*P< ***•• «nu •#*## ******* um# •##•#• mi #**•• ®NMI4m4# *•#• pH#P •Pol IP®#®* PP* tpP 4r i » iM *f IP# !*•#*• ***** pi*4 P» l#l*Wl< !••%# IP# •Pi# m IP# i*mP 4 ip# **«#4*trt# TP# rmrtm* Mi*# *mip W #•#• **'' gpMMMNV mPmV IP#T MMPPi *9*9*m ■ •M ••< ********** ,kr^ IP# #•##»# pi «p# #€•*"' k pf MM P>P#» IMP *t*» •P##4 , lF •**»* >; * . tktaiiott* »«» prppP## tfeffsf PfPIOiPMO toiw* ’V’ ,p " w ” *# ** **" PpHfPP mm+. P#l ,ll * * p#tt , v* pWi PP'MMf t*m • pi**** * PI f( mini#' l r - i° **# • * Pn11 "" pMf. it p mp *# *•* ,h-1 lfc> , * rnr “ pMI Npi **« **f#T w# Abntil !• ** IP# r ****** *P# coonymny MpWn I# IP# IU« ii|»a r#t«ip •out. )»’»t "f#ll I# * TP# tr#»p #*# W l*4<n PrttP IP# •qulw#*** «* IP* mptm* «>i. (ml IP# ***## *#** ifFifrii’i* phnprP IP# *#*# TP#y ##r# |w*ll#4 #«i ii| i'mmv (>cPHo t» IP# #u*K of tlirlr PpikSp TP# IBIIPPPP «f lhr IP# vote*# of IP# b#b t «»«nt»n* fd«m ft»4 tP# P#*vy ir»mp of tP#ir f rk #i «'«#»« 0r.4 It wn§ Pit# fit pigPi # n#n n** ,r luvtg #P##f* Pofcl 4k*4 PP4 IP# Putt train h#4 puIN out. Prariog Pol*- pr »oM»*tni IKWB'I IW ’"■• ' rnn ' Ii !• hM that thlnjr-t*r*n m<*n met* •rnt from tb* dlvt.Km h .ptul t« At tM.ta »ltb mala rtal •n't typhoid Ww. Print. Muntli»*t«.» tori with an aw ful arrldrnt ywatwrday In thr* .hap** of an Italy wtound on thr foot Intlt* tod t»> a hrokrii bcttl* «a> thr hwarh. I* * of ihw tn*n lit altoaw h«*r t**o *ar*‘i**y* In thla mwttwr of throw tna nroawn a < ■ lo plarow frmorntrd by >h< men. • « •bmid be rauaht and aeverwly repri manded All eatend their aympathlew to Hurtlna!'* l * a n< * hope h** will a<“ t be able to reaume hl» regular routine of comp life. I*rtvate yloldey, who ha* been In the auaidbotioe for aoir** w«ok*. •'» W** rharfed JWt«tJ»». h.vlna the day hefore, and went*nred to a llgnt fine only. Private EoeterlSn will ho removed to the dlvlalon h*»apltal ah trtly. aa M* health d*ea not Improve In the ramp street. He waa thought to be eonvalea rer.t. but the recent ralua and conee *lU* nt dampness es the «tm*>apber» and earth have proved too much, and will no doubt set him twk on hi# Amrse to renewed health aome aix or eight daya. Corporal Wilson la on guard today. HEPHZIBAH. Visitors to and From the Village. Church Meetings. [Special to The Herald.] Hrphilbah, tia.. July 25. Rev. K. I). Cantrell ami Rev. W. I. Delph have re turned from a series of meetings at Hiyihe. Hon. K. B. Grogham and Mr. J. T.. Hrnderson, of Wnlter, Oa., passed through the vlliag. Saturday en rou e to MeCormlr k, S. C.. Rev. Jrtin R. Gunn, of Mncon, who brs l-.-en visiting friends at Walter, left for McCormick today. Mr. V. B. Mundy left here Friday morning for Spartanburg, In charge of a cp.r load, of watermelons. He w»nt as the repmenlatlve of the shippers. Mist- Minnie end Miss Annt.e Mundy. who have br-n v'sitlng friend* at Pov erty Hill, 8. C.. returned Fr'day even ing. Their home-rrming Is a source of re:>l pleasure to their many frlonds here. Mr H-nry Miller moved Saturday from the ref irmatory farm to the Story plar.e, near hero. Mr. and Mrs. Ccflin and pretty daughter are in the city guests of Mrs. W. I. Delph. Mr. H. S. .Tones noted aa superintend ent of the Baptist Sunday" school yes terday. He is an able superintendent. RESENTS GERMAN HEDDLING. Maior Morgan Knocks Down an Enefny of Dewey, Lexington, Ky. t July 22.—Major Sam uel Morgan, a well kxtow trotting horse man, was accosted by Benjamin Lucy,a German, tonight with the remark that he hoped the Germans would drive Dewey out of Manila. Without waiting to argue the ques tion the major knocked him down. Lu cy swore out a warrant nnd Major Mor gan was arrested. He was a gallant Confederate soldier, was formerly may or o' Rome. <!»■, and bias n son in the second Infantry. Ho says he will very gladly nay a line for licking the Ger man act'd would do it again under sim- Lar circumstances. JOIN 1 a RAI K 8 OF THE HB MY df PM tfJSSBJt IZStSSZSXZ'V tSSSSS US WSUS?®SK?!W"“ “ L “ Hj Shoes, Slippers, and ri m a an*. * mm • -j*. a mm mm CENTS’ $4,00 ipn *-**%++ fitMtirag 41 r\*> ’ §,l «# Imhnl imhmnl um## # ##4 ?%m?- i#. kmm iktiK 9*m.rn* *l# INM #4l 4*Nil I#**- #li## ” 44N§ 4**# l #*# **s 4NWT t*F * 1 85 .Jm r* - ™—v. .... I>W~M mm .e WB •> lAii m# 44** * I vL?,., .a ..s- 4t I Hi# i*' ii * t .tar* IMP h« •!»»•»*• »#• tm %*• Your Dficw Ar# our pric#» for All Summer good*. And If you wlllttear»the list below we will secure you for a pure! The oconcmiCAl people will rejoice at *uch price*. Come And let u» handle your want*. RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE CO. - - and useful presents under our popular Credit Certificate plan I* still meeting with much favor andj ! genuine favor. { IN ASOCIAL WAY ''l Try v r7/iw, ai* v / Two Flow er# of tw# I« * too# that <froor>a in the April rain. But pa«alon unvacquiahed by |la a fl »w#r that llvea In the Alptoi# -WILLIAM 11. HATNt*. in The Cen tury. Impor ant Notkt. ! Thoa# wt#» hav# promised rontribu t|(lQi to the entertalnmi'nla are n*<|U#at ed‘To arwul them aa follow*: U-m< na and augar. to Mr* Thomas C*denisn. corner Greene and Washing ton atreeta, by 12 o'elnek Tuesday. t'akea. to Mr*. W. W. Hattey’a, cor* ner Telfair and Waahlngton atreeta. by 2 o’clock Tueeday. Ice cream and leea. to court house yard by 5:20 o'clock on Tui-aday, a» there will he a "committee there to re ceive them. The following member* of the League form ttc committee on tbia entertain ment: * Mr*. Jamea Davtaon. Mr*. V\ M . Hattey. Mis. T. K Hcott. Mr*. W. Young, Mr*. Jama. I>a!y. Mr*. Hamil ton Wilkins. Mr*. George Sibley. Mr*. A. F, Pendleton. Mrs. P. D. Horton. Mr* A. G. Jack»on, Mr*. M. P. Car roll. Mr* C. A. Rowland. Mr*. Joha Wicker, Mr*. Hold. Wright. Mr*. Lula Jnrk*on. Mra. Altiert Stilt, Mi*. Bertha Meyer*. Mir* Georgia Kste*. Ml** May Hall. Mr*. J. H. Peary, Mr*. Mull.. Committee on Decoration. -- Mra. Thoms* Branch. Mr*. Lucy Ccawcll. Mr*. C. H. Cohen, Mta* Adeline Levy, Mia* Matte All n. Mira Ro*etle Merrier. Committee cm Table* ar.d ChaltH- Mr. Wm. K. Miller. Mr*. C. Mt*. Jame* M Hull, Mr*. Wm. B. White, Mr*. DoVaga Cohen. Committee on Dancing—Mta. K. H- Baxter .Mr*. Wm. Butt. Lemonade Stand - Mr*. Thomas Cole man, Mis* Katie Block. July 37- Everyone Interested In Augusta s wel fare I* awaiting with interest the re sult of “cleaning up (lay," Wednesday, July the twenty-seventh. The Civic League ha* spared no effort to make this new venture a aignal success, and It has obtfdr.ed the hearty ((eooera tion of the city authorities. The League Is placing a gr at deal of confidence in the women of the city upon whom depends In a great measure the Buc ec*s of “(leaning up day." Every woman in Augusta is earnea ly r, quested to sue that her g>. d( ns, yards, etc., arc In c C.-x, roughly neat condition by the morning of the -wen ty-seventh. If a single house Is neglec ted. Ihe R.meral effect of a city In ex quisite order will be spoiled. If a sin gle householder falls to have the weeds in front of her door removed, the trou ble taken by other householders will have been of no avail. It ia especially important that weeds be removed Just at this time, when the seed is green and the winds scatter It everywhere. Moit especially are householders urg ed. during the general cleaning up, to use neither lime nor any other disin fectants. On an immediately after the twenty seventh an Inspection of the entire city by the authorities will be In order, and It is expected that there will lie no occrasion for a reprimand or no room for a report of negligence. At a metting of the League this af ternoon further arrangement* for the twenty-seventh will be perfected. Army and rvavy League. The arrangements for the lawn fete and concert to be given by the Army and Navy League in the court house yard, tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon and evening, have all been perfect ;(i, and the eveert promises to be one of tho imnm ferttMaat afitirl mt It* lad «■»** (tort M I *k»*l4». I inHH Maryland w ith a draw mg Intng of Wednesday the twenty -arventh. Mim Resale Wilkin* has gone to Ate- Mr Will Paul ha* returned from Pa Mr R. E. Allen ha* returned from Atlanta. Mr. J«ha W. Walker la hack from Atlanta. Mr*. P. A. Fortaon haa returned (from Hillman. Mr. and Mra. Lowe have returned irom Atlanta. Mr. T W. Alexander left tM* mom ling for Maroa. I Ml** Jr-aale Hcott left Saturday for Mont Eagle. Term. Mlaa Fannie Ca*hln la vlaltlng ret latlvea at Clarendon. Mr J. C. C. Btwck returned from At lanta thla morn.tig. Ml** J,«inle 1.-c Walton I* visiting friend* on Sullivan’s Island. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Walton and *on are aummerlng «t Harlem. Mr*. John Butt and Mrs. George Cunningham have gone to Richmond. Mr*. Robertson and Ml** Henrietta Robert hod have returned from Atlanta. Mi*. S. A. Hemphill »nd Ml** M»- mtc Hemphill are visiting friend# In | Macon. Mr*. E. P. H. Ruhland and Ml** Katherine Ruhland have returned from Atlanta. Ml** Bessie Wilkin* left Saturday night for an extended northern and otitern tour. Dr. and Mr*. Hrnry Campbell Dough ty hav*' gone to Clark*vl!le, after a vis it to fileuds In the city. Dr. James P. Smith and his son., Perrin, have returned from a tilp through South Carolina . Judge and Mr*. Eve and Mis* Allle Kve, who have been visiting General Evar.s In Atlanta, have gone to Chick atnauuu. Mr. end Mr*. Henry Taylor have re turned from Tyhee and are at home to their friends on the corner of Broad and Campbell street*. Mrs. Louis Doolittle nnd Miss Lu cy •Flynn leave this afternoon for Grovctown, they will be the guests of relatives for o week. Miss Julia Carmichael ha* returned from Atlanta, where she most chnrm- Vigly filled the position of maid of honor to Miss Henrietta Robertson, sponsor for Camp 426. J This i* tho face . ’ ri Of the young man so hold. Who sauntered in where light bever ages are sold, And eaierf “Ice cream for two.” O o 1 This is the face ' * r d*| ’1 Of the young man so blue, When handed a check i For ice cream for two, 'j ; On which was marked , I _ij.^ 20 Cents. —Jerome Jones. x ra iJ m'M Wi| ’tz C UfIHT Ht.UCK Mill SUNNS##* 4 Sat as Ik* llvoMfal as Mayll la \bm*t4 Os* at III# > H C. Jttty 2&. TW prlra «si#M#f# (HIM# R*4rlo«ra MMI Ilk# Sr#fmm4kM Sf# li !)N> of ;ih* 1 *Mr4 tutca atarvßal In ha> be 14 la ito f allnl Ptatea district wart Halurdav eight lb. Ilhrl uaa filed by ' Aaalalaat lUatnrt Alloraar Hugh a agalaat the 011*4* fb drtgur. and y.a trvday Ik* libel agalaat the En«b*h airatr -r aa* filed The Hbrla aa IMfit* If alike nut th * diner mat twe iif*r<* filed la the raaea t f Ihe at eavtthlp Rita and the bark Marla Dnlorru The difference la In the fart that both the Oilade Rodrigue* and the X • found I lend are aeutral hotfoaaa, but ihdf rsrgoce tier conireband and they were * attempting lo nil the blockade, after i having been warned auray from Pan * iuen and Cleafuegae mneetivety. The ’ v rear la era lawful prise* according to the rule* of war. and the libel p*o- I < edlng* In the dlairlrt court are a l mere fortaa'liy • , The munition* and atiarhmeal* tore ' horn leaned and btdh raees are made ! returnable before Judge Hrawley on i Augual fi. I Saturday night Deputy Marahal Sllgb went down on the low obet Itnrlln to the anchorage ground near quarantine and anrved the papere on Cnpl. M (•fierivong. of the French *l*amer. He ' m ade another trip In the afternoon | and reeved attachmrirt* on the New- J fnundland. Marshal Slight haaaaalgn t*l Deputy Mnrahal* Rrodle, White and ' Wyndham to tho Newfoundland and ' Marahal* Hcnrlrk*. Player and Footer > to the Ollnde Rodrigue*. Both prliea wilt rrmnln nl quarantine ! until tomorrow, when they will com* up to the city and drop Cneir anrhor* In the atream. The passengers on the Ollnde Red ri gors are fc.Mng well cared for. They have no complaint to make other than that they did not relish the Idea of being prisoners. They are not allow ing this mailer to worry them to any | great extent for their p ried of deten tion here <vlll lie short. The seven teen Americans of the f j -seven pas sengers oa boned doubtless W ai home In Charleston harbor, while the others will have a more favorable opin ion of America when they leave her. Th/*re are several Spaniards among the passengers, but they nr* not bel ligerent nnd they are on the best of terms with teh Americans. A son of the pres ent of Hayti Is also on board. Arrangements will be made for the forwarding of the mall which is on board the Olinde Rodrigues. Commander McKenzie's prize, the steamship Newfoundland, is also pur suing tho even tenor of her way. and giving no trouble to the prize crew and marshals. As has already been staled, both ves sels are lad-on wilh valuable cargoes of provisions,, which are destined lo bo confiscated and sold. J. 0. BLAINE QUARRELS. In a Dispute With a San Francisco Society Han. .San Francisco, Cal., July 22. Cnpt. James G. Blaine, who sails for Manila tomorrow, figuiod In a lively quarrel at tt>.' Baldwin Grotto late last night, the details of which have just come to light. It seems that Sumner Hollender, n. society young man, who has paid much attention to Madeline play ing at the Columbia theatre, invited her to a small supper at the Grotto. While the party, were at table young Blaine come In. He glared at Hollender, and advancing to the table began to pick a quarrel with him. Miss Bouton became alarmed and tied and other guests also departed hastily. Blair.e and Hollender were separated before any blood was spilled. It is said that the .two men had some Iroub! • over business matters, and Blaine bad felt ugly about It. There was talk of a duel, but Hollen der Raid today If Blaine wanted to tight a duel he could seek out Aguinaldu In the Philippines. ___ ESTABLISHED 18SQ —Reliable Uncle Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any kmgth of time on all kinds of personal property at a very low rate of Interest. All transactions strictly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof cases. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street. Lewis J. Schaul. LADIES’ $1.75 > Alt *4 «m< t i|tri' fi; ;§j Ifi tint 14 *4 |R*-t M 4 ffi r*4«pir KM CHhwfia gfl $1.29 . . . m «.•»** a ***** to Mil n Matolii* ». h *M Tea ftoatwl ftfifrfl Misses’9B Cents ffto *M» at atoaw Mwn w* will art! a »*** «**i *a to*i *<**» N a* Mmli TIkDW §mo» **• «ww*fi 4*MkK •!•* •* ••• Nf *fi«to DON CARLOS IS MOVING SECRETLY. TN SpiDlsl GfirrniMfit M«rk Silrrfd (9. PolKr sfil«• Hav* Been DmiMed la Um l*a*t Week. (H| (Vial t» The Herald > * London. July tfi. -Doa Carlo* left llruaarl* arcmly inday. aatrnalbly for Hwlutrland At thr aasa* time kll leading Hpanlah nfieat. (he Marquta Crimlbo, left Madrid for (he anttk, probably to meet hi* rkitf. I There i* great alarm la Bpaalah fiov rrnmrni circle* and activity In lhe ar , my. Bolin* aplra have been doubled In ijir past week. Carllst clubs lo Madrid. Rare Mona and VnVaria and othrr rltlea arc eloae j ly wa.ched and the Irodera ahadowed. The police ib-niaodod (hat every Carl * lat club furnlah a (let of Ra member*. Moat of Ibr Club* rt fused and will he J clof*''*!. private advlre* from Madrid, which raeaprd the ernaor. tay the Carllat op j rising will he general throughout Spain. The signal will not be given until peace Is negotiated, or unkwa the con ditions Imposed cause s’M'h Indlgns -1 lion among the people that Don Car loa will have a rbanre of winning sup port. Don Carlo* rorogulzes that thla is his last chance of getting the throne nnd is making intensive prcparalhms. l> Is willing to risk all. nnd If civil war comrs. It will be frightful for lit hloocUhrd and rrueltie*. DISTRICT CONFERENCE. The riethodists Meet at Lynchburg in lAth Annual Session Lynchburg. S. C., July 25.—The 28th annual session of the Sumter district conference, M. E. church. South, con | vened at Lynchburg on Wednesday, !the 20th instant. Tlv president of the | conference was Itev. T. J. Clyde, of Sumter. Revs. 8. W. Henry and W. A. | Kelly wera elerteil eecretnriea. An address of welcome wavs delivered by Rev. O. A. aDrby. D. D.. and respond ed to by Rev. J. A. Clifton, I). D. Appropriate and earnest remarks as to the work and d. tics of the confer ence were made by the president, R v. T. J. Clyde. The opening sermon by Rev. J. A. Clifton was both earnest nnd !eloquent. The rcpoita mado by clerical end lay delegates were* very encotirag llng nnd showed much progress during : the past. year. Not the least part of tho work of this ronf-renee was the discussion, In open session, of fifteen or twenty subjects of vast importance to Christian workers. These discus sions were plac’d upon a high plane of merit, and showed careful prepara tion hy the participants. Religious servlet were hold dally at 11:.10 a. m. and 8:30 p. m.. the prenchlng being done b.v Revs. J. A. Clifton, A. B. Watson T. J. Gattls. J. W. Elkins, J. Thos. Pate, J. G. Beck with, J .F. Anderson and S. W. Henry. Roy. 0. B Smith, of Wofford collog". Rev. R. E. Stackhouse* ,of Columbia Female college, and Prof. Willis, of the Carlisle fitting school, addressed the confer' nee upon the cause of Christian education. Climbing Higher. E. S. McNeill, day operator at Greenwood goes to the desnatcher's of fice in Augusta.—Greenwood Index, 14ih. Mr. McNeil is well known in New berry, he was stationed for a period. His frl-cds will be pleased to hear of Ills promotion to the above re sponsible position, which is merited recognition of his competency and faithfulness, and proof of the high confidence reposed In him. He mar ried a Newberry girl, Miss Bessie Kinard, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. M. Kinard, and Is rapidly rising to the front. Newberrians and the hus bands of Newberry girls generally reach high mark.—Net. berry Observer. (RILES HAS ARRIVED AT PORTO RICO Nt Word His Brra Rectivrd Frta Ilia Yrt. A4vlc*fi Ar* Now l «p*tW at Affy NHMfik Waali.agtnfi. July » -While It la kturan iha* Uti. Mil## b## srri%#4 ® IVrto Kyan sritrrs. ftoiNlßi b##® heard dlrvrlly from him aart lha d*- imnmrnt cannot announce whether or a(rt ha has rommeac**! a landing. J uot**s h* meets the enemy in great ' force he will make a landing ns quick ly as possible. To k*ep the men aboard ship dur ng (be present bed weather |in the tropical climate would prove a hardship which will be obviated If pos i sibte. COWAkI).CE. In Condemning Toral Denounced By (lie Thunderer. Igmdon, July 25.—The Times, edltor ially. reproaching the Apan ! *k govern ment thla morning with “moral cow*, •rdtes In endeneoring lo screen Ra own mismanage mem by pretending that Gen. Toral haa betrayed his country," says: “It I* incredible that Spain can hope for anything from Cuba, as It Is Itn pos’i'blt for Blanco, as It was for To ral, to fight against hunger, and It ts not llke’.y the former will have anything «lsn to fight with for some Gme to come. Neither can anything (lie hoped from European Intervention, jeven If Commodore Waison'a aquadron I cornea, though Its nrrival would be an unwelcome spectacle to more than one ! European power. | “It may be assumed that Commodore iWatacn'a authorization lo visit the Philippines will not weaken the dis position nt P”rl!n to cultivate friendly I relations with America and lo mako ! light of the escapades of German ships at Manila.” WILL PUNISH CARTER. ~ i Severe Penalties flay Be Inflicted Upon Him. Washington. D. C.. July 22.—The tirdlrg and sentence of the eourtmar tiat lei t’i? case of Copt. Oberiln M. Carter, corps of engineers, charged with defrauding the government, while !|n charge of the river and harbor Im ■ pr( vements at Savannah, are still In | ihe hands of the secretary of war,where |they ore likely to remain for some time. :lt has been learned from nn authorita tive source that the rourt has Imposed one of the severest sentences ever de elarert In the ease of an army officer,, and that unlesss the sentence Is mlti-i gated Captain Carter will have to pny ot least three penalties. The first is un-, | qestlGoably dismissal from tine army,,’ I The second is imprisonment for a term : of at least ten or perhaps twenty years. In addition lo this, the acecused wilt he required to return to the govora* nnnt the money embezzled and 'hla amounts, according to the best inftir mntlen, to not less than three million dollars. .Jjj A DEAD HAND. Seymour, lnd., July 25.—This morn ing John Shornick, of East St. was instantly killed at the tunnel o| the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern railway, 30 miles west of with Charles Peters, was slealingijß ride from St. Louis to the top of a passenger coach of «■-; No. 6. As lie neared the raised up just in time for the. his head to strike against at Hie entrance of (lie tunnel, him instantly. His limp body|rollH over against Fetors, who wa,s lying imj his side, and, realizing that his partnen had been killed, lie held on to thj bleeding body while Ihe train sped The train crew was ignorant wfl had happened until reaching hcreJß 4:38 a. m. When the here th n licriy was tak“n to the and relatives at St. Louis notiflgJHH ltd. V. nfl 4Sp*^H It :i.r \Klm '' r- ,-^j AmeriegaH^H ’ w ’ / . v; ',. M-’ ■ Is .“fl . S senrraL i oogrea^H MB time kfl vice. JffiSKik 1.1.2 M jH " v 9 u E ( rult^HH^^H able the ualtlfi^HHH fS first j all mm lierA teCtH • all,^^^Hß Into the ■>. ,1® ■ T'-y-f-' I J. i^ , ne. Is b bond ;»r/i tug it. a perfl pi jsetit war hi A man in VtiJ Fairfax StsiiihS f getting C’h9 and teOltEj '.ntms of ,t|49 who relates 4® v. jmm